Toby Freeman

Toby Freeman

School of Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

I am an Associate Professor at Stretton Health Equity, part of the University of Adelaide's Stretton Institute. My core research interest is how to redress growing health inequities. My areas of research include primary health care, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, healthy public policy, and the social determinants of health.

I was previously a Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director at the Southgate Institute for Health, Society, and Equity at Flinders University, and a policy officer at the South Australian Council of Social Service.

My interests are around policy engaged research on health and social inequities, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health inequities, health equity in public policy, and comprehensive primary health care.

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2025 Musolino, C., Baum, F., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., McKee, M., Chi, C., . . . Villar, E. (2025). Caring During COVID-19: A Study of Intersectionality and Inequities in the Care Economy in 16 Countries. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 55(1), 16-32.
    2024 Musolino, C., Freeman, T., Flavel, J., & Baum, F. (2024). Non-government advocacy for health equity: evidence from Australia. Health Promotion International, 39(6), 12 pages.
    2024 Baum, F., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., Flavel, J., Ceukelaire, W. D., Chi, C., . . . Villar, E. (2024). Thinking politically about intersectoral action: Ideas, Interests and Institutions shaping political dimensions of governing during COVID-19. Health Policy and Planning, 39(Supplement_2), i75-i92.
    DOI Scopus1 Europe PMC1
    2024 Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Sherwood, J., Ziersch, A., O'Donnell, K., Dwyer, J., . . . Baum, F. (2024). The Benefits of Cooperative Inquiry in Health Services Research: Lessons from an Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Study. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services, 54(2), 171-182.
    DOI Scopus1
    2024 Anaf, J., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2024). Privatisation of government services in Australia: what is known about health and equity impacts. Globalization and Health, 20(1), 32-1-32-12.
    2024 Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., & Baum, F. (2024). Health promotion and the need to accelerate advocacy for health equity. Health Promotion International, 39(3), daae040-1-daae040-4.
    DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC1
    2024 Jayasinghe, K., Biros, E., Harris, T., Wood, A., O'Shea, R., Hill, L., . . . Mallett, A. J. (2024). Implementation and Evaluation of a National Multidisciplinary Kidney Genetics Clinic Network Over 10 Years. Kidney International Reports, 9(8), 2372-2385.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC1
    2024 Wahba, M., & Macintyre, P. E. (2024). Opioids for back and neck pain: the OPAL trial. . Lancet (London, England), 403(10442), 2378.
    2024 Foley, K., Freeman, T., Wood, L., Flavel, J., Parry, Y., & Baum, F. (2024). Logic modelling as hermeneutic praxis: Bringing knowledge systems into view during comprehensive primary health care planning for homelessness in Australia. Health, 28(5), 673-697.
    2023 Windle, A., Javanparast, S., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2023). Factors that influence evidence-informed meso-level regional primary health care planning: a qualitative examination and conceptual framework. Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1), 1-13.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC1
    2023 Flavel, J., Wood, L., Freeman, T., Vallesi, S., Foley, K., Parry, Y., & Baum, F. (2023). Counting homelessness: Working creatively to generate complex descriptive profiles of the health and demographics of people experiencing homelessness in Adelaide. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58(3), 669-684.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1
    2023 Fisher, M., Harris, P., Freeman, T., George, E., & Baum, F. (2023). Universal and Targeted Policy for Health Equity in the
    Neoliberal Era : A Response to the Recent Commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12(1), 7998-1-7998-2.

