Nicole McPherson

Dr Nicole McPherson

NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow

School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Dr Nicole McPherson is a Senior Lecture and ARC DECRA Research Fellow who runs the Sperm and Embryo Biology Group in the Freemasons Centre for Male Health and Wellbeing, the Robinson Research Institute and the Discipline of Reproduction and Development at the University of Adelaide. As of 2024, Dr McPherson is also the Director of Research for Genea (Australia’s premier IVF company). Her research group and ART discovery laboratory is located on level 5 of the Adelaide Health and Medical Science Building (AHMS).


Research Vision

For the development of a male-centred approach to pre-conception health and pregnancy care that includes programs focusing on the delivery of tailored pre-conception lifestyle advice to men, understanding the contributions of sperm for healthy conception, and advancements in male infertility treatments. Her research team undertake a vast array of projects including, fundamental sperm and embryo biology, human cohort studies, clinical IVF research and psychosocial research.


STUDENT PROJECTS (Semester 2, 2025 Start, Honours, Masters and PhD)

1. To define how sperm influence early embryonic reprogramming and the formation of a healthy infant (Grant Funded: Honours and PhD)

This project will comprehensively investigate the NOVEL role of sperm in the origins of chronic disease risk from conception, to better understand the intergenerational transmission of health vulnerabilities and personalised preventative measures. It’s a longheld dogma that sperm are just vessels for DNA and provide no regulatory control to the development of an embryo. Our work has been at the forefront of challenging this notion, showing that sperm non-genetic cargo (i.e. sperm microRNAs) delivered to the egg at conception alter chronic disease susceptibility of offspring. What precisely sperm microRNAs are doing post fertilisation and how they contribute to chronic disease risk will be this projects focus.


2. Space sperm (Honours, Masters)

Space exploration ignites curiosity and excitement, particularly with the rising interest in Mars settlement, deep space missions, and NASA’s ARTEMIS program, which aims to return humans to the moon by 2029, with a total investment exceeding $146 billion. Space exploration and mining requires the ability for mammals to be able to reproduce successfully in different gravitation forces. This project looks to understand how microgravity effects sperm function and fertilisation ability, as well as understanding how and if embryos are able to be produced in zero gravity. We have partnered with Firefly Biotech and the Andy Thomas Centre for Space Resources at the University of Adelaide, for the creation of the world’s first dual-axis 3D clinostat ‘Ice Moon’ suitable for gamete and embryo culture. This innovative platform allows us to accurately simulate any gravity between 0-1g to comprehensively integrate its importance in the formation of all life.


3. Improving sperm function in vitro (Grant Funded: Honours and PhD)

Fertility rates are declining globally, coupled with an increased usage of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), highlight the urgent need for improved consumer products that can increase natural conception rates and reduce interventional burden. Utilising molecular agents known to aid sperm function and survival we aim to create a wide range consumer led products that can better mimic natural sperm maturation and selection processes of the female reproductive tract clinically as well as straight to consumer fertility promoting lubricant to increase natural conception rates. This project looks to improve sperm function in vitro to increase fertilisation rates and improve embryo and fetal health in a wide range of mammalian species.  

Additional Supervisors: A/Professor Mark Nottle, Hannah Lyons


4. To create pre-conception health literacy on-line resources and emotional support programs for infertile men (Grant Funded: Honours and Masters)

During our exploration of challenges faced by infertile men, ‘Holistic Care’ emerged as a key theme, leading us to identify emotional support as an unmet need in this population. Men described how the emotional impact of an infertility diagnosis was often overlooked by health professionals, leading to feelings of marginalisation, and seeking information and social/emotional support outside the clinical setting.  This project will develop a peer-support service for men diagnosed with male-factor infertility in conjunction with Genea Fertility SA (8-15 participants), using a participatory-action approach and involving consumers at each stage of the process. We will perform focus groups to determine what information they want to know about male fertility and how they want it to look as well as create primary health care resources to better inform men.

