Professor Paul Medwell
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Paul Medwell is a Professor in the School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at The University of Adelaide. He has over twenty years of experience in a broad range of activities related to energy systems. His technical research is particularly focussed on advancing fundamental understanding of combustion systems, especially through the development and application of optical diagnostic measurement techniques. His combustion activities have been diverse, including turbulent flames, sooting flames, high-pressure combustion, domestic/industrial appliances, and the so-called MILD (moderate or intense low oxygen dilution) combustion regime for lowering NOx emissions, increasing efficiency, and improving fuel flexibility.
Beyond combustion and laser diagnostics, Dr Medwell's research interests include fluid mechanics and energy utilisation more broadly, as well as biomass and biodigesters in the context of humanitarian engineering. He has published over 200 scientific articles, and regularly presents his findings to international audiences. In addition to his research work, Dr Medwell serves as an engineering consultant to industry and is an active contributor to the development of standards at national and international level.
Dr Medwell is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow and was a Discovery Early Career Researcher Award recipient. He is the University's Primary Contact to Standards Australia.
- My Research
- Career
- Publications
- Grants and Funding
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Professional Activities
- Contact
- Combustion
- MILD combustion
- Nonpremixed flames
- Spray combustion
- High-pressure combustion
- Smouldering combustion
- Hydrogen Technologies
- Humanitarian Technology
- Cookstoves
- Laser Diagnostics
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Professor The University of Adelaide 2020 - 2025 ARC Future Fellow The University of Adelaide 2017 - 2022 Associate Professor The University of Adelaide 2013 - 2016 Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2012 - 2014 ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher (DECRA) The University of Adelaide 2010 - 2012 Lecturer The University of Adelaide 2007 - 2010 Senior Research Fellow The University of Adelaide -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2020 Award Future Fellowship Australian Research Council Australia - 2017 Award Discovery International Award - Australian Research Council - - - 2017 Achievement Young Leaders Programme - Standards Australia - - - 2016 Award Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme - Universities Australia and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) - - - 2015 Award Australia-China Next Step Initiative - Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering - - - 2013 Award South Australian Tall Poppy Science Award - Australian Institute of Policy and Science - - - 2012 Award Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - Australian Research Council - - - 2010 Award David Warren Travelling Fellowship - Combustion Institute, Australian and New Zealand Section - - - 2007 Award Demonstrator of the Year - School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide - - - 2005 Award Outstanding Research Paper - 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion - - - -
Date Institution name Country Title The University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Engineering (Honours, I) The University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy -
Research Interests
Aerodynamics (excl. hypersonic aerodynamics) Air pollution processes and air quality measurement Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Biofuel energy Chemical and thermal processes in energy and combustion Energy Energy efficiency Energy generation, conversion and storage (excl. chemical and electrical) Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering Fire safety design Fire safety engineering Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering Hydrogen distribution Hydrogen storage Hydrogen-based energy systems Hypersonic Aerodynamics Hypersonic Propulsion Hypersonic propulsion and hypersonic aerothermodynamics Lasers and Quantum Electronics Measurement standards and calibration services Mechanical Engineering Non-automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering Occupational and workplace health and safety Workplace safety
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2025 Singh, C., Chinnici, M., Kor, A. L., Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., & Chinnici, A. (2025). Generative Adversarial Networks in Combustion: Flame Image Generation for Clean and Predictive Combustion Modeling Using Real Data. In Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol. 414 (pp. 99-110). Madeira: Springer Nature Singapore.
DOI2019 Evans, M., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2019). Autoignition of Hydrogen/Ammonia Blends at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (pp. 1-12). online: International Association for Hydrogen Safety (ICHS). 2019 Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., & Chan, Q. N. (2019). Commissioning a confined and pressurised jet in hot and vitiated coflow burner. In Proceedings of the 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS11 (pp. 1-11). online: The Combustion Institute. 2019 Kirch, T., Birzer, C. H., van Eyk, P. J., Hall, P. A., & Medwell, P. R. (2019). Air staging and in-bed quenching for autothermal generation of char and low-tar producer gas. In European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings (pp. 876-880). Italy: ETA. 2019 Rowhani, A., Sun, Z., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2019). Effect of bluff-body diameter on the flow field and residence time of turbulent ethylene/nitrogen flames. In 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019 (pp. 1-5). online: The Combstion Institute.
