Rowl Twidale
School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Published continuously for more than 60 years and plan to continue. Publications include 18 books, and have co-edited another 11 books, more than 400 essays and papers in refereed monographs, journals; plus about a hundred short, unrefereed booklets, articles, reviews, etc.
As indicated by publications, research interests are eclectic, but known for work on structural geomorphology, particularly the development of granite forms; on desert landscapes; on weathering processes, especially the effects of groundwaters; on palaeosurfaces and models of landscape evolution, particularly the antiquity of landscapes in shield lands; on problems related to the dating of land surfaces; and increasingly the history of geomorphological ideas.
Date Position Institution name 2000 - 2002 Honorary Visiting Research Professor University of A Coruña 1999 - 2016 Honorary Visiting Research Fellow University of Adelaide 1998 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of Salamanca 1998 - 2020 Honorary Professor University of A Coruña 1990 - 1998 Visiting Professor University of A Coruña 1990 - ongoing Distinguished Visiting Professor New Mexico State University 1988 - 1998 Reader University of Adelaide 1980 - 2000 Visiting Professor Texas A&M University 1979 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of Texas at Austin 1979 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of the Western Cape 1971 - ongoing Visiting Professor University of California, Berkeley 1965 - 1988 Reader University of Adelaide 1965 - 1966 Visiting Professor Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1963 - 1965 Senior Lecturer University of Adelaide 1958 - 1963 Lecturer University of Adelaide 1952 - 1955 Research Officer CSIRO -
Date Institution name Country Title 1991 Complutense University of Madrid Spain Doctor Honoris Causa 1977 University of Bristol United Kingdom D.Sc. 1955 - 1957 McGill University Canada Ph.D. 1951 - 1953 University of Bristol United Kingdom M.Sc. 1948 - 1951 University of Bristol United Kingdom B.Sc. (First Class Honours)
Year Citation 2024 Twidale, C. R. (2024). A note on Dodgson’s Rock platform, Elkington quarry, and the origin of bornhardts on north-western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 46, 1-15.
2023 Twidale, C. R., & Harrell, J. A. (2023). Flared slopes: The work of water or fire?. Earth-Science Reviews, 247, 17 pages.
2023 Twidale, C. R. (2023). The origin, age, and conservation, of an ‘elevated platform’, Yarwondutta Rock, north-western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 45, 33-58.
Scopus12022 Twidale, C. R. (2022). J. R. LOGAN AND THE ORIGIN OF THE TROPICAL INSELBERGS KNOWN AS NUBBINS (OR KNOLLS). Earth Sciences History, 41(1), 107-127.
Scopus12022 Twidale, C. R. (2022). Distribution and Morphology of the Bedrock Basins Known as Pans in a Granitic Inselberg Landscape. Journal of Geology, 130(4), 311-324.
Scopus2 WoS12021 Twidale, C. R. (2021). The power of moisture: ‘under and over ‘weathering’ and the ‘umbrella effect’. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 43, 177-184.
2020 Twidale, C. R., Campbell, E. M., & Bourne, J. A. (2020). Evolution of an ancient cratonic upland, the Gawler Ranges of inland South Australia. Geomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement, 26(1), 35-54.
Scopus3 WoS22020 Twidale, C. R., & Vidal-Romaní, J. R. (2020). Are corestones due to weathering and/or tectonism? Problems and suggestions. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 42, 29-52.
Scopus32019 Bourne, J. A., Wopfner, H., & Twidale, C. R. (2019). Lateral stability of central Australian longitudinal dunes. Australian Geographer, 50(2), 155-167.
Scopus3 WoS12018 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2018). Rock basins (Gnammas) revisited. Geomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement, 24(2), 139-149.
Scopus14 WoS82018 Twidale, C. R., Bourne, J. A., & Hilgers, A. (2018). R.L. Crocker and the South Australian palaeodunefields. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 142(2), 224-236.
Scopus3 WoS12017 Twidale, C. R. (2017). The putative pre-cenozoic age of Waddikee rocks, Koongawa, northern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 141(1), 70-82.
Scopus2 WoS12017 Twidale, C. R. (2017). Jennifer Anne Bourne (1946-2015): An appreciation. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 39, 177-180. 2017 Twidale And, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (2017). On the meaning and use of the terms, ‘erosion’and ‘exhumation’. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 39, 165-176. 2017 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (2017). What is exfoliation?. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 61(3), 267-274.
2016 Twidale, C. (2016). Enigmatic Mesozoic paleoforms revisited: the Australian experience. Earth-Science Reviews, 155, 82-92.
Scopus3 WoS32016 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2016). Karstification of interior Eyre Peninsula, South Australia and its impacts on land use. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 140(2), 135-151.
Scopus4 WoS32014 Twidale, C., & Brock, E. (2014). J. T. Jutson: A master of synthesis. Historical Records of Australian Science, 25(1), 28-42.
2014 Twidale, C. (2014). Pediments and platforms: Problems and solutions. Geomorphologie: Relief, Processus, Environnement, 20(1), 43-56.
Scopus6 WoS42014 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2014). Morphological impacts of low magnitude seismic events on granite: viewing certain landforms with new eyes. Earth-Science Reviews, 138, 487-502.
Scopus4 WoS42013 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2013). Landform terminology - some problems addressed. South Australian Geographical Journal, 112, 37-56. 2013 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2013). Paleosurface contrasts between the eastern and western margins of the Great Australian Basin. Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, 34(3), 179-196. 2013 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2013). Do pediplains exist? Suggested criteria and examples. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 57(4), 411-428.
