Rainer Haberberger

Professor Rainer Haberberger


School of Biomedicine

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.

Professor Rainer Viktor Haberberger is the Wood Jones Chair of Anatomy at The University of Adelaide, where he also heads up the Peripheral Pain Laboratory. Previously he was Professor of Anatomy & Histology, Head of the Pain & Pulmonary Neurobiology, and Convenor of the Centre for Neuroscience at Flinders University. He studied Human Biology (Medical Research) at the Philipps-University in Marburg, Germany and has been a Senior Scientist and Lecturer at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany until 2005.

His main areas of research interest are novel signalling mechanisms in pain transducing cells and how to utilize those to create a “pain-measurement device”. He received the Collaborative Research Grant of the International Society for the Study of Pain (IASP) 2006 & 2010, the Decima Strachan and Claire Lilia Wooton Estates “Spinal Cord Research Award” of the Australian Brain Foundation 2008 and the Australian Lung Foundation “Ludwig Engel Grant-in-Aid” for Physiological Research 2011. In 2017 he was chief investigator of an application that received the “John Boyd Craig Research Award”, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.

Research Summary

Chronic ongoing pain affects millions of people, and similar to cancer, there are different types of pain. Patients suffer for years because available drugs often don’t work very well because they cannot be targeted to a specific pain type. This is because there is no tool available that allows a quick and easy discrimination between pain types. The Peripheral Pain research group looks at reasons why drugs often don’t work that well for people suffering from chronic ongoing pain, what the characteristics of the pain detecting nerve cells in humans are and how we can better predict and define what type of pain people have.  This is to support diagnosis and to guide better treatment strategies. The laboratory collaborates with groups across Adelaide to align and complement techniques such as multiple labelling immuno-histochemistry, cell culture, RNASeq, and lipidomics.

Projects are available for: Honours / PhD / Masters

1. Development of a “neuron-on-chip” microfluidic device to differentiate between chronic pain types

A major clinical problem in treating chronic pain is that it is intrinsically difficult to measure because it encompasses both psycho-behavioural and physiological components. Consequently, low-cost and objective methods of pain assessment are not available, and clinical diagnosis relies heavily on self-reporting from patients. Approaches are urgently needed that can identify chronic pain states and discriminate between different subtypes. These would enhance the accuracy and efficiency of clinical diagnosis, design of treatment plans, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness, while minimizing harm and adverse effects associated with treatment.

In collaboration with Dr Matusica, Flinders University and Prof Nico Voelcker at Monash University, this research program will use a combination of neurobiology and nano-material science to more accurately and efficiently assess common chronic pain conditions via analysis of serum. This approach is based on two key innovations. We have determined how to drive immortalised sensory neurons into two major classes of nociceptor-like cells with distinct sensory capacities that can discriminate between serum samples collected from animal and human models of chronic pain using transcriptomics and calcium imaging. We aim to further identify and characterise the capacity of immortalised sensory neurons to specifically respond to serum obtained from different animal models of chronic pain.

In this research we will also incorporate these cells into a microfluidic device utilising novel “neuron-on-chip” technology. This with the aim to create a biosensor device optimised for analysis of serum samples using machine learning to discriminate between human chronic pain subtypes. A device capable of producing a reliable empirical measure of a chronic pain subtype, which we propose here, would revolutionise the speed and accuracy of diagnostic outcomes, especially for patients who are not capable of verbal self-reporting.

2. Development of a cell-type specific map of human dorsal root ganglia (DRG)

In the field of pain research there is a discrepancy between promising treatments using laboratory animals and the number of successful treatment strategies in humans. This is in part related to differences between sensory neurons in humans and animals. Data related to presence and function of nociceptors and other cell types in DRG cannot necessarily be translated from animal studies to the human situation. For example, the separation of nociceptors in two major classes of peptidergic and non-peptidergic cells is not possible for human nociceptors. Human nociceptors have a different neurochemical profile and utilize different sodium channels to generate action potentials. In addition, it is unknown what cell types comprise a human DRG. Consequently, the effect of treatments such as DRG stimulation on the different cell types in human DRGs is unknown as it is also not known how the cells that exist in human DRG change in response to ongoing chronic pain. This renders neurosurgical procedures and treatments to trial and error experiments.