Scopus22019 Evans, M. J., Ye, J., Kruse, S., Medwell, P. R., Sun, Z., Dally, B. B., & Pitsch, H. (2019). Measurements of oxygenated C8/toluene flames in hot and vitiated coflows. In 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019. 2019 Foo, K. K., Evans, M., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2019). Computational study of enhanced soot production in a time-varying laminar non-premixed flame. In 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019 (pp. 4 pages). online: The Combustion Institute. 2018 Kirch, T., Evans, M., Medwell, P., Rapp, V., Birzer, C., & Gadgil, A. (2018). Mixing uniformity of emissions for point-wise measurements in exhaust ducts. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society.
Scopus12018 Indren, M., Birzer, C., Medwell, P., & Kidd, S. (2018). Biochar Addition in High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion of Poultry Litter. In 2018 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) (pp. 8 pages). San Jose, USA: IEEE.
DOI Scopus3 WoS12018 Miller, W., Doolan, C., Medwell, P., & Kim, M. (2018). Transient start-up of a sonic jet in hypersonic crossflow. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society. 2018 Rowhani, A., Chinnici, A., Evans, M., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Variation of residence time in non-premixed turbulent bluff-body ethylene flames as a function of burner diameter. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society.
Scopus52018 Wang, H., Tian, Z., Medwell, P., Birzer, C., van Eyk, P., & Possell, M. (2018). Air permeability of the litter layer in temperate forests of south-east Australia. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society. 2017 Evans, M., Medwell, P., Sun, Z., & Dally, B. (2017). Temperature imaging of gaseous n-heptane flames in hot vitiated coflows. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion Vol. 2017-December. online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Cheruvu, N., Indren, M., Birzer, C. H., & Medwell, P. (2017). Biochar production and characterisation - a field study. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC 2017) Vol. 2017-January (pp. 1-5). San Jose, CA: IEEE.
DOI Scopus7 WoS32017 Mahmoud, S., Nathan, G., Alwahabi, Z., Sun, Z., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2017). The Influence of Reynolds Number on Soot Concentration in Turbulent Non-premixed Jet Flames. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Vol. 2017-December (pp. 1-4). online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Foo, K., Sun, Z., Medwell, P., Alwahabi, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2017). Characteristics of an acoustically forced non-premixed jet flame. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Vol. 2017-December. online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Ming, C., Rizwanul Fattah, I., Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kook, S., Hawkes, E., & Yeoh, G. (2017). Combustion measurements of waste cooking oil biodiesel. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Vol. 2017-December (pp. 1-4). online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Ye, J., Kruse, S., Medwell, P., Sun, Z., Dally, B., & Pitsch, H. (2017). Effects of Di-n-butyl ether addition to turbulent toluene sooting flames. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Vol. 2017-December (pp. 1-4). online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Walters, E., Medwell, P., & Blunck, D. L. (2017). Stability and liftoff of non-premixed large hydrocarbon combustion in MILD conditions. In 10th U.S. National Combustion Meeting Vol. 2017-April (pp. 2224-2245). Online: Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute. 2016 Miller, W., Medwell, P., Kim, M., & Doolan, C. (2016). Computational Methodology for Investigating the Transient Interaction Between a Reaction Control Jet and a Hypersonic Crossflow. In AIAA SciTech Vol. 0 (pp. 1-23). online: AIAA.
DOI Scopus52015 Lask, K., Medwell, P., Birzer, C., & Gadgil, A. (2015). Soot reduction in cookstoves due to turbulent mixing. In Proceedings of Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 4 pages). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Kirch, T., Medwell, P., & Birzer, C. (2015). Assessment of natural draft combustion properties of a top-lit up-draft research furnace. In Proceedings of Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 384-387). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Wang, C., Chan, Q., Kook, S., Hawkes, E., Medwell, P., & Lee, J. (2015). External Irradiation Effect on the Evolution of In-Flame Soot Species. In Proceedings of Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 364-367). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Saha, M., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Chinnici, A. (2015). Effect of Turbulence on the MILD Combustion Characteristics of Victorian Brown Coal. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 92-95). Online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Foo, F., Jocher, A., Thong, C., Dally, B., Nathan, G., Medwell, P., . . . Pitsch, H. (2015). Preliminary Experimental and Computational Study of Time-varying Laminar Non-Premixed Ethylene/Nitrogen Flames. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 332-335). Online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Mahmoud, S., Sun, Z., Dally, B., Alwahabie, Z., Medwell, P., & Nathan, G. (2015). The effect of exit strain rate on soot volume fraction in turbulent non-premixed jet flames. In Y. Yang, & N. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 356-359). Online: The Combustion Institute.