    DOI Scopus1
    2023 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Musolino, C., Flavel, J., McKee, M., Chi, C., . . . Villar, E. (2023). Illustrating the impact of commercial determinants of health on the global COVID-19 pandemic: Thematic analysis of 16 country case studies. Health Policy, 134, 104860-1-104860-11.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS2 Europe PMC3
    2023 Anderson, P., Davis, M., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2023). A constitutional Voice in parliament would improve the health of Aboriginal Australians. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 382, 1828-1-1828-2.
    2023 Windle, A., Javanparast, S., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2023). Evaluating local primary health care actions to address health inequities: analysis of Australia’s Primary Health Networks. International Journal for Equity in Health, 22(1), 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus5 Europe PMC2
    2022 Baum, F., Dollard, M., Fisher, M., Freeman, T., & Newman, L. (2022). The Corporate University and its Impact on Health in Australia*. SOCIAL ALTERNATIVES, 41(1), 52-62.
    2022 Schram, A., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., Harris, P., . . . Friel, S. (2022). Promoting action on structural drivers of health inequity: principles for policy evaluation. Evidence and Policy: a journal of research, debate and practice, 18(4), 761-775.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1
    2022 Musolino, C., Van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., MacDougall, C., Williams, C., & Baum, F. (2022). Reviving health promotion in South Australia: The role of ideas, actors and institutional forces. Health Promotion International, 37(6), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC2
    2022 Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S., McDermott, D., & Baum, F. (2022). Why are Indigenous Affairs Policies Framed in ways that Undermine Indigenous Health and Equity? Examining Australia’s Northern Territory Emergency Response. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 13(2), 1-21.
    DOI Scopus1
    2022 Flavel, J., McKee, M., Tesfay, F. H., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., van Eyk, H., & Baum, F. (2022). Explaining health inequalities in Australia: the contribution of income, wealth and employment. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 28(6), 474-481.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2022 Freeman, T., Townsend, B., Mackean, T., Musolino, C., Friel, S., & Baum, F. (2022). Advancing Indigenous self-determination and health equity: Lessons from a failed Australian public policy. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, 100117-1-100117-10.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS1
    2022 Flavel, J., Musolino, C., & Freeman, T. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities. Medical Journal of Australia, 217(6), 325.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2022 Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Friel, S., & Baum, F. (2022). Universal Health Coverage for Health Equity: From Principle to Practice; A Response to the Recent Commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11(8), 1601-1603.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC2
    2022 Flavel, J., McKee, M., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., Van Eyk, H., Tesfay, F. H., & Baum, F. (2022). The need for improved Australian data on social determinants of health inequities. Medical Journal of Australia, 216(8), 388-391.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS6 Europe PMC4
    2022 Roesler, A., Musolino, C., Eyk, H., Flavel, J., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., . . . Baum, F. (2022). Conducting a rapid health promotion audit in suburban Adelaide, South Australia: Can it contribute to revitalising health promotion?. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(2), 488-498.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1
    2022 Freeman, T., Fisher, M., Foley, K., Boyd, M. A., Ward, P. R., McMichael, G., . . . Dekker, G. (2022). Barriers to digital health services among people living in areas of socioeconomic disadvantage: Research from hospital diabetes and antenatal clinics.. Health Promot J Austr, 33(3), 751-757.
    DOI Scopus4 Europe PMC1
    2022 Fisher, M., Harris, P., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., George, E., Friel, S., & Baum, F. (2022). Implementing universal and targeted policies for health equity: lessons from Australia. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11(10), 2308-2318.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS9 Europe PMC10
    2022 Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Ziersch, A., & Freeman, T. (2022). A Framework to Determine the Extent to Which Regional Primary Healthcare Organisations Are Comprehensive or Selective in Their Approach. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 11(4), 479-488.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2 Europe PMC1
    2021 Friel, S., Townsend, B., Fisher, M., Harris, P., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2021). Power and the people's health. Social Science and Medicine, 282, 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus49 WoS27 Europe PMC21
    2021 Windle, A., Javanparast, S., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2021). Assessing organisational capacity for evidence-informed health policy and planning: an adaptation of the ORACLe tool for Australian primary health care organizations. Health Research Policy and Systems, 19(1), 25-1-25-11.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC1
