2023 |
Brookes, J. D., Busch, B., Cassey, P., Chilton, D., Dittmann, S., Dornan, T., . . . Gibbs, M. (2023). How well is the Basin Plan meeting its objectives? From the perspective of the Coorong, a sentinel of change in the Murray-Darling Basin. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 27(2), 223-240. DOI Scopus10 WoS1 |
2022 |
Belder, D. J., Paton, D. C., & Pierson, J. C. (2022). Potential effects of arid shrubland degradation on habitat suitability for a declining arid zone bird, the Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza uropygialis). Austral Ecology, 47(3), 603-618. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2021 |
Read, J., Wilson, G. R., Coulson, G., Cooney, R., Paton, D. C., Moseby, K. E., . . . Edwards, M. J. (2021). Improving Kangaroo Management: A Joint Statement. Ecological Management and Restoration, 22(1), 186-192. DOI Scopus9 WoS7 |
2021 |
Jensen, M. A., Paton, D. C., & Moseby, K. E. (2021). Delayed release improves site fidelity but has little effect on survival or breeding success of reintroduced western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii). Austral Ecology, 46(8), 1298-1310. DOI Scopus10 WoS5 |
2021 |
Bannister, H., Croxford, A., Brandle, R., Paton, D. C., & Moseby, K. (2021). Time to adjust: Changes in the diet of a reintroduced marsupial after release. ORYX, 55(5), 755-764. DOI Scopus4 WoS5 |
2021 |
Trezise, J. E., Facelli, J. M., Paton, D. C., & J-P Davies, R. (2021). The effect of heat and smoke on the soil seed banks of heathlands on permanent freshwater swamps. Austral Ecology, 46(1), 39-51. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2020 |
Bannister, H. L., Brandle, R., Delean, S., Paton, D. C., & Moseby, K. E. (2020). Supportive release techniques provide no reintroduction benefit when efficacy and uptake is low. Oryx, 54(2), 206-214. DOI Scopus17 WoS15 |
2019 |
McCallum, K., Breed, M. F., Paton, D., & Lowe, A. (2019). Clumped planting arrangements improve seed production in a revegetated eucalypt woodland. Restoration Ecology, 27(3), 638-646. DOI Scopus7 WoS6 |
2019 |
McCallum, K., Breed, M. F., Lowe, A., & Paton, D. (2019). Plants, position and pollination: planting arrangement and pollination limitation in a revegetated eucalypt woodland. Ecological Management and Restoration, 20(3), 222-230. DOI Scopus1 WoS1 |
2019 |
Jensen, M. A., Moseby, K. E., Paton, D. C., & Fanson, K. V. (2019). Non-invasive monitoring of adrenocortical physiology in a threatened Australian marsupial, the western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii). Conservation Physiology, 7(1), 9 pages. DOI Scopus7 WoS5 Europe PMC2 |
2018 |
Butler, K., Paton, D., & Moseby, K. (2018). One-way gates successfully facilitate the movement of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) through exclusion fences around reserve. Austral Ecology, 44(2), 199-208. DOI Scopus11 WoS9 |
2018 |
McCallum, K., Lowe, A., Breed, M., & Paton, D. (2018). Spatially designed revegetation - why the spatial arrangement of plants should be as important to revegetation as they are to natural systems. Restoration Ecology, 26(3), 446-455. DOI Scopus25 WoS16 |
2017 |
Woinarski, J., Murphy, B., Legge, S., Garnett, S., Lawes, M., Comer, S., . . . Woolley, L. (2017). How many birds are killed by cats in Australia?. Biological Conservation, 214, 76-87. DOI Scopus126 |
2017 |
Linley, G., Paton, D., & Weston, M. (2017). A citizen-trapper effort to control Common Myna: trap success, specificity and preferred bait type. Ecological Management and Restoration, 18(3), 249-252. DOI Scopus2 WoS1 |
2017 |
