Sheree Smith

Professor Sheree Smith

Professor of Nursing

Adelaide Nursing School

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Sheree Smith is an internationally recognised researcher in respiratory care and leads a program of acute care and primary health services research. Professor Smith holds the following degrees and certificates: PhD [Public Health, Queensland University of Technology (QUT)]; Master of Social Planning and Development (Anthropology and Sociology, University of Queensland); Postgraduate Certificate in Health Economics (University of Aberdeen); Bachelor of Nursing (QUT); and a Postgraduate Cardiothoracic Nursing Certificate. Sheree has received national and international research awards including the inaugural Co-operative Research Centre for Asthma and Asthma Australia PhD top-up scholarship and the first international Post-doctoral Capability Bursary to the University of Oxford’s Department of Primary Health Care and Centre for Evidence Based Medicine. Sheree was awarded the Millennium Bursary from the Worshipful Company of Curriers for COPD intermediate care research whilst working at St Mary’s Hospital, Department of Respiratory Infection and Medicine’s Imperial Clinical Respiratory Research Unit. In 2010, Professor Smith completed a bespoke project for the UK’s National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) and she developed organisational models for NHS health care trusts to improve the completion of NIHR portfolio studies and enhance the capacity and capability of research support staff. These models have been implemented across various hospital and health care services in England.
Professor Smith is a member of four global respiratory, sleep and critical care organisations; Thoracic Society of Australia & New Zealand (TSANZ), Asia Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR), European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the American Thoracic Society (ATS). She is a member of the ERS College of Experts and the ATS nursing assembly who identified research priorities for Lung Health, Sleep and Critical Care. Sheree was awarded Fellow of the American Thoracic Society in 2021 and was the first Australian nurse to receive this award.
Professor Smith continues as a member for NHMRC and MRFF panels. Sheree reviews grant and fellowship applications for numerous funding bodies across the globe such as NIHR (UK), Asthma (UK), Medical Research Foundation (UK), European Science Foundation and the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT). Sheree has held an Imperial College London Visiting Professorship. Professor Smith was an external advisory board member of NIHR North-West London’s Collaborative Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC), a Healthcare Prioritisation panel member for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council UK and the non-medical chair of the NSW Ministry of Health’s Agency for Clinical Innovation Respiratory Network (ACI).

The overarching domains of my research are health behaviour and non-pharmacological interventions associated with lung, sleep and heart health and my current research are in the areas of:

  • Infectious disease including long Covid and mask fit studies
  • Health technology
  • Respiratory health care/service delivery and redesign that incorporates co-morbid conditions that contribute to breathlessness
  • Respiratory Health and multi-morbidity including psychological distress and pain
  • Patient reported outcome and experience methods and measurement

The high standard of this work has resulted in the establishment and maintenance of local, national and international collaborations, published manuscripts, invited plenary lectures and presentations at international scientific meetings, and as an invited reviewer for a large number of national and international granting bodies and membership of NHMRC panels.

Research collaborations and highlights

  • Current International Research Partnerships: Professor Janet Larson (University of Michigan); Professor William Man (Imperial College London); Dr Nicola Roberts (Napier Edinburgh University) Dr Anne-Marie Russell (University of Birmingham).
  • NIH-NINR intramural programme. As a post-doctoral researcher I was invited and subsequently completed an intramural programme at National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Bethesda, Maryland USA.
  • International –Core investigator for the American Thoracic Society’s (ATS) Cancer Related Fatigue in Patients with Lung Cancer Research Statement; ATS International Nursing Research Priorities statement led project for European Respiratory Society nurses group studying barriers to conducting research, building research capability and capacity of European Respiratory Nurses 
  • National Research Partnerships: Professor Christine McDonald (University of Melbourne/ Austin Health); Professor Grant Waterer, (University of Western Australia/ Royal Perth Hospital Hospital); Professor Allen Cheng (Monash University), Professor Ian Yang (University of Queensland); Professor Guy Marks (University of New South Wales); Professor Brian Oliver (University of Technology Sydney); Associate Professor Belinda Cochrane, SWSLHD
  • Overseas research training positions as post-doctoral fellow and senior research fellow, Department of Primary Health Care University of Oxford and Imperial College Clinical Respiratory Research Unit 
  • Formative research training with Dr Gillian Lupton UQ (Masters) and Professor Charles Mitchell UQ (PhD) 
  • Initial research activities were as Respiratory and Intensive Care research project manager at Mater Adult Public Hospital 

