Ankit Agarwal

Ankit Agarwal

Adelaide Business School

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Finally, on 10th September 2021, I got conferred a Doctor of Philosophy title from the Adelaide Business School, University of Adelaide, South Australia. The title of my thesis is: Understanding the value of an MBA by exploring the perspectives MBA students and graduates have of their MBA: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.

I hold a Diploma in Business Studies and a Bachelor (Honours) of Management Information Systems from the Liverpool John Moores University; Master in Computer Systems and Software Engineering from the University of Greenwich; Master in Business Research, and a PhD from the University of Adelaide. I was a CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA) from 2009-2013.

I have published four papers: 1 conference paper, one book chapter, and two journal articles in the Journal of Business Ethics (FT50 ranking) and the second in the Journal of Qualitative Research in Organisations & Management (QROM). I am writing a coming book series and have planned a few more papers from my thesis for the coming years.

I am a course coordinator, lecturer, academic tutor and workshop facilitator for an undergraduate course: Managing Organisations and People and a Master course: People & Organisation, which is also offered in the MBA-Emerging Leaders program at the University of Adelaide. I also mentor students under the Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education Program. I volunteer extensively for the Global IQ Connect Program at the University of Adelaide. I was awarded the Executive Dean's 'Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017 and the Student-Led Teaching Award in 2019. I was also awarded the "Outstanding Reviewer of the year 2021" by the MED Division of the Academy of Management, US.

In the past, I have worked extensively in Ireland, the UK, the US, India and Australia for over 18 years encompassing Static Security, Software Engineering, ICT, IT Networking, Sales, Business Development, Marketing and Training & Development, Education, and Finance.

I have played professional cricket in India and Ireland with North Kildare Cricket Country. I was an assistant fielding coach for the North Kildare's Irish women's U-16 Teams. I am currently writing a Comic book series, which I plan to produce as an animated series, and I love cooking fusion food.

I am passionate about assisting people who wish to learn theoretical models and find them challenging to understand and apply to their experiences, making theoretical concepts fun to learn using my relatable life examples, creating a learning environment that is "reflective enough" to leave an impression "deep enough" to make a journey from the daily Dance Floors to the Balcony.

Currently, I am researching in:

1. teaching pedagogy; developing approaches to create reflexive teaching and learning practices

2. creative writing; developing a dialogical approach to presenting scholarly literature and qualitative research findings

3. family business; the impact of changing family members' relationships on a family's business, and the role of values

4. a safe place; developing ways to unpack psychological and psychosocial safety

5. the role of ego in decision-making



  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Thi Tran, N. H., Fayezi, S., Zomorrodi, M., & Agarwal, A. (2024). Leveraging Network Orchestration to Address Modern Slavery Risks in Supply Chains.
    2024 Thi Tran, N. H., Fayezi, S., Zomorrodi, M., & Agarwal, A. (2024). Leveraging Network Orchestration to Address Modern Slavery Risks in Supply Chains.
    2024 Ukil, M. I., Ullah, M. S., Islam, M., Tariq, H., & Agarwal, A. (2024). Stress and Satisfaction While Working from 
Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: 
The Role of Personal and Job Resources. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management, 22 pages.
    2021 Agarwal, A., & Sandiford, P. (2021). Fictionalizing dialogue: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in organizational research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, 16(1), 218-236.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS4
    2020 Barbera, F., Shi, H., Agarwal, A., & Edwards, M. (2020). The family that prays together stays together: Toward a process model of religious value transmission in family firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 163(4), 661-673.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS10
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2023 Agarwal, A. (2023). Shepherding engineering leadership: A combined approach to leading and creating employee engagement. In J. Marques (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Fulfillment, Wellness, and Personal Growth at Work (pp. 141-158). Springer International Publishing.
    2023 George, G., Saravanakrishnan, V., & Agarwal, A. (2023). Health informatics and its contribution to health sectors. In M. Abouhawwash, S. Tanwar, A. Nayyar, & M. Naved (Eds.), Innovations in Healthcare Informatics: From interoperability to data analysis (pp. 67-106). Institution of Engineering & Technology.
    2020 Sandiford, P. J., Agarwal, A., & Wells, R. (2020). Three scholars at work: making sense of the twenty-first-century academy. In M. Antoniadou, & M. Crowder (Eds.), Modern Day Challenges in Academia: Time for a Change (pp. 44-65). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2022 Agarwal, A. (2022). Managing Groups: Skills to Uncover the Pre-forming Stage and Distributing Roles. In Academy of Management Vol. 2022. Seattle, US: Academy of Management.
    2019 Agarwal, A., Sandiford, P., & Wells, S. (2019). Exploring the ‘X Factor’ to Excavate the Value of an MBA. In Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2019 (pp. 18947). Academy of Management.

Travel Grant for Conferences 2022 - University of Adelaide - $6,700

Wiley Publishers 2022 - $10,000

Wiley Publishers 2022 - $5,000

Travel Grant for Conference 2019 - University of Adelaide - $5,000

Course Coordinating and Lecturing:

  • First-year Undergraduate course - Managing Organisations and People for the University of Adelaide and the University Adelaide College
  • Master course - People & Organisation (OB) (also offered to MBA-Emerging Leaders students)
  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Madness of The Crowd: How Social Media is Reshaping Politics, Enhancing Democracy & Political Engagement through Exploration of Political Segmentation & Voting Tendencies Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Anas Al-Shamleh
    2024 Co-Supervisor Exploring Learning Theories within Higher Degree Marketing Courses Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Maria Neledva
    2023 Principal Supervisor Work flexibility, work-life enrichment and gender equality. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Linda Magin
    2023 Principal Supervisor Business Strategic Management in the 21st Century - Is the Primary Focus still on Shareholder Value? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Robert John Armstrong
    2023 Principal Supervisor Modern Slavery in the Supply Chain: A network perspective Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Ngoc Hanh Thi Tran
    2023 Principal Supervisor Deconstructing the meaning of psychological safety. Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Aya Jabareen

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