Scopus9 WoS72013 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2013). Pediments as etch forms: implications for landscape evolution. Journal of Geology, 121(6), 607-622.
Scopus10 WoS72013 Twidale, C., & Maud, R. (2013). Auto-exposure and underprinting in the exhumation of Neoproterozoic (subNama) inselbergs in southeastern Namibia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 57(1), 61-73.
Scopus2 WoS12012 Twidale, C. (2012). Landscape analysis: derivation and rediscovery of ideas. Geomorphologie, 2012(3), 259-278.
Scopus4 WoS32012 Twidale, C. (2012). Paul S. Hossfeld and his contribution to geomorphology. Historical Records of Australian Science, 23(2), 132-141.
Scopus2 WoS32012 Twidale, C. (2012). Origin and age of the Mantung High Plain, a karst surface in the western Murray Basin of South Australia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 56(3), 317-330.
2012 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2012). Contrasted perceptions of Uluru. Physical Geography, 33(3), 285-302.
Scopus1 WoS12011 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2011). Geomorphology of Uluru, Australia: Discussion. Answers Research Journal, 4, 163-166. 2011 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2011). Neglected and cryptostructural effects in drainage development. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 36(36), 41-60.
Scopus42011 Twidale, C. (2011). Is Australia a tectonically stable continent? Analysis of a myth and suggested morphological evidence of tectonism. Progress in Physical Geography, 35(4), 493-515.
Scopus4 WoS42011 McDonald, R., & Twidale, C. (2011). On the origin and significance of basal notches or footcaves in karst terrains. Physical Geography, 32(3), 195-216.
Scopus12 WoS92011 Twidale, C. (2011). The ancient landscapes concept: 'Important if true'. Geomorphologie, 2011(1), 3-14.
Scopus9 WoS82011 Brock, E., & Twidale, C. (2011). J.T. Jutson and the work of the wind in shaping the landscape. Geographical Research, 49(1), 1-12.
Scopus8 WoS42011 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2011). The Lochiel landslip in 2010 and the significance of reinforcement mechanisms. Australian Geographer, 42(1), 69-78.
Scopus4 WoS32010 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2010). Drainage patterns in an Appalachian fold mountain belt: Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Cuaternario Y Geomorfologia, 24(1-2), 11-33.
WoS32010 Vidal Romani, J., & Twidale, C. (2010). Structural or climatic control in granite landforms? The development of sheet structure, foliation, boudinage, and related features. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 35(35), 189-208.
Scopus182010 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2010). Playas of inland Australia. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 35(35), 71-98.
Scopus42010 Twidale, C. (2010). Charles Fenner and early landform studies in South Australia. Historical Records of Australian Science, 21(2), 149-163.
WoS22010 Twidale, C. (2010). Climatic geomorphology?. Chikei, 31(3), 253-269. 2010 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. (2010). Preface. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, (35), 1. 2009 Twidale, C. R. (2009). Chamber's Pillar. WEATHER, 64(8), 223.
2009 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2009). Course of the Lower River Murray in South Australia: Effects of underprinting and Neotectonics?. Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings, 121(2), 207-227.
Scopus62009 Twidale, C. (2009). Obscure references: A cautionary tale. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia, 45(2), 59-89. 2009 Twidale, C. (2009). Early geomorphological observations in Malaya: the contributions of J.B. Scrivenor (1876-1950). Warta Geologi, 35(2), 41-46. 2009 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2009). On the origin of A-tents (pop-ups), sheet structures, and associated forms. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(2), 147-162.
Scopus17 WoS132009 Twidale, C. (2009). JR Logan's 1846 observations on Pulau Ubin, Singapore: Their significance for landscape interpretation. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 30(1), 130-139.
Scopus4 WoS22009 Twidale, C. (2009). Differentiating etch, epigene, and subaerial landforms. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 53(1), 1-21.
2008 Twidale, C. (2008). J.D. Falconer and his geomorphological interpretations in Northern Nigeria. Earth Sciences History, 27(2), 266-277.
Scopus22008 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2008). Caves in granitic rocks: types, terminology and origins. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 33(33), 35-57.
Scopus172008 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2008). Haloclasty on the bed of the Lake Gairdner Salina, South Australia. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 33(33), 59-63.
Scopus52008 Twidale, C., & Kenley, P. (2008). A.D.N Bain and Inselberge. Royal Society of Victoria. Proceedings, 120(2), 419-427. 2008 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2008). Conceptos geomorfológicos infravalorados: corrección, revisión y reposición de algunos de ellos. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia, 44(1), 59-90. 2008 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2008). Eleanora Bliss Knopf and unequal erosion. Earth Sciences History, 27(1), 131-135.
2008 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2008). Contrasted piedmont developments. Chikei, 29(2), 131-147. 2008 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2008). Significance of dimpled and grooved surfaces. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 52(1), 47-64.
Scopus1 WoS12007 Twidale, C. (2007). What's in a name? The 'discovery' of neotectonism. New Concepts In Global Tectonics, 44, 3-7. 2007 Twidale, C. (2007). Backwearing of slopes - the development of an idea. Cuaternario Y Geomorfologia, 21(1-2), 135-146.
WoS72007 Twidale, C. (2007). Bornhardts and associated fracture patterns. Asociacion Geologica Argentina. Revista, 62(1), 139-153.
