Associate Professor Priya Chacko
Associate Professor, International Politics
School of Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Priya Chacko is an Associate Professor of International Politics at the University of Adelaide. Prior to Adelaide, she worked at universities at Victoria University of Wellington and University of the Witwatersrand and was recently a non-resident fellow at the Perth-US Asia Centre and a visiting academic fellow at the Australia-India Institute.
She is currently co-Editor-in-Chief of South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies and was previously co-Editor-in Chief of Contemporary Politics. Her research focuses on how nationalism facilitates, and is used to justify, domestic and foreign policies; how the international (global capitalist processes, colonialism and imperialism, transnational knowledge production, geopolitics etc.) shapes domestic politics and political economy; and the structural role of ideology in capitalism. She has published widely on these topics with a focus on Indian politics and foreign policy and the Indo-Pacific region in journals like International Affairs, Political Geography, Modern Asian Studies and Journal of Contemporary Asia.
Her current projects focus on 1) the rise and impact of authoritarian populist governance in India; 2) the transnational impact of autocratisation in India through strategies of transnational repression, legitimation, cooptation and cooperation; 3) the role of racial capitalism in shaping Australia’s international relations.
Year Citation 2023 Chacko, P. (2023). Modi's India: Hindu Nationalism and the Rise of Ethnic Democracy. JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, 59(6), 2 pages.
2023 Chacko, P. (2023). The neoliberal roots of authoritarian protectionism. International Politics, 60(2), 449-460.
Scopus1 WoS12023 Chacko, P. (2023). Disciplining India: paternalism, neo-liberalism and Hindutva civilizationalism. International Affairs, 99(2), 551-565.
Scopus32023 Chacko, P. (2023). Racial capitalism and spheres of influence: Australian assertions of white possession in the Pacific. Political Geography, 105, 102923-1-102923-11.
Scopus6 WoS22022 Mayer, P., & Chacko, P. (2022). Will India Implement a Uniform Civil Code?. Australian Outlook, 23 Jun. 2022 Chacko, P. (2022). Brand new India: capitalist dreams and nationalist designs in twenty-first century India. ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW, 47(2), 2 pages.
2021 Chacko, P., & Strating, R. (2021). The Demise of “Pragmatism”? Assessing the Public Debate on Australia's Engagement with China. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 67(3-4), 18 pages.
Scopus4 WoS12021 Chacko, P. R. I. Y. A. (2021). A New Quest for Self-Reliance: East Asia and Indian Economic Nationalism. The Journal of Indian and Asian Studies, 02(02).
2020 Chacko, P. (2020). Gender and authoritarian populism: empowerment, protection, and the politics of resentful aspiration in India. CRITICAL ASIAN STUDIES, 52(2), 22 pages.
Scopus30 WoS222020 Barthwal-Datta, M., & Chacko, P. (2020). The politics of strategic narratives of regional order in the Indo-Pacific: Free, open, prosperous, inclusive?. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 74(3), 244-263.
Scopus14 WoS92019 Bhatnagar, S., & Chacko, P. (2019). Peacebuilding think tanks, Indian foreign policy and the Kashmir conflict. Third World Quarterly, 40(8), 1496-1515.
Scopus7 WoS32019 Chacko, P. (2019). Marketising Hindutva: The state, society and markets in Hindu Nationalism. Modern Asian Studies, 53(2), 377-410.
Scopus59 WoS392018 Chacko, P., & Jayasuriya, K. (2018). A capitalising foreign policy: Regulatory geographies and transnationalised state projects. European Journal of International Relations, 24(1), 82-105.
Scopus37 WoS242018 Chacko, P. (2018). The Right Turn in India: Authoritarianism, Populism and Neoliberalisation. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48(4), 41-65.
Scopus150 WoS922018 Chacko, P., & Jayasuriya, K. (2018). Asia's Conservative Moment: Understanding the Rise of the Right. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 48(4), 529-540.
Scopus50 WoS262018 Chacko, P., & Willis, D. (2018). Pivoting to Indo-Pacific? The Limits of Indian and Indonesian Integration. East Asia, 35(2), 133-148.
Scopus5 WoS42018 Chacko, P., & Davis, A. (2018). Resignifying ‘responsibility’: India, exceptionalism and nuclear non-proliferation. Asian Journal of Political Science, 26(3), 352-370.
Scopus9 WoS62018 Chacko, P. (2018). Foreign policy, ideas and state-building: India and the politics of international intervention. Journal of International Relations and Development, 21(2), 346-371.
Scopus5 WoS62017 Chacko, P., & Davis, A. (2017). The natural/neglected relationship: liberalism, identity and India-Australia relations. Pacific Review, 30(1), 26-50.
