Dr Francesco de Zwart
Senior Lecturer
Adelaide Law School
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Year Citation 2023 Campbell, S., & de Zwart, F. (2023). In-house lawyers as gatekeepers: From Enron to Australia today. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 38(2), 247-262. 2019 de Zwart, F. (2019). “Enhancing Firm Sustainability Through Governance Part 2: The Framework of the Relational Corporate Governance Approach”. Australian Journal of Corporate Law. 2018 de Zwart, F. (2018). Enhancing Firm Sustainability Through Governance Part 1: The Challenge of Corporate Governance. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 33(2), 144-165. 2015 de Zwart, F. (2015). Global and national comparative corporate governance codes. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 30(2), 89-139. 2014 de Zwart, F. (2014). Enron and Hastie: what can we learn?. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 29(2), 169-211. 2014 de Zwart, F. (2014). Enron's recurring themes. Governance Directions, 66(4), 226-228. 2005 Bonollo (de Zwart), F., & de Zwart, F. (2005). Seeds, Weeds and Unlawful Means: Negligent Infliction of Economic Loss and Interference with Trade and Business. Monash University Law Review, 31(2), 322-406. 2002 Bonollo (de Zwart), F., & de Zwart, F. (2002). Electronic Meetings. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 14(2), 95-148. 2001 Bonollo (de Zwart), F., & de Zwart, F. (2001). The Nexus of Contracts and Close Corporation Appraisal. Australian Journal of Corporate Law, 12(3), 165-193. -
Year Citation 2023 de Zwart, F., & Campbell, S. (Eds.) (2023). Company and Business Law: a Custom Publication (Vol. 1, 1 ed.). 2023 de Zwart, F., & Campbell, S. (Eds.) (2023). Company and Business Law: a Custom Publication (Vol. 1, 1 ed.). 2021 de Zwart, F. (2021). The Key Code and Advanced Handbook for the Governance and Supervision of Banks in Australia. Singapore: Springer.
DOI Scopus12021 de Zwart, F. (2021). The Key Code and Advanced Handbook for the Governance and Supervision of Banks in Australia. Singapore: Springer.
DOI Scopus12015 de Zwart, F. (2015). Enhancing firm sustainability through governance, the relational corporate governance approach (Vol. 34, 1 ed.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2023 de Zwart, F., Henderson, S., & Culton, J. (2023). CSR/ESG in Commercial Space Operations and the Artemis Accords. In M. de Zwart, S. Henderson, J. Culton, D. Turnbull, & A. Srivastava (Eds.), Human Uses of Outer Space: Return to the Moon (pp. 109-135). Singapore: Springer Nature.
DOI2015 Booth, R., Gilligan, G., de Zwart, F., & Gordon-Brown, L. (2015). Generic models of sports governance and their potential for sustainability. In Y. Lee, & R. Fort (Eds.), The Sports Business in the Pacific Rim: Economics and Policy (pp. 233-250). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
DOI2009 de Zwart, F., & Gilligan, G. (2009). Sustainable governance in sporting organisations. In P. Rodríguez, S. Késenne, & H. Dietl (Eds.), Social responsibility and sustainability in sports (pp. 165-227). Spain: Ediciones de la Universidad de Oviedo. -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2015 de Zwart, F. (2015). Global and National Comparative Corporate Governance Codes. In Corporate Law Teacher's Association Annual Conference 2015, Corporate Law: local and global dimensions (pp. 1-49). Melbourne Law School. 2014 de Zwart, F. (2014). "Enron and Hastie: What Can We Learn?"
This paper was awarded the Governance Institute of Australia Prize for Best Paper at the Annual Corporate Law Teachers’ Association Conference, 3-4 February, 2014, the leading Australian conference for corporate law academics.. In nnual Corporate Law Teachers’ Association Conference, 3-4 February, 2014. Adelaide.2007 de Zwart, F., & Gilligan, G. (2007). The relationship between good governance and sustainability in Australian sport. In 2007 Corporate Law Teachers Conference (pp. 1-37). Online: CLTA.
2018 - $2,793
I have a successful Learning Development Grant Application in 2018 for a Module on Indigenous Perspectives on Colonisation and the Law in the First-Year Foundations of Law subject (with Assoc Prof Matthew Stubbs and Prof Alex Reilly). I was part of the team which successfully introduced and trialled this Module in Semester 2 2017. This is significant as one of the first Law Schools in Australia to introduce an Indigenous Perspectives module in an introduction to law course.
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2014 - ongoing Member Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) University of Adelaide Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2024 - ongoing Member CPA Australia ESG Centre of Excellence Australia -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2016 - ongoing Governance Institute of Australia Applied Corporate Law Advocacy Australia -
Offices Held
Date Office Name Institution Country 2023 - ongoing Academic Integrity Officer Adelaide Law School, The University of Adelaide Australia 2020 - ongoing Returning Officer Adelaide University Law Student's Society (AULSS) Australia
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