In collaboration with SAHMRI and the Adelaide Microscopy facility, this research project aims to identify and describe the cell types present in human DRG, define neurochemical characteristics and changes in response to chronic pain. Here we will focus at the presence of non-neuronal cell types such as macrophages, T- and B-cells and mast cells, and define the vasculature including lymphatics. In addition we will use latest technology to create the first lipidomics map of human DRG.

  • Appointments

    Date Position Institution name
    2021 - ongoing Wood Jones Chair in Anatomy University of Adelaide
    2014 - 2021 Professor of Anatomy & Histology Flinders University
    2009 - 2014 Associate Professor for Neuroscience in Anatomy & Histology Flinders University
    2005 - 2009 Mary Overton Neuroscience Research Fellow Flinders University
    1996 - 2004 Lecturer Technical College Giessen-Friedberg
    1996 - 1997 Lecturer at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology Justus-Liebig-University
    1995 - 2005 Research Fellow and Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology Justus-Liebig-University
    1994 - 1995 Scientist and Lecturer at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology Philipps-University
    1992 - 1996 Lecturer Medi-Learn Company
  • Awards and Achievements

    Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount
    2019 Award Teaching Excellence Award Flinders Medical Student Society Australia -
    2018 Award Recognition of Exemplary Education Award for the Anatomy and Histology Unit Flinders Medical Student Society Australia -
    2017 Award John Boyd Craig Research Award Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists Australia -
    2012 Award Bren Gannon Award for Innovation in Teaching Flinders Medical Student Society Australia -
  • Education

    Date Institution name Country Title
    2000 - 2004 Justus-Liebig-University Germany Professorial Degree
    1995 - 1998 Philipp University of Marburg Germany Research Doctorate (PhD) in Neuroscience
    1988 - 1994 Philipp University of Marburg Germany Diploma Medical Research (Human Biology)
  • Postgraduate Training

    Date Title Institution Country
    2000 - 2003 Postdoctoral Fellowship - Acetylcholine receptors of primary afferent neurons Justus-Liebig-University Germany
  • Research Interests

