Athanasios Flabouris
Adelaide Medical School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
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My research focus is on Health Services Research, in particular pre hospital aeromedical response, how hospitals are structured to respond to acute patient deterioration and describing peri-operative admissions to Intensive Care, and Intensive Care utilisation.
My research output ranges from local, based studies to larger multidisciplinary collaborations and supporting higher degree students. I have collaborated with large research groups from the Simpson Centre for Health Service Innovation, University of New South Wales and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group.
The output of research projects I have been involved with has been significant. They have been influential, both locally and nationally, informing national guidelines and hospital accreditation processes, such as the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, specifically the Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration standards and associated training competencies, and the NSW Clinical Excellence Commission Between the Flags Program. Furthermore the research output has impacted upon local health service development and delivery, as well as at an international level.
Date Position Institution name 2017 - ongoing Medical Clinical Lead, Medical Emergency Response Service Royal Adelaide Hospital 2004 - ongoing Clinical Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2003 - ongoing Staff Specialist Royal Adelaide Hospital -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Greek, Modern (1453-) Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 1986 University of Adelaide Australia MB BS -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country MD University of Adelaide Australia
Year Citation 2025 Pietris, J., Bacchi, S., Flabouris, A., & Chan, W. O. (2025). Syncope in the Ophthalmology Outpatient Department. Seminars in Ophthalmology, 4 pages.
2024 Van Der Vegt, A. H., Campbell, V., Mitchell, I., Malycha, J., Simpson, J., Flenady, T., . . . Scott, I. A. (2024). Systematic review and longitudinal analysis of implementing Artificial Intelligence to predict clinical deterioration in adult hospitals: What is known and what remains uncertain. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 31(2), 509-524.
Scopus7 Europe PMC42023 Emerson, P., Flabouris, A., Thomas, J., Fernando, J., Senthuran, S., & Sundararajan, K. (2023). Intensive care utilisation after elective surgery in Australia and New Zealand: getting the balance right. Australian Health Review, 47(6), 718-720.
2023 Emerson, P., Flabouris, A., Thomas, J., Fernando, J., Senthuran, S., Knowles, S., . . . Sundararajan, K. (2023). Intensive care utilisation after elective surgery in Australia and New Zealand: A point prevalence study. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26(1), 1-7.
Scopus22023 O'Connell, A., Flabouris, A., Edwards, S., Tang, D., Lavrencic, K., Brook, E., . . . Thompson, C. (2023). Predictive value of a tiered escalation response system: A case control study. Australian Critical Care, 36(6), 1067-1073.
Scopus1 WoS12023 O'Connell, A., Flabouris, A., Edwards, S., & Thompson, C. H. (2023). Tiered escalation response systems in practice: A post hoc analysis examining the workload implications. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25(1), 47-52.
2023 Kovoor, J. G., Bacchi, S., Stretton, B., Gupta, A. K., Lam, L., Jiang, M., . . . Maddern, G. J. (2023). Vital signs and medical emergency response (MER) activation predict in-hospital mortality in general surgery patients: a study of 15 969 admissions. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 93(10), 2426-2432.
2022 Thiele, L., Flabouris, A., & Thompson, C. (2022). Acute clinical deterioration and consumer escalation: The understanding and perceptions of hospital staff. PLOS ONE, 17(6), 1-21.
Scopus4 Europe PMC12022 Chen, J., Ou, L., Hillman, K., Parr, M., Flabouris, A., & Green, M. (2022). Impact of a standardised rapid response system on clinical outcomes of female patients: an interrupted time series approach. BMJ Open Quality, 11(3), e001614-1-e001614-12.
2022 Malycha, J., Andersen, C., Redfern, O. C., Peake, S., Subbe, C., Dykes, L., . . . Jones, D. (2022). Protocol describing a systematic review and mixed methods consensus process to define the deteriorated ward patient. . BMJ open, 12(9), e057614.
Scopus1 Europe PMC12021 Sundararajan, K., O'Connell, A., Flabouris, A., & Thompson, C. (2021). Responding to clinical deterioration: Diurnal variation in afferent limb failure. Resuscitation, 160, 14-15.