Scopus12 WoS112017 Chacko, P., & Jayasuriya, K. (2017). Trump, the authoritarian populist revolt and the future of the rules-based order in Asia. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71(2), 121-127.
Scopus36 WoS272017 Chacko, P. (2017). Women’s economic empowerment in the Indian Ocean region through gender equality in work: building a common agenda. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region, 13(1), 111-118.
Scopus5 WoS22017 Chacko, P. S. E., Seifi, A., & Diller, K. R. (2017). A human thermoregulation simulator for calibrating water-perfused cooling pad systems for therapeutic hypothermia. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the ASME, 11(3).
2016 Chacko, P., Drew, G., & Brookes, J. (2016). Could bio-toilets solve India's sanitation problems and save the Yamuna River?. The Conversation, 2016(Nov. 10). 2015 Chacko, P. (2015). Territorial Sovereignty in India and its Discontents. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(7). 2015 Chacko, P., & Davis, A. (2015). Myanmar and India: regimes of citizenship and the limits of geo-economic engagement. European Journal of East Asian Studies, 14(1), 124-143.
Scopus62015 Chacko, P. (2015). The new geo-economics of a "rising" India: state transformation and the recasting of foreign policy. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 45(2), 326-344.
Scopus14 WoS92014 Chacko, P., & Mayer, P. (2014). The Modi lahar (wave) in the 2014 Indian national election: a critical realignment?. Australian Journal of Political Science, 49(3), 518-528.
Scopus10 WoS102014 Chacko, P. (2014). Variegated neoliberalisation in India and Africa: towards a new research agenda. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 52(4), 563-569.
Scopus12014 Chacko, P. (2014). A new "special relationship"?: Power transitions, ontological security, and India-US relations. International Studies Perspectives, 15(3), 329-346.
Scopus27 WoS322014 Chacko, P. (2014). Remapping India: new states and their political origins. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, 90(3), 731-732. 2014 Chacko, P. (2014). The rise of the Indo-Pacific: understanding ideational change and continuity in India's foreign policy. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 68(4), 433-452.
Scopus29 WoS262014 Chacko, P. (2014). India in Africa: changing geographies of power. COMMONWEALTH & COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 52(4), 563-569. 2014 Chacko, P. (2014). State-business relations and economic development in Africa and India. COMMONWEALTH & COMPARATIVE POLITICS, 52(4), 563-569. 2012 Chacko, P. (2012). Amitav Acharya, Whose Ideas Matter? Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2010, pp. 189, ISBN 978 9 8142 7915 4. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 66(2), 277-278.
2011 Chacko, P. (2011). The search for a scientific temper: nuclear technology and the ambivalence of India's postcolonial modernity. Review of International Studies, 37(1), 185-208.
Scopus112001 Chacko, P. (2001). Culture and Politics in an Age Of Global Media: the impact of satellite television and the internet in India. Flinders Journal of History and Politics, 22, 110-123. -
Year Citation 2016 Chacko, P. (Ed.) (2016). New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Drivers, Dynamics and Consequences. Routledge.
DOI Scopus122016 Chacko, P. (Ed.) (2016). New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific Drivers, Dynamics and Consequences. Routledge.
DOI Scopus122012 Chacko, P. (2012). Indian foreign policy: the politics of postcolonial identity from 1947 to 2004. United Kingdom: Routledge.
DOI Scopus37 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2021 Chacko, P., & Jayasuriya, K. (2021). The economics–security nexus and East Asian
integration. In F. Kimura, M. Pangestu, S. M. Thangavelu, & C. Findlay (Eds.), Handbook on East Asian Economic Integration (pp. 435-453). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
DOI2019 Chacko, P. (2019). Indira Gandhi, the "Long 1970s", and the Cold War. In M. Bhaghavan (Ed.), India and the Cold War (pp. 178-196). Chapel Hill, NC, USA: The University of North Carolina Press. 2019 Chacko, P. (2019). Constructivism and Indian Foreign Policy. In H. V. Pant (Ed.), New Directions in Indian Foreign Policy: Theory and Praxis (pp. 48-66). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
DOI Scopus42019 Chacko, P. (2019). Emerging Regimes of Market Citizenship: The Politics of Social Policy in Contemporary India. In A. P. DCosta, & A. Chakraborty (Eds.), Changing Contexts and Shifting Roles of the Indian State: New Perspectives on Development Dynamics (pp. 39-55). SPRINGER INDIA.
