Yichao Cai

Mr Yichao Cai

Higher Degree by Research Candidate

PhD Student

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

My research delves into the intersection of causality and machine learning, with a focus on causal representation learning and causal generative modeling. My vision is to develop machine learning models that deeply understand causality, enabling AI systems that are both controllable and interpretable.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2018 Cai, Y., Li, D., Zhou, X., & Mou, X. (2018). Robust Drivable Road Region Detection for Fixed-Route Autonomous Vehicles Using Map-Fusion Images. SENSORS, 18(12), 15 pages.
    DOI WoS11
  • Preprint

    Year Citation
    2023 Cai, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, Z., & Shi, J. Q. (2023). CLAP: Isolating Content from Style through Contrastive Learning with
    Augmented Prompts.
  • Position: PhD Student
  • Email: yichao.cai@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: Lot 14
  • Building: Australian Institute for Machine Learning Building, floor Lower Ground
  • Room: LG.24
  • Org Unit: Australian Institute for Machine Learning - Projects

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