Alana Hansen
School of Public Health
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Dr Alana Hansen is a Research Associate in the School of Public Health’s Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Unit. Since completing her PhD on the effects of weather and air pollution on population health in Adelaide, her research has focussed on the health impacts of extreme heat and climate change in vulnerable populations. She uses a mixed methods approach with both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Dr Hansen’s interests include barriers to adaptation in older persons and the adaptive capacity of migrants and refugees to extreme heat and climate change. Her research involves collaborations with stakeholders in government and non-government organisations and her work has been translated into policy and practice. Her current research focusses on building capacity to curb the public health impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases due to climate change in China.
For details on projects available please view the following booklet: School of Public Health Student Projects
Date Position Institution name 2016 - ongoing Senior Research Associate University of Adelaide 2010 - 2016 Research Associate University of Adelaide 1995 - 2006 Technical Assistant Flinders University -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2014 Award The University of Adelaide School of Population Health Travel and Professional Development Grant The University of Adelaide - - 2010 Research Award University Doctoral Research Medal - - - 2010 Award Best Thesis Award School of Population Health and Clinical Practice - - 2008 Fellowship Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship The University of Adelaide - - 2008 Award International Society for Exposure Analysis Joint Conference Travel Award International Society for Environmental Epidemiology - - 2006 Scholarship Australian Research Council Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) scholarship Australian Research Council Australian - - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2006 - 2010 University of Adelaide Australia PhD 2005 University of Adelaide Australia Graduate Diploma in Public Health 2002 Flinders University Australia Bachelor of Science -
Date Title Institution name Country — Medical Technicians' Certificate South Australian Institute of Technology Australia -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2022 Williamson, T., Soebarto, V., Bennetts, H., Arakawa Martins, L., Pisaniello, D., Hansen, A., . . . van Hoof, J. (2022). Assessing human resilience: A study of thermal comfort, wellbeing and health of older people. In F. Nicol, H. B. Rijal, & S. Roaf (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Resilient Thermal Comfort (1 ed., pp. 108-127). Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis. 2016 Zhang, Y., Wang, J., Ma, W., Nitschke, M., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Jiang, B. (2016). Case study: Improving population health in a rapidly urbanizing world: Are older Chinese people ready to adapt to climate change?. In M. Li, & Y. Wu (Eds.), Urbanization and Public Health in China (pp. 267-297). London: Imperial College Press.
DOI Scopus22015 Hansen, A., Nitschke, M., & Bi, P. (2015). Adaptation to extreme heat and climate change in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. In J. Palutikof, S. Boulter, J. Barnett, & D. Rissik (Eds.), Applied studies in climate adaptation (Vol. 9781118845011, 1 ed., pp. 241-249). West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
DOI Scopus12015 Hansen, A., Hanson-Easey, S., & Bi, P. (2015). Support for adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. In R. Walker, & W. Mason (Eds.), Climate Change Adaptation for Health and Social Services (1 ed., pp. 159-178). Clayton South, VIC: CSIRO Publishing. 2014 Zhang, Y., Hansen, A., & Bi, P. (2014). Climate change and vector-borne viral diseases. In S. Singh (Ed.), Viral Infections and Global Change (1 ed., pp. 3-20). United States: Wiley.
DOI Scopus22011 Saniotis, A., Hansen, A., & Bi, P. (2011). Climate change and population health: possible future scenarios. In J. Blanco, & H. Kheradmand (Eds.), Climate Change - Socioeconomic Effects (1 ed., pp. 67-80). Croatia: InTech.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2020 Arakawa Martins, L., Williamson, T., Bennetts, H., Zuo, J., Visvanathan, R., Hansen, A., . . . Soebarto, V. (2020). Individualising thermal comfort models for older people: the effects of personal characteristics on comfort and wellbeing. In S. Roaf, F. Nicol, & W. Finlayson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th Windsor Conference on Thermal Comfort: Resilient Comfort (pp. 187-199). online: Windsor.
Scopus62020 Soebarto, V., Williamson, T., Bennetts, H., Arakawa Martins, L., Pisaniello, D., Hansen, A., . . . Carre, A. (2020). Development of an integrated data acquisition system for thermal comfort studies of older people. In S. Roaf, F. Nicol, & W. Finlayson (Eds.), Proceeding of the 11th Windsor Conference: Resilient comfort. (pp. 155-170). online: Windsor.
