Wayne Meyer
School of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Wayne is currently the Adjunct Professor of Natural Resource Science after 9 years at the University of Adelaide. He is the Director of the Landscape Futures Program that is part of the Environment Institute at the University.
Wayne is a product of rural South Australia, a graduate of the University of Adelaide, with research experience in Texas, USA and South Africa. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
His research career has included 27 years in CSIRO as an irrigation scientist, systems modeller and sustainable agriculture research manager. He was the founding CEO of the CRC for Irrigation Futures that supported 50 postgraduates contribute to the irrigation industry. He initiated and guided the Lower Murray Landscape Futures program and Envisioning Landscape Futures project that has assisted communities plan for changes in future climate and market conditions.
His current research builds on his experience in making science more influential in managing our soils, water and vegetation. His aim is to help people and communities find new ways to use land and water that is productive and conserves Australia’s natural plants and animals.
In recent years he acquired a small holding in the Murray mallee of SA and is in the process of revegetating it with endemic species amid rampant weeds and pest animals. He and Nancy are restoring the 1900 paddock limestone cottage on the property. Among other interests Wayne maintains a family interest in beekeeping, woodwork and fixing things, especially those with heritage value.
Date Position Institution name 2016 - ongoing Adjunct Professor Natural Resource Science University of Adelaide 2007 - 2015 Foundation Professor Natural Resource Science University of Adelaide 2004 - 2007 Chief Scientist Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures 2002 - 2004 Business DIrector Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 2002 - 2003 Chief Executive Officer CRC for Irrigation Futures 1998 - 2002 Chief Research Scientist, Program Leader Sustainable Agriculture Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 1994 - 1997 Foundation Professor of Irrigation Charles Sturt University 1989 - 2001 Assistant Chief Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 1980 - 1989 Senior Research Scientist Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation 1977 - 1980 Senior Plant Physiologist Water Research Commission -
Date Institution name Country Title 1973 - 1976 University of Adelaide Australia Ph.D. 1969 - 1972 University of Adelaide Australia B.Ag.Sc -
Postgraduate Training
Date Title Institution Country 1976 - 1977 Visiting Assistant Professor Texas A & M University United States -
Date Title Institution name Country 2003 Diploma and Graduate Member Australian Institute of Company Directors Australia 2002 Fellow Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology (FAIAST) - -
Research Interests
Agricultural Hydrology Agricultural Land Management Agricultural Production Systems Simulation Climate Change Processes Crop and Pasture Physiology Decision Support and Group Support Systems Ecological Impacts of Climate Change Ecosystem Function Environmental Science and Management Land Use and Environmental Planning Natural Resource Management Plant Physiology Rheology Soil Physics Sustainable Agricultural Development
Year Citation 2022 Xie, Q., Cleverly, J., Moore, C. E., Ding, Y., Hall, C. C., Ma, X., . . . Huete, A. (2022). Land surface phenology retrievals for arid and semi-arid ecosystems. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 185, 129-145.
Scopus30 WoS162022 Beringer, J., Moore, C. E., Cleverly, J., Campbell, D. I., Cleugh, H., De Kauwe, M. G., . . . Woodgate, W. (2022). Bridge to the future: Important lessons from 20 years of ecosystem observations made by the OzFlux network. Global Change Biology, 28(11), 3489-3514.
Scopus22 WoS6 Europe PMC42022 Badu, M., Ghimire, C. P., Bruijnzeel, L. A., Nuberg, I., & Meyer, W. S. (2022). Net precipitation, infiltration and overland flow production in three types of community-managed forest in the Mid-hills of East Central Nepal. Trees, Forests and People, 8, 1-11.
Scopus5 WoS42022 Mallick, K., Baldocchi, D., Jarvis, A., Hu, T., Trebs, I., Sulis, M., . . . Kustas, W. P. (2022). Insights Into the Aerodynamic Versus Radiometric Surface Temperature Debate in Thermal-Based Evaporation Modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(15), e2021GL097568-1-e2021GL097568-10.
Scopus18 WoS72022 Zanne, A. E., Flores-Moreno, H., Powell, J. R., Cornwell, W. K., Dalling, J. W., Austin, A. T., . . . Zalamea, P. -C. (2022). Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates.. Science, 377(6613), 1440-1444.
Scopus72 WoS31 Europe PMC152021 Pastorello, G., Trotta, C., Canfora, E., Chu, H., Christianson, D., Cheah, Y. -W., . . . Papale, D. (2021). Author Correction: The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data.. Sci Data, 8(1), 72.
Scopus8 WoS22021 Trebs, I., Mallick, K., Bhattarai, N., Sulis, M., Cleverly, J., Woodgate, W., . . . Boulet, G. (2021). The role of aerodynamic resistance in thermal remote sensing-based evapotranspiration models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264, 112602-1-112602-29.
Scopus28 WoS152020 Pastorello, G., Trotta, C., Canfora, E., lots of authors., Koerber, G., et al.., & Meyer, W. (2020). The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data, 7(1), 225-1-225-27.
Scopus901 WoS523 Europe PMC952020 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., Koerber, G. R., & Marschner, P. (2020). Rapid recovery of net ecosystem production in a semi-arid woodland after a wildfire. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291, 108099-1-108099-10.
Scopus26 WoS172020 Song, R., Muller, J. -P., Kharbouche, S., Yin, F., Woodgate, W., Kitchen, M., . . . Gobron, N. (2020). Validation of space-based albedo products from upscaled tower-based measurements over heterogeneous and homogeneous landscapes. Remote Sensing, 12(5), 833-1-833-22.
Scopus16 WoS112019 Badu, M., Nuberg, I., Ghimire, C. P., Bajracharya, R. M., & Meyer, W. S. (2019). Negative Trade-offs between Community Forest Use and Hydrological Benefits in the Forested Catchments of Nepal's Mid-hills. Mountain Research and Development, 39(3), R22-R32.
Scopus3 WoS32019 Nguyen, H. H., Recknagel, F., & Meyer, W. (2019). Effects of projected urbanization and climate change on flow and nutrient loads of a Mediterranean catchment in South Australia. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology, 19(2), 279-288.
Scopus16 WoS132019 Bloomfield, K. J., Prentice, I. C., Cernusak, L. A., Eamus, D., Medlyn, B. E., Rumman, R., . . . Atkin, O. K. (2019). The validity of optimal leaf traits modelled on environmental conditions. New Phytologist, 221(3), 1409-1423.
Scopus38 WoS34 Europe PMC112019 Nguyen, H., Recknagel, F., Meyer, W., Frizenschaf, J., Ying, H., & Gibbs, M. (2019). Comparison of the alternative models SOURCE and SWAT for predicting catchment streamflow, sediment and nutrient loads under the effect of land use changes. Science of the Total Environment, 662, 254-265.
Scopus46 WoS28 Europe PMC32019 Reiter, D., Meyer, W., & Parrott, L. (2019). Stakeholder engagement with environmental decision support systems: The perspective of end users. Canadian Geographer, 63(4), 631-642.
Scopus72019 King, D. A., Meyer, W. S., & Connor, J. D. (2019). Interactive land use strategic assessment: An assessment tool for irrigation profitability under climate uncertainty. Agricultural Water Management, 224, 11 pages.
Scopus2 WoS12018 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., & Marschner, P. (2018). Repeated rainfall in summer induces prolonged high soil respiration in a semi-arid floodplain woodland. Ecohydrology, 11(7), 9 pages.
Scopus4 WoS32018 Sun, Q., Meyer, W. S., & Marschner, P. (2018). Direct and carry-over effects of summer rainfall on ecosystem carbon uptake and water use efficiency in a semi-arid woodland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 263, 15-24.
Scopus17 WoS10 Europe PMC12018 Nguyen, H. H., Recknagel, F., & Meyer, W. (2018). Water quality control options in response to catchment urbanization: A scenario analysis by SWAT. Water (Switzerland), 10(12), 16 pages.
Scopus3 WoS32018 Bloomfield, K., Cernusak, L., Eamus, D., Ellsworth, D., Colin Prentice, I., Wright, I., . . . Atkin, O. (2018). A continental-scale assessment of variability in leaf traits: within species, across sites and between seasons. Functional Ecology, 32(6), 1492-1506.
Scopus52 WoS402018 Reiter, D., Meyer, W., Parrott, L., Baker, D., & Grace, P. (2018). Increasing the effectiveness of environmental decision support systems: lessons from climate change adaptation projects in Canada and Australia. Regional Environmental Change, 18(4), 1173-1184.
Scopus102017 Nguyen, H. H., Recknagel, F., Meyer, W., & Frizenschaf, J. (2017). Analysing the effects of forest cover and irrigation farm dams on streamflows ofwater-scarce catchments in south australia through the SWAT model. Water (Switzerland), 9(1), 16 pages.
Scopus10 WoS82017 Regan, C., Connor, J., Raja Segaran, R., Meyer, W., Bryan, B., & Ostendorf, B. (2017). Climate change and the economics of biomass energy feedstocks in semi-arid agricultural landscapes: a spatially explicit real options analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, 192, 171-183.
Scopus28 WoS20 Europe PMC32017 Shrestha, M., Recknagel, F., Frizenschaf, J., & Meyer, W. (2017). Future climate and land uses effects on flow and nutrient loads of a Mediterranean catchment in South Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 590-591, 186-193.
Scopus51 WoS45 Europe PMC22017 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., Koerber, G., & Marschner, P. (2017). Response of microbial activity to labile C addition in sandy soil from semi-arid woodland is influenced by vegetation patch and wildfire. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 17(1), 62-73.
Scopus2 WoS22017 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., Koerber, G., & Marschner, P. (2017). Prior rainfall pattern determines response of net ecosystem carbon exchange to a large rainfall event in a semi-arid woodland. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 247, 112-119.
Scopus15 WoS122017 Nguyen, H., Recknagel, F., Meyer, W., Frizenschaf, J., & Shrestha, M. (2017). Modelling the impacts of altered management practices, land use and climate changes on the water quality of the Millbrook catchment-reservoir system in South Australia. Journal of Environmental Management, 202(Pt 1), 1-11.
Scopus40 WoS40 Europe PMC52017 Reiter, D., Meyer, W., & Parrott, L. (2017). Why do NRM regional planning processes and tools have limited effect? Presenting the perspective of the end user. Climate Risk Management, 18, 66-74.
