Jianjun Xiang
School of Public Health
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
My research interests mainly include environmental epidemiology (climate change, workplace heat exposure, and infectious diseases) and the relevant statistical methods required for it, such as time-series analysis, logistic regression analysis and qualitative research skills.
Currently, I am doing an AusAid project with aims to investigate the public health impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases due to climate change.
The climate change, ecosystem health and infectious disease epidemiology research group offers a number of research opportunities for students at a variety of levels including PhD, MPhil, Honours, MPH Coursework Thesis and Dissertation, MClinSci and Summer Vacation Scholarships. Details of the projects that are available for students in the climate change, ecosystem health and infectious disease epidemiology research group can be found in the School of Public Health Student Research Project Handbook.
Date Position Institution name 2016 - 2018 Epidemiologist South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute 2014 - ongoing Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Adelaide 2006 - 2010 Public health physician Fujian Provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, China -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2019 Scholarship Travel grant The 27th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference , Wellington, New Zealand New Zealand - 2017 Scholarship Travel grant The 26th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, Edinburgh United Kingdom - 2016 Award Best ECR Publication School of Public Health, The University of Adelaide Australia - 2016 Award National OHS Education (Research) Award Safety Institute of Australia Australia 5000 2015 Award Kerry Kirke Student Award Public Health Association of Australia (SA Branch) Australia - 2014 Honour Best PhD Thesis School of Population Health, The University of Adelaide Australia - 2014 Honour Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence Adelaide Graduate Centre, The University of Adelaide Australia - 2014 Nomination Tall Poppy Award Australian Institute of Policy and Science (AIPS) Australia - 2014 Scholarship Travel Grant The 24th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, Chicago, United States United States - 2014 Scholarship Travel Grant Australian National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF) Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia Australia - 2013 Scholarship Travel grant The 23rd International Epidemiology in Occupational Health (EPICOH) Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands Netherlands - 2013 Scholarship Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship, Freemasons Foundation Faculty of Health Sciences, the University of Adelaide Australia - 2013 Honour Outstanding Service to the Adelaide Chinese Students and Scholars Association Education Office, Embassy of China in Australia China - 2009 Honour Award for outstanding performance in the rescue operation during the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake Government of Fujian Province, China China - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Chinese (Mandarin) Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2010 - 2014 University of Adelaide Australia PhD in Environmental Epidemiology 2003 - 2006 Fujian Medical University China Master's Degree in Hygiene Toxicology 1998 - 2003 Fujian Medical University China Bachelor Degree in Preventive Medicine -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2024 Li, H., Yang, Y., Chen, J., Li, Q., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., . . . Xiang, J. (2024). Epidemiological Characteristics of Overseas-Imported Infectious Diseases Identified through Airport Health-Screening Measures: A Case Study on Fuzhou, China. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 9(6), 13 pages.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12024 Wu, P., Zhang, Y., Lyu, Y., Chen, J., Jiang, Y., Xiang, J., . . . Wu, C. (2024). MiRNA polymorphisms affect the prognosis of gastric cancer: insights from Xianyou, Fujian. Frontiers in Oncology, 14.
2024 Ren, N., Huang, H., Liu, B., Wu, C., Xiang, J., Zhou, Q., . . . Jiang, Y. (2024). Interactive effects of atmospheric oxidising pollutants and heat waves on the risk of residential mortality. Global Health Action, 17(1), 2313340.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12024 Han, S., Guo, J., & Xiang, J. (2024). Is intergenerational care associated with depression in older adults?. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1325049.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12024 Anikeeva, O., Hansen, A., Varghese, B., Borg, M., Zhang, Y., Xiang, J., & Bi, P. (2024). The impact of increasing temperatures due to climate change on infectious diseases. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 387, e079343-1-e079343-16.
Scopus3 Europe PMC22024 Zhang, Y., Chen, Y., Su, Q., Huang, X., Li, Q., Yang, Y., . . . Xiang, J. (2024). The use of machine and deep learning to model the relationship between discomfort temperature and labor productivity loss among petrochemical workers. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 17 pages.
2024 Han, S., Dong, L., Weng, Y., & Xiang, J. (2024). Heat exposure and productivity loss among construction workers: a meta-analysis. BMC Public Health, 24(1), 3252.
