John Leake

John Leake

School of Economics and Public Policy

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

John Leake has spent over 30 years of his working life in Asia, Africa and Australia in planning for development and natural resource management. This has evolved into an interest in experiential learning and in the social and biophysical processes leading to improved resource use and recycling in a world expecting to sustain 9 billion people in a time of accelerated climate change.

He has consulted to a wide range of national and multinational clients and the private sector, including the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, AusAID, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland and many UN agencies, notably IFAD, UNDP, UNDCP, GEF and FAO/WB CP.

He was an Associate Professor of Development Studies, Discipline of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences at the University of Adelaide since 2014 where he contributed to the education being provided through Development Studies by taking interns since 2008.

He is now an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Professions, Centre for Global Food and Resources where he assists PhD and Masters students with research related to thesis writing in regions he is experienced including: 34 countries in Asia, (S.E, Central, East, and South Asia), Africa, mainly East and the Middle East, (Iran and the UAE). He is also experienced in most states and territories of Australia, particularly the Murray Darling Basin, the Northern Territory, the West Australian Wheat Belt and the Kimberly. .

He was a speaker at the 2001 Adelaide Festival of Ideas on the subject, Salt Water and the Limits of Growth and has a long association with Research related to salinity in most states of Australia, USA and Asia.

He holds a master’s degree in Agricultural Science from the University of Melbourne and a PhD resulting from an invited thesis on Risk Reduction in Natural Resource Management, based on an evaluation of the international response to Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar.

He has served on the Natural Resources Management Council of South Australia and developed of a method of auditing the results of NRM investments in the field for the Natural Resource Management Commission of NSW and assisted in carrying out audits for over half of NSW including most of the Murray Darling Basin.

He has been instrumental in setting up several businesses in the agricultural sector related to consulting, research and project development, notably MPW Rural Development, which merged with Coffey Partners International to list on the Australian Stock Exchange in 1990 as Coffey International Limited, the Institute for International Development Limited and Environmental Risk Science and Audit (to 2017).

He is the author of several ground breaking reports as well as a book, book chapters, journal articles and conference papers. The subjects covered include; rangeland management, disaster risk management in NRM, Bio sequestration of carbon and land rehabilitation, particularly in saline and mined sites. He has spun off companies specialising in saline agronomy (see and land rehabilitation, see ( )

We have developed a scope of works to produce an Global Halophyte Strategy to facilitate their use in addressing human induced Climate Change, and to save fresh water 

A Global Halophyte Strategy

Draft Scope of Works


Eco- systems are crashing, food production is stressed, and people are increasingly moving looking for safety, much of this is due to climate change for which a new agriculture is needed that can handle heat and degrading water resources.

Halophytes are plant adaptations to cope with heat, salinity, and degraded land. Accordingly, they intersect with many of the hazards of climate change and can provide many of the products and services more usually associated with plants bred to use fresh water. The usual action of humans faced with degrading soils and water due to salinity is to move on leaving poor people, stranded assets of water and logistical infrastructure, and wastewater and land of little value.

Water is the key agent of land scape and vegetative change but some 97.5% of all water is saline and about 68% of all fresh water is tied up in glaciers and 30% stored in aquifers and lakes.  Climate change is exacerbating the loss of fresh water through depleting aquifers and pollution such that lack of water is counted as the single greatest threat to human health. Salt build-up in soils has been responsible for the demise of many agricultural societies. However significant quantities of brackish and saline waters in aquifers in waste land areas and even seawater is potentially usable for change.

Halophytes have a little publicly understood role in addressing the interrelated problems of water, land, and food supply. Much fresh water is ‘wasted’ on amenity and other uses that could be substituted using halophytes, increasing its value, and rescuing fresh water for more valuable uses. Much decay of water reticulation systems, roads and infrastructure occurs through rising salt, in Australia, exceeding agricultural losses. Much pollution of streams and lakes occurs due to nutrients that could be utilised by halophytes, ‘cleaning’ the water before discharge, some halophytes can also strip water bodies of heavy metals, including radioactive ones. Many halophytes can ‘move’ salts out of the topsoil and improve drainage gradually rehabilitating it for higher value uses. Halophytes can improve above and below ground biodiversity and so ecosystem resilience. Halophytes have a clear role in many carbon removal strategies as they can sequester carbon safely in wet and water environments.        