Scopus1 WoS12016 Karan, M., Liddell, M., Prober, S. M., Arndt, S., Beringer, J., Boer, M., . . . Wardlaw, T. (2016). The Australian SuperSite Network: A continental, long-term terrestrial ecosystem observatory. Science of the Total Environment, 568, 1263-1274.
Scopus72 Europe PMC62016 Restrepo-Coupe, N., Huete, A., Davies, K., Cleverly, J., Beringer, J., Eamus, D., . . . Meyer, W. (2016). MODIS vegetation products as proxies of photosynthetic potential along a gradient of meteorologically and biologically driven ecosystem productivity. Biogeosciences, 13(19), 5587-5608.
Scopus35 WoS292016 Van Gorsel, E., Wolf, S., Cleverly, J., Isaac, P., Haverd, V., Ewenz, C., . . . Silberstein, R. (2016). Carbon uptake and water use in woodlands and forests in southern Australia during an extreme heat wave event in the "Angry Summer" of 2012/2013. Biogeosciences, 13(21), 5947-5964.
Scopus54 WoS442016 Beringer, J., Hutley, L., McHugh, I., Arndt, S., Campbell, D., Cleugh, H., . . . Wardlaw, T. (2016). An introduction to the Australian and New Zealand flux tower network - OzFlux. Biogeosciences, 13(21), 5895-5916.
Scopus1852016 Ma, X., Huete, A., Cleverly, J., Eamus, D., Chevallier, F., Joiner, J., . . . Ponce-Campos, G. (2016). Drought rapidly diminishes the large net CO2 uptake in 2011 over semi-arid Australia. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 37747.
Scopus89 Europe PMC102016 Meyer, W., Bryan, B., Summers, D., Lyle, G., Wells, S., McLean, J., & Siebentritt, M. (2016). Regional engagement and spatial modelling for natural resource management planning. Sustainability Science, 11(5), 733-747.
Scopus12 WoS92016 Shrestha, M., Recknagel, F., Frizenschaf, J., & Meyer, W. (2016). Assessing SWAT models based on single and multi-site calibration for the simulation of flow and nutrient loads in the semi-arid Onkaparinga catchment in South Australia. Agricultural Water Management, 175(C), 61-71.
Scopus107 WoS782016 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., Koerber, G., & Marschner, P. (2016). A wildfire event influences ecosystem carbon fluxes but not soil respiration in a semi-arid woodland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 226-227, 57-66.
Scopus17 WoS132016 Hobbs, T., Neumann, C., Meyer, W., Moon, T., & Bryan, B. (2016). Models of reforestation productivity and carbon sequestration for land use and climate change adaptation planning in South Australia. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 279-288.
Scopus26 WoS18 Europe PMC22016 Dillon, P., Bellchambers, R., Meyer, W., & Ellis, R. (2016). Community perspective on consultation on urban stormwater management: lessons from Brownhill Creek, South Australia. Water, 8(5), 1-15.
Scopus132015 Meyer, W., Kondrlovà, E., & Koerber, G. (2015). Evaporation of perennial semi-arid woodland in southeastern Australia is adapted for irregular but common dry periods. Hydrological Processes, 29(17), 3714-3726.
Scopus41 WoS342015 Regan, C. M., Bryan, B. A., Connor, J. D., Meyer, W. S., Ostendorf, B., Zhu, Z., & Bao, C. (2015). Real options analysis for land use management: Methods, application, and implications for policy. Journal of Environmental Management, 161, 144-152.
Scopus60 WoS57 Europe PMC42015 Shaw, R., & Meyer, W. (2015). Improved empirical representation of plant responses to waterlogging for simulating crop yield. Agronomy Journal, 107(5), 1711-1723.
Scopus38 WoS212015 Sun, Q., Meyer, W., Koerber, G., & Marschner, P. (2015). Response of respiration and nutrient availability to drying and rewetting in soil from a semi-arid woodland depends on vegetation patch and a recent wildfire. Biogeosciences, 12(16), 5093-5101.
Scopus14 WoS122015 Summers, D., Bryan, B., Meyer, W., Lyle, G., Wells, S., McLean, J., . . . Siebentritt, M. (2015). Simple models for managing complex social-ecological systems: the Landscape Futures Analysis Tool (LFAT). Environmental Modelling & Software, 63, 217-229.
Scopus18 WoS152014 Donohue, R., Hume, I., Roderick, M., McVicar, T., Beringer, J., Hutley, L., . . . Arndt, S. (2014). Evaluation of the remote-sensing-based DIFFUSE model for estimating photosynthesis of vegetation. Remote Sensing of Environment, 155, 349-365.
Scopus45 WoS382013 Bryan, B., Meyer, W., Campbell, C., Harris, G., Lefroy, T., Lyle, G., . . . Young, M. (2013). The second industrial transformation of Australian landscapes. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(3-4), 278-287.
Scopus30 WoS232013 Shaw, R., Meyer, W., McNeill, A., & Tyerman, S. (2013). Waterlogging in Australian agricultural landscapes: a review of plant responses and crop models. Crop and Pasture Science, 64(6), 549-562.
Scopus63 WoS472013 Bradshaw, C., Bowman, D., Bond, N., Murphy, B., Moore, A., Fordham, D., . . . Specht, A. (2013). Brave new green world - consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 161, 71-90.
Scopus63 WoS58 Europe PMC32013 Meyer, W. S., Bryan, B., Fisher, A., Crossman, N., & Lewis, M. (2013). Applying landscape science to natural resource management. Ecology and Society: a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, 18(1), 32-1-32-11.
Scopus15 WoS82012 Parrott, L., & Meyer, W. (2012). Future landscapes: managing within complexity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 10(7), 382-389.
Scopus97 WoS782012 Summers, D., Bryan, B., Crossman, N., & Meyer, W. (2012). Species vulnerability to climate change: impacts on spatial conservation priorities and species representation. Global Change Biology, 18(7), 2335-2348.
Scopus87 WoS612012 Summers, D. M., Bryan, B. A., Crossman, N. D., & Meyer, W. S. (2012). Species vulnerability to climate change: Impacts on spatial conservation priorities and species representation. Global Change Biology, 18(10), 3268.
Scopus43 WoS392011 Meyer, W., & Radcliffe, J. (2011). The second transformation of southern Australian agriculture, regional landscapes and communities. Agricultural Science, 23(3), 39-43. 2011 Bryan, B., Crossman, N., King, D., & Meyer, W. (2011). Landscape futures analysis: assessing the impacts of environmental targets under alternative spatial policy options and future scenarios. Environmental Modelling & Software, 26(1), 83-91.
Scopus95 WoS852009 Shi, T., & Meyer, W. (2009). Moving towards a policy proactive irrigation sector: some Australian experiences. Water Policy, 11(6), 763-783.
2008 Meyer, W. S. (2008). The Future of Irrigated Production Horticulture - World and Australian Perspective. Acta Horticulturae, 792(792), 449-458.
Scopus72007 Raine, S., Meyer, W., Rassam, D., Hutson, J., & Cook, F. (2007). Soil-water and solute movement under precision irrigation: knowledge gaps for managing sustainable root zones. Irrigation Science, 26(1), 91-100.
Scopus66 WoS552006 Ayars, J., Christen, E., Soppe, R., & Meyer, W. (2006). The resource potential of in-situ shallow ground water use in irrigated agriculture: a review.. Irrigation Science, 24(3), 147-160.
Scopus159 WoS1272006 Christen, E. W., Shepheard, M. L., Meyer, W. S., Jayawardane, N. S., & Fairweather, H. (2006). Triple bottom line reporting to promote sustainability of irrigation in Australia. Irrigation and Drainage Systems, 20, 329-343. 2005 Meyer, W. (2005). Getting the balance right: water policy and management implications. Agricultural Science, 18(1), 16-18. 2003 Khan, S., Xevi, E., & Meyer, W. (2003). Salt, water and groundwater management models to determine sustainable cropping patterns in shallow saline groundwater regions of Australia. Journal of Crop Improvement, 7(1/2), 321-336.
2003 Khan, S., Xevi, E., & Meyer, W. S. (2003). Salt, water, and groundwater management models to determine sustainable cropping patterns in shallow saline groundwater regions of Australia. Journal of Crop Production, 7(1-2), 325-340.
Scopus181999 Zhang, L., Dawes, W. R., Slavich, P. G., Meyer, W. S., Thorburn, P. J., Smith, D. J., & Walker, G. R. (1999). Growth and ground water uptake responses of lucerne to changes in groundwater levels and salinity: Lysimeter, isotope and modelling studies. Agricultural Water Management, 39(2-3), 265-282.
Scopus67 WoS611998 Meyer, W. S., White, B., & Smith, D. (1998). Water use of Lucerne over shallow watertables. International Water and Irrigation, 18(3). 1997 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Madden, J. C., & Alociljá, E. (1997). SWAGMAN options: A hierarchical multicriteria framework to identify profitable land uses that minimize water table rise and salinization. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 83(2-3), 217-240.
Scopus9 WoS51997 Willis, T. M., Black, A. S., & Meyer, W. S. (1997). Estimates of deep percolation beneath cotton in the Macquarie Valley. Irrigation Science, 17(4), 141-150.
Scopus541996 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Bailey, M. A., & Poulton, D. C. (1996). A soil water and groundwater SIMulation model: SWAGSIM. Environmental Software, 11(1-3), 151-158.
Scopus11 WoS61995 Robbins, C. W., Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & White, R. J. G. (1995). SWAGMAN-Whatif, an interactive computer program to teach salinity relationships in irrigated agriculture. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 24, 150-154. 1994 Meyer, W. S. (1994). Environmental impact of irrigation: Assessment, directions and questions. The Murrumbidgee, past and present. A forum on past and present research on the lower Murrumbidgee River, Ch 10, 83-88. 1994 Godwin, D. C., Meyer, W. S., & Singh, U. (1994). Simulation of the effect of chilling injury and nitrogen supply on floret fertility and yield in rice. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 34(7), 921-926.
Scopus30 WoS221994 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Jain, S., & Van Der Lelij, A. (1994). SWAGSIM: a soil water and groundwater simulation model. Divisional Report - CSIRO Australia, Division of Water Resources, 94(3).
Scopus21993 Prathapar, S. A., & Meyer, W. S. (1993). Measurement and estimation of capillary upflow from water tables under maize on irrigated soils. Australian Journal for Soil Research, 31(2), 119-130.
