Alexandra Whittaker

Associate Professor Alexandra Whittaker

Associate Professor

School of Animal and Veterinary Science

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Alexandra Whittaker has a diverse background being trained in veterinary/animal welfare science, law, and evidence-based practice. She holds dual veterinary specialist qualifications from the UK certification authority in animal welfare science, ethics, law (AWSEL) and laboratory animal science.

Animal welfare is a complex issue that extends beyond the immediate, visible impact on animals; it has far-reaching implications for sustainability, society, economy, and the environment. Public perception, and consequent support (or otherwise), of animal industries can determine which industries sink or swim. Demonstrating best practice welfare and maintaining the public's trust, or a social licence to operate, is essential in building community support and avoiding costly legal bans or an increased regulatory environment. The very real impact of social licence loss can be seen with the phase out of the $92 million sheep live export industry and jumps racing bans in many states. Maintenance of social licence requires robust monitoring, and transparent reporting of animal welfare status, as well as a swift response when animal welfare is compromised. However, animal welfare is notoriously difficult to assess because we largely rely on human observations of behaviour, and interpret this in line with other evidence, but may end up taking a human-focussed interpretation.

Alex's research tackles this challenge by exploring innovative methods for assessing animal welfare, focusing particularly on identifying positive indicators such as contentment or joy in animals. She is actively engaged in advancing welfare assessment methodologies to enhance practicality and reliability of assessment. For instance, her current work leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to automate the detection and analysis of behaviours relevant to animal welfare among zoo-housed animals.

Alex's work crosses species, but has a basis in the use of data or evidence, to make determinations on animal welfare status and inform policy and practice. Given her comprehensive training and experience in animal welfare science and law, she frequently collaborates on multi-disciplinary projects working towards integrated solutions for animal welfare challenges.

Alex is committed to promoting science-based animal welfare policy development and regularly consults on science-to-policy issues both in Australia and overseas. To further these goals, she established the Evidence Synthesis Initiative for Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ESIAVS) and serves as its director. This dynamic, cross-disciplinary group conducts rigorous evidence syntheses across a wide spectrum of topics within the animal and veterinary science domains, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering methodological progress in the field. She also sits on the Evidence Synthesis Taxonomy Initiative advisory board.

Since 2012 she has published more than 80 scientific articles and presented her work at a range of national and international conferences. Alex is the recipient of a number of prestigious fellowships, honours and awards, including an NHMRC Peter Doherty Fellowship, Fresh Science Award, and South Australian Young Tall Poppy. Her research is regularly featured in the media.

I lead the Animal Welfare, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (AWCAN) laboratory at the University of Adelaide. Our research approaches issues of animal welfare using a multi-disciplinary approach considering not only the science of animal emotion, but the legal and social implications of practice change. Specific projects include:

  • Validation and refinement of novel behavioural and neurobiological assessment tools for animal welfare, particularly the assimilation of welfare indices and automation of data capture. 
  • Assessment of welfare in understudied species, such as animals housed within zoos. 
  • The governance of animal research and the role of the veterinarian within that sphere. 
  • The impact of virtual fencing technology on cattle and sheep welfare.
  • The development and dissemination of methodology for evidence syntheses within the animal sciences. 

For further information please see our lab webpage: 

For further information on the Evidence Synthesis Initiative for Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ESIAVS) please refer to our webpage:  

You can also follow us on X  Twitter image

Current Projects

1. Exploring attitudes of the Australian public to animal research: This project will use online focus groups, with subsequent thematic analysis to explore attitudes towards research animal governance and species use. Available for Honours in Animal Science. 

2. The evidence synthesis landscape in animal science: Risk of bias tools: This is a scoping project to determine what risk of bias tools are available for use in animal sciences, and to assess the content and use of these. This is a desk-based project using evidence synthesis methodology to source, select, and appraise data on Risk of Bias tools.  Available for Honours in Animal Science. 

3. Evaluation of a novel interactive cognitive enrichment tool for otters: In previous work a new cognitive enrichment device has been developed for otters. This requires cognitive skills and cooperation between a group of otters. This project will assess the prototype device for its impact on animal welfare/behaviour using behavioural analysis techniques. Available for Honours in Animal Science or Behaviour. 

