Dr Alfonso Chinnici
Senior Lecturer
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Alfonso Chinnici is a distinguished Senior Lecturer in Sustainability, Net-Zero, and Energy Innovation at the University of Adelaide and an executive member of its Centre for Energy Technology. Employing cutting-edge research methodologies and fundamental engineering principles, he drives the advancement of ground-breaking clean energy technologies, prioritising the pivotal transition towards a net zero economy. At the forefront of his pursuits are the production and application of hydrogen and alternative energy carriers, alongside initiatives targeting the decarbonisation of carbon-intensive industrial processes, energy networks, and transportation systems. His expertise includes sustainable reaction engineering and heat/mass transfer, combustion science and solar thermal energy, multi-phase flows, circular economy practices, and environmentally conscious metal/mineral processing techniques. He has published some 100 publications in leading international journals, 4 patented innovations, and secured over $10 million in R&D funding. Presently, he occupies a leadership research role within the Australian Heavy Industry Low-Carbon Transition CRC, collaborating closely with industry leaders to drive impactful net-zero initiatives. He is a former investigator within Future Fuels CRC, and has also made significant contributions to international initiatives, notably as the manager of the Mission Innovation ARENA program on green fuels and the Global Net Zero Industries Mission, further establishing his global recognition and influence. Beyond academia, he has lent his expertise as a high-profile consultant to esteemed organisations such as the International Energy Agency and the Government of South Australia, advising on critical aspects of hydrogen, ammonia, green metals, and critical minerals supply chains.
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My research provides a comprehensive 360-degree perspective on sustainability and energy transformation across multiple sectors, focusing on advancing technology, sustainable process transformation, independent clean tech analysis, design and assessment of decarbonization pathways, carbon balance and reporting, and the techno-economic evaluation of solutions.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Co-Leader SA Chapter Hydrogen Society of Australia 2022 - ongoing HILT CRC Lead - Hydrogen, Carbon & Green Metals HILT CRC 2022 - ongoing Senior Lecturer (Net-Zero & Energy Innovation) The University of Adelaide 2021 - 2021 IEA Consulting Analyst - Hydrogen and Ammonia International Energy Agency 2018 - 2022 Global R&D Manager - Green Fuels ARENA 2016 - 2022 Senior Researcher The University of Adelaide 2014 - 2016 Research Associate The University of Adelaide 2011 - 2014 Research Fellow CNR 2011 - 2014 Postgraduate Student University Federico II of Naples -
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review French Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Italian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review Malay Can read, speak and understand spoken Spanish - Latin American Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title 2014 University Federico II of Naples Italy PhD Chemical Engineering 2010 University Federico II of Naples Italy MEng Chemical Engineering 2007 University Federico II of Naples Italy BEng Chemical Engineering -
Date Title Institution name Country — Chartered Industrial Engineer Order of the Engineer (Italy) - -
Research Interests
Chemical and thermal processes in energy and combustion Solar-thermal energy Fluid mechanics and thermal engineering Chemical Engineering Design Powder and Particle Technology Heat and Mass Transfer Operations Computational methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer (incl. computational fluid dynamics) Experimental methods in fluid flow, heat and mass transfer Hydrogen-based energy systems Mineral Processing/Beneficiation Environmentally sustainable mineral resource activities Metals Carbon capture and storage Carbon and emissions trading Hydrogen production from fossil fuels Basic iron and steel products Alumina production Cement products and concrete materials Computational Fluid Dynamics Machine learning Multiphysics flows (incl. multiphase and reacting flows) Reaction engineering (excl. nuclear reactions) Reaction Kinetics and Dynamics Environmentally sustainable energy activities Environmentally sustainable engineering
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2025 Singh, C., Chinnici, M., Kor, A. L., Evans, M. J., Medwell, P. R., & Chinnici, A. (2025). Generative Adversarial Networks in Combustion: Flame Image Generation for Clean and Predictive Combustion Modeling Using Real Data. In Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol. 414 (pp. 99-110). Madeira: Springer Nature Singapore.
DOI2023 Ang, D., Tang, Y., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z. F., Saw, W. L., Lau, T., . . . Nathan, G. J. (2023). Thermal performance analysis of a scaled-up suspension flow receiver for generation of industrial process heat: A computational study. In THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BATTERY FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES (ICB-REV) 2022 Vol. 2815 (pp. 100001). Online: AIP Publishing.
DOI Scopus12023 Nathan, G. J., Saw, W., Ingenhoven, P., Lee, L., Tian, Z., Sun, Z., . . . Ashman, P. (2023). The Role of Hydrogen in Net-Zero, High Temperature Industrial Processes. In Australian Hydrogen Research Conference, AHRC2023. 2023 Saldivia, D., Saw, W., Chinnici, A., Ingenhoven, P., & Taylor, R. A. (2023). Optical Optimization of Beam Down Receiver Geometry for High Temperature Heat Processes Using the MCRT Method. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 2815 (pp. 100010). Online: AIP Publishing.