Woinarski, J., Woolley, L., Garnett, S., Legge, S., Murphy, B., Lawes, M., . . . Paton, D. (2017). Compilation and traits of Australian bird species killed by cats. Biological Conservation, 216, 1-9. DOI Scopus40 |
2017 |
Linley, G., Moseby, K., & Paton, D. (2017). Vegetation damage caused by high densities of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) at Arid Recovery. Australian Mammalogy, 39(1), 33-41. DOI Scopus24 WoS19 |
2016 |
Kleindorfer, S. M., Paton, D. C., Robertson, J., & Buchanan, K. (2016). D. L. Serventy Medal 2016: Citation. Emu, 116(4), 476. DOI |
2016 |
Wedderburn, S., Bailey, C., Delean, S., & Paton, D. (2016). Population and osmoregulatory responses of a euryhaline fish to extreme salinity fluctuations in coastal lagoons of the Coorong, Australia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 168, 50-57. DOI Scopus22 WoS18 |
2015 |
Brookes, J., Aldridge, K., Bice, C., Deegan, B., Ferguson, G., Paton, D., . . . Zampatti, B. (2015). Fish productivity in the lower lakes and Coorong, Australia, during severe drought. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 139(2), 189-215. DOI Scopus17 WoS13 |
2012 |
Myers, S., Paton, D., & Kleindorfer, S. (2012). Sex determination by morphology in New Holland Honeyeaters, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae: Contrasting two popular techniques across regions. South Australian Ornithologist, 38(1-2), 1-11. Scopus2 |
2012 |
Harris, J., Fordham, D., Mooney, P., Pedler, L., Araujo, M., Paton, D., . . . Brook, B. (2012). Managing the long-term persistence of a rare cockatoo under climate change. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49(4), 785-794. DOI Scopus23 WoS22 Europe PMC5 |
2011 |
Moseby, K., Read, J., Paton, D., Copley, P., Hill, B., & Crisp, H. (2011). Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia. Biological Conservation, 144(12), 2863-2872. DOI Scopus225 WoS197 Europe PMC14 |
2011 |
Harris, J., Sekercioglu, C., Sodhi, N., Fordham, D., Paton, D., & Brook, B. (2011). The tropical frontier in avian climate impact research. Ibis, 153(4), 877-882. DOI Scopus42 WoS37 |
2010 |
Ottewell, K., Donnellan, S., & Paton, D. (2010). Evaluating the demographic, reproductive, and genetic value of eucalypt paddock trees for woodland restoration in agricultural landscapes. Restoration Ecology, 18(Suppl 2), 263-272. DOI Scopus10 WoS9 |
2010 |
McLeay, L., Page, B., Goldsworthy, S., Paton, D., Teixeira, C., Burch, P., & Ward, T. (2010). Foraging behaviour and habitat use of a short-ranging seabird, the crested tern. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 411, 271-283. DOI Scopus26 WoS19 |
2010 |
Guay, P., Chesser, R., Mulder, R., Afton, A., Paton, D., & McCracken, K. (2010). East-west genetic differentiation in Musk Ducks (Biziura lobata) of Australia suggests late Pleistocene divergence at the Nullarbor Plain. Conservation Genetics, 11(6), 2105-2120. DOI Scopus21 WoS15 |
2009 |
Paton, D., Rogers, D., Hill, B., Bailey, C., & Ziembicki, M. (2009). Temporal changes to spatially stratified waterbird communities of the Coorong, South Australia: implications for the management of heterogenous wetlands. Animal Conservation, 12(5), 408-417. DOI Scopus50 WoS40 |
2009 |
Paton, D., Rogers, D., Aldridge, K., Deegan, B., & Brookes, J. (2009). A future for the Coorong and Lower Lakes. Pacific Conservation Biology, 15(1), 7-10. DOI Scopus7 |
2009 |
McLeay, L., Page, B., Goldsworthy, S., Ward, T., & Paton, D. (2009). Size matters: variation in the diet of chick and adult crested terns. Marine Biology, 156(9), 1765-1780. DOI Scopus30 WoS28 |
2009 |