DOI2015 Wang, C., Chan, Q., Kook, S., Hawkes, E., Medwell, P., & Lee, J. (2015). Development of an in-flame thermophoretic soot sampling device. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 360-363). Online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Schembri, T., Zander, A., Kelso, R., & Medwell, P. (2015). Non-stationary analysis of noise from a subsonic fluidic jet. In INTER-NOISE 2015 - 44th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 1-11). online: ASME. 2015 Wang, H., Medwell, P., Birzer, C., Van Eyk, P., & Tian, Z. (2015). Investigation of smouldering combustion of biomass fuel. In Y. Yang, & N. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 100-103). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Gu, D., Sun, Z., Nathan, G., Dong, X., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Medwell, P. (2015). Application of two-line atomic fluorescence to sooting flames under irradiation from a high-flux solar simulator. In ASPACC 2015 - 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (pp. 6 pages). online: The Combustion Institute.
Scopus12015 Saha, M., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2015). Numerical investigation of pulverised coal combustion in a self-recuperative MILD combustion furnace. In ASPACC 2015 - 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (pp. 1-6). online: The Combustion Institute.
Scopus22015 Evans, M., Medwell, P., & Ye, J. (2015). Laser-induced fluorescence of hydroxyl in ethylene in jet flames in hot and diluted coflows. In Proceeding of 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 75-80). Online: Monash University. 2015 Ye, J., Medwell, P., & Evans, M. (2015). Quantitative Rayleigh temperature imaging in turbulent flames of prevapourised n-heptane. In Proceedings of 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 85-89). online: Monash University. 2015 Medwell, P. R. (2015). Improvement of precision and accuracy of temperature imaging in sooting flames using two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF). In Proceedings of 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 51). Melbourne. 2015 Evans, M., Medwell, P., Wu, H., Stagni, A., & Ihme, M. (2015). Classification of Non-Premixed MILD and Autoignitive Flames. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 80-83). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Medwell, P., Evans, M., Chan, Q., & Katta, V. (2015). The adequacy of laminar flame calculations for identifying MILD combustion. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 88-91). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Ye, J., Medwell, P., Evans, M., & Dally, B. (2015). The impact of carrier gas on ethanol flame behaviour in a Jet in Hot Coflow (JHC) burner. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 84-87). online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Ye, J., Medwell, P., Dally, B., & Evans, M. (2015). Quantitative Rayleigh temperature imaging in turbulent flames of prevaporised n-heptane on MILD combustion of prevaporised liquid fuels. In In Proceedings of the 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 85-89). Melbourne. 2015 Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., Tian, Z. F., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., & Stagni, A. (2015). Ignition Characteristics in Spatially Zero-, One- and Two-Dimensional Laminar Ethylene Flames. In K. Fidkowski (Ed.), 22nd AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (AIAA). Dallas, Texas: AIAA.
DOI2014 Birzer, C., Medwell, P., & Kalt, P. (2014). Humanitarian technology research group: Developments at the University of Adelaide. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, GHTC 2014 (pp. 486-490). San Jose, CA: IEEE.
DOI2014 Nathan, G., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., Medwell, P., Arjomandi, M., Sun, Z., . . . Van Eyk, P. (2014). Optics and photonics in solar thermal energy technologies. In Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications, E2 2014 (pp. 1-3). Online: Optical Society of America (OSA).
DOI2014 Alwahabi, Z., Nathan, G., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Sun, Z. (2014). Optics & photonics for combustion diagnostic studies. In Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications, E2 2014. Canberra, Australia: Optical Society of America (OSA). 2014 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2014). Aeroacoustic time-reversal in the presence of a reflecting surface. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 10 pages). online: Australian Acoustical Society.
Scopus12014 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2014). On the effect of mean flow profile, wavelength and array length on focal-resolution of a quadrupole source using aeroacoustic time-reversal. In INTERNOISE 2014 - 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control (pp. 1-10). online: Australian Acoustical Society. 2014 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2014). Enhancing the resolution characteristics of aeroacoustic time-reversal using a point-time-reversal-sponge-layer. In 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference.
Scopus52014 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Kook, S. (2014). A novel algorithm to estimate soot sheet dimensions in Delft-Adelaide flame. In Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2014 (pp. 1-4). online: AFMS. 2014 Alwahabi, Z. T., Nathan, G. J., Dally, B. B., Medwell, P. R., & Sun, Z. (2014). Optics & photonics for combustion diagnostic studies. In Optical Instrumentation for Energy and Environmental Applications, E2 2014 (pp. EW4A.1). OSA.
