Professor Hussain Rammal
Professor of International Business
Adelaide Business School
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Hussain Rammal is Head of the Management Discipline Group, and Professor of International Business at the Adelaide Business School, the University of Adelaide. He is the President (Chair) of the Academy of International Business's (AIB) Oceania Chapter for the term 2024-2026. Hussain is the founding editor of the Emerging Issues in International Business and Global Strategy book series, co-editor-in-chief of Review of International Business and Strategy journal, the Real Impact Editor (Oceania) for the Journal of Knowledge Management, and Associate Editor of Business & Society journal.
Before joining the University of Adelaide, Hussain was a faculty member at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), where he led the Business School's MBA program as Director and also coordinated the Higher Degrees by Research program for the Management Department and at the University of South Australia (UniSA), where he was the Director of the Master of International Business degree. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Aberdeen - UK, Aalto University - Finland, Bologna University - Italy, University of Lampung - Indonesia, and Brawijaya University - Indonesia.
Hussain's current research interests include the internationalization of services firms (trade in services), the transfer of knowledge across the inter-and intra-MNE networks, global talent management, and international business negotiations.
- Trade in Services
- Internationalization of firms
- Knowledge Management
- Global Talent Management
- International Business Negotiations
- International Business and Political Economy
Date Position Institution name 2022 - ongoing Professor of International Business University of Adelaide 2016 - 2022 Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy University of Technology Sydney 2009 - 2016 Senior Lecturer - International Business University of South Australia 2003 - 2009 Lecturer - International Business University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Flinders University Australia Master of Business Administration (International Business) University of Melbourne Australia Bachelor of Commerce -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Temouri, Y., Luong, H. -P., Pereira, V., & Rammal, H. G. (2025). The Role of cluster ecosystems and intellectual capital in achieving high growth entrepreneurship: Evidence from Germany. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 26(1), 1-24.
2024 Tang, R. W., Rammal, H. G., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2024). Foreign divestment of B2B service firms: Institutional unpredictability and digitalization institutions. Industrial Marketing Management, 123, 277-291.
2024 Dang, Q. T., Rammal, H. G., & Nguyen, T. Q. (2024). University-Industry Knowledge Collaborations in Emerging Economies: The Outcomes and Effectiveness in Vietnam. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 22(6), 600-619.
Scopus12024 Dang, Q. T., Rammal, H. G., Ghauri, P. N., Jasovska, P., & Velasquez, S. (2024). ‘Caught in the Middle’: Effects on and reactions of Vietnamese Timber Exporters in the context of US-China Economic Sanctions. Journal of World Business, 59(6), 101583.
Scopus12024 Mehreen, H., Rammal, H. G., Schulenkorf, N., & Hassanli, N. (2024). “Homeward bound”: a systematic review of the repatriation literature. International Studies of Management and Organization, 24 pages.
2024 Ferreira, J. Ã. J., Fernandes, C., Veiga, P. M., Rammal, H., & Ramadani, V. (2024). Dynamic capabilities and international performance: meta-analytic regression analysis. European J. of International Management, 1(1).
2024 Khan, M. R., Arif, M. Z. U., & Rammal, H. G. (2024). Disruptive production process innovation for sustainable business: evidence from an emerging economy. Business Process Management Journal, 22 pages.
2024 Emmanuel, J. A., Wijewardena, C., Rammal, H. G., & Khakhar, P. P. (2024). Partnering for impact: unveiling the dynamics of collaboration between social enterprises and impact investors in emerging economies. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 20(1), 1-27.
Scopus22023 Rammal, H. G., Kamineni, R., Pereira, V., Tang, R., & Ghauri, P. N. (2023). “Reel”ing it in: The Indian Film Industry’s Survival and Growth in the post-pandemic era. Industrial Marketing Management, 115, 300-311.
Scopus22023 Pereira, S. A. F., Ferreira, J. J., Rammal, H. G., & Peris-Ortiz, M. (2023). Strategic change in the health sector: a literature review and future challenges. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36(2), 346-388.
Scopus2 WoS12023 Khakhar, P., Rammal, H. G., & Pereira, V. (2023). Biculturals in International Business Negotiations: Moving away from the single culture paradigm. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36(1), 180-194.
Scopus22023 Ferreira, J. J., Lopes, J. M., Gomes, S., & Rammal, H. G. (2023). Industry 4.0 Implementation: Environmental and Social Sustainability in Manufacturing Multinational Enterprises. Journal of Cleaner Production, 404, 1-13.
Scopus55 WoS52023 Rammal, H. G., Pereira, V., Temouri, Y., Laker, B., Tarba, S., & Ferreira, J. J. (2023). The Institutional Development of Islamic Finance in the Middle East: A Post-Colonial Comparative Perspective. Business History, 18 pages.
2023 AlHussainan, O., Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., Tang, R., & Golgeci, I. (2023). Favor Reciprocity, Innovation, and Inefficiency: The Double-edged Sword of Business-to-Business Wasta Relations. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, 38(5), 1203-1214.
Scopus52023 Jasovska, P., Rammal, H. G., Rhodes, C., & Logue, D. (2023). Tapping foreign markets: Construction of legitimacy through market categorization in the internationalizing craft beer industry. Journal of World Business, 58(4), 24 pages.
Scopus9 WoS22023 Ferreira, J. J., Fernandes, C., Veiga, P. M., & Rammal, H. G. (2023). Ethics and the dark side of online communities: mapping the field and a research agenda. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 25 pages.
Scopus22023 Behl, A., Kamboj, S., Sarmah, B., Pereira, V., Sharma, K., Rammal, H. G., & Arrigo, E. (2023). Customer involvement and servitization in hybrid offerings: Moderating role of digitalization and co-creation. International Marketing Review, 40(4), 739-773.
Scopus17 WoS32023 Rammal, H. G., & Ferreira, J. J. (2023). Global talent management in the “new normal”-Editors' special issue introduction. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65(1), 5-8.
Scopus12023 Rammal, H. G., Rose, E. L., & Ferreira, J. J. (2023). Managing cross-border knowledge transfer for innovation: An introduction to the special issue. International Business Review, 32(2), 9 pages.
Scopus7 WoS12023 Thite, M., Rammal, H. G., & Ferreira, J. J. M. (2023). Talent management in the “new normal”—Case study of Indian IT services multinationals in China. Thunderbird International Business Review, 65(1), 131-141.
Scopus3 WoS22022 Mehreen, H., Rammal, H. G., Pereira, V., & Del Giudice, M. (2022). Investigating the influence of absorptive capacity of recipients within cross-border transfer of knowledge: evidence from emerging markets. International Marketing Review, 39(3), 734-754.
Scopus19 WoS142022 Dang, Q. T., Rammal, H. G., & Michailova, S. (2022). Expatriates' families: A systematic literature review and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review, 32(4), 100877.
Scopus23 WoS42022 Ferreira, J. J., Fernandes, C. I., Guo, Y., & Rammal, H. G. (2022). Knowledge worker mobility and knowledge management in MNEs: A bibliometric analysis and research agenda. Journal of Business Research, 142, 464-475.
Scopus33 WoS102022 Rammal, H. G., Rose, E. L., Ghauri, P. N., Jensen, P. D. Ø., Kipping, M., Petersen, B., & Scerri, M. (2022). Economic Nationalism and Internationalization of Services: Review and Research Agenda. Journal of World Business, 57(3), 13 pages.
Scopus34 WoS102022 Khan, M. R., & Rammal, H. G. (2022). The role of trade unions in promoting CSR in Bangladesh’s ready-made garments sector: the post-pandemic scenario. Management Decision, 60(10), 2786-2800.
Scopus10 WoS12022 Fernandes, C. I., Veiga, P. M., Ferreira, J. J., Rammal, H. G., & Pereira, V. (2022). Assessing strategic leadership in organizations: Using bibliometric data to develop a holistic model. Journal of Business Research, 141, 646-655.