Scopus13 WoS71992 Prathapar, S. A., Robbins, C. W., Meyer, W. S., & Jayawardane, N. S. (1992). Models for estimating capillary rise in a heavy clay soil with a saline shallow water table. Irrigation Science, 13(1), 1-7.
Scopus27 WoS271992 Simpson, H. J., Herczeg, A. L., & Meyer, W. S. (1992). Stable isotope ratios in irrigation water can estimate rice crop evaporation. Geophysical Research Letters, 19(4), 377-380.
Scopus28 WoS271992 Meyer, W. S. (1992). Sustainability of land and water resources used for Australian irrigated agriculture: a research strategy position paper. CSIRO Water Resources Series, 8. 1991 Robbins, C. W., Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & White, R. J. G. (1991). Understanding salt and sodium in soils, irrigation water and shallow groundwaters: a companion to the software program, SWAGMAN-Whatif. CSIRO Water Resources Series, 4.
Scopus21991 Dunin, F. X., Barrs, H. D., Meyer, W. S., & Trevitt, A. C. F. (1991). Foliage temperature and latent heat flux of irrigated wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 55(1-2), 133-147.
Scopus15 WoS121991 Meyer, W. S., & Barrs, H. D. (1991). Roots in irrigated clay soils: Measurement techniques and responses to rootzone conditions. Irrigation Science, 12(3), 125-134.
Scopus32 WoS281990 Dugas, W. A., Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1990). Effects of soil type on soybean crop water use in weighing lysimeters - II. Root growth, soil water extraction and water-table contributions. Irrigation Science, 11(2), 77-81.
Scopus17 WoS161990 Mateos, L., Meyer, W. S., Smith, R. C. G., & Sides, R. (1990). Evaluation of radiant canopy temperature and soil water measurement for quantifying the contribution of shallow watertables to crop evaporation. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 28(6), 1013-1022.
Scopus11990 Robbins, C. W., & Meyer, W. S. (1990). Calculating ph from ec and sar values in salinity models and sar from soil and bore water ph and ec data. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 28(6), 1001-1011.
Scopus141990 Tan, C. S., Meyer, W. S., Smith, R. C. G., & Barrs, H. D. (1990). Alternative methods of estimating water deficit stress of wheat grown on undisturbed and repacked soil in drainage lysimeters. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(2), 267-276.
Scopus4 WoS41990 Meyer, W. S., Tan, C. S., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1990). Root growth and water uptake by wheat during drying of undisturbed and repacked soil in drainage lysimeters. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(2), 253-265.
Scopus27 WoS251990 Meyer, W. S., Dugas, W. A., Barrs, H. D., Smith, R. C. G., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1990). Effects of soil type on soybean crop water use in weighing lysimeters - I. Evaporation. Irrigation Science, 11(2), 69-75.
Scopus16 WoS131990 Meyer, W. S., & Mateos, L. (1990). Soil type effects on soybean crop water use in weighing lysimeters - III. Effect of lysimeter canopy height discontinuity on evaporation. Irrigation Science, 11(4), 233-237.
Scopus12 WoS71989 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., & Cook, F. J. (1989). Effect of cultivation on the relationship between root length density and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in a moderately swelling clay soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 27(4), 645-650.
Scopus9 WoS111989 Smith, R. C. G., Barrs, H. D., & Meyer, W. S. (1989). Evaporation from irrigated wheat estimated using radiative surface temperature: An operational approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 48(3-4), 331-344.
Scopus17 WoS131989 Dunin, F. X., Meyer, W. S., Wong, S. C., & Reyenga, W. (1989). Seasonal change in water use and carbon assimilation of irrigated wheat. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 45(3-4), 231-250.
Scopus26 WoS241988 Meyer, W. S., & Barrs, H. D. (1988). Response of wheat to single short-term waterlogging during and after stem elongation. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 39(1), 11-20.
Scopus20 WoS191987 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., Mosier, A. R., & Schaefer, N. L. (1987). Response of maize to three short-term periods of waterlogging at high and low nitrogen levels on undisturbed and repacked soil. Irrigation Science, 8(4), 257-272.
Scopus35 WoS281987 Schaefer, N. L., Melhuish, F. M., Reicosky, D. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1987). The effect of an intermittent water-table gradient on soil and xylem nitrate in cotton. Plant and Soil, 97(1), 71-77.
Scopus2 WoS21987 Hocking, P. J., Reicosky, D. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1987). Effects of intermittent waterlogging on the mineral nutrition of cotton. Plant and Soil, 101(2), 211-221.
Scopus29 WoS281987 Meyer, W. S., Dunin, F. X., Smith, R. C., Shell, G. S., & White, N. S. (1987). Characterizing water use by irrigated wheat at griffith, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 25(4), 499-515.
Scopus29 WoS331987 Meyer, W. S., Reicosky, D. C., Barrs, H. D., & Shell, G. S. G. (1987). A portable chamber for measuring canopy gas exchange of crops subject to different root zone conditions. Agronomy Journal, 79, 180-184. 1987 Meyer, W. S., Reicosky, D. C., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1987). Physiological responses of cotton to a single waterlogging at high and low N-levels. Plant and Soil, 102(2), 161-170.
WoS231986 Mosier, A. R., Meyer, W. S., & Melhuish, F. M. (1986). Effect of irrigation method on the recovery of1sn fertilizer in a slowly permeableclay soil cropped with maize. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 24(1), 1-10.
Scopus10 WoS101985 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., Smith, R. C. G., White, N. S., Heritage, A. D., & Short, D. L. (1985). Effect of irrigation on soil oxygen status and root and shoot growth of wheat in a clay soil. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 36(2), 171-185.
Scopus56 WoS541985 Meyer, W. S., & Reicosky, D. C. (1985). Enclosing leaves for water potential measurement and its effect on interpreting soil-induced water stress. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 35(1-4), 187-192.
Scopus29 WoS271985 Meyer, W. S., Reicosky, D. C., & Schaefer, N. L. (1985). Errors in field measurement of leaf diffusive conductance associated with leaf temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 36(1), 55-64.
Scopus27 WoS291985 Reicosky, D. C., Meyer, W. S., Schaefer, N. L., & Sides, R. D. (1985). Cotton response to short-term waterlogging imposed with a water-table gradient facility. Agricultural Water Management, 10(2), 127-143.
Scopus29 WoS271985 Reicosky, D. C., Smith, R. C. G., & Meyer, W. S. (1985). Foliage temperature as a means of detecting stress of cotton subjected to a short-term water-table gradient. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 35(1-4), 193-203.
Scopus29 WoS251985 Smith, R. C. G., Steiner, J. L., Meyer, W. S., & Erskine, D. (1985). Influence of season to season variability in weather on irrigation scheduling of wheat: A simulation study. Irrigation Science, 6(4), 241-251.
Scopus16 WoS191985 Steiner, J. L., Smith, R. C. G., Meyer, W. S., & Adeney, J. A. (1985). Water use, foliage temperature and yield of irrigated wheat in south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 36(1), 1-11.
Scopus46 WoS461985 Meyer, W. S., & Barrs, H. D. (1985). Non-destructive measurement of wheat roots in large undisturbed and repacked clay soil cores. Plant and Soil, 85(2), 237-247.
Scopus29 WoS311985 Blackwell, J., Meyer, W. S., & Smith, R. C. G. (1985). Growth and Yield of Rice Under Sprinkler Irrigation on A Free-Draining Soil. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 25(3), 636-641.
Scopus21 WoS161985 Hocking, P. J., Reicosky, D. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1985). Nitrogen status of cotton subjected to two short term periods of waterlogging of varying severity using a sloping plot water-table facility. Plant and Soil, 87(3), 375-391.
Scopus26 WoS251985 Jayawardane, N. S., & Meyer, W. S. (1985). Measuring air-filled porosity changes in an irrigated swelling clay soil. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 23(1), 15-22.
Scopus22 WoS201984 Jayawardane, N. S., Meyer, W. S., & Barrs, H. D. (1984). Moisture measurement in a swelling clay soil using neutron moisture meters. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 22(2), 109-117.
Scopus35 WoS231983 Mason, W. K., Meyer, W. S., Bans, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1983). A comparison of irrigated maize growth in Southern New South Wales on sites with and without a preceding fallow. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, 23(120), 58-63.
1983 Mason, W. K., Meyer, W. S., Smith, R. C. G., & Barrs, H. D. (1983). Water balance of three irrigated crops on fine-textured soils of the Riverine Plain. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 34(2), 183-191.
Scopus33 WoS271981 Meyer, W. S., & Green, G. C. (1981). Plant indicators of wheat and soybean crop water stress. Irrigation Science, 2(3), 167-176.
Scopus651981 Meyer, W., & Green, G. (1981). FIELD TEST OF AN IRRIGATION SCHEDULING COMPUTER MODEL.. Water SA, 7(1), 43-48.
Scopus31981 Meyer, W. S., & Green, G. C. (1981). Comparison of stomatal action of orange, soybean and wheat under field conditions. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology, 8, 65-76. 1981 Meyer, W. S., & Walker, S. (1981). Leaflet orientation in water stressed soybeans. Agronomy Journal, 73, 1071-1074. 1980 Green, G. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1980). The use of leaf water potential measurememts to estimate water loss from orange trees. Crop Production, 9, 93-97. 1980 Hutson, J. L., Green, G. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1980). WEIGHING LYSIMETER FACILITY AT ROODEPLAAT FOR CROP EVAPOTRANSPIRATION STUDIES.. Water SA, 6(1), 41-46.
Scopus21980 Meyer, W. S., & Green, G. C. (1980). Water use by wheat and plant indicators of available soil water. Agronomy Journal, 72, 253-257. 1980 Meyer, W. S., & Green, G. C. (1980). Leaf growth, phenological development and yield of wheat grown under different irrigation treatments. Water SA, 6, 21-26. 1980 Meyer, W. S., & Green, G. C. (1980). Plant water relations of soybeans during soil drying. Crop Production, 9, 115-119. 1980 Meyer, W. S., & Ritchie, J. T. (1980). Resistance to water flow in the sorghum plant. Plant Physiology, 65(1), 33-39.
