Robert Ali

Dr Robert Ali

Grant-Funded Researcher (D)

School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

I'm a Public Health Physician and Specialist in Addiction Medicine. Currently I'm a Senior Grant funded research fellow focusing on screening and brief intervention for substance use related problems in Primary Health Care. I'm a member of the Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drugs and was a founding member of the Cochrane Alcohol and Drug Group editorial board. I served on the WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Drug Dependence and Alcohol Problems and was the Director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Research into the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Problems based at the University of Adelaide. Until October 2016 I was Director of Community Based Treatment at the Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia, a position I held for 30 years.

Research Projects Available

Project 1 - Alcohol and Other Drug Screening and Brief Advice in Antenatal Care 

Project description:  This study aims to help reduce the risks and harms of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use during pregnancy and the immediate postpartum period via effective screening and the provision of brief advice. Women attending the antenatal clinic at Lyell McEwin and Modbury Hospital will be asked to self-complete the ASSIST-Lite screening tool (on computer tablet or paper based) and be provided with brief advice by antenatal staff and relevant to their personal level of risk.

The ASSIST-Lite is a short form of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), which was developed by the World Health Organization. The findings from this study will help to determine if this is logistically appropriate and effective approach to screening and brief intervention for substance use in an antenatal setting.

Projects available for: Third Year B.Hlth.Med.Sci.

Location: Helen Mayo South

Research project start: Semester 1 only

Special requirements: NA


Project 2 – Validation of the ASSIST in Pitjantjatjara Language

Project description:  This project aims to develop and validate a Pitjantjatjara language adaptation of the ASSIST. The project will occur in two phases. Phase 1 (development) is already underway, which will employ small focus groups of native Pitjantjatjara speakers to help refine the screening items, and check them for cultural and language appropriateness. Once complete, the study will roll into phase 2 (validation) which will involve recruiting a separate sample of Pitjantjatjara people who have a substance use disorder to validate the adapted version of the instrument.

This study will contribute to the ever-growing cultural and alternative adaptations of the ASSIST. In practice, this study will also provide health professionals with a culturally appropriate tool that can be used for screening and brief intervention among indigenous populations in Rural Australia.

Projects available for:  Masters

Location: Helen Mayo South

Research project start: Semester 2, 2021

Special requirements: NA

Project 3 – Validation of ASSIST-Lite against current Substance Use Disorder Criteria

Project description:  This project aims to validate the ASSIST-Lite (Ultra-rapid version of the ASSIST) against DSM-5 and ICD-11 diagnostic criteria. The ASSIST-Lite has been developed for use in clinical settings where time pressures may limit the ability of health professionals to screen for all substances, such as in Emergency Departments. However, the ASSIST-Lite has yet to be validated according to the criteria outlined in the recently released DSM-5 and ICD-11. This study will recruit participants to complete a battery of substance-use screening tools and clinical interviews, including the ASSIST-Lite, and will ultimately assess the ability of the ASSIST-Lite to discriminate between groups.

The clinical and research implications for this study are far-reaching. Some primary health networks in Australia and indeed throughout the rest of the world are using ASSIST-Lite as the optimal tool for screening and brief intervention. By determining through empirical testing the discriminant validity of the ASSIST-Lite, this project will have the potential to aid clinical and policy decision-making with regard to screening and brief intervention for problematic substance use.

Projects available for: Masters

Location: Helen Mayo South

Research project start: Semester 2, 2021

Special requirements: NA


Project 4 – Evaluation of ASSIST training program for health professionals

Project description:  This project aims to determine the effectiveness of the current ASSIST training program in screening and brief intervention for health professionals. Specifically, this study will employ longitudinal survey design to assess changes in confidence and self-efficacy among health professionals, before and after undertaking training in the use of ASSIST and linked brief intervention.

Currently, training in administration of screening and brief intervention using the ASSIST is reliant on self-reported satisfaction scores. However, it is important and necessary for subsequent development and refinement of future training to understand the strengths and opportunities that the current treatment program presents.