    2021 Baum, F., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., Abramovitz, M., De Ceukelaire, W., Flavel, J., . . . Villar, E. (2021). Explaining covid-19 performance: What factors might predict national responses?. The BMJ, 372, 4 pages.
    DOI Scopus81 WoS45 Europe PMC39
    2021 Neadley, K. E., McMichael, G., Freeman, T., Browne-Yung, K., Baum, F., Pretorius, E., . . . Boyd, M. A. (2021). Capturing the social determinants of health at the individual level: a pilot study.. Public health research & practice, 31(2), 1-7.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS7 Europe PMC9
    2021 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Javanparast, S., Ziersch, A., Mackean, T., & Windle, A. (2021). Challenges facing primary health care in federated government systems: Implementation of Primary Health Networks in Australian states and territories. Health Policy, 125(4), 495-503.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS10 Europe PMC7
    2021 Baum, F., & Freeman, T. (2021). Why Community Health Systems Have Not Flourished in High Income Countries: What the Australian Experience Tells Us. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, 11(1), 49-58.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS6 Europe PMC10
    2021 Browne–Yung, K., Ziersch, A., Friel, S., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2021). Deindustrialising economies, plant closures and affected communities: Identifying potential pathways to health inequities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33(3), 5 pages.
    DOI Scopus1
    2021 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Javanparast, S., Labonté, R., Lawless, A., & Barton, E. (2021). The contribution of group work to the goals of comprehensive primary health care. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 32(1), 126-136.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC2
    2021 Foley, K., Freeman, T., Ward, P., Lawler, A., Osborne, R., & Fisher, M. (2021). Exploring access to, use of and benefits from population-oriented digital health services in Australia. Health Promotion International, 36(4), 1105-1115.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS20 Europe PMC18
    2020 Freeman, T., Gesesew, H. A., Bambra, C., Giugliani, E. R. J., Popay, J., Sanders, D., . . . Baum, F. (2020). Why do some countries do better or worse in life expectancy relative to income? An analysis of Brazil, Ethiopia, and the United States of America. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 19 pages.
    DOI Scopus59 WoS24 Europe PMC30
    2020 Baum, F., Townsend, B., Fisher, M., Browne-Yung, K., Freeman, T., Ziersch, A., . . . Friel, S. (2020). Creating Political Will for Action on Health Equity: Practical Lessons for Public Health Policy Actors. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, 11(7), 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus30 WoS14 Europe PMC17
    2020 Fisher, I. M., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Friel, S., & Baum, F. (2020). Universal Health Coverage for Non-communicable Diseases and Health Equity: Lessons From Australian Primary Healthcare. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY AND MANAGEMENT, 11(5), 11 pages.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS18 Europe PMC22
    2020 Townsend, B., Friel, S., Freeman, T., Schram, A., Strazdins, L., Labonte, R., . . . Baum, F. (2020). Advancing a health equity agenda across multiple policy domains: A qualitative policy analysis of social, trade and welfare policy. BMJ Open, 10(11), 9 pages.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS9 Europe PMC9
    2020 Musolino, C., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Labonté, R., Bodini, C., & Sanders, D. (2020). Global health activists' lessons on building social movements for Health for All. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19(1), 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS13 Europe PMC9
    2020 Ziersch, A., Freeman, T., Javanparast, S., Mackean, T., & Baum, F. (2020). Regional primary health care organisations and migrant and refugee health: the importance of prioritisation, funding, collaboration and engagement. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 44(2), 152-159.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS9 Europe PMC6
    2020 Baum, F., Ziersch, A., Freeman, T., Javanparast, S., Henderson, J., & Mackean, T. (2020). Strife of Interests: Constraints on integrated and co-ordinated comprehensive PHC in Australia. Social Science and Medicine, 248, 9 pages.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS12 Europe PMC11
    2020 Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Schram, A., Baum, F., & Friel, S. (2020). Implementing policy on next-generation broadband networks and implications for equity of access to high speed broadband: A case study of Australia's NBN. Telecommunications Policy, 44(7), 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS6
    2019 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Mackean, T., Ziersch, A., Sherwood, J., Edwards, T., & Boffa, J. (2019). Case study of a decolonising Aboriginal community controlled comprehensive primary health care response to alcohol-related harm. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(6), 532-537.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC2
    2019 Browne-Yung, K., Freeman, T., Battersby, M., McEvoy, D. R., & Baum, F. (2019). Developing a screening tool to recognise social determinants of health in Australian clinical settings. Public Health Research and Practice, 29(4), 1-6.
    DOI Scopus16 WoS12 Europe PMC9