COP 28 is the world’s latest and largest collaborative activity to address the many factors related to human induced climate change. It’s program devotes 2 days out of 9 on the impact of climate changes on i) Land, Water and Oceans, and ii) Food, Agriculture and Water - and in turn the impact of development of these on the rate of human induced climate change. However, a quick analysis finds only 3 participants overtly deal with salinity, of which two are engaged in breeding and evaluating halophytes and one is working on and demonstrating nuclear techniques to aid food production on salinized land, focusing on Arab lands.  There is only one speaker in the agrifood systems seminar who addresses land and water degradation as a separate subject among a lot of attention to soil health and biodiversity.

However, much is known scientifically about halophytes in these roles. There are 10s of thousands of papers describing the losses due to salinity, the benefits from using Halophytes and descriptions of individual halophytes and their uses. We estimate there would be less than 100 good syntheses of these but for different purposes and not many about actual successes[i]. There also several readily available summaries of possible benefits and opportunities to profit financially and economically by addressing these opportunities and new sources of funding to address these issues are emerging. These now exist in specialist libraries and on some websites[ii].

Strategy development

Short- and long-term strategies are required to assist investors and policy makers to utilize these resources for much more action over time. Strategies formulation would include:

·       What is known?; a synopsis of species and circumstances in which halophytes can contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change and past barriers to their use including:

o   Institutional barriers to multidisciplinary action across sectors and boundaries

o   Limited markets for public good benefits

·       What has changed?: An account of developments that improve the conditions for investment in halophyte technologies.

o   The emergence of markets for ecosystem services, carbon sequestered into soils and water, biodiversity credits, and in some places salinity credits to facilitate substitution to release fresh water,

o   A recent McKinsey report lists 10 carbon capture technologies they suggest can store carbon for 100 + years as a basis for a trillion-dollar business. 7 out of this 10 could involve halophytes; Wetland and peatland restoration, Cropland, grassland, and agroforestry, Re afforestation and afforestation, Blue carbon management, Bio char and bio-oil, enhanced weathering, and bio energy[1].     

o   Renewed interest in utilising saline wastewater to produce ‘sustainable’ food, fibre, and energy to earn ESG credits through green financing, including by utilising stranded assets due to salt build up.

o   Renewed interest in food security for remote and regions emerging from conflict.

o   Significant institutional and corporate interest in facilitating cross sectoral mixed finance activities towards ecosystem ‘repair’ and social responsibility.

·       What opportunities are emerging? An account of medium- and long-term developments to utilize waste and saline waters far more effectively.

o   There are enormous quantities of irrigation drainage water in the Central Asian cotton areas, in US horticultural and tree crop areas and in many areas in China, Australia and elsewhere that could be put back to good use with halophytes.

o   There are opportunities for the use of brackish and even seawater in inland desert and some coastal areas to modify local climates and to produce food, land-based aquaculture, and algae production. Some countries have already invested such water movement initiatives.

o   Developments in water harvesting technologies and local power opens opportunities to develop low rainfall regions for a range of food, fibre and grazing uses while also improving biodiversity that could also suit the poor who live in such areas and depend on livestock.   

o   There are opportunities for new functional food and pharmaceutical products from halophytes.     

