Helen Marshall

Professor Helen Marshall

Professor in Vaccinology, Clinical Research Director

Health and Medical Sciences Faculty Office

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Helen Marshall is a medical researcher with specialist training in child health, public health and vaccinology. She completed a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Doctorate of Medicine, Master in Public Health and Diploma in Child Health at the University of Adelaide and the international Advanced Vaccinology Course at the Pasteur Merieux Institute, France.

Prof Marshall is Professor in Vaccinology in the Adelaide Medical School and Senior Medical Practitioner and Medical Director, Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit (VIRTU), in the Department of Paediatrics at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. In 2022 she was appointed as the inaugural Clinical Research Director of the Women's and Children's Health Network in Adelaide.

In recognition of Prof Marshall's research leadership, she was awarded 2023 SA Scientist of the Year, 2022 SA Australian of the Year and 2022 SA Woman of the Year. In 2021 she was made a Fellow of the Australian Academy Health and Medical Sciences and was a Finalist for SA Scientist of the Year. Previously, she was awarded the South Australia Science Award for Excellence in Research Collaboration in 2019, Research for the Public Good in 2010, and a national Public Health Association of Australia Fellowship in 2013. Her research was included in the NHMRC “10 of the best” research projects for 2016. She was the recipient of the Australia Day Council, Inspiring South Australian Women Award in 2020.

Professor Marshall’s research program addresses urgent priorities in infectious disease prevention in children and includes implementation research and clinical trials in investigational and licensed vaccines, infectious and social epidemiology and public health. Her main interests include meningococcal, human papillomavirus, influenza and pertussis infections and their prevention by immunisation. Professor Marshall has been an investigator on 108 implementation, clinical and epidemiological studies. Professor Marshall’s research group, VIRTU, is the only research centre in Australia using social science research methodologies to investigate community attitudes to the introduction of new vaccines. She was awarded a NHMRC Career Development Fellowship (CDF) in 2011, a NHMRC CDF(2) in 2015 an NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship from 2019-2023, and an NHMRC Investigator Grant from 2025-2029.

Since 2004, Prof Marshall has published over 230 peer-reviewed papers in high quality general medicine and specialist journals across diverse disciplines with individual paper citations > 8,000. Her h-index = 57 and i10-index is 189. She has been awarded 17 NHMRC (CIA x 7, including 3 Fellowships), ARC, Government, Foundation and Industry grants totalling >$36 million.

Available Research Projects

The research program at the Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit (VIRTU) is directed to address urgent priorities in infectious disease prevention and includes clinical trials in investigational vaccines, infectious and social epidemiology and public health. VIRTU research is focused on meningococcal, influenza, pneumococcal and pertussis vaccines and suitable HDR projects within these broad areas can be developed after discussion with Prof. Helen Marshall, Director of VIRTU.

One of the main areas of current research at VIRTU is meningococcal disease. Meningococcal disease causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide and invasive meningococcal disease can result in long-term disability. VIRTU currently conducts several projects on meningococcal disease including the following:

  1. The “B Part of It NT study, assessing the cross protective impact of meningococcal B vaccine against gonorrhoea.
  2. Assessing long-term physical, neurocognitive, economic and societal impact of invasive meningococcal disease in Australian adolescents and young adults
  3. Evaluation of the newly implemented South Australian immunisation program against meningococcal B disease

In addition to projects suitable for HDR students, VIRTU routinely conducts systematic reviews and meta-analyses on infectious diseases and vaccines which are suitable for third year undergraduate research students.

