Dr David Adamson
Senior Lecturer
School of Economics and Public Policy
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
From Apples to Zoonosis
David is an agricultural economist who specialises in decision-making under risk and uncertainty. David has extensive experience in modelling economic production systems (irrigation, livestock, cropping, etc) to explore policy and strategic research issues.
He has applied these skills to protect capital (economic, social, cultural, and environmental) from issues including, but not limited to, biosecurity, water resources and climate change.
David works with multidisciplinary teams in Australia and around the world. He holds an honorary position at the University of Liverpool, UK dealing with one-health economics.
He has been published in leading journals, including Nature Sustainability, Global Environmental Change, Water Resource Research and Land Economics. His extensive consulting experience includes working for the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE), USDA, The Uruguayan Government, and The Murray-Darling Basin Authority.
- My Research
- Career
- Publications
- Grants and Funding
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Professional Activities
- Contact
Key Research Areas: Biosecurity, Water, Climate Change, Agriculture
Key Skills: Risk & Uncertainty, Optimisation, CBA, Whole Farm Analysis
Biosecurity Economic Experience:
- the economist at the CRC for Tropical Pest Management (1994-99)
- a member of the Independent Review into Red Imported Fire Ants (2015-16),
- explored the biosecurity implications of harmonising regulations via Free Trade Agreements,
- worked on agroterrorism for the OIE (2019-20)
- Foot & Mouth Disease management options in Uruguay, and
- exploring the value of rapid disease detection kits in the USA.
Water Resource Experience:
- held an ARC DECRA Fellowship dealing with maximising the benefits of restoring environmental flows (2016-2020)
- advised Europe's largest Dam managers in Portugal on water allocation under a changing climate Climate Change (2018)
- a member of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Economic Modelling and Costs Analysis Technical Group (2011)
Climate Change Experience:
- The Garnaut Climate Change Review
- Impacts on water resources
- Impacts on distribution and density of species
- Agricultural adaptation
Date Position Institution name 2020 - ongoing Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2017 - 2020 ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow (C) The University of Adelaide 2016 - 2017 ARC DECRA Fellow The University of Queensland 2011 - 2016 Senior Academic Research Officer The University of Queensland 2005 - 2011 Research Manager The University of Queensland 2004 - 2005 Research Officer The University of Queensland 2000 - 2004 Director Self-employed 1999 - 2000 Research Officer The University of Queensalnd 1994 - 1999 Economist CRC for Tropical Pest Management -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2017 Award Executive Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Research, University of Adelaide Award The University of Adelaide Australia - 2016 Fellowship Discovery Early Career Researcher Researcher Award - Australia - 2015 Fellowship Endeavour Research Fellow - Australia $24,500 2015 Fellowship The University Of QueenslandAustralian Institute for Business and Economics (AIBE) Fellowship The University of Queensland Australia $39,336 -
Date Institution name Country Title 2008 - 2015 The University of Queensland Australia PhD 1994 - 1997 The University of Queensland Australia M.Natural Resource Economics 1990 - 1994 University of New England Australia B.Ag Econ -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2014 Quiggin, J., Adamson, D., & Quiggen, D. (Eds.) (2014). Carbon Pricing: Early experience and future prospects. Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI Scopus42014 Quiggin, J., Adamson, D., & Quiggen, D. (Eds.) (2014). Carbon Pricing: Early experience and future prospects. Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI Scopus4 -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2012 Adamson, D. (2012). The Basin Plan, the buy-back and climate change: determining an optimal water entitlements portfolio. In Climate Change 2012: Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Changes, Proceedings of the 2nd Practical Responses to Climate Change (pp. 1-8). Barton, A.C.T: Engineers Australia. 2012 Takahashi, J., Kim, S. H., Semertzidou, A., Read, J., Tchipeva, D., MacIntyre, D. A., . . . Terzidou, V. (2012). Regulation of Sumo-Pathway Enzymes upon Inflammatory Stress and Labour.. In REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES Vol. 19 (pp. 187A). SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC. 2008 Adamson, D. C., Schrobback, P., & Quiggin, J. (2008). Options for managing salinity in the Murray-Darling Basin under reduced rainfall. In 2nd International Salinity Forum: Salinity, water and society—global issues. Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia. 1998 Zalucki, M., Rochester, W. A., Norton, G. A., Maelzer, D., Fitt, G. P., & Adamson, D. (1998). IPM and heliothis: What we have to do to make it work?. In M. P. Zalucki, R. Drew, & G. G. White (Eds.), PEST MANAGEMENT - FUTURE CHALLENGES, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS (pp. A107-A114). UNIV QUEENSLAND, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA: UNIV QUEENSLAND, DEPT HOSP TOURISM PROP MANAGEMENT LAWES.