    2019 Barton, E., Freeman, T., Baum, F., Javanparast, S., & Lawless, A. (2019). The feasibility and potential use of case-tracked client journeys in primary healthcare: A pilot study. BMJ Open, 9(5), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC3
    2019 Henderson, J., Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Fuller, J., Ziersch, A., & Mackean, T. (2019). Interagency collaboration in primary mental health care: Lessons from the Partners in Recovery program. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 13(1), 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS5 Europe PMC5
    2019 Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Ziersch, A., Henderson, J., & Mackean, T. (2019). Collaborative population health planning between Australian primary health care organisations and local government: lost opportunity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 43(1), 68-74.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS14 Europe PMC9
    2019 Henderson, J., Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Ziersch, A., Mackean, T., & Fuller, J. (2019). The governance of primary mental health planning by Primary Health Networks. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 54(3), 267-284.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS2
    2019 Freeman, T., Fisher, M., Baum, F., & Friel, S. (2019). Healthy infrastructure: Australian National Broadband Network policy implementation and its importance to health equity. Information Communication and Society, 22(10), 1414-1431.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS10
    2019 Baugh Littlejohns, L., Baum, F., Lawless, A., & Freeman, T. (2019). Disappearing health system building blocks in the health promotion policy context in South Australia (2003–2013). Critical Public Health, 29(2), 228-240.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS10
    2018 Schram, A., Friel, S., Freeman, T., Fisher, M., Baum, F., & Harris, P. (2018). Digital Infrastructure as a Determinant of Health Equity: An Australian Case Study of the Implementation of the National Broadband Network. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 77(4), 829-842.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS12
    2018 Windle, A., Fisher, I., Freeman, T., Baum, F., Javanparast, S., Kay, A., & Kidd, M. (2018). Increased private health fund involvement in Australia's primary health care: Implications for health equity. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 53(4), 338-354.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS5
    2018 Javanparast, S., Windle, A., Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2018). Community health worker programs to improve healthcare access and equity: Are they only relevant to low-and middle-income countries?. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(10), 943-954.
    DOI Scopus87 WoS58 Europe PMC57
    2018 Baugh Littlejohns, L., Baum, F., Lawless, A., & Freeman, T. (2018). The value of a causal loop diagram in exploring the complex interplay of factors that influence health promotion in a multisectoral health system in Australia. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16(1), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus75 WoS44 Europe PMC39
    2018 Lee, J., Schram, A., Riley, E., Harris, P., Baum, F., Fisher, I. M., . . . Friel, S. (2018). Addressing health equity through action on the social determinants of health: A global review of policy outcome evaluation methods. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(7), 581-592.
    DOI Scopus23 WoS12 Europe PMC13
    2018 Freeman, T., Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Ziersch, A., & Mackean, T. (2018). A framework for regional primary health care to organise actions to address health inequities. International Journal of Public Health, 63(5), 567-575.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC8
    2018 Javanparast, S., Freeman, T., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Ziersch, A., Mackean, T., . . . Sanders, D. (2018). How institutional forces, ideas and actors shaped population health planning in Australian regional primary health care organisations. BMC Public Health, 18(1), 16 pages.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS16 Europe PMC10
    2018 Bentley, M., Freeman, T., Baum, F., & Javanparast, S. (2018). Interprofessional teamwork in comprehensive primary healthcare services: Findings from a mixed methods study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(3), 274-283.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS15 Europe PMC11
    2018 Baum, F., Popay, J., Delany-Crowe, T., Freeman, T., Musolino, C., Alvarez-Dardet, C., . . . Sanders, D. (2018). Punching above their weight: A network to understand broader determinants of increasing life expectancy. International Journal for Equity in Health, 17(1), 5 pages.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS9 Europe PMC6
    2018 Javanparast, S., Maddern, J., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Lawless, A., Labonté, R., & Sanders, D. (2018). Change management in an environment of ongoing primary health care system reform: A case study of Australian primary health care services. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 33(1), e76-e88.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS14 Europe PMC6
    2018 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Labonté, R., Javanparast, S., & Lawless, A. (2018). Primary health care reform, dilemmatic space and risk of burnout among health workers. Health (United Kingdom), 22(3), 277-297.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC6
