Jon Kellett
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Jon is an urban planner who has worked in the UK and Australia. He is passionate about his role as both a teacher and researcher and is motivated by a desire to carry out research in areas that are relevant to improving the sustainability of cities. He believes that the best urban policy is informed by evidence and strives through his teaching and research to make a difference to the cities in which he lives and works.
As an urban planner I am interested in the way that cities develop and how they contribute to the quality of human life as well as how they impact on the environment. In this latter regard I have a long standing research interest in the energy demand of cities and the variety of ways this demand is met along with the environmental implications of particular energy policies. This interest led me to be interested in climate change and how cities, as major energy consumers and greenhouse gas emitters, can mitigate their impacts by adopting energy efficiency measures and employing renewable technologies into their energy mix. Following on from this aspect I became interested in how cities might adapt more generally to a changing climate. My second research interest concerns the mechanisms by which urban development occurs. Government investment in infrastructure, private sector investment in new property and the interactions and synergies between these two major forces is a growing area of my research activity. A common theme that unites all of my research is its applicability to policy. I strive to ensure that my work is disseminated to a professional audience and to government and try to take every opportunity to use the outcomes of my research to inform policy making.
I am a member of the Sustainable Built Environment Research Group and China-Australia Sustainable Research Unit.
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Adjunct Professor University of Adelaide 2014 - 2019 Professsor of Planning & Property University of Adelaide 2005 - 2014 Associate Professor of Urban & Regional Planning University of South Australia 1985 - 2005 Senior Lecturer in Urban & Regional Planning Sheffield Hallam University -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2018 Fellowship Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia Planning institute of Australia Australia - 2014 Award Award for Excellence for Journal paper International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses - - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency French Can read, write, speak and understand spoken Spanish; Castilian Can read -
Date Institution name Country Title 1978 - 1982 Sheffield Hallam University United Kingdom PhD 1976 - 1978 University of Liverpool United Kingdom Master of Civic Design 1972 - 1975 University of Sheffield United Kingdom BA -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Mehdipour, A., Kellett, J., Palazzo, E., & Larbi, M. (2024). Policy integration for brownfield regeneration: An analytical tool. Sustainable Horizons, 10, 100085-1-100085-12.
Scopus32023 Denham, T., Hamilton, C., Kellett, J., Maginn, P. J., Martinus, K., & Dodson, J. (2023). Project Assessment for Local Government Advocacy. Urban Policy and Research, 41(2), 224-237.
2022 Larbi, M., Kellett, J., & Palazzo, E. (2022). Urban Sustainability Transitions in the Global South: a Case Study of Curitiba and Accra. Urban Forum, 33(2), 223-244.
Scopus122022 Barreto, R. A., Kellett, J., Pierce, J. C., & Van den Hengel, A. (2022). I'm in Love with My Car: Psychological Attachment to Cars, Automated Vehicles and the Driverless Future. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 56(1), 28-55.
Scopus12021 Larbi, M., Kellett, J., Palazzo, E., & Mehdipour, A. (2021). Urban Sustainability Transitions in Two Frontrunner Cities: Insights from the Multi-level Perspective. Planning Practice & Research, 36(5), 494-513.
Scopus6 WoS62020 Li, Y., Yuan, X., Tang, Y., Wang, Q., Ma, Q., Mu, R., . . . Zuo, J. (2020). Integrated assessment of the environmental and economic effects of "coal-to-gas conversion" project in rural areas of northern China.. Environmental science and pollution research international, 27(13), 14503-14514.
Scopus36 WoS25 Europe PMC42019 Shi., Ge., Yuan., Wang., Kellett, J., Li., & Ba. (2019). An Integrated Indicator System and Evaluation Model for Regional Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 11(7), 1-23.
Scopus39 WoS222019 Kellett, J., Barreto, R., Van Den Hengel, A., & Vogiatzis, N. (2019). How might autonomous vehicles impact the city? The case of commuting to central Adelaide. Urban Policy and Research, 37(4), 442-457.
Scopus18 WoS132019 Tang, Y., Shi, Y., Li, Y., Yuan, X., Mu, R., Wang, Q., . . . Kellett, J. (2019). Environmental and economic impact assessment of the alumina–carbon refractory production in China. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21(9), 15 pages.
Scopus3 WoS12019 Kellett, J., & Nunnington, N. (2019). Infrastructure for new Australian housing: Who pays and how?. Cities, 92, 10-17.