DOI2014 Mimani, A., Doolan, C. J., & Medwell, P. R. (2014). Enhancing the resolution characteristics of aeroacoustic time-reversal using a point-time-reversal-sponge-layer. In 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
DOI Scopus52013 Alvarado, P., Saha, M., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2013). Mild combustion of a lignite coal in a laboratory scale furnace. In 30th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference 2013, PCC 2013 Vol. 3 (pp. 1763-1773). 2013 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2013). Application of compact upwind biased finite difference schemes for 2-D time reversal simulations. In 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration Vol. pp.1-8 (pp. 2277-2284). Bangkok, Thailand: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV).
Scopus12013 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2013). Compact upwind biased dispersion relation preserving finite difference schemes. In 20th International Congress on Sound and Vibratio Vol. 3 (pp. 2269-2276). Bangkok, Thailand: International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV).
Scopus12013 Lask, K. M., Medwell, P. R., Birzer, C. H., & Gadgil, A. J. (2013). In-situ measurements of soot production in the Berkeley-Darfur stove using laser extinction. In Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, WSS/CI 2013 Fall Meeting (pp. 72-80).
Scopus12013 Saha, M., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Cleary, E. (2013). A study of combustion characteristics of pulverised coal under MILD combustion conditions. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 132-135). Online: The Combustion Institue. 2013 Saha, M., Cleary, E., & Medwell, P. (2013). MILD combustion of pulverised coal in a recuperative furnace. In Proceedings of the 6th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2013) (pp. 1-6). Sweden: Institute for Combustion and Gasdynamics. 2013 Saha, M., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Cleary, E. (2013). An experimental study of MILD combustion of pulverized coal in a recuperative furnace. In Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC) (pp. 1-4). Korea: Korean Society of Combustion.
Scopus62013 Mahmoud, S., Medwell, P., Dally, B., Alwahabi, Z., & Nathan, G. (2013). Simultaneous measurements of temperature and soot volume fraction in turbulent diffusion flames. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 1-4). Online: The Combustion Institue. 2013 Evans, M., Tian, Z., & Medwell, P. (2013). Modelling ethylene-hydrogen jet flames in the MILD combustion regime. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2013 (pp. 1554-1560). Australia: The Modelling and Simulation Society of Aust & NZ. 2013 Naidu, M., Tian, Z., Medwell, P., & Birzer, C. (2013). An investigation of cool roofing on urban street canyon air quality. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2013 (pp. 434-440). Australia: The Modelling and Simulation Society of Aust & NZ.
Scopus12013 Medwell, P., Pham, P., & Masri, A. (2013). Temperature measurements in a turbulent spray flame using NTLAF. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 279-282). Online: The Combustion Institue. 2013 Evans, M., Medwell, P., & Tian, Z. (2013). Parametric study of EDC model constants for modelling lifted jet flames in a heated coflow. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 348-351). Online: The Combustion Institue. 2013 Cleary, E., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2013). The influence of coal particle and air jet momenta on MILD combustion in a recuperative furnace. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 136-139). Online: The Combustion Institue. 2013 Mimani, A., Doolan, C., & Medwell, P. (2013). Localisation of a stationary time-harmonic dipole sound source in flows using time-reversal simulation. In Terrance McMinn (Ed.), Proceedings of Acoustics 2013: Science, Technology and Amenity. Annual conference of the Australian Acoustical Society (pp. 1-8). CD ROM: Australian Acoustical Society. 2013 Gu, D., Sun, Z., Medwell, P., Alwahabi, Z., & Nathan, G. (2013). Spectral Assessment of Interferences to Two-line Atomic Fluorescence (TLAF) in Turbulent Sooty Flames. In M. Zhu, Y. Ma, Y. Yu, H. Vuthaluru, Z. Zhang, & D. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 263-266). Australia: The Combustion Institute Australian & New Zealand Section. 2013 Lask, K., Medwell, P., Birzer, C., & Gadgil, A. (2013). Particulate emissions from a wood-fired improved biomass stove. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 174-177). Online: The Combustion Institute. 2012 Medwell, P., Grimshaw, P., Robertson, W., & Kelso, R. (2012). Developing sports engineering education in Australia. In Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association (ISEA) Vol. 34 (pp. 260-265). Netherlands: Elsevier BV.