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2024 - ongoing Associate Professor The University of Adelaide
    2017 - 2023 Senior Lecturer The University of Adelaide
    2008 - 2016 Lecturer The University of Adelaide
    2006 - 2008 Laboratory Manager Curtin University of Technology
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2024 Achievement Finalist ABC Top 5 ABC Australia -
    2023 Award RSPCA Sybil Emslie Award for Animal Law RSPCA Australia $1000
    2023 Award South Australian Young Tall Poppy Australian Institute of Policy and Science Australia -
    2022 Award Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Science Communication Prize University of Adelaide Australia $500
    2021 Achievement SA Fresh Scientist Science in Public Australia -
    2018 Award ISAE New Investigator Award International Society for Applied Ethology United Kingdom -
    2017 Teaching Award Excellence in Teaching Award Faculty of Sciences, The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2016 Research Award Edith Dornwell Medal for Early Career Research Excellence Faculty of Sciences, The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2016 Nomination Harold Woolhouse Prize for Best Thesis in Faculty of Sciences The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2016 Award Certificate of Scientific Accomplishment as an Early Stage Investigator American Gastroenterological Association - -
    2016 Achievement Dean's Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2015 Award Prize for greatest number of publications in research theme School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2014 Award Prize for greatest number of publications in research theme School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide Australia -
    2014 Award Prize for greatest quality publication in research theme School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, The University of Adelaide Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2024 - 2026 University of New England Australia Masters in AI and Machine Learning
    2021 University of Manchester United Kingdom Masters in Public Health (Evidence-Based Healthcare)
    2017 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia Barrister and Solicitor
    2016 - 2017 The University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (GDLP)
    2012 - 2015 University of New England Australia LLB (Hons)
    2011 - 2016 The University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    2011 - 2012 The University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Certificate in Online Learning (GCOL)
    2010 - 2012 Charles Sturt University Australia MBA
    2002 University of Cambridge United Kingdom MA
    1998 - 2001 University of Cambridge United Kingdom VetMB
    1995 - 1998 University of Cambridge United Kingdom BA
  • Postgraduate Training

    Date Title Institution Country
    2018 - 2021 Peter Doherty Biomedical Fellow The University of Adelaide Australia
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    2024 Certificate in Quality Auditing Australian Online Courses -
    2024 INGUIDE Level I McMaster University Canada
    2023 Freelance Writing Australian Writers Centre Australia
    2015 Diplomate of the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine (ECAWBM-AW) European College of Veterinary Surgeons -
    2011 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons -
    2009 Diploma in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons -
    2008 Membership in Animal Welfare Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists -
  • Research Interests

Date Title Investigators Funding Body Amount
2024 Reducing Animal Testing in the Healthcare Sector Dukes, J, Ankeny R, Whittaker A, Khani T, White S, Atherton A Stewart Investors $67,000


Innovative Sensory Fusion and AI-empowered Analysis for Enhancing Animal Welfare Monitoring

Whittaker A, Yuan X, Shi, P Faculty of SET, Sandlands Bequest $32,000
2022 Can cognitive function be improved in childhood cancer survivors with the use of a custom cognitive gaming suite? Collins- Praino L, Whittaker A, Hobbs D, Pope K, Semendric I, Haller O, George R, O'Loughlin B. Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation $100,000
2021 Research Survey on Australian Attitudes to Animal Research Ankeny R, Whittaker A, ANZCCART $30,000
2021 Barbara Kidman Women's Fellowship Whittaker, A University of Adelaide $30,000
2020 Community Knowledge and Expectations on Animal Protection Law Enforcement in Australia Whittaker, A AFUW-SA $5000
2019 A Benefit or Hindrance? The Impact of Globalisation on Industrial Agricultural Expansion and Animal Welfare in Low and Middle Income Countries Reliant on Halal Production Practices Whittaker A, Ankeny R, Buddle E Tiny Beams $11,655

Development of a welfare assessment tool for routine use with captive reptiles

Whittaker A, Mclelland D, Sherwen S

AVA Animal Welfare Trust $9,300
2019 Inflaming the Brain: Understanding the Acute and Chronic Effects of Paediatric Chemotherapy on Cognitive Function in the Developing Brain Whittaker, A. George R, Collins- Praino L NeuroSurgical Research Foundation $29,615
2018 Validation of real-time use of the Mouse Grimace Scale in a murine colon cancer model Chartier L, Whittaker AL, Mashtoub S AVA Animal Welfare Trust $8,231