 Research skills extension training

  • 2022 Implementation Science MOOC – Global Health, University of Melbourne
  • 2021 Big Data MOOC, University of California – San Diego
  • 2020 Statistics and Data Analysis in Public Health Refresher, Imperial College London
  • 2020 Emerging Respiratory Viruses including Covid19: methods for detection, prevention, response  and control, WHO course
  • 2020 ePROTECT Respiratory Course, World Health Organization (WHO)
  • 2018 GCP Update, South Western Sydney Clinical Trials Unit
  • 2015 Records Management, Imperial College London e-course
  • 2015 Freedom of Information and Data Protection Act, Imperial College London e-course
  • 2015 Introduction to Statistical Process Control, Online Course, Australia
  • 2014 Global Research Ethics and Integrity Online Course, University of Western Sydney
  • 2014 Good Clinical Practice Epigeum Online Course, University of Western Sydney
  • 2013 Post Graduate Certificate in Health Economics, University of Aberdeen
  • 2012 Cochrane Systematic Review Workshop, December 5 -7th Westmead Hospital 2011
  • Intramural programme NIH - National Institute of Nursing Research as a NIH special volunteer Bethesda Maryland USA
  • 2011 Clinical Audit Course, North West London Hospital, Northwick Park, London
  • 2010 Introduction to Health Economics, HERC University of Oxford
  • 2010 Good Clinical Practice Update, North West London Hospitals, London
  • 2008 Good Clinical Practice Guideline for Research Certificate endorsed by Royal Holloway,
  • University of London, International Conference on Harmonisation Cert No1616-1-3466
  • 2008 Fundamentals of Epidemiology Course, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • 2008 Intermediate Level, Statistics Summer School, Imperial College London
  • 2008 Ethics Workshop, Nuffield Hospital, University of Oxford
  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Hook, J., Sasko, L., & Smith, S. M. (2024). A review of mask fit testing data associated with protocols utilized in evaluating the efficacy of N95 masks for health care workers. Journal of Infection Prevention.
    2024 Ivey, M. A., Smith, S. M., Benke, G., Toelle, B. G., Hunter, M. L., James, A. L., . . . Abramson, M. J. (2024). COPD in Never-Smokers: BOLD Australia Study. The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2024(19), 161-174.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2024 Marchant, J. M., Chang, A. B., Kennedy, E., King, D., Perret, J. L., Schultz, A., . . . Wark, P. (2024). Cough in Children and Adults: Diagnosis, Assessment and Management (CICADA). Summary of an updated position statement on chronic cough in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 220(1), 35-45.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2 Europe PMC3
    2023 Priftis, A., Cruickshank, M., & Smith, S. M. S. (2023). Methods used to assess sleep in children who attend community-based mental health programmes: A systematic review. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 32(6), 1515-1524.
    2023 Bade, B. C., Faiz, S. A., Ha, D. M., Tan, M., Barton-Burke, M., Cheville, A. L., . . . Rivera, M. P. (2023). Cancer-related Fatigue in Lung Cancer: A Research Agenda: An Official American Thoracic Society Research Statement.. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 207(5), e6-e28.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS5 Europe PMC5
    2023 Larson, J. L., Zhou, W., Veliz, P. T., & Smith, S. (2023). Symptom Clusters in Adults with Post-COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Clinical Nursing Research, 32(8), 1071-1080.
    DOI Scopus3
    2023 Sasko, L. M., Oliver, B., & Smith, S. M. (2023). Fit testing of masks worn by frontline healthcare workers. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 44(4), 682-684.
    DOI Scopus2 Europe PMC1
