Gary Wittert

Professor Gary Wittert


Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Gary Wittert is a graduate of Johannesburg’s University of Witwatersrand and underwent his postgraduate training at Christchurch Hospital and Otago University, in New Zealand, at the Harvard Medical, Boston and Oregon Health Sciences University.

He is the Mortlock Professor of Medicine at the University of Adelaide, Senior Consultant Endocrinologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Editor in Chief of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice and Director of the Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health. He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences and Senior Principal Research Fellow at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. He is a past President of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, and is a previous vice president of the Asia Oceania Association of the Study of Obesity.

His research interests relate to peripheral mechanisms of appetite regulation, regulation of intermediary metabolism, and management and prevention of obesity and related complications, and the physiology and use of testosterone.

Professor Wittert’s research focuses on:

(1) The physiology of food intake, energy expenditure, and the regulation of body composition, in particular, the effects of varying macronutrient content; leptin physiology; gastrointestinal hormones, circadian events and gastric vagal afferent signalling; and the peripheral effects of endocannabinoids and fatty acids.

(2) Weight loss interventions for childhood and complicated obesity including clinical trials with end points relating to pregnancy outcomes, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, lower urinary tract symptoms, cardiac dysfunction and atrial fibrillation;

(3) Testosterone physiology and pathophysiology, in particular the relationship between androgens, body composition and metabolism;

(4) Novel observations relating to the prevalence of, and disease associations with, obstructive sleep apnoea;

(5) Initiated and leads a cohort study of 2500 community dwelling men aged 35-80 years now with 3 waves of follow-up.

He initiated and leads a cohort study of ~2500 men aged 35-80 years (Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study) with 2 waves of follow-up and has been harmonised with a comparable cohort to form one of Australia’s largest and most intensively studied male cohorts (MAILES). Other large scale multidisciplinary research teams built and led include the Healthy Ageing Research Cluster, University of Adelaide. He co-founded the Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health and the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Nutritional Physiology. He currently chairs a large scale NHMRC funded multicentre diabetes prevention study in men (T4DM). He has been Principle Investigator of phase I and II studies of drugs for the obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, androgen replacement and erectile function.

Professor Wittert has authored over three hundred and fifty peer-reviewed papers and books/book chapters. He is Independent Chair of the Weight Management Council of Australia and founding Editor in Chief of the “Journal of Obesity Research and Clinical Practice”.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2015 - ongoing Fellow Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
    2014 - ongoing Senior Principal Research Fellow South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute
    2012 - ongoing Director Freemasons Centre for Men’s Health
    2012 - ongoing Honorary Professor University of Sydney
    2010 - ongoing Senior Clinical Scientist New England Research Institutes
    2007 - ongoing Founding Member Freemasons Centre for Men’s Health
    2006 - 2006 Acting Dean – Faculty of Health Science University of Adelaide
    2006 - 2009 Head, School of Medicine University of Adelaide
    2005 - 2005 Acting Dean – Faculty of Health Science University of Adelaide
    2004 - 2004 Acting Dean – Faculty of Health Science University of Adelaide
    2004 - ongoing Professor of Medicine University of Adelaide
    2004 - ongoing Mortlock Professor, and Head University of Adelaide
    2000 - 2004 Associate Professor, Department of Medicine University of Adelaide
    1994 - ongoing Senior Consultant Endocrinologist Royal Adelaide Hospital
    1994 - ongoing Member Hanson Institute, Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science
    1994 - ongoing Coordinator, Endocrine Test Unit Royal Adelaide Hospital
    1994 - ongoing Coordinator Obesity Clinic Royal Adelaide Hospital
    1994 - 1999 Senior Lecturer in Medicine University of Adelaide
    1993 - 1994 Clinical and Research Fellow Oregon Health Sciences University, and Vollum Institute of Advanced Biomedical Research, Portland Oregon
    1991 - 1993 Research Fellow of the Fogarty International Centre Childrens Hospital of Boston and Harvard Medical School
    1991 - 1991 Locum Lecturer in Medicine University of Otago, Christchurch Clinical School
    1989 - 1990 Senior Registrar Endocrinology Princess Margaret Hospital
    1988 - 1988 Medical Registrar Christchurch
    1985 - 1985 House Officer Waikato Hospital
    1985 - 1985 Senior House Officer Hillbrow Hospital
    1984 - 1984 Intern Johannesburg Hospital
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2012 Fellowship International Specialist Certification of Obesity Professional Education (SCOPE) Fellowship. - - -
    2009 Achievement Elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians, London - - -
    2008 Award ARI – Research Accolade Award - - -
    2008 Award Finalist – South Australian Science Award for Public Good. - - -
    2004 Award Florey Lecture, University of Adelaide - - -
    1994 Fellowship RACP Pharmacia Research Fellowship - - -
    1991 Fellowship Fogarty Fellowship, National Institute of Health, USA - - -
    1983 Award David Lurie Memorial Medal for Surgery - - -
    1983 Award Abelheim Medal and Prize for Obstetrics - - -
    1983 Award Medical Association Medal for the most distinguished graduand - - -
    1982 Award Kurt Gillis Award for Psychiatry - - -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2009 Royal College of Physicians United Kingdom FRCP / Medicine
    1994 University of Otago New Zealand MD / Medicine
    1992 Royal Australasian College of Physicians Australia FRACP / General Medicine/Endocrinology
    1983 University of Witwatersrand South Africa MBBch (distinction)
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    GCP training ICH -
  • Research Interests