DOI Scopus3 WoS82011 Medwell, P., Chan, Q., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2011). Temperature measurement in particle-laden reacting flows. In Proceedings of the 6th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 6-13). Australia: University of NSW. 2011 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Mahmoud, S., Dally, B., Alwahabi, Z., & Nathan, G. (2011). New seeding methodology for concentration measurement. In Proceedings of the 6th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 1-4). Australia: University of NSW. 2011 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Dally, B., Alwahabi, Z., & Nathan, G. (2011). New seeding methodology for two-line atomic fluorescence Part I: Non-reacting flow. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2011 (pp. 1-4). Australia: The Combustion Institute. 2011 Medwell, P., Chan, Q., Dally, B., Alwahabi, Z., & Nathan, G. (2011). New seeding methodology for two-line atomic fluorescence Part II: Reacting flows. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2011 (pp. 1-4). Australia: The Combustion Institute. 2011 Dally, B., Birzer, C., & Medwell, P. (2011). Turbulent jet flames under hot coflow conditions. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2011 (pp. 1-8). Australia: The Combustion Institute. 2011 Medwell, P., Brooks, L., & Medwell, B. (2011). Analysis of the lawn bowl trajectory as a teaching tool for sports engineering: development of a graphical user-interface. In Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology Vol. 13 (pp. 531-537). Netherlands: Elsevier.
DOI Scopus3 WoS82010 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2010). Evaluation of nonlinear regime two-line atomic fluorescence (NTLAF) in sooty flames. In Proceedings of ASPACC-10 (pp. 843-848). India: The Combustion Institute. 2010 Nathan, G., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Chan, Q. (2010). Recent advances in measurement of turbulent reacting flows in which heat transfer is dominated by radiation. In Proceedings of IHTC14 Vol. 8 (pp. 1-19). USA: ASME.
DOI2010 Medwell, P., Dally, B., & Chan, Q. (2010). Effect Of Fuel Type On The Reaction Zone Structure Of Moderate And Intense Low Oxygen Dilution (MILD) Combustion. In Proceedings of Chemeca 2010 (pp. 1-11). Australia: Engineers Australia. 2010 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2010). Simultaneous imaging of soot concentration and temperature in ethylene diffusion flames. In Proceedings of Chemeca 2010 (pp. 1-10). Australia: Engineers Australia. 2009 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2009). Temperature measurement using non-linear two-line atomic fluorescence. In Proceedings of ASPACC2009 (pp. 1-4). Taiwan: National Taiwan University. 2009 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Alwahabi, Z., Kalt, P., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2009). Effects of solvent on laser-induced fluorescence in the context of two-line atomic fluorescence. In Proceedings of ACOLS ACOFT 09 (pp. 44-45). CD: Australian Optical Society. 2009 Colorado, A., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2009). LCV fuels emissions of turbulent nonpremixed jet flames under MILD combustions conditions. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2009 (pp. 1-4). CD: University of Queensland. 2009 Nathan, G., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Chan, Q. (2009). Progress and challenges in experimental investigations of realistic turbulent reacting flows. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2009 (pp. 23-37). CD: University of Queensland. 2009 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2009). Temperature imaging of nonpremixed flames using non-linear regime two-line atomic fluorescence (NTLAF). In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2009 (pp. 63-66). CD: University of Queensland. 2009 Chan, Q., Medwell, P., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2009). Comparison of water and acetone as solvent for two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF). In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2009 (pp. 95-98). CD: University of Queensland. 2008 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2008). The role of hydrogen addition on the structure and stability of hydrocarbon flames in a JHC burner. In 7th High Temperature Air Combustion and Gasification International Symposium, 13-16 January, 2008 (pp. 1-5). online: HiTACG. 2008 Medwell, P., Chan, Q., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2008). Non-linear regime two-line atomic fluorescence (NTLAF) for temperature measurement. In Proceeding of the Fifth Australian conference on laser diagnostics in fluid mechanics and combustion (pp. 1-4). CD: UWA. 2008 Medwell, P., Chan, Q., Kalt, P., Alwahabi, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2008). Development of two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF) technique for temperature measurement. In Proceeding of the Fifth Australian conference on laser diagnostics in fluid mechanics and combustion (pp. 1-4). CD: UWA. 2007 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2007). Influence of fuel composition on the MILD combustion reaction zone structure in a JHC burner. In A. Masri (Ed.), Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium 2007 (pp. 54-57). CDROM: University of Sydney. 2007 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2007). Influence of fuel type on turbulent nonpremixed jet flames under MILD combustion conditions. In R. Morgan, & C. Lemckert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (pp. 1350-1355). CDROM: University of Queensland.