·       What is required to facilitate action?

o   The development of specialist halophyte education products that can assist general educators and promoters of ecosystem action involving halophytes and associated products and services.

o   The development of specialist halophyte promotional material to inform and involve mainstream food producers in better use of the fringes of their production areas.

o   The development of a model that lists and maps areas where degraded land and or stranded assets exist in proximity to usable water and market logistics, including indicative costs and benefits for action.

o   The development of a model that lists emerging opportunities from technical and economic developments that mean greater use of saline and other waste waters and waste areas become possible.

o   Links to interested financial supporters, such as International Finance Institutions, private sector ecosystem payment brokers and Ethical Investment Funds  

o   A system to facilitate objective and independent monitoring, evaluation, for short- and long-term learning and reporting.    

·       How long would strategy development take?

o   This would depend on the level of detail and model development required.

o   A concept paper may only take weeks and utilise Leake Squires and Young and Bushnell as a resource given in

o   A developed strategy including models might take months and include others such as remote sense, food processing, and economic modellers and specialists (this might be considered a phase 2).      

·       Output

o   Written papers suitable for consideration for publications as concept notes on the Millenium Project web site, consistent with present material

o   A full strategy would be a written document suitable for submission to interested institutions with other material suitable for web publication as may be required.

o   Perhaps a ‘World Atlas of Halophyte Potential’ with digital output, similar to The World Atlas of Desertification Vic Squires was involved in.

·       The proposed team       

o   John Leake Ph D T/L. Is a general agriculturalist with a long term professional interest in the problems of salinity, as a researcher, writer on salinity matters and manager of projects and planning studies in some 34 countries in Asia including central Asia, Africa, the US, and most parts of Australia, mostly as T/L; experienced with most International Finance Institutions and GEF  In addition to T/L I would cover institutional and practical developmental aspects of the strategy.

o   Dr Victor Squires Ph. D. A saline and desertification specialist experienced in most dryland regions of the world and writer or editor of many related books, particularly related to Halophytes and animal feeds, has also worked with many relevant agencies and GEF. He would provide detailed scientific input and access to his wide circle of collaborators in all dryland regions of the world. 

o   Professor Mike Young, a world renown water policy specialist who has contributed much to water policy in Australia and more recently USA where he held a chair at Harvard He would summarise the economic aspects and discuss economic incentives to facilitate action . His Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Guidelines for Policy Excellence 2016 with international contributors, written while at Harvard is particularly relevant.  

o   Dennis Bushnell. Retired Chief Scientist at NASA with a lifelong interest in Climate coming from a background in fluid mechanics. Dennis would contribute his high-level knowledge of salinity and climate change activities worldwide, and his links to policy makers.

·       Cost and availability of the team

o   Subject to negotiation and timing but would be consistent with UN and IFI norms for the work, with Bushnell provided as a pro-bono resource.      

[1] Carbon Removals; How to Scale a New Gigaton Industry. McKinsey Dec. 2023

[i] Some books, papers and presentations by these authors include:

Halophytes: a Rapid, Inexpensive, and significant Way to Address Land, Water, Food, Energy and Climate. Dennis M. Bushnell 2023 Int. Jnl. of Climate Change.

Rethinking Rehabilitation of Salt-affected Land: New perspectives from Australian Experience. Review Paper. Leake J.E. Squires V & Shabala S Earth 2022,3,245-258 https://doi/10.3390/earthb3010016

Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Guidelines for Policy Excellence Routledge 2016

[ii] Climate/ecosystem Mitigation/remediation. The role of Halophytes Dennis M. Bushnell 2020  

