2024 |
Loizos, B. M., Wang, X. -G., Thomas, A. W., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2024). Constraints on the dark sector from electroweak precision observables. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 51(7), 1075002-1-1075002-15. DOI Scopus3 |
2024 |
Deshpande, M., Hamann, J., Sengupta, D., White, M., Williams, A. G., & Wong, Y. Y. Y. (2024). Revisiting cosmological constraints on supersymmetric SuperWIMPs. European Physical Journal C, 84(7), 667-1-667-22. DOI Scopus1 |
2024 |
Carragher, E., Goh, K., Su, W., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2024). Extending global fits of 4D Composite Higgs Models with partially composite leptons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(8), 185-0-185-47. DOI |
2023 |
Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Bignell, L. J., Bolognino, I., Brooks, G., Dastgiri, F., . . . Zurowski, M. J. (2023). Simulation and background characterisation of the SABRE South experiment. The European Physical Journal C, 83(9), 878-1-878-16. DOI Scopus4 |
2023 |
Gill, J. A., Sengupta, D., & Williams, A. G. (2023). Graviton-photon production with a massive spin-2 particle. Physical Review D, 108(5), 1-7. DOI Scopus6 |
2022 |
Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Bignell, L. J., Bolognino, I., Brooks, G., Dastgiri, F., . . . Zurowski, M. J. (2022). The SABRE South experiment at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory. Proceedings of Science, 414. |
2022 |
Su, W., Williams, A. G. G., & Zhang, M. (2022). Probing EWPT in 2HDM with future lepton colliders. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 37(30), 2246008-1-2246008-7. DOI |
2022 |
Thomas, A. W., Wang, X. G., & Williams, A. G. (2022). Constraints on the dark photon from deep inelastic scattering. Physical Review D, 105(3), L031901-1-L031901-5. DOI Scopus14 WoS8 |
2022 |
Thomas, A. W., Wang, X. G., & Williams, A. G. (2022). Sensitivity of Parity-Violating Electron Scattering to a Dark Photon. Physical Review Letters, 129(1), 6 pages. DOI Scopus15 WoS6 Europe PMC1 |
2022 |
Beniwal, A., Rajec, F., Prim, M. T., Scott, P., Su, W., White, M., . . . Woodcock, A. (2022). Global fit of 2HDM with future collider results. |
2021 |
Su, W., White, M., Williams, A. G., & Wu, Y. (2021). Exploring the low tan β region of two Higgs doublet models at the LHC. European Physical Journal C, 81(9), 1-11. DOI Scopus4 WoS2 |
2021 |
Su, W., Williams, A. G., & Zhang, M. (2021). Strong first order electroweak phase transition in 2HDM confronting future Z & Higgs factories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(4), 219-i-219-36. DOI Scopus21 WoS19 |
2021 |
Antonello, M., Arnquist, I. J., Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Benziger, J., Bignell, L. J., . . . Zurowski, M. (2021). Characterization of SABRE crystal NaI-33 with direct underground counting. European Physical Journal C, 81(4), 299-1-299-11. DOI Scopus18 WoS11 |
2021 |
Carragher, E., Handley, W., Murnane, D., Stangl, P., Su, W., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2021). Convergent Bayesian global fits of 4D composite Higgs models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(5), 1-77. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 |
2021 |
Beniwal, A., Herrero-García, J., Leerdam, N., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2021). The ScotoSinglet Model: a scalar singlet extension of the Scotogenic Model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021(6), 136-1[i]-136-32. DOI Scopus7 WoS8 |
2020 |
Frixione, S., Roos, L., Ting, E., Vryonidou, E., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2020). Model-independent approach for incorporating interference effects in collider searches for new resonances. European Physical Journal C, 80(12), 1-22. DOI Scopus1 |
2020 |
Allanach, B. C., Athron, P., Tunstall, L. C., Voigt, A., & Williams, A. G. (2020). Corrigendum to “Next-to-Minimal SOFTSUSY” [Comput. Phys. Comm. 185 (2014) 2322–2339](S0010465514001386)(10.1016/j.cpc.2014.04.015). Computer Physics Communications, 250, 2 pages. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 |
2020 |
Herrero-Garcia, J., Nebot, M., Rajec, F., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2020). Higgs quark flavor violation: simplified models and status of general Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020(2), 1-38. DOI Scopus10 WoS4 |
2019 |
Antonello, M., Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Benziger, J., Bignell, L. J., Bolognino, I., . . . The SABRE Collaboration. (2019). Monte Carlo simulation of the SABRE PoP background. Astroparticle Physics, 106, 1-9. DOI Scopus23 WoS20 |
2019 |
Herrero-Garcia, J., Scaffidi, A., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2019). On the direct detection of multi-component dark matter: implications of the relic abundance. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2019(1), 1-21. DOI Scopus18 WoS13 |
2019 |
Athron, P., Balázs, C., Beniwal, A., Bloor, S., Camargo-Molina, J. E., Cornell, J. M., . . . Williams, A. G. (2019). Global analyses of Higgs portal singlet dark matter models using GAMBIT. European Physical Journal C, 79(1), 38-1-8-28. DOI Scopus87 WoS77 |
2019 |
Beniwal, A., Lewicki, M., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2019). Gravitational waves and electroweak baryogenesis in a global study of the extended scalar singlet model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(2), 1-43. DOI Scopus77 WoS61 |
2019 |
Murnane, D., White, M., & Williams, A. G. (2019). Exploring fine-tuning of the Next-to-Minimal Composite Higgs Model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019(4), 076-1-076-26. DOI Scopus5 WoS3 |
2019 |
Antonello, M., Barberio, E., Baroncelli, T., Benziger, J., Bignell, L. J., Bolognino, I., . . . Xu, J. (2019). The SABRE project and the SABRE Proof-of-Principle. European Physical Journal C, 79(4), 8 pages. DOI Scopus77 WoS61 |
2018 |
Herrero-Garcia, J., Scaffidi, A., White, M., & Williams, A. (2018). Time-dependent rate of multicomponent dark matter: reproducing the DAMA/LIBRA phase-2 results. Physical Review D, 98(12), 123007-1-123007-8. DOI Scopus18 WoS19 |
2018 |
