David Matthews

David Matthews

Adelaide Business School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

My research interests sit predominantly at the intersection of services marketing and social marketing, with a focus on transformative service engagement. Through my research I seek to harness the power that marketing offers to researchers and practitioners to drive meaningful and impactful social change for vulnerable and marginalised market actors. My current research extends my passion for meaningful social impact into marketing communications; focusing on the efficacy and meaningfulness of representation in advertising, influencer marketing and streaming.

  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2020 Matthews, D., & Rao Hill, S. (2020). Examining the Effects of FLE Gender-job Congruency in Service Failure. In ANZMAC 2019.
    2018 Matthews, D., & Rao Hill, S. (2018). The Effect of Frontline Employee Gender-Job Congruency on Customer Forgiveness in Service Failure. In EMAC 2018.
    2017 Matthews, D., & Rao Hill, S. (2017). The Influence of Service Staff Sex in Gendered Service Recoveries: The Effects on Customer Forgiveness, Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention. In ANZMAC 2016.

I have taught at the University of Adelaide for almost a decade and have spanned a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses including Introduction to Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Digital Media in Business, Marketing Strategy and Research Project in Marketing. I am passionate about enquiry-based learning and seek to actively incorporate enquiry into my teaching in order to prepare students for their future careers. Leveraging my time working in industry, I seek to strengthen students' practical skills that are increasingly demanded in marketing roles, as well as promoting the development of soft skills in creativity, critical-thinking, and collaboration.

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