Scopus72019 Hansen, A., & Soebarto, V. (2019). The Epidemiology of Health and Mortality at Extremes. In S. Roaf, & W. Finlayson (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on: Comfort at the Extremes: Energy, Economy and Climate (pp. 10-22). Cambridge: Ecohouse Initative Ltd.. 2019 Hanson-Easey, S. A., Hansen, A., Williams, S., & Bi, P. (2019). On heatwave risk communication to the public: new evidence informing message tailoring and audience segmentation. In Proceedings of the Australian institute for Disaster Resilience Conference (AIDR 2019). Melbourne: Australian Government National Recovery and Resilience Agency. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2018). The Impact of Heatwaves on Workers' Health and Safety in Australia: A Multi-City Study. In ISEE Conference Abstracts Vol. 2018. Environmental Health Perspectives.
DOI2011 Hansen, A., Bi, P., Nitschke, M., Ryan, P., Pisaniello, D., & Tucker, G. (2011). The Effect of Heatwaves on Ambulance Callouts in Adelaide, South Australia. In EPIDEMIOLOGY Vol. 22 (pp. S14-S15). Seoul, SOUTH KOREA: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
DOI WoS82011 Nitschke, M., Tucker, G., Hansen, A., Williams, S., & Bi, P. (2011). The Unfolding Story of Heatwaves in Adelaide: Severity, Duration, and Useful Triggers for Community Intervention. In EPIDEMIOLOGY Vol. 22 (pp. S14). Seoul, SOUTH KOREA: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
DOI2008 Hansen, A. L., Bi, P., Nitschke, M., Ryan, P., Pisamello, D., & Tucker, G. (2008). The Effect of Heatwaves on Mental Health in a Temperate Australian city. In EPIDEMIOLOGY Vol. 19 (pp. S85). Pasadena, CA: LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS.
WoS7 -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2018 Varghese, B., Barnett, A., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). The effects of ambient temperature on work-related injuries in Adelaide, Australia - workers’ compensation claims increase with high temperatures. Poster session presented at the meeting of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Dublin: BMJ Publishing Group.
DOI2018 Varghese, B., Barnett, A., Hansen, A., Nitschke, M., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). Are moderate heatwaves more important than severe heatwaves for worker injury risks? (Poster presentation).. Poster session presented at the meeting of Climate Adaptation 2018. Melbourne. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). The impact of ambient temperatures on work-related injuries in three Australian cities [Mini-Oral presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA). Fremantle, WA. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). Heatwaves and work-related injuries in Australia: A multi-city study (Oral presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA). Fremantle, WA. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Williams, S., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). 'Risk factors for heat-related injuries: Survey of work health and safety professionals' (Poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) SA State Population Health Conference. Adelaide. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Williams, S., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). 'Occupational injuries during hot weather: Perspectives from health and safety representatives' (Oral presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) SA State Population Health Conference. Adelaide. 2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). Characterising the impact of heatwaves on work-related injuries in three Australian cities: When is it unsafe to work? (Poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Florey Postgraduate Research Conference. Adelaide. 2018 Hansen, A., Pisaniello, D. L., Varghese, B. M., & Bi, P. (2018). Lived Experiences of Heat Exposure as an Occupational Safety Hazard in Australia. Poster session presented at the meeting of ISEE Conference Abstracts. Environmental Health Perspectives.
DOI2018 Varghese, B. M., Hansen, A., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2018). The Impact of Heatwaves on Workers' Health and Safety in Australia: A Multi-City Study [Poster presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of ISEE Conference Abstracts. Ottawa. 2017 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A. L., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2017). Do temperature extremes pose risk to workers’ injury risk? [Oral Presentation]. Poster session presented at the meeting of The 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Epidemiological Association (AEA). Sydney. 2017 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A. L., Nitschke, M. N., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2017). Are moderate heatwaves more important than severe heatwaves for worker injury risks? (Poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Florey Postgraduate Research Conference. Adelaide. 2017 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A. L., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2017). Both low and high temperature may increase the risk of work-related injuries- an assessment using case-crossover analysis in Adelaide, Australia (Oral presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) SA State Population Health Conference. Adelaide. 2017 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A. L., Nitschke, M. N., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. L. (2017). Are moderate heatwaves more important than severe heatwaves for worker injury risks? (Oral presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) SA State Population Health Conference. Adelaide. 2017 Varghese, B. M., Barnett, A. G., Hansen, A. L., Nitschke, M., Nairn, J., Bi, P., & Pisaniello, D. (2017). The effects of daily maximum temperature and heatwaves on worker injury risks (Oral presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of Heat and Injury Seminar, National Safe Work Month, Safe Work SA. Adelaide. -
Report for External Bodies
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2021 Soebarto, V., Bennetts, H., Arakawa Martins, L., van Hoof., Visvanathan, R., Hansen, A., . . . Zuo, J. (2021). Thermal Comfort at Home: A guide for older South Australians. The University of Adelaide.
