Associate Professor Keith Shearwin
Associate Professor/Reader
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
- My Research
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Our research integrates biochemistry, genetics and mathematical modelling to characterise fundamental mechanisms of gene control and to understand how these elements are combined to create gene regulatory circuits with complex functions. Having a detailed understanding of the properties of natural regulatory circuits makes it possible to rearrange these components to build our own circuits with new and interesting behaviours. In this way, we have developed a number of useful tools for Synthetic Biology.
Our primary experimental systems are two E. coli bacteriophages, lambda and 186. These temperate phages can replicate their genomes using alternative developmental pathways, lysis and lysogeny, and are some of the simplest organisms to make developmental decisions. Despite their relative simplicity, the phage systems combine a wide range of gene control mechanisms in complex ways and have many lessons to teach us. Bacteriophage lambda continues to be a key model system for many molecular biological processes; phage 186 provides a powerful comparison with lambda, as it achieves similar outcomes using different regulatory circuits. The fundamental biochemistry shared by all living things means that the study of any organism, from phages to humans, continues to illuminate universal principles that apply to all organisms.
We also have a strong interest in isolating and characterising new phage for phage therapy - phage are natural killers of bacteria and there is renewed interest in their use as anti-bacterial agents.
Projects available
- Phage hunting – discovering new phage against medically important bacteria
- Protein engineering of phage-derived endolysins for enhanced bacterial killing
- Precision engineering of bacteriophage genomes to generate synthetic phage with improved properties for phage therapy
- Directed evolution of new protein activities
- Generating fluorescent phage for following phage fate by microscopy
Date Position Institution name 2017 - ongoing Associate Professor University of Adelaide 2010 - 2016 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 2005 - 2009 Lecturer B University of Adelaide 2001 - 2005 Research Fellow University of Adelaide 1995 - 2000 ARC Australian Research Fellow University of Adelaide -
Date Institution name Country Title 1987 - 1990 University of Queensland Australia PhD 1986 - 1986 Griffith University Australia BSc (Hons) 1983 - 1985 Griffith University Australia BSc -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1993 - 1995 Post-doctoral research University of Adelaide Australia 1990 - 1993 Post-doctoral research Brandeis University United States -
Research Interests
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2020 Shearwin, K. E., & Truong, J. Q. (2020). Lysogeny. In Encyclopedia of Virology: Volume 1-5, Fourth Edition (Vol. 1-5, pp. 77-87). Elsevier.
DOI Scopus32017 Cui, L., & Shearwin, K. (2017). Clonetegration using OSIP plasmids: One-step DNA assembly and site-specific genomic integration in bacteria. In R. Hughes (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology (Vol. 1472, pp. 139-155). New York: Humana Press.
DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC32009 Palmer, A., & Shearwin, K. (2009). Guidance for data collection and computational modelling of regulatory networks.. In J. McDermott, R. Samudrala, R. Bumgarner, K. Montgomery, & R. Ireton (Eds.), Computational Systems Biology (Vol. 541, pp. 337-354). United States: Humana Press.
DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC1 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2022 Lu, Y., Borjas, G., Voros, Z., Dodd, I., Shearwin, K., Dunlap, D., & Finzi, L. (2022). Proteins mediating different DNA topologies block RNAP elongation with different efficiency. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Vol. 121 (pp. 34). CA, San Francisco: CELL PRESS. 2011 Wang, H., Dodd, I., Shearwin, K., Dunlap, D., & Finzi, L. (2011). The 186 Bacteriophage Repressor as a Model System to Study Nucleosome Repositioning by Single Molecule Microscopy. In BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL Vol. 100 (pp. 230). Baltimore, MD: CELL PRESS. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2019 Hao, N., Shearwin, K. E., & Dodd, I. B. (2019). Programmable DNA looping using engineered bivalent dCas9 complexes. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Malaysian Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (MSBMB). 2017 Hao, N., Shearwin, K., & Dodd, I. (2017). Understanding and Manipulating Chromosomal-Scale DNA Looping in Escherichia coli. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2017 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) : Proceedings. Vancouver, Canada. 2017 Hao, N., Priest, D., Dodd, I., & Shearwin, K. (2017). Programmable DNA looping in vivo. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australia-China Symposium on Synthetic Biology. Brisbane. 2016 Hao, N., Shearwin, K., & Dodd, I. (2016). Road Rules for Traffic on DNA: Gene Regulation by Encounters between Transcribing RNA Polymerases and DNA-bound Proteins. Poster session presented at the meeting of Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED). Chicago, USA. 2016 Hao, N., Shearwin, K., & Dodd, I. (2016). Understand DNA looping in vivo - a synthetic biology approach. Poster session presented at the meeting of OCE Cutting Edge Conference in Synthetic Biology. Canberra. 2015 Hao, N., Krishna, S., Shearwin, K., & Dodd, I. (2015). Road Rules for Traffic on DNA: Gene Regulation by Encounters between Transcribing RNA Polymerases and DNA-bound Proteins. Poster session presented at the meeting of 2nd International Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School. Taormina - Sicily, Italy. 2015 Kumar, S., Priest, D. G., Yan, Y., Dodd, I. B., Shearwin, K. E., & Dunlap, D. D. (2015). Estimation of DNA Loop Interactions Supports the Loop Domain Model of Insulator Action. Poster session presented at the meeting of BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. CELL PRESS.
