Yasmin Endlich

Yasmin Endlich

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Iliff, H. A., Baxter, A., Chakladar, A., Endlich, Y., McGuire, B., & Peyton, J. (2024). Airway topicalization in pediatric anesthesia: An international cross-sectional study. Paediatric Anaesthesia, 34(2), 145-152.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Endlich, Y., Fox, T. P., Culwick, M. D., & Acott, C. J. (2024). Oesophageal intubations in anaesthetic practice across Australia and New Zealand: A webAIRS analysis of 109 incidents. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 52(5), 302-313.
    2024 Endlich, Y., Davies, E. L., & Kelly, J. (2024). The nature of the response to airway management incident reports in high income countries: A scoping review. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 52(5), 283-301.
    2024 Culwick, M. D., Ling, R., Sen, K., Endlich, Y., & van Zundert, A. A. (2024). Is patient data measurement and recording important in advancing healthcare studies?. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 52(5), 338-339.
    2023 Pattullo, G. G., Culwick, M. D., Endlich, Y., & MacPherson, R. D. (2023). Hypercarbia and high-flow nasal oxygen use during anaesthesia – risking a failure to thrive?. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 51(6), 400-407.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1
    2023 Bright, M. R., Endlich, Y., King, Z. D. J., White, L. D., Concha Blamey, S. I., & Culwick, M. D. (2023). Adult perioperative cardiac arrest: An overview of 684 cases reported to webAIRS. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 51(6), 375-390.
    DOI Scopus1
    2023 Mistry, M. M., & Endlich, Y. (2023). Incidents relating to paediatric regional anaesthesia in the first 8000 cases reported to webAIRS. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 51(6), 408-421.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2023 Bright, M. R., White, L. D., Concha Blamey, S. I., Endlich, Y., & Culwick, M. D. (2023). Perioperative corneal abrasions: A report of 42 cases from the webAIRS database. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 51(1), 63-71.
    DOI Scopus1
    2022 Endlich, Y., Hore, P. J., Baker, P. A., Beckmann, L. A., Bradley, W. P., Chan, K. L. E., . . . Roessler, P. (2022). Updated guideline on equipment to manage difficult airways: Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 50(6), 430-446.
    DOI Scopus5
    2021 Taylor, C. L., Wilson, S. R., Burgoyne, L. L., & Endlich, Y. (2021). LMA® Gastro™: A paediatric experience. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 49(2), 119-124.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS2 Europe PMC2
    2021 Van Zundert, A. A. J., Endlich, Y., Beckmann, L. A., Bradley, W. P. L., Chapman, G. A., Heard, A. M. B., . . . O’Sullivan, E. (2021). 2021 Update on airway management from the Anaesthesia Continuing Education Airway Management Special Interest Group. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 49(4), 257-267.
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC1
    2021 O'Carroll, J., Endlich, Y., & Ahmad, I. (2021). Advanced airway assessment techniques. BJA Education, 21(9), 336-342.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2021 Prineas, S., Culwick, M., & Endlich, Y. (2021). A proposed system for standardization of colour-coding stages of escalating criticality in clinical incidents. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 34(6), 752-760.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC3
    2021 Gibbs, N. M., Culwick, M. D., Endlich, Y., & Merry, A. F. (2021). A cross-sectional overview of the second 4000 incidents reported to webAIRS, a de-identified web-based anaesthesia incident reporting system in Australia and New Zealand. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 49(6), 422-429.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS2
    2020 Endlich, Y., Beckmann, L. A., Choi, S. W., & Culwick, M. D. (2020). A prospective six-month audit of airway incidents during anaesthesia in twelve tertiary level hospitals across Australia and New Zealand. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 48(5), 389-398.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS5 Europe PMC3
    2020 Culwick, M. D., Endlich, Y., & Prineas, S. N. (2020). The Bowtie diagram: A simple tool for analysis and planning in anesthesia. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 33(6), 808-814.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC3
    2020 Endlich, Y., Lee, J., & Culwick, M. D. (2020). Difficult and failed intubation in the first 4000 incidents reported on webAIRS. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 48(6), 477-487.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS7 Europe PMC6
  • Figures

    Year Citation
    - Endlich, Y., Kelly, J., & Davies, E. (n.d.). The nature of the response to reported incidents in airway management - a scoping review.

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