Scopus22007 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2007). Structure of ethylene based nonpremixed flames stabilised on a JHC burner. In Akira Umemura (Ed.), Proceedings of ASPACC 07 (pp. 1-4). CDROM: The Combustion Institute. 2007 Medwell, P. R., Kalt, P. A. M., & Dally, B. B. (2007). Structure of ethylene based nonpremixed flames stabilised on a JHC burner. In 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2007. 2007 Medwell, P. R., Kalt, P. A. M., & Dally, B. B. (2007). Structure of ethylene based nonpremixed flames stabilised on a JHC burner. In 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2007. 2005 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2005). Effect of Reynolds number on the spatial distribution of OH and formaldehyde in jet flames in a heated and diluted co-flow. In G. Nathan, B. Dally, & P. Kalt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific conference on combustion (pp. 381-384). CD ROM: The University of Adelaide.
Scopus32005 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2005). Effect of fuel dilution on jet flames in a heated and diluted co-flow. In G. Nathan, B. Dally, & P. Kalt (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Asia-Pacific conference on combustion (pp. 325-328). CD ROM: The University of Adelaide.
Scopus12005 Medwell, P., Kalt, P., & Dally, B. (2005). Quantification of OH-LIF in jet diffusion flames. In Z. Alwahabi, B. Dally, P. Kalt, G. Nathan, & C. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Australian conference on laser diagnostics in fluid mechanics and combustion (pp. 105-108). CD ROM: The University of Adelaide. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., Dally, B., & Mastorakos, E. (2019). Temperature and OH Imaging in Turbulent Swirling Dual-Fuel, n-Heptane Spray Flames. Poster session presented at the meeting of 7th Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Spray Combustion. Tenerife, Spain. 2019 Shaw, I. J., Evans, M., Chin, R., & Medwell, P. (2019). Computational Fluid Dynamics Modelling of Rotating Detonation Engines. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. online: The Combustion Institute. 2019 Proud, D., Evans, M., Medwell, P., & Vandenbussche, F. (2019). Numerical Modelling of Mild Combustion at Elevated Pressures. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. online: The Combustion Institute. 2019 Kildare, J. A., Evans, M., Chinnici, A., & Medwell, P. (2019). Classification of MILD and autoignitive ethylene flames diluted with N₂, O₂ and CO₂. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. online: The Combustion Institute. 2019 Evans, M., Medwell, P., & Chan, Q. (2019). Preliminary Observations of Turbulent Flames in a Confined and Pressurised Jet in Hot and Vitiated Coflow Burner. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. online: The Combustion Institute. 2018 Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., & Chan, Q. N. (2018). Confined and Pressurised Jet in Hot & Vitiated Coflow Burner. Poster session presented at the meeting of 14th Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Flames. Dublin, Ireland. 2014 Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., & Tian, Z. F. (2014). Modelling Lifted Jet Flames in a Heated Coflow using an Optimised Eddy Dissipation Concept Model. Poster session presented at the meeting of 35th International Symposium on Combustion. San Francisco, USA. 2014 Medwell, P. R., Evans, M. J., Tian, Z. F., Chan, Q. N., Frassoldati, A., Cuoci, A., . . . Roquemore, W. M. (2014). MILD combustion under high pressure conditions. Poster session presented at the meeting of 12th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Flames. San Francisco, USA.
$375,000 | Resolving flame stabilisation mechanisms in the transition to MILD combustion P.R. Medwell Australian Research Council: Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (2012) |
$320,000 | Resolving the mechanics of turbulent noise production C.J. Doolan; L.A. Brooks; P.R. Medwell Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2012) |
$30,000 | Reuse Residual Heat & Energy Harvesting P.R. Medwell; C.H. Birzer Electrolux Australia (2012) |
$200,000 | Supercontinuum fibre laser consortium for the chemical and materials sciences T.W. Kee; E.J. Bieske; G.F. Metha; T.A. Smith; P.R. Medwell; K.P. Ghiggino Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2013) |
$400,000 | Controlled radiation facility to investigate turbulence-radiation-chemistry interactions in highflux solar reactors G.J. Nathan; A.R. Masri; E.R. Hawkes; Z.T. Alwahabi; B.B. Dally; P.J. Ashman; P.R. Medwell; M.J. Dunn; R. Taylor Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2013) |
$5,500 | Windows on Science P.R. Medwell United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2013) |
$11,000 | Design and Build a Model Gas Turbine Combustor P.R. Medwell; D. Bey; J. Dean; J. Francis; A. Trainor Santos (2013) |
$30,000 | Development of Optical Methods to Measure Volatilised Metals in Hot Gases P.R. Medwell, G. Metha, T. Kee, D. Lancaster, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem, P. Ashman, Z. Alwahabi, S. Grano University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Fund (2013) |
$1,083,000 | Tools for design and scale-up of solar thermochemical reactors E.R. Hawkes, G.J. Nathan, R.W. Grout, B.B. Dally, P.R. Medwell, Z.T. Alwahabi, R.A. Taylor, G.H. Yeoh Australian Renewable Energy Agency: Solar Energy Collaboration (2013) |
$40,000 | Tools for combustion research P.R. Medwell, Z.F. Tian University of Adelaide, Strategic Research Initiative (2014) |