Year Citation - Hanson-Easey, S., Hansen, A., Williams, S., & Bi, P. (n.d.). Communicating About Heatwaves.
Competitive Research Funding
International Competitive Schemes
Date | Project/No. | Investigators | Funding Body | Amount |
2014-2017 | (Vulnerable Community and Human Health) | Bi P, Pisaniello D, Hansen A, Williams S, Hanson-Easey S, Weinstein, P, Hugo G, Tan Y, Melissa Nursey-Bray M, Beer A, Nitschke N, Boland J, Han G, Loughan M, Black D, Zhang Y, Wilson L, Davis A, Reeves J, Tong S, Berry H. Health). | National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility Research Network | $400,000 |
Develop and communicate bushfire and heat-wave information to CALD community. | Bi P, Hanson-Easey S, Williams S, Hansen A, Weinstein P, Nairn J, Beattie C. | Australian Government Attorney General’s Department. | $145,000 | |
National extreme heat warnings: investigating regional temperature triggers and responses. | Bi P, Williams S, Hansen A, Weinstein P, Nairn J, Beattie C, Bolton S. | Australian Government Attorney General’s Department (National Emergency Management Projects) Phase 2 | $178,000 | |
National extreme heat warnings: investigating reg-ional temperature triggers and responses. | Bi P, Weinstein P. | Australian Government Attorney General’s Department (National Emerg-ency Management Projects) Phase 1 | $182,000 | |
2013 | Heat health messages: a randomised controlled trial of preventive messages in the older population in South Australia | Bi P, Hansen A, Nitschke M | Government of SA. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Sustain-ability and Climate Change | $26,358 |
2013 | Risk communication to culturally and linguistically diverse communities in South Australia | Bi P, Liu Q, Weinstein P, Cameron S, Hansen A, Williams C, Sun Y, Han G-S. | Government of South Australia. South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission | $196,428 |
2013 | Building capacity to curb the public health impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases due to climate change in China. | Bi P, Liu Q, Weinstein P, Cameron S, Hansen A, Williams C, Sun Y, Han G-S. | Australian Development Research Awards Scheme | $885,111 |
2011 | Extreme heat and climate change: adaptation in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. | Bi P, Saniotis A, Benson J, Tan Y, Nitschke M, Wilson W, Han G-S, Smyth V, Hansen A | National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). | $248,229 |
2011 | Heat-Ready: Adapting Aged Care Facilities to prevent premature death in elderly Australians. | Black D, Veitch C, Hansen A, Wilson L, Broome R, Hunt S. | Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). | $199,955 |
Cognitive and affective barriers to climate change adaptation (2011). | Bi P, Walker I, Nitschke M, Saniotis A, Zhang Y, Hansen A. | Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). | $165,412 |
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Burden of non-communicable diseases attributable to high temperature in Australia: current and future projections in a changing climate Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jingwen Liu 2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Understanding the Heat-Work Injury Phenomenon in Australia: An Evaluation of Risk, Susceptibility and Attributable Burden Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Blesson Mathew Varghese 2014 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Health Professionals' Perceptions of Dengue Fever, Malaria and Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome in the Face of Climate Change in China Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Michael Tong 2014 - 2018 Co-Supervisor Developing Health-Related Climate Indicators - A Case Study of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Maryam Navi 2014 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Addressing the relationships between ageing, thermal comfort, house design and health: A study in South Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mrs Rachel Desley Bills 2010 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Extreme Heat and Workers’ Health in South Australia: Association, perceptions, and adaptations in the workplace Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Jianjun Xiang
Date Role Membership Country 2008 - ongoing - Australasian Epidemiological Association - 2008 - ongoing - Public Health Association of Australia - 2008 - ongoing - International Society for Environmental Epidemiology -
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