Nicholas Buchdahl
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
My research is normally in the area of complex geometric analysis, with some time also devoted to problems in low-dimensional differential topology.
Year Citation 2023 Buchdahl, N., & Schumacher, G. (2023). Weil-Petersson forms for families of polystable bundles over compact Kähler manifolds. International Journal of Mathematics, 34(13), 28 pages.
2022 Buchdahl, N., & Schumacher, G. (2022). Polystable bundles and representations of their automorphisms. Complex Manifolds, 9(1), 78-113.
Scopus32022 Buchdahl, N., & Schumacher, G. (2022). An analytic application of Geometric Invariant Theory II: Coarse moduli spaces. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 175, 104467.
Scopus22021 Buchdahl, N., & Schumacher, G. (2021). An analytic application of Geometric Invariant Theory. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 165, 104237.
Scopus42021 Alagumalai, S., & Buchdahl, N. (2021). PISA 2012: Examining the influence of prior knowledge, time-on-task, school-level effects on achievements in mathematical literacy processes – Interpret, employ and formulate. Australian Journal of Education, 65(2), 173-194.
Scopus4 WoS12020 BUCHDAHL, N. P., & SCHUMACHER, G. (2020). L2-cohomology for affine spaces and an application to monads. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 50(5), 1599-1616.
2020 Buchdahl, N., & Schumacher, G. (2020). Polystability and the Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence. 2018 Buchdahl, N., Teleman, A., & Toma, M. (2018). On the Donaldson–Uhlenbeck compactification of instanton moduli spaces on class VII surfaces. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 69(4), 995-1028.
Scopus12017 Buchdahl, N., Teleman, A., & Toma, M. (2017). A continuity theorem for families of sheaves on complex surfaces. Journal of Topology, 10(4), 995-1028.
Scopus82008 Buchdahl, N. (2008). Algebraic deformations of compact Kähler surfaces II. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 258(3), 493-498.
Scopus162006 Buchdahl, N. (2006). Algebraic deformations of compact Kahler surfaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 253(3), 453-459.
Scopus132004 Buchdahl, N. (2004). Monads and bundles on rational surfaces. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 34(2), 513-540.
Scopus122003 Buchdahl, N. (2003). Compact Kähler surfaces with trivial canonical bundle. Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 23(2), 189-204.
Scopus22000 Buchdahl, N. (2000). Blowups and gauge fields. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 196(1), 69-111.
Scopus162000 Buchdahl, N. (2000). A Nakai-Moishezon criterion for non-Kähler surfaces. Annales de L Institut Fourier, 50(5), 1533-1538.
Scopus201999 Buchdahl, N., & Harris, A. (1999). Holomorphic connections and extension of complex vector bundles. Mathematische Nachrichten, 204(1), 29-39.
Scopus61999 Buchdahl, N. (1999). Sequences of stable bundles over compact complex surfaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 9(3), 391-428.
Scopus51999 Buchdahl, N. (1999). On compact Kähler surfaces. Annales de L'Institut Fourier, 49(1), 287-302.
Scopus961999 Buchdahl, N. P. (1999). Sequences of stable bundles over compact complex surfaces. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 9(3), 426-427.
Scopus51995 Buchdahl, N. (1995). Review of Nagatomo, Y., Vanishing theorem for cohomology groups of c2-self-dual bundles on quaternionic Kähler manifolds. Mathematical Reviews, MR1319938. 1993 Buchdahl, N. P. (1993). Instantons on nℂℙ<inf>2</inf>. Journal of Differential Geometry, 37(3), 669-687.
Scopus151990 Buchdahl, N. P., Kwasik, S., & Schultz, R. (1990). One fixed point actions on low-dimensional spheres. Inventiones Mathematicae, 102(1), 633-662.
Scopus231988 Buchdahl, N. P. (1988). Hermitian-Einstein connections and stable vector bundles over compact complex surfaces. Mathematische Annalen, 280(4), 625-648.
Scopus861987 Buchdahl, N. P. (1987). Stable 2-bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 194(1), 143-152.
Scopus301986 Buchdahl, N. P. (1986). Instantons on CP<inf>2</inf>. Journal of Differential Geometry, 24(1), 19-52.
Scopus401985 Buchdahl, N. P. (1985). Analysis on analytic spaces and non-self-dual yang-mills fields. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 288(2), 431-469.
Scopus141983 Buchdahl, N. (1983). On the relattved e rham sequence. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 87(2), 363-366.
Scopus281977 Buchdahl, H. A., Buchdahl, N. P., & Stiles, P. J. (1977). On a relation between spherical and spheroidal harmonics. Journal of Physics A: General Physics, 10(11), 1833-1836.
Scopus13 -
Year Citation 2021 Fresacher, M. (2021). Approximation of Higher Degree Spectra Results for Twisted Laplace Operators.
I teach a variety of courses at all undergraduate and postgraduate levels, both in analysis and algebra.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2023 Co-Supervisor Topics in the Classification of Compact Complex Surfaces Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Radee Stefanov Tchorbadjiev -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Approximation of Higher Degree Spectra Results for Twisted Laplace Operators Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Matthias Eduard Fresacher 2018 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Computer-based Assessments of High School Mathematics in Myanmar Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Hnin Nwe Nwe Tun 2017 - 2021 Co-Supervisor An investigation into factors affecting Grade 10 & 12 students' mathematics performance in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (PNG) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jerome Oko 2014 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Deformation Retractions from Spaces of Continuous Maps onto Spaces of Holomorphic Maps Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Brett Simon Chenoweth 2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Holomorphic Flexibility Properties of Spaces of Elliptic Functions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David James Bowman 2012 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Oka Theory of Riemann Surfaces Master of Philosophy Master Full Time William Crawford 2010 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Students' Experiences of Mathematics and How They Affect Further Engagement with Mathematics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Patrick Waclaw Korbel 2010 - 2013 Co-Supervisor Holomorphic Flexibility Properties of Complements and Mapping Spaces Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alexander Hanysz 2009 - 2012 Principal Supervisor Surface Shape Regions as Manifestations of a Socio-Economic Phenomenon a Solution to the Choropleth Mapping Problem Master of Science in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Master Part Time Dr John Massey 2008 - 2011 Co-Supervisor Acyclic Embeddings of Open Riemann Surfaces into Elliptic Manifolds Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Tyson Ritter 2006 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Invariant Bilinear Differential Pairings on Parabolic Geometrics Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jens Kroeske 2005 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Regularized Equivariant Euler Classes and Gamma Functions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Rongmin Lu 2000 - 2003 Principal Supervisor Yang-Mills connection to U(n)-bundles over compact Riemann surfaces Master of Science in Mathematical and Computer Sciences Master Full Time Mr Peter Lawrence
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