Stefan Court-Kowalski

Stefan Court-Kowalski

Adelaide Medical School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Stefan is a final year medical student and PhD candidate in the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide.
His research interests include the molecular pathology of brain tumours and other neurosurgical conditions. He received his Bachelor of Medical Science in 2013, and was awarded First Class Honours for his thesis entitled 'Investigating pathways of blood-brain barrier breakdown in selected pathological states: radiofrequency radiation and mechanical trauma'.

He is now completing his PhD evaluating the potential of repurposed NMDA receptor antagonist pharmaceuticals as therapy for primary brain cancer.


Doctoral thesis: Aquaporin inhibition as a novel therapeutic strategy for glioblastoma

Supervisors: Prof Robert Vink, Dr Emma Thornton, Dr Elizabeth Harford-Wright

Translational Neuropathology Laboratory

  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2014 - 2017 University of Adelaide Australia PhD
    2013 - 2013 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Medical Science (Hons)
    2010 - 2017 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Devanand, N. A., Thiruvenkatarajan, V., Liu, W. M., Sirisinghe, I., Court-Kowalski, S., Pryor, L., . . . Sundararajan, K. (2024). Outcomes of percutaneous versus surgical tracheostomy in an Australian Quaternary Intensive Care Unit: An entropy-balanced retrospective study. Journal of the Intensive Care Society, 25(3), 279-287.
    2023 Pham, H., Court-Kowalski, S., Chan, H., & Devitt, P. (2023). Writing Multiple Choice Questions—Has the Student Become the Master?. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 35(3), 356-367.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2023 Jolly, S., Court‐Kowalski, S., Lu, V., Roberts, M., Olakkengil, S., Coates, P. T. H., & Bhattacharjya, S. (2023). Sterile versus clean urinary catheterisation is not associated with post‐transplantation infection. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 17(1), 56-61.
    2023 Court-Kowalski, S., Mcarthur, A., & Hayres, K. (2023). Pulsus paradoxus, electrical alternans, and pulsus alternans in progressive cardiac tamponade. European Heart Journal, 44(34), 3297.
    2021 Do-Wyeld, M., Cundy, T. P., Court-Kowalski, S., Dandie, L., Cooper, C., Burgoyne, L., . . . Khurana, S. (2021). Improving quality and efficiency of care for advanced appendicitis in children. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91(7-8), 1497-1503.
    DOI Scopus1
    2019 Do-Wyeld, M., Rogerson, T., Court-Kowalski, S., Cundy, T. P., & Khurana, S. (2019). Fast-track surgery for acute appendicitis in children: a systematic review of protocol-based care. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 89(11), 1379-1385.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS7 Europe PMC3
    2015 Court-Kowalski, S., Finnie, J., Manavis, J., Blumbergs, P., Helps, S., & Vink, R. (2015). Effect of long-term (2 years) exposure of mouse brains to global system for mobile communication (GSM) radiofrequency fields on astrocytic immunoreactivity. Bioelectromagnetics, 36(3), 245-250.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC8
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2015 Court-Kowalski, S., Thornton, E., Harford-Wright, E., & Vink, R. (2015). Aquaporin expression correlates with astrocytoma grade and microvascularity. In JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY Vol. 134 (pp. 139). Cairns, AUSTRALIA: WILEY-BLACKWELL.

Stefan's work is funded by the Neurosurgical Research Foundation, supported by the Lightsview/SAPOL 'Ride Like Crazy' fundraiser event. He is also the recipient of the NRF Dean Bowden Memorial Brain Cancer Scholarship.

Stefan has experience as a scheduled demonstrator for numerous anatomy courses, including Applied Anatomy of Cranial Nerves by Dissection (ANAT SC 3108), Functional Human Neuroanatomy (ANAT SC 3103), Functional Human Anatomy (ANAT SC 2200), and the anatomy sessions for Year 1 and 2 medical students (MEDIC ST 1101/2101). He is also a Case-Based Learning tutor for medical students and teaching assistant in Essentials of Neuroscience (HEALTH SC 1001) and Essentials of Pathology (PATHOL 3003).

In addition, he has been extensively involved with extracurricular peer-education initiatives within the Adelaide Medical School, including the Pathology Society's tutorial program, the Student Society's Peer-2-Peer program, and the Surgical Society's Anatomy Series.

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