Bronwyn Gillanders

Professor Bronwyn Gillanders

Head of School

School of Biological Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Our research group focuses on aquatic waters (freshwater, estuarine and marine) with a strong focus on fish and cephalopods, and environmental issues. The group is part of the Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories in the School of Biological Sciences and the Environment Institute.

  • Ecological and environmental changeFish proxies

We use the hard calcified structures of aquatic organisms (e.g. ear bones or otoliths, shells, teeth and vertebrae or other bones) as innovative tools to understand past environments and biological processes, such as age, growth and movement patterns. We undertake this research using indigenous midden, historical archived and modern day collections. We have specific projects around:


Integrated marine management

We are also leaders in a major marine initiative, the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Point LowlyInitiative. Spencer Gulf is one of the most important economic development regions in South Australia. The Initiative sets out to drive sound outcomes for all gulf users and the environment. It is currently supported with nearly 2.5 million dollars of investment from industry. Corporate investment includes BHP Billiton, Santos, Arrium, Alinta, Nyrstar, Centrex, Flinders Ports and the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation. Research partners include SARDI and Flinders University.

Population structure and connectivity

CuttlefishKnowledge of how populations are structured is fundamental not only to determining the spatial scale at which stock replenishment occurs, but also for determining the scale of spatial management units. Similarly an understanding of population connectivity underpins population sustainability and resilience. We use a range of approaches (otolith morphology, trace elements and stable isotopes, genomics, acoustic and satellite tagging) to investigate population structure and connectivity at different spatial and temporal scales.

Cephalopod biology, ecology and fisheries

WhitsundaysSouth Australia has the only known breeding aggregation of cephalopods in the world. This iconic aggregation of giant Australian cuttlefish in upper Spencer Gulf provides an ideal opportunity for study and has been the focus on most of our cephalopod research. We have recently focused on global trends in cephalopods and are investigating environmental and fisheries drivers of these trends.


Coastal carbon opportunities including co-benefits

Coastal carbon droneCoastal carbon ecosystems (seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh) have carbon sequestration rates and storage periods much greater than many terrestrial ecosystems. Degradation and loss of coastal habitats continues, but opportunities exist to use changes in these habitats associated with water quality improvements or restoration activities for carbon storage gains (additionality) and associated co-benefits. Our research focuses on demonstrating additionality and potential for future offsets from coastal ecosystems in South Australian waters.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2023 - ongoing Head of School University of Adelaide
    2022 - 2023 Deputy Dean Research, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology University of Adelaide
    2022 - 2023 Deputy Executive Dean, Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology University of Adelaide
    2020 - 2022 Head of School (interim) University of Adelaide
    2019 - 2020 Deputy Dean Research, Faculty of Science University of Adelaide
    2015 - 2018 Professor and Associate Head Research University of Adelaide
    2011 - 2015 Professor and ARC Future Fellow University of Adelaide
    2010 - 2011 Associate Head (Research Education) University of Adelaide
    2009 - 2009 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide
    2007 - 2010 Associate Professor University of Adelaide
    2001 - 2006 ARC Queen Elizabeth II Research Fellow University of Adelaide
    1997 - 2000 ARC Postdoctoral Fellow University of Sydney
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2018 Nomination South Australian Climate Leaders Awards Government of South Australia Australia -
    2017 Honour Life Membership, Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) ASFB Australia -
    2017 Honour Interest group named in Honour, National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) NYSF Australia -
    2017 Award Finalist, SA Scientist of the Year Department of State Development Australia -
    2016 Honour Hall of Fame, Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) ASFB Australia -
    2016 Award Peer Prize for Women in Science (Earth, Environmental & Space Science category) Australia -
    2016 Award Winnovation Award (Regional Rural Remote category) Women in Innovation SA Australia -
    2016 Award K Radway Allen Award, Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) ASFB Australia -
    2013 Award Faculty of Science Distinguished Research Award University of Adelaide Australia -
    2012 Award Faculty of Science Distinguished Research Award (finalist) University of Adelaide Australia -
    2011 Fellowship Lavern Weber Visiting Fellowship University of Oregon United States -
    2011 Scholarship South Australian Government Professional Development Scholarship University of Adelaide Australia -
    2011 Fellowship Australian Research Council Future Fellowship University of Adelaide Australia -
    2008 Award Faculty of Science Mid Career Research Excellence Award University of Adelaide Australia -
    2001 Fellowship Australian Research Council Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship University of Adelaide Australia -
    1997 Fellowship Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship University of Sydney Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1991 - 1995 University of Sydney Australia PhD
    1986 - 1988 University of Otago New Zealand MSc (Marine Science)
    1982 - 1984 University of Canterbury New Zealand BSc
  • Research Interests

