Alejandra Bedoya Mejia

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

My research is focused on applying geo- and thermochronological methods with a wide range of thermal sensitivity, such as Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr, U-Pb and fission tracks in different phase minerals (garnets, micas, apatites, titanites), to reconstruct the tectono-thermal history of different regions in Western Australia: Coompana and Madura Provinces, Rudall Province, and Petermann Orogen. 

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Bedoya, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Kirkland, C., Kelsey, D., Nixon, A., & Fraser, G. (2024). Apatite Triple Dating (Lu–Hf, U–Pb, FT) Constrains Deformation and Cooling in the Coompana and Madura Provinces, Western Australia. Lithosphere, spec 14(Special 14).
    DOI Scopus3
    2023 Lorena Florez-Amaya, S., Abdullin, F., Bedoya, A., Maldonado, R., Milian de la Cruz, R. E., Solari, L., . . . Ortega-Obregon, C. (2023). Detecting the Laramide event in southern Mexico by means of apatite fission-track thermochronology. GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE, 160(2), 322-333.
    2022 Martini, M., Anaya Guarneros, J. A., Solari, L., Bedoya, A., Zepeda‐Martínez, M., & Villanueva‐Amadoz, U. (2022). The Matzitzi Formation in southern Mexico: A record of Pangea final assembly or breakup initiation along inherited suture belts?. Basin Research, 34(2), 727-747.
    DOI WoS3
    2021 Bedoya, A., Anaya-Guarneros, J. A., Abdullin, F., Martini, M., & Solari, L. (2021). Provenance analysis of the Matzitzi and Agua de Mezquite formations, southern Mexico: Different fluvial successions formed during late Paleozoic and post-Middle Jurassic time along the southernmost North America Pacific margin. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 105, 15 pages.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS4
    2021 Ramirez-Calderon, M., Bedoya, A., Abdullin, F., Martini, M., Solari, L., & Ortega-Obregon, C. (2021). Triassic breakup of Pangea in southern Mexico: Thermochronological evidence from the Tianguistengo formation. GEOCHEMISTRY, 81(3), 16 pages.
    DOI WoS4
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2022 Kohlmann, F., Noble, W., Boone, S., Greau, Y., Dalton, H., Ware, B., . . . Theile, M. (2022). A Digital end-to-end solution for FAIR Geochemistry Data, from Field Collection to Publication. In Goldschmidt2022 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry.
    2022 Noble, W., Kohn, B., Boone, S., Kohlmann, F., Greau, Y., Dalton, H., . . . Theile, M. (2022). Opening the full Potential of Geochemical Big Data utilising AusGeochem. In Goldschmidt2022 abstracts. European Association of Geochemistry.
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2023 Glorie, S., Kharkongor, M., Bedoya Mejia, A., Hand, M., Simpson, A., Nixon, A., . . . Chew, D. (2023). Apatite laser-ablation Lu-Hf - U-Pb tandem thermochronology: a novel method to constrain high temperature thermal histories. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 18th International Conference on Thermochronology (Thermo 2023). Riva del Garda, Italy: THERMO.
    2023 Bedoya Mejia, A., Glorie, S., Hand, M., Kirkland, C., & Kelsey, D. (2023). A multi-method (Lu-Hf, U-Pb, Rb-Sr, FT) approach to constrain 1 billion years of thermal history (Rudall Province, Australia). Poster session presented at the meeting of Thermo 2023.

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