Reza Ghomashchi

Dr Reza Ghomashchi

Associate Professor

School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

As a materials scientist, I study the effect of microstructure on materials properties and performance and try to understand how materials fabrication routes (manufacturing processes) affect microstructure and therefore the performance of materials. The knowledge so developed should enable us to manipulate process parameters to achieve the desired microstructure and the required properties for specific application. My main research area is on solidification and casting of engineering alloys with main emphasis on aluminium alloys and steels.  As physical metallurgist, my research activities in the past thirty years were in the following areas;

Advanced Manufacturing Processes - Near Net Shape Forming (N2SF)

The term near net shape forming, N2SF, covers a wide range of manufacturing routes where there is no need for major post manufacturing treatments. This includes die forging and permanent mould casting. For casting, it covers the techniques where the as-cast product does not require  any (or at least a minimum amount of) post-solidification treatments. These are the following operations;

  1. Removal of feeding system
  2. Cleaning and removal of cores
  3. Machining
  4. Heat treatment

In this regard, it is anticipated to have metallic moulds in most cases, together with specialized machines and/or procedures to classify a casting technique as the “Near Net Shape Casting”, N2SC. The key word here is “precision”. The main N2SF techniques used in my research are;

  • Semi-Solid Processing of Metals    
  • Squeeze Casting
  • Die-Casting (high, Low & Gravity)   
  • Powder Metallurgy
  • Additive manufacturing (powder bed Selective Laser Melting)

Advanced Materials

As a physical metallurgist, my main research is concentrated on metallic materials and their composites with almost 80% of my research is concentrated on light metals including aluminium and Ti alloys and a range of steels. Since energy is an important factor in advancement of any society and the industry and almost 60% of energy wasted as heat, I have been researching some of materials which are able to convert the waste heat into electricity and that's why our recent activities are also concentrated on thermoelectric materials such as Bi2Te3 and Heusler and half Heusler alloys such as NiMnSn, NiMnCoSn, CoVSn alloys. These are the materials studied in the past 30 years;

  • Light Alloys, (Aluminium, Ti, Mg alloys)
  • Steels
  • Energy Converting materials (thermoelectrics, Heusler and half-Heusler)  
  • Advanced Composite Materials (Metal Matrix Composites & Intermetallic Matrix Composites)

Thermal, Mechanical and Thermo-mechanical Processing of Materials

In order to improve the properties of as-cast structures and reduce the non-uniformity in composition and microstructure, the as cast products usually undergo a thermal, mechanical or thermomechanical treatment prior to final shaping and usage in service. In this regard, it is important to understand the mechanism and kinetics of changes to ensure the desired outcome is achieved. Hot and cold forging and rolling along with controlled environment heat treatment processes were part of my research to optimise microstructure and mechanical properties of the semi-finished (blooms, billets and slabs) and finished shaped products.

  • Forging
  • Rolling
  • Heat treatment

Materials Performance

The way materials behave during service is an important step to predict the useful life of a range of engineering finished products. The way materials behave during cyclic loading (fatigue), or high temperature loading (Creep, Oxidation) or aggressive environment (corrosion) or even in an assembly configuration (wear) provide vital information on engineering parts integrity. The main area of materials performance in my research was on weld metal susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement and wear although as consultant I advised different firms on fracture, fatigue and creep failure of materials in real life applications. 

  • Wear
  • Energy Pipeline weld Metal integrity
  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2010 - ongoing A/Professor University of Adelaide
    2008 - 2010 Manager R&D materials Sunday Solar Technology
    2005 - 2008 Director Advanced Materials and Processing Research Institute
    2001 - 2006 Professor and NSERC-IRC Chair University of Quebec
    1990 - 2001 Senior Lecturer University of South Australia
    1988 - 1990 Materials Scientist BHP Steels
    1987 - 1988 Senior Research Fellow University of Bradford
    1983 - 1986 Research Fellow University fo Southampton
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2014 Award Buehler Best Paper Award for 2013 International Metallography Society United States -
  • Language Competencies

    Language Competency
    French Can read, write, speak and understand spoken
    Persian Can read, write, speak, understand spoken and peer review
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    1979 - 1983 University of Sheffield United Kingdom PhD
    1978 - 1979 University of Cambridge United Kingdom M.Phil
    1974 - 1978 Iran University of Science and Technology Iran B.Eng
  • ·ARC, IH 150100003 (2016 -2020) ARC Research Hub for Graphene Enabled Industry Transformation, 2017- 21,

One of the Chief Investigators (CI),  Leader: Prof. D. Losic

Total Support: $2,611,346.00

  • Energy Pipelines CRC- (Australian Pipeline Industry Association and Government of Australia) 2010-13