Third Year and Honours Projects (2023)
  1. Immune response to influenza vaccine over 8 influenza seasons
  2. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of Group B streptococcus isolates in SA and the NT
  3. Safety and effectiveness of bivalent Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy: A systematic review of observational studies

My Research

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2022 - ongoing Clinical Research Director Women's and Children's Hospital Network
    2019 - ongoing Consultant in Vaccinology Women's and Children's Health Network
    2015 - ongoing Deputy Director, Clinical and Translational Research, Robinson Research Institute University of Adelaide
    2013 - ongoing Professor in Vaccinology, Discipline of Paediatrics University of Adelaide
    2013 - ongoing Research Leader, Child and Adolescent Health, Robinson Research Institute University of Adelaide
    2011 - ongoing National Health Medical Research Council Practitioner Fellow, Adelaide Medical School University of Adelaide
    1998 - ongoing Senior Medical Practitioner and Medical Director, Vaccinology and Immunology Research Trials Unit, VIRTU Women's and Children's Health Network
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2022 Award BioSpectrum Asia Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 2022 BioSpectrum Asia Singapore -
    2022 Award 2022 SA Australian of the Year National Australia Day Council Australia -
    2022 Distinction 2022 Member of the Order of Australia (AM) The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia Australia -
    2022 Award 2022 Woman of the Year The Advertiser, Sunday Mail and SkyCity Australia -
    2021 Fellowship Fellow (FAHMS) Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences Australia -
    2020 Award Inspiring South Australian Women Award Australia Day Council Australia -
    2019 Award SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards - Excellence in Research Collaboration Department for Innovation and Skills, Government of South Australia Australia -
    2017 Achievement 10 of the Best NHMRC Research Projects National Health and Medical Research Council Australia -
    2016 Award Alice Davey Award Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Adelaide Australia -
    2015 Award Women’s Research Excellence Award University of Adelaide Australia -
    2013 Fellowship Fellowship in recognition of contribution to public health National Public Health Association of Australia Australia -
    2010 Award SA Science Excellence and Innovation Awards - Excellence in Research for the Public Good Department for Innovation and Skills, Government of South Australia Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2011 University of Adelaide Australia MD
    2004 University of Adelaide Australia MPH
    1988 University of Adelaide Australia MBBS
  • Postgraduate Training

    Date Title Institution Country
    1999 Diploma in Child Health Women's and Children's Hospital and University of Adelaide Australia
  • Research Interests

Grant Funding
Category 1 – Total $17,004,013

National competitive Fellowship schemes



CIA – NHMRC PF level 1 Optimising immunisation in vulnerable groups to improve health outcomes for disadvantaged children APP1155066




CIA – NHMRC CDF level 2 Immunisation practice and policy development in Australia: urgent priorities in prevention of infectious diseases in children, pregnant women and adolescents.  APP1084951                        




CIA - NHMRC CDF level 1 Immunisation practice and policy development in Australia: responding to urgent priorities in prevention of endemic and epidemic infectious diseases in children.   APP1016272


National competitive schemes – NHMRC and MRFF

1. 2025-2029 Marshall, H, Novel strategies for global control of meningococcal disease and gonorrhoea, NHMRC Investigator Grant, 2034644. $2,554,448
2. 2022-2026 Marshall H, Ward J et al., Long term effectiveness of meningococcal B vaccine (4CMenB) against gonorrhoea. Commonwealth Department of Health Blood Borne Viruses and Sexually Transmissible Infections Research Grant GO5055 $1,011,583
3.  2022-2025 Marshall H; Danchin M; Blyth C; Ong J; Dodd J; Couper J; Sullivan T; Karnon J; Andraweera P. Novel strategies to improve protection for pregnant women and medically at risk children from influenza and COVID-19 APP2014684 $964,165



Ward J, Bradley C, Marshall H, Snelling T.




Bradley C, Ward J, Bickerstaffe A, Pearson O, Guy R, Griffiths K, Marshall H, Barzi F, Jacups Improving surveillance infrastructure for Indigenous primary health care

$1.99 million



Wood N, Richmond P, Marshall H

MRFF Novel DNA based COVID-19 vaccine: A phase 1/1b trial for Australia

$2.9 million



Marshall H (CIA) B Part of it NT: Immunisation for adolescents against serious communicable diseases. NHMRC Partnership Grant APP1170965




Lynn D, Marshall H (CIB). How does the microbiota modulate vaccine responses in human infants: A systems vaccinology approach. NHMRC Project Grant APP1156415




