Dr Weikun Huang
Post Doc
Health and Medical Sciences Faculty Office
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Weikun's work focuses on developing organ-on-chip platform for studying the endocrine functions of gut and pancreas and the identification of novel therapeutic targets for type 2 diabetes (T2D). He is also interested in understanding the gut and pancreatic hormone secretion in health and T2D.
I'm an early carer researcher in multidisciplinary medical science, undertaking postdoctoral research training within the Adelaide Medical School and the Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing. I have a unique interdisciplinary background across medicine, physics, material and animal sciences, which has enabled me to develop novel research platforms, including multiplexed fluorescence sensor and organ-on-a-chip device, to interrogate the biological functions of metabolic tissues in health. In addition to the innovation of research tools, I have embarked on studies to understand metabolic derangement via cell models and (pre-)clinical trials in the context of major metabolic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and MAFLD.
Date Position Institution name 2023 - ongoing Grant-funded researcher University of Adelaide 2019 - 2023 PhD candidate The University of Adelaide -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2023 Award Travel Grant Australian Diabetes Society Australia 350 2023 Award Travel Grant European Association for the Study of Diabetes Germany €2,000 2023 Award Pincus Taft Young Investigator Award (Finalist) Australian Diabetes Society Australia - 2022 Award Travel Award Australian Diabetes Society Australia 700 2022 Award Best Student Paper Award Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing Australia 500 2022 Research Award Adelaide Medical School Travel Grant Adelaide Medical School, The University of Adelaide Australia 3,500 2022 Research Award Travel Grant Adelaide Graduate and Research School, The University of Adelaide Australia 2,500 2022 Award Travel Grant European Association of the Study of Diabetes Germany €1,400 2022 Award Basic Science Poster Award (Finalist) Australian Diabetes Society Australia - 2022 Award Clinical Poster Award (Finalist) Australian Diabetes Society Australia - 2021 Award Best Transdisciplinary Paper Award Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing, The University of Adelaide Australia 500 2020 Award ADS-Abbott Registration Grant Australian Diabetes Society Australia 250 2020 Award Pincus Taft Young Investigator Award (Finalist) Australian Diabetes Society Australia - 2019 Award People's Choice for Best Oral Presentation Institute of Photonics and Advanced Sensing, The University of Adelaide Australia - 2019 Scholarship NHMRC-funded supplementary scholarship The University of Adelaide Australia 5,000 per annum 2019 Scholarship Adelaide Graduate Research Scholarship The University of Adelaide Australia 32,500 per annum 2019 Award Travel Award ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale BioPhotonics, The University of Adelaide Australia - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency Chinese (Mandarin) Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review -
Date Institution name Country Title Jilin University China Bachelor's degree in Veterinary Medicine Jilin University China Bachelor's degree in Art (English), dual degree The University of Adelaide Australia Master of Philosophy in Physics The University of Adelaide Australia Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine -
Research Interests
2025 MRFF - Targeted Translation Research Accelerator Program (ID: MRFCDDM000009) ($999,733)
Project Title: Sweet tasting kidneys - a novel pathway in glucose homeostasis
Chief Investigators: Tongzhi Wu, Richard Young, Chris Rayner, Merlin Thomas, Caroline Miller, Cong Xie, Weikun Huang
2024 UK Reserach and Innovation Grant (£161,994)
Project Title: Sensing and signalling of extracellular Ca2+ in the islet of Langerhans
Chief Investigators: Jiangbo Zhao, Weikun Huang
2023 Diabetes Australia Project Grant (ID: Y24G-XIEC) ($59,995)
Project title: Development of a novel bile acid-based therapy to optimise postprandial glycaemic control in type 2 diabetes
Chief Investigators: Cong Xie, Tongzhi Wu, Richard Young, Michael Horowitz, Weikun Huang
2023 Diabetes Australia Project Grant (ID: Y23G-WUTO) ($70,000)
Project title: Harnessing bile acid sensing mechanisms to improve the management of type 2 diabetes.
Chief Investigators: Tongzhi Wu, Chris Rayner, Richard Young, Michael Horowitz, Karen Jones, Cong Xie, Heike Ependorff-Heidepriem, Weikun Huang
2023 Diabetes Australia Project Grant (ID: Y23G-RAYN) ($70,000)
Project title: Impact of renal 'sweet taste' sensing on the risk of dysglycaemia.
Chief Investigators: Chris Rayner, Tongzhi Wu, Richard Young, Merlin Thomas, Cong Xie, Weikun Huang
2022 Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Strategic Research Support, The University of Adelaide ($32,600)
Project title: Application of a novel “organ-on-a-chip” system to understand the role of bitter taste in the regulation of the gut-pancreas axis
Chief Investigators: Tongzhi Wu, Lisa Nicholas, Weikun Huang, Chris Rayner, Heike Ebedorff-Heidepriem
2021 University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences - 2021 Small Equipment funding Award – Microfluidic perfusion pump ($2,470).
Tongzhi Wu, Richard Young, Lisa Nicholas, Weikun Huang
Date Topic Location Name 2021 - 2022 Profiling the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion from the mouse intestinal tissue ex vivo The University of Adelaide Health science undergraduate students
Date Role Membership Country 2021 - ongoing Member European Association for the Study of Diabetes Germany 2020 - ongoing Member Australian Diabetes Society Australia
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