DOI2022 Zhang, X., Zhang, Z., Chinnici, A., Sun, Z., Shi, J., Nathan, G., & Chin, R. (2022). Physics-informed data-driven RANS turbulence modelling for single-phase and particle-laden jet flows. In Proceedings of the 23nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. Sydney. 2021 Ingenhoven, P., Saw, W., Chinnici, A., Potter, D., Nathan, G., Rafique, M. M., . . . Jafarian, M. (2021). Energetic Assessment of a High Temperature Packed Bed Storage System in Combination with a Solar Expanding-Vortex Particle Receiver. In Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2021 (pp. 858-867). Virtual conference: International Solar Energy Society.
DOI Scopus22020 Alipourtarzanagh, E., Chinnici, A., Nathan, G. J., & Dally, B. B. (2020). Experimental investigation on the influence of an air curtain on the convective heat losses from solar cavity receivers under windy condition. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 2303 (pp. 1-8). online: AIP.
DOI Scopus2 WoS22020 Chinnici, A., Nathan, G. J., & Dally, B. B. (2020). First-of-a-kind demonstration of a direct hybrid between a solar receiver and the radiant burner technology. In Proceedings of the AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 2303 (pp. 080004-1-080004-8). online: AIP.
DOI2020 Chinnici, A., Davis, D., Lau, T. C. W., Tian, Z. F., Saw, W., & Nathan, G. J. (2020). First-of-a-kind investigation on performance of a directly-irradiated windowless vortex-based particle receiver. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 2303 (pp. 1-7). online: AIP Publishing.
DOI Scopus6 WoS42020 Alipourtarzanagh, E., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2020). Impact of Yaw angle on the Effectiveness of an Air Curtain for Solar Cavity Receivers. In H. Chanson, & R. Brown (Eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020 (pp. 1-4). Brisbane, Aust: The University of Queensland.
DOI Scopus12019 Evans, M., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2019). Autoignition of Hydrogen/Ammonia Blends at Elevated Pressures and Temperatures. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (pp. 1-12). online: International Association for Hydrogen Safety (ICHS). 2019 Chinnici, A., Nathan, G. J., & Dally, B. B. (2019). Performance characteristics of a hybrid solar receiver combustor utilising hydrogen or syngas. In C. Richter (Ed.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 2126 (pp. 090004-1-090004-8). online: AIP.
DOI Scopus12019 Chinnici, A., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2019). Stability and performance characteristics of a laboratory-scale MILD combustor fed with syngas. Effect of H2/CO ratio. In Proceedings of the 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC 2019). Fukuoka, Japan: The Combustion Institute. 2019 Rowhani, A., Sun, Z., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2019). Effect of bluff-body diameter on the flow field and residence time of turbulent ethylene/nitrogen flames. In 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2019 (pp. 1-5). online: The Combstion Institute.
Scopus22018 Alipourtarzanagh, E., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Experimental Investigation of the Interaction of the Flow Inside and Outside a Cavity Receiver. In Proceeding of APSRC 2018 (pp. 1-19). online: Australian PV Institute. 2018 Alipourtarzanagh, E., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Experimental Investigation of the Flow Characteristics Near the Aperture of a
Model Hybrid Solar Receiver Combustor. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (pp. 1-4). online: AFMS.2018 Rowhani, A., Chinnici, A., Evans, M., Medwell, P., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Variation of residence time in non-premixed turbulent bluff-body ethylene flames as a function of burner diameter. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society.
Scopus52018 Lee, K., Chinnici, A., Jafarian, M., Arjomandi, M., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2018). Experimental investigation of the effects of wind speed, aperture ratio and tilt angle on the convective heat losses from a solar cavity receiver. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society. 2018 Chinnici, A., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Performance characteristics of a Hybrid Solar Receiver Combustor fed with Hydrogen and operating in the MILD combustion regime. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-3). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society. 2018 Chinnici, A., Nathan, G. J., & Dally, B. B. (2018). Performance of a hybrid solar receiver combustor. In Proceedings of the 23rd SolarPACES International Conference Vol. 2033 (pp. 180004-1-180004-8). Santiago, Chile: AIP.