Gupta, S., Matthews, Z., Sharma, P., & Williams, A. (2018). Effect of a light sterile neutrino at NOνA and DUNE. Physical Review D, 98(3), 035042-1-035042-9. DOI Scopus20 WoS19 |
2018 |
Ritchie, L., Lohe, M., & Williams, A. (2018). Synchronization of relativistic particles in the hyperbolic Kuramoto model. Chaos, 28(5), 053116-1-053116-11. DOI Scopus14 WoS14 |
2018 |
Patrick, R., Sharma, P., & Williams, A. (2018). Triple top signal as a probe of charged Higgs in a 2HDM. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 780, 603-607. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 |
2017 |
Herrero-Garcia, J., Scaffidi, A., White, M., & Williams, A. (2017). On the direct detection of multi-component dark matter: sensitivity studies and parameter estimation. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(11), 021-1-021-36. DOI Scopus33 WoS26 |
2017 |
Barnard, J., Murnane, D., White, M., & Williams, A. (2017). Constraining fine tuning in composite Higgs models with partially composite leptons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(9), 049-1-049-31. DOI Scopus5 WoS3 |
2017 |
Geytenbeek, B., Rao, S., Scott, P., Serenelli, A., Vincent, A., White, M., & Williams, A. (2017). Effect of electromagnetic dipole dark matter on energy transport in the solar interior. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(3), 1-37. DOI Scopus14 WoS12 |
2017 |
Ghosh, M., Gupta, S., Matthews, Z., Sharma, P., & Williams, A. (2017). Study of parameter degeneracy and hierarchy sensitivity of NO ν A in presence of sterile neutrino. Physical Review D, 96(7), 075018-1-075018-8. DOI Scopus19 WoS13 |
2017 |
Beniwal, A., Lewicki, M., Wells, J., White, M., & Williams, A. (2017). Gravitational wave, collider and dark matter signals from a scalar singlet electroweak baryogenesis. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017(8), 108-1-108-25. DOI Scopus136 WoS109 |
2017 |
Patrick, R., Sharma, P., & Williams, A. (2017). Exploring a heavy charged Higgs using jet substructure in a fully hadronic channel. Nuclear Physics B, 917, 19-30. DOI Scopus10 WoS10 |
2016 |
Li, J., & Williams, A. (2016). Tau reconstruction methods at an electron-positron collider in the search for new physics. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 93(7), 075019-1-075019-17. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 |
2016 |
Conte, E., Fuks, B., Guo, J., Li, J., & Williams, A. (2016). Investigating light NMSSM pseudoscalar states with boosted ditau tagging. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(5), 100-1-100-23. DOI Scopus20 WoS21 |
2016 |
Scaffidi, A., Freese, K., Li, J., Savage, C., White, M., & Williams, A. (2016). Gamma rays from muons from WIMPs: implementation of radiative muon decays for dark matter analyses. Physical Review D, 93(11), 115024-1-115024-10. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 |
2016 |
Athron, P., Harries, D., Nevzorov, R., & Williams, A. (2016). Dark matter in a constrained E₆ inspired SUSY model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(12), 128-1-128-124. DOI Scopus29 WoS24 |
2016 |
Li, J., Patrick, R., Sharma, P., & Williams, A. (2016). Boosting the charged Higgs search prospects using jet substructure at the LHC. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), 164-1-164-27. DOI Scopus8 WoS7 |
2016 |
Beniwal, A., Rajec, F., Savage, C., Scott, P., Weniger, C., White, M., & Williams, A. (2016). Combined analysis of effective Higgs portal dark matter models. Physical Review D, 93(11), 115016-1-115016-31. DOI Scopus77 WoS71 |
2016 |
Athron, P., Harries, D., Nevzorov, R., & Williams, A. (2016). E₆ inspired SUSY benchmarks, dark matter relic density anda125 GeV Higgs. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 760, 19-25. DOI Scopus36 WoS29 |
2015 |
Savage, C., Scaffidi, A., White, M., & Williams, A. (2015). LUX likelihood and limits on spin-independent and spin-dependent WIMP couplings with LUXCalc. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology, 92(10), 103519-1-103519-16. DOI Scopus29 WoS26 |
2015 |
Klzllersü, A., Sizer, T., Pennington, M., Williams, A., & Williams, R. (2015). Dynamical mass generation in unquenched QED using the Dyson-Schwinger equations. Physical Review D, 91(6), 065015-1-065015-17. DOI Scopus19 WoS16 |
2015 |
Athron, P., Mühlleitner, M., Nevzorov, R., & Williams, A. (2015). Non-standard higgs decays in U(1) extensions of the MSSM. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015(1), 153-1-153-36. DOI Scopus32 WoS30 |
2015 |
Guo, J., Li, J., Li, T., & Williams, A. (2015). NMSSM explanations of the Galactic center gamma ray excess and promising LHC searches. Physical Review D, 91(9), 095003-1-095003-17. DOI Scopus35 WoS31 |
2015 |
Bakry, A., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2015). Gluonic profile of the static baryon at finite temperature. Physical Review D, 91(9), 19 pages. DOI Scopus10 WoS6 |
2015 |
Athron, P., Harries, D., & Williams, A. (2015). Z′ mass limits and the naturalness of supersymmetry. Physical Review D, 91(11), 115024-1-115024-36. DOI Scopus19 WoS18 |
2014 |
Mahbub, M., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2014). Searching for low-lying multi-particle thresholds in lattice spectroscopy. Annals of Physics, 342, 270-282. DOI Scopus17 WoS13 |
2014 |
Allanach, B., Athron, P., Tunstall, L., Voigt, A., & Williams, A. (2014). Next-to-minimal SOFTSUSY. Computer Physics Communications, 185(9), 2322-2339. DOI Scopus84 WoS78 |
2013 |
Kizilersu, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (2013). Strongly-coupled unquenched QED₄ propagators using Schwinger-Dyson equations. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 88(4), 1-48. DOI Scopus8 WoS7 |
2013 |
Mahbub, M., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Moran, P., & Williams, A. (2013). Structure and flow of the nucleon eigenstates in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 87(9), 1-15. DOI Scopus43 WoS31 |
2013 |
Mahbub, M., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Moran, P., & Williams, A. (2013). Low-lying odd-parity states of the nucleon in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 87(1), 1-5. DOI Scopus35 WoS27 |
2012 |
El Bakry Mahmoud, A., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2012). Bosonic stringlike behavior and the ultraviolet filtering of QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 85(3), 1-8. DOI Scopus15 WoS8 |
