Tanya Zivkovic

Dr Tanya Zivkovic

ARC Externally Funded Research Fellow (C)

School of Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Tanya Zivkovic, PhD, is a social anthropologist whose research explores the body and cultural trajectories of the life course. She previously held an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award in the School of Social Sciences and has been awarded a Future Fellowship to explore organ donation in culturally diverse settings.


Date Project/ No. Investigators Funding Body Amount
2023-2026 Situating care: Addressing obesity in disadvantaged communities Prof Megan Warin; Dr Tanya Zivkovic; Prof JaneMaree Maher; Mrs Danielle Abbott. Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage $408,000
2024-2020 Critical Conversations: An Ethnographic Study of Australian Organ Donation Dr Tanya Zivkovic Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship $821,000
2023-2017 Investigating the Inclusion of Vulnerable Populations in Advance Care Planning: Developing Complex and Sensitive Public Policy Associate Professor Jaklin Eliott, Professor Ian Olver, Professor Gregory Crawford, Dr Teresa Burgess, Associate Professor Terry Dunbar, Associate Professor Bernadette Richards, Dr Tanya Zivkovic, Dr Debbie Faulkner, Ms Michele McKinnon National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnership Project  $782,000
2019 Family by Family: Addressing childhood obesity through local understandings and local solutions Professor Megan Warin, Dr Tanya Zivkovic, Professor JaneMaree Maher Channel 7 Children's Research Fund $74,000
2016-2015 Hearing the Voices of the Vulnerable in End-of-Life Care Planning Professor Gregory Crawford, Dr Teresa Burgess, Associate Professor Jaklin Eliott, Associate Professor Bernadette Richards, Dr Tanya Zivkovic, Associate Professor Alwin Chong, Dr Debbie Faulkner Northern Communities Health Foundation $25,000
2018-2015        Last Rights? Supporting End-of-life Care in a Culturally Diverse Society Dr Tanya Zivkovic Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)  $327,612
2014 Barbara Kidman Postdoctoral Fellowship Dr Tanya Zivkovic University of Adelaide $30,000
2012 Tibetanising Bacteriology: The Cultural Transformations of Biomedicine  Dr Tanya Zivkovic Australian Endeavour Postdoctoral Research Award (India) $25,000
2011 In-Between Bodies: The Biographical Process of Tibetanised Lamas Dr Tanya Zivkovic Centro Incontri Umani, Ascona, Switzerland $14,000


2024 Qualitative Research Methods in the Social Sciences

2024 Sociological Research Project

2019 Honours Coordinator Sociology, Criminology and Gender Studies

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2022 Principal Supervisor Coming of Age With Three Kidneys: An Ethnographic Exploration of How Young Kidney Transplant Recipients Navigate the Transition to Adulthood and Adult Care Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Caitlin Jane Fox
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2023 Co-Supervisor Embodied Measuring: Outwitting Type 2 Diabetes in Middle Class Urban India Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Pallavi Laxmikanth
    2016 - 2020 Co-Supervisor At Home in a Nursing Home: On Movement and Care Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Angela Rong Yang Zhang
    2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Navigating “madness” and “fatness”: distorted spatiotemporalities in experiences of antipsychotic-induced weight gain Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Tara Lee Bates
    2013 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Assemblages of Care: Why Women with Disordered Eating are Ambivalent to Seek Therapeutic Care Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Connie Marguerite Musolino
  • Position: ARC Externally Funded Research Fellow (C)
  • Email: tanya.zivkovic@adelaide.edu.au
  • Fax: 83134388
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Org Unit: School of Social Sciences

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