Steven Stolz

Dr Steven Stolz

Senior Lecturer

School of Education

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

BEd (secondary), GradDipTh (theology), MA (philosophy), PhD (philosophy)


Brief Overview:
Steven Stolz, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer (Teaching & Research) and former Program Director (Master of Teaching) at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Before becoming an academic, Dr Stolz completed a Bachelor of Education (BEd), and then taught for 10 as a secondary school teacher across a diverse array of curriculum areas in various jurisdictions in Australia. Whilst teaching, he completed a Graduate Diploma of Theology (GradDipTh), a Master of Arts (MA), and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) [latter two in philosophy]. Since becoming an academic, he has received a number of notable academic awards and distinctions, and accepted various invitations to be a visiting scholar in the US, UK and Australia, as well as other accolades. Dr Stolz has over a decade of experience as an academic in the tertiary sector. During this time, he has taught different courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, supervised postgraduate research students to completion, held various informal and formal leadership roles, demonstrated an active research agenda (e.g., 50+ publications), been awarded assorted grants, engaged in extensive service to the community, academic disciplines, professional associations, and also worked at other higher education institutions in Australia (i.e., Melbourne). He is still a fully registered secondary school teacher, and is passionate about education and philosophy.

His scholarship is best described as interdisciplinary in nature because it is located at the intersection between philosophy and education. He is passionate about philosophy and education, and hence why he is interested in, and also an expert in the area of educational philosophy and theory. He has a particular interest in the works of Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau-Ponty, Ryle, Wittgenstein, Dreyfus, Nagel, Kaufmann, R. S. Peters, P. H. Hirst, MacIntyre, and other influential thinkers.

Dr Stolz is the former Convener (2013-2023) of the Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) “Educational Philosophy & Theory” special interest group, and currently associate staff member of the Philosophy Department at the University of Adelaide. In addition, he is a regular reviewer for a range of academic journals, and currently an editorial board member for the following academic journals: "Educational Philosophy and Theory", and "Educational Theory".

Main Field of Research (FoR) area: FoR code 3902 (i.e., “Education policy, sociology and philosophy”), particularly FoR code 390202 (i.e., “History and philosophy of education”). Other areas of research and interest, include:

- epistemology/educational epistemology;
- phenomenology/applied phenomenology;
- embodiment/embodied cognition/embodied learning;
- narrative/narrative inquiry;
- ethics/applied ethics;
- social justice/justice/jurisprudence;
- curriculum studies/teaching/secondary education;
- educational policy and practice;
- theology/religious education;
- qualitative approaches to research;
- psychology/psychology of learning/learning sciences;
- moral education; &,
- virtue and character development, particularly the Bildung tradition.

Dr Stolz supervises HDR students in the following broad areas:
- philosophy of education;
- philosophy;
- education/educational studies;
- epistemology;
- phenomenology;
- embodied cognition;
- ethics or applied ethics;
- curriculum studies/secondary education;
- educational policy and practice;
- pedagogy/teaching;
- psychology of learning;
- theology/religious education;
- moral education;
- narrative inquiry; &,
- other areas relevant to the field of education, philosophy and theology.

Recent publications of note include: "The Body, Embodiment, and Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach" (Routledge - September 2021), "Measuring Up in Education: Philosophical Explorations for Justice and Democracy Within and Beyond Cultures of Measurement in Educational Systems" (with S. Webster & published by Routledge), "MacIntyre, Rationality and Education: Against Education of Our Age" (Springer), and "Theory and Philosophy in Education Research: Methodological Dialogues" (with J. Quay, J. Bleazby, M. Toscano, & S. Webster & published by Routledge).

For access to some of his research, see his AcademiaResearchGate and/or Google Scholar pages. 

The Body, Embodiment, and Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach


MacIntyre, Rationality & Education


Measuring Up in Education


Theory and Philosophy in Education Research


Various internal and external grants - available on request. 

EDUC 7020 - Qualitative Approaches to Research

EDUC 7065 - Mixed Methods Research

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor What is oracy? Why is it important? How did it evolve? How has it been taught? Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Dr Robert Frank Stevens
    2024 Principal Supervisor Mystical Theology, its origin and the nature of being:a study of the Via Negativa, with its specific practices, including unknowing and negations, their potential expressions in philosophy and theology, and implications for Educational contexts. Master of Philosophy Master Part Time Dr Julie Ann Hawkins
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2021 - 2024 Principal Supervisor Teachers’ Professional Learning Needs and Barriers: Teachers’ Perspectives from Greater Adelaide Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Parivash Mohammad Nezhad
    2020 - 2022 Co-Supervisor To Blame or Not to Blame: Respect, Fittingness, and Standing Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Henry Littleton Phillips
  • Position: Senior Lecturer
  • Phone: 83136038
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Nexus 10
  • Org Unit: School of Education

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