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Scopus14 WoS14 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2014 Bowmer, K., & Meyer, W. (2014). Irrigation agriculture: Sustainability through holistic approaches to water use and innovation. In M. Giannino (Ed.), Drinking Water and Water Management: New Research (pp. 1 (289 pages)). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Scopus52011 Christen, E., Shepheard, M., Meyer, W., & Stone, C. (2011). Triple bottom line reporting in the irrigation sector. In J. Williams, & P. Martin (Eds.), Defending the Social Licence of Farming: Issues, Challenges and New Directions for Agriculture (1 ed., pp. 47-56). Victoria, Australia: CSIRO Publishing. 2004 Meyer, W., & Bowmer, K. (2004). Sustainable irrigation. In Water innovation: a new era for Australia (pp. 104-125). Lane Cove, NSW: CL Creations. 2004 Meyer, W. S., & Bowmer, K. H. (2004). Sustainable irrigation. In K. Bowmer (Ed.), Water innovation (pp. 105-125). Charles Sturt University/CSIRO Hon Fellow. 1997 Meyer, W. S. (1997). The irrigation experience in Australia: lessons for the sugar industry. In B. A. Keating, & J. R. Wilson (Eds.), Intensive sugarcane production : meeting the challenge beyond 2000 : proceedings of the Sugar 2000 Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 20-23 August 1996. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. 1997 Thorburn, P. J., & Meyer, W. S. (1997). Response of simulated upflow from shallow water tables to variations in model parameter values.. In M. Taniguchi (Ed.), Unknown Book (pp. 61-71). KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS.
WoS31995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). Crop water use and irrigation. In B. Atwell, P. Kriedemann, & C. Turnbull (Eds.), Plants in Action. Adaptation in Nature, Performance in Cultivation (pp. 472-479). MacMillian Education Australia Pty Ltd. 1994 Baer, B. C., Meyer, W. S., & Erskine, D. (1994). Possible effects of global climate change on wheat and rice production in Australia. In C. Rosenzweig, & A. Inglesias (Eds.), Implications of climate change for international agriculture. Crop model study. (Section 7 ed., pp. 1-16). USA: EPA. 1984 Mason, W. K., Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1984). Effects of flood irrigation on air-filled porosity, oxygen levels and bulk density of a cracking clay soil in relation to the production of summer row crops. In J. W. McGarity, E. H. Hoult, & H. B. So (Eds.), The Properties and Utilization of Cracking Clay Soils (pp. 278-284). Armidale: University of New England Publishing Unit. 1983 Smith, R., Mason, W., Meyer, W., & Barrs, H. (1983). Irrigation in Australia: development and prospects. In D. Hillel (Ed.), Advances in irrigation (Vol. 2, pp. 99-153). London: Academic Press.
Scopus35 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2017 Nguyen, H., Recknagel, F., & Meyer, W. (2017). Modelling the runoff, nutrient and sediment loadings in the Torrens river catchment, South Australia using SWAT. In Proceedings - 22nd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2017 (pp. 2004-2010). online: MSSANZ. 2016 Shrestha, M., Recknagel, F., & Meyer, W. (2016). Scenario analysis on impacts of climate change on flow and nutrient loads in the Mediterranean Onkaparinga catchment, South Australia: Coupling global climate models with SWAT. In 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop 2016: Improving Quality of Water Resources at Local, Basin and Regional Scales Vol. 2016-January (pp. 53-62). Online: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
DOI2014 Huete, A. R., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Ma, X., Tomoaki, T., Eamus, D., Cleverly, J. R., . . . van Gorsel, E. (2014). Scaling tower flux and satellite measures of ecosystem function across biomes, seasons and extreme dry to wet years in Australia. In 2013 AGU Fall Meeting Vol. 1 (pp. 06). San Fransisco, California, USA. 2014 Meyer, W. S. (2014). Irrigation in Transition – Changing Purpose, Policy, Infrastructure and Practice for Greater Productivity. In S. C. R. V. Lima, F. de Souza, V. M., J. A. Frizzone, & H. R. Gheyi. Fortaleza (Eds.), Unknown Conference (pp. 29-44). Brazil: CE Brazil: INOVAGRI. 2014 Recknagel, F. A., Shresta, M., Recknagel, F., Fritzenschaf, J., & Meyer, W. (2014). Simulation of Nutrient Loadings from the Rural Cox Creek Watershed (South Australia) by SWAT as Prerequisite for Land-use Specific Scenario Analysis. In ASABE (Ed.), American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) (pp. 250-258). Hamilton, New Zealand.
Scopus12013 Karan, M., Liddell, M., P., G., Prober, S., Wardlaw, T., Meyer, W. S., . . . Eamus, D. (2013). A new approach to intensive ecosystem research: introducing the Australian Supersite Network. In TERN Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network, 4th Annual Symposium. Old Parliament House, Canberra. 2012 Siebentritt, M., Meyer, W. S., & Spoehr, J. (2012). Climate change adaptation planning in the SA MDB. In NCCARF 2012 Conference. Melbourne. 2010 Meyer, W. S. (2010). Role of water in urban agriculture and SA’s food systems. In From Plains to Plate: the future of food in South Australia Conference. Adelaide. 2009 Christen, E., Hornbuckle, J., MacDonald, F., & Meyer, W. S. (2009). Assessment of the water saving potential of changed irrigation system and management for a competitive tendering process. In IAL 2009 Conference. Swan Hill, Victoria. 2009 Meyer, W. S. (2009). Designing farming systems within natural resource constraints – is it possible?. In Designing Farming Systems 2009 Conference. Monterey, California. 2007 Meyer, W. S. (2007). Water: an essential friend - a relationship that must be carefully managed. In ASVO Seminar: Water, Friend Or Foe? (pp. 12). Mildura Arts Centre, Mildura, South Australia. 2007 Meyer, W., & Bryan, B. (2007). Australian farming within natural resource capacity - the role of systems modelling to identify improved options. In Farming Systems Design 2007 (pp. 99-100). Italy: ESA. 2007 Meyer, W. (2007). Improving irrigated agriculture - how far can we go?. In Water for irrigated agriculture & the environment - finding a flow for all : record of a conference conducted by the ATSE Crawford Fund, Parliament House, Canberra, 16 August 2006. Canberra: Cooperative Research Centre for Irrigation Futures. 2006 Meyer, W. S. (2006). Water management, policy to practice especially in irrigation. In Presentation to Australia-Indonesia Joint Meeting on Science and Technology. Jakarta. 2006 Meyer, W. S., Barton, A., & Beswick, A. (2006). Standardising and using crop and turf Et for better water management. In Time to Deliver: IAA Conference. Brisbane. 2006 Meyer, W. S., Durack, M., Khan, S., Starkey, G., & Bourne, J. (2006). Improving multi-purpose water use productivity through Regional Irrigation Business Partnerships. In ANCID 2006 National Conference and Exhibition. Darwin. 2005 Christen, E., Meyer, W., Jayawardane, N., Shepheard, M., Robinson, D., Marshall, A., & Fairweather, H. (2005). Triple Bottom Line reporting to promote sustainability of irrigation in Australia. In OECD Workshop on Agriculture and Water: sustainability, markets and policies (pp. 1-15). Adelaide & Barmera: OECD Publishing.
DOI Scopus142005 Roth, C., Fischer, R., Piggin, C., & Meyer, W. (2005). Evaluation and performance of permanent raised bed systems in Asia, Mexico and Australia: A synopsis. In Proceedings of ACIAR Workshop No 121 - Evaluation and performance of permanent raised bed cropping systems in Asia, Australia and Mexico (pp. 200-207). Canberra: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). Improved irrigation through technology and community engagement. In Irrigation Association. Phoenix. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). Irrigation in perspective in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Basins. In IAA Conference. Townsville, QLD. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). Irrigation in perspective in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Basins. In ANCID Conference. Mildura, Vic.. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). Getting the balance right – water policy and management implications. In IREC Farmers’ Newsletter Vol. 170. 2004 Creighton, C., Meyer, W. S., & Khan, S. (2004). Farming and Land Stewardship: Case study - Australia's innovations in sustainable irrigation. In Agriculture Conference Proceedings. 2004 Meyer, W. S. (2004). Water for Food - the continuing debate. In Keynote presentation at Year of Rice Conference Vol. 19 (pp. 31-34). South Australian Geographer. 2003 Meyer, W. S., & Keating, B. (2003). Role of agricultural production models and modelling systems in natural resources management. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2003 Annual Meeting - Changing Sciences for a Changing World: Building a Broader Vision. Colorado, USA. 2003 Meyer, W. S. (2003). Water in Australia - where we are and where we're headed. Water - Liquid Gold. In Nursery & Garden Industry Australia National Conference and Exhibition. Sydney. 2003 Meyer, W. S. (2003). Water in Australia - the big picture. In 2003 Nursery and Garden Industry South Australia Conference. Adelaide. 2003 Meyer, W. S. (2003). Technology and people for improved irrigation water management. In United Nations Association of Australia (Victoria) Inc National Water Conference 2003 proceedings (pp. 57-62). Melbourne. 2003 Ayars, J. E., Soppe, R. W. O., Christen, E. W., & Meyer, W. S. (2003). Drainage research needs for water management in saline environments. In ASAE Annual International Meeting Vol. 32083 (pp. Paper No 032083). Riviera Hotel and Convention Center Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 2003 Hajkowicz, S., Hatton, T., Meyer, W., McColl, J., & Young, M. (2003). Conceptual framework for planned landscape change. In Agriculture for the Australian Environment. Proceedings of the 2002 Fenner Conference on the Environment (pp. 95-108). Australia: Australian Academy of Science. 