2012 |
Mahbub, M., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Moran, P., & Williams, A. (2012). Roper resonance in 2+1 flavor QCD. Physics Letters B, 707(3-4), 389-393. DOI Scopus69 WoS47 |
2011 |
El Bakry Mahmoud, A., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2011). On the ground state of Yang-Mills theory. Annals of Physics, 326(8), 2165-2173. DOI Scopus5 WoS3 |
2011 |
Bowman, P., Langfeld, K., Leinweber, D., Sternbeck, A., Von Smekal, L., & Williams, A. (2011). Role of center vortices in chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) gauge theory. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 84(3), 034501-1-034501-9. DOI Scopus50 WoS35 |
2010 |
Mahbub, M., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Cass, A., & Williams, A. (2010). Ordering of spin-½ excitations of the nucleon in lattice QCD. Physics Letters B, 693(3), 351-357. DOI Scopus33 WoS21 |
2010 |
El Bakry Mahmoud, A., Leinweber, D., Moran, P., Sternbeck, A., & Williams, A. (2010). String effects and the distribution of the glue in static mesons at finite temperature. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 82(9), 094503-1-094503-15. DOI Scopus25 WoS19 |
2010 |
Mahbub, M., Cass, A., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2010). Positive-parity excited states of the nucleon in quenched lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 82(9), 1-12. DOI Scopus29 WoS20 |
2009 |
Zhang, J., Moran, P., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2009). Stout-link smearing in lattice fermion actions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 80(7), 1-7. DOI Scopus4 WoS3 |
2009 |
Mahbub, M., Cass, A., Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2009). Isolating excited states of the nucleon in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 80(5), 054507-1-054507-11. DOI Scopus40 WoS27 |
2009 |
Boinepalli, S., Leinweber, D., Moran, P., Williams, A., Zanotti, J., & Zhang, J. (2009). Electromagnetic structure of decuplet baryons towards the chiral regime. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 80(5), 1-26. DOI Scopus48 WoS41 |
2009 |
Mahbub, M., Cass, A., Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2009). Isolating the Roper resonance in lattice QCD. Physics Letters B, 679(4), 418-422. DOI Scopus31 WoS20 |
2009 |
Carroll, J., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Thomas, A. (2009). Phase transition from quark-meson coupling hyperonic matter to deconfined quark matter. Physical Review C, 79(4), 045810-1-045810-12. DOI Scopus22 WoS21 |
2008 |
Von Smekal, L., Ghiotti, M., & Williams, A. (2008). Decontracted double BRST symmetry on the lattice. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 78(8), 085016-1-085016-19. DOI Scopus45 WoS37 |
2008 |
Bowman, P., Langfeld, K., Leinweber, D., Cass, A., Sternbeck, A., Von Smekal, L., & Williams, A. (2008). Center vortices and the quark propagator in SU(2) gauge theory. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 78(5), 054509-1-054509-7. DOI Scopus34 WoS26 |
2008 |
Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2008). Scaling analysis of fat-link irrelevant clover fermion actions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 77(1), 014507-01-014507-06. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 |
2007 |
Hedditch, J., Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2007). Pseudoscalar and vector meson form factors from lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 75(9), 094504-1-094504-11. DOI Scopus70 WoS58 |
2007 |
Wang, P., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2007). Phase transition from hadronic matter to quark matter. Physical Review C, 75(4), 045202-1-045202-9. DOI Scopus16 WoS14 |
2007 |
Kizilersu, A., Leinweber, D., Skullerud, J., & Williams, A. (2007). Quark-gluon vertex in general kinematics. European Physical Journal C, 50(4), 871-875. DOI Scopus58 WoS49 |
2007 |
Bissey, F., Cao, F., Kitson, A., Signal, A., Leinweber, D., Lasscock, B., & Williams, A. (2007). Gluon flux-tube distribution and linear confinement in baryons. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(11), 114512-01-114512-16. DOI Scopus71 WoS51 |
2007 |
Boinepalli, S., Bowman, P., Hedditch, J., Heller, U., Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., . . . Zhang, J. (2007). Some recent Lattice QCD results from the CSSM. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 22(27), 5053-5061. DOI Scopus3 |
2007 |
Kamleh, W., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2007). Unquenching effects in the quark and gluon propagator. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(9), 094501-1-094501-9. DOI Scopus65 WoS53 |
2007 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., Parappilly, M., Sternbeck, A., Von Smekal, L., . . . Zhang, J. (2007). Scaling behavior and positivity violation of the gluon propagator in full QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(9), 094505-1-094505-7. DOI Scopus166 WoS129 |
2007 |
Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2007). Exotic hadrons on the lattice. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, Supplement(168), 36-44. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2007 |
Lasscock, B., Hedditch, J., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Melnitchouk, W., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2007). Even parity excitations of the nucleon in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 76(5), 054510-01-054510-08. DOI Scopus21 WoS17 |
2006 |
Boinepalli, S., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., Zanotti, J., & Zhang, J. (2006). Precision electromagnetic structure of octet baryons in the chiral regime. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 74(9), 093005-1-093005-29. DOI Scopus84 WoS64 |
2006 |
Leinweber, D., Boinepalli, S., Thomas, A., Wang, P., Williams, A., Young, R., . . . Zhang, J. (2006). Strange electric form factor of the proton. Physical Review Letters, 97(2), 022001-1-022001-4. DOI Scopus115 WoS101 Europe PMC5 |
2006 |