Projects available for: Masters

Location: Helen Mayo South

Research project start: Semester 2, 2021

Special requirements: NA




  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2015 - ongoing Honorary Associate Professor National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales,
    2012 - ongoing Affiliate Graduate Faculty Member Virginia Commonwealth University
    2002 - ongoing Clinical Associate Professor University of Adelaide
    1988 - 2016 Director, Community Based Treatment Drug & Alcohol Services South Australia
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2023 Honour Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) The King's Birthday Honours List Order of Australia Australia -
    2020 Award Senior Scientist Award APSAD Australian Professional Society for Alcohol and Drugs Australia -
    2013 Award Mentorship Award: Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment, Thailand - - -
    2012 Recognition Australasian Professional Society of Alcohol and Drugs; James Rankin Orator; - - -
    2005 Award Royal Australasian College of Physicians College Medal - - -
    1997 Achievement South Australian Postgraduate Medical Education Association: Edward Stirling Oration - - -
    1995 Award AIDS Council of South Australia Award for outstanding work in HIV and AIDS in South Australia - - -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    English -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1975 - 1981 University of Adelaide Australia MBBS
  • Postgraduate Training

    Date Title Institution Country
    FAFPHM RACP Australia
    FAChAM RACP Australia
  • Certifications

    Date Title Institution name Country
    Graduate Diploma in Public Health University of Adelaide -
  • Research Interests

  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2005 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Treatment Retention in Methadone Maintenance Programs in Indonesia: Towards Evidence-Informed Drug Policy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Riza Sarasvita
    2004 - 2010 Principal Supervisor Investigation of the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (The ASSIST) in Pregnancy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Elizabeth Dorothy Hotham
    1998 - 2002 Co-Supervisor ACUTE PAIN MANAGEMENT IN METHADONE MAINTENANCE TREATMENT Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Mark Doverty
  • Other Supervision Activities

    Date Role Research Topic Location Program Supervision Type Student Load Student Name
    2017 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Are Primary Care and Dosing Regimen Factors in the Outcomes of Injectable Heroin Treatment for Severe Opioid Use Disorder? University of Adelaide International Programme in Addiction Studies Master Full Time Lynda Thorson
    2012 - 2016 External Supervisor Economic evaluation comparing the cost-effectiveness of centre based compulsory rehabilitation and voluntary community-based methadone maintenance treatment in Hai Phong City, Vietnam National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales - Doctorate Full Time Thu Vuong
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2020 - 2022 Member Reference Group for the Post-market Review of the Opiate Dependence Treatment Program Medicines Department of Health Australian Government Australia
    2020 - ongoing Member Expert Advisory Group on Compulsory Facilities for People Who use Drugs Joint UNAIDS-UNODC Thailand
    2018 - ongoing Member National Alcohol Treatment Guidelines Advisory Committee University of Sydney Australia
    2018 - ongoing Chair NCCRED Methamphetamine and Emerging Drugs: Clinical Research Network NCCRED Australia
    2016 - 2020 Member NHMRC Alcohol guidelines committee NHMRC Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member Australian National Advisory Council on Alcohol and Drugs - -
    2004 - 2014 Board Member Australian National Council on Drugs - -
    1998 - 2004 Chair National Expert Advisory Committee on Illicit Drugs - -
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2005 - ongoing Member College on Problems of Drug Dependence -
    2004 - ongoing Member International Society of Addiction Medicine -
    2000 - ongoing Member Society for the Study of Addiction -
    1990 - ongoing Member Australasian Society of HIV Medicine -
    1986 - ongoing Member Australian Professional Society on Alcohol & Drugs -
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2005 - ongoing Editor Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence - -
    2004 - ongoing Associate Editor Drug and Alcohol Dependence - -
    2003 - 2016 Editor Drug and Alcohol Review APSAD Australia
    1997 - ongoing Editor Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews - -
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2004 - 2014 Asia-Pacific Drug Issues Committee – Chair Australian National Council on Drugs -
    2004 - 2007 Chapter Committee – President Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians -
    1996 - 2004 Chair, Board of Continuing Education Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians -
    1988 - 1994 Council Member Australian Professional Society on Alcohol & Drugs Australia
  • Position: Grant-Funded Researcher (D)
  • Email:
  • Fax: 81241492
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Helen Mayo South, floor 3
  • Org Unit: Medical Sciences

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