Chang K, Binks M, O’Grady KA, Marshall H (CID), Toombs M, Smith-VaughanH Pizzutto S, Torzillo P, Grimwood K, Swamy G.  Preventing early-onset pneumonia in Indigenous children through maternal immunisation: a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (RCT). NHMRC Project Grant APP1138555




Macartney K, Leask J, Marshall H (CIC) et al Reducing vaccine preventable disease in children using national active hospital-based surveillance to evaluate and improve immunisation program performance. NHMRC Partnership Grant APP1113851




Lynn D, Rogers G, Marshall H (CIC) et al.The impact of the neonatal gut microbiome on specific and nonspecific vaccine responses. NHMRC project APP1098429




Marshall (AI) TESTOV - Pneumo - Evaluation of the effectiveness of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia in children   NHMRC project grant.



2012- 2016

Andrews R, Marshall H (CIF).  FluMum: a prospective cohort study of mother-infant pairs assessing vaccination effectiveness against Influenza in Pregnancy. NHMRC project grant APP1020035




Skinner R, Marshall H (CIE). A randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve HPV uptake through a school based immunization program. NHMRC project grant APP 1026765.  




Lan R, Gilbert G, Sintchenko V, McIntyre P, Marshall H (CIE), Wood N.  Evolution of pertussis epidemics and effect of genotypes on infection outcomes and immunisation. NHMRC project grant APP1011942.




Braunack-Mayer A, Marshall H, O’Keefe M, Burgess T, Skinner R, McCaffery K, Watson M. How can intersectoral collaboration between the health and education sectors be optimized?  ARC Linkage Project LP100200007.



2009- 2011

McIntyre P, Nolan T, Wood N, Marshall H (CID). Immunogenicity and safety of acellular pertussis vaccine at birth. NHMRC project grant APP0570756.




Marshall H (CIA), Braunack-Mayer A, Ryan P, Street J. 

Evaluating community understanding of and participation in strategies to prevent the spread of H1N1. NHMRC H1N1 Influenza 09 APP0626867




Elliott E, McIntyre P, Gold M, Marshall H, (CIF) Characterisation of H1N1 Influenza 09 in hospitalized children using Paediatric Active Enhanced Diseases Surveillance. NHMRC H1N1 Influenza 09 APP0633028.


 Category 2 - Total $555,790


Marshall H, Fereday J, Tuckermand J, Sullivan T, Blyth C, Danchin M, Couper J, Tai A, Smith N. Utilising provider-parent strategies to improve influenza vaccination in children and adolescents with special risk medical conditions: a randomised controlled trial

Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation




Clarke M, Marshall H, Lynn D. A clinical study to determine whether antibiotic-driven neonatal intestinal dysbiosis is associated with impaired vaccine responses.

Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation




Marshall H A prospective pilot study investigating the impact of obesity on seroprotection following influenza vaccination in Australian children aged 11-17 years. Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation Departmental grant




Danchin M, Marshall H. Parent Immunisation needs and attitudes survey - Antenatal Clinics (PINA-A). Murdoch Children’s Research Institute




Marshall H (CIA), Lambert S, Dodd J, Clarke M, Barr I, Gent R.              

Does obesity in pregnancy impact on immune response to influenza vaccines? Women’s and Children’s Hospital Foundation




Marshall H (CIA), Braunack-Mayer A, Ratcliffe J.  Incorporating young people’s views into priority setting for preventative health strategies to improve the health of adolescents. Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation




Marshall H, Gold M. PAEDS surveillance: Pertussis. SA Health   




Marshall H Faculty of Health Sciences grant, University of Adelaide 



2010- 2012  

Marshall H Pertussis surveillance: use of a novel severity scoring system. SA Health



2010- 2011

Marshall H, Thomas N.  Are parents receiving the currently recommended vaccines to protect them and their newborn infant against pertussis? The Cocoon Study. SA Health




Marshall H, Braunack-Mayer A, O’Keefe M. Human Papillomavirus vaccine; why are adolescents opting out? Faculty of Health Sciences new collaborations grant. University of Adelaide / SA Health.