Scopus14 WoS42022 Brockman, P., Dow, D., Phan, H. L., Rammal, H. G., & Zurbruegg, R. (2022). Young aspiring globals (YAGs): early-stage strategies of knowledge-focused international entrepreneurs. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(6), 1540-1565.
Scopus7 WoS62022 Findlay, C., Rammal, H. G., Rose, E., & Pereira, V. (2022). Internationalization and knowledge management strategies of service firms: impact of regulatory environment in regional markets. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(9), 2177-2194.
Scopus10 WoS62022 Shet, S. V., Del Giudice, M., & Rammal, H. G. (2022). Managerial challenges to promoting competency-based intellectual capital in emerging market economies – developing a framework for implications. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 23(1), 85-102.
Scopus13 WoS92021 Patel, P., Rammal, H. G., Ferreira, J. J., & Prikshat, V. (2021). Knowledge management, sharing and transfer in cross-national teams and the remote management of team members: the onsite-offshore phenomenon of service EMNEs. Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research, 9(4), 574-590.
Scopus8 WoS42021 Ferreira, J. J., Fernandes, C. I., Rammal, H. G., & Veiga, P. M. (2021). Wearable technology and consumer interaction: A systematic review and research agenda. Computers in Human Behavior, 118, 10 pages.
Scopus106 WoS472021 Yuliansyah, Y., Rammal, H. G., Maryani, M., Mohamed Jais, I. R., & Mohd-Sanusi, Z. (2021). Organizational learning, innovativeness and performance of financial service firms in an emerging market: examining the mediation effects of customer-focused strategy. Business Process Management Journal, 27(4), 1126-1141.
Scopus19 WoS92021 Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., & Pereira, V. (2021). Am I ‘In or Out’? A social identity approach to studying expatriates’ social networks and adjustment in a host country context. Journal of Business Research, 136, 558-566.
Scopus27 WoS172020 Dang, Q. T., & Rammal, H. G. (2020). Japanese expatriates' management in global assignments: A review and research agenda. Thunderbird International Business Review, 62(6), 689-705.
Scopus15 WoS82020 Dang, Q. T., Jasovska, P., & Rammal, H. G. (2020). International business-government relations: The risk management strategies of MNEs in emerging economies. Journal of World Business, 55(1), 14 pages.
Scopus63 WoS392020 Guo, Y., Jasovska, P., Rammal, H. G., & Rose, E. L. (2020). Global mobility of professionals and the transfer of tacit knowledge in multinational service firms. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(3), 553-567.
Scopus69 WoS472020 Burritt, R. L., Christ, K. L., Rammal, H. G., & Schaltegger, S. (2020). Multinational Enterprise Strategies for Addressing Sustainability: the Need for Consolidation. Journal of Business Ethics, 164(2), 389-410.
Scopus74 WoS532019 Dang, Q. T., Jasovska, P., Rammal, H. G., & Schlenker, K. (2019). Formal-informal channels of university-industry knowledge transfer: the case of Australian business schools. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 17(4), 384-395.
Scopus18 WoS122019 Rammal, H. G. (2019). Innovation and International Entrepreneurship: Will the Digital Platform Serve All?. International Journal of Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 97-103.
2018 Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., Benson, J., Zhu, Y., & Dowling, P. J. (2018). Interpersonal relations in China: Expatriates’ perspective on the development and use of guanxi. International Business Review, 27(2), 455-464.
Scopus63 WoS412018 Richardson, C., & Rammal, H. G. (2018). Religious belief and international business negotiations: Does faith influence negotiator behaviour?. International Business Review, 27(2), 401-409.
Scopus27 WoS182016 Yuliansyah, Y., Rammal, H. G., & Rose, E. (2016). Business strategy and performance in Indonesia’s service sector. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 10(2), 164-182.
Scopus50 WoS332014 Rammal, H. G., & Rose, E. L. (2014). Internationalization of service firms. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW, 31(6), 550-556.