Grant Funding Category 1 (From 2004) Year Amount

Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) as a marker of aggressive prostate cancer, and mediator of resistance to androgen deprivation.

Wittert GA, Butler LM, Hoy A, Vincent A, Heilbronn L, Selth L.

Royal Adelaide Hospital Clinical Project Grant

2016 $48,433

Exploiting alterations in lipid metabolism to improve diagnosis, treatment and molecular imaging of prostate cancer

LM Butler, WD Tilley, A Scott, AJ Hoy, GA Wittert, JV Swinnen

Movember Transformative Research Award




Total $3.25M

Plasticity of gastrointestinal vagal afferents

A/Prof A J Page, Prof GA Wittert, Prof TN Dear

ARC Discovery Grant  DP140102203




$206 000

$169 000

$176 000

Circadian control of peripheral gastric satiety signals

Page A, Wittert G, Kennaway D.

NH&MRC Project Grant 1046289

2013 - 2015 $676,987

Centre of Research Excellence in Translating Nutritional Science to Good Health

Horowitz M, Wittert G, Clifton P, Rayner C, Chapman I, Feinle-Bissett C, Jones K, Noakes M, Chapman M, Nguyen N.

Centres of Research Excellence 1041687

2012 - 2017 $2,499,990

‘Testosterone Intervention for the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus in High Risk Men: A Randomized Trial’

Wittert G, Yeap B, Allan C, McLachlan R, Conway A, Kaye J, Jenkins A, Daniel M

NHMRC Project Grant 1030123

2012 - 2016 $4,822,905

‘The Role of Adipokines in modulation of Gastric Vagal Afferent Safety signals

Page AJ, Blackshaw LA, Wittert G, Brierly S

NHMRC Project Grant 1023972

2012 - 2014 $603,375


‘Does periodic fasting improve insulin sensitivity and metabolic health in humans’

Heilbronn LK, Wittert GA

NHMRC Project Grant 1023401

2012 - 2014 $809,130

‘Multifuge X1R with Bioshield Centriguges (3) and upright (-80 degree) Freezers (2)’.

Wittert G

NH&MRC Equipment Grant GNT90000031

2011 $25,000

‘Effect of sex steroids, inflammation, environmental and biopsychosocial factors on cardiometabolic disease risk in men’. Wittert GA, Wilson DH, Travison T, Adams RJ, Taylor A, McKinlay J, Jenkins A, Milne R, Hugo G, Atlantis E.

NH&MRC Project Grant  627227

2010 - 2012 $1,763,014

‘Interaction of Gastric hormones with vagal afferent pathways’.

Page AJ,  Blackshaw L Ashley, Wittert GA.

NH&MRC Project Grant 565186

2009 - 2011 $532,500

‘Effects of acute and longer-term dietary changes on gut function and appetite in lean and obese subjects’.

Feinle-Bisset C, Clifton PM, Horowitz M, Jones KL, Wittert G.

NHMRC Project Grant 565312

2009 - 2011 $714,375

‘Australias Baby boomer generation, obesity and work – patterns, causes and implications’.

Hugo GJ, Wittert GA, Adams RJ, Cobiac L, Daniel M, Findlay CC, Taylor AW, Wilson DH, Winefield HR, Woollacott AL, Ruffin R.

ARC Linkage project LP0990065

2009 - 2011 $654,049

‘GPCRP:  Better outcomes for obese children in general practice:  randomised control trial of a new shared-care-model vs usual care’.