Boros C, Marshall H, Gold M.  HPV Immunisation of children with immunosuppression. Arthritis Australia and SA Health.


 Category 3 - Total  $15,097,877


Marshall H. Evaluation of the South Australian MenB immunisation program. SA Health.



Marshall H.  A Single-Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2020 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. bioCSL



Marshall H. A phase 3, randomized, placebo controlled, double blind trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a prefusion F subunit respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine in infants born to vaccinated pregnant women C3671008




Marshall H.  A Single-Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2019 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. bioCSL



Marshall H.  A Single-Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2018 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. bioCSL



Marshall H (CIA) et al. Meningococcal B vaccine carriage study. GlaxoSmithKline    



Marshall H.  A Single-Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2017 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. bioCSL



Marshall H.  A Phase 3, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Group-Sequential Study to Determine the Immunogenicity and Safety of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) F Nanoparticle Vaccine with Aluminium in Healthy Third-trimester Pregnant Women; and safety and Efficacy of Maternally Transferred Antibodies in Preventing RSV Disease in their Infants (RSV-M-301). Novavax



Marshall H. A Single Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2016 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. Seqirus/WHO influenza study 2016                                                



Marshall H. Optimising protection for pregnant women and infants with maternal vaccination. Sanofi



Marshall H. A clinical study to determine whether antibiotic driven neonatal intestinal dysbiosis is associated with impaired vaccine responses. SAHMRI



Marshall H. Follow up of immunogenicity and safety of acellular pertussis vaccine given at birth to 4 years of age (Birth Pertussis Year 4 study). GlaxoSmithKline



Marshall H.  A Single-Site Study for the Collection of Pre- and Post- Vaccination Blood Samples From Volunteers Receiving the 2015 Southern Hemisphere Formulation of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine. bioCSL



Marshall H.  A phase 2, randomized, controlled, observer-blinded study conducted to describe the immunogenicity, safety, and tolerability of a neisseria meningitidis serogroup b bivalent recombinant lipoprotein 2086 vaccine (bivalent rlp2086) when administered to healthy toddlers aged 12 to <24 months Pfizer



Marshall H.  A Phase 3, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the efficacy and safety of a human monoclonal antibody, REGN2222, for the prevention of medically attended RSV infection in preterm infants.  Regeneron.



Marshall H. A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, 2-Part Study of Orally Administered ALS-008176 to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Single Ascending Dosing and Multiple Ascending Dosing in Infants Hospitalized with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Infection. Alios



Marshall H. A Phase 3b, Open Label, Controlled, Multi-Center, Extension Study to Assess the Persistence of Bactericidal Activity at 4 to 7.5 Years After Two Dose Primary Series of Novartis Meningococcal B Recombinant Vaccine. Novartis



Marshall H (CIA), Booy R, Barton B, Richmond P, Nissen M. Buttery J, Blythe C, N Crawford. The Long-term Impact of Serogroup B Invasive Meningococcal Disease (IMD) in Australian Adolescents and Young Adults.  AMEND study.  Pfizer



Marshall H. Immunogenicity and safety study of 1 and 2 doses of GSK Biologicals’ meningococcal vaccine GSK134612 in toddlers, persistence up to 5 years after vaccination and co-administration with Pfizer's pneumococcal vaccine Prevenar 13™ GlaxoSmithKline



Marshall H. VAXSMS: Evaluation of an App designed to encourage on-time immunisation of infants and young children. bioCSL 



Marshall H. The vaccine response and long-term antibody persistence of GSK Biologicals’ MenACWY-TT vaccine administered as one dose at 6 years post-MenC primary vaccination in healthy subjects aged 12-18 months at primary vaccination GlaxoSmithKline



Marshall H. Identifying facilitators to high uptake of seasonal influenza vaccine and other recommended vaccines amongst Health care Workers (HCW) in different hospital wards in a tertiary paediatric hospital. GlaxoSmithKline



Marshall H. Incorporating young people’s views into priority setting for preventative health strategies to improve the health of adolescents. Channel7 Children’s Research Foundation



Marshall H. Severe influenza in children under five years of age – risk factors, complications and co-infections.