WoS162014 Petracci, B., & Rammal, H. G. (2014). Developing the Islamic Financial Services sector in Italy: An institutional theory perspective. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 19(3), 198-207.
Scopus2 WoS12013 Khakhar, P., & Rammal, H. G. (2013). Culture and business networks: International business negotiations with Arab managers. International Business Review, 22(3), 578-590.
Scopus75 WoS512013 Rammal, H. G., & Parker, L. D. (2013). Islamic banking in Pakistan: A history of emergent accountability and regulation. Accounting History, 18(1), 5-29.
Scopus30 WoS182013 Kamla, R., & Rammal, H. G. (2013). Social reporting by Islamic banks: Does social justice matter?. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 26(6), 911-945.
Scopus121 WoS822011 Rammal, H. G. (2011). International Joint Venture Performance in South East Asia. THUNDERBIRD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW, 53(6), 775-776.
WoS12011 Hoepner, A. G. F., Rammal, H. G., & Rezec, M. (2011). Islamic mutual funds' financial performance and international investment style: Evidence from 20 countries. European Journal of Finance, 17(9-10), 829-850.
Scopus181 WoS1482010 Hermann, A., & Rammal, H. (2010). The grounding of the "flying bank". Management Decision, 48(7), 1048-1062.
Scopus12 WoS62010 Rammal, H. G. (2010). Islamic finance: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 15(3), 189-190.
Scopus10 WoS62009 Gould, G., & Rammal, H. (2009). The value relevance of accounting reports. Business Journal for Entrepreneurs, 22(1), 59-64. 2008 Rammal, H. (2008). Political motivations: The nationalization of the Pakistani banking sector. Corporate Ownership and Control, 6(2), 342-346.
Scopus52008 Rammal, H. G. (2008). Political Motivations: The Nationalization of the Pakistani Banking Sector. Corporate Ownership and Control Journal, 6(2), 342-346. 2007 Rammal, H. G. (2007). Communicating Successfully: The Importance of Nonverbal Messages in the Communication Process. Samadhan-The Solution, 10, 21-26. 2007 Rammal, H., & Zurbrugg, R. (2007). Awareness of Islmaic banking products among Muslims: The case of Australia. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 12(1), 65-74.
WoS742006 Rammal, H. (2006). The importance of Shari'ah supervision in Islamic financial institutions. Corporate Ownership and Control, 3(3), 204-208.
Scopus592006 Rammal, H., & Zurbrugg, R. (2006). Measuring the awareness of Australian Muslims towards shari'ah compliant banking products. Indonesian Management & Accounting Research, 3(1), 351-362. 2006 Rammal, H., & Zurbrugg, R. (2006). The impact of regulatory quality on intra-foreign direct investment flows in the ASEAN markets. International Business Review, 15(4), 401-414.
Scopus43 WoS332006 Rammal, H. G. (2006). The Importance of Shari’Ah Supervision in Islamic Financial Institutions. Corporate Ownership and Control, 3(3), 204-208. 2005 Rammal, H. (2005). International business negotiations: The case of Pakistan. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 15(2), 129-140.
Scopus142005 Allsopp, L., Rammal, H., & Zurbrugg, R. (2005). Purchasing power parity and the Asian financial crisis: Implications for policy makers. Global Business Review, 6(2), 251-258.
Scopus2 WoS12004 Rammal, H. (2004). Industrial conflict in Australia: The effects of the Workplace Relations Act. Business Journal for Entrepreneurs, 2004(4), 75-81. 2004 Rammal, H. G. (2004). Bending the Rules: Guaranteeing Profits in the Islamic Financial System. Ethics And Critical Thinking Journal, 18(1), 36-42. 2004 Rammal, H. G. (2004). Financing Through Musharaka: Principles and Application. 2003 Rammal, H. G. (2003). Mudaraba in Islamic Finance: Principles and Application. Business Journal For Entrepreneurs, 16(4), 105-112. 2003 Rammal, H. (2003). Mudaraba in Islamic finance: principles and application. Business Journal for Entrepreneurs, 2003(4), 105-112. 2000 Farrow, D. C., Vaughan, T. L., Sweeney, C., Gammon, M. D., Chow, W. H., Risch, H. A., . . . Blot, W. J. (2000). Gastroesophageal reflux disease, use of H<sub>2</sub> receptor antagonists, and risk of esophageal and gastric cancer. CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL, 11(3), 231-238.