  • Journals

    Year Citation
    2024 Shiers, S. I., Mazhar, K., Wangzhou, A., Haberberger, R., Lesnak, J. B., Sankaranarayanan, I., . . . Price, T. J. (2024). Nageotte nodules in human DRG reveal neurodegeneration in painful diabetic neuropathy.. bioRxiv.
    2024 Price, T., Shiers, S., Mazhar, K., Wangzhou, A., Haberberger, R., Lesnak, J., . . . Dussor, G. (2024). Nageotte nodules in human DRG reveal neurodegeneration in painful diabetic neuropathy.. Res Sq.
    2024 Haberberger, R. V., Matusica, D., Shiers, S., Sankaranarayanan, I., & Price, T. J. (2024). Transcriptomic and histological characterization of telocytes in the human dorsal root ganglion.. bioRxiv.
    2023 Haberberger, R. V., Kuramatilake, J., Barry, C. M., & Matusica, D. (2023). Ultrastructure of dorsal root ganglia. Cell and Tissue Research, 393(1), 17-36.
    DOI Scopus6 Europe PMC3
    2022 Castro, J., Harrington, A. M., Chegini, F., Matusica, D., Spencer, N. J., Brierley, S. M., . . . Barry, C. M. (2022). Clodronate Treatment Prevents Vaginal Hypersensitivity in a Mouse Model of Vestibulodynia.. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 11, 1-11.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS3 Europe PMC6
    2021 Tran, H. B., Hamon, R., Jersmann, H., Ween, M. P., Asare, P., Haberberger, R., . . . Hodge, S. J. (2021). AIM2 nuclear exit and inflammasome activation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and response to cigarette smoke. Journal of Inflammation-London, 18(1), 1-13.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS6 Europe PMC9
    2020 Chia, K. L., Teoh, J. H., & Haberberger, R. V. (2020). Neuroanatomical relationship between Jingbi and the brachial plexus. Acupuncture in Medicine, 39(3), 964528420938373.
    2020 Haberberger, R. V., Barry, C., & Matusica, D. (2020). Immortalized Dorsal Root Ganglion Neuron Cell Lines. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 14, 21 pages.
    DOI Scopus41 WoS27 Europe PMC22
    2020 Dusan, M., Jastrow, C., Alyce, M. M., Yingkai, W., Shashikanth, M., Andelain, E., . . . Haberberger, R. (2020). Differentiation of the 50B11 dorsal root ganglion cells into NGF and GDNF responsive nociceptor subtypes. Molecular Pain, 16, 1-19.
    DOI Scopus3 Europe PMC4
    2019 Barry, C. M., Matusica, D., & Haberberger, R. V. (2019). Emerging Evidence of Macrophage Contribution to Hyperinnervation and Nociceptor Sensitization in Vulvodynia. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 12, 7 pages.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS10 Europe PMC9
    2019 Haberberger, R. V., Barry, C., Dominguez, N., & Matusica, D. (2019). Human dorsal root ganglia. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 13, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus154 WoS112 Europe PMC107
    2019 Jiang, Z. J., Delaney, T. L., Zanin, M. P., Haberberger, R. V., Pitson, S. M., Huang, J., . . . Gong, L. W. (2019). Extracellular and intracellular sphingosine-1-phosphate distinctly regulates exocytosis in chromaffin cells. Journal of Neurochemistry, 149(6), 729-746.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC8
    2018 Barry, C. M., Ji, E., Sharma, H., Yap, P., Spencer, N. J., Matusica, D., & Haberberger, R. V. (2018). Peptidergic nerve fibers in the urethra: Morphological and neurochemical characteristics in female mice of reproductive age. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(3), 960-970.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC4
    2018 Barry, C. M., Huilgol, K. K., & Haberberger, R. V. (2018). New models to study vulvodynia: Hyperinnervation and nociceptor sensitization in the female genital tract. Neural Regeneration Research, 13(12), 2096-2097.
    DOI Scopus5 WoS5 Europe PMC3
    2018 Sharma, H., Ji, E., Yap, P., Vilimas, P., Kyloh, M., Spencer, N. J., . . . Barry, C. M. (2018). Innervation Changes Induced by Inflammation in the Murine Vagina. Neuroscience, 372, 16-26.
    DOI Scopus12 WoS8 Europe PMC7