WoS1 Europe PMC12020 Ou, L., Chen, J., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., Parr, M., & Green, M. (2020). The effectiveness of a standardised rapid response system on the reduction of cardiopulmonary arrests and other adverse events among emergency surgical admissions. Resuscitation, 150, 162-169.
Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC12020 Flabouris, A., Civil, I. D. S., Balogh, Z. J., & Isles, S. (2020). The New Zealand trauma system verification. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 89(3), 585-596.
Scopus8 WoS4 Europe PMC42020 Thiele, L., Flabouris, A., & Thompson, C. (2020). Acute clinical deterioration and consumer escalation in the hospital setting: a literature review. Resuscitation, 156, 72-83.
Scopus12 WoS8 Europe PMC22019 O'Connell, A., Flabouris, A., & Thompson, C. (2019). Optimizing the response to acute clinical deterioration: the role of Observation and Response Charts.. Internal medicine journal, 50(7), 790-797.
Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC32018 Ou, L., Chen, J., Flabouris, A., Hillman, K., Parr, M., & Bellomo, R. (2018). Hospital variability of postoperative sepsis and sepsis-related mortality after elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Journal of Critical Care, 47, 232-237.
Scopus2 WoS3 Europe PMC22017 Petersen Tym, M., Ludbrook, G., Flabouris, A., Seglenieks, R., & Painter, T. (2017). Developing models to predict early postoperative patient deterioration and adverse events. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 87(6), 457-461.
Scopus20 WoS13 Europe PMC82017 Ou, L., Chen, J., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., Parr, M., Assareh, H., & Bellomo, R. (2017). The impact of post-operative sepsis on mortality after hospital discharge among elective surgical patients: a population-based cohort study. Critical Care, 21(1), 34-1-34-13.
Scopus41 WoS29 Europe PMC192017 Flabouris, A., & Mesecke, M. (2017). Rapid response team calls that overlap in time: incidence, consequences and patient outcomes. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 19(3), 214-221.
Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC12016 Sundararajan, K., Flabouris, A., Thompson, C., & Seppelt, I. (2016). Elderly patients are at high risk of night-time admission to the intensive care unit following a rapid response team call. Internal Medicine Journal, 46(12), 1440-1442.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC22016 Sundararajan, K., Flabouris, A., Thompson, C., & Seppelt, I. (2016). Hospital overnight and evaluation of systems and timelines study: a point prevalence study of practice in Australia and New Zealand. Resuscitation, 100, 1-5.
Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC32016 Sundararajan, K., Flabouris, A., & Thompson, C. (2016). Diurnal variation in the performance of rapid response systems: The role of critical care services-a review article. Journal of Intensive Care, 4(1), 15.
Scopus28 WoS28 Europe PMC192016 Ou, L., Chen, J., Burrell, T., Flabouris, A., Hillman, K., Bellomo, R., & Parr, M. (2016). Incidence and mortality of post-operative sepsis in new south wales, australia, 2002–2009. Critical Care and Resuscitation, 18(1), 9-16.
Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC42016 O'Connell, A., Flabouris, A., Kim, S., Horwood, C., Hakendorf, P., & Thompson, C. (2016). A newly designed observation and response chart's effect upon adverse inpatient outcomes and rapid response team activity. Internal Medicine Journal, 46(8), 909-916.
Scopus21 WoS14 Europe PMC82016 Chen, J., Ou, L., Flabouris, A., Hillman, K., Bellomo, R., & Parr, M. (2016). Impact of a standardized rapid response system on outcomes in a large healthcare jurisdiction. Resuscitation, 107, 47-56.
Scopus41 WoS40 Europe PMC202016 Chalwin, R., Flabouris, A., Kapitola, K., & Dewick, L. (2016). Perceptions of interactions between staff members calling, and those responding to, rapid response team activations for patient deterioration∗. Australian Health Review, 40(4), 364-370.
Scopus14 WoS10 Europe PMC72016 Assareh, H., Chen, J., Ou, L., Hillman, K., & Flabouris, A. (2016). Incidences and variations of hospital acquired venous thromboembolism in Australian hospitals: a population-based study.. BMC health services research, 16(1), 511-1-511-10.