$20,000 | Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines P.R. Medwell United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2014) |
$2,480 | Next Step Initiative - Young Scientists Exchange Program P.R. Medwell Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (2015) |
$90,000 | Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines P.R. Medwell United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2015) |
$30,000 | Establishment of a Humanitarian Technology Research Group Research Facility C.H. Birzer, P.R. Medwell, P.J. Ashman, K. Davey, C. Thomas University of Adelaide, Research Support Scheme (2015) |
$158,100 | Gas Pipeline blowdown: Characteristics of natural gas pipeline blowdown in remote areas N.L. Smith, A. Mimani, A.C. Zander, P.J. Ashman, C.H. Birzer, P.R. Medwell, T. Lau, B.S. Cazzolato Energy Pipelines Cooperative Research Centre (2015) |
$25,000 | Australia-Germany Joint Research Cooperation Scheme G.J. Nathan, P.R. Medwell, M. Jafarian, W. Saw, A. Chinnici Universities Australia and Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (2016) |
$20,000 | New Solutions for Air Quality and Old Development Challenges: Biochar Technology C.H. Birzer, T. Cavagnaro, S. Kidd, P. Kwong, P.R. Medwell, P.J. van Eyk, W. Umberger University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund (2016) |
$90,000 | Towards the application of MILD combustion to gas turbines P.R. Medwell United States Air Force, Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (2016) |
$60,000 | Biodigesters: converting waste products from industry and rural communities, into byproducts for profit and quality of life C.H. Birzer, M. Hutchinson, P.J. van Eyk, V. Moore, W. Umberger, G. Drew, T. Cavagnaro, P.R. Medwell, S. Kidd University of Adelaide, Interdisciplinary Research Fund (2017) |
$367,000 | Advanced Experimental and Modelling Study to Better Predict Spray Flames P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally, H.G. Pitsch Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2017) |
$80,000 | Suitability of belt materials for CO2 pellet cleaning. P.R. Medwell, C.H. Birzer Cold Logic Pty Ltd, for Australian Meat Processor Corporation (2018) |
$5000 | Comparison of Residential Heating Costs for Electricity, Gas, Firewood and Pellets. P.R. Medwell, H. Wang Australian Home Heating Association (2018) |
$956,700 | Novel diagnostics capabilities in reacting, particle-laden flows. A.R. Masri, B.B. Dally, M.J. Brear, S. Kook, M.J. Dunn, Y. Yang, Q.N. Chan, G.J. Nathan, R.L. Gordon, P.R. Medwell, M.J. Cleary, Z.T. Alwahabi, P.J. van Eyk, M. Talei, E.R. Hawkes Australian Research Council: Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (2018) |
$3000 | Comparison of Residential Heating Costs for Electricity, Gas, Firewood and Pellets - Addendum. P.R. Medwell, H. Wang Australian Home Heating Association (2019) |
$520,000 | Adaptation of carbon free fuels to high temperature industrial processes. P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally, G.J. Nathan, H.G. Pitsch Australian Research Council: Discovery Project (2019) |
$119,000 | Compatibility of current technology: opportunities and constraints of future fuel use in Type B and industrial equipment P.J. Ashman, N. Smith, P.R. Medwell, Y. Yang, M. Talei, R.L. Gordon, M.J. Brear. Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2019) |
$20,000 | Bio-fertilisers and biologically-produced methane from anaerobic digesters P.R. Medwell, C.H. Birzer, S. Kidd, T. Cavagnaro, M. Indren. Waite Research Institute (2019) |
$944,000 | Resolving the impact of pressure on hot and low-oxygen combustion P.R. Medwell Australian Research Council: Future Fellowship (2019) |
$25,500 | Effect of dopants on hydrogen flames for improved safety and performance P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, M.J. Evans, D.B. Proud Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020) |
$63,500 | Metering and gas quality monitoring of future fuel blends in transmission pipelines P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, C. Lu, A. Godbole Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020) |
$447,000 | De-risking Hydrogen Adaptation to Industrial Processes P.R. Medwell, A. Chinnici, G.J. Nathan, N. Smith, Z.F. Tian Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020) |
$75,500 | Hydrogen gas specification and review of end-user instrumentation N. Smith, P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, T. Hosseini Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2020) |
$394,400 | Performance of Type A appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021) |
$70,400 | Planning detailed assessment of Type B appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, Y. Yang, M. Brear Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021) |
$495,200 | Biomethane injection into the gas network: impact of impurities on the performance of end-use appliances M. Talei, Y. Yang, D. Davis, S. Kentish, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith, P.J. Ashman Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021) |
$954,200 | Detailed assessment of Type B appliances with blends of hydrogen and natural gas and 100% hydrogen P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell, N. Smith Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2021) |
$191,400 | A Novel Inline High-Efficiency Motor/Pump System N. Ertugrul, P.R. Medwell Australian Research Council: Linkage Project (2022) |
$356,500 | Industrial pathways to 100% hydrogen N. Smith, P.J. Ashman, P.R. Medwell Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2023) |
