Stephane Mahuteau

Associate Professor Stephane Mahuteau

Grant-Funded Researcher (D)

School of Economics and Public Policy

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD (as Co-Supervisor) - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Dr Mahuteau has been an Associate Professor of Economics and Senior Researcher at the Future of Employment and Skills (FES) research centre at the University of Adelaide since November 2017. Prior to this appointment he was the Deputy Director and Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS) at Flinders University. He has an extensive knowledge of large microeconomic datasets and advanced applied econometrics and in utilising them to inform the design of economic and social policy. He has been extensively involved in a range of commissioned research projects that he has led or contributed to, and that have influenced policy design and evaluation in a range of government priority areas.
He is currently involved in the NDIS evaluation where he is responsible for the quantitative elements of developing the longitudinal survey of people with disability and their families and carers which aims at evaluating the early impact of NDIS support.
Stéphane has consulted widely for state level governments and at national level (NCVER, DEEWR, NCVER, DVA, DIAC) on issues relating to labour markets, education and social policy. Among recent contributions, he was the author of two reports for the Department of Veteran Affairs investigating the challenges faced by young veterans on the Australian labour market and providing education pathway guidance for successful transitions. In 2016, he consulted for the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC) on issues related to the wage differentials between the public and private sectors in Australia. In 2015 and 2016, he produced two reports for the NCSEHE (National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education), the first one on Educational outcomes of young indigenous Australian, and the second one on Labour market outcomes of Australian university graduates from equity groups. In 2011-12 he contributed to a report for the Department of Education (DEEWR) on Labour mobility of VET graduates.
In 2011, he was in charge of the multivariate analyses for one of the reports that informed the Gonski review of school funding. The report was on ‘school challenges and opportunities’ and was instrumental in shaping the eventual policy recommendations of the Gonski review.
Dr Mahuteau is currently chief investigator on an Australian Research Council, Linkage program titled “Achieving a skilled and sustainable aged care workforce for Australia”.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2017 - ongoing Associate Professor of Economics University of Adelaide, Adelaide
    2012 - ongoing Research Fellow Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn
    2011 - 2017 Senior Research Fellow, Deputy Director Flinders University, Adelaide
    2005 - 2011 Senior Lecturer in Economics Macquarie University, Sydney
    2002 - 2005 Lecturer in Economics University of Western Sydney, Richmond
    1997 - 2001 Associate Lecturer/ Associate Researcher Lumière University Lyon 2, Lyon
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    French Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
    German Can read, write, speak and understand spoken
    Latin Can read and write
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2002 Lumière University Lyon 2, Lyon France PhD Economics
    1996 Lumière University Lyon 2, Lyon France Bachelor of Science (Honours), Economics
    1995 University of Clermont-Ferrand 1 France Masters in Economics
    1994 University of Clermont-Ferrand 1 France Bachelor of Science, Economics
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2021 Xiao, L., Harrington, A., Mavromaras, K., Ratcliffe, J., Mahuteau, S., Isherwood, L. M., & Gregoric, C. (2021). Care workers' perspectives of factors affecting a sustainable aged care workforce. International Nursing Review, 68(1), 49-58.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS10 Europe PMC8
    2017 Mahuteau, S., Mavromaras, K., Richardson, S., & Zhu, R. (2017). Public–Private Sector Wage Differentials in Australia. Economic Record, 93(S1), 105-121.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS7
    2017 Li, I., Mahuteau, S., Dockery, A., & Junankar, P. (2017). Equity in higher education and graduate labour market outcomes in Australia. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 39(6), 625-641.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS9
    2016 Mahuteau, S., & Zhu, R. (2016). Crime Victimisation and Subjective Well-Being: Panel Evidence From Australia. Health Economics (United Kingdom), 25(11), 1448-1463.
    DOI Scopus36 WoS33 Europe PMC5
    2014 Mahuteau, S., Piracha, M., Tani, M., & Lucero, M. (2014). Immigration policy and entrepreneurship. International Migration, 52(2), 53-65.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS8
    2014 Mahuteau, S., & Mavromaras, K. (2014). An analysis of the impact of socio-economic disadvantage and school quality on the probability of school dropout. Education Economics, 22(4), 389-411.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS11
    2013 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S., Sloane, P., & Wei, Z. (2013). The effect of overskilling dynamics on wages. Education Economics, 21(3), 281-303.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS17
    2013 Abelson, P., Joyeux, R., & Mahuteau, S. (2013). Modelling house prices across Sydney. Australian Economic Review, 46(3), 269-285.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS16
    2008 Mahuteau, S., & Junankar, P. N. (2008). Do migrants get good jobs in Australia? The role of ethnic networks in job search. Economic Record, 84(SUPPL.1), S115-S130.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS27
    2007 Parr, N., Ferris, S., & Mahuteau, S. (2007). The impact of children on Australian women's and men's suprannuation. Economic and Labour Relations Review, 18(1), 3-26.
    DOI Scopus5
    2007 Mahuteau, S. M. (2007). A Model of Reciprocal Fairness: Application to the Labour Contract. International journal of economic research, 4(2), 201-235.
    2006 Mahuteau, S. (2006). Labor economics. ECONOMIC RECORD, 82(258), 371-372.
    2005 Junankar, P. N., & Mahuteau, S. (2005). Do migrants get good jobs? New migrant settlement in Australia. Economic Record, 81(SUPPL. 1), S34-S46.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS34
    - Mahuteau, S. (n.d.). Reciprocal Fairness and Gift Exchange Practices in the Labor Contract: Econometric Analysis on a French Firms Survey. SSRN Electronic Journal.
    - Mahuteau, S. (n.d.). Does it Pay to be Fair? Evidences from French Firms. SSRN Electronic Journal.
    - Mahuteau, S., & Junankar, P. N. R. (n.d.). Do Migrants Succeed in the Australian Labour Market: Further Evidence on Job Quality. SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Books