2002 Khan, S., Meyer, W. S., & Huggins, C. (2002). Water issues and tools for participative catchment management in the Lower Murrumbidgee – Australia. In HELP Symposium - Towards integrated catchment management: increasing the dialogue between scientists, policy makers and stakeholders. Kalmar, Sweden. 2002 Meyer, W. S. (2002). Lift profits by doubling yield from half the area. In SAFF/AIAST Seminar: Farming - What Rights - What Future?. Adelaide,. 2002 Meyer, W. S. (2002). Sustainable Irrigation: changing practice in the Australian Murray Darling Basin. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2002 Annual Meeting - Uniting Sciences: Solutions for the Global Community. Indianapolis, USA. 2002 Meyer, W. S., McLoed, G., & Bramston, M. (2002). Water for irrigation. Managing within environment constraints. The lower Murrumbidgee region – a case within the Australian Murray Darling Basin. In International Water Association World Water Congress. Melbourne. 2001 Meyer, W. S. (2001). Irrigation and salinity: irrigation management as a salinity mitigation option. In Proceedings of Outlook 2001 ABARE Conference Vol. 1: Natural resources (pp. 79-84). Canberra, Australia: Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 2001 Meyer, W. S. (2001). International Irrigation R&D Models: recollections from experience. In Land & Water Australia Forum - Future Organisation of the National Irrigation R&D. Canberra. 2000 Xevi, E., Humphreys, L., White, B., Godwin, D. C., Wolfe, E., & Meyer, W. S. (2000). A decision support system of maize growth for best management practices.. In D. McCaffery (Ed.), 4th Australian Maize Conference Proceedings (pp. 96-100). Griffith, NSW: NSW Ag and Anne Vince, Country Conference P/L. 2000 Godwin, D. C., Xevi, E., Meyer, W. S., Smith, D., & Humphreys, E. (2000). Use of crop models to manage water and salinity in Australia. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2000 Annual Meeting. Minneapolis. 2000 Hutson, J. L., Gillooly, J. F., & Meyer, W. S. (2000). Mapping the spatial distribution of volumetric water requirements in the Willunga basin of South Australia. In 10th Austalasian Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Conference. Adelaide, SA. 2000 Meyer, W. S. (2000). Irrigation and the competition for water (will improved water use efficiency deliver everyone's aspirations?). In Irrigation Australia 2000 Conference Vol. 15 (pp. 10). Melbourne. 2000 Meyer, W. S. (2000). Water in Australia. In US Committee on Irrigation and Drainage International Conference. Fort Collins, USA. 2000 Meyer, W. S. (2000). Some credits (or potential credits) and current status – Waterflows and Nutrients. In Environmental Credits Workshop. Canberra. 1999 Cape, J., & Meyer, W. S. (1999). Developing the national irrigation science network. In ANCID Conference. Mount Gambier, SA. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). Managing for productivity and resource conservation: Treading the muddy or dusty path. In CSIRO Land and Water, inaugural site seminar. Adelaide, SA. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). Water and Irrigated Agriculture. In Agricultural sustainability forum. Campbell, ACT. 1999 Meyer, W. S., & Godwin, D. (1999). Trees versus lucerne for water use, water table and salinity management: Results from SWAGMAN Destiny. In P. Thorburn (Ed.), Water and Salinity Issues in Agroforestry Vol. No 99/36 (pp. 36). RIRDC Publication. 1999 Meyer, W. S., & McLaughlin, M. (1999). Soil processes affecting the movement of nutrients and pollutants. In AAS National Soils Symposium: “Fixing the Foundations”. Adelaide. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). Capillary upflow from shallow water-tables - measurement and estimation. In P. Thorburn (Ed.), Water and Salinity Issues in Agroforestry No. 4 Vol. No 99/36 (pp. 33-35). RIRDC Publicastion. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). Divining for water. In Proceedings of the 10th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference (pp. 73-77). Sydney. 1999 Meyer, W. S., & Williams, J. (1999). Future farming systems. In “Success: The source of wealth” Farm Management 500 Workshop. Tanunda, SA. 1998 Meyer, W. S. (1998). An overview of emerging technologies that can assist irrigators. In ANCID, IAA, SAFF, PIRSA and DEHAA 4th Annual SA Irrigation Forum. Penola, SA. 1998 Meyer, W. S. (1998). Sustainable agriculture. In Australian Industries/Victorian Waste Management Association Waste Conference “Integrated Waste Management Strategies: Planning for Success”. Morwell, Vic. 1998 Meyer, W. S. (1998). Irrigation in the Australian water resources context. In Agribusiness Association of Australia/KPMG Water Issues Forum. Sydney, NSW. 1998 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Alocilja, E., & Madden, J. C. (1998). A multicriteria framework to identify land uses which maximize farm profitability and minimize net recharge. In S. A. ElSwaify, & D. S. Yakowitz (Eds.), MULTIPLE OBJECTIVE DECISION MAKING FOR LAND, WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (pp. 447-454). HONOLULU, HI: LEWIS PUBLISHERS INC. 1997 Meyer, W. S. (1997). Smarter irrigation - an Australian perspective. In Keynote address -Irrigation 97, Smarter Irrigation. Conference Proc.. Shepparton. 1996 Preece, K., Gibb, I., Meyer, W. S., White, B., & Goodwin, D. (1996). The effect of Dartmouth Dam on pasture productivity, Mitta Mitta Valley. In ANCOLD. Albury, NSW. 1996 Ritchie, J. T., Howell, T. A., Meyer, W. S., & Wright, J. L. (1996). Sources of biased errors in evaluating evapotranspiration equations. In C. R. Camp, E. J. Sadler, & R. E. Yoder (Eds.), Evapotranspiration and irrigation scheduling: proceedings of the international conference. San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas. 1996 Meyer, W. S. (1996). Capillary upflow from shallow water-tables - measurement and estimation. In ASSSI and NZSSS National Soils Conference Vol. 2 (pp. 183-184). University of Melbourne. 1996 Meyer, W. S., Godwin, D. C., & White, R. J. G. (1996). SWAGMAN Destiny. A tool to project productivity change due to salinity, waterlogging and irrigation management. In Proceedings of the 8th Australian Agronomy Conference (pp. 425-428). Toowoomba, QLD. 1996 Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., Godwin, D. C., & White, R. J. G. (1996). Assessing longevity and assisting management of irrigated areas using SWAGMAN® models. In IAA Conference, Australian Solution. Adelaide, SA. 1996 Meyer, W. S., White, B., & Smith, D. (1996). Water use of lucerne over shallow watertables in Australia. In Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling. Proceedings of the International Conference Vol. 18 (pp. 1140-1145). San Antonio Texas, ASAE, IAA, ICID. 1996 Godwin, D. C., & Meyer, W. S. (1996). Balancing crop production with salinity and watertable management. In SAAD Conference, IRRI. 1995 Meyer, W. S., Godwin, D. C., & White, R. J. G. (1995). SWAGMAN Destiny: Where to watertables and salinity levels in irrigated areas. In Murray Darling 1995 Workshop. Wagga Wagga, NSW. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). Irrigation research in Australia - Achievements and challenges. Irrigation in Southern Africa. In Proceedings of the Southern African Irrigation Symposium (pp. 27-33). Durban RSA: Water Research Commission Pretoria RSA. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). Results of performance of CERES in Australia. In DSSAT Workshop. Roseworthy, SA. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). SWAGMAN Destiny. In Riverina Academy of Science Meetings. Convention Centre, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). National Issues in Education and Training. In AIC Workshop. Wagga Wagga, NSW. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). We are all irrigators. In INRE Advisory Council. Albury, NSW. 1995 Thorburn, P., Couchman, H., & Meyer, W. S. (1995). Modelling capillary upflow under irrigated crops: Sensitivity to parameter variations in a numerical model. In Murray Darling 1995 Workshop. Wagga Wagga, NSW. 1994 Meyer, W. S. (1994). Australian Irrigation: Balancing rights and responsibilities, production and conservation. In Inaugural Lecture (pp. 10). Charles Sturt University, Riverina Campus. 1994 Meyer, W. S., Smith, D., Barrs, H. D., & R.J.G., W. (1994). Capillary upflow from water tables - the critical process in salinisation. In ASA CSSA SSSA Annual Meetings. Seattle USA. 1994 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Jain, S., & Sides, R. (1994). Modelling the effect of rice area, initial groundwater levels and rainfall on the extent and recharge of shallow watertables. Temperate Rice - achievements and potential. In Temperate Rice Conference Vol. 1 (pp. 325-334). Yanco. 1994 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Jain, S., & Sides, R. (1994). Modelling the effect of rice area, initial groundwater levels and rainfall on the extent and recharge of shallow watertables. In Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Temperate Rice - Potential and Achievements’. Leeton, NSW. 1994 Robbins, C., Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & White, R. J. G. (1994). SWAGMAN Whatif - an educational tool to help understand irrigation salinity. In ASA CSSA SSSA Annual Meetings. Seattle, USA. 1994 Godwin, D. C., Meyer, W. S., & Singh, U. (1994). Simulation of the effect of chilling injury and nitrogen supply on floret fertility and yield in rice. In Temperate Rice Conference. Leeton, N.S.W. 1994 Humphreys, E., Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & Smith, D. J. (1994). Estimation of evapotranspiration from rice in southern new south wales: A review. In Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture Vol. 34 (pp. 1069-1078). YANCO, AUSTRALIA: CSIRO PUBLISHING.