Scopus242007 Twidale, C. (2007). Geomorphological characteristics of the ancient continental nuclei. Chikei, 28(2), 109-125. 2007 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2007). Fractures as planes of dislocation and two-way translocation: Their significance in landform development. Physical Geography, 28(3), 193-217.
Scopus3 WoS22007 Twidale, C. (2007). Concatenation and resultant inequalities in denudation. Physical Geography, 28(1), 50-75.
Scopus6 WoS52007 Lomax, J., Hilgers, A., Twidale, C., Bourne, J., & Radtke, U. (2007). Treatment of broad palaeodose distributions in OSL dating of dune sands from the western Murray Basin, South Australia. Quaternary Geochronology, 2(1-4 Sp Iss), 51-56.
Scopus54 WoS472007 Twidale, C., Bourne, J., Spooner, N., & Rhodes, E. (2007). The age of the palaeodunefield of the northern Murray Basin in South Australia: Preliminary results. Quaternary International, 166(1), 42-48.
Scopus14 WoS132006 Twidale, C. (2006). Notes on the origin and significance of stone layers. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 31(31), 127-141.
Scopus32006 Twidale, C. (2006). Jean-Henri Hassenfratz, corestone boulders and the two-stage or etch concept of the landform development. Earth Sciences History, 25(1), 107-115.
Scopus12006 Twidale, C. (2006). Origin and development of Kartinselberge, with particular reference to some South East Asian evidence. Geological Society of Malaysia. Bulletin, 49, 145-155. 2006 Grear, B., Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2006). A note on valley asymmetry in cross-section in the Adelaide area. South Australian Geographical Journal, 105, 106-110. 2006 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2006). Structure, surface and drainage development in the Cleve Hills and associated uplands, northeastern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. South Australian Geographical Journal, 105, 60-77. 2005 Twidale, C. (2005). Lineage as a factor in landscape analysis. Physical Geography, 26(1), 23-51.
Scopus7 WoS62005 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2005). Penecontemporary tectonic forms in basement areas: evidence derived from quarry exposures on northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Geodinamica Acta, 18(2), 101-113.
Scopus22005 Twidale, C., Bourne, J., & Vidal Romani, J. (2005). Beach etching and shore platforms. Geomorphology, 67(1-2), 47-61.
Scopus28 WoS252005 Twidale, C. R. (2005). Physical Geography, 1959-1987: Personal reminiscences and retrospect. South Australian Geographical Journal, 104, 59-63. 2004 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2004). Neotectonsim in Australia: its expressions and implications. Geomorphologie, 3, 179-194. 2004 Twidale, C. (2004). Reinventing the wheel: recurrent conception in geomorphology. Earth Sciences History, 23(2), 297-313.
Scopus32004 Twidale, C. (2004). Anthropogenically-induced erosion in arid and semiarid Australia. Cuaternario Y Geomorfologia, 18(3-4), 29-42. 2004 Twidale, C. (2004). Karst towers: some questions and answers. Studia Geologica Salmanticensia, 40, 57-84. 2004 Twidale, C. (2004). River patterns and their meaning. Earth-Science Reviews, 67(3-4), 159-218.
Scopus201 WoS1642004 Twidale, C., & Vidal Romani, J. (2004). Identification of exposed weathering fronts. Geodinamica Acta, 17(2), 107-123.
Scopus6 WoS72004 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2004). Notes on the geomorphology of The Humps, near Hyden, Western Australia. Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal, 87(3), 123-133.
Scopus102003 Twidale, C. (2003). The enigma of survival: problems posed by very old paleosurfaces. Physical Geography, 24(1), 26-60.
Scopus12 WoS92003 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2003). Commentary: practices, problems and principals for ecotourism - a case study. Tourism Geographies, 5(4), 482-492.
Scopus72003 Twidale, C. (2003). Canons revisited and reviewed: Lester King's views of landscape evolution considered 50 years later. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115(10), 1155-1172.
Scopus9 WoS52003 Vidal Romani, J., Bourne, J., Twidale, C., & Campbell, E. (2003). Siliceous cylindrical speleothems in granitoids in warm semiarid and humid climates. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 47(4), 417-437.
Scopus21 WoS142003 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2003). Origin and inversion of fluting in granitic rocks. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50(4), 543-552.
Scopus15 WoS102003 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2003). Geomorphological development of the Baxter Hills, a conglomeratic upland near Iron Knob, South Australia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 47(3), 351-371.
Scopus12 WoS102003 Lomax, J., Hilgers, A., Wopfner, H., Grun, R., Twidale, C., & Radtke, U. (2003). The onset of dune formation in the Strzelecki Desert, South Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(10-13), 1067-1076.
Scopus57 WoS462003 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2003). Active dislocations in granitic terrains of the Gawler and Yilgarn Cratons, Australia, and some implications. South African Journal of Geology, 106(1), 71-84.
Scopus26 WoS222002 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2002). Morphology and origin of three bornhardt inselbergs near Lake Johnston, Western Australia. Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal, 85(2), 83-102.
Scopus212002 Mueller, J., & Twidale, C. (2002). Geomorphic development of the Giants of the Mimbres, Grant County, New Mexico. New Mexico Geology, 24(2), 39-48.
Scopus102002 Twidale, C. (2002). The two-stage concept of landform and landscape development involving etching: origin, development and implications of an idea. Earth-Science Reviews, 57(1-2), 37-74.
