David Paton

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 Co-Supervisor Multi dimensional spatial analysis of habitat usage by woodland birds in restored ecosystems. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Matthew James Farrell
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Anatomy and physiology of bone perfusion in living and fossil birds as assessed by CT-scanning, microsphere distribution, vascular contrast imaging and foramen measurement Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Qiaohui Hu
    2016 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Prescribed Burns in Heathy Swamps Favour Establishment of Threatened Flora Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr James Trezise
    2016 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Cephalic and encephalic arterial anatomy and perfusion in birds and mammals assessed via microsphere circulation, contrast injection, and osteoforamina measurement Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Thomas Jack Nelson
    2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Release Protocols and Release Environment: What Influences Reintroduction Success for the Brushtail Possum? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Hannah Lee Bannister
    2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Clumped planting arrangements can improve the ecological function of revegetated eucalypt woodlands Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Kimberly McCallum
    2014 - 2021 Principal Supervisor The Use of Artificial Perches in the Restoration of a Degraded Coastal Environment in Southern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Victoria Elizabeth Anne McCarron
    2013 - 2020 Principal Supervisor The Impact of Habitat Alteration on the Population Dynamics of a Declining Woodland Bird in the Mount Lofty Ranges Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Grace Violet Hodder
    2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Avian use of Old Man Saltbush (Atriplex nummularia nummularia) plantings in the fragmented agricultural landscapes of the South Australian Murray Mallee. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Timothy Simon Richards
    2010 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Levelling the Playing Field: Exploring Methods of Reducing Weed Competition to Improve the Establishment of Native Ground Cover on Former Agricultural Land Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Emanuelle Gerlach
    2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Improving Mammalian Reintroduction Success in the Australian Arid Zone Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Katherine Moseby
    2009 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Canopy Dieback and Decline in Pink Gums, Eucalyptus fasciculosa, F.Muell in the Mt Lofty Ranged and Adjoining Plains Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Sonia Croft
    2008 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Developmental Energetics and Gas Exchange in Amphibians and Lungfish Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Casey Anne Mueller
    2008 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Predicting and Measuring the Impacts of Climate Change and Habitat Loss on Southeast Asian and Australian Birds Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr John Harris
    2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Reviving Ecological Functioning through Dingo Restoration Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Arian Wallach
    2007 - 2013 Co-Supervisor The Structural and Thermal Properties of Avian Cup-Shaped Nests Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Caragh Heenan
    2007 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Defining Habitat use by Declining Woodland Birds to Inform Restoration Programs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Phillip John Northeast
    2006 - 2010 Co-Supervisor The Life History Characters, Reproductive Constraints and Foraging Strategies of a Neritic Seabird, The Crested Tern Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Lachlan McLeay
    2006 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Habitat reconstruction guidelines for woodland birds: a detailed, focussed, bird-orientated approach Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Joel Allan
    2004 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Seasonal and Colony Differences in the Foraging Ecology of New Zealand Fur Seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alastair Baylis
    2004 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Population Fragmentation in the Murray Hardyhead Craterocephalus fluviatilis McCulloch, 1912 (Teleostei: Atherinidae): Ecology, Genetics and Osmoregulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Scotte Wedderburn
    2004 - 2010 Co-Supervisor The Foraging Ecology of the Short-Tailed Shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Luke Einoder
    2004 - 2008 Principal Supervisor The Roles of Seed Banks and Soil Moisture in Recruitment of Semi-Arid Floodplain Plants: The River Murray, Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Anne Jensen
    2004 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Feeding and Breeding Ecology of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) in Eastern Great Australian Bight Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Annelise Wiebkin
    2003 - 2007 Principal Supervisor Ecology of Box Mistletoe Amyema Miquelii Dispersal in Pink Gum Eucalyptus Fasciculosa Woodlands Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Ward
    2003 - 2009 Principal Supervisor The Role of the Reintroduction of Greater Bilbies (Macrotis lagotis) and Burrowing Bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) in the Ecological Restoration of an Arid Ecosystem: Foraging Diggings, Diet, and Soil Seed Banks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Janet Newell
    2003 - 2009 Principal Supervisor Ecology and Behaviour of Pachycephala refogularis and P. inornata (Aves: Pachycephalidae) in Woodlands of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Dragos Moise
    2002 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Ecology and Movements of the Australian Bustard Ardeotis Australis in a Dynamic Landscape Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mark Ziembicki
    2000 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Comparative Ecology, and Conservation, of the Melithreptus Genus in the Southern Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Nigel Willoughby
    1999 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Factors influencing food availability for the endangered south-eastern Red-tailed Black Cockatoo Calytporhynchus banksii graptogyne in remnant stringybark woodland, and implications for management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Paul Koch
    1999 - 2006 Co-Supervisor Birds in Coffee Agroforestry Systems, of West Lampung, Sumatra Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Trudy O'Connor
    1999 - 2007 Principal Supervisor A Survey of the Reproductive Ecology and Patterns of Pollen-Mediated Gene Flow in Eucalyptus Camaldulensis and E. Leucoxylon Paddock Trees Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Kym Ottewell
    1998 - 2002 Principal Supervisor Intraspecific Variation in the Acoustic Signals of Birds and Frogs: Implications for the Acoustic Identification of Individuals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Daniel Rogers
    1997 - 2011 Principal Supervisor The Ecology of the Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) in Over-Browsed Habitats on Kangaroo Island, South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Soolim Carney
    1995 - 2002 Principal Supervisor An Ecological Study of Bush Stone-curlews Burhinus grallarius on Kangaroo Island, South Australia Master of Science Master Part Time Mr Jody Gates
    1995 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Cone production by the Drooping Sheoak Allocasuarina verticillata and the feeding ecology of the Glossy Black-Cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus on Kangaroo Island Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Tamra Fay Chapman
    1992 - 2003 Principal Supervisor The feeding ecology of the Adelaide Rosella Platycerus elegans adelaidae in cherry growing districts of the Adelaide Hills Master of Science Master Part Time Mr Timothy Mark Reynolds

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