Marshall H. Introduction of a meningitis B vaccine into primary healthcare - a survey of knowledge, attitudes and factors affecting immunisation practices among South Australian GPs (GP survey Men B). Royal Australian College of General Practitioners



Marshall H. A Phase III, Observer-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of a Trivalent Subunit Influenza Vaccine Produced either in Mammalian Cell Culture or in Embryonated Chicken Eggs (Fluvirin®), in Healthy Children and Adolescents 4 to 17 Years of Age (V58_31). Novartis



Marshall H. Persistence of immunity and response to a booster dose of DTPa or dTpa vaccine at 18 months old following acellular pertussis vaccine given at birth in healthy infants (Birth Pertussis 18 month booster). GlaxoSmithKline



Marshall H. A Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo and Active-Control, Observer-Blind Trial to Assess the Safety, Tolerability and Immunogenicity of a Meningococcal Serogroup B Recombinant Lipoprotein (rLP2086) Vaccine Given in Healthy Subjects Aged ≥11 to <26 Years. Pfizer.



Marshall H. Community knowledge and attitudes towards meningococcal disease and its prevention through introduction of new meningococcal vaccines; Health Monitor survey. Novartis.



Marshall H. Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on severe pneumococcal disease requiring hospitalization in South Australian children. Pfizer.


2011- 2012

Marshall H and VIRTU. Safety and immunogenicity of GSK Biologicals’ (pre-) pandemic influenza candidate vaccine in children aged 6 – 35 months (Protocol:109825), GlaxoSmithKline.



Marshall H and VIRTU. A Phase III, Observer-Blind, Randomized, Multi-center Study to Evaluate the Safety,Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of Fluad and Agriflu Compared to the Non Adjuvanted Trivalent Influenza Vaccine Fluzone in Children 6 to <72 Months of Age Novartis, Sienna, Italy, BB-IND#14368 



Marshall H, Clarke M et al.  A cross-sectional cohort study to assess the impact of the rotavirus vaccine introduction on severe gastroenteritis in South Australian children. Merck, USA.



Marshall H. A Phase 3, Randomized, Comparative, Multicenter Observer-Blind Study Evaluating the Safety and Immunogenicity of Novartis rMenB+OMV NZ Vaccine Formulated with OMV Manufactured at Two Different Sites, in Healthy Adolescents Aged 11-17 Years . Novartis.



Marshall H, Thomas N. The impact of Invasive Meningococcal Disease in Australian Children (April 2000 – April 2011). Novartis.



Marshall H, and VIRTU.  A Phase 1 Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of 3 Ascending Dose Levels of a 3-Antigen Staphylococcus aureus Vaccine (SA3Ag) in Healthy Adults (Protocol: 6123K1-1007-AU), Wyeth, USA.



Marshall H, Rasiah K and VIRTU.  A cross-sectional prospective observational study to determine the clinical severity of pertussis infection and epidemiological risk factors in Australian children admitted to hospital over a 12 month period. Sanofi-Pasteur.



Marshall H, Boros C, Rasiah K and VIRTU.  A phase 2, multicentre, randomised, observer-blind, study to evaluate the immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of CSL’s 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccine (CSL425) in healthy children aged ³ 6 months to < 9 years. (Protocol No. CSLCT-CAL-09-60), CSL,Melbourne, Australia.



Marshall H and VIRTU.  A randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial of the safety, immunogenicity and tolerability of meningococcal serogroup B (MnB) rLP2086 vaccine at doses of 60 ug, 120 ug and 200ug in healthy adolescents aged 11 to 18 years (Protocol No. 6108A1-2001-WW), Wyeth, USA.



Marshall H and VIRTU.  A phase 1/2a, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalation study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, immunogenicity and vaccine-like viral shedding of MEDI-534, a live, attenuated intranasal vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV3), in healthy 6 to < 24 month-old children and in 2 month-old infants  MedImmune, USA.