2023 Zhang, Z., Chen, Y., Li, Q., Yang, Y., Chen, J., Lin, Y., . . . Xiang, J. (2023). Epidemiological characteristics of overseas imported COVID-19 cases into China: A scoping literature review. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1143468.
Scopus2 Europe PMC22023 Lin, J., Yang, Y., Nuermaimaiti, A., Ye, T., Liu, J., Zhang, Z., . . . Xiang, J. (2023). Impact of ambient temperature on adverse pregnancy outcomes: a birth cohort study in Fuzhou, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 10 pages.
Scopus3 Europe PMC12023 Borg, M. A., Xiang, J., Anikeeva, O., Ostendorf, B., Varghese, B., Dear, K., . . . Bi, P. (2023). Current and projected heatwave-attributable occupational injuries, illnesses, and associated economic burden in Australia. Environmental Research, 236(2), 116852-1-116852-15.
Scopus9 Europe PMC22023 Geng, L., Yang, Y., Chen, Y., Ye, T., Qiu, A., Bukulmez, O., . . . Chen, M. (2023). Association between ambient temperature exposure and pregnancy outcomes in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization in Shanghai, China: a retrospective cohort study. Human Reproduction, 38(12), 2489-2498.
Scopus32023 Cao, K., Lyu, Y., Chen, J., He, C., Lyu, X., Zhang, Y., . . . Wu, C. (2023). Prognostic Implication of Plasma Metabolites in Gastric Cancer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(16), 12774.
Scopus7 Europe PMC52023 Zhang, Y., Lyu, Y., Chen, L., Cao, K., Chen, J., He, C., . . . Wu, C. (2023). Exploring the Prognosis-Related Genetic Variation in Gastric Cancer Based on mGWAS. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(20), 15259.
Scopus3 Europe PMC32022 Jie, J. H., Li, D., Jia, L. N., Chen, Y., Yang, Y., Zheng, B., . . . Zhuang, H. L. (2022). Activities of daily living and its influencing factors for older people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in urban communities of Fuzhou, China. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 948533.
Scopus3 Europe PMC32022 Lyu, Y., Yang, S., Lyu, X., Wang, Y. L., Ji, S., Kang, S., . . . Wu, C. (2022). lncRNA polymorphism affects the prognosis of gastric cancer. World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 20(1), 273.
Scopus2 Europe PMC22022 Gao, Q., Liu, Z., Xiang, J., Zhang, Y., Tong, X., Wang, S., . . . Bi, P. (2022). Impact of Temperature and Rainfall on Typhoid/Paratyphoid Fever in Taizhou, China: Effect Estimation and Vulnerable Group Identification.. Am J Trop Med Hyg, 106(2), 532-542.
Scopus5 WoS1 Europe PMC42022 Williams, S., Nitschke, M., Wondmagegn, B. Y., Tong, M., Xiang, J., Hansen, A., . . . Bi, P. (2022). Evaluating cost benefits from a heat health warning system in Adelaide, South Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 46(2), 149-154.
Scopus8 WoS3 Europe PMC12022 Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., . . . Bi, P. (2022). Understanding current and projected emergency department presentations and associated healthcare costs in a changing thermal climate in Adelaide, South Australia. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 79(6), 421-426.
Scopus6 Europe PMC22022 Tong, M., Wondmagegn, B., Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Dear, K., Pisaniello, D., . . . Bi, P. (2022). Hospitalization Costs of Respiratory Diseases Attributable to Temperature in Australia and Projections for Future Costs in the 2030s and 2050s under Climate Change.. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(15), 1-16.
Scopus10 WoS2 Europe PMC32022 Han, S. R., Li, P., Xiang, J. J., Luo, X. H., & Chen, C. Y. (2022). Does the institutional environment influence corporate social responsibility? Consideration of green investment of enterprises—evidence from China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(9), 12722-12739.
Scopus32 Europe PMC42021 Tong, M. X., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Xiang, J., Cameron, S., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Public health professionals' perceptions of the capacity of China's CDCs to address emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.. Journal of public health (Oxford, England), 43(1), 209-216.
Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC32021 Tong, X., Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Dear, K., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Heat-attributable hospitalisation costs in Sydney: Current estimations and future projections in the context of climate change. Urban Climate, 40, 101028-1-101028-9.