    2018 Henderson, J., Javanparast, S., MacKean, T., Freeman, T., Baum, F., & Ziersch, A. (2018). Commissioning and equity in primary care in Australia: Views from Primary Health Networks. Health and Social Care in the Community, 26(1), 80-89.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS23 Europe PMC14
    2017 Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Labonte, R., Ziersch, A. M., Kidd, M. R., & Mackean, T. (2017). Lessons from medicare locals for primary health networks. Medical Journal of Australia, 207(2), 54-55.e1.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC3
    2017 Baum, F., Freeman, T., Lawless, A., Labonte, R., & Sanders, D. (2017). What is the difference between comprehensive and selective primary health care? Evidence from a five-year longitudinal realist case study in South Australia. BMJ Open, 7(4), 8 pages.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS13 Europe PMC10
    2016 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Javanparast, S., Jolley, G., Labonté, R., . . . Sanders, D. (2016). Revisiting the ability of Australian primary healthcare services to respond to health inequity. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 22(4), 332-338.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS18 Europe PMC12
    2016 Baum, F., Freeman, T., Sanders, D., Labonté, R., Lawless, A., & Javanparast, S. (2016). Comprehensive primary health care under neo-liberalism in Australia. Social Science and Medicine, 168, 43-52.
    DOI Scopus56 WoS46 Europe PMC34
    2016 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Labonté, R., Sanders, D., Boffa, J., . . . Javanparast, S. (2016). Case study of an aboriginal community-controlled health service in australia: Universal, rights-based, publicly funded comprehensive primary health care in action. Health and Human Rights, 18(2), 93-108.
    Scopus30 WoS20 Europe PMC15
    2016 Freeman, T., Baum, F. E., Jolley, G. M., Lawless, A., Edwards, T., Javanparast, S., & Ziersch, A. (2016). Service providers' views of community participation at six Australian primary healthcare services: Scope for empowerment and challenges to implementation. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 31(1), E1-E21.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS19 Europe PMC15
    2015 Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Barton, E., Freeman, T., Lawless, A., Fuller, J., . . . Kidd, M. R. (2015). Medicare local-local health network partnerships in South Australia: Lessons for primary health networks. Medical Journal of Australia, 203(5), 219.e1-219.e6.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS7 Europe PMC6
    2014 Jolley, G., Freeman, T., Baum, F., Hurley, C., Lawless, A., Bentley, M., . . . Sanders, D. (2014). Health policy in South Australia 2003-10: Primary health care workforce perceptions of the impact of policy change on health promotion. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 25(2), 116-124.
    DOI Scopus24 WoS19 Europe PMC14
    2014 Anaf, J., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Labonte, R., Javanparast, S., Jolley, G., . . . Bentley, M. (2014). Factors shaping intersectoral action in primary health care services. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38(6), 553-559.
    DOI Scopus31 WoS24 Europe PMC15
    2014 Freeman, T., Jolley, G., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Javanparast, S., & Labonté, R. (2014). Community assessment workshops: A group method for gathering client experiences of health services. Health and Social Care in the Community, 22(1), 47-56.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS9 Europe PMC5
    2014 Baum, F., Freeman, T., Jolley, G., Lawless, A., Bentley, M., Värttö, K., . . . Sanders, D. (2014). Health promotion in Australian multi-disciplinary primary health care services: Case studies from South Australia and the Northern Territory. Health Promotion International, 29(4), 705-719.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS16 Europe PMC10
    2014 Lawless, A., Freeman, T., Bentley, M., Baum, F., & Jolley, G. (2014). Developing a good practice model to evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive primary health care in local communities. BMC Family Practice, 15(1), 9 pages.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS26 Europe PMC24
    2014 Freeman, T., Edwards, T., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Jolley, G., Javanparast, S., & Francis, T. (2014). Cultural respect strategies in Australian Aboriginal primary health care services: Beyond education and training of practitioners. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 38(4), 355-361.
    DOI Scopus64 WoS50 Europe PMC32
    2013 Baum, F. E., Legge, D. G., Freeman, T., Lawless, A., Labonté, R., & Jolley, G. M. (2013). The potential for multi-disciplinary primary health care services to take action on the social determinants of health: Actions and constraints. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus68 WoS30 Europe PMC45
    2013 Roche, A. M., Duraisingam, V., Trifonoff, A., Battams, S., Freeman, T., Tovell, A., . . . Bates, N. (2013). Sharing stories: Indigenous alcohol and other drug workers' well-being, stress and burnout. Drug and Alcohol Review, 32(5), 527-535.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS22 Europe PMC14
    2012 Freeman, T., Roche, A. M., Williamson, P., & Pidd, K. (2012). What factors need to be addressed to support dental hygienists to assist their patients to quit smoking?. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 14(9), 1040-1047.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS9 Europe PMC6
    2012 Baum, F., Freeman, T., Lawless, A., & Jolley, G. (2012). Community development: Improving patient safety by enhancing the use of health services. Australian Family Physician, 41(6), 424-428.
    Scopus14 WoS12 Europe PMC8