Validation of MicroRNA's as a Novel Laboratory Animal Welfare Assessment Tool

Whittaker AL, Cameron R, Tilbrook A, Hiendleder S American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine $39,288
2018 'Navigating' the Court Room Experience in an Online Environment  Whittaker AL, Hewitt A, Nosworthy B, Elms P, Henderson S, Franceschilli T University of Adelaide, Learning Enhancement and Innovation Grants $2,200
2018 'Chemobrain': a Culmination of Central Nervous System Inflammatory Events? Whittaker AL Australian Federation of University Women $4,891
2017 ‘Chemobrain’: Neuroimmunological Consequences of Chemotherapy-induced Mucositis and Opioid Palliation in Development of the Condition Whittaker AL National Health and Medical Research Council, Early Career Fellowships $318,768
2017 'Novel biomarkers of animal welfare in pigs; microRNA, immunobiology and on farm application' Terry R,  Hiendleder S, Whittaker AL Australian Pork Limited $226,102

Neuroimmunological Consequences of Chemotherapy-induced Mucositis and Opioid Palliation in the Development of ‘Chemobrain’

Whittaker AL, Howarth GS, George RP School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Seed Grant, The University of Adelaide $3,000
2015 The utility of cognitive bias testing to assess therapeutic improvements in emotional state in a rat model of chemotherapy-induced mucositis Whittaker AL, Barker T, Howarth GS School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Seed Grant, The University of Adelaide $4,000
2012 Funding for night vision animal surveillance cameras Howarth G, Stott P, Whittaker AL Faculty of Sciences, University of Adelaide, Minor Equipment Round $8,700 $8,700

Novel Strategies to enhance creep attractiveness and reduce piglet mortality

Whittaker AL, Van Wettere W, Kirkwood, R. Pork CRC innovation grant $15,665

Evaluation of space requirements for breeding pigs at different parities

Whittaker AL

AVA Animal Welfare Trust

2009-2010 Evaluation of space requirements for breeding pigs at different parities Van Wettere W, Hughes P, Whittaker AL Australian Pork Limited (APL) $11,820


Major Teaching Responsibilities

The majority of my teaching is in the Bachelor of Science (Animal Science) and Bachelor of Veterinary Technology programs into:

ANIMLSC 3250RW - Animals and the Law (course founder and coordinator 2012-)

4060ARW/BRW-Honours Animal Science Project and 4050ARW/BRW- Advanced Animal Science (Hons) (Honours Coordinator) 

Professional Communication

VET TECH 1030RW - Evidence-based Veterinary Technology I

ANIMLSC 3100RW - Laboratory Animal Science

Minor Teaching Responsibilities

I also have teaching roles in:

ANIMLSC 3016RW - Animal Health

AN BEHAV 2000RW- Foundations in Animal Behaviour

VET SC 2500RW - Professional Skills in Veterinary Bioscience II

VET SC 3500RW - Professional Skills in Veterinary Bioscience III (Course coordinator 2013-14)