    2018 Gutbier, B., Schönrock, S. M., Ehrler, C., Haberberger, R., Dietert, K., Gruber, A. D., . . . Witzenrath, M. (2018). Sphingosine Kinase 1 Regulates Inflammation and Contributes to Acute Lung Injury in Pneumococcal Pneumonia via the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 2. Critical care medicine, 46(3), e258-e267.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS14 Europe PMC11
    2017 Quarta, S., Camprubí-Robles, M., Schweigreiter, R., Matusica, D., Haberberger, R. V., Proia, R. L., . . . Kress, M. (2017). Sphingosine-1-phosphate and the S1P<inf>3</inf> receptor initiate neuronal retraction via RhoA/ROCK associated with CRMP2 phosphorylation. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 10, 13 pages.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS27 Europe PMC22
    2017 Barry, C. M., Ji, E., Sharma, H., Beukes, L., Vilimas, P. I., DeGraaf, Y. C., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2017). Morphological and neurochemical differences in peptidergic nerve fibers of the mouse vagina. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 525(10), 2394-2410.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS7 Europe PMC7
    2017 Chia, K. L., & Haberberger, R. V. (2017). Needling depth at BL52 in 13 cadavers. Acupuncture in Medicine, 35(2), 155-156.
    DOI Scopus2 WoS2 Europe PMC1
    2017 Barnawi, J., Jersmann, H., Haberberger, R., Hodge, S., & Meech, R. (2017). Reduced DNA methylation of sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 5 in alveolar macrophages in COPD: A potential link to failed efferocytosis. Respirology, 22(2), 315-321.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS27 Europe PMC24
    2017 Rojas-Canales, D., Penko, D., Min, K., Parham, K., Peiris, H., Haberberger, R., . . . Jessup, C. (2017). Local sphingosine kinase 1 activity improves islet transplantation. Diabetes, 66(5), 1301-1311.
    DOI Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC4
    2016 Tran, H. B., Barnawi, J., Ween, M., Hamon, R., Roscioli, E., Hodge, G., . . . Hodge, S. (2016). Cigarette smoke inhibits efferocytosis via deregulation of sphingosine kinase signaling: reversal with exogenous S1P and the S1P analogue FTY720. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 100(1), 195-202.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS28 Europe PMC23
    2016 Barnawi, J., Tran, H. B., Roscioli, E., Hodge, G., Jersmann, H., Haberberger, R., & Hodge, S. (2016). Pro-phagocytic Effects of Thymoquinone on Cigarette Smoke-exposed Macrophages Occur by Modulation of the Sphingosine-1-phosphate Signalling System. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 13(5), 653-661.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS16 Europe PMC16
    2016 Chia, K. L., & Haberberger, R. V. (2016). A study to investigate needle insertion at Shenshu (BL23) to puncture psoas major muscle. Journal of Integrative Medicine, 14(2), 128-133.
    DOI Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC2
    2016 Weth-Malsch, D., Langeslag, M., Beroukas, D., Zangrandi, L., Kastenberger, I., Quarta, S., . . . Kress, M. (2016). Ablation of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor subtype 3 impairs hippocampal neuron excitability in vitro and spatial working memory in vivo. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 10(NOV2016), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus20 WoS12 Europe PMC17
    2015 Beroukas, D., Selhorst, M., Pitson, S. M., Matusica, D., Gibbins, I. L., Kress, M., & Haberberger, R. V. (2015). Sphingosine kinase 1 in murine dorsal root ganglia. AIMS MOLECULAR SCIENCE, 2(1), 22-33.
    DOI WoS1
    2015 Kestell, G., Anderson, R., Clarke, J., Haberberger, R., & Gibbins, I. (2015). Primary afferent neurons containing calcitonin gene-related peptide but not substance P in forepaw skin, dorsal root ganglia, and spinal cord of mice. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 523(17), 2555-2569.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS32 Europe PMC26