Scopus6 WoS12021 Han, S. -R., Wei, M., Wu, Z., Duan, S., Chen, X., Yang, J., . . . Xiang, J. (2021). Perceptions of workplace heat exposure and adaption behaviors among Chinese construction workers in the context of climate change.. BMC public health, 21(1), 16 pages.
Scopus24 WoS3 Europe PMC112021 Gao, Q., Liu, Z., Xiang, J., Tong, M., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Forecast and early warning of hand, foot, and mouth disease based on meteorological factors: evidence from a multicity study of 11 meteorological geographical divisions in mainland China.. Environmental research, 192, 1-9.
Scopus17 WoS19 Europe PMC102021 Liu, J., Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Xiang, J., Zhang, Y., Dear, K., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Is there an association between hot weather and poor mental health outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Environment International, 153, 1-18.
Scopus181 WoS77 Europe PMC792021 Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Impact of heatwave intensity using excess heat factor on emergency department presentations and related healthcare costs in Adelaide, South Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 781, 146815-1-146815-9.
Scopus23 WoS152021 Tong, M. X., Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Dear, K., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Emergency department visits and associated healthcare costs attributable to increasing temperature in the context of climate change in Perth, Western Australia, 2012-2019. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 1-12.
Scopus13 WoS52021 Tong, X., Wondmagegn, B. Y., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Dear, K., Pisaniello, D., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Hospital healthcare costs attributable to heat and future estimations in the context of climate change in Perth, Western Australia. Advances in Climate Change Research, 12(5), 638-648.
Scopus16 WoS72021 Wang, H., Liu, Z., Xiang, J., Tong, M. X., Lao, J., Liu, Y., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Effect of ambient temperatures on category C notifiable infectious diarrhea in China: An analysis of national surveillance data.. The Science of the total environment, 759, 1-8.
Scopus14 WoS9 Europe PMC22021 Wang, S., Liu, Z., Tong, M., Xiang, J., Zhang, Y., Gao, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Real-time forecasting and early warning of bacillary dysentery activity in four meteorological and geographic divisions in China.. The Science of the total environment, 761, 1-11.
Scopus13 WoS7 Europe PMC32021 Liu, Z., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Xiang, J., Tong, X., Gao, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Effect of temperature and its interactions with relative humidity and rainfall on malaria in a temperate city Suzhou, China. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 28(13), 16830-16842.
Scopus21 WoS4 Europe PMC112021 Borg, M. A., Xiang, J., Anikeeva, O., Pisaniello, D., Hansen, A., Zander, K., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Occupational heat stress and economic burden: a review of global evidence. Environmental Research, 195, 1-14.
Scopus69 WoS35 Europe PMC162021 Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Williams, S., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., . . . Bi, P. (2021). Increasing impacts of temperature on hospital admissions, length of stay, and related healthcare costs in the context of climate change in Adelaide, South Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 773, 1-10.
Scopus35 WoS20 Europe PMC62020 Liu, Z., Zhang, Y., Tong, M. X., Zhang, Y., Xiang, J., Gao, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2020). Nonlinear and Threshold Effect of Meteorological Factors on Japanese Encephalitis Transmission in Southwestern China.. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 103(6), 2442-2449.
Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC12020 Cao, L., Huo, X., Xiang, J., Lu, L., Liu, X., Song, X., . . . Liu, Q. (2020). Interactions and marginal effects of meteorological factors on haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in different climate zones: Evidence from 254 cities of China. Science of the Total Environment, 721, 9 pages.
Scopus23 WoS13 Europe PMC122020 Xiang, J., Mittinty, M., Tong, M. X., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2020). Characterising the Burden of Work-Related Injuries in South Australia: A 15-Year Data Analysis.. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(6), 1-17.
Scopus8 WoS5 Europe PMC12020 Liu, Z., Tong, M. X., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Wang, C., Ma, W., . . . Bi, P. (2020). Daily Temperature and Bacillary Dysentery: Estimated Effects, Attributable Risks, and Future Disease Burden in 316 Chinese Cities. Environmental health perspectives, 128(5), 57008.
Scopus37 WoS25 Europe PMC162020 Yuan, P., Xiang, J., Borg, M., Chen, T., Lin, X., Peng, X., & Zheng, K. (2020). Analysis of lifetime death probability for major causes of death among residents in China.. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 7 pages.
Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC12020 Xiang, J., Mittinty, M., Liu, Z., Tong, M. X., Du, M., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2020). Are foreign-born workers more likely to make multiple injury claims than native-born workers?. Safety Science, 131, 1-10.
Scopus12019 Wondmagegn, B. Y., Xiang, J., Williams, S., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2019). What do we know about the healthcare costs of extreme heat exposure? A comprehensive literature review. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 608-618.
Scopus63 WoS39 Europe PMC202019 Tong, M. X., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Xiang, J., Cameron, S., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2019). Dengue control in the context of climate change: Views from health professionals in different geographic regions of China. Journal of Infection and Public Health, 12(3), 388-394.
Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC22019 Liu, Z., Tong, M. X., Xiang, J., Dear, K., Wang, C., Ma, W., . . . Bi, P. (2019). The Impact of Temperature on Bacillary Dysentery: Effect Assessment, Attributable Risk Identification, and Future Disease Burden Estimation: A Report from 184 Chinese Cities. 2018 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Liu, Q., Tong, M., Liu, X., Sun, Y., . . . Bi, P. (2018). Association between malaria incidence and meteorological factors: a multi-location study in China, 2005-2012. Epidemiology and infection, 146(1), 89-99.
Scopus25 WoS18 Europe PMC112018 Tong, M. X., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Xiang, J., Cameron, S., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2018). China's capacity of hospitals to deal with infectious diseases in the context of climate change. Social Science and Medicine, 206, 60-66.
Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC52018 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Liu, Q., Tong, M., Liu, X., Sun, Y., . . . Bi, P. (2018). Impact of meteorological factors on hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in 19 cities in China, 2005–2014. Science of the Total Environment, 636, 1249-1256.
Scopus52 WoS34 Europe PMC302018 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., Dear, K., & Bi, P. (2018). Correlates of occupational heat-induced illness costs: case study of South Australia 2000 to 2014. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(9), 463-469.
Scopus12 WoS6 Europe PMC52017 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Liu, Q., Liu, X., Tong, M., Sun, Y., . . . Bi, P. (2017). Association between dengue fever incidence and meteorological factors in Guangzhou, China, 2005-2014. Environmental Research, 153, 17-26.
Scopus112 WoS80 Europe PMC502017 Hansen, A., Xiang, J., Liu, Q., Tong, M., Sun, Y., Liu, X., . . . Bi, P. (2017). Experts' Perceptions on China's Capacity to Manage Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonotic Diseases in an Era of Climate Change. Zoonoses and Public Health, 64(7), 527-536.
Scopus7 WoS6 Europe PMC32017 Tong, M. X., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Cameron, S., Xiang, J., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2017). Health professionals' perceptions of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and climate change in China. Global and Planetary Change, 152, 12-18.
Scopus7 WoS62017 Tong, X., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Cameron, S., Xiang, J., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2017). Perceptions of malaria control and prevention in an era of climate change: a cross-sectional survey among CDC staff in China. Malaria Journal, 16(1), 136-1-136-10.
Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC42016 Tong, M., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Xiang, J., Cameron, S., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2016). Perceptions of capacity for infectious disease control and prevention to meet the challenges of dengue fever in the face of climate change: A survey among CDC staff in Guangdong Province, China. Environmental Research, 148, 295-302.
Scopus37 WoS28 Europe PMC152016 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2016). Workers' perceptions of climate change related extreme heat exposure in South Australia: A cross-sectional survey. BMC Public Health, 16(1), 12 pages.
Scopus69 WoS46 Europe PMC212015 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2015). Extreme heat and occupational heat illnesses in South Australia, 2001-2010. Occupational & Environmental Medicine, 72(8), 580-586.
Scopus63 WoS43 Europe PMC252015 Xiang, J., Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D., & Bi, P. (2015). Perceptions of workplace heat exposure and controls among occupational hygienists and relevant specialists in Australia. PLoS One, 10(8), e0135040-1-e0135040-12.
Scopus45 WoS28 Europe PMC162015 Tong, M., Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., Cameron, S., Xiang, J., Liu, Q., . . . Bi, P. (2015). Infectious diseases, urbanization and climate change: challenges in future China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 12(9), 11025-11036.