Scopus118 WoS872002 Watchman, A., & Twidale, C. (2002). Relative and 'absolute' dating of land surfaces. Earth-Science Reviews, 58(1-2), 1-49.
Scopus76 WoS622002 Twidale, C. (2002). A note on the development of wash aprons in dune sand, central Australia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 46(4), 455-460.
Scopus1 WoS12002 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2002). Sturts Stony Desert, Central Australia. ERDKUNDE, Archiv fur Wissenschaftliche Geographie, 56(4), 401-418.
2002 Bourne, J., Hillis, R., Rutty, M., & Twidale, C. (2002). Fan, fill or covered pediment? Seismic investigation of alluvial cover thickness, Hayward 'Pediment', Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 46(2), 193-201.
Scopus4 WoS22002 Twidale, C., Bourne, J., & Vidal Romani, J. (2002). Multistage landform development in various settings and at various scales. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 27(27), 55-76.
Scopus42002 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2002). International science 'down under': The British association meeting in Australia, August 1914, with special reference to related activities in Adelaide. Earth Sciences History, 21(2), 166-189.
Scopus12001 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2001). Discovery and naming of the Baxter Hills near Iron Knob, South Australia. Historical Society of South Australia. Journal, 29, 95-102. 2001 Twidale, C. (2001). Reflections on the fate of some geomorphological ideas. Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 26(26), 101-120.
Scopus12001 Twidale, C. (2001). Simpson Desert dunes - dates and problems. Cuaternario Y Geomorfologia, 15(3-4), 11-20. 2001 Twidale, C., Prescott, J., Bourne, J., & Williams, F. (2001). Age of desert dunes near Birdsville, southwest Queensland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20(12), 1355-1364.
Scopus34 WoS292001 Wopfner, H., & Twidale, C. (2001). Australian desert dunes: wind rift or depositional origin?. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 48(2), 239-244.
Scopus32 WoS272001 Twidale, C. R. (2001). Ultimate and proximate origins: Tests based in the geomorphic evolution of the southeastern gawler craton and the stuart and spencer shelves, south australia. Physical Geography, 22(6), 502-530.
Scopus2 WoS22000 Twidale, C. (2000). Granite outcrops: their utilisation and conservation. Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal, 83(3), 115-122.
Scopus102000 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2000). Management implications of neotectonic activity at Minnipa Hill, north-western Eyre Peninsula, Australia. Royal Society of Western Australia. Journal, 83(3), 123-126.
Scopus12000 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (2000). Stepped landscapes and their significance for general theories of landscape development. South African Journal of Geology, 103(2), 105-119.
Scopus23 WoS172000 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2000). Rock bursts and associated neotectonic forms at Minnipa Hill, Northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 6(2), 129-140.
Scopus46 WoS332000 Twidale, C. (2000). Scarp retreat, slope stability, and the evolution of piedmont assemblages. South African Geographical Journal, 82(2), 54-63.
Scopus72000 Twidale, C. (2000). Early Mesozoic (?Triassic) landscapes in Australia: evidence, argument, and implications. Journal of Geology, 108(5), 537-552.
Scopus42 WoS322000 Twidale, C. (2000). Edwin Hills: morphotectonics and other geomorphological contributions. Proceedings of the Geologists Association, 111(1), 71-82.
2000 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2000). A note on the role of protection in landform development: examples from granitic terrains. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 44(2), 195-210.
Scopus16 WoS102000 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2000). Dolines of the Pleistocene dune calcarenite terrain of western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia: a reflection of underprinting?. Geomorphology, 33(1-2), 89-106.
Scopus24 WoS151999 Twidale, C. (1999). Origins and implications of oldlands. Stvdia Geologica Salamanticensia, 7, 28. 1999 Twidale, C. (1999). Geological methods of dating of land surfaces. Stvdia Geologica Salamanticensia, 7, 29-49. 1999 Twidale, C., Bourne, J., & Romani, J. (1999). Bornhardt inselbers in the Salt River Valley, south of Kellerberrin, Western Australia (with notes on a tesselated pavement in granite and pinnacles in laterite). Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 82(1), 33-49.
Scopus151999 Twidale, C. (1999). A plea for the best of the past: suggestion for teaching about landforms. Journal of Geoscience Education, 47(3), 241-248.
Scopus41999 Twidale, C. R. (1999). Landforms ancient and recent: The paradox. Geografiska Annaler, Series A: Physical Geography, 81(3), 431-441.
Scopus171999 Twidale, C. (1999). Landforms ancient and recent. Geografiska Annaler Series A - Physical Geography, 81(3), 431-441.
WoS151999 Twidale, C., Bourne, J., & Romani, J. (1999). Origin of miniature mogotes in granite, King Rocks, southern Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. Cuaternario y Geomorfologia, 13, 33-43. 1999 Vidal Romaní, J. R., & Twidale, C. R. (1999). Sheet fractures, other stress forms and some engineering implications. Geomorphology, 31(1-4), 13-27.
Scopus31 WoS201999 Twidale, C. R. (1999). Oldlands: Characteristics and implications based on the Australian experience. Physical Geography, 20(4), 273-304.
Scopus9 WoS81998 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (1998). The use of duricrusts and topographic relationships in geomorphological correlation: conclusions based in Australian experience. Catena, 33(2), 105-122.
Scopus30 WoS261998 Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (1998). Pediments and alluvial fans: genesis and relationships in the western piedmont of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(1), 123-135.