Competitive Research Grants

Only includes competitive research grants whilst at the University of Adelaide (other public sector and industry research income not included). See below for industry focused research projects.

Years Project title Investigators Funding body Amount
2019-2020 A preliminary assessment of the prevalence of micro plastics in Australian seafood Gillanders BM, N Dowsett, N Wootton Fisheries Research Development Corporation (FRDC) $145,666

Cumulative impacts across fisheries in Australia's marine environment

Fulton EA, A Hobday, BM Gillanders FRDC $296,000
2018 Mass spectrometry for next generation isotope analysis of silicate minerals Tyler J and 14 others including BM Gillanders ARC LIEF $464,531
2017-2019 Do native invasions challenge Australian fisheries species?  Nagelkerken I, D Booth, D Shoeman, BM Gillanders ARC Discovery $374,500
2016-2019 The role of spatial protection measures in mitigating effects of bycatch and increasing yields in the NSW ocean trawl fishery Taylor M, D Hale, BM Gillanders, D Johnson FRDC $599,000
2015-2018 Surplus baitfish? The consumption and bioenergetics of a predatory fish Suthers IM, J Stewart, BM Gillanders, NL Payne JM Hughes ARC Linkage $257,000 (ARC funds only)
2014 High sensitivity and precision mass spectrometry for tracing Australia’s ancient evolution and securing our future groundwater resources Hand MP; V Kamenetsky, BM Gillanders, JD Foden, MJ Kennedy, CF Clark, T Raimondo, JL Payne, AJ Reid, RA Dutch ARC LIEF $505,000 (ARC funds $360,000)
2012-2015 Giant Australian cuttlefish in South Australian waters Gillanders BM , SC Donnellan, D Fordham, TAA Prowse, K Rowling, M Steer FRDC $367,638
2012-2014 Temperate trophic cascades: impacts of seal foraging on benthic community dynamics Gillanders BM, BP Kelaher, SD Connell, WF Figueira, MA Coleman, SD Goldsworthy  ARC Linkage $317,795 (ARC funds $217,000)
2012-2014 Seascape genetics for shark management: an innovation in sustainable fisheries modelling Gillanders BM, CJ Bradshaw, SC Donnellan, C Huveneers ARC Linkage $288,372 (ARC funds $195,000)
2012 Stable isotope analysis of environmental and physiological samples Gillanders BM, S Robinson, S Walker, M Kennedy, J Watling, K Soole, J Tibby, A Ball ARC LIEF $835,000 (ARC funds $420,000)
2011-2012 Spencer Gulf Research Initiative: Development of an ecosystem model for fisheries and aquaculture Gillanders BM, CJ Bradshaw, A Fistr, SD Goldsworthy, P Lauer, J Middleton, J Tanner, T Ward  FRDC $240,000
2011-2013 Changing perspective: using fish ear bones to counteract the shifting baseline syndrome Gillanders BM ARC Discovery $240,000
2011 Using fish ear bones from archaeological sites to identify changes in fish ecology and environmental conditions Gillanders BM, M Disspain Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) Postgraduate Research Award $4,625
2010-2014 Using ancient fish ear bones to overcome the shifting baseline syndrome in freshwater fish populations Gillanders BM ARC Future Fellowship $609,894
2010-2011 Linking fish recruitment and habitat use to ecosystem processes Gillanders BM, TS Elsdon ARC Linkage $83,000 (ARC funds $64,000)
2009-2011 Movement patterns and stock structure of Australian sardine (Sardinops sagax) off South Australia and the East Coast: implications for future stock assessment and management Ward T, BM Gillanders, J Stewart, IM Suthers  FRDC $250,000
2009-2010 Understanding the past environmental history of the Coorong (South Australia) using otoliths from archaeological midden sites Gillanders BM, M Disspain Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) $17,344
2007-2008 Spatial management of garfish in SA - stock structure and adult movement Fowler AJ, BM Gillanders FRDC $228,000
2007 Ultratrace element and isotope analysis facility McLaughlin MJ and 14 others including BM Gillanders ARC LIEF $1,272,667 (ARC funds $500,000)
2006-2009 Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLAMM) ecology Geddes M, G Ganf, P Gell, BM Gillanders, D Paton, R Shiel, K Walker, J Brookes  CSIRO Flagship Collaborative Research Program  $1,624,936
2006-2009 Effects of urbanisation and introduced species on rivers and estuaries: a whole of catchment approach Gillanders BM, HR Maier, TS Elsdon  ARC Linkage $378,952 (ARC funds $228,000)
2004-2006 Population structure in the giant Australian cuttlefish – implications for management of a unique ecotourism and fishery resource in regional Australia Gillanders BM, SC Donnellan ARC Linkage $289,788 (ARC funds $166,287)
2003-2006 Native fish stocking of rivers: discriminating between hatchery-reared and wild fish Gillanders BM, DA Crook, AC Sanger  ARC Linkage $498,817 (ARC funds $355,593)
2003-2006 Wild kingfish populations in Spencer Gulf: potential for parasite interactions with farmed fish, discrimination of farmed and wild fish and assessment of migratory behaviour Johnston C, I Ernst, I Whittington, BM Gillanders, K Hutson, C Chambers FRDC $136,650
2002-2004 Understanding marine biodiversity across vast spatial scales Connell SD, BM Gillanders, MJ Anderson ARC Discovery $188,226
2002-2003 Adult migration, population replenishment and geographic structure for snapper in SA Fowler AJ, BM Gillanders FRDC $114,090
2001-2005 Understanding population replenishment and movements of fish using trace elements in ear bones Gillanders BM ARC QEII Fellowship $500,000
2001-2004 Understanding population replenishment and movements of fish using trace elements in ear bones Gillanders BM ARC Discovery $201,108

Industry focused research

Coastal Carbon Opportunities (2017-present)

  • Demonstrating additionality and potential for future offsets in South Australia (Gillanders, Jones, Waycott, Lavery, Baldock, Koh, Cavagnaro, Masque, Fernandes, Gaylard, Serrano, Clarke, Raja Segaran, Kilpatrick, Asanopoulos).

Funding and partners: Goyder Institute for Water Research; Environment Institute, University of Adelaide; SA Water; Edith Cowan University, CSIRO; Department for Environment and Water; Environment Protection Authority (SA)

Spencer Gulf Ecosystem Development Initiative (2012-present)

  • Socio-ecological assessment of the ecosystems, industries and communities of Spencer Gulf (Ward, Gillanders, Doubell, Balliuel, Grammer, Goldsworthy, Nursey-Bray, Cassey, Huveneers, Miles, Bryars)
  • Developing knowledge and tools to inform integrated management of Spencer Gulf: case study on shipping and ports (Gillanders, Ward, Cassey, Prowse, Deveney, Goldsworthy, Huveneers)
  • Economic assessment of the Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiative Phase II Proposal
  • Implementation of integrated marine management of Spencer Gulf: Learning from past experience (Ward, Gillanders, Begg, Stephenson, Sloan)
  • Coastal, marine and land biodiversity adaptation to unlock economic development (Gillanders, Divecha, Tulloch)
  • Stakeholder input and structured decision making (Divecha, Gillanders)
  • Regional sustainability planning in the Upper Spencer Gulf: investigating potential impacts of shipping on giant Australian cuttlefish (Gillanders, Steer, Gaylard, Prowse)
  • Interactions between whales and vessels: causes and mitigation options - with reference to southern Australia (Gillanders)
  • Regional biodiversity management plan - Upper Spencer Gulf regional sustainability planning (Gillanders, Divecha, Tulloch)
  • Report on scenario development, stakeholder workshops, existing knowledge and information gaps (Gillanders et al.)
  • Development of an ecosystem model for fisheries and aquaculture (Gillanders, Bradshaw, Fistr, Goldsworthy, Tanner, Lauer, Middleton, Ward) (FRDC research project included above)