DOI2014 Shearwin, K., Cui, L., Murchland, I., & Dodd, I. B. (2014). Long-range DNA looping in the lambda genetic switch. Poster session presented at the meeting of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, as published in Biophysical Journal. San Francisco, CA: Cell Press.
DOI2013 Kumar, S., Priest, D., Biton, Y., Swigon, D., Shearwin, K., Dodd, I., & Dunlap, D. (2013). In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Estimation of J-Factors for LAC Repressor-Mediated DNA Loop Formation. Poster session presented at the meeting of BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. PA, Philadelphia: CELL PRESS.
DOI2012 Hao, N., Shearwin, K., Dodd, I., Whitelaw, M., & Chapman-Smith, A. (2012). Reverse Bacterial Two Hybrid: A New Tool for Studying Dimeric Protein Interactions. Poster session presented at the meeting of ASBMB ComBio conference. Adelaide. 2010 Wang, H., Dodd, I. B., Shearwin, K., Dunlap, D., & Finzi, L. (2010). Coliphage 186 genetic switch: a single molecule study. Poster session presented at the meeting of Meeting Abstracts. Biophysical Journal. San Francisco: Cell Press.
DOI2009 Hao, N., Shearwin., Dodd, I., Whitelaw, M., & Chapman-Smith, A. (2009). Reverse Bacterial two Hybrid (RevB2H) method for studying protein-protein interactions. Poster session presented at the meeting of Network in Genes and Environment in Development (NGED) Forum. Palm Cove, Queensland. 2009 Hao, N., Shearwin, K., Dodd, I., Whitelaw, M., & Chapman-smith, A. (2009). A novel Reverse Bacterial two Hybrid (RevB2H) method for studying protein-protein interactions and screening for potential therapeutics. Poster session presented at the meeting of Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) SA Scientific Meeting. Adelaide. -
Year Citation 1990 Shearwin, K. E. (1990). Effects of thermodynamic non-ideality of protein interactions. (PhD Thesis). 1986 Shearwin, K. (1986). Interaction Between Glycolytic Enzymes and Contractile Proteins. (Undergraduate Dissertation). -
Year Citation 2024 Shearwin-Whyatt, L., Fenelon, J., Yu, H., Major, A., Qu, Z., Zhou, Y., . . . Grützner, F. (2024). AMHY and sex determination in egg-laying mammals.
DOI2024 Harlington, A. C., Das, T., Shearwin, K. E., Bell, S. G., & Whelan, F. (2024). The S-lignin<i>O</i>-demethylase SyoA: Structural insights into a new class of heme peroxygenase enzymes.