WoS2 -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2022 Auricht, C., Yapp, G., Wood, B., Bugg, A., Mallawaarachchi, T., Adamson, D., . . . Auricht, D. (2022). National Soil Review Final Report: Part A Project Outcomes. Adelaide, SA: Auricht Projects. 2022 Auricht, C., Wood, B., Yapp, G., Bugg, A., Mallawaarachchi, T., Adamson, D., . . . Auricht, D. (2022). National Soil Review Final Report: Part B Project Results. Adelaide, SA: Auricht Projects. 2022 Railey, A., Adamson, D., & Rushton, J. (2022). POC MODEL DOCUMENTATION (Draft). 2021 Loch, A., & Adamson, D. (2021). Estimating the Economic Impacts of NPWS Infrastructure Investment 2021. South Australian Department of Environment & Water. 2020 Perry, B., Rich, K., Rojas, H., Romero, J., Adamson, D. C., & Rushton, J. (2020). FINAL REPORT:Assessment of the economic impacts of a change in the sanitary status with respect to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) prevention and control in Uruguay, and of the associated risk implications. 2020 Auricht, C., Loch, A., Byrne, C., Proud, B., & Adamson, D. (2020). Submission to the ACCC Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry - Interim Report. Adelaide, South Australia. 2020 Adamson, D. C., & Wheeler, S. (2020). CBA Model of Sheep Blow Fly Eradication in Kangaroo Island. 2019 Perry, B., Rich, K., Rojas, H., Romero, J., Adamson, D. C., & Rushton, J. (2019). Assessment of the economic and social impacts of a change in the sanitary status with respect to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) prevention and control in Uruguay, and of the associated risk implications: DRAFT REPORT. 2019 Gilbert, W., Adamson, D. C., & Rushton, J. (2019). Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime A cost-benefit analysis of investing in emergency management: Interim report on The Costs of Emergency Preparedness (2). Liverpool, UK. 2019 Gilbert, W., Adamson, D. C., & Rushton, J. (2019). Building resilience against agro-terrorism and agro-crime: A cost-benefit analysis of investing in emergency management: Inception Report (1). The University of Liverpool. 2019 Loch, A., Adamson, D., Mallawaarachchi, T., & Auricht, C. (2019). Submission to the Independent Social and Economic Assessment Panel in the Murray-Darling Basin. 2017 adamson, D., Loch, A., Wheeler, S., & Connor, J. (2017). Submission to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Water Resources: Inquiry into water-use efficiency in Australian agriculture,. 2017 Loch, A., O'Donnell, E., Adamson, D., & Horne,, A. (2017). Submission to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee Inquiry: The integrity of the water market in the Murray-Darling Basin. 2016 Magee, B., Oi, D., Parkes, J., Adamson, D., Hyne, N., Langford, D., . . . Lawson, S. (2016). Report of the Independent Review Panel: Independent Review Panel of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program. 2016 Magee, B., Oi, D., Parkes, J., Adamson, D., Hyne, N., Langford, D., . . . Lawson, S. (2016). Report of the Independent Review Panel: Independent Review Panel of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program. 2011 Adamson, D. C., Quiggin, J., & Quiggin, D. (2011). Water supply variability and sustainable diversion limits: Issues to consider in developing the Murray-Darling Basin (UniQuest Project No: 17255). Brisbane. 2011 Mallawaarchchi, T., Adamson, D. C., Huges, N., O'Donnell, C., & Quiggin, J. (2011). An economic analysis of the Impact of the National Water Initiative on the efficiency and productivity of water use. Brisbane, Australia. 2011 Mallawaararchchi, T., Adamson, D. C., Schrobback, P., & Quiggin, J. (2011). An economic analysis of the impact of the national water initiative on the capacity and resilience of Australia’s water management regime : Report to Client. Brisbane, Australia. 2010 Mallawaarachchi, T., Adamson, D. C., Chambers, S., & Schrobback, P. (2010). Economic analysis of diversion options for the Murray–Darling Basin Plan: Returns to irrigation under reduced water availability. -
Year Citation - Adamson, D. (n.d.). Restoring the balance: Water reform & the Murray-Darling Basin plan. -
Working Paper
Year Citation 2020 Sharafeyeva, A., & Adamson, D. (2020). Impact of trade facilitation on trade flows: a critical insight of quantitative studies. 2008 Wagner, L., Quiggin, J., & Adamson, D. (2008). Opportunity costs of restoring environmental flows to the Snowy River. Risk and Sustainable Management Group, University of Queensland.
