Wei Zhang

Dr Wei Zhang

Senior Lecturer

School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Dr Wei Zhang is a Senior Lecturer and Associate Head of People and Culture at the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, and a researcher at the Australian Institute for Machine Learning (AIML), The University of Adelaide. She is also an Honorary Lecturer at the School of Computing, Macquarie University. She received her PhD degree from the University of Adelaide in Computer Science in 2017.

Dr Zhang’s research focuses mainly on big data analytics, text mining, machine learning and Internet of Things. She has >100 peer-reviewed publications; two-thirds of these citations have come in the last two years. Her publications include edited books and proceedings, refereed book chapters, and refereed technical papers in journals and conferences including ACM Computing Surveys (CURS), IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST), ACM Trans. on Sensor Networks (TOSN), ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), WWWJ, WWW, ACL, ACM SIGIR, WSDM, PerCom, and INFOCOM. Her TIST article was selected as the top 5 outstanding articles by Editor-in-Chief in 2022. Her PhD thesis had been published by Springer as a monograph. Dr Zhang is the top 100 authors worldwide, ranked by field-weighted citation impact, in the SciVal topic for Network Security.

Dr Zhang currently holds an ARC Early Career Industry Fellowship (IE230100119) and is the lead investigator of an ARC Discovery Project (DP240103070). Her work has received academia and industry funding (ARC, Google, DST, etc.) worth > AUD $3M within the past 5 years.
She has been actively engaged in professional services by serving as conference organizers, conference PC members and reviewer of journals such as ACM/IEEE Trans., IJCAI, ACL, WWW, and KDD, and assessors of ARC funding applications. She also continually develops her leadership by serving as Associate Head of People & Culture, Program Coordinator, Course Coordinator, and outreach contact at the school. She has six-year industry working experiences in multiple roles and has strong industry engagements.
She is the member of ACM, IEEE, and ACS.

Dr Zhang's interested areas include text mining, natural language processing, information retrieval and Internet of Things applications, but not limited to.

Her current research relates to three specific areas:

i) Text summarization;

ii) AIoT

iii) Adversarial attacks on deep neural models for text;

iv) Medical information extraction.

Grants Cat 1 

●   2024-2027, Discovery Project, DP240103070 (Australian Research Council), AUD $292,330.  “Towards knowledge discovery from imperfect and evolving data”, Wei Zhang, Miao Xu, Weitong Cheng and Olaf Maennel. Lead Investigator. 

●    2023-2026, Early-Career Industry Fellowships, IE230100119 (Australian Research Council).  “Towards Internet of Things Enabled Automated Mushroom Cultivation”, Wei Zhang.

●    2020-2023, Discovery Project, DP200102298 (Australian Research Council).  “What Can You Trust in the Large and Noisy Web?”, Michael Sheng, Jan Yang, Wei Zhang and Schahram Dustdar. Chief Investigator.

 Grants Cat 2 

●    2023-2026, CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program.   “Transformation of data-to-data products for a trusted data-driven economy: technology innovation and application”, Jian Yang, Amin Beheshti, Jia Wu, Wei Zhang, Yuval Yarom, Stephanie Huang, and 7 industry companies. Chief Investigator.

●    2021-2022, Defence Innovation Partnership: AI for Decision Making Initiative 2021 (Round One, Phase Two) by Office of National Intelligence.  “Contextually Situated Anomaly Detection”, Markus Wagner, Chetan Arora, Menasha Thilakaratne, Christoph Treude, Wei Zhang. Chief Investigator.

●    2021 Defence Innovation Partnership: AI for Decision Making Initiative 2021 (Round One, Phase One) by Office of National Intelligence.  “Automated Glossary Generation from Effective and Efficient Information Extraction from Text Data”, Wei Zhang. Sole Investigator.            

Grants Cat 3 

●    2022-2023 Industry Collaboration Fund. “Construction environment monitoring”, Wei Zhang, Jian Zuo, Ruidong Chang and Lingqiao Liu. Lead Investigator. 

●    2020-2021, Google Academic Research Grants. “A Benchmark Platform for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis”, Wei Zhang. Sole Investigator.


UoA & Faculty Funding

●    2022, ABLE’s Internal Research Funding Schemes, The University of Adelaide. “Analyzing the Profile of Mood States to Study Financial Markets Bubbles”, Ivan Indriawan, Marta Khomyn and Wei Zhang. Partner Investigator.

●    2022, Barbara Kidman Women's Fellowship, The University of Adelaide. “Exploring the Technique Combination of Internet of Things and Natural Language Processing for Multi-Document Summarization”, Wei Zhang.