Europe PMC128 -
Year Citation 2021 Jasovska, P., Logue, D., & Rammal, H. (Eds.) (2021). Contemporary Entrepreneurship Issues in International Business. WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
DOI2021 Jasovska, P., Logue, D., & Rammal, H. (Eds.) (2021). Contemporary Entrepreneurship Issues in International Business. WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
DOI2021 Schulenkorf, N., Schlenker, K., Rammal, H., Peachey, J. W., & Morgan, A. (2021). Managing and Leveraging Events Business and Social Dimensions. USA: Routledge. 2020 Ghauri, P. N., Ott, U. F., & Rammal, H. G. (2020). International Business Negotiations Theory and Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020 Ferreira, J. J. M., Teixeira, S. J., & Rammal, H. G. (2020). Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness for Business Growth Challenges and Opportunities. J. J. M. Ferreira, S. Teixeira, & H. Rammal (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan. 2014 Cavusgil, S. T., Knight, G., Riesenberger, J. R., Rammal, H. G., & Rose, E. L. (2014). International Business. Pearson Australia. 2007 Wild, J., Wild, K., Han, J., & Rammal, H. (2007). International Business: The challenges of globalisation. Essex, UK: Pearson. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2023 Rammal, H. G. (2023). SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEWS: STEPS AND PRACTICAL TIPS. In S. Rana (Ed.), Review of Management Literature (Vol. 2, pp. 27-35). Emerald.
DOI Scopus112022 Rammal, H. G. (2022). Institutionalization of MNEs’ Sustainability Reporting: Progressing Toward the United National Sustainable Development Goals. In H. Merchant (Ed.), The New Frontiers of International Business (pp. 361-373). Cham.: Springer.
DOI2021 Jasovska, P., Logue, D., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). Introduction - The Evolution of Entrepreneurship Studies in the International Business Literature: Trends and Direction for Future Research. In P. Jasovska, D. Logue, & H. G. Rammal (Eds.), Contemporary Entrepreneurship Issues in International Business (pp. i-xxvii). WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
DOI2021 Jasovska, P., Logue, D., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). Introduction - The Evolution of Entrepreneurship Studies in the International Business Literature: Trends and Direction for Future Research. In P. Jasovska, D. Logue, & H. G. Rammal (Eds.), Contemporary Entrepreneurship Issues in International Business (pp. i-xxvii). WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
DOI2021 Ferreira, J. J. M., Teixeira, S. J., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). Conclusion and Future Research Agenda. In Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth (pp. 415-420). Springer International Publishing.
DOI2021 Ferreira, J. J. M., Teixeira, S. J., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). Conclusion and Future Research Agenda. In Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Growth (pp. 415-420). Springer International Publishing.
DOI2021 Fernandes, C. I., Veiga, P. M., Ferreira, J. J. M., Teixeira, S. J., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). The Impact of Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Competitiveness. In J. J. M. Ferreira, S. J. Teixeira, & H. G. Rammal (Eds.), Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness for Business Growth: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 97-117). Switzerland: Springer.
DOI Scopus12021 Ferreira, J. J. M., Teixeira, S. J., & Rammal, H. G. (2021). Introduction: Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness for Business Growth—State-of-the-Art. In J. J. M. Ferreira, S. J. Teixeira, & H. G. Rammal (Eds.), Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness for Business Growth: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 1-14). Switzerland: Springer.