    2015 Canlas, J., Holt, P., Carroll, A., Rix, S., Ryan, P., Davies, L., . . . Haberberger, R. (2015). Sphingosine kinase 2-deficiency mediated changes in spinal pain processing. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 8(AUGUST), 1-13.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS17 Europe PMC9
    2015 Barnawi, J., Hai, T., Jersmann, H., Pitson, S., Roscioli, E., Hodge, G., . . . Hodge, S. (2015). Potential link between the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P) system and defective alveolar macrophage phagocytic function in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). PLoS One, 10(10), e0122771-1-e0122771-21.
    DOI Scopus48 WoS40 Europe PMC35
    2015 Barry, C. M., Kestell, G., Gillan, M., Haberberger, R. V., & Gibbins, I. L. (2015). Sensory nerve fibers containing calcitonin gene-related peptide in gastrocnemius, latissimus dorsi and erector spinae muscles and thoracolumbar fascia in mice. Neuroscience, 291, 106-117.
    DOI Scopus39 WoS33 Europe PMC23
    2013 Camprubí-Robles, M., Mair, N., Andratsch, M., Benetti, C., Beroukas, D., Rukwied, R., . . . Kress, M. (2013). Sphingosine-1-phosphate-induced nociceptor excitation and ongoing pain behavior in mice and humans is largely mediated by S1P3 receptor. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(6), 2582-2592.
    DOI Scopus55 WoS52 Europe PMC39
    2012 Sun, Y., Lim, Y., Li, F., Liu, S., Lu, J. J., Haberberger, R., . . . Zhou, X. F. (2012). ProBDNF collapses neurite outgrowth of primary neurons by activating RhoA. PLoS ONE, 7(4), 1-12.
    DOI Scopus130 WoS84 Europe PMC92
    2011 Schirmer, S. U., Eckhardt, I., Lau, H., Klein, J., DeGraaf, Y. C., Lips, K. S., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2011). The cholinergic system in rat testis is of non-neuronal origin. Reproduction, 142(1), 157-166.
    DOI Scopus35 WoS30 Europe PMC23
    2011 Mair, N., Benetti, C., Andratsch, M., Leitner, M. G., Constantin, C. E., Camprubí-Robles, M., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2011). Genetic evidence for involvement of neuronally expressed s1P<inf>1</inf> receptor in nociceptor sensitization and inflammatory pain. PLoS ONE, 6(2), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus61 WoS57 Europe PMC45
    2011 Vilimas, P. I., Yuan, S. Y., Haberberger, R. V., & Gibbins, I. L. (2011). Sensory innervation of the external genital tract of female Guinea pigs and mice. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(7), 1985-1995.
    DOI Scopus21 WoS20 Europe PMC13
    2011 Park, K., Haberberger, R. V., Gordon, T. P., & Jackson, M. W. (2011). Antibodies interfering with the type 3 muscarinic receptor pathway inhibit gastrointestinal motility and cholinergic neurotransmission in Sjögren's syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 63(5), 1426-1434.
    DOI Scopus54 WoS46 Europe PMC28
    2011 Cordts, F., Pitson, S., Tabeling, C., Gibbins, I., Moffat, D., Jersmann, H., . . . Haberberger, R. (2011). Expression profile of the sphingosine kinase signalling system in the lung of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Life Sciences, 89(21-22), 806-811.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS25 Europe PMC23
    2011 Tam Tam, S., Bastian, I., Zhou, X., Vander Hoek, M., Michael, M., Gibbins, I., & Haberberger, R. (2011). MicroRNA-143 expression in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Cell and Tissue Research, 346(2), 163-173.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS28 Europe PMC27
    2011 Bastian, I., Tam Tam, S., Zhou, X., Kazenwadel, J., Van Der Hoek, M., Michael, M., . . . Haberberger, R. (2011). Differential expression of microRNA-1 in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 135(1), 37-45.
    DOI Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC14
    2011 Clarke, J. N., Anderson, R. L., Haberberger, R. V., & Gibbins, I. L. (2011). Non-peptidergic small diameter primary afferents expressing VGluT2 project to lamina I of mouse spinal dorsal horn. Molecular Pain, 7, 17 pages.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC9