Additional Supervisors: Professor Deb Turnbull, A/Professor Melissa Oxlad





  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2015 - ongoing NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow (Peter Doherty) University of Adelaide
    2014 - 2014 Post-Doctoral Research Officer University of Adelaide
    2011 - ongoing Andrologist Repromed
    2009 - 2011 Research Assistant Universty of Adelaide
    2007 - 2009 Clinical Scientist Ashford Hospital
    2007 - 2007 Technical Assistant University of Adelaide
    2006 - 2007 Technical Assistant Ashford Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2014 Award Best Oral Presentation International Conference of Spermatology - -
    2014 Recognition David Healy New Investigator Award Annual Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
    2013 Award Student Poster Prize, Robinson Institute Research Day Robinson Research Institute Australia 500
    2013 Recognition New Investigator Award finalist Annual Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
    2012 Award Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Student Poster Prize Post Graduate Research Day, University of Adelaide Australia 500
    2011 Award Prize paper Annual American Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
    2011 Recognition Oozoa Student Award finalist Annual Society for Reproductive Biology Australia -
    2010 Recognition Honours Oral Award finalist Annual Australian Society of Medical Research Australia -
    2010 Recognition Student Poster Prize A Healthy Start to Life, 2nd Nutritional Genomics Symposium Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2011 - 2014 University of Adelaide Australia PhD (Deans Commendation)
    2009 - 2010 University of Adelaide Australia First Class Honours in Health Science
    2005 - 2007 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Health Science
Date Project/ No. Funding Body Amount
2026-2028 Male pre-conception care for optimal pregnancy health CIA- Home Hospital Research Foundation EL2 Fellowship $570,000
2022-2025 How mammalian males indirectly control transmission of paternal traits (DE22101449) CIA - Australian Research Council (ARC) $467,399
2024-2026 A functionalised surface device for sperm selection in ART (2039862) CID - NHMRC Development Grant $863,000
2024 The use of colony stimulating factor 3 (CSF-3) to improve the fertility of extended pig sperm CIB - APRIL $75,000
2022 Men's unmet psychosocial needs when diagnosed with male infertility CIA - Ferring Pharmaceuticals $50,000
2022 Progesterone and Granulocyte Macrophase Colony to improve fertility CIB - Davies Livestock Research Center $45,000
2022 D4Ds - Diet for Dads Sperm CIA - Masonic Charities - FFCFMHW $40,000
2015 - 2021 Sperm methylation status predicts embryo and pregnancy outcomes in male obesity (AA1088964) NHMRC Early Career Research Fellowship (Peter Doherty) $309,436
2021 D4Ds - Diet for Dads Sperm CIA - Robinson Research Institute $50,000
2020 COVID-19 Support CIA - Robinson Research Institute $19,832
2020 ROSS - ROS in Sperm CIA - Masonic Charities - FFCFMHW $45,000
2019 Sperm Class Analyser CASA System CIA - Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructure Funding Awards $72,545
2018 Exercise in males born growth restricted to restore sperm function preventing adverse offspring health AI - NHMRC Project Grant (APP1140401) $708,362
2016 Acrosome reacted sperm - a novel way to improve ICSI technology Monash IVF MREF $29,833
2014 Male obesity changes the methylome of sperm and impairs pregnancy outcomes in humans CIA - Robinson Research Institute Innovation Seed Funding Program $20,000
2014 Human sperm microRNAs are dyregulated by obesity and are potentially biomarkers for ART outcomes CIC – Robinson Research Institute innovation Seed Funding Program $25,000
Date Course Title Institution
2024-current Research Intergrated Learing - Assisted Reproductive Technology (Coordinator) University of Adelaide
2021 - 2023 Paedeatrics and Reproductive Health Honours Coordinator University of Adelaide
2020 - Current OBG&GYN 3001 'Human Infertility' University of Adelaide
2014 Complex Midwifery and Family Centred Care lecture, ‘Interpreting a semen analysis and lifestyle factors of male sub- fertility’ Repromed
2014 CRBM lecture, ‘Clinical Andrology’ and ‘Lifestyle Factors and Male Fertility’ University of Adelaide
2014 HDR III workshop, ‘ART and New Technology University of Adelaide
2013 - 2015 HDR III lecture and workshop, ‘Lifestyle Factors and Male Fertility’ University of Adelaide
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 Principal Supervisor Understanding the contribution of sperm non-coding RNA in early embryogenesis. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Joshua Caryl Deluao
    2023 Principal Supervisor The Role of MicroRNA-30 in Preimplantation Embryo Development and offspring Traits in Mammals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Oluwabunmi Ifedunni Olatunji
    2022 Principal Supervisor The relatonship between obesity, insulin resistance and male fertility Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Andrew Craig Peel
    2022 Co-Supervisor Parental nutrition, fertility and reproductive health outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Cathryn Ann Tully
    2020 Co-Supervisor The Effect of GM-GSF on In Vitro Oocyte Maturation (IVM) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Anmol Saini
    2020 Co-Supervisor New insight into spermatozoa selection for improving assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Soraya Rasi Ghaemi
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Metabolic disruptions in oocytes and embryos modifies DNA and histone methylation and alters embryonic development Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alexander Penn
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2014 - ongoing Member International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease - -
    2011 - ongoing Member Freemason's Centre for Men's Health - -
    2010 - ongoing Member Australian Society for Medical Research - -
    2010 - ongoing Member Robinson Research Institute - -
    2009 - ongoing Member Society for Reproductive Biology - -
    2009 - ongoing Member Fertility Society of Australia - -
    2009 - ongoing Member Scientists in Reproductive Technology - -
    2009 - ongoing Member Research Centre for Reproductive Health - -
  • Position: NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow
  • Phone: 83138201
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences, floor 5
  • Org Unit: Medical Sciences

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