Scopus16 WoS111998 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (1998). Origin and age of bornhardts, southwest Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(6), 903-914.
Scopus42 WoS291998 Twidale, C. (1998). Antiquity of landforms: an 'extremely unlikely' concept vindicated. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(5), 657-668.
Scopus35 WoS271998 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (1998). Flared slopes revisited. Physical Geography, 19(2), 109-132.
Scopus16 WoS151998 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (1998). Multistage landform development, with particular reference to a cratonic bornhardt. Geografiska Annaler Series A - Physical Geography, 80(1), 79-94.
Scopus16 WoS151998 Twidale, C., & Campbell, E. (1998). Development of a basin, doughnut and font assemblage on a sandstone coast, western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Journal of Coastal Research, 14(4), 1385-1394.
Scopus32 WoS271997 Twidale, C. (1997). Persistent and Ancient Rivers - some Australian examples.. Physical Geography, 18(3), 215-241. 1997 Twidale, C. (1997). Tectonic regime and the preservation of Palaeosurfaces. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 41(4), 479-490.
Scopus3 WoS21997 Twidale, C. R. (1997). Persistent and ancient rivers–some australian examples. Physical Geography, 18(4), 291-317.
Scopus13 WoS71997 Twidale, C. (1997). Some recently developed landforms: climatic implications.. Geomorphology, 19(3-4), 349-365.
Scopus11 WoS91997 Twidale, C. (1997). Models of landscape evolution and the survival of Palaeoforms. Cadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 22, 151-182.
Scopus21997 Twidale, C. R. (1997). Comment on "<SUP>10</SUP>Be and <SUP>26</SUP>Al evidence for exceptionally low rates of Australian bedrock erosion and the likely existence of pre-Pleistocene landscapes" (Bierman and Turner, 1995). QUATERNARY RESEARCH, 48(3), 381-385.
WoS41997 Twidale, C. (1997). The great age of some Australian landforms: examples of, and possible explanations for, landscape longevity. Palaeosurfaces: recognition, reconstruction and palaeoenvironmental interpretation, 13-23.
Scopus231997 Twidale, C. R. (1997). The great age of some australian landforms: Examples of, and possible explanations for, landscape longevity. Geological Society Special Publication, 120(1), 13-23.
Scopus11996 Campbell, E., Twidale, C., Hutton, J., & Prescott, J. (1996). Preliminary investigations of dunes of the Gawler Ranges Province, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 120(1), 21-36.
Scopus61996 Twidale, C., Vidal Romani, J., Campbell, E., & Centeno, J. (1996). Sheet fractures: response to erosional offloading or to tectonic stress?. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie. Supplementband, 106, 1-24.
Scopus471995 Molina Ballesteros, E., Campbell, E., Bourne, J., & Twidale, C. (1995). Character and interpretation of the regolith exposed at Point Drummond, west coast of Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 119, 83-88. 1995 Twidale, C., & Campbell, E. (1995). Pre-quaternary landforms in the low latitude context:the example of Australia. Geomorphology, 12(1), 17-35.
Scopus19 WoS151995 Twidale, C. (1995). Bornhardts, boulders and inselbergs. Cadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 20, 347-380.
Scopus61995 Vidal Romani, J. R., Twidale, C. T., Campbell, E. M., & Centeno, J. D. (1995). Morphological and structural evidences concerning the origin of sheet fractures. Cadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 20, 307-346.
Scopus171995 Campbell, E. M., & Twidale, C. T. (1995). Lithologic and climatic convergence in granite morphology. Cadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 20, 381-403.
Scopus161994 Hutton, J. T., Prescott, J. R., Bowman, J. R., Dunham, M. N. E., Crone, A. J., Machette, M. N., & Twidale, C. R. (1994). Thermoluminescence dating of Australian palaeo-earthquakes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 13(2), 143-147.
Scopus24 WoS231994 Twidale, C. R., & Lageat, Y. (1994). Climatic geomorphology: A critique. Progress in Physical Geography, 18(3), 319-334.
Scopus41 WoS221994 Twidale, C. R. (1994). Gondwanan (Late Jurassic and Cretaceous) palaeosurfaces of the Australian craton. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 112(1-2), 157-186.
Scopus77 WoS601994 Twidale, C. R., & Vidal Romani, J. R. (1994). On the multistage development of etch forms. Geomorphology, 11(2), 107-124.
WoS151994 Twidale, C., & Vidal Romani, J. (1994). The Pangaean inheritance. Cuadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 19, 7-36.
WoS11993 Twidale, C. R. (1993). C.H. Crickmay, a Canadian rebel. Geomorphology, 6(4), 357-372.
Scopus6 WoS21993 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1993). Fractures: a double edged sword. A note on fracture density and its importance. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 37(4), 459-475.
Scopus10 WoS81993 Twidale, C., & Centeno, J. (1993). Landform development at the Ciudad Encantada, near Cuenca, Spain. Cuadernos Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe, 18, 257-269.
Scopus161993 Twidale, C. R., Campbell, E. M., & Vidal Romani, J. R. (1993). A-tents from the granites, near Mt Magnet, Western Australia. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 42(3), 97-103.
Scopus61992 Twidale, C. R. (1992). King of the plains: Lester King's contributions to geomorphology. Geomorphology, 5(6), 491-509.
Scopus7 WoS61992 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1992). On the origin of pedestal rocks. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 36(1), 1-13.