Ottewell, K., Donnellan, S., Lowe, A., & Paton, D. (2009). Predicting reproductive success of insect- versus bird-pollinated scattered trees in agricultural landscapes. Biological Conservation, 142(4), 888-898. DOI Scopus42 WoS38 Europe PMC14 |
2009 |
McLeay, L., Page, B., Goldsworthy, S., Ward, T., Paton, D., Waterman, M., & Murray, M. (2009). Demographic and morphological responses to prey depletion in a crested tern (Sterna bergii) population: can fish mortality events highlight performance indicators for fisheries management?. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66(2), 237-247. DOI Scopus15 WoS12 |
2008 |
Jensen, A., Walker, K., & Paton, D. (2008). The role of seedbanks in restoration of floodplain woodlands. River Research and Applications, 24(5), 632-649. DOI Scopus49 WoS44 |
2007 |
Chapman, T., & Paton, D. (2007). Casuarina ecology: factors limiting cone production in the drooping sheoak, Allocasuarina verticillata. Australian Journal of Botany, 55(2), 171-177. DOI Scopus4 |
2007 |
Ward, M., & Paton, D. (2007). Predicting mistletoe seed shadow and patterns of seed rain from movements of the mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum. Austral Ecology, 32(2), 113-121. DOI Scopus43 WoS41 |
2006 |
Paton, D., & Rogers, D. (2006). Honeybees and birds food and tree holes - no simple answers. Wingspan, 16(4 (Suppl.)), 16-17. |
2006 |
Paton, D., & Rogers, D. (2006). Cats and birds: management begins at home. Wingspan, 16(4), 14. |
2006 |
Kleindorfer, S., Lambert, S., & Paton, D. (2006). Ticks (Ixodes sp.) and blood parasites (Haemoproteus spp.) in New Holland Honeyeaters (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae): Evidence for site specificity and fitness costs. Emu, 106(2), 113-118. DOI Scopus30 |
2006 |
Chapman, T., & Paton, D. (2006). Aspects of Drooping Sheoaks (Allocasuarina verticillata) that influence glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) foraging on Kangaroo Island. Emu, 106(2), 163-168. DOI Scopus11 |
2005 |
Gates, J., & Paton, D. (2005). The distribution of Bush Stone-curlews (Burhinus grallarius) in South Australia, with particular reference to Kangaroo Island. Emu, 105(3), 241-247. DOI Scopus14 |
2005 |
Rogers, D., & Paton, D. (2005). Acoustic identification of individual Rufous Bristlebirds, a threatened species with complex song repertoires. Emu, 105(3), 203-210. DOI Scopus9 |
2005 |
Ottewell, K., Donnellan, S., Moran, G., & Paton, D. (2005). Multiplexed microsatellite markers for the genetic analysis of Eucalyptus leucoxylon (Myrtaceae) and their utility for ecological and breeding studies in other Eucalyptus species. Journal of Heredity, 96(4), 445-451. DOI Scopus44 WoS39 Europe PMC19 |
2005 |
Chapman, T., & Paton, D. (2005). The glossy black-cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus lathami halmaturinus) spends little time and energy foraging on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 53(3), 177-183. DOI Scopus16 |
2005 |
Paton, D., Rogers, D., Ward, M., & Gates, J. (2005). Birds and fire in the Mallee heathlands of Ngarkat. Wingspan, 15(3 (Suppl.)), 21-24. |
2005 |
Paton, D., & Rogers, D. (2005). Size matters: remnants and revegetation. Wingspan, 15(4 (Suppl)), 21. |
2004 |
Ward, M., & Paton, D. (2004). Responses to fire of Slender-billed Thornbills, Acanthiza iredalei hedleyi, in Ngarkat Conservation Park, South Australia. I. Densities, group sizes, distribution and management issues. Emu, 104(2), 157-167. DOI Scopus3 WoS4 |
2004 |
Celebrezze, T., & Paton, D. (2004). Do introduced honeybees (apis mellifera, hymenoptera) provide full pollination service to bird-adapted Australian plants with small flowers? An experimental study of brachyloma ericoides (epacridaceae). Austral Ecology, 29(2), 129-136. DOI Scopus45 |