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Gopalswamy, N., Christe, S., Fung, S. F., Gong, Q., Gruesbeck, J. R., Jian, L. K., . . . Jackson, B. V. (2024). The multiview observatory for solar terrestrial science (MOST). JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, 254, 20 pages.
    2023 Buakong, W., Suwanmanee, P., Vasinayanuwatana, T., Ruttajorn, K., Assawatreeratanakul, K., & Leake, J. E. (2023). Characterization and Expression Analysis of HbC3H66: Implications for Transcriptional Regulation in Rubber Biosynthesis and Abiotic Stress Responses in Hevea brasiliensis. Trends in Sciences, 20(12), 6835.
    DOI Scopus1
    2022 Leake, J. E., Squires, V., & Shabala, S. (2022). Rethinking Rehabilitation of Salt-Affected Land: New Perspectives from Australian Experience. Earth (Switzerland), 3(1), 245-258.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS3
    2022 Davidson, A. A., Young, M. D., Leake, J. E., & O'Connor, P. (2022). Aid and forgetting the enemy: A systematic review of the unintended consequences of international development in fragile and conflict-affected situations. Evaluation and Program Planning, 92, 1-13.
    DOI Scopus3
    2021 Leake, J. E. (2021). Investment in Land Restoration: New Perspectives with Special Reference to Australia. Land, 10(2), 156.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1
    2021 Leake, J., Squires, V., & Shabala, S. (2021). Rethinking rehabilitation of salt-affected land: new perspectives from Australian experience.
    2018 Leake, J. E. (2018). Sustainable Land Management in Greater Central Asia: An Integrated and Regional Perspective. PASTORALISM-RESEARCH POLICY AND PRACTICE, 8(1), 3 pages.
    2018 Leake, J. E. (2018). Transformational Change in Environmental and Natural Resource Management. A Guidelines for Policy Excellence, edited by Michael D.Young and ChristineEsau. Published by Routledge, Earthscan from Routledge London and New York, 2016, pp. 234, ISBN: 978‐1‐13‐888474‐8, AU$ 74.00 (paperback).. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 62(3), 501-503.
    2018 Sabzalian, M. R., Dayani, S., Torkian, M., & Leake, J. E. (2018). Comparison of Distichlis spicata and Suaeda aegyptiaca in response to water salinity: Candidate halophytic species for saline soils remediation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20(10), 995-1006.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC1
    2018 Sabzalian, M. R., Dayani, S., Torkian, M., & Leake, J. E. (2018). Comparison of Distichlis spicata and Suaeda aegyptiaca in response to water salinity: Candidate halophytic species for saline soils remediation. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20(10), 995-1006.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC1
    2014 Leake, J. E. (2014). Cyclone Response in Myanmar: learning from the past. Asian agri-history.
    2011 Kirby, T., Leake, J. E., & Granger, K. (2011). Recovering from Disasters, T Kirby, J Leake & K Granger NZ Chartered Accountants Journal December 2011. NZ Chartered Accountants Journal.
    2011 Kirby, T., Leake, J. E., & Granger, K. (2011). Recovering from Disasters, T Kirby, J Leake & K Granger NZ Chartered Accountants Journal December 2011. NZ Chartered Accountants Journal.
    2008 Leake, J. E., & Morison, J. (2008). Land Repair Fund; a model for exploiting the nexus between land repair, improved production and profit. Australian Agribusiness Review.
    2008 Leake, J. E. (2008). "Biosphere carbon stock management: Addressing the threat of abrupt climate change in the next few decades." By Peter Read. An editorial comment.. Climatic Change, 87(3-4), 329-334.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS3
    2007 Marcum, K. B., Yensen, N. P., & Leake, J. E. (2007). Genotypic variation in salinity tolerance of Distichlis spicata turf ecotypes. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 47(12), 1506-1511.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS11
    1980 Leake, J. E. (1980). The livestock Industry of Indonesia Bureau of Indonesian Economic Studies ANU Canberra. Bureau of Indonesian Economic Studies, XVI No 1.
  • Books