DOI Scopus24 WoS151994 Thorburn, P., McEwan, K., Smith, D., Schwamberger, E., & Meyer, W. S. (1994). Uptake of saline groundwater by irrigated lucerne. In Third National Workshop. Productive use of saline lands. (pp. 107-112). Echuca, Vic.. 1993 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Jain, S., & Sides, R. (1993). Modelling the impact of rice on shallow water tables. In International Conference on Environmentally Sound Water Resource Utilization. Bangkok, Thailand. 1993 Meyer, W. S. (1993). Addressing the problem of poor adoption of irrigation scheduling techniques. In Proceedings of the National Conference of the Irrigation Association of Australia and Australian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. Launceston, Tas. 1993 Meyer, W. S., & Nobel, C. L. (1993). Assessing the impact of irrigation on resources: irrigation management to meet environmental constraints. In Proceedings of the Future of Irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin (pp. 17). Griffith, NSW. 1993 Meyer, W. S., & White, R. J. G. (1993). Water and salt management - tools for irrigated areas. In Paper for Australian Association of Agricultural Consultants. Coolangatta. 1993 Bryant, M., Coffey, B., Dale, M., Davies, G., Meissner, T., Meyer, W. S., . . . Walker, R. (1993). Integrating policy, education and technology for sustainable irrigation in the Mallee region. In The Future of Irrigation in Murray-Darling Basin, Irrigation Symposium. Griffith. 1992 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Alocilja, E. C., & Barrs, H. D. (1992). SWAGMAN Options. In Third Murray Darling Basin Groundwater workshop. Renmark, South Australia. 1992 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Jain, S., & cvan der Lelij, A. (1992). SWAGSIM: A soil water and groundwater simulation model. In Third Murray-Darling Basin groundwater workshop : extended abstracts. Renmark, SA. 1992 Meyer, W. S. (1992). Sustaining irrigation areas - getting the principles right. 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Challenges for a smarter agriculture. In Occasional Address - Graduation Ceremony. Charles Sturt University Riverina. 1990 Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & Barrs, H. D. (1990). Water flux to and from shallow water-tables on two irrigated soils. In ASSSI, Riverina Branch Symposium (pp. 79-87). Albury, New South Wales: Australian Society of Soil Science Inc.. 1990 Meyer, W. S., White, R. J. G., Baer, B., & Godwin, D. C. (1990). Validating CERES rice in southern NSW to use in option development for long term salinity management. In Climatic Risk in Crop Production. International Symposium Brisbane. 1990 Prathapar, S. A., Robbins, C. W., Meyer, W. S., & Jayawardene, N. S. (1990). Predicting salinization in a heavy clay soil subjected to a saline shallow water table. In ASSS, Tetra Branch Conference. Bendigo. 1989 Meyer, W. S. (1989). Towards sustainable land use systems for south eastern Australia. In Irrigated Agriculture. ASSS, AIAS symposium. Canberra. 1988 Prathapar, S. A., & Meyer, W. S. (1988). Simulation of waterlogging in swelling clay soils. In Australian Society of Soil Science Conference. Canberra. 1988 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., & Cook, F. J. (1988). Mathematical modelling of transport in porous media: An introduction. In SIRAGCROP meeting. Yanco, NSW, Australia. 1988 Meyer, W. S., Tan, C. S., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1988). Physical modification of a transitional red-brown earth radically changes the development of soil water deficit stress in wheat. In Australian Society of Soil Science Conference. Canberra. 1987 Muirhead, W. A., Smith, R. C. G., & Meyer, W. S. (1987). The Technology - CIFR Perspective. Position paper.. In Transfer of Irrigation Technology Workshop. Yanco, NSW. 1987 Percy, H., van der Lelij, A., & Meyer, W. S. (1987). Salt and water movement from a shallow saline watertable. In Australian Society Soil Science Riverina Branch, symposium. Deniliquin, NSW. 1987 Meyer, W. S. (1987). Responses of wheat to waterlogged soils. In Australian Society of Plant Physiologists, 27th Annual General Meeting. Perth. 1987 Meyer, W. S. (1987). Further research and development needs in irrigated crop water balances in the Murray-Darling Basin. In Transfer of Irrigation Technology Workshop. Yanco, NSW. 1987 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1987). Water use and capillary contribution to irrigated wheat at Griffith, N.S.W.. In Proceedings of the 4th Australian Agronomy Conference (pp. 319). La Trobe University: Australian Society of Agronomy. 1986 Dugas, W. S., Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1986). Soil type effects on soybean water use and root growth. In American Society of Agronomy (pp. 13). 1986 Meyer, W. S., Dugas, W. A., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1986). The effect of soil type on capillary rise and soybean crop water use. In Symposium Irrigation '86 Proceedings (pp. 57-68). Darling Downs Soil and Water Studies Centre and Irrigation Association of Australia. Toowoomba. 1986 Meyer, W. S., Dugas, W. A., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1986). The effect of soil type on soybean crop water use. In Summer Crop Notes 1986 (pp. 48-54). NSW Department of Agriculture, Murray and Riverina Region: Griffith. 1985 Meyer, W. S. (1985). Irrigation scheduling - practices. In G. O. Jones, & R. J. Rendell (Eds.), Irrigation Association of Australia, Irrigation Short Course Vol. 9 (pp. 77-86). VCAH Dookie Campus. Vic. 1985 Meyer, W. S. (1985). The role of alternative crops. In Salinisation of irrigated soils in southern NSW (pp. 47-52). Irrigation Association of Australia, Riverina Branch Seminar Griffith NSW. 1985 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Jayawardane, N. S. (1985). Waterlogging as a limitation to wheat yield in an irrigated clay soil. In W. Day, & R. K. Atkin (Eds.), Wheat Growth and Modelling Vol. 86 (pp. 197-202). Plenum Publishing Company. 1985 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., Schaefer, N. L., & Smith, R. C. G. (1985). Waterlogging, soil aeration and field crop response. In Proceedings of the 3rd Australian Agronomy Conference (pp. 393). University of Tasmania: Australian Society of Agronmy. 1984 Jayawardane, N. S., & Meyer, W. S. (1984). Measurement and use of air filled porosity profiles in an irrigated swelling clay soil as an index of soil aeration. In W. A. Muirhead, & E. Humphreys (Eds.), Proceedings of root zone limitations to crop production on clay soils (pp. 1-8). Australian Society of Soil Science Inc. Riverina Branch, Griffith, NSW. 1984 Meyer, W. S., Reicosky, D. C., Barrs, H. D., & White, N. S. (1984). Root zone aeration and its affects on cotton growth and yield. In W. A. Muirhead, & E. Humphreys (Eds.), Proceedings of "Root Zone Limitations to Crop Production on Clay Soils" (pp. 77-84). ASSS, Riverina Branch. 1984 Mosier, A. R., Melhuish, F. M., & Meyer, W. S. (1984). Direct measurement of denitrification using acetylene blockage and infrared gas analysis in a root zone lysimeter. In W. A. Muirhead, & E. Humphreys (Eds.), Proceedings of “Root zone limitations to crop production on clay soils”. (pp. 101-115). ASSS Riverina Branch Griffith. 1983 Smith, R. C. G., Muirhead, W. A., & Meyer, W. S. (1983). Problems of irrigated agriculture in south east Australia. In CSIRO Executive Seminar. Centre for Irrigation Research, Griffith. 1983 Smith, R. C. G., Muirhead, W. A., Meyer, W. S., Stapper, M., Shell, G. S. G., & Speed, R. E. W. (1983). Use of computers for the management of irrigated crops: implications for research. In Computers in Agriculture Conference (pp. 93-102). 1983 Meyer, W. S. (1983). Irrigation strategy and soil aeration. In Summer Crop Notes 1983 (pp. 27-32). NSW Department of Agriculture, Griffith. 1983 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Melhuish, F. M. (1983). Root zone aeration. In CSIRO Executive Seminar. Centre for Irrigation Research, Griffith. 1983 Reicosky, D. C., Meyer, W. S., Schaefer, N. L., & Sides, R. D. (1983). Cotton plant water status under an intermittent variable water table. In American Society for Agronomy (pp. 15). 1982 Mason, W. K., Smith, R. C. G., Meyer, W. S., & Barrs, H. D. (1982). The low productivity of irrigated agriculture-is irrigation method a key factor?[Australia].[Conference paper]. In Australian Agronomy Conference (pp. 305). Wagga Wagga, NSW: Griffith Press Ltd.. 1982 Smith, R. C. G., Meyer, W. S., Blackwell, J., & Mason, W. K. (1982). Improving the productivity of Australian irrigated agriculture. In M. J. Norman (Ed.), Australian Society of Agronomy (pp. 126-141). Wagga Wagga, NSW: Griffith Press Ltd.. 1981 Mason, W. K., Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1981). Influence of crop species and soil type on soil water extraction by roots. In Abstr. 13th Inter. Bot. Congr. (pp. 253). 1981 Meyer, W. S., Mason, W. K., Barrs, H. D., & Smith, R. C. G. (1981). Water use and response of summer crops on three soil types. In Summer Crop Notes 1981 (pp. 17-25). NSW Department of Agriculture, South West Region, Griffith. 1980 Green, G. C., Moreshet, S., & Meyer, W. S. (1980). The environmental dependance and interpretation of leaf water potential measurements in citrus. In 8th International Congress of Biometeorology. Shefayin, Israel. 1979 Meyer, W. S., & Ritchie, J. T. (1979). Water use of wheat and plant indicators of available soil water. In Annual Meetings of: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America.. 1978 Ritchie, J. T., & Meyer, W. S. (1978). Dynamics of water conductance in sorghum roots. In J. L. Harley, & R. Scott Russell (Eds.), The Soil-Root Interface Symposium (pp. 431-432). Oxford. 1975 Meyer, W. S. (1975). Root extraction model. In Workshop on water availability to wheat. Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide. -
Conference Items
Year Citation 2006 Meyer, W. S. (2006). The future of irrigated horticulture - World and Australian perspective. Poster session presented at the meeting of Book of abstracts 5th International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops. Mildura. 1977 Meyer, W. S., & Ritchie, J. T. (1977). Resistance to water flow within the sorghum plant. Poster session presented at the meeting of Annual Meetings of: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America.. -
Report for External Bodies
Year Citation 2015 Meyer, W., Bryan, B., Gonzales, R., King, D., Lyle, G., Moon, T., . . . Turner, D. (2015). Climate change, community and environment: technical report: Report preparded for The Premier’s Science and Research Fund. Adelaide, South Australia: Landscape Futures Program, Environment Institute, The University of Adelaide. 2013 M.G., B., Doubleday, Z., Cassey, P., Clarke, S., Connell, S. D., Deveney, M., . . . Young, M. (2013). Spencer Gulf Ecosystem & Development Initiative: Report on Scenario Development, Stakeholder Workshops, Existing Knowledge & Information Gaps: Report for Spencer Gulf Ecosystem and Development Initiatve. 2013 Meyer, W. (2013). Adapted future landscapes: User guide. Queensland, Australia: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 2013 Meyer, W., Bryan, B., Lyle, G., McLean, J., Moon, T., Siebentritt, M., . . . Wells, R. (2013). Adapted future landscapes - from aspiration to implementation. Gold Coast, Queensland: National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility. 2012 Meyer, W. S., Bryan, B., Connor, J., Davenport, D., Fordham, A., Gonzales, R., . . . Turner, D. (2012). Climate Change, Community and Environment. Building research capability to identify climate change vulnerability and adaptation options for South Australian landscapes: The Premier’s Science and Research Fund Final Report. The Environment Institute, The University of Adelaide. 2012 King, D., Connor, J., Laughlin, I., & Meyer, W. S. (2012). Interactive land use strategic assessment (ILSA) tool: scientific methods and tool design: Report to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry FarmReady. 2012 Meyer, W. S., Connor, J., & King, D. (2012). Developing landholder capacity to adapt to climate risks and variable resource availability in the Bookpurnong and Pyap to Kingston on Murray regions of the Riverland, South Australia: Final report, February 2012. 2011 Meyer, W. S., & Tyerman, S. D. (2011). Climate change and water supply: adapting Australian primary industries: PIARN information sheet 1. 2011 Siebentritt, M., Meyer, W. S., & Spoehr, J. (2011). Adaptation and emerging opportunities plan for the SA Murray-Darling region. Milestone 4 Report. Strengthening Basin Communities Program – Planning component consultancy SBC033A.1/2 Climate change impact assessment, adaptation and emerging opportunities for the SA Murray-Darling region. 2011 Summers, D., Siebentritt, M., Sharley, T., Meyer, W. S., Bryan, B., Connor, J., & Spoehr, J. (2011). Climate change impact assessment report for the SA Murray-Darling region. Milestone 3 Report. 2010 Kellet, B., Summers, D., Barnett, K., Siebentritt, M., Meyer, W. S., & Spoehr, J. (2010). Adaptation and emerging opportunities for the SA Murray-Darling region. Milestone 2 Report. 2010 Meyer, W. S. (2010). Land use potential for forestry (Radiata Pine and Blue Gum). South East Water Science Review prepared for Lower Limestone Coast Taskforce: DWLBC report 2010/XX. 2010 Meyer, W. S., & Siebentritt, M. (2010). Strengthening Basin Communities Program – Planning component consultancy SBC033A.1/2 Climate change impact assessment, adaptation and emerging opportunities for the SA Murray-Darling region. Milestone 1 Report.. 2007 Bryan, B. A., Connor, J., Meyer, W. S., Crossman, N. D., King, D., McNeill, J., . . . Dalby, P. R. (2007). Lower Murray Landscape Futures. Vol 1, Executive Summary. Land Technology Alliance, Adelaide. 2007 Bryan, B. A., Crossman, N. D., King, D., McNeill, J., Wang, E., Barrett, G., . . . Meyer, W. S. (2007). Lower Murray Landscape Futures, Vol 2, Analysis of regional plans and landscape futures: Analysis of Regional Plans and Landscape Futures for Dryland Areas (2). Land Technology Alliance, Adelaide. 2007 Bryan, B. A., Crossman, N. D., King, D., McNeill, J., Wang, E., Barrett, G., . . . Meyer, W. S. (2007). Lower Murray Landscape Futures, Vol 3, Data Analysis, Modelling and Visualisation for Dryland Areas. 2006 Meyer, W., & Montagu, K. (2006). The irrigation industry in the murray and murrumbidgee basins.