Scopus82018 Kellett, J. (2018). Human responses to climate change. Human Ecology, (28), 11-15. 2018 Cui, L., Li, Y., Tang, Y., Shi, Y., Wang, Q., Yuan, X., & Kellett, J. (2018). Integrated assessment of the environmental and economic effects of an ultra-clean flue gas treatment process in coal-fired power plant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 199, 359-368.
Scopus70 WoS582017 Hamilton, C., & Kellett, J. (2017). Cost comparison of infrastructure on greenfield and infill sites. Urban Policy and Research, 35(3), 248-260.
Scopus32017 Balston, J., Li, S., Iankov, I., Kellett, J., & Wells, G. (2017). Quantifying the financial impact of climate change on Australian local government roads. Infrastructures, 2(1), 2-1-2-16.
Scopus4 WoS32016 Kellett, J. (2016). Australian cities and climate change. Built Environment, 42(1), 145-157.
Scopus12016 Wight, I., Kellett, J., & Pieters, J. (2016). Practice ~ reflection ~ learning: work experience in planner education. Planning Practice and Research, 31(5), 500-512.
Scopus62015 Kellett, J., Hamilton, C., Ness, D., & Pullen, S. (2015). Testing the limits of regional climate analogue studies: an Australian example. Land Use Policy, 44, 54-61.
Scopus122014 Kellett, J., Ahsan, R., & Karuppannan, S. (2014). Climate induced migration: lessons from Bangladesh. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 5(2), 1-16. 2014 Kellett, J., Balston, J., & Western, M. (2014). Sea-level rise and planning: retrospect and prospect. Australian Planner, 51(3), 203-211.
Scopus112014 Kellett, J. (2014). Planning reform in South Australia. Australian Planner, 51(2), 163-169.
Scopus52012 Davidson, K., Kellett, J., Wilson, L., & Pullen, S. (2012). Assessing urban sustainability from a social democratic perspective: a thematic approach. Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability, 17(1), 57-73.
Scopus262012 Kellett, J., & Pullen, S. (2012). Prospects for energy efficiency in Australian buildings: a review of current opportunities. Architectural Science Review, 55(2), 92-101.
Scopus3 WoS32011 Kellett, J. (2011). More than a roof over our head: can planning safeguard rooftop resources?. Urban Policy and Research, 29(1), 23-36.
Scopus11 WoS72011 Kellett, J. (2011). The Australian quarter acre block: the death of a dream?. Town Planning Review, 82(3), 263-284.
Scopus172011 Ahsan, R., Karuppannan, S., & Kellett, J. (2011). Climate migration and urban planning system: a study of Bangladesh. Environmental Justice, 4(3), 163-170.
Scopus412009 Kellett, J., & Hamilton, C. (2009). Carbon reduction at the local level. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 5(1), 115-126.
2008 Yuan, X., Kellett, J., & Ma, C. (2008). Conflicts between state planning, market development and environmental sustainability: A case study of the electric power industry in Shandong Province. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15(5), 430-439.
Scopus5 WoS42008 Yuan, X., Kellett, J., & Ren, L. (2008). Can industrial restructuring lead to a sustainable future? A critical environmental risk assessment of industrial policy in Shandong Province, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 14(3), 593-609.
Scopus8 WoS62007 Kellett, J., & Hamnett, S. (2007). Reducing, Adapting, Innovating: South Australia’s Greenhouse Strategy,. International Journal of Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Sustainability, 3(2), 165-173. 2007 Kellett, J. (2007). Community-based energy policy: A practical approach to carbon reduction. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 50(3), 381-396.
Scopus632006 Kellett, J. (2006). Energy service companies-a route to more sustainable australian cities?. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 13(4), 226-233.
Scopus32003 Kellett, J. (2003). Renewable energy and the UK planning system. Planning Practice and Research, 18(4), 307-315.
Scopus172000 Kellett, J., & Nunnington, N. (2000). Disused airport site presents development challenge for Norway. Chartered Surveyor Monthly. 1999 Kellett, J. (1999). Poland's scramble for modernisation. Chartered Surveyor Monthly, 28-29. 1996 Kellett, J. (1996). postepowanie z gruntami skazonymi. Rzeczoznawca Majatkowy. 1995 Mortimer, N., Kellett, J., & Grant, J. (1995). Rural renewable energy use for urban sustainability. Pacific & Asian Journal of Energy, 5(1), 67-78. 1995 Kellett, J. E. (1995). The Elements of a Sustainable Aggregates Policy. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 38(4), 569-580.