    Year Citation
    2013 Leake, J. E. (2013). Cyclone Nargis, Myanmar Risk Reduction in Natural Resource Management. Thaksin University Press.
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2019 Leake, J. E. (2019). Land Degradation, Biodiversity and Productivity: Pressing Issues in Management of the World’s Drylands – A Synthesis. In V. Squires (Ed.), Drylands: Biodiversity, Management and Conservation (pp. 355-379). NOVA Science Publishers.
    2019 Leake, J. E. (2019). Halophytes; Genetics, Production and Profit. In S. Attia-Ismail (Ed.), Handbook for Salinity Management. Nova.
    2018 Habaros, G., & Leake, J. E. (2018). Are outcomes that are vital for the survival of mankind achievable in an era of global warming?. In L. Trowbridge (Ed.), A Better World Volume 4 (Vol. 4, pp. 65-68). Tudor Rose.
    2018 Habaros, G., & Leake, J. E. (2018). Are outcomes that are vital for the survival of mankind achievable in an era of global warming?. In L. Trowbridge (Ed.), A Better World Volume 4 (Vol. 4, pp. 65-68). Tudor Rose.
    2012 Squires, V. (Ed.) (2012). Rangeland Stewardship in Central Asia. In . Springer Netherlands.
    2012 Leake, J. E. (2012). Conclusions and a way forwardn. In Rangeland Stewardship in Central Asia: Balancing Improved Livelihoods, Biodiversity Conservation and Land Protection (pp. 431-448). Springer Netherlands.
    DOI Scopus1
    2005 Leake, J. E. (2005). Dry Land Salinity in Australia: Defining the Problem, Searching for Solutions. In V. Squires, L. Q. Yang, & Y. Youlin (Eds.), Regional Review of CCD Implementation and Best Practices in Asia and the Pacific. Case studies from Australia, China, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam (first ed., pp. 69-75). Korea: China Environmental Science Press.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2011 Leake, J. E. (2011). FAO East Asian Regional consultation. Gansu Province China, on grassland restoration, prepared and delivered a presentation on the potential for carbon markets to contribute to the costs of grassland restoration in Asia. Poster session presented at the meeting of FAO East Asian Regional consultation. Gansu Province China,. Gansu Province China.
    2007 Leake, J. E. (2007). The role of NyPa Distichlis spp. Cultivars in altering groundwater & soil conditions – a work in progress July 2003. Poster session presented at the meeting of Salinity Seminar. Hydrological Society of South Australia, Australian Geomechanics Society, South Australian Chapter, and International Association of Hydrogeologists, Australian National Chapter.. Adelaide: Institute for International Development.
    2001 Leake, J. E. (2001). National Dry Land Salinity Program; Key note speaker second Day ‘Salinity Stocktake’ Bendigo November 2000. Poster session presented at the meeting of National Dry Land Salinity Program; ‘Salinity Stocktake’. Bendigo.
    2001 Leake, J. E. (2001). Salt of the Earth. Water Salt and the limits of growth,. Poster session presented at the meeting of Adelaide Festival of Ideas. Adelaide: Institute for International Development.
    1999 Leake, J. E. (1999). An introduction, the place of Halophytes in the Australian landscape. Poster session presented at the meeting of Productive use of Saline lands conference. Naracoorte.
    1993 Falvey, L., & Leake, J. (1993). Sustainable Management for Livestock: Mongolia. Invited Speaker, First Plenary Session of the 7th World Conference on Animal Production, Edmonton Canada. Poster session presented at the meeting of First Plenary Session of the 7th World Conference on Animal Production, Edmonton, Alberta Canada, June 28-July 2, 1993. Volume 1. Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
    1993 Falvey, L., & Leake, J. (1993). Sustainable Management for Livestock: Mongolia. Invited Speaker, First Plenary Session of the 7th World Conference on Animal Production, Edmonton Canada. Poster session presented at the meeting of First Plenary Session of the 7th World Conference on Animal Production, Edmonton, Alberta Canada, June 28-July 2, 1993. Volume 1. Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
    1993 Leake, J. E. (1993). Sustainable Management of Mongolian Grasslands. Poster session presented at the meeting of Partnerships for Change - Environmental Practice in the 1990's. Darling Harbour Sydney.
    1981 Falvey, L., & Leake, J. (1981). The role of monitoring, evaluation and research stages in rural development programs. No.22 monitoring the dynamics of rural development programs. Sub-theme E for Rural Development Conference.. Poster session presented at the meeting of No.22 monitoring the dynamics of rural development programs. Sub-theme E for Rural Development Conference.. Australia.
    1981 Falvey, L., & Leake, J. (1981). The role of monitoring, evaluation and research stages in rural development programs. No.22 monitoring the dynamics of rural development programs. Sub-theme E for Rural Development Conference.. Poster session presented at the meeting of No.22 monitoring the dynamics of rural development programs. Sub-theme E for Rural Development Conference.. Australia.
  • Working Paper