Scopus22006 Montagu, K., Thomas, B., Thomas, G., Christen, E., Hornbuckle, J., Baillie, C., . . . Cornish, P. (2006). Understanding irrigation decisions from enterpise planning to the paddock: Land and Water Australia Series. 2006 Barton, A. B., & Meyer, W. S. (2006). An analysis of method and meteorological measurement for evapotranspiration estimation. Part 1: Results using weather data from Griffith, NSW. 2006 Barton, A. B., & Meyer, W. S. (2006). An analysis of method and meteorological measurement for evapotranspiration estimation. Part 2: Results using measured evapotranspiration and weather data from Ayr (Qld), Kununurra (WA) and Griffith (NSW): CRC for Irrigation Futures Technical Report No 04/06. 2005 Dodds, P. E., Meyer, W. S., & Barton, A. (2005). Review of methods to estimate irrigated reference crop evapotranspiration across Australia: CRC for Irrigation futures technical report No 04/05. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). The Irrigation Industry in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Basins: CRC for Irrigation Futures Technical Report No 03/05.. 2005 Meyer, W. S. (2005). Irrigation in Perspective. Irrigation in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Basins. A bird's eye view: Report for CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship and CRC for Irrigation Futures. 2005 Raine, S. R., Meyer, W. S., Rassam, D. W., & Hutson, J. L. (2005). Soil-water and salt movement associated with precision irrigation systems-research investment opportunities: Final report to the national progran for sustainable irrigation. CRCIF Report number 3.13/1. Cooperative research centre for irrigation fuitures, Toowoomba. 2003 Meyer, W. S. (2003). Lift production by doubling yield from half the area. No 133, , pp54-55.: Farming Ahead (No 133). 2003 Meyer, W. S. (2003). Water and irrigation in Australia - context and issues: Report on IAEA Technical Meeting to assess the use of isotope techniques for evaluating the impacts of irrigation practices on groundwater quality and quantity. 2003 Hajkowicz, S. A., Hatton, T., McColl, J., Meyer, W. S., & Young, M. (2003). Exploring future landscapes: a conceptual framework for planned change. Land & Water Australia. 2002 Godwin, D., Humphreys, E., Smith, D. J., Timsina, J., Xevi, E., & Meyer, W. S. (2002). Application of SWAGMAN Destiny to rice-wheat cropping systems: Modelling irrigated cropping systems, with special attention to rice-wheat sequences and raised bed planting. Griffith, NSW. 2001 Hajkowicz, S., Hatton, T., McColl, J., Meyer, W. S., & Young, M. (2001). Conceptual framework for planned landscape change: Report to Land and Water Australia. 2001 Hajkowicz, S., Hatton, T., Meyer, W. S., & Young, M. (2001). Concepts of Landscape Redesign – A background paper for Land & Water Australia. 2001 Meyer, W. S. (2001). Scoping study to identify key areas where strategic investigation, research or education is required to retain or improve soil productivity in irrigation areas: Report for Murray Darling Basin Commission Project I10008. 2000 Meyer, W. S. (2000). Water Use Efficiency. Irrigation and the competition for water (Will improved water use efficiency deliver everyone’s aspirations?): Australian Nutgrower (14, No 4). 2000 Meyer, W. S., & Khan, S. (2000). Software package lifts water efficiency: Farming ahead 104. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). Standard reference evaporation calculation for inland, south eastern Australia: Technical report 35/98. CSIRO Land and Water. 1999 Meyer, W. S. (1999). The water eaters: Ecos 100 (1999). 1999 Meyer, W. S., Smith, D. J., & Shell, G. (1999). Estimating reference evaporation and crop evapotranspiration from weather data and crop coefficients: An addendum to AWRAC Research Project 84/162. Quantifying components of the water balance under irrigated crops. Technical Report 34/98 (34). 1998 Meyer, W. S., Boland, A. M., & Reuter, D. (1998). Irrigation salinity as an integrator between soil and water and land use practice: Land and Water Audit Irrigation Salinity Assessment. 1998 Meyer, W. S., & Taylor, A. S. (1998). Audit and Strategy on Irrigation Education and Skills Development in Australia: LWRRDC Occasional Paper Series No. 21/98. Canberra. 1998 Muirhead, W. A., Charlesworth, P. B., Meyer, W. S., Miller, M. L., & Katupitiya, A. (1998). Controlled root zone irrigation. Final report to Grain Security Foundation: CSIRO Consulting Report 98/48. 1997 Shell, G., Meyer, W. S., & Smith, D. J. (1997). Guidelines on installation and maintenance of low cost automatic weather stations with particular reference to the measurement of wet bulb temperature in arid climates and the calculation of dew point temperature: Techincal report 28/97. CSIRO Land and Water. 1997 Boland, A. M., Martin, S., Jerie, P., Meyer, W. S., & Godwin, D. (1997). Project I5011 – Evaluation of Critical Irrigation Qualities for Perennial Horticulture.. 1997 Meyer, W. S., Godwin, D., White, R., & Smith, D. (1997). Irrigation requirements, effects of irrigating with cold water and interactions with fluctuating water tables on pasture production in the Mitta Mitta Valley. 1997 Meyer, W. S., Godwin, D., & White, R. J. G. (1997). SWAGMAN Destiny: A tool to project productivity change due to salinity, waterlogging and irrigation management: Role of Computer Modelling in the Development and Implementation of Land and Water Management Plans for Irrigated Catchments. 1997 Meyer, W. S. (1997). Water for food-the continuing debate. Griffith, NSW. 1996 Smith, D., Meyer, W., Barrs, H., & Schwamberger, E. (1996). Lucerne daily water use and capillary upflow using weighing lysimeters: effects of soil type and groundwater salinity.
Scopus41996 Charlesworth, P. B., & Meyer, W. S. (1996). NRMS Project M373. SIMPET. Red Cliffs Catchment 8, Water and Salt Balances through direct Measurement and Agro-Physical Modelling.: Final Report to MDBC No. 1996.. 1996 Meyer, W. S. (1996). An overview and summary of the proceedings at the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science Conference “Save Sustaining Agri-Industry Valuing the Environment”. Canberra. 1996 Meyer, W. S., Blackwell, J., & Win, M. (1996). Intelligent Irrigation: Consultancy for The Environment Management Industry Association of Australia (EMIAA). Project Development and Technology Diffusion Network. 1996 Heaney, S. (1996). Subsurface irrigation and Geotextiles. 1996 Heaney, S. (1996). Subsurface irrigation. 1996 Humphreys, E., & Meyer, W. S. (1996). How much water does rice really need?: Farmers’ Newsletter No.148 Large Area. 1995 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., Alocilja, E., & Madden, J. C. (1995). SWAGMAN Options: Consultancy Report No 95/42, report submitted to RIRDC. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). Who cares and who pays for irrigating our soils?: A food and fibre tax to save the land. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). SWAGMAN Destiny output. Report for the Wah Wah Land and Water Management Plan. 1995 Meyer, W. S. (1995). On-farm water productivity, current and potential - options, outcomes and costs: Presentation at 7th Ministerial Water Forum. NSW Sydney. 1995 Meyer, W. S., Godwin, D. C., & White, R. J. G. (1995). NRMS Cohuna Project 2137. SWAGMAN Destiny. Resource potential of shallow water tables. CSIRO. 1995 Charlesworth, P. (1995). Pasture crop water use and upflow in weighing lysimeters during. 1995 King, C., Schwamberger, E., Wallace, M., Smith, D., Meyer, W., & Thorburn, P. (1995). Water use, plant development, and capillary upflow from saline water tables in four soils for irrigated maize.
Scopus21994 Schwamberger, E. C., Meyer, W. S., & Prathapar, S. A. (1994). Determination of water flux past 800 mm depth under different combinations of soil, crop, watertable depth and rainfall in the Riverina: Final report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. Consultancy report 94/27. 1994 Smith, D. J., & Meyer, W. S. (1994). Evaluation of two sizes of "Irriguages" compared with other evaporation measures. 1994 Meyer, W. S., White, R. J. G., Smith, D. J., & Baer, B. D. (1994). Monitoring a rice crop to validate the CERES rice model.