Scopus23 WoS151992 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1992). Geomorphological development of the eastern margin of the Australian Craton. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 17(4), 419-431.
Scopus16 WoS101992 Wopfner, H., & Twidale, C. R. (1992). Response to R. A. Callen and G. C. Nanson. Geologische Rundschau, 81(2), 595-599.
Scopus5 WoS51991 Baker, V. R., & Twidale, C. R. (1991). The reenchantment of geomorphology. Geomorphology, 4(2), 73-100.
Scopus106 WoS721991 Campbell, E. M., & Twidale, C. R. (1991). The gawler ranges, South Australia: An Unusual Volcanic Massif. Australian Geographer, 22(1), 24-33.
Scopus1 WoS21991 Twidale, C. R. (1991). A model of landscape evolution involving increased and increasing relief amplitude. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 35(1), 85-109.
Scopus66 WoS501991 Campbell, E. M., & Twidale, C. R. (1991). The early cretaceous marine transgression and its significance for landscape interpretation. Australian Geographer, 22(2), 178-184.
Scopus4 WoS11991 Campbell, E. M., & Twidale, C. R. (1991). The evolution of bornhardts in silicic volcanic rocks in the Gawler Ranges. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 38(1), 79-93.
Scopus73 WoS571991 Twidale, C. R., Schubert, C., & Campbell, E. M. (1991). Dislodged blocks. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 40(4), 119-129.
Scopus51990 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1990). The Gawler Ranges, South Australia: a silicic volcanic massif of anomalous morphology. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 39(3), 97-113.
Scopus31990 Twidale, C. R. (1990). The origin and implications of some erosional landforms. Journal of Geology, 98(3), 343-364.
Scopus68 WoS521990 Twidale, C. R. (1990). Weathering, soil development, and landforms. Special Paper of the Geological Society of America, 252, 29-50.
Scopus51989 Harrell, J. A., & Twidale, C. R. (1989). Horizontal grooves in granite, western Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma, USA. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 33(2), 165-178.
Scopus3 WoS21988 Wopfner, H., & Twidale, C. R. (1988). Formation and age of desert dunes in the Lake Eyre depocentres in central Australia. Geologische Rundschau, 77(3), 815-834.
Scopus58 WoS531988 Twidale, C. R., & Mueller, J. E. (1988). Etching as a process of landform development. Professional Geographer, 40(4), 379-391.
Scopus9 WoS41988 TWIDALE, C. R. (1988). Geomorphology: Like the Curate's Egg, but mostly good!. Australian Geographical Studies, 26(1), 5-20.
Scopus11988 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1988). Ancient Australia. GeoJournal, 16(4), 339-354.
Scopus131988 Twidale, C. R., Mueller, J. E., & Campbell, E. M. (1988). Etch forms in acid volcanic rocks, southern Australia and New Mexico, U.S.A.. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 37(4), 113-126.
Scopus31987 McFarlane, M., & Twidale, C. (1987). Karstic features associated with tropical weathering profiles. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 64, 73-95.
Scopus201987 Twidale, C. R. (1987). Sinkholes (Dolines) in lateritised sediments, western Sturt plateau, Northern Territory, Australia. Geomorphology, 1(1), 33-52.
Scopus231987 Twidale, C. R. (1987). Etch and intracutaneous landforms and their implications. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34(3), 279-292.
Scopus25 WoS171987 Twidale, C. (1987). Genesis of covered pediments: an alternative to Sakaguchi's climatic interpretation. Bulletin - University of Tokyo, Department of Geography, 19, 71-74. 1986 Twidale, C. R. (1986). Granite platforms and low domes: newly exposed compartments or degraded remnants?. Geografiska Annaler, Series A, 68 A(4), 399-411.
Scopus121986 Twidale, C. R. (1986). Granite landform evolution: Factors and implications. Geologische Rundschau, 75(3), 769-779.
Scopus48 WoS381986 Twidale, C. R., & Hutton, J. T. (1986). Silcrete as a climatic indicator: Discussion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 52(3-4), 351-356.
Scopus13 WoS111986 Twidale, C. (1986). A recently formed A-tent on Mt. Wudinna, northwestern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 35(1), 21-24.
WoS91986 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1986). Localised inversion on steep hillslopes: gully gravure in weak and in resistant rocks.. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 30(1), 35-46.
Scopus14 WoS121986 Twidale, C. R. (1986). The lochiel landslip, South Australia. Australian Geographer, 17(1), 35-39.
Scopus51985 Twidale, C. R., Horwitz, R. C., & Campbell, E. M. (1985). Hamersley landscapes of the northwest of Western Australia.. Revue de Geologie Dynamique et de Geographie Physique, 26(3), 173-186.
Scopus48 WoS451985 Twidale, C. (1985). Old land surfaces and their implications for models of landscape evolution.. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 34(4), 131-147.
Scopus201985 Twidale, C. (1985). Origin and age of inselbergs.. South African Geographer, 13(1), 7-23. 1984 BROCK, E. J., & TWIDALE, C. R. (1984). JUTSON,J.T. CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOMORPHOLOGICAL THOUGHT. AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, 31(1), 107-121.
WoS51984 Brock, E. J., & Twidale, C. R. (1984). J. T. Jutson’s contributions to geomorphological thought. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 31(1), 107-121.
Scopus61984 Hutton, J. T., Prescott, J. R., & Twidale, C. R. (1984). Thermoluminescence dating of coastal dune sand related to a higher stand of lake woods, northern territory. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 22(1), 15-21.