Scopus23 WoS18 Europe PMC102015 Chen, J., Bellomo, R., Flabouris, A., Hillman, K., Assareh, H., & Ou, L. (2015). Delayed emergency team calls and associated hospital mortality: a multicenter study. Critical Care Medicine, 43(10), 2059-2065.
Scopus73 WoS55 Europe PMC352015 Flabouris, A., Nandal, S., Vater, L., Flabouris, K., O'Connell, A., & Thompson, C. (2015). Multi-tiered observation and response charts: prevalence and incidence of triggers, modifications and calls, to acutely deteriorating adult patients. PLoS One, 10(12), e0145339-1-e0145339-11.
Scopus19 WoS11 Europe PMC52014 Assareh, H., Ou, L., Chen, J., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., & Hollis, S. (2014). Geographic variation of Failure-to-Rescue in public acute hospitals in New South Wales, Australia. PLoS One, 9(10), e109807-1-e109807-8.
Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC42014 Assareh, H., Chen, J., Ou, L., Hollis, S., Hillman, K., & Flabouris, A. (2014). Rate of venous thromboembolism among surgical patients in Australian hospitals: a multicentre retrospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 4(10), e005502-1-e005502-10.
Scopus27 WoS26 Europe PMC152014 Gallagher, M., Cass, A., Bellomo, R., Finfer, S., Gattas, D., Lee, J., . . . Rajbhandari, D. (2014). Long-term survival and dialysis dependency following acute kidney injury in intensive care: extended follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine, 11(2), e1001601.
Scopus118 Europe PMC682014 Gallagher, M., Cass, A., Bellomo, R., Finfer, S., Gattas, D., Lee, J., . . . Rajbhandari, D. (2014). Long-term survival and dialysis dependency following acute kidney injury in intensive care: extended follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine, 11(2), e1001601.
Scopus118 Europe PMC682014 Bellomo, R., Cass, A., Cole, L., Finfer, S., Gallagher, M., Lee, J., . . . RENAL Study Investigators. (2014). Calorie intake and patient outcomes in severe acute kidney injury: findings from the Randomized Evaluation of Normal vs. Augmented Level of Replacement Therapy (RENAL) study trial. Critical Care, 18(2), R45-1-R45-11.
Scopus43 Europe PMC232014 Sundararajan, K., Flabouris, A., Keeshan, A., & Cramey, T. (2014). Documentation of limitation of medical therapy at the time of a rapid response team call. Australian Health Review, 38(2), 218-222.
Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC72014 Chen, J., Ou, L., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., Bellomo, R., Hollis, S., & Assareh, H. (2014). Cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality trends, and their association with rapid response system expansion. Medical Journal of Australia, 201(3), 167-170.
Scopus53 WoS51 Europe PMC262014 Chen, J., Ou, L., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., Bellomo, R., Hollis, S., & Assareh, H. (2014). The impact of implementing a rapid response system: a comparison of cardiopulmonary arrests and mortality among four teaching hospitals in Australia. Resuscitation, 85(9), 1275-1281.
Scopus53 WoS54 Europe PMC342014 Ou, L., Chen, J., Assareh, H., Hollis, S., Hillman, K., & Flabouris, A. (2014). Trends and variations in the rates of hospital complications, failure-to-rescue and 30-day mortality in surgical patients in New South Wales, Australia, 2002-2009. PLoS One, 9(5), e96164-1-e96164-12.
Scopus14 WoS9 Europe PMC52013 Chalwin, R., & Flabouris, A. (2013). Utility and assessment of non-technical skills for rapid response systems and medical emergency teams. Internal Medicine Journal, 43(9), 962-969.
Scopus34 WoS25 Europe PMC132013 Coventry, C., Flabouris, A., Sundararajan, K., & Cramey, T. (2013). Rapid response team calls to patients with a pre-existing not for resuscitation order. Resuscitation, 84(8), 1035-1039.
