Grace McConnochie
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Year Citation 2025 McConnochie, G., Fox, A., Badger, H., Bellenger, C., & Thewlis, D. (2025). Fatigue assessment in distance runners: A scoping review of inertial sensor-based biomechanical outcomes and their relation to fatigue markers and assessment conditions. Gait and Posture, 115, 21-33.
2025 McConnochie, G., Fox, A., Bellenger, C., & Thewlis, D. (2025). LiDAR-based scaling of OpenSim musculoskeletal human models is a viable alternative to marker-based approaches - A preliminary study.. J Biomech, 179, 112439.
2024 Sissons, M., Pleming, D., Taylor, J. D., Emebiri, L., Eckermann, P., & Collins, N. C. (2024). Effects of heat exposure from late sowing on agronomic traits and the technological quality of hexaploid wheat. Journal of Cereal Science, 118, 103950-1-103950-14.
Scopus22024 Lassi, Z. S., Rahim, K. A., Stavropoulos, A. M., Ryan, L. M., Tyagi, J., Adewale, B., . . . Ali, M. (2024). Use of contraceptives, empowerment and agency of adolescent girls and young women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health, 50(3), 195-211.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12023 Shelly, S., Beecher, G., Milone, M., Liewluck, T., Ernste, F., Triplett, J., . . . Klein, C. J. (2023). Cancer and immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy: a longitudinal referral case-controlled outcomes evaluation. Rheumatology (United Kingdom), 62(1), 281-289.
Scopus10 Europe PMC42023 Pomfret, R. (2023). Searching for a new institutional structure for the global trade system: What role for Asia in the age of US-China competition?. Asia and the Global Economy, 3(2), 100068.
Scopus22022 Potocnik, T., Christopher, P. J., Mouthaan, R., Albrow-Owen, T., Burton, O. J., Jagadish, C., . . . Alexander-Webber, J. A. (2022). Automated Computer Vision-Enabled Manufacturing of Nanowire Devices. ACS NANO, 16(11), 18009-18017.
Europe PMC22015 Baidoun, F., Issa, R., Ali, R., & Al-Turk, B. (2015). Acute Unilateral Blindness from Superior Ophthalmic Vein Thrombosis: A Rare Presentation of Nephrotic Syndrome from Class IV Lupus Nephritis in the Absence of Antiphospholipid or Anticardiolipin Syndrome.. Case reports in hematology, 2015, 413975.
Europe PMC5 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2022 Millar, S., O'Rielly, J., McConnochie, G., Blencowe, M., Turner, L., Wiederman, S., . . . Thewlis, D. (2022). Moving from the lab to the field: accuracy and reliability of wearable sensors in the estimation of lower limb joint kinematics. Poster session presented at the meeting of Defence Human Sciences Symposium.
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