    Year Citation
    2013 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. M., & Zhang, W. (2013). Labour mobility and vocational education and training in Australia. Adelaide: NCVER.
    2012 The Persistence of Overskilling and Its Effects on Wages (2012). .
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2016 Mahuteau, S. M., & Junankar, P. N. (2016). Do Migrants get Good Jobs in Australia? The Role of Ethnic Networks in Job Search. In Palgrave Macmillan, London (Ed.), Economics of Immigration The Impact of Immigration on the Australian Economy (pp. 273-300). Palgrave Macmillan.
    DOI Scopus1
    2016 Junankar, P., & Mahuteau, S. (2016). Do Migrants get Good Jobs? New Migrant Settlement in Australia. In Palgrave Macmillan, London (Ed.), Economics of Immigration The Impact of Immigration on the Australian Economy (pp. 251-272). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    DOI Scopus6
  • Report for External Bodies

    Year Citation
    2024 Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., Mahuteau, S., Lester, L., & Wei, Z. (2024). Review of the Impact of the Cessation of the Cashless Debit Card: Final Report. Department of Social Services.
    2022 Moskos, M., Mahuteau, S., & Isherwood, L. (2022). ARAS Unmet Need Study: High Level Findings – 2021 to 2031 South Australian Population projections and APY Lands Case Study.
    2021 Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., & Mahuteau, S. (2021). NDDA Education to Employment SA test case: Integrated qualitative and quantitative findings.
    2021 Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., Mahuteau, S., & Isherwood, L. (2021). Evaluation of the Cashless Debit Card in Ceduna, East Kimberley and the Goldfields - Consolidated report.
    2021 Mahuteau, S., & Zhang, W. (2021). Evaluation of the Cashless Debit Card in Ceduna, East Kimberley and the Goldfields - Quantitative Supplementary Report.
    2020 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. M., & Wei, Z. (2020). Cashless Debit Card Baseline Data Collection in the Bundaberg and Hervey Bay Region: Quantitative Data Snapshot.
    2019 Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., Isherwood, L. M., & Mahuteau, S. (2019). Cashless Debit Card Baseline Data Collection in the Goldfields Region: Qualitative Findings.
    2019 Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., Mavromaras, K., & Mahuteau, S. M. (2019). Cashless Debit Card Baseline Data Collection in the Bundaberg and Hervey Bay Region: Qualitative Findings.
    2018 Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., Mahuteau, S., Isherwood, L., Goode, A., Walton, H., . . . Flavel, J. (2018). Evaluation of the NDIS.
    2016 Li, I. W., Mahuteau, S. M., Dockery, A. M., Junankar, P. N., & Mavromaras, K. (2016). Labour market outcomes of Australian university graduates from equity groups. Perth: Curtin University.
    2016 Mahuteau, S. M., Mavromaras, K., & Zhu, R. (2016). Providing Pathways Guidance to Young Veterans for a Successful Transition to Civilian Workforce.
    2016 Mavromaras, K., Moskos, M., & Mahuteau, S. (2016). Evaluation of the NDIS: Intermediate Report.