Bartolozzi, M., Surungan, T., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2006). Spin-glass behavior of the antiferromagnetic Ising model on a scale-free network. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics), 73(22), 224419-1-224419-8. DOI Scopus22 WoS22 |
2006 |
Parappilly, M., Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2006). Scaling behavior of the quark propagator in full QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 73(5), 054504-1-054504-5. DOI Scopus110 WoS100 |
2006 |
Leinweber, D., Von Smekal, L., & Williams, A. (2006). Proceedings of the Cairns Topical Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics Cairns, Australia - 7-15 July 2005 - Preface. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 161, 1. DOI |
2006 |
Leinweber, D., Von Smekal, L., & Williams, A. (2006). Proceedings of the Cairns Topical Workshop on Light-Cone QCD and Nonperturbative Hadron Physics Cairns, Australia - 7-15 July 2005 - Preface. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 161, 1. DOI |
2005 |
Ghiotti, M., Kalloniatis, A., & Williams, A. (2005). Landau gauge Jacobian and BRST symmetry. Physics Letters B, 628(1-2), 176-182. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 |
2005 |
Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., Melnitchouk, W., Thomas, A., Williams, A., Young, R., & Zanotti, J. (2005). Spin-3/2 pentaquark resonance signature in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 72(7), 074507-1-074507-10. DOI Scopus31 WoS22 |
2005 |
Wang, P., Lawley, S., Leinweber, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2005). Neutron stars and strange stars in the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model. Physical Review C, 72(4), 045801-1-045801-8. DOI Scopus17 WoS19 |
2005 |
Lasscock, B., Hedditch, J., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Melnitchouk, W., Thomas, A., . . . Zanotti, J. (2005). Search for the pentaquark resonance signature in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 72(1), 014502-1-014502-22. DOI Scopus16 WoS28 |
2005 |
Kamleh, W., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2005). Fat link irrelevant clover overlap quark propagator. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 71(9), 094507-1-094507-11. DOI Scopus14 WoS10 |
2005 |
Leinweber, D., Boinepalli, S., Cloet, I., Thomas, A., Williams, A., Young, R., . . . Zhang, J. (2005). Precise determination of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon. Physical Review Letters, 94(21), 212001-1-212001-4. DOI Scopus152 WoS143 Europe PMC6 |
2005 |
Boinepalli, S., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2005). Improved chiral properties of FLIC fermions. Physics Letters B, 616(3-4), 196-202. DOI Scopus23 WoS17 |
2005 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., Parappilly, M., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2005). Unquenched quark propagator in Landau gauge. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 71(5), 054507-1-054507-7. DOI Scopus199 WoS178 |
2005 |
Zanotti, J., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2005). Scaling of fat-link irrelevant-clover fermions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 71(3), 034510-1-034510-5. DOI Scopus41 WoS34 |
2005 |
Zhang, J., Bowman, P., Coad, R., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2005). Quark propagator in Landau and Laplacian gauges with overlap fermions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 71(1), 014501-01-014501-08. DOI Scopus37 WoS31 |
2005 |
Wang, P., Leinweber, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2005). Liquid-gas phase transition and Coulomb instability of asymmetric nuclear systems. Nuclear Physics A, 748(1-2), 226-240. DOI Scopus20 WoS21 |
2005 |
Kalloniatis, A., Von Smekal, L., & Williams, A. (2005). Curci-Ferrari mass and the Neuberger problem. Physics Letters B, 609(3-4), 424-429. DOI Scopus21 WoS16 |
2005 |
Hedditch, J., Kamleh, W., Lasscock, B., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2005). 1⁻⁺ exotic meson at light quark masses. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 72(11), 114507-1-114507-8. DOI Scopus54 WoS44 |
2005 |
Zhang, J., Mathur, N., Dong, S., Draper, T., Horvath, I., Lee, F., . . . Williams, A. (2005). Nonperturbative renormalization of composite operators with overlap fermions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 72(11), 114509-1-114509-18. DOI Scopus17 WoS15 |
2004 |
Wang, P., Leinweber, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2004). New treatment of the chiral SU(3) quark mean field model. Nuclear Physics A, 744, 273-292. DOI Scopus22 WoS18 |
2004 |
Zhang, J., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Scaling behavior of the overlap quark propagator in the Landau gauge. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 70(3), 034505-1-034505-6. DOI Scopus28 WoS25 |
2004 |
Skullerud, J., Kizilersu, A., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Looking inside the quark-gluon vertex. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 128, 117-124. DOI Scopus3 WoS2 |
2004 |
Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Dynamical fat link fermions. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 128, 96-99. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2004 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2004). Infrared and ultraviolet properties of the Landau gauge quark propagator. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 128, 23-29. DOI Scopus43 WoS41 |
2004 |
Bilson-Thompson, S., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Dunne, G. (2004). Comparison of |Q| =1 and |Q| =2 gauge-field configurations on the lattice four-torus. Annals of Physics, 311(2), 267-287. DOI Scopus9 WoS6 |
2004 |
Byrnes, T., Loan, M., Hamer, C., Bonnet, F., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2004). Hamiltonian limit of (3+1)-dimensional SU(3) lattice gauge theory on anisotropic lattices. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 69(7), 074509-1-074509-10. DOI Scopus12 WoS8 |
2004 |
Leinweber, D., Williams, A., Zhang, J., & Lee, F. (2004). Topological charge evolution in the Markov chain of QCD. Physics Letters B, 585(1-2), 187-191. DOI Scopus11 WoS6 |
2004 |