2004 |
Ward, M., & Paton, D. (2004). Responses to fire of Slender-billed Thornbills, Acanthiza iredalei hedleyi, in Ngarkat Conservation Park, South Australia. II. Foraging behaviour. Emu, 104(2), 169-175. DOI Scopus2 WoS2 |
2004 |
Wilson, D., & Paton, D. (2004). Habitat use by the Southern Emu-wren, Stipiturus malachurus (Aves : Maluridae), in South Australia, and evaluation of vegetation at a potential translocation site for S-m. intermedius. Emu, 104(1), 37-43. DOI Scopus6 WoS5 |
2003 |
Seymour, J., Paton, D., & Rogers, D. (2003). The conservation status of the Rufous Bristlebird, Dasyornis broadbenti, in South Australia. Emu, 103(4), 315-321. DOI Scopus3 |
2003 |
Westphal, M., Field, S., Tyre, A., Paton, D., & Possingham, H. (2003). Effects of landscape pattern on bird species distribution in the Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Landscape Ecology, 18(4), 413-426. DOI Scopus75 |
2003 |
Paton, D. (2003). Windows and missed opportunities. Pacific Conservation Biology, 9(2), 83-85. |
2003 |
McCracken, K., Hemmings, J., Paton, D., & Afton, A. (2003). Capture methods for Musk Duck. Wildfowl, 54, 211-214. Scopus1 |
2003 |
Ryan, S., Moseby, K., & Paton, D. (2003). Comparative foraging preferences of the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor) and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus): implications for regeneration of arid lands.. Australian Mammalogy, 25(2), 135-146. DOI Scopus21 |
2002 |
McCracken, K., Fullagar, P., Slater, E., Paton, D., & Afton, A. (2002). Advertising displays of male Musk Ducks indicate population subdivision across the Nullarbor Plain of Australia. Wildfowl, 53, 137-154. Scopus5 |
2002 |
Paton, D. (2002). Opinion Piece. 6 Response. Australian Zoologist, 32, 123-124. |
2002 |
Paton, D. (2002). Troubled waters for the Coorong. Nature Australia, 27(7), 60-69. |
2001 |
Paton, D. (2001). Death of treecreeper and we only celebrate. Xanthopus, 19, 8-12. |
2001 |
Saunders, D., Briggs, S., Brooker, L., Catterall, C., Ford, H., Garnett, S., . . . Morton, D. (2001). Emu: Editorial. Emu, 101(1). |
2000 |
Paton, D., Ziembicki, M., Owen, P., & Heddle, C. (2000). Disturbance distances for water birds and the management of human recreation with special reference to the Coorong region of South Australia. The Stilt, 37, 46. |
2000 |
Paton, D., Ziembicki, M., Owen, P., Hill, B., & Bailey, C. (2000). Distribution and abundance of migratory waders and their food in the estuarine areas of the Murray Mouth and patterns in the composition of sediments. The Stilt, 37, 47. |
2000 |
Paton, D. (2000). Disruption of bird-plant pollination systems in Southern Australia. Conservation Biology, 14(5), 1232-1234. DOI Scopus43 |
2000 |
McCracken, K., Afton, A., & Paton, D. (2000). Nest and eggs of Musk Ducks Biziura lobata at Murray Lagoon, Cape Gantheaume Conservation Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. South Australian Ornithologist, 33(5), 65-70. |
2000 |
McCracken, K., Paton, D., & Afton, A. (2000). Sexual size dimorphism of the Musk Duck. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 112(4), 457-466. DOI Scopus24 |
1999 |
Luck, G., Possingham, H., & Paton, D. (1999). Bird Responses at Inherent and Induced Edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. 1. Differences in Abundance and Diversity. Emu, 99(3), 157-169. DOI Scopus49 |
1999 |
Luck, G., Possingham, H., & Paton, D. (1999). Bird Responses at Inherent and Induced Edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. 2. Nest predation as an Edge Effect. Emu, 99(3), 170-175. DOI Scopus24 |
1998 |