Scopus131995 Jowsey, E., & Kellett, J. (1995). The comparative sustainability of resources. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2(2), 77-85.
Scopus81994 Kellett, J., Egan, D., Mortimer, N., Askham, P., Hetherington, R., Jowsey, E., & Wild, M. (1994). Environmental Audit of Sheffield Hallam University. Integrated Environmental Management. 1993 Kellett, J. E. (1993). Role of the town and country planning system in controlling development of electricity generating installations. IEE Proceedings, Part A: Science, Measurement and Technology, 140(1), 94-99.
Scopus21992 Kellett, J. (1992). Minerals and Archaeology: Potential solutions to the conflict. Mineral Planning, 53, 45-46. 1990 Kellett, J. (1990). The environmental impact of wind energy. Town Planning review, 61(2). 1990 Kellett, J. (1990). The environmental impact of wind energy developments. Town Planning Review, 61(2), 139-155.
Scopus111982 Kellett, J., & Wilkinson, T. (1982). Depletion Policy: An Economists View. Mineral planning, 11. 1982 Kellett, J. E. (1982). The private garden in England and Wales. Landscape Planning, 9(2), 105-123.
Scopus151981 Kellett, J., & Hill, R. (1981). Policy and control in residential design.. Town and Country Planning, 50(4), 111-112. -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Conference Items
Year Citation 2015 Kellett, J., Leadbeter, P., Barreto, R., & Cheong, C. (2015). Providing infrastructure for new housing: Australian dilemmas. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of European Network of Housing Research Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: European Network of Housing Research. 2015 Kellett, J. (2015). Strategic planning for the Adelaide region. Poster session presented at the meeting of Don Dunstan Foundation Migration Update Conference. Adelaide convention centre. 2014 Kellett, J., Western, M., & Muzyk, C. (2014). Living with rising sea levels: the importance of the time factor. Poster session presented at the meeting of Climate Adaptation 2014. Gold Coast. 2002 Kellett, J. (2002). Renewable Energy Resources in Conisbrough & Denaby. Poster session presented at the meeting of Conisbrough & Denaby Renewable Energy project Conference. Earth Centre, Consibrough. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2019 Baker, E. L., Leishman, C., Kellett, J., & Daniel, L. (2019). People and Neighbourhoods - Background paper. 2019 Baker, E. L., Kellett, J., & South Australian Planning Commission. (2019). People and Neighbourhoods Policy Discussion Paper. http://www.saplanningportal.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/584993/People_and_Neighbourhoods_Policy_Discussion_Paper.pdf. 2018 Kellett, J. E., Denham, T., Dodson, J., Palm, M., Whitzman, C., Hamilton, C., . . . Martinus, K. (2018). Transformational infrastructure Projects in Australia's Fast Growing Outer Suburbs. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Port Clinton: Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage1: State of Play Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Port Clinton: Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage2: Adaptation Proposals Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Coobowie Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 1: State of Play Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Coobowie Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 2: Adaptation Proposals Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Pine Point Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 2: Adaptation Proposals Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Pine Point Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 1: State of play report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Price Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 1: State of Play Report. 2015 Western, M., & Kellett, J. (2015). Price Seawater Flooding Adaptation Pathways for Yorke Peninsula Settlements Stage 2: Adaptation Proposals Report. 2014 Western, M., Balston, J., & Kellett, J. (2014). Sea level rise and existing settlements. Adelaide. 2013 Kellett, J., Davidson, K., Wilson, L., Pullen, S., Karuppannan, S., Sivam, A., & Ness, D. (2013). Urban Sustainability Assessment. Final Report for the ARC Linkage Project LP0883493: An integrated model for the assessment of urban sustainability (LP0883493). University of South Australia. 2012 Kellett, J., Balston, J., Western, M., Li, S., Wells, G., & Gray, A. (2012). Coastal Adaptation Decision Support Pathways Project: Climate Change Decision Support Framework and Software for Local Councils. 