Scopus23 WoS21 Europe PMC162013 Flabouris, A., Jeyadoss, J., Field, J., & Soulsby, T. (2013). Association between emergency department length of stay and outcome of patients admitted either to a ward, intensive care or high dependency unit. Emergency Medicine Australasia (Print Edition), 25(1), 46-54.
Scopus14 WoS13 Europe PMC82012 Flabouris, A., Hart, G., & Nicholls, A. (2012). Patients admitted to Australian intensive care units: impact of remoteness and distance travelled on patient outcome. Critical care and Resuscitation, 14(4), 256-267.
Scopus18 WoS15 Europe PMC102012 Flabouris, A., Jeyadoss, J., Field, J., & Soulsby, T. (2012). Direct and delayed admission to an intensive care or high dependency unit following discharge from the emergency department: associated patient characteristics and hospital outcomes. Critical care and Resuscitation, 14(3), 191-197.
Scopus19 WoS14 Europe PMC92012 Flabouris, A., Hart, G., & Nicholls, A. (2012). Accessibility of the Australian population to an ICU, and of ICUs to each other. Critical care and Resuscitation, 14(3), 177-184.
Scopus3 Europe PMC32011 Trinkle, R., & Flabouris, A. (2011). Medical reviews before cardiac arrest, medical emergency call or unanticipated intensive care unit admission: their nature and impact on patient outcome. Critical care and Resuscitation, 13(3), 175-180.
Scopus10 WoS16 Europe PMC92011 Trinkle, R., & Flabouris, A. (2011). Documenting Rapid Response System afferent limb failure and associated patient outcomes. Resuscitation, 82(7), 810-814.
Scopus130 WoS120 Europe PMC842010 Chen, J., Bellomo, R., Hillman, K., Flabouris, A., & Finfer, S. (2010). Triggers for emergency team activation: A multicenter assessment. Journal of Critical Care, 25(2), 1-7.
Scopus43 WoS43 Europe PMC222010 Rangappa, P., Jeyadoss, J., Flabouris, A., Clark, J., & Marshall, R. (2010). Cardiac pacing in patients with a cervical spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, 48(12), 867-871.
Scopus15 WoS10 Europe PMC112010 Flabouris, A., Chen, J., Hillman, K., Bellomo, R., & Finfer, S. (2010). Timing and interventions of emergency teams during the MERIT study. Resuscitation, 81(1), 25-30.
Scopus43 WoS41 Europe PMC222009 Chen, J., Bellomo, R., Flabouris, A., Hillman, K., & Finfer, S. (2009). The relationship between early emergency team calls and serious adverse events. Critical Care Medicine, 37(1), 148-153.
Scopus185 WoS182 Europe PMC1252009 Chen, J., Flabouris, A., Bellomo, R., Hillman, K., Finfer, S., & MERIT Investigators. (2009). Baseline hospital performance and the impact of medical emergency teams: modelling vs. conventional subgroup analysis. Trials, 10(1), 117-1-117-11.
Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC42009 Bellomo, R., Cass, A., Cole, L., Finfer, S., Gallagher, M., Lo, S., . . . Su, S. (2009). Intensity of continuous renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients. New England Journal of Medicine, 361(17), 1627-1638.
Scopus1229 WoS915 Europe PMC6782009 Bellomo, R., Cass, A., Cole, L., Finfer, S., Gallagher, M., Goldsmith, D., . . . Wright, C. (2009). Screening and study enrolment in the randomized evaluation of normal vs. augmented level (RENAL) replacement therapy trial. Blood Purification, 27(2), 199-205.
Scopus16 Europe PMC122009 Chen, J., Hillman, K., Bellomo, R., Flabouris, A., Finfer, S., & Cretikos, M. (2009). The impact of introducing medical emergency team system on the documentations of vital signs. Resuscitation, 80(1), 35-43.
Scopus91 WoS88 Europe PMC612008 Chen, J., Flabouris, A., Bellomo, R., Hillman, K., & Finfer, S. (2008). The Medical Emergency Team System and Not-for-Resuscitation Orders: Results from the MERIT Study. Resuscitation, 79(3), 391-397.