DOI Scopus62016 Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., & Dowling, P. J. (2016). Career capital development of self-initiated expatriates in China. In P. Dowling, Y. Guo, & H. Rammal (Eds.), Global Talent Management and Staffing in MNEs: International Business and Management (Vol. 32, pp. 81-100). United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
DOI Scopus32016 Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., & Dowling, P. J. (2016). Career capital development of self-initiated expatriates in China. In P. Dowling, Y. Guo, & H. Rammal (Eds.), Global Talent Management and Staffing in MNEs: International Business and Management (Vol. 32, pp. 81-100). United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
DOI Scopus32016 Rammal, H., & Zurbruegg, R. (2016). Awareness of islamic banking products among muslims: The case of Australia. In T. Harrison, & E. Ibrahim (Eds.), Islamic Finance: Principles, Performance and Prospects (pp. 141-156). Cham; Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
DOI Scopus112016 Guo, Y., Rammal, H. G., & Dowling, P. J. (2016). Global talent management and staffing in MNEs: An Introduction to the Edited Volume of International Business and Management. In Y. Guo, H. G. Rammal, & P. J. Dowling (Eds.), Global Talent Management and Staffing in Mines (Vol. 32, pp. 16-25). United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
DOI Scopus82016 Petracci, B., & Rammal, H. G. (2016). Developing the islamic financial services sector in Italy: An institutional theory perspective. In T. Harrison, & E. Ibrahim (Eds.), Islamic Finance: Principles, Performance and Prospects (pp. 174-189). United Kingdom: Springer International Publishing.
DOI Scopus12015 Rammal, H. G. (2015). Managing the ethical aspects of Islamic banking and finance. In Handbook of Research on Islamic Business Ethics (pp. 246-258). Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI Scopus12014 Rammal, H. (2014). Islamic banking. In The Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing (pp. 399-410).
DOI Scopus12011 Rammal, H. G. (2011). A global approach towards teaching ethics in international business. In Handbook of Research on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education (pp. 114-123). IGI Global.
DOI Scopus12010 Parsons, D., & Rammal, H. (2010). The Integration of the Electronics Sector in ASEAN. In C. Findlay, M. Pangestu, & D. Parsons (Eds.), Light the Lamp: Papers on World Trade Investment in Memory of Bijit Bora (pp. 281-300). Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Prestianawati, S. A., Wijewardena, C., Rammal, H. G., Pereira, V., & Behl, A. (2024). Navigating Challenges for Sustainable Rural Entrepreneurship: A cross-country exploration. In ANZIBA 2024. Christchurch, New Zealand. 2022 Wijewardena, A. G. C., Rammal, H. G., & Tang, R. (2022). The impact of institutional support on the confidence and export opportunity exploration behavior of rural entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka. In Academy of International Business - Oceania. QUT - Brisbane.
LLP Erasmus, European Commission. (2017-2018)
Title: Progetti Innovativi Nell’ambito Degli Accordi Di Cooperazione Internazionale (Innovative Projects in the Context of International Cooperation Agreements)
Chief Investigators: Federica Farneti – Project Coordinator; John Dumay; and Hussain G. Rammal
Partner Organisations: University of Bologna, Italy (Host institution); Macquarie University, Australia; and University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Title: Australia’s International Business Survey 2017
Funding Organization: Export Council of Australia
Partner Organizations: Australia Trade Department, and Export Finance and Insurance Corporation
Australia Research Council (ARC) Linkage Grant (2009-2015)
Title: Australia and the European Union: A study of a changing trade and business relationship
Chief Investigators: A/Prof Pierre van der Eng; Mr Donald Kenyon; Prof Linda Botterill; Prof Christopher Findlay; Ms Anne McNaughton; Prof Hussain Rammal; Prof Karen Hussey; Prof Jacqueline Lo
Partner Organisations:
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Delegation of the European Commission to Australia and New Zealand
European Australian Business Council
Association of Southeast Asian Nations Secretariat (2006-2007)
Title: Expanding Trade in Business Services in ASEAN
Research Groups: Institute for International Trade, the University of Adelaide; Centre for Advancement of Trade Integration and Facilitation; Centre for Strategic and International Studies; and Thailand Development Research Institute
International Business Strategy
Global Business Analysis
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Islamic Banking Confronts Sinicized Religion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Sunze Yu
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