    2023 Veliz, P. T., Zhou, W., Smith, S., & Larson, J. L. (2023). Substance Use and the Self-Management of Persistent Symptoms of COVID-19. Substance Use and Misuse, 58(6), 835-840.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2022 Šajnić, A., Kelly, C., Smith, S., Heslop-Marshall, K., Axelsson, M., Padilha, J. M., . . . Narsavage, G. (2022). Need and baseline for harmonising nursing education in respiratory care: preliminary results of a global survey. Breathe, 18(3), 8 pages.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC1
    2022 Smith, S. M. S., Cotter, J., Poot, B., Ncube, N., & Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. (2022). Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Position Statement: Respiratory nursing.. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 27(8), 600-604.
    DOI Europe PMC1
    2022 Barnett, A., Beasley, R., Buchan, C., Chien, J., Farah, C. S., King, G., . . . Smith, S. (2022). Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Position Statement on Acute Oxygen Use in Adults: 'Swimming between the flags'.. Respirology (Carlton, Vic.), 27(4), 262-276.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS5 Europe PMC7
    2022 Hook, J., & Smith, S. M. (2022). Review of Fever Management Advice on Government and Hospital Websites in Australia. Nursing Research, 71(3), 209-217.
    2021 Rupasinghe, M., Jennifer, R., Cvetkovski, B., Smith, S., Sinthia, B., Kritikos, V., & Abbott, P. (2021). Have we got the right focus in asthma care in general practice?. Australian Journal of General Practice, 50(6), 410-415.
    DOI Scopus1
    2020 Hutchinson, A. F., & Smith, S. M. (2020). Effectiveness of strategies to increase uptake of pertussis vaccination by new parents and family caregivers: A systematic review. Midwifery, 87, 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS4 Europe PMC4
    2020 George, M., Hernandez, C., Smith, S., Narsavage, G., Kapella, M. C., Carno, M., . . . Yorke, J. (2020). Nursing Research Priorities in Critical Care, Pulmonary, and Sleep: International Delphi Survey of Nurses, Patients, and Caregivers.. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17(1), 1-10.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS6 Europe PMC6
    2020 Dummer, J., Dobler, C. C., Holmes, M., Chambers, D., Yang, I. A., Parkin, L., . . . Holland, A. E. (2020). Diagnosis and treatment of lung disease associated with alpha one-antitrypsin deficiency: A position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand.. Respirology, 25(3), 321-335.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS5 Europe PMC5
    2019 Smith, S. M., Holland, A. E., & McDonald, C. F. (2019). Beyond forest plots: Clinical gestalt and its influence on COPD telemonitoring studies and outcomes review. BMJ Open, 9(12), 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC2
    2019 Smith, S. M. S., Jan, S., Descallar, J., & Marks, G. B. (2019). An investigation of methods to improve recall for the patient-reported outcome measurement in COPD patients: A pilot randomised control trial and feasibility study protocol. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 5(1), 8 pages.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC2
    2019 Smith, S. M. S. (2019). Implementation of evidence into practice: The key to improving patient outcomes. Respirology, 24(11), 1046-1048.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1
    2019 Smith, S. M. S., Chaudhary, K., & Blackstock, F. (2019). Concordant Evidence-Based Interventions in Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention, 39(1), 9-18.
    DOI Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC6
    2018 Gullick, J., & Smith, S. (2018). A call for a stronger articulation of education and role delineation for nurse researchers. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24(3), 2 pages.
    DOI Scopus1 WoS1
    2018 Smith, S., Gullick, J., Ballard, J., & Perry, L. (2018). Clinician researcher career pathway for registered nurses and midwives: A proposal. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24(3), 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS8 Europe PMC3
    2018 Smith, S., Gullick, J., Ballard, J., & Perry, L. (2018). A proposed clinical research support career pathway for noninvestigators. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 24(3), 6 pages.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC1
    2017 Johnson, A. M., & Smith, S. M. S. (2017). A review of general pain measurement tools and instruments for consideration of use in COPD clinical practice. International Journal of COPD, 12, 923-929.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC7
    2017 Beasley, R., Chien, J., Douglas, J., Eastlake, L., Farah, C., King, G., . . . Walters, H. (2017). Target oxygen saturation range: 92–96% Versus 94–98%. Respirology, 22(1), 200-202.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS19 Europe PMC10
    2017 Metcalfe, L., McNally, S., & Smith, S. M. S. (2017). A review of inpatient ward location and the relationship to Medical Emergency Team calls. International Emergency Nursing, 31, 52-57.
    DOI Scopus1
    2016 Johnson, A. M., & Smith, S. M. S. (2016). Respiratory clinical guidelines inform ward-based nurses’ clinical skills and knowledge required for evidence-based care. Breathe, 12(3), 257-266.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS2
    2016 Evans, L., Bell, D., & Smith, S. (2016). Resilience in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Congested Heart Failure. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Open Access Journal, 1(3).
    2015 Beasley, R., Chien, J., Douglas, J., Eastlake, L., Farah, C., King, G., . . . Walters, H. (2015). Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand oxygen guidelines for acute oxygen use in adults: Swimming between the flags. Respirology, 20(8), 1182-1191.
    DOI Scopus144 WoS122 Europe PMC82
    2015 Smith, S. M. S., Sonego, S., Wallen, G. R., Waterer, G., Cheng, A. C., & Thompson, P. (2015). Use of non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce the transmission of influenza in adults: A systematic review. Respirology, 20(6), 896-903.
    DOI Scopus42 WoS38 Europe PMC30
    2014 Rashleigh, R., Smith, S. M. S., & Roberts, N. J. (2014). A review of halotherapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. International Journal of COPD, 9, 239-246.
    DOI Scopus31 WoS29 Europe PMC8
    2014 Smith, S. M., Sumar, B., & Dixon, K. A. (2014). Musculoskeletal pain in overweight and obese children. International Journal of Obesity, 38(1), 11-15.
    DOI Scopus96 WoS83 Europe PMC51
    2014 Smith, S. M. S., Sonego, S., Ketcheson, L., & Larson, J. L. (2014). A review of the effectiveness of psychological interventions used for anxiety and depression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 1(1), 10 pages.
    DOI Scopus65 WoS49
    2013 Atlantis, E., Fahey, P., Cochrane, B., Wittert, G., & Smith, S. (2013). Endogenous testosterone level and testosterone supplementation therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 3(8), 1-16.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS39 Europe PMC14
    2013 Atlantis, E., Fahey, P., Cochrane, B., & Smith, S. (2013). Bidirectional associations between clinically relevant depression or anxiety and COPD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Chest, 144(3), 766-777.
    DOI Scopus267 WoS214 Europe PMC153
    2013 Roberts, N. J., Kerr, S. M., & Smith, S. M. S. (2013). Behavioral Interventions Associated with Smoking Cessation in the Treatment of Tobacco Use. Health Services Insights, 6, 79-85.
    DOI Scopus61 WoS48
    2013 Weldring, T., & Smith, S. M. S. (2013). Article Commentary: Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Health Services Insights, 6, 61-68.
    DOI Scopus388 WoS693
    2011 Smith, S. M., Bell, D., Hopkinson, N. S., Valentine, J., Shaw, E. L., Partridge, M. R., & Elkin, S. L. (2011). A review of discharge planning for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease at high risk for readmission. Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 11(5), 510-511.
    DOI Scopus2
    2011 Smith, S. M., Brame, A., Elena, K., & Elkin, S. L. (2011). Telemonitoring and intermediate care. Chest, 139(3), 731-732.
    DOI Scopus3 WoS1
    2011 O'Byrne, L., & Smith, S. (2011). Models to enhance research capacity and capability in clinical nurses: A narrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20(9-10), 1365-1371.
    DOI Scopus50 WoS50 Europe PMC32
    2010 Smith, S. M. S. (2010). Editorial: A prologue to the respirology tuberculosis review series 2010: Impact of tuberculosis on patients: Learning from the past?. Respirology, 15(1), 1-3.
    2010 Powrie, K., & Smith, S. M. (2010). Editorial: Emergency oxygen for adults guideline - a change in oxygen therapy practice?. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19(5-6), 601-602.
    DOI Scopus2
    2009 Smith, S. M. S., Roberts, S. B., Duggan-Brennan, M., Powrie, K. E., & Haffenden, R. (2009). Emergency oxygen delivery 2: patients with asthma and COPD.. Nursing times, 105(11), 22-23.
    2009 Smith, S. M., Elkin, S. L., & Partridge, M. R. (2009). Technology and its role in respiratory care. Primary Care Respiratory Journal, 18(3), 159-164.
    DOI Scopus50 Europe PMC30
    2009 Smith, S. M. S. (2009). A review of hand-washing techniques in primary care and community settings. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(6), 786-790.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS21 Europe PMC16
    2009 Smith, S. M., & Partridge, M. R. (2009). Getting the rehabilitation message across: Emerging barriers and positive health benefits. European Respiratory Journal, 34(1), 2-4.
    DOI Scopus7 Europe PMC5
    2009 Smith, S. M. S., Roberts, S. B., Duggan-Brennan, M., Powrie, K. E., & Haffenden, R. (2009). Emergency oxygen delivery in adults 1: updating nursing practice.. Nursing times, 105(10), 16-18.
    2009 Smith, S. M. S., Mitchell, C., Bowler, S. D., Heneghan, C., & Perera, R. (2009). The health behaviour and clinical characteristics of ambulance users with acute asthma. Emergency Medicine Journal, 26(3), 187-192.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC3
    2008 Smith, S., Mitchell, C., & Bowler, S. (2008). Standard versus patient-centred asthma education in the emergency department: A randomised study. European Respiratory Journal, 31(5), 990-997.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS27 Europe PMC18
    2007 Smith, S., Mitchell, C., & Bowler, S. (2007). Patient-centered education: Applying learner-centered concepts to asthma education. Journal of Asthma, 44(10), 799-804.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS21 Europe PMC13
    2004 Edwards, H., Smith, S., Courtney, M., Finlayson, K., & Chapman, H. (2004). The impact of clinical placement location on nursing students' competence and preparedness for practice. Nurse Education Today, 24(4), 248-255.
    DOI Scopus94 WoS88 Europe PMC49
    2002 Courtney, M., Edwards, H., Smith, S., & Finlayson, K. (2002). The impact of rural clinical placement on student nurses' employment intentions.. Collegian (Royal College of Nursing, Australia), 9(1), 12-18.
    DOI Scopus41 Europe PMC20
    1996 Smith, S. M. (1996). Independent nurse practitioner. Advanced nursing practice in Brisbane, Australia.. The Nursing clinics of North America, 31(3), 549-564.
    Scopus5 Europe PMC4
    1993 Bowler, S. D., Smith, S. M., & Lavercombe, P. S. (1993). Heparin inhibits the immediate response to antigen in the skin and lungs of allergic subjects. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 147(1), 160-163.
    DOI Scopus143 WoS125 Europe PMC79
    - SMS, S. (n.d.). A Narrative Review of Influenza Educational Interventions for Adult Patients who Attend the Emergency Department. Journal of Infectious Pulmonary Diseases, 2(2).
  • Book Chapters

    Year Citation
    2020 Collazo, S., & Smith, S. (2020). Nursing Management: Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases. In D. Brown, T. Buckley, R. Aiken, & H. Edwards (Eds.), Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, Australasian version (5th ed.). Elsevier Australia.
    2020 Mondor, E., & Smith, S. (2020). Nursing Management: Lower Respiratory Problems. In D. Brown, T. Buckley, R. Aitken, & H. Edwards (Eds.), Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems Australasia version (5th ed.). Elsevier Australia.
    2020 Mondor, E., & Smith, S. (2020). Nursing Management: Upper Respiratory Problems. In D. Brown, T. Buckley, R. Aitken, & H. Edwards (Eds.), Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems Australasian version (5th ed.). Elsevier Australia.
    2020 Mondor, E., & Smith, S. (2020). Nursing Assessment: Respiratory System. In D. Brown, T. Buckley, R. Aitken, & H. Edwards (Eds.), Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems Australasian Version. Elsevier Australia.
    2018 Smith, S. M., Isenring, L., Rice, V., Baker, M., Thompson-Butel, A., Mitchell, G., . . . Smith, S. (2018). Partnerships in collaborative care. In E. Chang, & A. Johnson (Eds.), Living with Chronic
    Illness and Disability: Principles for Nursing Practice
    (3 ed.). Elsevier.
    2014 James, A., Mitchell, G., Bissett, M., Zakrzewski, L., Wright, A., Balandin, S., . . . Smith, S. (2014). Role of the interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary team. In E. Chang, & A. Johnson (Eds.), Chronic Illness and Disability: Principles for Nursing Care (2 ed., pp. 14-28). Elsevier.
    2014 Waterer, G., & Smith, S. (2014). Controlling Epidemic of Human Respiratory Viral Infections. In Human Respiratory Viral Infections (pp. 219-229). CRC Press.
    2010 Smith, S. (2010). Training with Technology. In P. Barnes (Ed.), TREATMENT STRATEGIES - RESPIRATORY - 2010 EDITION (Vol. 1, 1 ed.). Cambridge Research Centre.
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2023 Murray, B., Smith, S., Roberts, N., Padilha, M. J., Sajnic, A., Narsavage, G., . . . Kelly, C. (2023). Existing respiratory nursing curriculum, frameworks, and other documentation relevant to respiratory nursing education: A Scoping Review. In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Vol. 62 (pp. 2 pages). IA, Milan: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
    2023 Kang, H., Oliver, B., Walsh, S., Smith, S., Royce, T., & Cho, B. J. (2023). Beyond asthma control, life-changing encounter with a holistic medical paradigm of Korean Eight Constitution Medicine: In-depth pragmatic case studies for asthma patients in Australia. In RESPIROLOGY Vol. 28 (pp. 310-311). WILEY.
    2023 Chandra, N., Blackstock, F., Smith, S., & Tang, C. (2023). Exploring pulmonary rehabilitation programs implemented and conducted in Asia for people with chronic respiratory conditions: a systematic scoping review. In Respirology Vol. 28. Singapore: Wiley.
    2023 Tang, C. Y., Smith, S. M., Lim, D., Mansour, R., Alduleimi, H., & Blackstock, F. (2023). Developing and Evaluating the Living Better @home With COVID-19 Model: A Co-designed Home-based Management Model for People From Arabic-speaking Communities. In D22. HOT TOPICS IN BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. American Thoracic Society.
    2023 Tang, C. Y., Smith, S., Lim, D., Mansour, R., Alduleimi, H., & Blackstock, F. (2023). Evaluating the impact of a co-designed COVID-19 management model for people from Arabic speaking communities in Australia. In European Respiratory Journal. Milan, Italy.
    2023 Smith, S., Ansari, S., Liaw, T. -L., Jalaludin, B., Garden, F., & Marks, G. B. (2023). Concordance for a patient-driven agenda for primary care COPD consultations. In Respirology. online: Wiley.
    2022 Smith, S., Schippers, A., & Marks, G. B. (2022). Response shift in COPD patients undertaking pulmonary rehabilitation. In Respirology Vol. 27 (pp. 24). online: Wiley.
    2022 Rupasinghe, M., Reath, J., Cevetkovski, B., Smith, S., Bosnic-Anticevich, S., Kritikos, V., & Abbott, P. (2022). Have we got the right focus in asthma care in general practice? – a qualitative study. In hardcopy. Melbourne, Australia.
    2022 Sajnic, A., Narsavage, G., Kelly, C., Heslop-Marshall, K., Padilha, J. M., Murray, B., . . . Smith, S. (2022). Steps in the development of an international curriculum for respiratory nurses (ICRN): A Delphi Process plan to standardise levels of respiratory nursing education. In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Vol. 60 (pp. 2 pages). EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
    DOI WoS1
    2022 Narsavage, G., Sajnic, A., Kelly, C., Smith, S., Roberts, N., Heslop-Marshall, K., . . . Poot, B. (2022). Development of an international curriculum for respiratory nurses (ICRN): A global needs survey. In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Vol. 60 (pp. 2 pages). EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
    DOI WoS1
    2022 Smith, S., Cheng, A., Waterer, G., Middleton, P., & Thompson, P. (2022). Understanding symptoms and decision making in adults with proven influenza. In RESPIROLOGY Vol. 27 (pp. 220). WILEY.
    2020 George, M., Hernandez, C., & for the CARES group. (2020). Nursing Research Priorities in Critical Care, Pulmonary and Sleep Based on an International Delphi Survey of Nurses, Patients and Caregivers: An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report. In B96. A FOCUS ON RESEARCH PRIORITIES: COMMUNICATION, EDUCATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT, AND RISK REDUCTION. American Thoracic Society.
    2019 Smith, S. M. S., Waterer, G., Cheng, A., Middleton, P., & Thompson, P. (2019). Home Quarantine experience. In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Vol. 54 (pp. 2 pages). SPAIN, Madrid: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
    DOI WoS3
    2018 George, M. R., Hernandez, C., Carno, M. A., Guttormson, J. L., Narsavage, G. L., & Smith, S. M. (2018). Results of the First Round of the Nursing Assembly CARES Delphi Project to Update Research Priorities by Engaging Nurses, Patients and Caregivers Globally. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE Vol. 197 (pp. 2 pages). CA, San Diego: AMER THORACIC SOC.
    2013 May, C. S., Smith, S. M., & Griffiths, R. (2013). Challenges In Developing Systematic Review Protocol For Cannabis Smoking Cessation Interventions. In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE Vol. 187 (pp. 1 page). AMER THORACIC SOC.


Evaluating the impact of “Living Better with COVID-19@Home”: a co-designed, self-directed

COVID-19 home management program for people from Arabic speaking communities.

Tang, C., 

Smith, SMS.,

Blackstock F.,

Lim, D

WSU – School of Health Sciences



Co-designing a COVID self management toolkit for Arab speaking adults

Tang, C.,

Smith, SMS.,

Blackstock F., 

Kattan R.,

Sidhu, B., Brady, B.,

Saliba, M.

Innovative Grant for Multicultural NSW



Respiratory, Sleep,

Environmental and Occupational

Health Step-up Fellowship

Smith SMS


Clinical Academic Group




Breathless Clinic – working together to defeat breathlessness in COPD

Cochrane B

Kemp T

Smith T

Foo S

Smith SM

 GSK Pharmaceuticals



Pandemic intervention and Monitoring System (PiMS)

Matthews, J

O'Reilly G, Luckoff C

McMahon J

Rogers B Smith SM et


Alfred Foundation



Short videos for patients to increase uptake of referral to pulmonary rehabilitation: a multicentre randomised controlled trial.

Dennis, S

Tionville, C

Smith SM

Harrington, Z,

McKeough, Z

McNamara, R

NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation



Developing a decision aid for managing patients with acute respiratory infections

Marks, GB

Smith, SM

Garden, F


CAG Development




COPD PACE in Primary Care

Smith SMS

Marks G

Jalalubin B

Garden F

Liaw T

SPHERE Respiratory





Developing beginning level research skills in respiratory nurses


Smith SM


Glaxo Smith Kline

(GSK) Grant



I’m an experienced academic and I’ve enthusiastically invested time and energy into my teaching. I incorporate evidence-based approaches to my teaching and learning strategies. The curriculums I develop are underpinned with a learner centred approach as an integral part of adult participatory education. I’ve held university academic leadership positions and have been responsible for post graduate programs and units. These skills are employed in supporting my higher degree students (honours, masters and PhD) to achieve their ultimate goal of obtaining their degree and to become confident independent researchers.

  • Position: Professor of Nursing
  • Phone: 83133904
  • Email:
  • Campus: West End Health Precinct
  • Building: AHMS - Adelaide Health and Medical Sciences, floor Fourth Floor
  • Org Unit: Adelaide Nursing School

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