DOI Scopus12018 Long, S., Lau, T., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2018). The effect of aspect ratio on the flow characteristics of a Hybrid Solar Receiver Combustor. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC 2018) (pp. 1-4). Adelaide, Australia: Australian Fluid Mechanics Society. 2018 Alipourtarzanagh, E., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2018). Experimental investigation of the flow characteristics near the aperture of a model hybrid solar receiver combustor. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, AFMC 2018. 2018 Long, S., Lau, T., Chinnici, A., Tian, Z. F., Dally, B. A. S. S. A. M., & Nathan, G. U. S. (2018). Effect of jet azimuthal angle on the flow field within a Hybrid Solar Receiver Combustor. In Proceedings of the 2017 Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference (APSRC) (pp. 1-11). Melbourne, Australia: Australian PV Institute. 2018 Davis, D., Chinnici, A., Saw, W., Lau, T., & Nathan, G. (2018). Particle residence time distributions in a solar vortex receiver. In Proceedings of the 2017 Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference (APSRC) (pp. 1-13). Melbourne, Australia: Australian PV Institute. 2017 Chinnici, A., Tian, Z., Nathan, G., & Dally, B. (2017). An experimental investigation of the heat transfer performance in a hybrid solar receiver combustor operating with the solar-only and combustion-only modes. In 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, ASPACC 2017 Vol. 2017-December (pp. 1-4). online: The Combustion Institute. 2017 Lim, J., Chinnici, A., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2017). Assessing the techno-economics of modular hybrid solar thermal systems. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems (SolarPACES 2016), as published in AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1850 (pp. 110007-1-110007-8). Online: AIP Publishing.
DOI Scopus5 WoS52017 Coventry, J., Arjomandi, M., Asselineau, C., Chinnici, A., Corsi, C., Davis, D., . . . Saw, W. (2017). Development of ASTRI high-temperature solar receivers. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1850 (pp. 030011-1-030011-9). Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI Scopus7 WoS62017 Lu, Z., Jafarian, M., Chinnici, A., Arjomandi, M., & Nathan, G. (2017). Flow behavior inside a novel rotating fluidized bed for solar gasification of biomass. In AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1850 (pp. 110009-1-110009-8). Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: AMER INST PHYSICS.
DOI Scopus2 WoS12016 Lim, J., Nathan, G., Dally, B., & Chinnici, A. (2016). Techno-economic assessment of a hybrid solar receiver and combustor. In V. Rajpaul, & C. Richter (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1734 (pp. 8 pages). Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA: AIP.
DOI Scopus17 WoS132016 Long, S., Tian, Z., Chinnici, A., Lau, T., Dally, B., & Nathan, G. (2016). Effect of jet inclination angle on the flow field within a Hybrid Solar Receiver Combustor. In Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (pp. 1-4). online: AFM.
Scopus12015 Long, S., tian, Z., nathan, G., chinnici., & dally, B. (2015). CFD Modelling of Isothermal Multiple Jets in a Combustor. In Eleventh International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries (pp. 1-6). Online: CSIRO. 2015 Chinnici, A., Xue, Y., Lau, T., Arjomandi, M., & Nathan, G. (2015). Experimental characterisation of the vortex structure within a Solar Expanding-Vortex Particle Receiver-Reactor. In D. Honnery, & D. Edgington-Mitchell (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion (pp. 41-44). Clayton, Victoria: Monash University. 2015 Saha, M., Dally, B., Medwell, P., & Chinnici, A. (2015). Effect of Turbulence on the MILD Combustion Characteristics of Victorian Brown Coal. In Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium (pp. 92-95). Online: The Combustion Institute. 2015 Saha, M., Chinnici, A., Medwell, P., & Dally, B. (2015). Numerical investigation of pulverised coal combustion in a self-recuperative MILD combustion furnace. In ASPACC 2015 - 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (pp. 1-6). online: The Combustion Institute.