$102,500 | Assessment of hydrogen flame visibility P.R. Medwell, P.J. Ashman, D.B. Proud, N. Smith Future Fuels Cooperative Research Centre (2023) |
$45,000 | Thermal radiation enhancement of hydrogen flames P.R. Medwell, B.B. Dally King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (2024) |
- Sports Engineering 2
- Sports Engineering 3
- Aerospace Propulsion
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor A Novel In-line High-Efficiency and Fully Integrated Motor/Pump System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sharon Chelattu Lazar 2024 Co-Supervisor Coal Power Plant Sustainability in Climate Mitigation Scenarios Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alvin Mizrawan Tarmizi 2021 Co-Supervisor A Numerical Investigation of Hypersonic Flows Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Harry Colin Rowton -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Analysis of Flame Characteristics in Hot and Vitiated Environments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jordan Kildare 2021 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Transient Antenna-Plasma Interaction in Inductive Plasma Thrusters Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Robin Christopher Georg 2021 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Effect of Hydrogen Blending in Industrial Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Adam John Gee 2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Effect of Biofuel Blending on Combustion Characteristics of Hydrogen Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Yilong Yin 2020 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Anaerobic Digestion of Chicken Litter in a Leach Bed System With Biochar Application Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Ben Ashleigh Collins 2020 - 2023 Principal Supervisor MILD Combustion of Ethylene and Natural Gas Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ian James Shaw 2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Flame Structure and Stability for Improved Fuel Flexibility in Practical Combustion Devices Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Douglas Brinkworth Proud 2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Use of Biochar in High-Solids Anaerobic Digestion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mathu Indren 2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Soot Evolution in Turbulent Non-Premixed Bluff-Body Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Amir Rowhani 2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Small-Scale Batch-Fed Biomass Gasification and Combustion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Thomas Kirch 2014 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Soot evolution in acoustically forced laminar non-premixed jet flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Kae Ken Foo 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Initiation of smouldering combustion in biomass Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Houzhi Wang 2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Reaction Control Jet Actuators for Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicles Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Warrick Alan Miller 2014 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Flame Stabilisation in the Transition to MILD Combustion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Michael John Evans 2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor MILD Combustion of Prevaporised Liquid Fuels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jingjing Ye 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Development and Application of Planar Laser Thermometry in Sooting Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Dahe Gu 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor MILD Combustion of Solid Fuels Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Manab Saha 2012 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Parametric Study of Soot in Turbulent Non-Premixed Jet Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Saleh Mahmoud 2009 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Development of Instantaneous Temperature Imaging in Sooty Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Shaun Chan -
Other Supervision Activities
Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name 2014 - 2016 External Supervisor Effects of Air Flow Modifications on Biomass Cookstoves University of California, Berkeley - Doctorate - Kathleen Lask
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2014 - ongoing Board Member Journal of Humanitarian Engineering - Australia -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Member ME-093 Hydrogen Technologies Standards Australia Australia 2018 - ongoing Member CS-062 Solid Fuel Burning Appliances Standards Australia Australia 2017 - 2019 Member International Organization for Standardization Project Committee 305 ISO Australia 2017 - ongoing Member WS-040-01 Sustainable non-sewered sanitation systems Standards Australia Australia 2015 - ongoing Representative International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 285 ISO Australia 2015 - ongoing Chair EE-003 Clean Cookstoves Standards Australia Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Editor Progress in Combustion Diagnostics, Science and Technology Applied Sciences Switzerland 2014 - ongoing Associate Editor Journal of Humanitarian Engineering - Australia
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