Yvette Wijnandts

Dr Yvette Wijnandts

Contract Manager

Research Services

Division of Research and Innovation

For her Ph.D. research at the University of Adelaide, Yvette used postcolonial theory and critical feminist theory on ethics to gain a deeper understanding of the discourses surrounding animals in the food industry. She showed how different structures of power intersect, specifically that of culture and religion, with the issue of animal rights in a globalizing world. She also holds a Masters degree in gender and ethnicity studies, with a focus on feminist and posthuman theory from the University of Utrecht.

My thesis examines discourses on practices of food consumption in a globalising world. My research is highly intersectional, and informed by critical theory, especially feminist epistemologies, animal studies, and postcolonial studies. 

Adelaide Scholarship International 2015-2018

Academic tutoring: Encountering Human Rights: Global Citizenship (level II/III), Gender and Race in a Postcolonial World (level II/III), Revolutions that Changed the World (level I), Introduction to Social Sciences.

Guest Lectures: Contemporary Theories in Gender Studies. "Michel Foucault and Feminist Theory"

Private tutoring: ITAS (Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme)



  • Position: Contract Manager
  • Phone: 83134992
  • Email: yvette.wijnandts@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83133700
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: 44-60 Rundle Mall - Rundle Mall Plaza
  • Org Unit: Research Services

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