Scopus78 WoS84 Europe PMC552008 Cheng, A. C., Black, J. F., & Buising, K. L. (2008). Respiratory rate: the neglected vital sign. MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 189(9), 531.
WoS9 Europe PMC52008 Bellomo, R., Cass, A., Cole, L., Finfer, S., Gallagher, M., Goldsmith, D., . . . Wright, C. (2008). Design and challenges of the Randomized Evaluation of Normal versus Augmented Level Replacement Therapy (RENAL) Trial: High-dose versus standard-dose hemofiltration in acute renal failure. Blood Purification, 26(5), 407-416.
Scopus24 Europe PMC182008 Sugrue, M., Caldwell, E., D'Amours, S., Crozier, J., Wyllie, P., Flabouris, A., . . . Jalaludin, B. (2008). Time for a change in injury and trauma care delivery: A trauma death review analysis. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 78(11), 949-954.
Scopus32 WoS28 Europe PMC212008 Flabouris, A., Hart, G., & George, C. (2008). Outcomes of patients admitted to tertiary intensive care units after interhospital transfer: comparison with patients admitted from emergency departments.. Critical care and Resuscitation, 10(2), 97-105.
Scopus49 Europe PMC352008 Flabouris, A., Hart, G., & George, C. (2008). Observational study of patients admitted to intensive care units in Australia and New Zealand after interhospital transfer.. Critical care and Resuscitation, 10(2), 90-96.
Scopus14 Europe PMC72008 Galluccio, S., Flabouris, A., & Griggs, W. (2008). Resuscitation from prolonged cardiac arrest in a blunt trauma patient: Seeking guidance through the guidelines. Injury-international Journal of the Care of the Injured, 39(7), 805-808.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC22008 Cretikos, M., Bellomo, R., Hillman, K., Chen, J., Finfer, S., & Flabouris, A. (2008). Respiratory rate: the neglected vital sign. Medical Journal of Australia, 188(11), 657-659.
Scopus728 WoS543 Europe PMC2762008 Trevithick, S., Flabouris, A., Tall, G., & Webber, C. F. (2008). International EMS Systems: New South Wales, Australia. Medycyna Intensywna i Ratunkowa, 11(3), 198-205. 2007 Cretikos, M., Chen, J., Hillman, K., Bellomo, R., Finfer, S., & Flabouris, A. (2007). The objective medical emergency team activation criteria: A case-control study. Resuscitation, 73(1), 62-72.
Scopus197 WoS191 Europe PMC1142007 McMonagle, M. P., Flabouris, A., Parr, M. J. A., & Sugrue, M. (2007). Reducing time to urgent surgery by transporting resources to the trauma patient. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 77(4), 241-246.
Scopus6 WoS7 Europe PMC42007 Cretikos, M. A., Chen, J., Hillman, K. M., Bellomo, R., Finfer, S. R., & Flabouris, A. (2007). The effectiveness of implementation of the medical emergency team (MET) system and factors associated with use during the MERIT study.. Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 9(2), 206-212.
Scopus64 Europe PMC252006 Finfer, S., Felton, T., Blundell, A., Lipman, J., Davies, A., MacArthur, C., . . . French, C. (2006). Estimate of the number of patients eligible for treatment with drotrecogin alfa (activated) based on differing international indications: Post-hoc analysis of an inception cohort study in Australia and New Zealand. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 34(2), 184-190.
Scopus12006 Gibson, J., & Flabouris, A. (2006). Awareness in retrieval medicine. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 34(5), 678-682.
Scopus1 WoS12006 Iedema, R., Flabouris, A., Grant, S., & Jorm, C. (2006). Narrativizing errors of care: Critical incident reporting in clinical practice. Social Science and Medicine, 62(1), 134-144.
Scopus41 WoS29 Europe PMC172006 Flabouris, A., Runciman, W., & Levings, B. (2006). Incidents during out-of-hospital patient transportation. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 34(2), 228-236.
Scopus42 WoS32 Europe PMC212005 Iedema, R., Sorensen, R., Braithwaite, J., Flabouris, A., & Turnbull, L. (2005). The teleo-affective limits of end-of-life care in the intensive care unit. Social Science and Medicine, 60(4), 845-857.