Zhang, J., Leinweber, D., Liu, K., & Williams, A. (2004). Nonperturbative renormalisation of composite operators with overlap quarks. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 128, 240-247. DOI Scopus10 WoS10 |
2004 |
Zhang, J., Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Scaling behavior of the landau gauge overlap quark propagator. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 129-130, 495-497. DOI Scopus4 WoS4 |
2004 |
Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Dynamical FLIC fermions. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 129-130, 826-828. DOI Scopus3 |
2004 |
Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2004). Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm with fat link fermion actions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 70(1), 014502-1-014502-9. DOI Scopus36 WoS27 |
2004 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., Parappilly, M., & Williams, A. (2004). Unquenched gluon propagator in Landau gauge. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 70(3), 034509-1-034509-4. DOI Scopus156 WoS140 |
2004 |
Wang, P., Leinweber, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2004). Liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter including strangeness. Physical Review C, 70(5), 55204-1-55204-8. DOI Scopus16 WoS16 |
2004 |
Kalloniatis, A. C., Leinweber, D. B., & Williams, A. G. (2004). Preface. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 128, 5. DOI |
2003 |
Melnitchouk, W., Bilson-Thompson, S., Bonnet, F., Hedditch, J., Lee, F., Leinweber, D., . . . Zhang, J. (2003). Excited baryons in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 67(11), 114506-1-114506-17. DOI Scopus97 WoS89 |
2003 |
Williams, A. (2003). Nonperturbative QCD, gauge-fixing, Gribov copies and the lattice. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 151(1), 154-160. DOI Scopus13 WoS13 |
2003 |
Leinweber, D., Hedditch, J., Melnitchouk, W., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2003). Nucleon resonances from FLIC fermions. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 151(151), 138-142. DOI |
2003 |
Williams, A. (2003). Introduction to the standard model, QCD and the lattice. Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 151(151), 21-31. DOI |
2003 |
Zanotti, J., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., Zhang, J., Melnitchouk, W., & Choe, S. (2003). Spin-3/2 nucleon and Δ baryons in lattice QCD. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 68(5), 054506-1-054506-8. DOI Scopus55 WoS45 |
2003 |
Skullerud, J., Bowman, P., Kizilersu, A., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2003). Nonperturbative structure of the quark-gluon vertex. The Journal of High Energy Physics, JHEP04(4), www 1-www 15. DOI Scopus64 WoS103 |
2003 |
Bilson-Thompson, S., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2003). Highly improved lattice field-strength tensor. Annals of Physics, 304(1), 1-21. DOI Scopus99 WoS71 |
2003 |
Zhang, J., Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2003). Towards the continuum limit of the overlap quark propagator in Landau gauge. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 119, 831-833. DOI Scopus6 WoS6 |
2003 |
Kamleh, W., Kusterer, D., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2003). FLIC-overlap fermions and topology. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 119, 828-830. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2003 |
Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2003). FLIC overlap fermions. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 119, 825-827. DOI |
2003 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2003). Modelling the quark propagator. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 119, 323-325. DOI Scopus59 WoS55 |
2002 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2002). Gluon propagator on coarse lattices in Laplacian gauges. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 66(7), 074505-1-074505-8. DOI Scopus21 WoS95 |
2002 |
Kizilersu, A., Schreiber, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (2002). Regulator-free Schwinger-Dyson equation studies of the non-perturbative field theory. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 109(1), 173-177. DOI WoS1 |
2002 |
Kizilersu, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (2002). Regularization-independent study of renormalized nonperturbative quenched QED. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 65(8), 1-12. DOI Scopus12 WoS10 |
2002 |
Skullerud, J., Kizilersu, A., & Williams, A. (2002). Quark-gluon vertex in a momentum subtraction scheme. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 106, 841-843. DOI Scopus18 WoS18 |
2002 |
Kamleh, W., Adams, D., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2002). Accelerated overlap fermions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 66(1), 014501-1-014501-9. DOI Scopus40 WoS34 |
2002 |
Zhang, J., Bilson-Thompson, S., Bonnet, F., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2002). Numerical study of the lattice index theorem using improved cooling and overlap fermions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 65(7), 074510-1-074510-7. DOI Scopus14 WoS12 |
2002 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., & Williams, A. (2002). Quark propagator from an improved staggered action in Laplacian and Landau gauges. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 109(1), 163-167. DOI WoS8 |
2002 |
Williams, A. (2002). QCD, gauge-fixing, and the Gribov problem. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 109(1), 141-145. DOI WoS8 |
2002 |
Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zhang, J. (2002). Overlap quark propagator in the Landau gauge. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 65(11), 114503-1-114503-13. DOI Scopus59 WoS51 |
2002 |
Kusterer, D., Hedditch, J., Kamleh, W., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2002). Low-lying eigenmodes of the Wilson-Dirac operator and correlations with topological objects. Nuclear Physics B, 628(1-2), 253-269. DOI Scopus12 WoS8 |
2002 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., & Williams, A. (2002). Lattice quark propagator with staggered quarks in Landau and Laplacian gauges. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 66(1), 1-10. DOI Scopus99 WoS4 |