    2011 Freeman, T., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Jolley, G., Labonte, R., Bentley, M., & Boffa, J. (2011). Reaching those with the greatest need: How Australian primary health care service managers, practitioners and funders understand and respond to health inequity. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 17(4), 355-361.
    DOI Scopus24 WoS23 Europe PMC19
    2011 Wiese, M., Jolley, G., Baum, F., Freeman, T., & Kidd, M. (2011). Australia's systems of primary healthcare: The need for improved coordination and implications for Medicare Locals. Australian Family Physician, 40(12), 995-999.
    Scopus15 WoS12 Europe PMC10
    2011 Freeman, T., White, V. M., & Roche, A. M. (2011). Which Australian secondary school students are at risk of illicit drug use?. Drug and Alcohol Review, 30(6), 589-596.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS4 Europe PMC1
    2011 Freeman, T., Roche, A. M., Williamson, P., & Pidd, K. (2011). Hazardous alcohol use interventions with emergency patients: Self-reported practices of nurses, and predictors of behaviour. EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 23(4), 479-489.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS12 Europe PMC2
    2009 Skinner, N., Roche, A. M., Freeman, T., & McKinnon, A. (2009). Health professionals' attitudes towards AOD-related work: Moving the traditional focus from education and training to organizational culture. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 16(3), 232-249.
    DOI Scopus48 WoS45
    2009 Roche, A. M., Pidd, K., & Freeman, T. (2009). Achieving professional practice change: From training to workforce development. Drug and Alcohol Review, 28(5), 550-557.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS16 Europe PMC7
    2009 Roche, A. M., Bywood, P., Pidd, K., Freeman, T., & Steenson, T. (2009). Drug testing in Australian schools: Policy implications and considerations of punitive, deterrence and/or prevention measures. International Journal of Drug Policy, 20(6), 521-528.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS14 Europe PMC10
    2008 Roche, A. M., Pidd, K., Bywood, P., & Freeman, T. (2008). Methamphetamine use among Australian workers and its implications for prevention. Drug and Alcohol Review, 27(3), 334-341.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS17 Europe PMC6
    2007 Skinner, N., Feather, N. T., Freeman, T., & Roche, A. (2007). Stigma and discrimination in health-care provision to drug users: The role of values, affect, and deservingness judgments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 37(1), 163-186.
    DOI Scopus64 WoS55
    2006 Edwards, D., Freeman, T., & Gilbert, A. (2006). Pharmacists' role in smoking cessation: An examination of current practice and barriers to service provision. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 14(4), 315-317.
    DOI Scopus17
    2006 Edwards, D., Freeman, T., Litt, J., & Roche, A. M. (2006). GPs' confidence in and barriers to implementing smoking cessation activities: Compared to dentists, dental hygienists and pharmacists. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 12(3), 117-125.
    DOI Scopus10
    2006 Roche, A. M., Freeman, T., & Skinner, N. (2006). From data to evidence, to action: Findings from a systematic review of hospital screening studies for high risk alcohol consumption. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 83(1), 1-14.
    DOI Scopus71 WoS66 Europe PMC41
    2006 Edwards, D., Freeman, T., & Roche, A. M. (2006). Dentists' and dental hygienists' role in smoking cessation: An examination and comparison of current practice and barriers to service provision. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 17(2), 145-151.
    DOI Scopus36 Europe PMC24
    2005 Skinner, N., Roche, A. M., Freeman, T., & Addy, D. (2005). Responding to alcohol and other drug issues: The effect of role adequacy and role legitimacy on motivation and satisfaction. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 12(6), 449-463.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS24
    2004 Roche, A. M., & Freeman, T. (2004). Brief interventions: Good in theory but weak in practice. Drug and Alcohol Review, 23(1), 11-18.
    DOI Scopus110 WoS98 Europe PMC65
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2024 Freeman, T., & Baum, F. (2024). THE NEED FOR COMPREHENSIVE PRIMARY HEALTHCARE. In D. Primrose, R. Loeppky, & R. Chang (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Health and Healthcare (pp. 432-443). Routledge.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2020 Baum, F., Townsend, B., Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Harris, P., Browne-Yung, K., & Friel, S. (2020). Gaining political will for actions to achieve health equity: lessons from Australia for advocates. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Vol. 30 (pp. 1 page). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2018 Ziersch, A., Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Henderson, J., & Mackean, T. (2018). 'They're not the flavour of the month': regional primary health care organisations and primary health care for migrants and people from refugee backgrounds in Australia. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH Vol. 28 (pp. 45). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
    2018 Ziersch, A., Javanparast, S., Baum, F., Freeman, T., Henderson, J., & Mackean, T. (2018). 2.5-O8‘They’re not the flavour of the month’: regional primary health care organisations and primary health care for migrants and people from refugee backgrounds in Australia. In European Journal of Public Health Vol. 28. Oxford University Press (OUP).
  • Conference Items