A novel precision medicine approach for chronic suppurative otitis media. NHMRC Ideas Grant 2036772 (2025) Vreugde, S., Psaltis, A., Kuthubutheen, J., Perry, C., Shearwin, K., Morales, S. $1,993,782
Contract Research - Aushealth (2024) Phage discovery
An ion mobility-mass spectrometry based platform for structural proteomics. ARC LIEF LE240100135 (2024) Pakula, T., Hoffmann, P., Herderich, M., Gaskin, S., Shearwin, K., Watson, E. $880,000
Contract Research - Aushealth (2023) Phage discovery
Discovery and directed evolution of small molecule biosensors ARC Discovery Project DP230103062 (2023) Whelan, F., Shearwin, K., Potts, J. $522,724
Improving biorefineries by phage-assisted evolution of cytochrome P450 enzyme activity. BTF New collaboration scheme (2022) Shearwin, K., Bell, S., Hao, N., Whelan, F. Beltrame, L. and Harlington, A. $40,000
Biodegradation of Plastics via Bioengineered Enzyme Systems. Faculty of Sciences Research Roadmap Grant (2021) Whelan, F., Shearwin, K, Bell, S., Gillanders, B. $50,000
Engineering biosensors for smoke taint. Wine Australia top up scholarship to Alix Harlington. (2021-2023) Whelan, F., Shearwin, K., Wilkinson, K. $49,000
Engineering biosensors for wine spoilage. Wine Australia top up scholarship to Ranjith Cebreco Meemanage. (2021-2023) Whelan, F., Shearwin, K., Wilkinson, K. $49,000
Pesticide biosensor development and hybrid device integration for agricultural and environmental analytics. Sandland Bequest. (2021) Whelan, F., Shearwin, K, Bell, S., Wilkinson, K., Law, C., Santos, A. $25,000
Evolving phage derived proteins as potent anti-bacterial agents. BTF New collaboration scheme (2021) Shearwin, K.E. $30,000
Doing the sums: how circuit copy number affects genetic switches. BTF Near Miss Scheme (2021) Shearwin, K.E. (2021) $40,000
Developing orthogonal Cas/anti-Cas pairs as building blocks for genetic circuit design. CSIRO FSP Fellowship to Andrew Hao. (2017-2021) Hao, N., Shearwin, K.E., Dodd, I.B., Scott, C. $510,000
Synthetic biology tools for integration into bacterial chromosomes. ARC Discovery Grant DP160101450 (2016-2019) Shearwin, K.E. and Bikard, D. $410,000
Understanding and manipulating DNA looping in long range gene regulation. NHMRC Project Grant APP1100651 (2016-2019) Dodd, I.B., Shearwin, K.E., Sneppen, K. and Hao, N. $351,000
Flipping the switch: rational design of genetic circuits that respond to transient signals. ARC Discovery Grant DP150103009 (2015-2018) Shearwin, K.E., Dodd, I.B. and Sneppen, K. $241,000
Quantitative analysis of the DNA loop-domain model for long range regulation of transcription. Human Frontiers Science Program RGP0051 (2009-2012) Shearwin, K.E., Dunlap, D. and Swigon, D. $1,251,000 (total)
Road rules for traffic on DNA - gene regulation by encounters between transcribing RNA polymerases and DNA-bound proteins. ARC Discovery Grant DP110101470 (2011-2013) Dodd, I.B., Shearwin, K.E., and Sneppen, K. $300,000
Synthetic Biology - The Rational Design and Construction of New Genetic Circuits. ARC Discovery Grant DP110100824 (2011-2013) Shearwin, K.E., Dodd, I.B., Finzi, L. and Sneppen, K. $300,000
Understanding and controlling PAS domain interactions in basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. NHMRC APP627140 (2010-2012) Chapman-Smith, A., Whitelaw, M.L., Shearwin, K.E. and Dodd, I.B. $608,000
Rational design of small genetic circuits for synthetic biology. ARC Discovery Grant DP0665185 (2006-2008) Shearwin, K.E. and Egan, J.B. $368,000
Transcriptional Interference in Gene Regulatory Decisions. NIH R01 (2006-2009) Egan, J.B., Dodd, I.B. and Shearwin, K.E. $526,000
The South Australian Facility for Small and Large Molecule X-Ray Diffraction Structure Determination. ARC LIEF(2009) Sumby, C.J, Shearwin, K.E. and 26 others $560,000
Biophysical Characterisation Facility. ARC LIEF Grant LE0882382 (2008) Brooks, D.A., Shearwin, K.E. (lead CI for University of Adelaide) and 14 others $245,000
Biophysical Characterisation Facility. AIB Labs (2008) Brooks, D.A., Shearwin, K.E. (lead CI for University of Adelaide) and 14 others $50,000
ARC Australian Research Fellowship (1996-2000) Shearwin, K.E. $400,000
Course coordinator: Biochemistry II (2021-)
I typically teach in the following courses
Biochemistry II Molecular and Cellular Biology (course coordinator, lectures)
Biomedical Science IIA (lectures)
Biotechnology II (lectures)
Principles and Practice of Research I (interview)
Principles and Practice of Research II (mentor)
Principles and Practice of Research III (research placements)
Molecular and Structural Biology III (lectures, tutorials, practicals)
Cancer, Stem Cells and Development (Biomed) (PBL)
Cancer, Stem Cells and Development III (essays)
Masters in Biotechnology: Advanced Research Platforms (lectures)
Honours in Biochemistry (journal club; research grant proposal and thesis assessment)
Laboratory Placements
We host 3rd year laboratory placement students each year.