2002 |
Bowman, P., Heller, U., & Williams, A. (2002). Lattice quark propagator in Landau and Laplacian gauges. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 106, 820-822. DOI Scopus13 WoS12 |
2002 |
Kamleh, W., Adams, D., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2002). Improving the low-lying spectrum of the overlap kernel. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 109(1), 81-85. DOI WoS2 |
2002 |
Bonnet, F., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2002). Improved smoothing algorithms for lattice gauge theory. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 65(11), 114510-1-114510-19. DOI Scopus28 WoS25 |
2002 |
Zanotti, J., Bilson-Thompson, S., Bonnet, F., Coddington, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., . . . Lee, F. (2002). Hadron masses from novel fat-link fermion actions. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 65(7), 074507-1-074507-6. DOI Scopus108 WoS98 |
2002 |
Bilson-Thompson, S., Bonnet, F., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2002). Cooling for instantons and the wrath of Nahm. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 109(1), 116-120. DOI WoS16 |
2001 |
Kizilersu, A., Schreiber, A., & Williams, A. (2001). Regularization-independent studies of nonperturbative field theory. Physics Letters B, 499(03-Apr), 261-269. DOI Scopus18 WoS20 |
2001 |
Skullerud, J., & Williams, A. (2001). Quark propagator in the Landau gauge. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 63(5), 054508-1-054508-13. DOI Scopus66 WoS59 |
2001 |
Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Zanotti, J. (2001). Infinite volume and continuum limits of the Landau-gauge gluon propagator. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 64(3), 034501-1-034501-10. DOI Scopus160 WoS147 |
2001 |
Williams, A. (2001). Connections between lattice QCD and hadron phenomenology. Nuclear Physics A, 680(01-Apr), 204C-210C. DOI |
2001 |
Bonnet, F., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2001). General algorithm for improved lattice actions on parallel computing architectures. Journal of Computational Physics, 170(1), 1-17. DOI Scopus21 WoS20 |
2001 |
Skullerud, J., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2001). Nonperturbative improvement and tree-level correction of the quark propagator. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 64(7), 074508-1-074508-9. DOI Scopus63 WoS55 |
2001 |
Guo, X., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2001). Heavy quark distribution functions in heavy baryons. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 64(9), 096004-1-096004-12. DOI Scopus10 WoS10 |
2000 |
Skullerud, J., & Williams, A. (2000). The quark propagator in momentum space. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 83-84(1-3), 209-211. DOI Scopus18 WoS17 |
2000 |
Bonnet, F., Fitzhenry, J., Leinweber, D., Stanford, M., & Williams, A. (2000). Calibration of smearing and cooling algorithms in SU(3)-color gauge theory. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 62(9), www1-www12. DOI Scopus34 WoS33 |
2000 |
Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., & Williams, A. (2000). Infrared behavior of the gluon propagator on a large volume lattice. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 62(5), www1-www4. DOI Scopus103 WoS96 |
2000 |
Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Richards, D., & Williams, A. (2000). Improved Landau gauge fixing and discretisation errors. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 83-84(1-3), 905-907. DOI Scopus5 WoS5 |
2000 |
Guo, X., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (2000). 1/mQ corrections to the Bethe-Salpeter equation for ΛQ in the diquark picture. Physical Review. D. Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 61(11), www1-www11. DOI Scopus15 WoS16 |
2000 |
Kizilersu, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. G. (2000). On conditions for the nonperturbative equivalence of ultraviolet cut-off and dimensional regularization schemes. |
2000 |
Leinweber, D. B., Skullerud, J. I., Williams, A. G., & Parrinello, C. (2000). Asymptotic scaling and infrared behavior of the gluon propagator (vol D60, art. no. 094507, 1999). PHYSICAL REVIEW D, 61(7), 1 page. DOI WoS67 |
1999 |
Bonnet, F. D. R., Leinweber, D. B., Williams, A. G., & Zanotti, J. M. (1999). Symanzik Improvement In The Static Quark Potential. |
1999 |
Guo, X., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1999). Bethe-Salpeter equation for heavy baryons ω<inf>Q</inf><sup>(*)</sup> in the diquark picture. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 59(11), 1-19. |
1999 |
Bonnet, F., Bowman, P., Leinweber, D., Williams, A., & Richards, D. (1999). Discretisation Errors in Landau Gauge on the Lattice. Australian Journal of Physics, 52(6), 939-948. DOI Scopus37 WoS29 |
1999 |
Benayoun, M., O'Connell, H., & Williams, A. (1999). Vector meson dominance and the ρ meson. Physical Review D, 59(7), 074020. DOI Scopus16 WoS14 |
1999 |
Guo, X., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1999). Bethe-Salpeter equation for heavy baryons ωQ(*) in the diquark picture. Physical Review D, 59(11), 116007. DOI Scopus38 WoS37 |
1999 |
Leinweber, D., Skullerud, J. I., Williams, A., & Parrinello, C. (1999). Asymptotic scaling and infrared behavior of the gluon propagator. Physical Review D, 60(9), 094507. DOI Scopus172 WoS160 |
1999 |
Lu, D., Saito, K., Thomas, A., Tsushima, K., & Williams, A. (1999). Electromagnetic form factors of the bound nucleon. Physical Review C, 60(6), 068201. DOI Scopus98 WoS92 |
1999 |
Leinweber, D., Parrinello, C., Skullerud, J. I., & Williams, A. (1999). The structure of the gluon propagator. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 73(1-3), 626-628. DOI Scopus2 WoS3 |
1999 |
Leinweber, D., Parrinello, C., Skullerud, J. I., & Williams, A. (1999). Modelling the gluon propagator. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 73(1-3), 629-631. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
1999 |
Williams, A. (1999). Lattice calculation of the strangeness and electromagnetic nucleon form factors. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, 73(1-3), 306-308. DOI Scopus5 WoS5 |