    2010 Wilson, A. J., Carati, C. J., Gannon, B. J., Haberberger, R., & Chataway, T. K. (2010). Aquaporin-1 in blood vessels of rat circumventricular organs. Cell and Tissue Research, 340(1), 159-168.
    DOI Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC17
    2009 Jositsch, G., Papadakis, T., Haberberger, R. V., Wolff, M., Wess, J., & Kummer, W. (2009). Suitability of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antibodies for immunohistochemistry evaluated on tissue sections of receptor gene-deficient mice. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 379(4), 389-395.
    DOI Scopus133 WoS114 Europe PMC93
    2009 Haberberger, R. V., Tabeling, C., Runciman, S., Gutbier, B., König, P., Andratsch, M., . . . Witzenrath, M. (2009). Role of sphingosine kinase 1 in allergen-induced pulmonary vascular remodeling and hyperresponsiveness. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 124(5), 933-941.
    DOI Scopus32 WoS29 Europe PMC19
    2009 Klein, M. K., Haberberger, R. V., Hartmann, P., Faulhammer, P., Lips, K. S., Krain, B., . . . König, P. (2009). Muscarinic receptor subtypes in cilia-driven transport and airway epithelial development. European Respiratory Journal, 33(5), 1113-1121.
    DOI Scopus52 WoS40 Europe PMC31
    2008 Kindt, F., Wiegand, S., Niemeier, V., Kupfer, J., Löser, C., Nilles, M., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2008). Reduced expression of nicotinic α subunits 3, 7, 9 and 10 in lesional and nonlesional atopic dermatitis skin but enhanced expression of α subunits 3 and 5 in mast cells. British Journal of Dermatology, 159(4), 847-857.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS29 Europe PMC19
    2008 Ahlbrecht, K., Schmitz, J., Seay, U., Schwarz, C., Mittnacht-Kraus, R., Gaumann, A., . . . Voswinckel, R. (2008). Spatiotemporal expression of flk-1 in pulmonary epithelial cells during lung development. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 39(2), 163-170.
    DOI Scopus14 WoS12 Europe PMC10
    2008 Kress, M., Karasek, J., Ferrer-Montiel, A. V., Scherbakov, N., & Haberberger, R. V. (2008). TRPC channels and diacylglycerol dependent calcium signaling in rat sensory neurons. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 130(4), 655-667.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS34 Europe PMC30
    2007 Kindt, F., Wiegand, S., Löser, C., Nilles, M., Niemeier, V., Hsu, S. Y. T., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2007). Intermedin: A skin peptide that is downregulated in atopic dermatitis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 127(3), 605-613.
    DOI Scopus11 WoS12 Europe PMC7
    2006 Haberberger, R., Schultheiss, G., & Diener, M. (2006). Epithelial muscarinic M<inf>1</inf> receptors contribute to carbachol-induced ion secretion in mouse colon. European Journal of Pharmacology, 530(3), 229-233.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS32 Europe PMC26
    2006 Plato, M., Kummer, W., & Haberberger, R. V. (2006). Structural and neurochemical comparison of vagal and spinal afferent neurons projecting to the rat lung. Neuroscience Letters, 395(3), 215-219.
    DOI Scopus29 WoS26 Europe PMC20
    2006 Kummer, W., Wiegand, S., Akinci, S., Wessler, I., Schinkel, A. H., Wess, J., . . . Lips, K. S. (2006). Role of acetylcholine and polyspecific cation transporters in serotonin-induced bronchoconstriction in the mouse. Respiratory Research, 7(1), 12 pages.
    DOI Scopus73 WoS62 Europe PMC43
    2006 Groth, M., Helbig, T., Grau, V., Kummer, W., & Haberberger, R. V. (2006). Spinal afferent neurons projecting to the rat lung and pleura express acid sensitive channels. Respiratory Research, 7(1), 16 pages.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS20 Europe PMC17
    2005 Chang, C. L., Roh, J., Park, J. I., Klein, C., Cushman, N., Haberberger, R. V., & Hsu, S. Y. T. (2005). Intermedin functions as a pituitary paracrine factor regulating prolactin release. Molecular Endocrinology, 19(11), 2824-2838.