Mirtschin, P., Masci, P., Paton, D., & Kuchel, T. (1998). Snake bites recorded by veterinary practices in Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 76(3), 195-198. DOI |
1997 |
Paton, D. (1997). Honey bees Apis melliferaand the distribution of plant-pollinator systems in Australia. Victorian Naturalist, 114(1), 23-29. |
1997 |
Weathers, W., & Paton, D. (1997). Summer field metabolic rate and water intake rate in Superb Fairy-wrens and a White-throated Treecreeper. Emu, 97(4), 324-325. DOI Scopus3 |
1996 |
Weathers, W., Paton, D., & Seymour, R. (1996). Field metabolic rate and water flux of nectarivorous honeyeaters. Australian Journal of Zoology, 44(5), 445-460. DOI Scopus23 WoS24 |
1995 |
Brooks, A., White, R. M., & Paton, D. C. (1995). Effects of heavy metals on the survival of Diacypris compacta (Herbst) (Ostracoda) from the Coorong, South Australia. International Journal of Salt Lake Research, 4(2), 133-163. DOI Scopus5 |
1994 |
Russell, R. W., Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., & Paton, D. C. (1994). The Impact of Variation in Stopover Habitat Quality on Migrant Rufous Hummingbirds. Conservation Biology, 8(2), 483-490. DOI Scopus48 |
1993 |
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Beuchat, C. A., Russell, R. W., & Paton, D. C. (1993). Biphasic mass gain in migrant hummingbirds: body composition changes, torpor, and ecological significance. Ecology, 74(4), 1173-1182. DOI Scopus78 |
1993 |
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Russell, R. W., Paton, D. C., & Temeles, E. J. (1993). Interference asymmetries among age-sex classes of rufous hummingbirds during migratory stopovers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 33(5), 297-304. DOI Scopus56 |
1993 |
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Temeles, E. J., Russell, R. W., & Paton, D. C. (1993). Exploitative compensation by subordinate age-sex classes of migrant rufous hummingbirds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 33(5), 305-312. DOI Scopus44 |
1990 |
ARMSTRONG, D. P., & PATON, D. C. (1990). Methods for measuring amounts of energy available from banksia inflorescences. Australian Journal of Ecology, 15(3), 291-297. DOI Scopus22 |
1990 |
Mitchell, R. J., & Paton, D. C. (1990). Effects of nectar volume and concentration on sugar intake rates of Australian honeyeaters (Meliphagidae). Oecologia, 83(2), 238-246. DOI Scopus44 |
1990 |
Paton, D. (1990). Budgets for the use of floral resources in mallee-heath. The mallee lands. Proc. national mallee conference, Adelaide, 1989, 189-193. Scopus11 |
1989 |
COLLINS, B. G., & PATON, D. C. (1989). Consequences of differences in body mass, wing length and leg morphology for nectar‐feeding birds. Australian Journal of Ecology, 14(3), 269-289. DOI Scopus27 |
1989 |
Buick, A. M., & Paton, D. C. (1989). Impact of off-road vehicles on the nesting success of hooded plovers charadrius rubricollis in the coorong region of south australia. Emu, 89(3), 159-172. DOI Scopus48 |
1989 |
PATON, D. C., & COLLINS, B. G. (1989). Bills and tongues of nectar‐feeding birds: A review of morphology, function and performance, with intercontinental comparisons. Australian Journal of Ecology, 14(4), 473-506. DOI Scopus80 |
1988 |
Vanstone, V. A., & Paton, D. C. (1988). Extrafloral nectaries and pollination of Acacia pycnantha benth. By birds. Australian Journal of Botany, 36(5), 519-531. DOI Scopus24 |
1986 |
Paton, D. (1986). Food supply, population structure, and behaviour of New Holland honeyeaters Phylidonyris novaehollandiae in woodland near Horsham, Victoria.. Birds of eucalypt forests and woodlands: ecology, conservation, management, 219-230. Scopus36 |