1999 |
Gusynin, V., Schreiber, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (1999). Chiral symmetry breaking in dimensionally regularized nonperturbative quenched QED. Physical Review D, 60(6), 065007. DOI Scopus36 WoS39 |
1999 |
Ardekani, A., & Williams, A. (1999). Lattice Study for the Kink Soliton and the Zero-mode Problem for f4 in Two Dimensions. Australian Journal of Physics, 52(6), 929-937. DOI Scopus11 WoS11 |
1998 |
Saito, K., Tsushima, K., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1998). theta and w meson propagation in a dense neclear medium. Physics Letters B, 433, 243-249. |
1998 |
Lu, D., Tsushima, K., Thomas, A., Williams, A., & Saito, K. (1998). The neutron charge form factor in helium-3. Physics Letters B, 441(1-4), 27-33. DOI Scopus23 WoS23 |
1998 |
Lu, D., Thomas, A., Tsushima, K., Williams, A., & Saito, K. (1998). In-medium electron-nucleon scattering. Physics Letters B, i(471), 217-223. DOI Scopus97 WoS89 |
1998 |
Ardekani, A., & Williams, A. (1998). Optimization of Monte Carlo calculations of the effective potential. Physical Review E, 57(5), 6140-6151. DOI Scopus3 WoS3 |
1998 |
Schreiber, A., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (1998). Dimensionally regularized study of nonperturbative quenched QCD. Physical Review D, 58(12), 125014. DOI Scopus21 WoS22 |
1998 |
Leinweber, D., Skullerud, J. I., Williams, A., & Parrinello, C. (1998). Gluon propagator in the infrared region. Physical Review D, 58(3), 031501. DOI Scopus118 WoS106 |
1998 |
Lu, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1998). Electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon in an improved quark model. Physical Review C, 57(5), 2628-2637. DOI Scopus102 WoS109 |
1998 |
Lu, D., Tsushima, K., Thomas, A., Williams, A., & Saito, K. (1998). Medium dependence of the bag constant in the quark-meson coupling model. Nuclear Physics A, i(694), 443-462. DOI Scopus46 WoS45 |
1998 |
Williams, A. (1998). Covariant solutions of the Bethe-Slapeter equation and an application to the nucleon structure function. Nuclear Physics A, A631, 553c-558c. DOI |
1998 |
Benayoun, M., Eidelman, S., Maltman, K., O'Connell, H., Schwartx, B., & Williams, A. (1998). New results in ρ⁰ meson physics. European Physical Journal C, 2(2), 269-286. DOI Scopus42 WoS44 |
1998 |
Saito, K., Tsushima, K., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1998). σ and ω meson propagation in a dense nuclear medium. PHYSICS LETTERS B, 433(3-4), 243-249. DOI WoS63 |
1998 |
Dong, S. J., Liu, K. F., & Williams, A. G. (1998). Lattice calculation of the strangeness magnetic moment of the nucleon. Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, 58(7), 5 pages. DOI Scopus107 WoS106 |
1998 |
Thomas, A. W., Lu, D. H., Tsushima, K., Williams, A. G., & Saito, K. (1998). Recent results from QMC relevant to TJNAF. |
1998 |
Leinweber, D. B., Skullerud, J. I., & Williams, A. G. (1998). The infrared behaviour of the gluon propagator from lattice QCD. |
1998 |
Leinweber, D. B., Skullerud, J. I., & Williams, A. G. (1998). Lattice gauge theory studies of the gluon propagator. |
1998 |
Saito, K., Tsushima, K., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1998). σ and ω meson propagation in a dense nuclear medium. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 433(3-4), 243-249. DOI Scopus61 |
1997 |
Williams, A. G. (1997). New results in vector meson dominance and rho meson physics. |
1997 |
O'Connell, H. B., Maltman, K., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1997). Near-threshold Isospin Violation in the Pion Form Factor from Chiral Perturbation Theory. |
1997 |
Kusaka, K., Simpson, K., & Williams, A. (1997). Solving the Bethe-Salpeter Equation in Minkowski Space: Scalar Theories and Beyond. Australian Journal of Physics, 50(1), 147-154. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
1997 |
O'Connell, H., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1997). Extracting the r-w mixing amplitude form the pion form-factor. Nuclear Physics A, 623(3-4), 559-569. DOI Scopus47 WoS41 |
1997 |
Lu, D., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1997). Chiral bag model approach to Δ electroproduction. Physical Review C, 55(6), 3108-3114. DOI Scopus78 WoS79 |
1997 |
Kusaka, K., Simpson, K., & Williams, A. (1997). Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for bound states of scalar theories in Minkowski space. Physical Review D, 56(8), 5071-5085. DOI Scopus76 WoS75 |
1997 |
Hawes, F., Sizer, T., & Williams, A. (1997). Renormalized strong-coupling quenched QED in four dimensions. Physical Review D, 55(6), 3866-3872. DOI Scopus20 WoS22 |
1997 |
Kusaka, K., Piller, G., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1997). Deep-inelastic structure functions in a covariant spectator model. Physical Review D, 55(9), 5299-5308. DOI Scopus29 WoS28 |
1997 |
O'Connell, H., Pearce, B., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1997). Rho-omega mixing, vector meson dominance and the pion form-factor. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 39(1), 201-252. DOI Scopus208 WoS177 |
1997 |
Saito, K., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1997). Preface - Quarks, hadrons and nuclei. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 50(1), 1. |
1996 |
Szczepaniak, A., & Williams, A. (1996). Pion form factors at intermediate momentum transfer in a covariant approach. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 11(4), 655-675. DOI Scopus1 |
1996 |
Hawes, F., Williams, A., & Roberts, C. (1996). Renormalization and chiral symmetry breaking in quenched QED in arbitrary covariant gauges. Physical Review D, 54(8), 5361-5372. DOI Scopus18 WoS19 |
1996 |
O'Connell, H., Williams, A., Bracco, M., & Krein, G. (1996). Vector meson mixing and charge symmetry violation.. Physics Letters B, 370(1-2), 12-16. DOI Scopus10 WoS9 |
1996 |
Maltman, K., O'Connell, H. B., & Williams, A. G. (1996). Analysis of rho-omega interference in the pion form-factor. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 376(1-3), 19-24. DOI Scopus58 WoS56 |
1995 |
O'Connell, H., Pearce, B., Thomas, A., & Williams, A. (1995). Rho-omega mixing and the pion electromagnetic form factor. Physics Letters B, 354(1-2), 14-19. DOI Scopus56 WoS51 |