Group 1 Leader: Effective use of Materials in pipeline industry, five projects awarded on different aspects of "Weld metal susceptibility to hydrogen assisted cold cracking", RP1-02A, RP1-02B, RP1-02C, RP1-02D, RP1-02E,

Total Support: $510,550.00

  • Welded Structures Foundation, 2015-16

"The economics of post-weld heat treatment to remove residual stresses of welded structures: an in-situ neutron diffraction analysis and finite element modelling simulations",

Project Leader

Total Support: $51,935.00

  • Welded Structures Foundation, 2016

"Applications of predictive tools in welding"

Project Leader

Total Support: $17800.00

  • Research Equipment and Infrastructure Fund, 2015

"Seebeck Coefficient Measurement Systems",

P. Talemi, R. Ghomashchi, Z. Xie, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem

Total Support: $46960.00

  • ECMS Equipment/Infrastructure Funding, 2016

"HOT MOUNTING PRESS to prepare specimens for the analysis of materials' microstructure"

Total Support: $20,015.00

  • Catalyst Research Grants - PRIF CRG84, 2015-16

P. Talemi (Applicant) and R. Ghomashchi (Mentor)

Total Support: $26000.00 ($17000 + $9000 from Chem. Eng School)

In addition other grants such as School SEED grant, School Equipment grant (Optical Microscope), or industry contribution such as Onesteel (Rail steel with minor addition of Nb) or wear of hard materials for building industry (Syntec Diamond) as mini-research projects or consultancy work.

Canadian Grants (2002-2007) (CAD$)

  • Infrastructure Grant,

Principal Applicant: Prof. A. Charette- Director-CURAL (University of Quebec)

Awarded: Québec Government, (Ministère de la recherché, de la science et de la technologie), Dec. 2002,

Total support: CAN$4563000.00

  • NSER-Industrial Research Chair, 2002-2006

"Solidification and Metallurgy of Aluminum Alloys"

Alcan International, (Research and Development Center (ARDC) of Jonquière, Québec, Canada) $200,000.00 per year cash contribution and $100,000.00 per year of in-kind contribution.

NSERC- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, $265,000.00 per year cash contribution

CQRDA, (Centre Québécois de Recherche et de Développement de l’Aluminium), an agency for liaison, technology transfer and networking in the domain of aluminum, located in the region, Quebec, $75,000.00 per year cash contribution.

UQAC, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, $25,000.00 per year cash contribution.

Fondation de l’UQAC, a dynamic regroupment of private citizens, $10,000.00 per year cash contribution.

Fundraising Campaign of UQAC, $20,000.00 per year cash contribution.

Total Support (5 years): $2,975,000.00

  • ·Discovery Grant (NSERC-Canada), 2003-2006

Fundamental studies of AlTiSi intermetallic phases form in DC-cast A356 Al-Si alloy

Supporting body: NSERC

Total Support:  Can$100,000.00

  • ·Le Fonds Québécois de la recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies, NATEQ, 2002

Principal Applicants: Profs. A. Charette, R. Ghomashchi and 39 others

Supporting body: NATEQ

Total Support: $1,600,000.00 (2003-2006)

  • ·Le Fonds Québécois de la recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies, NATEQ, 2002

Principal Applicants: Profs. A. Charette, R. Ghomashchi and three others

Supporting body: NATEQ

Total Support: $360,000.00

  • ·Infrastructure Grant,  2004

Principal Applicant: Prof. A. Charette - Director-CURAL,

Research Leader: Reza Ghomashchi

Supporting body: ALCAN and Governmental agencies

Total Support: 6,000,000.00

  • CQRDA, (Centre Québécois de Recherche et de Développement de l’Aluminium), 2004

‘Comportement rhéologique de l’alliage Al-Si de fonderie A356 semi-solide’

Principal Applicants: Profs. André Charette et Réza Ghomashchi

Total Support: $30000.00 

  • CQRDA, (Centre Québécois de Recherche et de Développement de l’Aluminium), 2004

‘Effet de l’affinage des grains et de la modification sur la microstructure et les propriétés mécaniques des alliages de fonderie Al-Si semi-solides’

Principal Applicants: Profs. André Charette et Réza Ghomashchi

Total Support: $ 30000.00

  • CQRDA, (Centre Québécois de Recherche et de Développement de l’Aluminium), 2004

‘Dissolution des composés intermétallique AlTiSi dans l’alliage Al-Si A356’

Principal Applicants: Profs. André Charette et Réza Ghomashchi

Total Support: $15000.00

  • Fonds de Recherché sur la Nature et les Technologies, Québec, FQRNT, 2004-2007

Principal Applicants: Prof. Frank Ajersch, École Polytechnic du Montreal with Profs. Reza Ghomashchi, Andre Charette- UQAC and Mr. J. Langlais-ALCAN