    Year Citation
    2007 Leake, J. E., & Flannery, T. (2007). Rehabilitation of tropical and subtropical areas as a means for the bio sequestration of Carbon. Leake J E and Flannery Tim 2006-2007. Institute for International DevelopmentLtd (IID).
    2006 Leake, J., & Flannery, T. (2006). A review of estimates for the potential for bio sequestration in the tropics, Leake J E & Flannery Tim 2007. Institute for International Development Ltd (IID).
    2006 Leake, J., & Flannery, T. (2006). A review of estimates for the potential for bio sequestration in the tropics, Leake J E & Flannery Tim 2007. Institute for International Development Ltd (IID).
    1993 Leake, J. E. (1993). A planting system to utilise high protein leguminous shrubs as a fodder reserve and erosion protection system in semi-arid environments. 1972, updated 1978.. Institute for International Development Ltd (IID).
  • Internet Publications

    Year Citation
    2011 Leake, J. E. (2011). Strategic Planning in a Ceasefire Zone Pa-O Southern Shan State, 2016 (the first strategic plan in a ceasefire zone since the promulgation of the new constitution of Myanmar). Institute for International Development Ltd.
    1992 Leake, J. E. (1992). A fencing scheme to maximise use of erratic rains in arid and semiarid regions in northern Australia, 1974, 1978, 1985.1992. Institute for International Development Ltd (IID).
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2018 Co-Supervisor Wheat, Weapons and Worship: Improving the Delivery of Agricultural Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Angus Alexander Davidson
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Sustainable development of innovation to reduce the tapping panel dryness (TPD) in rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) for rubber small holders Thaksin University, International College Sustainable Development Doctorate Part Time Ms Wanphen Buakong
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2009 - 2011 Member Natural Resources Management Council South Australian Australia
    2002 - 2004 Advisory Board Member Azerbaijan Rural Credit Project Management Review Committee World Bank Azerbaijan
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2019 - 2019 Department for International Development (DIFID) and Pa-O Myanmar office Business and professional Myanmar
    2018 - 2019 Private Clients, for an Australian Food Future Fund Development investment Business and professional Australia
    2017 - 2017 Royal Government of Bhutan Livestock and Veterinary Department Conservation and environment Bhutan
    2016 - 2019 Asian Development Bank ADB Community Development Farming and related Myanmar
    2014 - 2014 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland International development Legislative and political Myanmar
    2014 - 2014 Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) International cooperation Scientific research Myanmar
    2014 - 2014 Community Macadamia Nut Cluster Community Forestry Farming and related Myanmar
    2013 - 2014 GIZ Myanmar unit Conservation and environment Myanmar
    2013 - 2014 Private Client Export Business and professional Australia
    2012 - 2012 Swiss Development Corporation International development (SDC) Conservation and environment Myanmar
    2011 - 2012 Pa-O Special administrative zone government Communtiy development Legislative and political Myanmar
    2011 - 2011 UNDP-GEF Environment Conservation and environment Viet Nam
    2011 - 2011 UNDP GEF Environment Conservation and environment Kyrgyzstan
    2011 - 2011 Rex Minerals Environment Business and professional Australia
    2011 - 2011 Pacific Group of Companies Environment IP Business and professional Australia
    2010 - 2012 Norwegian Embassy in Thailand Myanmar Section Conservation and environment Myanmar
    2010 - 2011 AusAid AusAid Development gateway Conservation and environment Australia
    2010 - 2010 Tripartite group; Asean, UN, & Government of Myanmar UNDP support group Conservation and environment Myanmar
    2010 - 2010 UNDP-GEF Environment Conservation and environment Kazakhstan
    2010 - 2010 UNDP-GEF Environment Conservation and environment Kyrgyzstan
    2009 - 2011 Natural Resource Management Council of South Australia NRM Boards and the Council Conservation and environment Australia
    2009 - 2009 UNDP- GEF GEF unit Farming and related Azerbaijan
    2008 - 2012 Natural Resource Commission of NSW (NRC) Audit and and assurance Conservation and environment Australia
    2006 - 2007 Private Group of Clients Coorong Angas meats and Darialda Meats Business and professional Australia
    2006 - 2007 Private Client Development Business and professional Australia
    2006 - 2006 USAID Agricultural department Farming and related Timor-Leste
    2006 - 2006 UNDP/GEF Ministry of Environment Conservation and environment Azerbaijan
    2005 - 2005 Institute for International Development (IID) Development Fund Civil rights activities Myanmar
    2004 - 2005 Water Industry Alliance Market development Business and professional Australia
    2004 - 2004 Dulwich centre Dulwich Centre Foundation Civil rights activities Papua New Guinea
    2003 - 2004 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Technical department Business and professional Australia
    2003 - 2003 Kish Island Development Authority Airport Development Conservation and environment Iran, Islamic Republic of