Russell F, Marshall H, Druavesi P, Mulholland K, Jenkins K, Bingwar F, Samuela J, Ravea S, Volavola S, LaVincente  S, Meilnik D.  Evaluation of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine campaign in Fiji.  Merck, USA.


2018-current         Biology of Childhood Growth, Development & Health

2018-current         Infant, Child & Adolescent Health

2008-2012            Poster Assessor, Research Expo 2008, University of Adelaide, 22nd July 2008

2007-current         Lecturer, Health Sciences Honours students, Discipline of Paediatrics

2006-2007            Examiner 5th year medical students OSCI exams, University of Adelaide

2005-current         Lecturer, Public Health Science students, Discipline of Public Health

2005-current         Co-ordinator of VIRTU Seminars

2005-2006            Co-ordinator of Allergy, Immunology, Rheumatology and Vaccinology program

2003-2006            Lecturer, 4th year Medical Students, Discipline of Paediatrics

2003-current         Lecturer, Diploma in Child Health, Discipline of Paediatrics

1999-current         Oral Assessor for entry into medicine/dentistry

1997-1999            Tutor in General Paediatrics – medical student teaching, years 2-5

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2017 Principal Supervisor Assessing the impact of obesity and antibiotics on maternal and infant vaccine responses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Michelle Clarke
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2021 Co-Supervisor The One Health Approach to Q Fever Prevention and Control in South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Md Rezanur Rahaman
    2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Public health management of Invasive Meningococcal Disease Master of Philosophy (Public Health) Master Part Time Ms Brianna Ruby Morello
    2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Pertussis and Influenza Vaccination during Pregnancy: Maternal and Neonatal Health Outcomes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hassen Ibrahim Mohammed
    2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Impact of meningococcal vaccines on carriage and disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Mark McMillan
    2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor GBS STUDY: Assessing Disease Burden and Risk Factors for Neonatal Group B Streptococcal Infection to Inform the Best Strategies to Prevent Life Threatening Infections in Newborns Master of Philosophy (Clinical Science) Master Full Time Dr Marianne Yanni
    2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Influenza Vaccination in Children with Special Risk Medical Conditions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Jane Louisa Tuckerman
    2014 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Improving Adolescent Health Through Immunisation: A Case Study - Invasive Meningococcal Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Bing Wang
    2012 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Influenza vaccination during pregnancy: A systematic review of effectiveness and safety Master of Clinical Science Master Full Time Dr Mark McMillan
    2012 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Clinical outcomes, costs, knowledge and awareness of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in South Australia Master of Philosophy (Public Health) Master Full Time Dr Bing Wang
    2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Determinants of Severe Pertussis Infection in Australian Children and Awareness and Uptake of Pertussis Vaccination in Adults Master of Philosophy (Public Health) Master Part Time Mrs Michelle Clarke
    2011 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Postmarketing Vaccine Safety Passive Surveillance: An exploratory study of parent and healthcare provider reporting of Adverse Events Following Immunisation (AEFI) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Adriana Parrella
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2023 - ongoing Board Member Robinson Research Institute Advisory Board University of Adelaide Australia
    2022 - ongoing Board Member Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation Board Channel 7 Children’s Research Foundation Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2026 - ongoing Member Organising Committee International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference Australia
    2022 - ongoing Chair Research Strategy Taskforce Multiple stakeholders Australia
    2022 - ongoing Member WHO Value of Vaccine for Gonorrhoea World Health Organization (WHO) Switzerland
    2020 - ongoing Member MP3 Alliance WCHN, NALHN, SALHN Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member COVID19 Technical Advice and Response Committee Public Health Association of Australia Australia
    2019 - ongoing Member Vaccine evaluation: Health Technology Assessment Research Support and Other services National Program Vaccines Evaluation, Australian Government Australia
    2019 - ongoing Chair Health Consumers Engagement Committee, Robinson Research Institute University of Adelaide Australia
    2019 - ongoing Member Global Meningococcal Initiative (GMI) Meningitis Research Foundation (MRF) United Kingdom
    2019 - ongoing Chair ATAGI HPV Vaccine Working Group Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Australia
    2018 - ongoing Member SA Vaccine Preventable Disease Advisory Group Government of South Australia Australia
    2018 - ongoing Member SA Meningococcal B Expert Working Group Government of South Australia Australia
    2018 - ongoing Member South Australian Immunisation Strategic Committee SA Health Australia
    2017 - ongoing Member European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) research committee and scientific committee European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) United Kingdom
    2016 - ongoing Member Faculty of Health Sciences Research Committee University of Adelaide Australia
    2016 - ongoing Member South Australian Public Health Council Government of South Australia Australia
    2015 - 2018 Chair ATAGI HPV Vaccine Working Group Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Australia
    2014 - 2016 Member Global Alignment of Immunization Safety Assessment in Pregnancy (GAIA) Consortium Brighton Collaboration, the Taskforce for Global Health United States
    2014 - ongoing Member Australian Influenza Vaccine Committee Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australian Government Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Scientific Committee Public Health Association of Australia Immunisation Conference Australia
    2014 - 2018 Member Gender Equity and Diversity Working Group University of Adelaide Australia
    2013 - ongoing Member Robinson Research Institute Executive Committee University of Adelaide Australia
    2012 - ongoing Member National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance Scientific Advisory Committee Kids Research Institute, Children’s Hospital at Westmead Australia
    2010 - ongoing Member Pertussis Response Strategic Working Party SA Health Australia
    2010 - ongoing Member School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Research Committee University of Adelaide Australia
    2010 - ongoing Member School of Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Honours Committee University of Adelaide Australia
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2015 - 2018 WHO Taskforce to Evaluate Influenza Data to Inform Vaccine Impact and Economic Modelling for low resource countries WHO Taskforce to Evaluate Influenza Data to Inform Vaccine Impact and Economic Modelling for low resource countries Health services and related Switzerland
    2014 - 2019 Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Advisory Group Health services and related Australia
    2014 - 2019 Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) Vaccine evaluations Health services and related Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Associate Editor Infection: journal of infectious disease Springer United Kingdom
    2015 - ongoing Associate Editor Paediatric Infectious Diseases Journal ​​European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) United Kingdom
  • Event Participation

