Zaura Fadhliani
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Economics and Public Policy
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Zaura Fadhliani is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Global Food and Resources (GFAR). Her project aims to develop an economic optimization model to allocate land between alternative agricultural production systems to carefully structure and analyze the economic welfare benefits of the newly announced Indonesian sugar self-sufficiency policy. Her supervisors are Associate Professor Adam Loch, Dr David Adamson, and Dr Matthew Knowling.
Zaura is also a lecturer at the Department of Agricultural Socio-Economics (Study Program Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness) Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. She completed her Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, US. Her bachelor degree in Agribusiness was gained from Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Date Position Institution name 2022 - ongoing PhD Candidate University of Adelaide 2020 - ongoing Lecturer Gadjah Mada University -
Date Institution name Country Title 2022 University of Adelaide Australia PhD Candidate 2014 - 2016 University of Arkansas at Fayetteville United States Master in Agricultural Economics 2006 - 2010 Syiah Kuala University Indonesia Bachelor in Agribusiness -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2019 Fadhliani, Z., Luckstead, J., & Wailes, E. J. (2019). The impacts of multiperil crop insurance on Indonesian rice farmers and production. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, 50(1), 15-26.
WoS18 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2022 Waluyati, L. R., Fadhliani, Z., Anjani, H. D., Siregar, A. P., Susilo, K. R., & Setyowati, L. (2022). Feasibility study of a tropical sweet corn farming at the Center of Innovation and Agrotechnology Universitas Gadjah Mada. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 1005 (pp. 012030). IOP Publishing.
DOI2021 Suryantini, A., Anjani, H. D., Fadhliani, Z., & Taryono. (2021). Perceived benefits and constraints in urban farming practice during COVID-19. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART AND INNOVATIVE AGRICULTURE Vol. 686 (pp. 7 pages). Univ Gadjah Mada, ELECTR NETWORK: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
DOI WoS32019 Fadhliani, Z., Yustika, E., Nugroho, A., & Hamid, A. H. (2019). Farmers' knowledge, perceptions, and participation on the implementation of crop insurance program in Aceh Besar. In E. Meilianda, Syamsidik, S. P. Boret, & Y. Idris (Eds.), 11TH ACEH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP AND EXPO ON SUSTAINABLE TSUNAMI DISASTER RECOVERY Vol. 273 (pp. 9 pages). Banda Aceh, INDONESIA: IOP PUBLISHING LTD.
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