2024: Sophie Loveys, Hugh Evans, Maddie Fechner, Kaitlin Turland
2023: Amal Mostafa
2022: Sarah Eisemann, Deannon Branch, Julia Leeflang, Jayden Revink
2020: Sonia Budnikova
2019: Emma Beecroft
2018: Smriti Singh, Grace Tulysewski
2017: Khalia Primer
2016: Emi Schutz, Daniel Reed
2015: Jasmine Kelly, Mara Zeissig, Alejandra Isabel, Joe Rossi, Matilda Handsley-Davis
2014: Dominique Jackson, Queenie Tangseefa, Jade Feong, Andrew Hayes, Trang Pham
2013: Byron Shue, Jia Truong, Andelain Erickson
2012: Duncan McKenzie, Dylan Agnew, Grace De La Lande
2011: Emma Rollo, Ashleigh Paparella, Katrina Lee, Danna Lee
2010: Emily Higginson, Sofia Xuan, George Dimitroff, James Paltridge
2009: Courtney Potter
2008: Joey Puccini
2007: Veronica Bhakti, Jessica Murray
2006: Scott Berry
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2025 Principal Supervisor Discovery and directed evolution of bacterial biosensors Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Madeline Rose Fechner 2025 Principal Supervisor Developing novel systems for bacteriophage particle assembly and characterising bacteriophage proteins of unknown function Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jayden Thomas Revink 2023 Principal Supervisor Study of bacteriophage protein structures for the production of improved antimicrobial agents Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Ms Sarah Jayne Eisemann 2023 Co-Supervisor Characterisation of the biochemical and functional phenotype of the brain and primary neuronal cultures to further understand the neuropathology in a childhood inherited neurodegenerative disorder. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Kleopatra Pericleous 2022 Principal Supervisor Engineering small molecule binding proteins as novel biosensors Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Alix Charles Harlington 2021 Principal Supervisor Engineering biosensors for wine spoilage Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Ranjith Manjula Meemanage Cebreco -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2019 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Protein and Reaction Engineering of P450 Enzymes for Selective Oxidations Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Joel Hoong Zhang Lee 2018 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Structural and Biochemical Insights into Antifungal Drug Targets from Aspergillus fumigatus Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Stephanie Nguyen 2018 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Functional and Structural Characterisation of Bacterial ATP-grasp Ligases Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jordan Luke Pederick 2018 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Development of the PHEARLESS system and its application for directed protein mutagenesis and characterisation of putative endolysin activity Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Hannah Rose Bonham 2017 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Investigating catalytically inactive Cas proteins as transcriptional roadblocks Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Alana Jane Donnelly 2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Bacteriophage 186 Investigating the role of transcriptional regulators CI, Apl, CII and Tum at the lytic/lysogenic switch during 186 prophage induction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Alejandra Isabel 2015 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Structural Characterization of Lysogeny-Promoting Transcription Factor of Bacteriophage 186 Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jia Quyen Truong 2011 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Testing the DNA loop domain model in Escherichia coli Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David Priest 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor DNA looping mediated transcriptional regulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Lun Cui 2008 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The Design, Synthesis and Quantitative Analysis of a Bistable Mixed Feedback Loop Gene Network Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Julian Pietsch 2006 - 2008 Co-Supervisor Calcium and Phosphoinositides Regulations in Alpha-Actinin-4 F-Actin Binding Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Huang-Hui Chen -
Date Topic Location Name 2018 - ongoing Synthetic Biology The University of Adelaide Dr. Fiona Whelan 2012 - ongoing DNA looping, Synthetic Biology The University of Adelaide Dr. Andrew Hao 2009 - 2016 Phage genetics, synthetic biology The University of Adelaide Dr. Iain Murchland 2007 - 2012 Post-doctoral fellow The University of Adelaide Dr. Alexandra Ahlgren-Berg 2005 - 2007 Post-doctoral Fellow The University of Adelaide Dr. Rachel Schubert
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2017 - ongoing Chair Associate Head (HDR) The University of Adelaide Australia 2017 - ongoing Member Faculty of Science Higher Degree by Research The University of Adelaide Australia 2017 - ongoing Member Postgraduate Coordinator The University of Adelaide Australia 2015 - ongoing Member School of Biological Sciences Executive The University of Adelaide Australia 2007 - ongoing Convener School Summer Scholarship Coordinator University of Adelaide Australia -
Date Role Membership Country 2015 - ongoing Representative Synthetic Biology Australasia Australia 1993 - ongoing Member Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Australia -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2020 - ongoing Associate Editor Biophysical Reviews The University of Adelaide Australia -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2019 - ongoing Associate Editor - Biophysical Reviews Editorial The Univeristy of Adelaide Australia
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