Wake M, Gunn J, Gibbson K, Wittert G, Gold L

NHMRC Project Grant 491212

2008 - 2011 $666,374

‘Limiting weight gain in overweight and obese women during pregnancy to improve health outcomes – a randomised trial’.

Dodd J, Turnbull D, McPhee A, Wittert G, Robinson J. et al

NHMRC Project Grant 519240

2008 - 2011 $1,480,525

‘Cardiovascular and Inflammatory Effects of Dietary Intervention in Obesity’.

Worthley S, Wittert GA, Worthley M, et al

National Heart Foundation

2008 - 2009 $120,000

‘Automated image analysis system for the high throughput immunohistochemical analysis of clinical and experimental samples’,

Tilley W, Wittert G, et al.

NHMRC equipment grant 467207

2008 $52,000

‘Healthy Ageing Research Cluster (HARC)’.

 Wittert G, Mayrhofer G, Ward L, Musgrave I, Gravier S.

University of Adelaide Research Committee (URC)

2008 $100,000

‘CCRE in Nutritional Physiology, Interventions and Outcomes’.

Horowitz M, Clifton PM, Wittert GA, Chapman I, Fraser RJ, Rayner CK,

NHMRC Project Grant 453557

2007 - 2011 $2,000,000

‘Inspection time: A marker for less successful ageing’.

Nettelbeck TJ, Burns NR, Wittert GA

ARC Discovery Grant DP0772346

2007 - 2009 $259,385

‘Equipment for Concurrent impedance, manometry and barostat recordings in nutritional physiology studies’.

Rayner C, Fraser R, Horowitz M, Wittert G, Feinle-Bisset C, Jones K, Clifton P.

NHMRC Equipment Grant 520946

2007 $42,000

‘Obesity, health, social disadvantage an environment in Australia:  relations and policy implications’.

Hugo GJ, Ruffin R, Wittert G, Taylor AW, Adams RJ.

ARC Linkage Grant LP0455737

2005 - 2008 $1,400,000
NHMRC Equipment Grant 2004 $63,000


GRANT FUNDING – Other 1994-current and Catergory 1 1994-2003

Year Amount

‘The safety and efficacy of rapid weight-loss using a modified very low calorie diet, followed by a weight maintenance strategy, on cardiovascular risk factors, vascular and ventricular structure and function in obesity and obesity related cardiovascular disease – [‘Healthy Weight for Life Project’]’. Wittert G, Worthley S, Piantadosi C, McAinch A

MBF Foundation Ltd

2007 - 2009 $146,955

‘Impact of nutrition, including long-chain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cognition and functional ageing’.

Danthiir V, Wilson C, Nettelbeck T, Wittert G

Brailsford Robertson Award

2007 - 2008 $200,000

‘Building a fit and healthy Australia’.

Premiers Science Research Council

2007 $1,400,000

‘Socio-economic status and overweight/obesity: supply of and access to (un)healthy food’.

Strategic Health Research Program, South Australian Dept of Health

2007 $200,000

‘Automated image analysis system for the high throughput immunohistochemical analysis of clinical and experimental samples’.

Tilley W, Owens J, Norman R, Findlay D, Rodgers R, Roberts C, Wittert G, Ricciardelli C et al.   NHMRC Equipment Grant 467207

2007 $100,695

‘The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study:  promoting health wellbeing and  utilisation of health services by middle aged and older men’.

Premiers Science Research Council

2006 - 2008 $300,000

Faculty Small Grant

University of Adelaide

2005 $21,000

‘Dietary interventions for overweight/obese women prior to pregnancy – safety and efficacy of low calorie and low carbohydrate diets’.

Noakes M, Brinkworth G, McMillen C, Clifton P, Norman R, Wittert G.

Brailsford Roberston Grant

2005 - 2006 $200,000

‘The Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study:  promoting health wellbeing and  utilisation of health services by middle aged and older men’