    Date Event Name Event Type Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Co-chair - Communicable Disease Immunisation Conference Conference Public Health Association of Australia Australia
    2013 - ongoing Initiator and Convenor - SA Vaccinology Conference Conference University of Adelaide Australia
  • Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice

    Date Title Type Institution Country
    2020 - 2020 Rapid Research Information Forum report of the most promising vaccines for COVID-19. Peer Review Australian Govenment Australia
    2020 - ongoing Invited Member, COVID-19 Vaccination Implementation Working Group Advice SA Health Australia
    2020 - ongoing Assessor, COVID-19 New Zealand Rapid Response Research Grant Assessment Health Research Council of New Zealand New Zealand
    2020 - 2020 Assessor, MRFF – 2020 Antiviral Development for COVID-19 Grant Assessment National Health and Medical Research Council Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member, COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Working Group, COVAX ACT Accelerator vaccine pillar Advice Gavi, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and WHO -
    2019 - ongoing Member, Safety Platform for Emergency Vaccines (SPEAC) Advice CEPI and Brighton Collaboration -
    2013 - 2018 Development Grant Review Panel - Scientific Assessor Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia
    2012 - 2012 Deputy Chair, Grants Review Panel, Paediatrics and Reproductive Health Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia
    2012 - 2012 Centres of Research Excellence - Population Health Peer Review Panel (Invited) Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia
    2011 - 2011 Deputy Chair (Invited), Grants Review Panel, Immunology Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia
  • Position: Professor in Vaccinology, Clinical Research Director
  • Phone: 81618115
  • Email: helen.marshall@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83136885, 81617031
  • Campus: Womens & Childrens Hospital
  • Building: WCH - Good Friday Building,WCH - Clarence Rieger Building, floor 2
  • Org Unit: Adelaide Medical School, Women's and Children's Health

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