Scopus57 WoS45 Europe PMC362014 Xiang, J., Bi, P., Pisaniello, D., & Hansen, A. (2014). The impact of heatwaves on workers' health and safety in Adelaide, South Australia. Environmental Research, 133, 90-95.
Scopus109 WoS82 Europe PMC422014 Xiang, J., Bi, P., Pisaniello, D., & Hansen, A. (2014). Health impacts of workplace heat exposure: An epidemiological review. Industrial Health, 52(2), 91-101.
Scopus278 WoS217 Europe PMC992014 Xiang, J., Bi, P., Pisaniello, D., Hansen, A., & Sullivan, T. (2014). Association between high temperature and work-related injuries in Adelaide, South Australia, 2001-2010. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(4), 246-252.
Scopus136 WoS109 Europe PMC472012 Xu, R., Fan, Y., Xiang, J., & Zhan, M. (2012). Effect of the folic acid and vitamin B2 on the diabetes mellitus rats with diabetic nephropathy. Wei sheng yan jiu = Journal of hygiene research, 41(6), 911-915.
Scopus3 Europe PMC32011 Li, H., Zheng, K., Huang, W., Hong, R., & Xiang, J. (2011). Epidemiology of hepatitis C in Fujian province, 2004 - 2009. Disease Surveillance, 26(3), 196-199. 2009 Hong, T. R., Zhang, Y. Z., Chen, C. L., Cai, S. J., Ou, J. M., Chen, W., . . . Xu, L. S. (2009). Monitoring quality analysis of unexpected public health events reported in Fujian Province, 2004-2007. Disease Surveillance, 24(6), 449-452. 2009 Xie, Z. H., Hong, R. T., Ou, J. M., Huang, W. L., & Xiang, J. (2009). Assessment of the surveillance quality of notifiable infectious diseases in Fujian Province in 2007. Strait Journal of Preventive Medicine, 15(2), 69-71. 2009 Xu, R. X., Fan, Y. F., Zhan, M. Y., Xie, Z. H., & Xiang, J. (2009). Effect of Folic acid, VB6 and VB12 on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in cultured endothelial cells in vitro. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 25(8), 987-988. 2008 Xiang, J., Xu, R. X., & Huang, L. (2008). Investigation of the prevalence and its influencing factors, and the status of knowledge, attitude and behavior towards hypertension in certain university community of Fuzhou city. Preventive Medicine Tribune, 14(8), 689-691. 2007 Xu, R. X., & Xiang, J. (2007). The preventive effects of folic acid, VB6, VB12 to rat aoritic endothelial cells injured by DL-homocysteine. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 9(1), 9-12. 2006 Xiang, J., Xu, R. X., & Wang, W. X. (2006). Diet-induced obesity animal model of impuberism female SD rat. Practical Preventive Medicine, 13(1), 34-36. 2006 Xu, R. X., & Xiang, J. (2006). Effect of DL-homocysteine on the expression of VCAM-1 and the adhesion between endothelial cells and leukocytes in cultured rat aortic endothelial cells. Acta Nutrimenta Sinica, 28(2), 108-112. 2005 Xiang, J., & Xu, R. X. (2005). Folic Acid, Homocysteine and Cardiovascular disease: Current Evidence and Future Prospects. Strait Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11(3), 32-34. -
Conference Papers
DOI2021 Borg, M., Bi, P., Xiang, J., & Anikeeva, O. (2021). Occupational heat stress and economic burden: evidence to support development of workplace heat management policies. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Vol. 50 (pp. 1 page). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Borg, M. (2023). The impact of heat on occupational injuries, illnesses and associated economic costs in Australia. (PhD Thesis, The University of Adelaide).
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor The impact of heat on occupational injuries, illnesses and associated economic costs in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Matthew Anthony Borg 2018 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Understanding the healthcare costs of temperature-related morbidity under the changing climate Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Berhanu Wondmagegn
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2012 - 2017 Member Early-Career Researcher Committee School of Public Health, The University of Adelaide - -
Date Role Membership Country 2016 - ongoing Member Safety Institute of Australia Australia 2015 - ongoing - Public Health Association of Australia Australia 2014 - ongoing - Environmental Health Australia Australia 2012 - 2013 President Adelaide Chinese Students & Scholars Association -
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