Scopus13 WoS141983 Twidale, C. (1983). Pediments, peneplains and ultiplains.. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 32(1), 1-35.
WoS461983 Twidale, C. R., & Milnes, A. R. (1983). Aspects of the distribution and disintegration of siliceous duricrusts in arid Australia.. Geologie en Mijnbouw, 62(3), 373-382.
Scopus12 WoS111983 Milnes, A. R., & Twidale, C. R. (1983). An overview of silicification in cainozoic landscapes of arid central and southern australia. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 21(4), 387-410.
Scopus48 WoS341983 Twidale, C., & Milnes, A. (1983). Slope processes active late in arid scarp retreat.. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 27(3), 343-361.
Scopus361982 Twidale, C. R. (1982). The evolution of bornhardts.. American Scientist, 70(3), 268-276.
Scopus37 WoS261982 Twidale, C. R. (1982). ( Stepped inselbergs and their significance: the example of Australia).. Annales de Geographie, 508(508), 657-678.
Scopus241982 Twidale, C. (1982). Granite landforms.. Granite landforms..
Scopus2711981 Twidale, C. R. (1981). Origins and environments of pediments. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 28(3-4), 423-434.
Scopus28 WoS251981 Twidale, C. (1981). Granitic inselbergs: domed, block-strewn and castellated.. Geographical Journal, 147(1), 54-71.
Scopus511981 Twidale, C. (1981). Inselbergs - exhumed and exposed.. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 25(2), 219-221.
Scopus41981 Twidale, C., & Wopfner, H. (1981). Aeolian landforms of Central Australia. A discussion.. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 25(3), 353-358.
Scopus41981 Twidale, C. (1981). (Early explanations of inselbergs).. Revue de Geomorphologie Dynamique, 30(2), 49-61.
Scopus21981 Twidale, C., & Van Zyl, J. (1981). Some comments on the poorts and pediments of the western Little Karroo.. South African Geographer, 9(1), 11-24.
WoS321981 Twidale, C. (1981). Age and origin of longitudinal dunes in the Simpson and other sand ridge deserts.. Erde, 112(3-4), 231-247.
Scopus231980 Bradley, W. C., Hutton, J. T., & Twidale, C. R. (1980). Role of salts in development of granitic tafoni, South Australia: a reply.. Journal of Geology, 88(1), 121-122.
Scopus3 WoS31980 Twidale, C. R. (1980). The simpson desert, central Australia. South African Geographical Journal, 62(1), 3-17.
Scopus41980 Twidale, C. R. (1980). Origin of minor sandstone landforms.. Erdkunde, 34(3), 219-224.
Scopus231980 Harris, W. K., Lindsay, J. M., & Twidale, C. R. (1980). Possible western outlet for an ancient Murray River in South Australia. 2. A discussion.. Search, 11(7-8), 226-227.
Scopus5 WoS51980 Twidale, C. R. (1980). The origin of bornhardts. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 27(1-2), 195-208.
Scopus221980 Twidale, C. R. (1980). Castellated inselberg.. Australian Geographer, 14(6), 368-371.
1979 Twidale, C. R. (1979). The character and interpretation of some pediment mantles. Sedimentary Geology, 22(1-2), 1-20.
Scopus12 WoS101979 Twidale, C. (1979). Delayed soil erosion: two examples from South Australia.. Geographical Association of Zimbabwe, Proceedings, 12, 39-47. 1978 BRADLEY, W. C., HUTTON, J. T., & TWIDALE, C. R. (1978). ROLE OF SALTS IN DEVELOPMENT OF GRANITIC TAFONI, SOUTH-AUSTRALIA. JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY, 86(5), 647-654.
WoS711978 TWIDALE, C. R., & SVED, G. (1978). Minor granite landforms associated with the release of compressive stress. Australian Geographical Studies, 16(2), 161-174.
WoS201978 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (1978). Distribution of Relic ‘Lands’ or Strip Fields in South Australia. Australian Geographer, 14(1), 22-29.
Scopus61977 McGowran, B., Rutland, R. W. R., & Twidale, C. R. (1977). Discussion: Age and origin of laterite and silcrete duricrusts and their relationship to episodic tectonism in the mid-north of South Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 24(7-8), 421-425.
Scopus71977 Hutton, J. T., Lindsay, D. S., & Twidale, C. R. (1977). The weathering of norite at black hill, South Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 24(1-2), 37-50.
Scopus291976 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (1976). The shaping and interpretation of large residual granite boulders. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 23(4), 371-381.
Scopus171976 Twidale, C. R. (1976). The origin of recently initiated exogenetic landforms, South Australia. Environmental Geology, 1(4), 227-240.
WoS871975 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (1975). Episodic exposure of inselbergs. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 86(10), 1473-1481.
Scopus95 WoS661975 Smith, D. M., Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (1975). Kappakoola Dunes—Aeolian Landforms Induced by Man. Australian Geographer, 13(2), 90-96.
Scopus71975 Twidale, C. R., & Bourne, J. A. (1975). The subsurface initiation of some minor granite landforms. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 22(4), 477-484.
Scopus361974 Daily, B., Twidale, C. R., & Milnes, A. R. (1974). The age of the lateritized summit surface on kangaroo island and adjacent areas of South Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 21(4), 387-392.
Scopus691973 Twidale, C. R. (1973). On the origin of sheet jointing. Rock Mechanics Felsmechanik Mecanique des Roches, 5(3), 163-187.