2012 Kellett, J., Balston, J., Iankov, I., Li, S., Wells, G., & Gray, A. (2012). Quantifying the Cost of Climate Change Impacts on Local Government Assets (24/12). Queensland: NCCARF. 2011 Kellett, J., Ness, D., Hamilton, C., Pullen, S., & Leditschke, A. (2011). Learning from regional climate analogues: Final report October 2011 (01/12). Queensland: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 2010 Kellett, J., Sunter, P., & Hamilton, C. (2010). Renewable energy resource assessment City of Onkaparinga. 2009 Kellett, J., & Rofe, M. (2009). Creating Active Communities: How can open and public spaces in urban and suburban environments support active living? A Literature Review. 2009 Kellett, J., & Hamilton, C. (2009). Energy and carbon baseline estimates for the City of Onkaparinga. 2007 Kellett, J., & Hamnett, S. (2007). Planning for the future growth of Metropolitan areas in Australia: a Comparative Review. 2002 Kellett, J., & Grant, J. (2002). Energy efficiency assesment for Conisbrough and Denaby (SCP/2). 2002 Kellett, J., & Grant, J. (2002). Renewable energy assessment for Consibrough and Denaby (SCP19/3). 2002 Kellett, J., & Grant, J. (2002). Carbon dioxide emissions reduction implementaion strategy for Conisbrough and Denaby (SCP19/4). 2002 Kellett, J., Clemitshaw, L., & Grant, J. (2002). Conisbrough and Denaby renewable energy project final report. 2001 Kellett, J. (2001). Baseline assessment of energy use in Conisbrough and Denaby (SCP19/1). 1995 Kellett, J., Grant, J., & Mortimer, N. (1995). Fifth Progress Report: Response to Task 9 (SCP8/12). 1994 Kellett, J. (1994). The Organisation of the Land Use Planning System in England and Wales and its Implications for Renewable Energy Developments (SCP8/5). 1994 Kellett, J., Grant, J., & Mortimer, N. (1994). Second Progress Report: Responses to Tasks 1 to 4 (SCP8/7). 1994 Kellett, J., & Mortimer, N. (1994). Methodologies for Assessing Renewable Energy Resources (SCP8/8). 1994 Kellett, J., Grant, J., Mortimer, N., Rumahi, J., & Wenzel, H. (1994). Third Progress Report: Responses to Tasks 5 and 6 (SCP8/9). 1994 Kellett, J. (1994). The Role of the Municipality in the Integration of Renewable Energy Schemes in the United Kingdom (SCP8/10). 1993 Kellett, J., Askham, P., Hetherington, R., Mortimer, N., Egan, D., Jowsey, E., & Wild, M. (1993). Environmental Audit of the University: Phase 1 Report (SCP6/2). 1993 Kellett, J. (1993). The Definition of the Municipality and Surrounding Region (Report SCP/8). 1990 Kellett, J., Mortimer, N., & Henneberry, J. (1990). Energy use in Service Sector Buildings. 1988 Kellett, J., Mortimer, N., & McGoldrick, B. (1988). North East of England Energy Study: Assessment of the prospects for some renewable sources of energy. 1983 Kellett, J. (1983). Minerals and Structure Plans. Sheffield.
2017 Myer Foundation: Placemaking Sandbox (Partners UniMelb, UTS, Curtin & UQ)
2016 Urban Disruption: A Scenario Based Analysis for the Introduction of Driverless Vehicles
2015 Seawater Flooding Study Yorke Peninsula Council
2013 Coastal Settlements Adaptation Study District Council of Mallala
2011-2012 Dept. Climate Change & Energy Efficiency: Coastal Adaptation Pathways Project.
2010-2011 NCCARF Learning from Regional Climate Analogues
2010 Renewable Energy Resource Assessment for the City of Onkaparinga
2010 Energy and Carbon Baseline Assessment for the City of Onkaparinga
2010-2011 NCCARF: LGA Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment
2009 Creating Active Communities: South Australian Heart Foundation
2009-2011 Premiers Science & Research Fund Human Dimensions TREND Project
2008-2011 ARC Linkage – Tools for the Assessment of Urban Sustainability LP0883493
2007-2010 ARC Linkage – Lifetime Affordable Housing LP0776834
2006-2009 ARC Linkage – Carbon Neutral Communities LP 0775120
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Green Urbanism in Contemporary Cities: A Socio-technical Transition Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Martin Larbi 2015 - 2023 Principal Supervisor A Study of Social Sustainability of High-Rise Living in Kolkata, India Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Saurav Mitra 2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Understanding Brownfield Regeneration in Iran through the Lens of International Experience Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Armin Mehdipour 2014 - 2017 Co-Supervisor To Flow, or to Fortify? Water, Development, and Urbanism in Building a Deltaic Metropolis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Fahmid Ahmed
Date Role Membership Country 2006 - ongoing Member Planning Institute of Australia Australia
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