1985 |
Paton, D. C., & Turner, V. (1985). Pollination of Banksia ericifolia Smith: Birds, Mammals and Insects as Pollen Vectors. Australian Journal of Botany, 33(3), 271-286. DOI Scopus65 |
1985 |
Paton, D. C. (1985). Do new holland honeyeaters phylidonyris novaehollandiae breed regularly in spring and autumn?. Emu, 85(2), 130-133. DOI Scopus23 |
1985 |
Ford, H., & Paton, D. (1985). Habitat selection in Australian honeyeaters, with special reference to nectar productivity.. Habitat selection in birds, 367-388. Scopus37 |
1984 |
Paton, D. C., & Carpenter, F. L. (1984). Peripheral foraging by territorial rufous hummingbirds: defense by exploitation.. Ecology, 65(6), 1808-1819. DOI Scopus74 |
1983 |
Paton, D. C., Dorward, D. F., & Fell, P. (1983). Thiamine deficiency and winter mortality in red wattlebirds, anthochaera carunculata (aves: Meliphagidae) in surburban Melbourne. Australian Journal of Zoology, 31(2), 147-154. DOI Scopus12 |
1983 |
Hixon, M. A., Carpenter, F. L., & Paton, D. C. (1983). Territory area, flower density, and time budgeting in hummingbirds: an experimental and theoretical analysis.. American Naturalist, 122(3), 366-391. DOI Scopus123 |
1982 |
Paton, D. C., & Wykes, B. J. (1982). Moult of juvenile curlew sandpipers in Southern Australia. Emu, 82(1), 54-56. DOI Scopus2 |
1982 |
Paton, D. C. (1982). Moult of New Holland honeyeaters, Phylidonyvis novaehollandiae (Aves: Meliphagidae), in Victoria I. moult of adults. Wildlife Research, 9(2), 331-344. DOI Scopus12 |
1982 |
PATON, D. C. (1982). The diet of the New Holland honeyeater, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae. Australian Journal of Ecology, 7(3), 279-298. DOI Scopus98 |
1982 |
Paton, D. C. (1982). Moult of New Holland honeyeaters, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (Aves: Meliphagidae), in Victoria II. moult of juveniles. Wildlife Research, 9(2), 345-356. DOI Scopus5 |
1982 |
FORD, H. A., & PATON, D. C. (1982). Partitioning of nectar sources in an Australian honeyeater community. Australian Journal of Ecology, 7(2), 149-159. DOI Scopus71 |
1982 |
Paton, D. C. (1982). Notes on skuas and jaegers in the Western Tasman Sea. Emu, 82(1), 56-59. DOI Scopus5 |
1981 |
Paton, D. C. (1981). The significance of pollen in the diet of the new holland honeyeater, Phylidonyris novaehollandiae (Aves: Meliphagidae). Australian Journal of Zoology, 29(2), 131-146. DOI Scopus23 |
1980 |
Paton, D. C. (1980). The importance of manna, honeydew and lerp in the diets of honeyeaters. Emu, 80(4), 213-226. DOI Scopus130 |
1979 |
Ford, H. A., Paton, D. C., & Forde, N. (1979). Birds as pollinators of Australian plants. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 17(4), 509-519. DOI Scopus153 |
1978 |
Paton, D. C., & Wykes, B. J. (1978). Re-appraisal of moult of red-necked stints in southern australia. Emu, 78(2), 54-60. DOI Scopus8 |
1977 |
FORD, H. A., & PATON, D. C. (1977). The comparative ecology of ten species of honeyeaters in South Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology, 2(4), 399-407. DOI Scopus67 |
1977 |
Paton, D. C., & Ford, H. A. (1977). Pollination by birds of native plants in south australia. Emu, 77(2), 73-85. DOI Scopus107 |
1976 |
Ford, H. A., & Paton, D. C. (1976). The value of insects and nectar to honeyeaters. Emu, 76(2), 83-84. DOI Scopus46 |
1976 |
FORD, H. A., & PATON, D. C. (1976). Resource partitioning and competition in honeyeaters of the genus Meliphaga. Australian Journal of Ecology, 1(4), 281-287. DOI Scopus53 |
1975 |
Ford, H. A., & Paton, D. C. (1975). Impoverishment of the avifauna of kangaroo island. Emu, 75(3), 155-156. DOI Scopus5 |