Funding and partners: SGEDI partners (BHP Billiton, Arrium (now Gupta Family Group), Santos, Flinders Ports, Centrex, Alinta, Nyrstar, Iron Road); Fisheries Research Development Corporation; Goyder Institute for Water Research; Department for Environment and Water; Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group; Department of the Environment; Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board; Environment Institute, University of Adelaide; SARDI Aquatic Sciences, Flinders University

Stocking of freshwater native fish (2002-2011)

  • Review of South Australian policy on stocking and stock enhancement (Gillanders & Ye)
  • Methods for discriminating hatchery fish and outcomes of stocking in the Murray Darling Basin (Crook, Sanger, Gillanders, Munro, Baumgartner, Thurstan)
  • Impacts of native fish stocking on fish within the Murray-Darling Basin (Gillanders, Munro, Elsdon)
  • Improved methodology for discrimination of stocked and wild fish (Crook, Gillanders, Munro, Sanger, Thurstan)
  • Native fish stocking of rivers: discriminating between hatchery-reared and wild fish (Gillanders, Crook, Sanger) (ARC Linkage project included above)

Funding and partners: Murray-Darling Basin Authority; South Australian Research and Development Institute; NSW Fisheries; Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment

China aquacultureCourse Coordination

  • Frontiers in Marine Biology (third year) (2006-2022)


  • Zoology (second year; 2006-2010; 2016-2018)
  • Freshwater Ecology (third year) (2006-2018)
  • Marine Ecology (third year) (2003-2018)
  • Frontiers in Marine Biology (third year) (2006-2022)

International study tours

In 2016 I co-led a New Colombo Plan funded study tour to China and Hong Kong titled "Taking a Dive into the Future of Marine Biology" and in 2017 have led another New Colombo Plan study tour to Timor Leste (Beneath the waves) (both available to second and third year BSc students). I have continued to lead annual study tour's to Timor Leste (2018; 2019). We plan to take another study tour to Timor Leste in 2023 (led by Dr Alice Jones).

