Tika Hanjani
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
School of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Language Competencies
Language Competency English Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Title Institution name Country 2022 Green Building Profesional Green Building Council Indonesia Indonesia 2020 Green Building Associate Green Building Council Indonesia Indonesia
Year Citation 2024 Hanjani, T., Dewi, O. C., & Putra, N. (2024). Analysing light pipe two-side aperture in dense population housing to improve the visual and thermal condition. Energy and Built Environment, 5(5), 787-799.
Scopus22023 Dewi, O. C., Putra, N., Yatim, A., Mahlia, T. M. I., Rahmasari, K., Hanjani, T., . . . Izzatur, N. (2023). Zoning and activity-based post occupancy evaluation of multipurpose auditorium in campus facility. Energy and Buildings, 295, 11 pages.
Scopus5- Hadini, M. H., Dewi, O. C., Putra, N. S. D., & Hanjani, T. (n.d.). Heat gain reduction and cooling energy minimization through building envelope material. ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 8(1), 73-82.
- Heindri, N., Candra Dewi, O., Putra, N., Flynn, A., Hanjani, T., & Rahmasari, K. (n.d.). Vertical Greenery Systems as Microbial Air Quality Filters for Community Houses Located Near the Landfill Site. International Journal of Technology, 15(5), 1361.
- Dewi, O. C., Rahmasari, K., Hanjani, T. A., Ismoyo, A. D., & Dugar, A. M. (n.d.). Window-to-Wall Ratio as a Mode of Daylight Optimization for an Educational Building with Opaque Double-Skin Façade. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 30(1), 142-152.
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