Total Support: $65000.00 per year (2004-2007)

My core lecture room teaching activity started in early 1990 although I was involved casually in teaching since my PhD studies during 1980-83. The teaching covers general and specialists topics in materials. It is mainly concentrated on materials processing, selection and characterization at both undergraduate and graduate levels. I have lectured to a diverse ethnic and national groups in different countries (Australia, England, Iran, Canada) in four continents. The following lectures were delivered at undergraduate and graduate levels;

  • Undergraduate Courses

1- Diffusion and Deformation

Third year subject; based on microstructural characteristics of materials on atomic scale, Syllabus were developed and Lectures, Tutorials and Practicals designed and delivered.

2- Fundamentals of Composite Materials

Syllabus was developed and Lectures and Tutorial/Practicals designed and delivered.

3- Diffraction and its application in materials characterization

Lectures and Tutorials/Practicals were designed and delivered on X-ray and Electron diffraction principles and their applications in materials science and engineering.

4- An Introduction to Engineering Materials

First year engineering subject, all disciplines

5- Electrical Eng. Materials

Selection and properties of materials for electrical engineers

6- Heat Treatment of Engineering Alloys

Fundamentals of heat treatment for steels, cast irons and non-ferrous alloys of Aluminium and Copper

7- Solidification and Foundry Technology

Fundamentals of solidification, Principles of semi-finished and shaped casting 

8- Manufacturing Processes (mechanical Engineering 3rd year)

Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Casting, sheet metal forming...

9- Materials selection and failure analysis

After an analysis of different materials and processes and different failure of materials, techniques available for materials selection are discussed. A detailed failure analysis procedure is also introduced.

10- Steels metallurgy

Phase transformation, alloy elements effect on steel microstructure and properties of steels are discussed

  • Postgraduate Courses

1- Advanced Solidification Processing

2- Metallurgy of Aluminium Alloys

3- Advanced Composite Materials

4- Diffusion in solids

5- Deformation and dislocations

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Mechanical Behaviour of Laser Powder Bed Fusion 3D Printed Multi-Metals Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Tahir Abbas
    2024 Principal Supervisor Designing magnetocaloric nanoparticles at specific Curie point with the ability of destroying cancerous cells in magnetic fields Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Mina Ahmadi
    2024 Principal Supervisor Self-sensing in ultra-high performance fiber reinforced concrete considering the impact of time-dependent behavior and corrosion Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Masoud Ami
    2024 Co-Supervisor Identification of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque and recognition of the risk factors contributing to myocardial infraction Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Farajollah Zare Jouneghani
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2019 - 2025 Principal Supervisor Additive Manufacturing of lattice-architectured Ti-6Al-4V alloy for orthopaedic applications Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr John Arputharaj
    2018 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Improvement of Thermoelectric Properties Through Manipulation of their Microstructure: The Effect of Graphene Reinforcement Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Sadeq Hooshmand Zaferani
    2016 - 2023 Principal Supervisor Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) 3D printing of Titanium-based alloys: Effects of process parameters and post-fabrication treatments Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Alireza Dareh Baghi
    2016 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Welding Integrity for HSLA Welds Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Houman Alipooramirabad
    2015 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Manufacturing Processes Leading to Improved High pH SCC Resistance in Pipes Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Anthony Joseph Roccisano
    2014 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Experimental Study and Theoretical Modelling of Pipeline Girth Welding Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Krzysztof Borkowski
    2014 - 2020 Co-Supervisor Powder Metallurgy Synthesis of Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloys: Feasibility and Microstructural Characterization Studies Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Riaz Ahamed Ahamed Khan
    2012 - 2016 Principal Supervisor Effect of Particle Size and Sintering Processes on Mechanical Properties of Cemented Carbides Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Raihan Rumman
    2012 - 2017 Principal Supervisor Thermomechanical Factors Influencing Weld Metal Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Rahim Nazmudin Kurji
    2011 - 2014 Co-Supervisor Experimental Investigation of Tribological Characteristics of Water-Lubricated Bearings Materials on a Pin-On-Disk Test Rig Master of Philosophy Master Full Time Mr Yuriy Solomonov
    2011 - 2017 Principal Supervisor On the Relationship between Microstructure Mechanical Properties and Weld Metal Hydrogen Assisted Cold Cracking Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Walter Laszlo Costin
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2018 - ongoing Board Member Energies MDPI Switzerland
    2017 - ongoing Board Member Metals MDPI Switzerland
  • Position: Associate Professor
  • Phone: 83133360
  • Email:
  • Fax: 83134367
  • Campus: North Terrace
  • Building: Engineering South, floor 1
  • Org Unit: Mechanical Engineering

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