Rowl Twidale

Rowl Twidale

School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Published continuously for more than 60 years and plan to continue. Publications include 18 books, and have co-edited another 11 books, more than 400 essays and papers in refereed monographs, journals; plus about a hundred short, unrefereed booklets, articles, reviews, etc.
As indicated by publications, research interests are eclectic, but known for work on structural geomorphology, particularly the development of granite forms; on desert landscapes; on weathering processes, especially the effects of groundwaters; on palaeosurfaces and models of landscape evolution, particularly the antiquity of landscapes in shield lands; on problems related to the dating of land surfaces; and increasingly the history of geomorphological ideas.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2000 - 2002 Honorary Visiting Research Professor University of A Coruña
    1999 - 2016 Honorary Visiting Research Fellow University of Adelaide
    1998 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of Salamanca
    1998 - 2020 Honorary Professor University of A Coruña
    1990 - 1998 Visiting Professor University of A Coruña
    1990 - ongoing Distinguished Visiting Professor New Mexico State University
    1988 - 1998 Reader University of Adelaide
    1980 - 2000 Visiting Professor Texas A&M University
    1979 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of Texas at Austin
    1979 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape
    1971 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of California, Berkeley
    1965 - 1988 Reader University of Adelaide
    1965 - 1966 Visiting Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
    1963 - 1965 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide
    1958 - 1963 Lecturer University of Adelaide
    1952 - 1955 Research Officer CSIRO
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1991 Complutense University of Madrid Spain Doctor Honoris Causa
    1977 University of Bristol United Kingdom D.Sc.
    1955 - 1957 McGill University Canada Ph.D.
    1951 - 1953 University of Bristol United Kingdom M.Sc.
    1948 - 1951 University of Bristol United Kingdom B.Sc. (First Class Honours)

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