    2002 - 2004 Azerbaijan Rural Credit Project World Bank Baku office Business and professional Azerbaijan
    2001 - 2001 Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat Conservation and environment Cambodia
    2001 - 2001 NyPa Incorporated Phytoremediation Conservation and environment United States
    2000 - 2001 Mekong River Commission (MRC) Secretariat Conservation and environment Cambodia
    2000 - 2000 Land and Water Austealia National Dry Land Salinity Program Conservation and environment Australia
    1999 - 1999 United Nations Drag Control Project (UNDCP) Alternative Development Farming and related Viet Nam
    1998 - 1999 Asian Development Bank Livestock Department Farming and related Thailand
    1998 - 1998 United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) Alternative development Legislative and political Myanmar
    1997 - 1998 United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP ) Development Farming and related Viet Nam
    1997 - 1998 Coonamble Beef Cattle fattening and marketing Cooperative Committee in Council Farming and related Australia
    1997 - 1997 Australian International Development Bureau (AIDAB) Private sector linkage program Farming and related Lao People's Democratic Republic
    1997 - 1997 Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) World Bank Cooperative program Conservation and environment China
    1997 - 1997 United Nations Drug Control Programme Office of Project Services Business and professional Viet Nam
    1996 - 1997 United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) OPS Conservation and environment Myanmar
    1995 - 1995 Asian Development Bank Livestock Farming and related Nepal
    1995 - 1995 Australian Dairy Corporation Export Business and professional Viet Nam
    1994 - 1994 WA department of Agriculture Livestock processing Conservation and environment Australia
    1994 - 1994 World Bank Livestock Farming and related Iran, Islamic Republic of
    1994 - 1994 South Australian Natural Resource Council NRC Conservation and environment Australia
    1993 - 1994 Lower Eyre Peninsula Economic Development authority Agriculture Business and professional Australia
    1992 - 1992 Asian Development Bank (ADB) Agriculture Business and professional Mongolia
    1992 - 1992 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Investment Farming and related Australia
    1992 - 1992 Dairy feedlot Environmental section Farming and related Australia
    1992 - 1992 E& WS Department of South Australia Bolivar Conservation and environment Australia
    1992 - 1992 World Bank Agriculture Business and professional Russian Federation
    1991 - 1993 Wimmera Industrial Minerals Environmental programme Conservation and environment Australia
    1991 - 1991 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Investment Farming and related China
    1991 - 1991 Penrice Soda Products Salt production unit Business and professional Australia
    1990 - 1991 District Council of Light CED Conservation and environment Australia
    1990 - 1990 Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation (AMLC) Scientific Studies Business and professional Australia
    1990 - 1990 Kinhill Engineers Kinhill Delfin MFP Joint Venture Business and professional Australia
    1989 - 1999 Subud Foundation Livestock indutry Farming and related Indonesia
    1989 - 1989 World Bank Livestock Business and professional Uganda
    1989 - 1989 IFAD Investment Centre Farming and related China
    1988 - 1996 Private client Development Business and professional Australia
    1988 - 1996 Asian Development Bank Livestock Conservation and environment Bhutan
    1988 - 1988 World Bank China division Farming and related China
    1988 - 1988 SAFCOL Development, Thai entity Business and professional China
    1988 - 1988 University of Adelaide, Luminus Luminus Business and professional Australia
    1987 - 1987 IFAD Investment centre Business and professional Bhutan
    1986 - 1986 FAO/ IFAD Investment centre Farming and related China
    1985 - 1989 AusAid Development assistance Farming and related Uganda
    1985 - 1986 Private Israeli client Investment Business and professional Australia
    1985 - 1985 ASPAC AusTrade promotion Advocacy China
    1985 - 1985 Private client Investment Business and professional Indonesia
    1984 - 1985 Department of Premier and Cabinet of Western Australia Premier and Cabinet Farming and related Australia
    1983 - 2008 Private client Value chain development Business and professional New Zealand
    1983 - 1983 Peat Marwick and Mitchell Singapore New ventures Business and professional Singapore
    1982 - 1988 AIDAB Development assistance Farming and related Myanmar
    1979 - 1979 Australian Refugee trust Catholic Refugee Trust Civil rights activities Cambodia
    1978 - 1979 European Development Fund EDF Farming and related Indonesia
    1978 - 1978 FAO World Bank cooperative Programme World Bank Cooperative Programme of FAO Farming and related Indonesia
    1969 - 1969 US Government CORD Community Resettlement Farming and related Thailand
    1969 - 1968 US Government, CORD Community resettlement Farming and related Viet Nam
    1968 - 1973 Privatre clients Development Business and professional Australia
    1968 - 1969 Elders GM Export Farming and related China
    1968 - 1968 US Government CORD Community Resettlement Farming and related Lao People's Democratic Republic
    1968 - 1968 Private Resettlemnent Farming and related Cambodia
  • Event Participation