Scopus551972 Hutton, J., Milnes, A. R., Twidale, C., & Rosser, H. (1972). Composition and genesis of silcretes and silcrete skins from the Beda Valley, southern Arcoona plateau, South Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 19(1), 31-39.
Scopus421971 Twidale, C. R., Forrest, G. J., & Shepherd, J. A. (1971). The Imprint Of The Plough: ‘Lands’ In The Mt. Lofty Ranges, South Australia. Australian Geographer, 11(5), 492-503.
Scopus71971 Twidale, C. R., & Smith, D. L. (1971). A ‘Perfect Desert’ Transformed: The Agricultural Development Of North-Western Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Australian Geographer, 11(5), 437-454.
Scopus181971 JENNINGS, J. N., & TWIDALE, C. R. (1971). ORIGIN AND IMPLICATIONS OF THE A‐TENT, A MINOR GRANITE LANDFORM. Australian Geographical Studies, 9(1), 41-53.
Scopus171966 Twidale, C. R. (1966). Late cainozoic activity of the selwyn upwarp, northwest queensland. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 13(2), 491-494.
Scopus221965 Twidale, C. R. (1965). Weather pit (Gnamma). Australian Geographer, 9(5), 318-319.
Scopus21964 Twidale, C. R. (1964). Australian Landform Examples No. 3:Abandoned Ingrown Meander. Australian Geographer, 9(4), 247.
1959 Twidale, C. R. (1959). Some problems of slope development. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 6(2), 131-147.
Scopus191958 Twidale, C. R. (1958). Regent and future developments in the labrador peninsula. Australian Geographer, 7(3), 103-112.
1956 Twidale, C. R. (1956). A physiographic reconnaissance of some Volcanic Provinces in North Queensland, Australia. Bulletin Volcanologique, 18(1), 3-23.
Scopus51956 Twidale, C. R. (1956). Chronology of denudation in northwest Queensland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 67(7), 867-882.
Scopus37 -
Year Citation 2007 Twidale, C. (2007). Ancient Australian landscapes. NSW: Rosenberg Publishing Pty Ltd. 2005 Twidale, C., & Vidal Romani, J. (2005). Landforms and geology of granite terrains. Great Britain: CRC Press. 2000 Twidale, C., & Bourne, J. (2000). Walks on Hyden Rock. Hyden, Australia: Wave Rock Management P/L. 1998 Vidal Romani, J., & Twidale, C. (1998). Formas y Paisajes Graniticos. Universidade da Coruna. 1996 Davies, M., Twidale, C., & Tyler, M. (Eds.) (1996). Natural history of the Flinders Ranges. Royal Society of South Australia. 1993 Twidale, C. R., & Campbell, E. M. (1993). Remnants of Gondwana in the Australian landscape. R. H. Findlay, R. Unrug, M. R. Banks, & J. J. Veevers (Eds.), A A BALKEMA.
Scopus5 WoS31988 Twidale, C. (1988). The missing link: planation surfaces and etch forms in southern Africa.
Scopus91985 Twidale, C. (1985). Landscape inheritance: report of Working Group number 2.. 1985 Twidale, C. (1985). Ancient landscapes - their nature and significance for the question of inheritance..
Scopus41984 Twidale, C. (1984). Role of subterranean water in landform development in tropical and subtropical areas..
Scopus121978 Twidale, C. (1978). Granite platforms and the pediment problem..
Scopus7 -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 1996 Twidale, C. R. (1996). Derivation and innovation in improper geology, aka geomorphology. In B. L. Rhoads, & C. E. Thorn (Eds.), SCIENTIFIC NATURE OF GEOMORPHOLOGY (pp. 361-380). BINGHAMTON, NY: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.
WoS41996 Twidale, C. R. (1996). Exceptio probat regulam: Do exceptional forms test general theories?. In S. B. McCann, & D. C. Ford (Eds.), GEOMORPHOLOGY SANS FRONTIERES (pp. 40-52). MCMASTER UNIV, HAMILTON, CANADA: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD.
WoS21996 Slaymaker, O., Bremer, H., Twidale, C. R., Yatsu, E., Baker, V., Tricart, J. L. F., & Brunsden, D. (1996). The great debate: Denys Brunsden's tablets of stone. In S. B. McCann, & D. C. Ford (Eds.), GEOMORPHOLOGY SANS FRONTIERES (pp. 31-33). MCMASTER UNIV, HAMILTON, CANADA: JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD. 1993 Twidale, C. R. (1993). The research frontier and beyond: granitic terrains. In Geomorphology Vol. 7 (pp. 187-223). MCMASTER UNIV, HAMILTON, CANADA: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
DOI Scopus43 WoS301989 Twidale, C. R. (1989). The antiquity of the Australian landscape: evidence and implications. In J. R. V. ROMANI (Ed.), Cuadernos - Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe Vol. 13 (pp. 7-30). UNIV COMPLUTENSE MADRID, MADRID, SPAIN: EDICIOS CASTRO.
Scopus2 WoS21989 Twidale, C. R. (1989). The subsurface initiation of granitic landforms and implications for general theories of landscape evolution. In J. R. V. ROMANI (Ed.), Cuadernos - Laboratorio Xeoloxico de Laxe Vol. 13 (pp. 49-67). UNIV COMPLUTENSE MADRID, MADRID, SPAIN: EDICIOS CASTRO.
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