Scopus71994 Muirhead, W. A., & Meyer, W. S. (1994). What's the future for horticulture in the Murray-Darling Basin?: Farmers' Newsletter No. 174, Horticulture.. 1994 Prathapar, S. A., & Meyer, W. S. (1994). Discussion paper for the Rice Environmental Policy Advisory Committee. 1994 Meyer, W. S. (1994). A new era for irrigated cropping. Industry Development Plan for the Southern Murray-Darling Basin Irrigated Cropping Forum: Report on Workshop 11 (21). Moama. 1994 Meyer, W. S. (1994). Optimising water management in an irrigation area which grows rice: Final report to the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation. Research and Development Project: CWN 3. 1994 Meyer, W. S. (1994). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: RIRDC Project CSI-2A. Final Report. 1994 Meyer, W. S., & Smith, D. (1994). Crop Water Requirements Coleambally 1993-94: Report to the Coleambally Irrigation Management Board. 1993 Cruwys, K., & Meyer, W. S. (1993). Date palms in Australia: Farmers newsletter (141). 1993 Sides, R., Prathapar, S., Meyer, W., & Plumb, L. (1993). Estimating recharge and monitoring the development of a water table mound from ponded rice. 1993 Smith, D., Meyer, W., & Barrs, H. (1993). Effects of soil type on maize crop daily water use and capillary upflow in weighing lysimeters during 1989/90. 1993 Owttrim, A. (1993). Modelling maize and soybean crop growth, water use and yield in the MIA. 1993 Meyer, W. S., Brown, R., Davies, G., Earl, G., & Noble, C. (1993). Irrigated Agriculture. Ch. 8 in Algal Management Strategy: Technical Advisory Group Report. 1992 Wallace, M. (1992). The effect of highly saline water tables on upflow, salt accumulation and maize growth. 1992 Schwamberger, E., & Meyer, W. S. (1992). Role of models in treatment and disposal of rural wastes. 1992 Meyer, W. S., Robbins, C. W., & Prathapar, S. A. (1992). SWAGMAN Whatif. A user guide for Salt, Water and Groundwater Management software. Griffith, NSW. 1992 Meyer, W. S. (1992). Sustainability of land and water resources used for Australia irrigated agriculture:: A research strategy position paper, water resources series No 8. 1992 Meyer, W. S., & White, R. (1992). Estimating soil salinity and productivity change over time associated with shallow, saline, water tables in irrigation areas: Report to MDBC. 1992 Meyer, W. S. (1992). Neutron and gamma probe calibration and calculation of plant available water for wheat on field 100 W, Farm 459, CSIRO Griffith NSW. 1992 Meyer, W. S. (1992). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: Progress report to RIRDC and IREC/MREC Rice Research Committee. 1992 Meyer, W., Barrs, H., & Jayawardane, N. (1992). Neutron soil water probe calibration equations for Riverina soils.
Scopus11992 Meyer, W., Mason, W., Barrs, H., & Smith, R. (1992). Calibration of the neutron soil water probe and the gamma bulk density probe for three Riverina soils, 1981/82. 1991 Meyer, W. S., Landsberg, J. J., Hirst, K. M., & Naninga, P. J. (1991). 20 Year Profile Pilot Study. Murray-Darling Basin Commission.: Report on potential yields of rice and wheat using IBSNAT DSSAT models.. 1991 Robbins, C. W., Meyer, W. S., Prathapar, S. A., & White, R. J. G. (1991). Understanding salt and sodium in soils, irrigation water and shallow groundwaters: Water Resources Series No 4. 1991 Meyer, W. S. (1991). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: Progress report to RIRDC and IREC/MREC Rice Research Committee. 1991 Meyer, W. S. (1991). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: Progress report to RIRDC and IREC/MREC Rice Research Committee. 1991 Boon, S. (1991). Monitoring water table balance under irrigated lucerne. 1990 Meyer, W. S. (1990). Guidelines for sustaining irrigated agriculture: Farmers' Newsletter. 1990 Meyer, W. S. (1990). Murray Darling Basin Commission: Comments on "Pipeline to the Sea Feasibility Study". 1990 Meyer, W. S. (1990). Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Project 8578 Review.: Project Title: "Efficient use of water in fruit production on the North China Plain". 1990 Meyer, W. S. (1990). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: Progress report to RRC/ASRRF/AWRAC. 1990 Meyer, W. S. (1990). Optimising rice production within sustainable environmental constraints: Progress report to RIRDC and IREC/MREC Rice Research Committee. 1989 Meyer, W. S. (1989). `Not a single drop to drink'. Waterlink: CSIRO Division of Water Resources Industry News. 1989 Meyer, W. S., Fleetwood, R. J., van der Lelij, A., & Percy, H. (1989). Water use and salinity studies using lysimeters: Saltforce (No 14). 1988 Percy, H., van der Lelij, A., & Meyer, W. S. (1988). Salt accumulation in soils subjected to high watertables: Report to Dept. of Water Resources. Griffith NSW. 1988 Prathapar, S. A., Meyer, W. S., & Cook, F. J. (1988). Mathematical modelling of transport in porous media: an introduction. Yanco. 1988 van der Lelij, A., Percy, H., & Meyer, W. S. (1988). Problems with wheat growing in high water-table areas. Yanco. 1988 Meyer, W. S. (1988). Development of management strategies for minimizing salinization due to irrigation: Quantifying components of the water balance under irrigated crops: AWRAC Research Project 84/162 Report. Canberra: Department of Primary Industries and Energy. 1987 Meyer, W. S., Blackwell, J., White, N. S., & Smith, R. C. G. (1987). Development, installation and instrumentation of a drainage lysimeter facility: Technical Report No. 4. Griffith, NSW. 1987 Wong, S. C., Dunin, F. X., & Meyer, W. S. (1987). Photosynthesis and transpiration of irrigated wheat (3). 1987 Meyer, W. S. (1987). Evapotranspiration and water use studies in wheat and soybeans with the help of the weighing lysimeter technique: Summary final report to the Water Research Commission on the research project entitled Evapotranspiration and Water Use Studies. South Africa: Soil and Irrigation Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Water Supply. 1987 Dunin, F. X., Barrs, H. D., Meyer, W. S., & Trevitt, A. C. F. (1987). Foliage temperature and latent heat flux of irrigated wheat (3). 1987 Dunin, F. X., Lang, A. R. G., Meyer, W. S., & Dugas, W. A. (1987). Advective errors in a field experiment with soybeans (3). 1987 Dunin, F. X., Meyer, W. S., Wong, S. C., & Reyenga, W. (1987). Micrometeorological determinations of gaseous exchange by irrigated wheat (3). 1987 Meyer, W. S., Reicosky, D. C., Shell, G. S. G., & Barrs, H. D. (1987). Equipment and procedures for rapid measurement of plant canopy evaporation and photosynthesis: Technical Report No. 5. Griffith, NSW. 1987 Meyer, W. S., Barrs, H. D., & Fleetwood, R. J. (1987). Water use and capillary contribution to irrigated wheat on two soil types (3). 1987 Meyer, W. S. (1987). Lysimeter facilities at Griffith, NSW for studying irrigation and productivity of crops growing on clay soils: ANCID Bulletin of Australian National Committee (13). 1986 van der Lelij, A., & Meyer, W. S. (1986). Characterising saline ground-water effects on soils and crops.. 1986 van der Lelij, A., & Meyer, W. S. (1986). Salt accumulation in soils subjected to high water-tables: Report to Water Resources Commission. Griffith, N.S.W.. 1986 Meyer, W. S. (1986). Water use and salinity studies using lysimeters: Farmers Newsletter (128). 1986 Meyer, W. S., Dugas, W. A., Fleetwood, R. J., & Barrs, H. D. (1986). Measurement of water balance components from two irrigated soils in the presence of a shallow water-table. 1986 Meyer, W. S., & Dunin, F. X. (1986). Calculating wheat water use: Newsletter No 4. 1984 Meyer, W. S. (1984). Root zone limitations - lysimeter studies: Newsletter No. 2. 1983 Reicosky, D. C., Meyer, W. S., Sides, R. D., Schaefer, N. L., & Blackwell, J. (1983). Variable water-table facility: Technical report.. 1982 Meyer, W. S. (1982). Autoporometer calibration: Technical report. 1981 Meyer, W. S., Smith, R. C. G., & Adeney, J. (1981). Scheduling irrigations with the aid of a computer: Information Sheet. Griffith. 1980 Meyer, W. S. (1980). Calibration of Kanemasu type diffusion porometers: Technical report. Pretoria, RSA. 1980 Meyer, W. S. (1980). Calibration of neutron soil water probes: Technical Report. Pretoria, RSA.. 1979 Meyer, W. S. (1979). Roodeplaat visitor information. Pretoria, RSA. 1976 Meyer, W. S. (1976). Embryo homology and root nomenclature in Gramineae species: Technical report. Temple, Texas U.S.A.. 1976 Meyer, W. S. (1976). Vascular arrangement in stems: Technical report. Temple, Texas, U.S.A.. -
Year Citation 1976 Meyer, W. S. (1976). Seminal roots of wheat: Manipulation of their geometry to increase the availability of soil water and to improve the efficiency of water use. -
Year Citation 1992 Meyer, W. S., Robbins, C. W., Prathapar, S. A., & White, R. J. G. (1992). SWAGMAN Whatif [Computer Software].
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2015 - 2019 Co-Supervisor Modelling effects of land-use and climate changes on catchment streamflow, sediment and nutrient loads by means of alternative and integrated models Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Hanh Hong Nguyen 2014 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Hydrological impacts of community forests in the mid-hills catchments of Kavre district, Nepal Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Manoj Badu 2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Assessing Current and Global-change Driven Behaviour of the Semi-arid Onkaparinga Catchment by Means of Spatially-explicit Simulations of Flow and Nutrient Loads Based on the Modelling Tool SWAT Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Manoj Kumar Shrestha 2013 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Soil Respiration and Ecosystem Carbon Flux in Semi-Arid Woodlands: Effect of Season, Precipitation and Wildfire Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Qiaoqi Sun 2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Getting Real: Real Options Analysis of Land Use Change in a World of Price, Yield and Climate Uncertainty Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Courtney Regan 2011 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Plant waterlogging: Causes, responses, adaptations and crop models. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Ruth Elizabeth Shaw
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