Florey Foundation

2003 - 2004 $450,000
University of Adelaide Grant 2003 $100,000
University of Adelaide Grant 2003 $10,000
Silhouette Medical Grant 2002 $120,000
ARC Small Grant 2002 $10,000
ARC Small Grant 2001 $10,000
NH&MRC Project Grant 158012 2001 - 2003 $204,000
Analytica Grant 2000 $20,000
B1 Grant 2000 $10,000
ARC Small Grant 2000 $10,000
Bayer Pharmaceuticals Grant 2000 $40,000
Organon Grant 1999 $70,000
Dairy Development Research Corporation Grant 1999 $44,000
University of Adelaide Nutrition Trust 1999 $20,000
University of Adelaide B3 grant 1999 $10,000
Veterans affairs 1998 - 2000 $240,000
Ramaciotti Foundation 1998 $10,000
ARC large grant 1997 - 1999 $156,000
RAH special purposes fund grant 1996 $20,000
ARC small grant 1995 $10,000
ARC small grant 1995 $16,000
RAH/IMVS Research Review Committee 1995 $20,000
RACP Pharmacia Research Fellowship 1994 $40,000
Ramaciotti Foundation 1994 $10,000
University of Adelaide B3 grant 1994 $10,000
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor Impact of Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption on Glycaemic Control, Gastric Emptying and Gut Microbiota in Individuals with Obesity: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Ruofei Cheng
    2024 Principal Supervisor Promoting timely and effective engagement in healthcare by men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Sam Tafari
    2023 Principal Supervisor Interactions between sleep, circadian rhythm, dysglycaemia and sex steroids Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alebachew Fasil Ashagre
    2022 Co-Supervisor The relatonship between obesity, insulin resistance and male fertility Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Andrew Craig Peel
    2021 Principal Supervisor The prevalence, and implications for management, of post-prandial hyperinsulemic hypoglycemia in the bariatric population Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Daniella Di Benedetto
    2020 Principal Supervisor Loss of skeletal muscle in chronic liver disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Damian Harding
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Deliberate Restriction and/or Omission of Insulin to Influence Weight, Shape and/or Appearance Among Males with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Georgia Brooke Goddard
    2020 - 2025 Co-Supervisor Anxiety, A Workplace Productivity Killer: Is Hypnotherapy an Effective Occupational Health and Safety Intervention? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Petrina Coventry
    2019 - 2022 Co-Supervisor The relationship of dietary patterns and inflammation: Epidemiology and mechanism in obesity and mortality Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Yoko Brigitte Wang
    2017 - 2022 Co-Supervisor CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, INTERMITTENT FASTING, METABOLIC HEALTH Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Lijun Zhao
    2016 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Prostate Cancer Health and Fitness Online: The Development and Pilot Testing of an Internet Physical Activity Program for Prostate Cancer Survivors Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Amy Margaret Woods
    2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin: Regulation and Role as a Marker of Chronic Disease Risk Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Prabin Gyawali
    2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Identifying the predictors of change in severity of untreated lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in men: a systematic review Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Dr Simon Harley
    2015 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Utilisation of Primary Health Care Services by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Justin Canuto
    2014 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Schizophrenia and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Hannah Dawn Myles
    2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Dietary Intervention and Tissue Remodelling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Bo Liu
    2013 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Role of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Technology for Type 2 Diabetes Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Penelope Taylor
    2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor The Eating-related Behaviours, Expectations, and Experiences of Individuals Before and After Undergoing Bariatric Surgery Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Melissa Jo Opozda
    2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Diet and Sleep in Australian Middle Aged and Elder Men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yingting Cao
    2012 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Parental Body Shape in Mid-life and its Association with Adult Offspring Obesity, Body Shape and Self-perception of Weight Status Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Janet Grant
    2011 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Baby Boomers and Generation X in Australia. Health differences and the influence of work and workplace, with a focus on obesity. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time APrf Rhiannon Megan Pilkington
    2011 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Ageing in a Foreign Land: Experiences of European-Born Post War Migrants to Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Constance Michelle Kourbelis
    2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Interpersonal factors impacting the decision to (continue to) use Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in men with cancer – a mixed-methods study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nadja Klafke
    2009 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Understandings of Men’s Depression in Published Research, News Media Portrayals, and Men’s Accounts of their Experiences Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Brett David Scholz
    2009 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Obesity and Atrial Electrical and Mechanical Remodeling: Implications for Atrial Fibrillation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Hany Samy Abed
    2008 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Characterisation of the Co-chaperone Small Glutamine-rich Tetratricopeptide Repeat containing Protein Alpha as a Regulator of Androgen Receptor Activity in Prostate Cancer Cells Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Andrew Trotta