DOI Scopus1 WoS12016 Chacko, P. (2016). The decolonial option: toward an ethic of Self-Securing. In J. Nyman, & A. Burke (Eds.), Ethical Security Studies: A New Research Agenda (pp. 189-200). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Scopus22016 Chacko, P. (2016). India and the Indo-Pacific from Singh to Modi: geopolitical and geoeconomic entanglements. In P. Chacko (Ed.), New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific: Drivers, dynamics and consequences (pp. 43-59). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
DOI2016 Chacko, P. (2016). Introduction: The Rise of the Indo-Pacific. In P. Chacko (Ed.), New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific; Drivers, dynamics and consequences (pp. 1-8). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. 2016 Chacko, P. (2016). Introduction: The Rise of the Indo-Pacific. In P. Chacko (Ed.), New Regional Geopolitics in the Indo-Pacific; Drivers, dynamics and consequences (pp. 1-8). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. 2013 Chacko, P. (2013). India and the Indo-Pacific in New Delhi’s BRICS calculus. In F. A. Kornegay, & N. Bohler-Muller (Eds.), Laying the BRICS of a new global order: from Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013 (pp. 260-276). Africa Institute of South Africa. 2013 Chacko, P. (2013). India and the Indo-Pacific in New Delhi’s BRICS calculus. In F. A. Kornegay, & N. Bohler-Muller (Eds.), Laying the BRICS of a New Global Order: From Yekaterinburg 2009 to eThekwini 2013. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. 2012 Chacko, P. (2012). Interpreting the 'rise of India': India-US relations in an age of power transition. In A. Mattoo (Ed.), The Reluctant Superpower: understanding India and its aspirations (1 ed., pp. 234-256). Australia: Melbourne University Press. 2012 Chacko, P. (2012). IBSA in the foreign policy of a rising India. In S. Patel, & T. Uys (Eds.), Contemporary India and South Africa: Legacies, Identities, Dilemmas (pp. 274-290). India: Taylor and Francis.
DOI2011 Chacko, P. (2011). The internationalist nationalist: pursuing an ethical modernity with Jawaharlal Nehru. In R. Shilliam (Ed.), International Relations and Non-Western Thought: Imperialism, colonialism and investigations of global modernity (1 ed., pp. 178-196). United Kingdom: Routledge.
DOI Scopus7
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2024 Co-Supervisor Militant Democracy in Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Matthew James Bracken Nicoll 2023 Principal Supervisor ‘Kerala is different’: Tracing the global history of the region in South India Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Anand Sreekumar 2023 Principal Supervisor The Impact of Sino-Indian relations on the Evolution of Tibetan nationalist movement Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Janhavi Rajiv Pande 2023 Co-Supervisor The Influence of Religion on the Voting Attitudes and Behaviour of Educated Middle-Class Electors in Bangladesh Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Arefa Sultana -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - 2024 Co-Supervisor Nurturing Women’s Participation in STEM: An Analysis of Australian, Indian and Singaporean Government Policies and Programs Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Kirsty Nicole Haynes 2018 - 2025 Principal Supervisor Citizens or ‘Infiltrators’? Decolonising the Securitisation of Migration and Citizenship in India Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Maggie Paul 2016 - 2019 Principal Supervisor A Moment of Possibility: The Rise and Fall of the New International Economic Order Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Samuel Thomas Nicholls 2014 - 2018 Principal Supervisor Foreign Policy Think Tanks: Challenging or Building Consensus on India's Pakistan Policy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Stuti Bhatnagar 2014 - 2019 Co-Supervisor The Development of IGAD as a Distinctively African Regional Security Community for the Horn of Africa with Case Studies of South Sudan and Somalia Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Stephen Gatkak Chan 2012 - 2015 Principal Supervisor India and the 'Anglosphere': A Postcolonial Genealogy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alexander Edmund Davis 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Internationalisation of Chinese Capital and the Transformation of State-society Relations in Ethiopia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Edson Ziso 2012 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Blinded by the Rising Sun: Japanese Military Intelligence from the First Sino-Japanese War to the End of World War II Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Simon Hall 2011 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Think Tanks, Discourse, and the Promotion of Non-Traditional Security in Asia: An Examination of Think Tank Ideational Influence on Asian Security Governance Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Erin Catherine Zimmerman 2011 - 2013 Co-Supervisor The Kurdish and Iraqi Counter-Quests for Nationhood The Transformation of Iraqi Kurdistan into Quasi-State Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Aram Rafaat
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2023 - ongoing Editor South Asia: journal of South Asian studies South Asian Studies Association of Australia Australia 2019 - ongoing Board Member Australian Journal of International Affairs Griffith Australia 2019 - 2022 Editor Contemporary Politics Routledge United Kingdom 2018 - ongoing Associate Editor Asian Studies Review Deakin university Australia 2016 - ongoing Board Member Contemporary Politics university of western Australia Australia 2015 - ongoing Associate Editor Journal of the Indian Ocean Region - -
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