    DOI Scopus38 WoS32 Europe PMC24
    2005 Pfaff, M., Powaga, N., Akinci, S., Schütz, W., Banno, Y., Wiegand, S., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2005). Activation of the SPHK/S1P signalling pathway is coupled to muscarinic receptor-dependent regulation of peripheral airways. Respiratory Research, 6(1), 14 pages.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS33 Europe PMC30
    2005 Sequeira, I. M., Haberberger, R. V., & Kummer, W. (2005). Atrial and ventricular rat coronary arteries are differently supplied by noradrenergic, cholinergic and nitrergic, but not sensory nerve fibres. Annals of Anatomy, 187(4), 345-355.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS14 Europe PMC9
    2005 Lang, P. M., Burgstahler, R., Haberberger, R. V., Sippel, W., & Grafe, P. (2005). A conus peptide blocks nicotinic receptors of unmyelinated axons in human nerves. NeuroReport, 16(5), 479-483.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS26 Europe PMC18
    2004 Papadopolou, S., Hartmann, P., Lips, K. S., Kummer, W., & Haberberger, R. V. (2004). Nicotinic receptor mediated stimulation of NO-generation in neurons of rat thoracic dorsal root ganglia. Neuroscience Letters, 361(1-3), 32-35.
    DOI Scopus23 WoS22 Europe PMC16
    2004 Henrich, M., Paddenberg, R., Haberberger, R. V., Scholz, A., Gruss, M., Hempelmann, G., & Kummer, W. (2004). Hypoxic increase in nitric oxide generation of rat sensory neurons requires activation of mitochondrial complex II and voltage-gated calcium channels. Neuroscience, 128(2), 337-345.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS11 Europe PMC11
    2004 Haberberger, R. V., Bernardini, N., Kress, M., Hartmann, P., Lips, K. S., & Kummer, W. (2004). Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes in nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons of the adult rat. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 113(1-2), 32-42.
    DOI Scopus71 WoS71 Europe PMC50
    2003 Pfeil, U., Lips, K. S., Eberling, L., Grau, V., Haberberger, R. V., & Kummer, W. (2003). Expression of the high-affinity choline transporter, CHT1, in the rat trachea. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 28(4), 473-477.
    DOI Scopus45 WoS42 Europe PMC35
    2003 Lips, K. S., Pfeil, U., Reiners, K., Rimasch, C., Kuchelmeister, K., Braun-Dullaeus, R. C., . . . Kummer, W. (2003). Expression of the High-affinity Choline Transporter CHT1 in Rat and Human Arteries. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 51(12), 1645-1654.
    DOI Scopus41 WoS38 Europe PMC33
    2003 Hagner, S., Haberberger, R., Hay, D. L., Facer, P., Reiners, K., Voigt, K., & McGregor, G. P. (2003). Immunohistochemical detection of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor protein in the microvasculature of rat endothelium. European Journal of Pharmacology, 481(2-3), 147-151.
    DOI Scopus17 WoS15 Europe PMC13
    2003 Dvorakova, M., Haberberger, R. V., Hagner, S., McGregor, G. P., Slavikova, J., & Kummer, W. (2003). Expression and distribution of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor in the developing rat heart. Anatomy and Embryology, 207(4-5), 307-315.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC7
    2003 Henrich, M., Haberberger, R. V., Hempelmann, G., & Kummer, W. (2003). Quantitative immunohistochemical investigation of the intrinsic vasodilator innervation of the guinea pig lingual artery. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical, 103(1-2), 72-82.
    DOI Scopus7 WoS7 Europe PMC6
    2003 Voswinckel, R., Ziegelhoeffer, T., Heil, M., Kostin, S., Breier, G., Mehling, T., . . . Seeger, W. (2003). Circulating vascular progenitor cells do not contribute to compensatory lung growth. Circulation Research, 93(4), 372-379.
    DOI Scopus82 WoS73 Europe PMC49
    2003 Struckmann, N., Schwering, S., Wiegand, S., Gschnell, A., Yamada, M., Kummer, W., . . . Haberberger, R. V. (2003). Role of Muscarinic Receptor Subtypes in the Constriction of Peripheral Airways: Studies on Receptor-Deficient Mice. Molecular Pharmacology, 64(6), 1444-1451.