●    2021-2022, COVID Recognition Fund, The University of Adelaide. “Information Retrieval for Multi-Document Summarization”, Wei Zhang. Sole Investigator.

●    2021 Early Career Researcher Seed Funding, The University of Adelaide. “Constructing Knowledge Graph for Green Building Information Modelling”, Wei Zhang, Ruidong Chang, Jian Zuo and Lingqiao Liu. Lead Investigator.

●    2021 Early Career Researcher Seed Funding, The University of Adelaide. “Matching Building Information Modelling with real-world construction: Developing a real-time construction monitoring system through on-site sensing and computer vision”, Ruidong Chang, Wei Zhang, Jian Zuo and Lingqiao Liu. Chief Investigator.


2023 Course coordinator, Artificial Intelligence (COMP SCI 3007/7059)

2022 Course design, coordinator, Concepts in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (COMP SCI 7327)

       Course design, Data Science Research Project Part A/B (DATA 7303AOL/7303BOL)

       Course coordinator, Artificial Intelligence Technology (TECH 1004)

       Course coordinator, Big Data Analysis and Project (COMP SCI 7209)

       Course coordinator, Big Data Analysis and Industry Project (COMP SCI 7319OL)

       Lecturer, Artificial Intelligence (COMP SCI 3007/7059)

       Lecturer, Applied Natural Language Processing (COMP SCI 4417/4817/7417)

2021 Course design: Big Data Analysis and Industry Project (COMP SCI 7319OL)

       Course coordinator, Distributed Database and Data Mining (COMP SCI 4094/4194/7094)

       Course coordinator, Big Data Analysis and Project (COMP SCI 7209)

       Course coordinator, Artificial Intelligence Technology (TECH 1004)

       Lecturer, Artificial Intelligence (COMP SCI 3007/7059)

2020 Course coordinator, Distributed Database and Data Mining (COMP SCI 4094/4194/7094)

       Course design, coordinator, Artificial Intelligence Technology (TECH 1004)

       Course coordinator, Object Oriented Programming SGDE (COMP SCI 1102SGDE)

       Lecturer, Artificial Intelligence (COMP SCI 3007/7059)

2019 Course coordinator, Software Engineering & Project (COMP SCI 3006/3310/3311/3312/3313/7015)

       Course coordinator, Big Data Analysis and Project (COMP SCI 7209)

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Faithfulness and Factuality in Document Summarisation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mong Yuan Sim
    2024 Co-Supervisor Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence in Smart and Digital Agriculture Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Lipin Guo
    2023 Co-Supervisor Warm-Starting Reinforcement Learning in Complex Environments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Miss Lauren Yvette Taylor
    2023 Principal Supervisor Leveraging Knowledge-aware Methodologies for Multi-document Summarization Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yutong Qu
    2023 Co-Supervisor Collaborative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Rohit Gopalan
    2023 Principal Supervisor Learning from imperfect and evolving data Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Chang Dong
    2023 Principal Supervisor Federated learning for data product generation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Ali Shakeri
    2023 Principal Supervisor Can Active Learning and Federated Learning Help Sensitive Information Protection Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Lishan Yang
    2021 Co-Supervisor Reducing the impacts of airborne particulate matters from construction sites: Integrating field monitoring and BIM-based CFD Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Xingyue Fang
    2021 Principal Supervisor Towards Building Robust Natural Language Processing Models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Haojie Zhuang
    2019 Co-Supervisor Unsupervised learning in Natural Language Processing Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Qiaoyang Luo
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Deep Learning Based Multi-document Summarization Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Congbo Ma
    2020 - 2022 Co-Supervisor Machine Learning Approaches to Automated Mechanism Design for Public Project Problem Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Guanhua Wang
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Neural Dialogue Systems in Smart Space Macquarie University - Doctorate - Munazza Zaib
    2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Trust Management in Internet of Vehicles Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Sarah Ali Siddiqui
    2019 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Trust Management in Block Chain Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Subhash Sagar
    2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Adversarial Attacks on Textual Deep Neural Models Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Ahoud Abdultahmn F Alhazmi
    2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Dynamic Graph Analysis Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Abdulwahab Mohammed M Aljubairy
    2018 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Recommendation Systems Macquarie Unversity - Doctorate Full Time Dai Hoang Tran
    2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Internet of Secure Things Macquarie Unversity - Doctorate Full Time Salma Abdalla
    2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Activity Recognition Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Zawar Hussain
    2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Software-Defined Networks Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Adnan Qureshi
    2017 - ongoing Co-Supervisor Data Analysis on Energy Usage Macquarie University - Doctorate Full Time Khuyen Nguyen
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83130213
  • Email: wei.e.zhang@adelaide.edu.au
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Ingkarni Wardli
  • Org Unit: Computer Science

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