Scopus2 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Chinnici, A., & Evans, M. J. (2019). Influence of steam dilution on flame structure and soot formation of hot, diluted ethylene flames. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. Adelaide, Australia. 2019 Kildare, J. A., Evans, M., Chinnici, A., & Medwell, P. (2019). Classification of MILD and autoignitive ethylene flames diluted with N₂, O₂ and CO₂. Poster session presented at the meeting of Proceedings of the 2019 Australian Combustion Symposium. online: The Combustion Institute. -
Report for External Bodies
Date | Project/ No. | Investigators | Funding Body | Amount |
2019-2020 | Identifying Pathways for STEM Technology in Mining and Off-Grid applications | Chinnici, Saw, Nathan - (lead CI) | ARENA | $200k |
2022 | Solar Pre-Treatment of Ores | Chinnici, Saw, Nathan - (lead CI) | ARENA | $80k |
2018-2022 | Building Australia's international partnerships in solar fuels research and innovation | Nathan, Chinnici, Dally, Saw, Metha | ARENA | $574k |
2024-2027 | De-risking large scale Australian fine ore hydrogen ironmaking | Pye, Coventry, Saw, Chinnici, Sun, Tian, Nathan | ARENA | $4.8M |
2020-2023 | Direct radiation to reduce comminution energy and enhancement of mineral liberation | Chinnici, Nathan, Dally, Cook - (lead CI) | BHP | $435k |
2021-2022 | Radiant treatment of mineral ores | Chinnici, Nathan, Dally - (lead CI) | Magaldi Power & DISR | $105k |
2021-2022 | Probing steam dilution as an efficient strategy to establish MILD combustion | Chinnici, Medwell - (lead CI) | FCT Combustion & DISR | $101k |
2021 | Role of low-C fuels in Clean Energy Transition | Chinnici - (lead CI) | International Energy Agency | $34k |
2022 | Potential opportunity for SA in additional processing of SA mineral deposits | Wagner, Spandler, Goodsite, Cook, Nathan, Saw, Chinnici | South Australia Government | $47.5k |
2022-2023 | Scoping study for high-flux radiation beneficiation of iron ore | Chinnici, Saw, Cook, Nathan - (lead CI) | HILT CRC | $190k |
2022-2023 | Green pyromet/hydromet beneficiation pathways | Chinnici, Saw, Nathan, Cook, Pye, Hockaday, Eksteen - (lead CI) | HILT CRC | $0.5M |
2023-2026 | Feasibility H2 combustion study for iron/steel and cement sectors | Chinnici, Medwell, Saw, Ashman, Nathan - (lead CI) | HILT CRC | $1M |
2024-2027 | Mineral carbonation of mine waste/tailings | Chinnici, Kennedy, Yu, Ashman, Saw - (lead CI) | HILT CRC | $1.5M |
2023-2024 | Testing of Australian iron ores in H2 DRI | Brooks, Nathan, Jafarian, Chinnici | HILT CRC | $50k |
2022-2023 | Green heat for industry | Pye, Coventry, Saw, Nathan, Chinnici | HILT CRC | $0.5M |
2022-2023 | Clay, bauxite residue and ironmaking by-products as alternative construction materials | Jafarian, Saw, Nathan, Chinnici | HILT CRC | $180k |
2022-2023 | Low-carbon alumina calcination | Saw, Nathan, Chinnici | HILT CRC | $165k |
2023 | RDF utilisation in industrial processes | Saw, Nathan, Chinnici | HILT CRC | $155k |
2020-2023 | De-risking H2 adaptation to industrial processes | Medwell, Dally, Ashman, Nathan, Chinnici | Future Fuels CRC | $447k |
2016-2017 | Design tools for complex solar hybrid thermo-chemical processes | Nathan, Pitsch, Medwell, Jafarian, Saw, Chinnici | DAAD - Australia Germany Joint Research Cooperative Scheme | $50k |
MECH ENG 4104/7026 Advanced Topics in Fluid Mechanics (including Course Coordination & Primary Lecturer)
MECH ENG 4112 Combustion Technologies & High Temperature Processes
CHEM ENG 4046 Combustion Processes
MECH ENG 4111 CFD for Engineering Applications (Guest Lecturer)
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Principal Supervisor Novel methods utilising heavy industry waste for carbon sequestration, metal recovery and value-added products Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Oliver James Beecroft 2024 Co-Supervisor Investigation of a membrane-free electrolyser Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Shayan Sadeghi 2023 Co-Supervisor Calcination of clay as a supplementary cementitious material Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Nikhil Kirti 2022 Principal Supervisor Fundamental Insights into Novel Thermal Green Pathways for Transforming Low-Grade Australian Iron Ore into High-Value Products Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Renae O'Hara 2022 Principal Supervisor Thermal pre-treatment of low grade ores Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yuecheng Lin 2022 Co-Supervisor Assessment of Hydrogen Driven Alumina Calcination Process Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Daniel Jin Tung Ang -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Impacts of Heating Rate and Reaction Atmosphere on the Calcination Process Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Eyad Al Smadi 2021 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Effect of Hydrogen Blending in Industrial Flames Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Adam John Gee 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Particle-gas Flows in Open Vortex-based Solar Cavity Receivers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Yining Tang 2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Design and Development of a Fluidic Barrier for Solar Cavity Receivers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Elham Alipour 2017 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Characterising the Performance of Vortex-Based Solar Thermal Particle Receiver-Reactors Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dominic Michael Walldorf Davis 2016 - 2019 Co-Supervisor The Influence of Wind on the Heat Losses from Solar Cavity Receivers Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Leok Lee 2015 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Techno-Economic Analysis of Hybrid Concentrating Solar Power Systems Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Jin Han Lim
Date Role Membership Country 2023 - ongoing Member Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia 2021 - ongoing Member Australian Energy Institute Australia 2015 - ongoing Member American Chemical Society United States 2014 - ongoing Member The Combustion Institute Australia -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2021 - ongoing Associate Editor Editorial Frontiers in Energy Research -
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