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Co-Supervisor Reconstructing the reproductive life histories of sharks using archival tissues. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Madison Baker
    2024 Principal Supervisor Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics on marine organisms Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Danielle Giuretis
    2022 Co-Supervisor Science Communication: Sharing via Storytelling (Working Title) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Mollie Hawkes Hohmann
    2022 Principal Supervisor Provenance of shark products Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Josephine Erika Lingard
    2021 Principal Supervisor Assessing the drivers of tropical-deep water snapper growth Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Joseph Boiston Widdrington
    2020 Principal Supervisor Microplastics in Marine Biology Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Nikita Jade Pring
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Blue Carbon in South Australian Coastal Ecosystems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sophie Kate Russell
    2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Microplastics and Emerging Chemical Contaminants in the Marine Environment Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sophie Deborah Louise Dolling
    2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Population Dynamics of an Estuarine Fish and Implications for Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Koster Georgien Sarakinis
    Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Vinuri Silva
    2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Microplastics in Australian Crustaceans: Occurrence, Trophic Transfer and a Vector for Metals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Solomon Ogunola
    2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Using Omics and Behavioural Approaches to Understand Human Impacts on Octopods Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Qian Hui Qiaz Hua
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Occurrence of Microplastic in Fish: Presence, Knowledge and Solutions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Nina Kantor Wootton
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Evaluation of Common Assumptions in Marine Cumulative Impact Assessment Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jackson Stockbridge
    2017 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Defining Spatial Distribution and Habitat Linkages to Support Management of Exploited Species in NSW: An Otolith Chemistry Study Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Angela Lee Russell
    2017 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Restoration of Fish Populations in Semi-Arid Ecosystems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Jarod Paul Lyon
    2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Calibration of alkaline earth metal isotope tracers in semi-arid coastal environments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Yuexiao Shao
    2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Changing community composition of coastal and marine vascular plants–towards an independent evidence base on coastal environmental change through time Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Nicole Rianne Foster
    2017 - 2019 Co-Supervisor The effects of tropical fish range-extensions on temperate communities Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Kelsey Margaret Kingsbury
    2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Oxygen isotope and elemental ratios in waters and bivalves as tracers of hydrological change in the modern and ancient waters of the Coorong Lagoons, South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Briony Kate Chamberlayne
    2016 - 2020 Principal Supervisor THE EARLY LIFE HISTORY OF KING GEORGE WHITING (Sillaginodes punctatus: Perciformes) IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S GULF SYSTEM Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Troy Adam Rogers
    2015 - 2018 Principal Supervisor An Integrated Approach to Assess Pupping Areas and Natal Origins in a Conservation Dependent Shark, Galeorhinus galeus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew Neilson McMillan
    2015 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Uncovering the Role of Biomineralisation in Otolith Trace Element Uptake by Microstructural and Microchemical Analysis Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Ms Aoife McFadden
    2015 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Linking Chemistry and Sclerochronology to Physiological Processes in Fish Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jasmin Carmel Amina Martino
    2014 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Fish movement and passage in a fragmented and freshwater-deprived estuary: implications for the management of estuarine-associated fishes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Christopher Martin Bice
    2013 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Tracking Trends in Hypoxia: A Freshwater Perspective Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Kayla Louise Gilmore
    2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Habitat Connectivity and Quality Alter Population Growth and Community Structure of Marine Crustaceans Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Katherine Ann Heldt
    2012 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Assessing connectivity in coastal systems as a tool for fish management and conservation Doctor of Philosophy under a Jointly-awarded Degree Agreement with Doctorate Full Time Dr Patrick Reis Dos Santos
    2012 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The physiological responses of King George whiting to environmental parameters Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Nastaran Mazloumi
    2011 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Unique palaeoenvironmental records? An examination of applications and the reliability of fish otoliths in archaeological investigations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Morgan Carol Faith Disspain
    2011 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Reconstructing Ecological Baselines: Toward Improved Management in Aquatic Ecosystems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Heidi Alleway
    2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Using biogeochemical tracers and sclerochronologies derived from fish otoliths to detect environmental change Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Gretchen Lynn Grammer
    2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Dicyemid parasite fauna of southern Australian cephalopod species Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sarah Roseann Catalano