Scopus21 WoS16 Europe PMC92005 Turnbull, E., Flabouris, A., & Iedema, R. (2005). An outside perspective on the lifeworld of ICU. Australian Critical Care, 18(2), 71-75.
Scopus92005 Hillman, K., Chen, J., Cretikos, M., Bellomo, R., Brown, D., Doig, G., . . . Flabouris, A. (2005). Introduction of the medical emergency team (MET) system: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. LANCET, 365(9477), 2091-2097.
WoS937 Europe PMC6302004 Flabouris, A., Nocera, A., & Garner, A. (2004). Efficacy of critical incident monitoring for evaluating disaster medical readiness and response during the sydney 2000 olympic games. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 19(2), 164-168.
Scopus92003 Flabouris, A., Schoettker, P., & Garner, A. (2003). ARDS with severe hypoxia - Aeromedical transportation during prone ventilation. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 31(6), 675-678.
Scopus14 WoS5 Europe PMC62003 Trevithick, S., Flabouris, A., Tall, G., & Webber, C. F. (2003). International EMS systems: New South Wales, Australia. Resuscitation, 59(2), 165-170.
Scopus26 WoS18 Europe PMC92003 Flabouris, A. (2003). A description of events associated with scene response by helicopter based medical retrieval teams. Injury, 34(11), 847-852.
Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC52002 Sugrue, M., Bauman, A., Jones, F., Bishop, G., Flabouris, A., Parr, M., . . . Deane, S. A. (2002). Clinical examination is an inaccurate predictor of intraabdominal pressure. World Journal of Surgery, 26(12), 1428-1431.
Scopus220 WoS170 Europe PMC1082001 Hillman, K., Parr, M., Flabouris, A., Bishop, G., & Stewart, A. (2001). Redefining in-hospital resuscitation: The concept of the medical emergency team. Resuscitation, 48(2), 105-110.
Scopus122 WoS100 Europe PMC822001 Flabouris, A. (2001). Clinical features, patterns of referral and out of hospital transport events for patients with suspected isolated spinal injury. Injury, 32(7), 569-575.
Scopus20 WoS9 Europe PMC92001 Parr, M. J. A., Hadfield, J. H., Flabouris, A., Bishop, G., & Hillman, K. (2001). The Medical Emergency Team: 12 Month analysis of reasons for activation, immediate outcome and not-for-resuscitation orders. Resuscitation, 50(1), 39-44.
Scopus133 WoS112 Europe PMC762000 Fletcher, S. J., & Flabouris, A. (2000). The patient-at-risk team. Anaesthesia, 55(2), 198.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC22000 Flabouris, A., Bishop, G., Wllliams, L., & Cunningham, M. (2000). Routine blood test ordering for patients in intensive care. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 28(5), 562-565.
Scopus14 WoS15 Europe PMC82000 Hillman, K., Alexandrou, E., Flabouris, M., Brown, D., Murphy, J., Daffurn, K., . . . Bishop, G. (2000). Clinical outcome indicators in acute hospital medicine. Clinical Intensive Care, 11(2), 89-94.
Scopus91999 Douglas, W. E., & Flabouris, A. (1999). Surgical emphysema following percutaneous tracheostomy. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 27(1), 69-72.
Scopus28 WoS24 Europe PMC201999 Flabouris, A. (1999). Patient referral and transportation to a regional tertiary ICU: Patient demographics, severity of illness and outcome comparison with non-transported patients. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 27(4), 385-390.
Scopus39 WoS38 Europe PMC201999 Flabouris, A., & Myburgh, J. (1999). The utility of open lung biopsy in patients requiring mechanical ventilation. Chest, 115(3), 811-817.
Scopus55 WoS39 Europe PMC281996 Flabouris, A., & Bridgewater, F. (1996). An analysis of demand for first-aid care at a major public event. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 11(1), 48-54.
Scopus35 Europe PMC211996 Flabouris, A. (1996). Ethnicity and proficiency in English as factors affecting community cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) class attendance. Resuscitation, 32(2), 95-103.
Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC6 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2022 Tan, S., Lunardi, L., Nor, N. M., Flabouris, A., & Crail, S. (2022). TREATMENT INTENSITY OF RENAL INPATIENTS DURING THEIR TERMINAL ADMISSION, A CLINICAL AUDIT. In NEPHROLOGY Vol. 27 (pp. 92). WILEY. 2004 Kause, J., Smith, G., Prytherch, D., Parr, M., Flabouris, A., & Hillman, K. (2004). A comparison of Antecedents to Cardiac Arrests, Deaths and EMergency Intensive care Admissions in Australia and New Zealand, and the United Kingdom - The ACADEMIA study. In Resuscitation Vol. 62 (pp. 275-282). Budapest, HUNGARY: ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD.
DOI Scopus490 WoS424 Europe PMC300 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Sundararajan, K., O'Connell, A., Thompson, C., & Flabouris, A. (2019). Responding to Clinical Deterioration: Diurnal Variation in Afferent Limb Failure. Poster session presented at the meeting of AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. Dallas, TX: AMER THORACIC SOC. 2016 O'Connell, A., Thompson, C., Flabouris, A., Kim, S., Horwood, C., & Hakendorf, P. (2016). Impact Of A Standardised Patient Observation And Multitiered Escalation Response Chart And New Calling Criteria On Adverse Patient Outcomes. Poster session presented at the meeting of INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL. WILEY-BLACKWELL.
The evaluation of the impact of a world-first state-wide program in reducing cardiac arrests and other adverse events in Emergency Departments in New South Wales. In Conjunction with the Simpson Centre for Health Service Innovation. Jack Chen (CIA) , Ken Hillman (CIB), Arthas Flabouris (CIC), John Sammut (CID) Partnership Projects grant. NHMRC approval for $471,409 in November 2016 (NHMRC ID APP1133781). In addition, $150,000 from Australian Heart Foundation
Preoperative predictors of early postoperative adverse events. Anaesthesia, Royal Adelaide Hospital and University of Adelaide, North Terrace Adelaide, SA. Ludbrook G (CIA), Flabouris A (CIB), Painter T (CIC). $37K ANZCA Project Grant Simulation/Education (Grant ID 13/20). 2013
Standardized patient observation charts, triggered clinical reviews and the prevention of serious patient adverse events. Royal Adelaide Hospital Research Fund Grant - $19,250.00
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery undergraduate students and supervision of Higher Degree students (both Masters and PhD level) at the University of Adelaide School of medicine.
Intensive Care based trainees and other speciality medical trainees, for whom I deliver structured theoretical based educational sessions, simulation based training and assessment, review of selected journal articles and clinical bedside teaching and supervision
Past examiner for the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) Primary Examination, at which I not only examine but set written and oral questions. As past Chair, of the Primary Examination Committee and prior Deputy Chair of the inaugural Primary Examination Committee I was involved in the development of the foundation Primary Exam syllabus, its subsequent re-evaluation and evolution into its second edition, as well the Primary examination processes itself.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Principal Supervisor Detecting and Responding to Acute Clinical Deterioration by Hospital lnpatients and their
CarersDoctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Lisa Ngaire Thiele 2021 Principal Supervisor Intensive Care Utilisation After Elective Surgical Procedures in Australia and New Zealand. Master of Clinical Science Master Part Time Dr Philip Emerson -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Diurnal variation in the performance of rapid response systems Master of Philosophy (Clinical Science) Master Full Time APrf Krishnaswamy Sundararajan 2018 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Observation and Response Charts: Their Effectiveness in the Detection and Response to the Deterioration of an Inpatient Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Alice O'Connell
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2020 - ongoing Chair CALHN Standard 8 Committee - Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration Central Adelaide Local Health Network Australia 2020 - ongoing Member Medicine Admissions Working Group University of Adelaide Australia 2019 - ongoing Member CALHN Intensive Care Network Safety and Quality Committee Central Adelaide Local Health Network Australia -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2017 - ongoing Medical Lead, Medical Emergency Response Service Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia 2003 - ongoing Staff Specialist, Intensive Care Royal Adelaide Hospital Australia
Connect With Me
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