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Alejandra Bedoya Mejia

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Morgan Blades

Grant-Funded Researcher (A)
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Dillon Brown

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Ryan Burley

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Iain Campbell

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Michael Douglass

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Liam Hockley

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Mr Tomas Howson

Postgraduate Student
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Chris Kalnins

ARC Grant-Funded Researcher A
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Melissa Kharkongor

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Andrew Klekociuk

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Ferdinand Mayer-Ullmann

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Edmund McKennall

Higher Degree by Research Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

David Neudegg

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Sebastian Ng

ARC Grant-Funded Researcher A
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD.

Mr Alson Ng

Research Officer (Glass Technician)
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology