Ms Samantha March
Higher Degree by Research Candidate
PhD Candidate
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Samantha is a first-year Earth Sciences PhD candidate at the University of Adelaide. Her research focuses on the field of metamorphic petrology and uses methods such as petrography, geochronology, geochemistry, petrochronology and mineral equilibria forward modelling in order to further our understanding for Earth's tectonic history. Currently, Samantha is researching the Proterozoic history of ultrahigh-temperature rocks from the Warumpi Province in Central Australia, a location that may contain the key information necessary to settle the debate of Proterozoic rock formation in Australia; did it occur in a compressional or extensional environment? Previously, Samantha has studied the ultrahigh-pressure rocks of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway.
Samantha is passionate about science communication and leads the student-run publication 'The Dirt' as well as providing regular updates (and rock photos!) to her research Instagram, @samthegeo.
Samantha is a metamorphic petrologist and PhD candidate within the Continental Evolution Research Group (CERG). Her research concentrates on ultrahigh-temperature metapelites from Central Australia - specifically the Warumpi Province, Aileron Province and Strangways Metamorphic Complex. Through the application of metamorphic petrology, geochronology, geochemistry and mineral equilibria forward modelling, Samantha's project aims to reconstruct the geodynamic framework of Central Australia.
Samantha also has a strong passion for science communication and is the founding Editor for the first Adelaide University Geological Society (AUGS) monthly newsletter: The Dirt. She also provides regular project updates and explanations of geological concepts and methods on her Instagram: @samthegeo.
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2021 Achievement Participation in Science Communication Bootcamp University of Adelaide Australia - 2021 Scholarship Geological Society of Australia Endowment Fund Geological Society of Australia Australia 3000 2021 Scholarship Robert Francis Thyer Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2021 Achievement Founding Editor for 'The Dirt' student-run newsletter University of Adelaide Australia - 2020 Achievement National Exploration Undercover School (NExUS) graduate National Exploration Undercover School Australia - 2020 Award AusIMM Award for Academic Achievement Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2020 Award Tate Memorial Medal University of Adelaide Australia - 2020 Scholarship AusIMM Education Endowment Fund Scholarship Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2019 Award AusIMM JT Woodcock Book Prize Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2019 Award AusIMM Award for Academic Achievement Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2019 Award University of Adelaide Outstanding Academic Achievement Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2019 Scholarship Rali Foundation Mineral Geoscience, Ecotourism and Geology Scholarship Rali Foundation Australia - 2019 Award AusIMM Adelaide Women's Auxiliary Book Prize AusIMM Australia - 2018 Award University of Adelaide Glenn Leigh Scotford Memorial Prize University of Adelaide Australia - 2018 Achievement Acceptance onto Oman International Study Tour University of Adelaide Australia - 2018 Award AusIMM Award for Academic Achievement Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2018 Achievement AusIMM JT Woodcock Book Prize Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Australia - 2018 Award University of Adelaide Outstanding Academic Achievement Award University of Adelaide Australia - 2018 Scholarship University of Adelaide Summer Research Scholarship University of Adelaide Australia - 2018 Achievement Women in STEM graduate University of Adelaide Australia - -
Date Institution name Country Title 2020 - 2020 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Geology) 2017 - 2019 University of Adelaide Australia Bachelor of Science (Advanced) -
Research Interests
Robert Francis Thyer Award - 2021
Geological Society of Australia Endowment Fund - 2021
Igneous and Metamorphic Geology II - Practical Demonstrator
Igneous and Metamorphic Geology III - Practical Demonstrator
Tectonics III - Practical Demonstrator
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