1995 |
Kusaka, K., & Williams, A. (1995). Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for scalar theories in Minkowski space. Physical Review D, 51(12), 7026-7039. DOI Scopus76 WoS64 |
1995 |
Hawes, F., & Williams, A. (1995). Chiral symmetry breaking in quenched strong coupling four-dimensional QED. Physical Review D, 51(6), 3081-3089. DOI Scopus26 WoS23 Europe PMC3 |
1994 |
O'Connell, H. B., Pearce, B. C., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1994). Constraints on the momentum dependence of rho-omega mixing. Physics Letters B, 336(1), 1-5. DOI Scopus66 WoS66 |
1994 |
Jean, H. C., Piekarewicz, J., & Williams, A. G. (1994). Medium modifications to the ω-meson mass in the Walecka model. Physical Review C, 49(4), 1981-1988. DOI Scopus121 WoS123 Europe PMC10 |
1994 |
Roberts, C. D., & Williams, A. G. (1994). Dyson-Schwinger equations and their application to hadronic physics. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 33(C), 477-575. DOI Scopus1036 |
1994 |
Hawes, F. T., Roberts, C. D., & Williams, A. G. (1994). Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement with an infrared-vanishing gluon propagator?. Physical Review D, 49(9), 4683-4693. DOI Scopus76 WoS74 Europe PMC3 |
1994 |
Jean, H. C., Robson, D., & Williams, A. G. (1994). Relativistic quark-antiquark bound-state problem with spin-dependent interactions in momentum space. Physical Review D, 50(9), 5873-5877. DOI Scopus8 WoS8 |
1993 |
Piekarewicz, J., & Williams, A. G. (1993). Momentum dependence of the ρ-ω Mixing amplitude in a hadronic model. Physical Review C, 47(6), R2462-R2466. DOI Scopus73 WoS65 Europe PMC13 |
1993 |
Szczepaniak, A., & Williams, A. G. (1993). Model analysis of the nonleading twist contributions to the pion electromagnetic form factor. Physics Letters B, 302(1), 87-94. DOI Scopus6 WoS8 |
1993 |
Szczepaniak, A., & Williams, A. G. (1993). Covariant model of a fermion-antifermion bound state with harmonic confinement. Physical Review D, 47(3), 1175-1181. DOI Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC1 |
1993 |
Krein, G., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1993). Charge-symmetry breaking, rho-omega mixing, and the quark propagator. Physics Letters B, 317(3), 293-299. DOI Scopus61 WoS60 |
1993 |
1992 |
1992 |
Burden, C. J., Roberts, C. D., & Williams, A. G. (1992). Singularity structure of a model quark propagator. Physics Letters B, 285(4), 347-353. DOI Scopus94 WoS95 |
1992 |
Henley, E. M., Krein, G., & Williams, A. G. (1992). Phi production as a measure of the strangeness content of the nucleon. Physics Letters B, 281(3-4), 178-184. DOI Scopus36 WoS40 |
1991 |
Krein, G., & Williams, A. G. (1991). Dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking in dual QCD. Physical Review D, 43(10), 3541-3549. DOI Scopus5 WoS7 |
1991 |
Hawes, F. T., & Williams, A. G. (1991). Proper vertex in studies of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. Physics Letters B, 268(2), 271-278. DOI Scopus18 WoS18 |
1991 |
Henley, E. M., Krein, G., Pollock, S. J., & Williams, A. G. (1991). Measuring strangeness matrix elements of the nucleon. Physics Letters B, 269(1-2), 31-34. DOI Scopus28 WoS33 |
1991 |
Williams, A. G., Krein, G., & Roberts, C. D. (1991). Modelling the quark propagator. Annals of Physics, 210(2), 464-485. DOI Scopus56 WoS52 |
1991 |
Krein, G., Tang, P., Wilets, L., & Williams, A. G. (1991). The chromodielectric model. Confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and the pion. Nuclear Physics, Section A, 523(3-4), 548-562. DOI Scopus21 WoS20 |
1990 |
1988 |
Dodd, L. R., & Williams, A. G. (1988). Self-consistent one-gluon exchange in soliton bag models. Physics Letters B, 210(1-2), 10-14. DOI Scopus18 WoS16 |
1988 |
Beyer, M., & Williams, A. G. (1988). Model dependence of charge-symmetry breaking in the neutron-proton interaction. Physical Review C, 38(2), 779-786. DOI Scopus23 WoS24 Europe PMC12 |
1988 |
Krein, G., Tang, P., & Williams, A. G. (1988). Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in quantum chromodynamics with confinement and asymptotic freedom. Physics Letters B, 215(1), 145-150. DOI Scopus26 WoS27 |
1988 |
Krein, G., Tang, P., Wilets, L., & Williams, A. G. (1988). Confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and the pion in a chromo-dielectric model of quantum chromodynamics. Physics Letters B, 212(3), 362-368. DOI Scopus25 WoS26 |
1988 |
Williams, A. G., & Dodd, L. R. (1988). Chiral nontopological solitons with perturbative quantum pions. Physical Review D, 37(7), 1971-1981. DOI Scopus30 WoS32 Europe PMC10 |
1987 |
Dodd, L. R., Williams, A. G., & Thomas, A. W. (1987). Numerical study of a confining color-dielectric soliton model. Physical Review D, 35(3), 1040-1049. DOI Scopus34 WoS37 Europe PMC8 |
1987 |
Williams, A. G., Thomas, A. W., & Miller, G. A. (1987). Charge-symmetry breaking in neutron-proton elastic scattering. Physical Review C, 36(5), 1956-1967. DOI Scopus50 WoS54 Europe PMC18 |
1986 |
Williams, A. G., & Thomas, A. W. (1986). Color-dielectric model as an explanation of the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly. Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics, 33(3), 1070-1078. DOI Scopus28 WoS31 Europe PMC10 |
1986 |
Miller, G. A., Thomas, A. W., & Williams, A. G. (1986). Charge-symmetry breaking in neutron-proton elastic scattering. Physical Review Letters, 56(24), 2567-2570. DOI Scopus63 WoS68 Europe PMC23 |
1986 |
Williams, A. G., Dodd, L. R., & Thomas, A. W. (1986). The colour-dielectric model: Numerical solutions. Physics Letters B, 176(1-2), 158-162. DOI Scopus19 WoS20 |
1985 |
Williams, A. G., & Thomas, A. W. (1985). Constraints on the colour dielectric model of the nucleus. Physics Letters B, 154(4), 320-323. DOI Scopus19 WoS19 |
1984 |
Williams, A. G., & Cahill, R. T. (1984). Nontopological solitons, Green's functions, and bound states. Physical Review D, 30(2), 391-398. DOI Scopus8 WoS9 |
1983 |
Williams, A. G., & Cahill, R. T. (1983). Nontopological solitons from functional integrals. I. Physical Review D, 28(8), 1966-1977. DOI Scopus15 WoS17 |
1983 |
Cahill, R. T., & Williams, A. G. (1983). Nontopological solitons from functional integrals. II. Physical Review D, 28(10), 2599-2603. DOI Scopus10 WoS9 |