Matthias Fresacher
Indigenous Engagement
Division of Academic and Student Engagement
Matthias Fresacher is a tutor for the School of Computer Science and an Indigenous academic mentor at the University of Adelaide.
He is also an emerging researcher whose work focuses on analysing properties of the partition monoid. Currently a Doctor of Philosophy student at Western Sydney University under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. James East, Matthias is investigating how the diagrams and operations of the partition monoid can be generalised and aims to establish new properties of the original partition monoid as well as the newly established generalisations.
Completing his Master's and Bachelor's degree at the University of Adelaide and on exchange at the National University of Singapore with a published paper, Matthias strives to continue to build his academic presence by researching a growing array of problems in various areas of pure mathematics and related subjects. With a general research aim of collaborating across disciplines, Matthias looks forward to exploring new problems and collaborations in his post doctoral ambitions whilst also continuing to develop his teaching skills and experience.
This page is not actively maintained. Please visit my Personal Website - Western Sydney University (link at the bottom) for up to date information.
My research interests are broad and wide, making them difficult to pin down. They are best summed up by: I am interested in whatever I am currently working on.
Date Institution name Country Title 2022 Western Sydney University Australia Doctor of Philosophy (Pure Mathematics) 2019 - 2021 University of Adelaide Australia Master of Philosophy (Pure Mathematics) 2016 - 2018 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Advanced)
Year Citation 2024 East, J., Fresacher, M., Muhammed, P. A. A., & Stokes, T. (2024). Categorical representation of DRC-semigroups.
Date Role Membership Country 2022 - ongoing Member University of Adelaide Ally Network Australia
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