    Year Citation
    2024 Freeman, T., Bryan-Hancock, J., Baum, F., Fisher, M., van den Berg, M., Jureidini, J., . . . Folwell, B. (2024). Australia’s workface programs and risk of suicide: implications for public health. Poster session presented at the meeting of SA Population Health conference.
  • Report for External Bodies

    Year Citation
    2020 Musolino, C., Baum, F., Womersley, R., Van Eyk, H., Freeman, T., Flavel, J., & Earl, C. (2020). SA: The Heaps Unfair State: Why have Health Inequities Increased in South Australia and how can this be Reversed?.
    2019 Flavel, J., Baum, F., Musolino, C., Freeman, T., & van Eyk, H. (2019). SA: The Heaps Unfair State: The Statistical Report..

Freeman, T., Baum, F., Fisher, M., Vandenberg, M., Jureidini, J., Larkin, S., Raven, M., & Walsh, J. (2023). Work and unemployment: vital to effective suicide prevention. MRFF Mental Health Research, $904,604.

Baum, F., & Freeman, T. (2023). Using collaborative systems modelling to understand complex health and wellbeing promotion issues. Wellbeing SA, $40,000.

Baum, F., Freeman, T., Williams, C. (2023). Building Equity in to Health in All Policies. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law, and Economics, Adelaide University, Wellbeing SA, and Healthy Tasmania, $30,000.

Fisher, M., Freeman, T., Vandenberg, M., & Baum, F. (2022). Priority populations in mental health and suicide prevention. National Mental Health Commission, $183,821.

Baum, F., Popay, J., Labonte, R., Kidd, M., Freeman, T., Gesesew, H., Fisher, M., Friel, S., Miller, E., &Musolino, C. (2020). Do Punching Above Weight Countries respond better to a pandemic? World Bank, $US50,000.

Baum, F., Anderson, W., Freeman, T., Lewis, V., Mackean, T., MacDougall, C., Osborne, K., & Legge, D. (2020). A History of Community Health in Australia. ARC, $265,000.

Baum, F., Delany-Crowe, T., van Eyk, H., Williams, C., Freeman, T., MacDougall, C., Fisher, M., Musolino, C., McGreevy, M., Barredo, M., Phillips, P., & Craig, J. (2018). Healthy South: Testing the feasibility of the rapid translation of Health in All Policies (HiAP) ideas to create healthy urban environments, create health promoting health services and stem the non-communicable disease epidemic in the Southern area of Adelaide. SA Academic Health Science and Translation Centre Rapid Applied Research Translation for Health Impact Grant, $199,863.

Freeman, T., Fisher, M., Ward, P., Osborne, R., Lawler, T., Biggs, J., & Robinson, M. (2017). Equity in access to, use of, and benefits from digital health strategies. Innovation Partnership Seed Grant, Flinders University, $50,000.

Baum, F., Freeman, T., Mackean, T., Sherwood, J., Ziersch, A., Askew, D., Browne, A., Dwyer, J., & Kidd, M. (2017) Decolonising practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary health care. National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant, $1.45m.

Baum, F., Javanparast, S., Fuller, J., Lawless, A., Reed, R., Ziersch, A., Freeman, T., & Mackean, T. (2013). Regional Primary Health Care Organisations: Population health planning, participation, equity and the extent to which initiatives are comprehensive. National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant, $1.0m.

I am available for Research Higher Degree supervision.

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Co-Supervisor To what extent have the practises of Victorian community health centres reflected the principles of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and subsequent WHO Global Health Promotion Conference documents? Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Mr Richard Charles John Porter
    2024 Co-Supervisor The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 Labour Market Changes in Australia: A Longitudinal Study and Policy Analysis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Nikita Khanna

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