Mehdi Kholoosi

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Mehdi Kholoosi is a PhD student with the Center for Research on Engineering Software Technologies (CREST) at the University of Adelaide under the supervision of Professor M. Ali Babar. His research interests lie in Cybersecurity and Natural Language Processing and their interdisciplinary applications. Previously his publications were in the areas of Machine Translation and Text Mining.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2023 Kholoosi, M. M., Babar, M. A., & Yilmaz, C. (2023). Empirical Analysis of Software Vulnerabilities Causing Timing Side
    2017 Kholoosi, M. M., Rezapour, A., Sadreddini, M. H., & Fakhrahmad, S. M. (2017). A Multi-Level Reordering Model for Statistical Machine Translation Using Source Side Parse Trees. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY, 17(7), 281-288.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2023 Croft, R., Babar, M. A., & Kholoosi, M. M. (2023). Data Quality for Software Vulnerability Datasets. In 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) (pp. 121-133). Online: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus24
    2023 Mehdi Kholoosi, M., Ali Babar, M., & Yilmaz, C. (2023). Empirical Analysis of Software Vulnerabilities Causing Timing Side Channels. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, CNS 2023 (pp. 9 pages). Online: IEEE.
    2022 Ul Haque, M., Kholoosi, M. M., & Babar, M. A. (2022). KGSecConfig: A Knowledge Graph Based Approach for Secured Container Orchestrator Configuration. In Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering, SANER 2022 (pp. 420-431). Online: IEEE.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS2

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