    2015 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. M., Richardson, S., & Zhu, R. (2015). Public-private sector wage differentials in Australia: What are the differences by State and how do they impact GST redistribution decisions.
    2015 Mahuteau, S. M., Karmel, T., Mavromaras, K., & Zhu, R. (2015). Educational Outcomes of Young Indigenous Australians. Perth: Curtin University.
    2013 Mahuteau, S. M., Mavromaras, K., & Wei, Z. (2013). Younger veterans’ transitions to civilian occupations: The role of further education.
    2013 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. M., & Goode, A. (2013). The Attitudes and Profiles of Illegal Workers and their Employers.
    2013 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S., & Wei, Z. (2013). Labour mobility and vocational education and training in Australia. Adelaide: NCVER.
    2011 NOUS Group., Melbourne Graduate School of Education., & Mahuteau, S. M. (2011). Schooling Challenges and Opportunities: A report for the Review of Funding for Schooling Panel. NOUS group.
    2008 Tani, M., & Mahuteau, S. M. (2008). Return Migration and Working Choices (MIREM-AR 2008/01). BAdia Fiesolana, San Domenico Di Fiesole, Italy: European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
  • Working Paper

    Year Citation
    2017 Mahuteau, S. M., Mavromaras, K., Richardson, S., & Zhu, R. (2017). Public-Private Sector Wage Differentials in Australia. IZA.
    2015 Mahuteau, S. M., & Zhu, R. (2015). Crime Victimisation and Subjective Well-Being: Panel Evidence from Australia. IZA.
    2014 Mahuteau, S. M., & Mavromaras, K. (2014). Student Scores in Public and Private Schools: Evidence from PISA 2009. IZA.
    2013 Mahuteau, S. M., & Mavromaras, K. (2013). An Analysis of the Impact of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and School Quality on the Probability of School Dropout. IZA.
    2012 Mavromaras, K., Mahuteau, S. M., Sloane, P., & Wei, Z. (2012). The Effect of Overskilling Dynamics on Wages. IZA.
    2011 Mahuteau, S. M., Piracha, M., Tani, M., & Vaira-Lucero, M. (2011). Immigration Policy and Entrepreneurship. IZA.
    2011 mahuteau, S., & Tani, M. (2011). Labour market outcomes and skill acquisition in the host country: North African migrants returning home from the European Union. IZA.
    2010 Mahuteau, S. M., Piracha, M., & Tani, M. (2010). Selection Policy and Immigrants' Remittance Behaviour. IZA.
    2008 Mahuteau, S., & Junankar, P. N. R. (2008). Do Migrants Get Good Jobs in Australia? The Role of Ethnic Networks in Job Search. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
    2005 Junankar, P. N. R., & Mahuteau, S. (2005). Do Migrants Get Good Jobs? New Migrant Settlement in Australia. Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • Consulting/Advisories

    Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country
    2015 - ongoing Australian Research Council (ARC) - Scientific research -
  • Position: Grant-Funded Researcher (D)
  • Phone: 83132463
  • Email:
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Nexus 10, floor 5
  • Org Unit: Future of Employment and Skills Research Centre

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