    Date Event Name Event Type Institution Country
    2009 - 2009 Central Asian Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Conference Global Initiative of IFAD for The Global Environment Facility and 8 donor members Kazakhstan
    2005 - 2005 Central Asian Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Conference Asian Development Bank- Global Environment Facility Tajikistan
    2003 - 2003 Hydrological Society of South Australia Conference International Association of Hydrogeologists Australian Chapter Australia
    2002 - 2002 Mekong River Commission Joint Committee Meeting Board meetings Mekong River Commission (MRC) Cambodia
    2001 - 2001 Adelaide Festival of Ideas 2001 Convention Government of South Australia Australia
    2001 - 2001 MRCS Ministerial Board Annual general meetings Mekong River Commision Cambodia
    2001 - 2001 Catchment Management Conference Conference Mekong River Commission Cambodia
    2000 - 2000 National Dry Land Salinity Program Salinity Stocktake conference Conference Land and Water Australia Australia
    1999 - 1999 Productive Use of Saline Lands Conference National dryland salinity association Australia
    1993 - 1993 World Conference on Animal Production Edmonton Conference Animal Industry Canada
    1993 - 1993 Partnerships for Change Environmental Practice in the 1990s Conference Annual Conference Australia
    1972 - 1978 World Bank Seminar Timor Indonesia Conference IRBD Indonesia
  • Expert Witness

    Date Case Institution Country
    2002 - 2002 NSW Legislative Assembly Select Committee on Salinity NSW Legislative Assembly Select committee on salinity Australia
    1992 - 1992 Workers compensation, olive growing in low rainfall areas South Australian Bar Australia

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