VET SC 7223RW - Veterinary Public Health

VET SC 7005RW - Clinical Research Project


  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2025 Co-Supervisor Captive Snake Welfare - Assessing and Improving Zoo Snake Exhibits Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Sara Louise Hanson
    2025 Co-Supervisor Animal Interaction Programs and their welfare impact on zoo-housed animals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Bridget Kristin Cooper-Rogers
    2025 Co-Supervisor Understanding the social dynamics of flocking bird species and their implications of welfare Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Paige Anna Klingner
    2024 Principal Supervisor Zoo Welfare Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Justine Kate Partoon
    2024 Co-Supervisor An analysis of the current legal status of non-human animals in Australia. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Frankie Madeleine Bray
    2024 Co-Supervisor Optimizing Captive Animal Welfare: Integrating Training Methods with Acoustic Enrichment for Enhanced Environmental Stimulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Lesia Marie Hryhorenko
    2023 Principal Supervisor Animal Welfare Regulation of Animal Research in Australia; A critical evaluation of its effectiveness, the risk of regulatory capture, and the veterinary voice in animal welfare policy. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Lisa Josephine Craig
    2022 Principal Supervisor Investigating Correlations Between Behaviour, Affect, and Welfare in Reptiles Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Jessica Thea Turner
    2021 Co-Supervisor Chemobrain impact and remediation: a focus on the paediatric patient Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Ines Semendric
    2021 Co-Supervisor Exploring the neurobiological bases of affective states Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Jane Cerina Morphett
    2021 Co-Supervisor Quantification of the lifetime experience of pain in livestock and its implications on productivity and animal husbandry practices, including applications to human health and wellbeing Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Charlotte Helen Johnston
    2021 Principal Supervisor The physiological impacts of virtual fencing on sheep and cattle in South Australia. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Megan Beth Willis
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2025 Principal Supervisor A multi-faceted approach to explore the role of neuroinflammation in chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: From systematic review to in vitro and in vivo modelling Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Olivia Jane Haller
    2019 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Investigating the Gap Between the Ambitious Goals and Practical Reality of Animal Welfare Law: Understanding the Contributors of the Enforcement Gap in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Rochelle Palazzo
    2018 - 2022 Principal Supervisor Exploration of microRNAs as biomarkers of affective state in the pig Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Laura Emma Marsh
    2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor An Investigation into Neuroimmune, Cognitive and Affective Behaviour after Chemotherapy Exposure in a Rat Model: Implications for Chemotherapy-induced Gut Toxicity and 'Chemobrain' Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Rebecca Peta George
    2015 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Analysis of the Judgement Bias Test for Welfare Assessment in Rats Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Timothy Hugh Barker
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2023 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Exploring the Australian Publics Attitudes Towards Research on Animals: A Qualitative Study The University of Adelaide Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) Honours Full Time Jock Bache
    2022 - ongoing Principal Supervisor Affective state and peri-neuronal nets University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Abdul Abbas
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Validation of a reptile welfare assessment tool The University of Adelaide Honours in Animal Science Honours Full Time Narelle Jones
    2021 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Validation of a Reptile Welfare Assessment Tool The University of Adelaide Honours in Animal Science Honours Full Time Jessica Turner
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor MiRNA's as indicators of affective state the University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Jane Morphett
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Role of the neuroimmune response in chemobrain The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Olivia Haller
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Development of a welfare assessment tool for captive reptiles the University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Brianna Golder-Dewar
    2020 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Development of a welfare assessment tool for captive reptiles The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Jordyn Triggs
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor Are there gender difference in predisposition to Chemotherapy-induced Cognitive Impairment The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Carolyn Mitchell
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor The utility of MicroRNA’s as indicators of valence of affective state The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Jason Cutler
    2019 - 2019 Principal Supervisor The long-term effects of cancer chemotherapy administration on cognition The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Ines Semendric
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Speciesism in Animal Law: Does animal species impact penalties given for cruelty offences? The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Rochelle Morton
    2018 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Validation of an Attention Bias Model of Affective State in Mice The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Sheryn Thomas
    2017 - 2017 Principal Supervisor The role of empathy in influencing cognitive biasing The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Peta Groves
    2017 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Providing peri-parturient sows with alternative nesting material to improve welfare The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Alice Rainsford
    2015 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The effects of metabolic cage housing on cognitive bias expression in mice The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Rebecca George
    2014 - 2014 Principal Supervisor The effects of metabolic cage housing and sex on cognitive bias expression in rats The University of Adelaide - Honours Full Time Timothy Barker
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2024 - ongoing Director Veterinary Surgeons Board VSBSA Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2022 - ongoing Member Animal Welfare Committee National Health and Medical Research Council Australia
    2022 - ongoing Member Animal Welfare Advisory Board Morris Animal Foundation United States
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2022 - ongoing Member American Association for Laboratory Animal Science United States
    2017 - ongoing Member Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society -
    2016 - ongoing Member The Law Society of South Australia -
    2013 - ongoing Member International Society for Applied Ethology -
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2024 - ongoing Editor Scientific Reports Scientific Reports United States
    2022 - ongoing Member Frontiers in Veterinary Science Frontiers United Kingdom
    2019 - ongoing Member Animals- Reviewer Board MDPI Switzerland
    2014 - ongoing Board Member Australian Animal Protection Law Journal - Australia
  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Phone: 83137868
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83137956
  • Campus: Roseworthy
  • Building: Corridor Block, floor G
  • Org Unit: School of Animal and Veterinary Science

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