    2009 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Population structure of a predatory demersal fish (Argyrosomus japonicus, Sciaenidae) determined with natural tags and satellite telemetry Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Thomas Barnes
    2008 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Population Structure and Movement of Black Bream (Acanthopagrus butcheri) in South Australian Estuaries Based on Otholith Chemistry Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Ana Judith Giraldo
    2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Approaches to Understanding the Population Dynamics and Behaviour of Sepia Apama in Northern Spencer Gulf Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Nicholas Payne
    2007 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Impacts of River Regulation, Drought and Exploitation on the Fish of a Degraded, Australian Estuary: with Particular Reference to the Life-history of the Sciaenid, Argyrosomus japonicus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Greg Ferguson
    2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Stock Enhancement in the Murray-Darling Basin, Identification of Stocked Fish and Enhancing Post-stock Survival Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Skye Woodcock
    2007 - 2012 Co-Supervisor Strength of Sea Urchin Herbivory and Condition from Biogeographic to Organismal Scales Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Juan Livore
    2007 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Stable Isotopes of Estuarine Fish: Experimental Validations and Ecological Investigations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Alexandra Bloomfield
    2007 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Ecology and Population Dynamics of Golden Perch in a Fragmented and Flow-Impacted River: Implications for Conservation and Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Brenton Peter Zampatti
    2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Patterns of Telomere Length Change with Age in Aquatic Vertebrates and their Phylogenetic Distribution Among the Jawed Vertebrates Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Christopher Izzo
    2006 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Larval Fish Assemblages in the Lower River Murray, Australia: Examining the Influence of Hydrology, Habitat and Food Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Katherine Jane-Maree Cheshire
    2006 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Carp Exclusion Screens on wetland inlets: their value for control of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) and effects on offstream movements by other fish species in the River Murray, Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Karl Hillyard
    2005 - 2009 Principal Supervisor The Reproductive Biology and Recruitment Dynamics of Snapper, Chrysophrys auratus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Richard Saunders
    2005 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Disturbances That Influence Patterns of Benthic Assemblages Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Bethany Roberts
    2004 - 2009 Co-Supervisor Declining Water Quality as a Driver of Changes to Subtidal Communities Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daniel Gorman
    2002 - 2005 Principal Supervisor The Ecology of Subtidal Turfs in Southern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Bayden Russell
    2002 - 2005 Co-Supervisor Regional and Local Patterns in Kelp Morphology and Benthic Assemblages Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Meegan Fowler-Walker
    2002 - 2005 Principal Supervisor Reconstructing Environmental Histories of Fish from Otolith Chemistry; Experimental Validations and Applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Travis Elsdon
    2002 - 2006 Principal Supervisor Assessment of Ecological Risks from Effects of Fishing to Piked Spurdog (Squalus megalops) in South-Eastern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Juan Braccini
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2020 - ongoing Member Goyder Institute for Water Research Management Committee Goyder Institute Australia
    2020 - ongoing Chair Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries Experiencing Marine Sanctuaries Australia
    2019 - ongoing Member SA Coast Protection Board Department for Environment and Water Australia
    2019 - ongoing Member Southwest Marine Parks Advisory Committee Parks Australia Australia
    2019 - ongoing Chair Marine Innovations Southern Australia (MISA) Steering Committee MISA Australia
    2015 - ongoing Member Naracoorte Caves National Park and World Heritage Area Interagency Reference Group Department for Environment and Water Australia
    2015 - ongoing Chair Naracoorte Caves National Park and World Heritage Area Research Subgroup Department for Environment and Water Australia
    2015 - 2018 Member Marine Innovations Southern Australia (MISA) Steering Committee MISA Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member National Primary Industries Research Providers Network Chaired by CSIRO Australia
    2013 - 2017 Member National Committee for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Australian Academy of Science Australia
    2013 - ongoing Member SA Government Working group on Giant Australian cuttlefish Whole of Government Australia
    2011 - 2015 Member Marine Innovations Southern Australia Advisory Committee MISA Australia
    2006 - 2010 Member SA Fisheries Research Advisory Board FRDC Australia
    2005 - 2014 Member Scientific Working Group for Marine Protected Areas Department for Environment and Water Australia
    2005 - 2011 Member Aquaculture Tenure Allocation Board PIRSA Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2021 - ongoing Representative World Council of Fisheries Societies (Immediate Past President) United States
    2016 - 2020 President World Council of Fisheries Societies United States
    2013 - 2015 Representative Australian Society for Fish Biology (Immediate Past President) Australia
    2011 - 2013 President Australian Society for Fish Biology Australia
    2009 - 2011 Vice-President Australian Society for Fish Biology Australia
    2006 - 2009 Representative Australian Society for Fish Biology Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Editor Fish and Fisheries Wiley Online Library Australia
    2020 - ongoing Editor Frontiers in Marine Science Frontiers Media S.A. Australia
    2007 - 2016 Associate Editor Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences NRC Research Press Canada
    2006 - ongoing Associate Editor Marine and Freshwater Research CSIRO Publishing Australia
  • Position: Head of School
  • Phone: 83136235
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83134364
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Darling, floor Ground Floor
  • Room: G08A
  • Org Unit: School of Biological Sciences

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