David Adamson has won/participated in over $1.7 million worth of research/consultancy/fellowships since 2008.
Year | Project Name | TOTAL | |
2021 | ACIAR | ACIAR: Seeds of Life | $119,743 |
2020 | Faculty of Pofessions, UoA | Faculty of Professions, Animate your Science | $5,000 |
2020 | FFCRC | FFCRC: Social Licence Project | $40,000 |
2019 | Urugyian Government | Evaluation of FMD in Uruguay | $14,308 |
2019 | OIE | OIE Agroterrorism | $112,969 |
2019 | SARDI/PIRSA | Sterile Insect Technology | $33,000 |
2019 | University of Alcala | Giner de los Rios Fellowship | $8,617 |
2018 | University of Liverpool | UoL 20% of salary 2018+ 2019 | $77,119 |
2018 | UoA | UoA interdisciplinary Research Funding | $65,000 |
2017 | UoA, EU Centre for Global Affairs | Annual Grant Program | $15,000 |
2016 | ARC | ARC DECRA | $335,000 |
2016 | ACIAR | ACIAR: Horticultural Markets in Pakistan | $302,104 |
2015 | DNRM, QLD | DNRM Pricing New Water Rights | $34,856 |
2015 | AIBE, UQ | AIBE Fellowship | $39,336 |
2015 | Australian Governmen | Endeavour Research Fellow | $24,500 |
2014 | COST-ACTION, EU | Network for Evaluation of One Health, TD Cost-Action TD1401* | |
2013 | UWA/UQ collaboration fund | Coal Seam Gas & the Precautionary Principal | $6,799 |
2011 | ABARE/MDBA | MDBA: Water Supply Variability & Sustainable Diversion Limits | $41,155 |
2011 | Inovac/NWC | Analysis of the Impact of the National Water Initiative | $99,000 |
2010 | MDBA | Economic Analysis of Diversion Operations for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan | $57,000 |
2009 | CRC | One-Health Evaluation | $17,000 |
2009 | SA Government | SA Government High Court Challenge on Water Trade | $230,000 |
2008 | The Garnaut Climate Change Review | Garnaut Climate Change Review: The Implications for Irrigation in the MDB | $38,455 |
2008 | ABARE/Dept Ag Vic | ABARES/Dept of Ag Victoria: Reduced Water Availability in the MDB | $18,182 |
Teaching/Course Co-ordination:
- From 2020 Agribus 7057 "Trends in the World Food System"
- From 2021 Agribus "Agricultural Decision Making"
Guest Lectures:
- Adamson, D. 2016, ‘Economic impacts of One Health events’, Guest Lecture for VETS1030 One Health, 7 October 2016.
- Adamson, D. 2016, Economics and Biosecurity, Guest lecture for AGRC3042 Animal & Plant Biosecurity, 23 March 2016.
- Adamson, D. 2013: ‘The Murray-Darling Basin Plan & the Buy-Back’, Guest Lecture for ECON3710, 5 August 2013.
- Adamson, D. 2012, ‘Water Issues in the Murray Darling Basin’, Guest Lectures for ENVM7100 & ENVM2100, 24 & 26 April 2012.
Training Courses:
- Adamson, D 2016, Bio-Security & Market Access: The Role of Public Institutions DFAT’s Australia Awards Africa Agribusiness, Training Course, 30 August.
- Adamson, D. 2014, ‘The Murray-Darling Basin Plan; Policy Analysis’, BAPPENAS: Institutional Strengthening in the Indonesian Water Resources, Brisbane 12 Aug 2014.
- Adamson, D. 1996, ‘Biological control of tropical weeds: the economics of bio-control: a practical handout’, Tropical Weeds Course.
- Adamson, D. 1996, ‘How to make a resource economist squirm’, IPM Tools for Implementation, unpublished handout, CTPM, Brisbane.
- Adamson, D. 1996, ‘The economics of bio-control: A practical handout, IPM Tools for Implementation, unpublished handout, CTPM, Brisbane.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Policy evaluation using optimization analysis: A case study of sugar self-sufficiency in Indonesia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Zaura Fadhliani -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Social licence in natural resource dependent industries: Improving understanding and integrating economic perspectives Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Nikki Dumbrell 2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Trade costs, trade facilitation, and agrifood exports in Central Asia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Alfinura Sharafeyeva
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2015 - 2016 Member Independent Review Panel of the National Red Imported Fire Ant Eradication Program - Australia 2013 - 2015 President Australian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society (Queensland Branch) - Australia 2011 - 2011 Member Economic Modelling and Costs Analysis Technical Group Murray-Darling Basin Authority Australia
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