    2008 - 2013 Principal Supervisor The Role of Modifiable Risk Factors in the Presence and Development of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) and Sexual Dysfunction in Ageing Men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sean Martin
    2008 - 2008 Other Medically Staffed, Out of Hospital Critical Care Patient Transport (Retrieval) Services: Performance, Incidents and Patient Outcomes Doctor of Medicine Doctorate Full Time APrf Athanasios Flabouris
    2007 - 2012 Co-Supervisor High Protein Diets, Weight Loss, Glycaemic Control and Renal Function in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Eva Pedersen
    2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor The Effect of Dietary Fatty Acid Composition on Skeletal Muscle and Hepatic Fatty Acid and Glucose Metabolism in Male and Female Mice Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Lisa Philp
    2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Insulin Sensitivity and Nutrient Utilisation in Skeletal Muscle Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Yan Lam
    2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Endocannabinoids and Skeletal Muscle Glucose Uptake Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Paul Cavuoto
    2005 - 2005 Other Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases and Neuropathic Bone Pain Doctor of Medicine Doctorate Full Time Prof Daniel Roos
    2005 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Fast-Food Consumption: Application and Extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to Incorporate Affective Responses and Implicit Associations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kirsten Dunn
    2005 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Obesity, Place and Environment: The Spatial Distribution and Correlates of Weight Status in South Australian Preschool Children Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Julie Franzon
    2005 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Exploring Fast Food Consumption Behaviours and Social Influence Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Emily Brindal
    2004 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Androgens and Androgen Receptor Signalling in Men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Eleanor Need
    2004 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Effects of Obesity and Diet Induced Weight Loss on Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Vascular and Ventricular Structure and Function, Prostate Symptoms and Sexual Function in Obese Men Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Cynthia Piantadosi
    2004 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Gonadal Steroids and Cognitive Functioning in Middle to Older Aged Males Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Donel Martin
    2003 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Beyond Masculinity: A Qualitative Study of Men's Help Seeking and Health Service Use in South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr James Smith
    2001 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Endogenous Serum Testosterone in Man: Ageing, the Metabolic Syndrome, Functional Decline and the Role of Supplementation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Matt Haren
    2001 - 2004 Principal Supervisor THE ROLE OF ANTI-INFLAMMATORY PROPERTIES OF HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS IN ATHEROPROTECTION Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Prof Stephen Nicholls
    1999 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Hypoxia-Inducable Factor-1(alpha) mRNA Contains An Internal Ribosome Entry Site That Allows Efficient Translation During Normoxia And Hypoxia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kenneth Lang
    1998 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Effects Of Energy Restriction And Macronutrient Composition On Weight Loss, Energy Expenditure, And Glucose, Insulin And Lipid Levels In Overweight Humans Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Natalie Luscombe-Marsh
    1998 - 2002 Co-Supervisor INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE GASTROINTESTINAL CONTROL OF APPETITE AND FOOD INTAKE Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Rosalie Yandell
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2016 - ongoing Member Healthy Workers Evaluation Advisory Committee SA Health Australia
    2015 - 2017 Member World Obesity Clinical Care Committee - -
    2015 - 2016 Member Male Change Champions The University of Adelaide Vice Chancellor Australia
    2013 - ongoing Member Unmet Needs Committee of the ICUD on Men’s Health and Infertility - -
    2013 - ongoing Member Research Executive Committee, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) - -
    2012 - ongoing Member Clinical Research and Drug and Device Development Pillar Committee, SAHMRI. - -
    2012 - ongoing Member Bioscience Development Pillas Committee, SAHMRI. - -
    2012 - ongoing Member NH&MRC Grant Review Panel 6. - -
    2012 - ongoing Member IASO Education and Management Task Force - -
    2010 - 2012 Member Steering Group, Healthy Weight Guidelines, Obesity & Physical Activity Section, Healthy Living Branch, Population Health Division Department of Health and Ageing -
    2010 - ongoing Member Epidemiology Scientific Advisory Group on Conjugated Linoleic Acid Food Standards Australia New Zealand -
    2010 - ongoing Member Advisory Board of National Diabetes Obesity and Cholesterol Disorders Foundation, India -
    2010 - ongoing Member Curriculum Development Working Group Andrology Australia Men’s Health -
    2010 - ongoing Member Scientific Advisory Board, Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Project South Australian Department of Health -
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2009 - ongoing - Royal College of Physicians, London -
    1996 - ongoing - Australian Society for the Study of Obesity -
    1994 - ongoing - Royal Australasian College of Physicians -
    1994 - ongoing - Medical Board of South Australia -
    1993 - ongoing - American Diabetes Association -
    1993 - ongoing - US Endocrine Society -
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2012 - ongoing Member Advisory Board, ClinicalKey – Elsevier - -
    2008 - ongoing Editor-In-chief Obesity Research and Clinical Practice - -
    2006 - 2013 Member Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism. - -
  • Position: Professor
  • Phone: 0881284830
  • Email:
  • Fax: 82233870
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: SAHMRI, floor 7
  • Org Unit: Medical Specialties

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