    DOI Scopus100 WoS86 Europe PMC81
    2003 Haberberger, R. V., Henrich, M., Lips, K. S., & Kummer, W. (2003). Nicotinic receptor alpha7-subunits are coupled to the stimulation of nitric oxide synthase in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 120(3), 173-181.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS31 Europe PMC21
    2002 Hagner, S., Knauer, J., Haberberger, R., Göke, B., Voigt, K., & McGregor, G. P. (2002). Calcitonin receptor-like receptor is expressed on gastrointestinal immune cells. Digestion, 66(4), 197-203.
    DOI Scopus24 WoS18 Europe PMC17
    2002 Brüggmann, D., Lips, K. S., Pfeil, U., Haberberger, R. V., & Kummer, W. (2002). Multiple nicotinic acetylcholine receptora α-subunits are expressed in the arterial system of the rat. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 118(6), 441-447.
    DOI Scopus40 WoS38 Europe PMC32
    2002 Hagner, S., Haberberger, R. V., Overkamp, D., Hoffmann, R., Voigt, K. H., & McGregor, G. P. (2002). Expression and distribution of calcitonin receptor-like receptor in human hairy skin. Peptides, 23(1), 109-116.
    DOI Scopus40 WoS35 Europe PMC25
    2002 Haberberger, R. V., Pfeil, U., Lips, K. S., & Kummer, W. (2002). Expression of the high-affinity choline transporter, CHT1, in the neuronal and non-neuronal cholinergic system of human and rat skin. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 119(4), 943-948.
    DOI Scopus43 WoS38 Europe PMC34
    2002 Lips, K. S., Pfeil, U., Haberberger, R. V., & Kummer, W. (2002). Localisation of the high-affinity choline transporter-1 in the rat skeletal motor unit. Cell and Tissue Research, 307(3), 275-280.
    DOI Scopus37 WoS34 Europe PMC27
    2001 Bernardini, N., Sauer, S. K., Haberberger, R., Fischer, M. J. M., & Reeh, P. W. (2001). Excitatory nicotinic and desensitizing muscarinic (M2) effects on C-nociceptors in isolated rat skin. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(9), 3295-3302.
    DOI Scopus84 WoS73 Europe PMC71
    2001 Hagner, S., Haberberger, R., Kummer, W., Springer, J., Fischer, A., Böhm, S., . . . McGregor, G. P. (2001). Immunohistochemical detection of calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor (CGRPR)-1 in the endothelium of human coronary artery and bronchial blood vessels. Neuropeptides, 35(1), 58-64.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS28 Europe PMC20
    2000 Haberberger, R. V., Bodenbenner, M., & Kummer, W. (2000). Expression of the cholinergic gene locus in pulmonary arterial endothelial cells. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 113(5), 379-387.
    DOI Scopus44 WoS39 Europe PMC25
    2000 Haberberger, R. V., & Bodenbenner, M. (2000). Immunohistochemical localization of muscarinic receptors (M2) in the rat skin. Cell and Tissue Research, 300(3), 389-396.
    DOI Scopus28 WoS23 Europe PMC21
    2000 Haberberger, R., Scholz, A., Kummer, W., & Kress, M. (2000). M2-receptor subtype does not mediate muscarine-induced increases in [Ca<sup>2+</sup>](i) in nociceptive neurons of rat dorsal root ganglia. Journal of Neurophysiology, 84(4), 1934-1941.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS26 Europe PMC20
    2000 Lührmann, A., Haberberger, R. V., Mörike, C., Steinhoff, G., Krug, N., Pabst, R., & Tschernig, T. (2000). The recruitment of immune cells into a grafted lung is not impaired in spite of incomplete reinnervation. Pneumologie, 54(12), 564-568.
    1999 Kummer, W., Shigemoto, R., & Haberberger, R. (1999). Smooth muscle cells are the site of neurokinin-1 receptor localization in the arterial supply of the rat sciatic nerve. Neuroscience Letters, 259(2), 119-122.
    DOI Scopus13 WoS12 Europe PMC11
    1999 Haberberger, R., Henrich, M., Couraud, J. Y., & Kummer, W. (1999). Muscarinic M2-receptors in rat thoracic dorsal root ganglia. Neuroscience Letters, 266(3), 177-180.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS18 Europe PMC11
    1998 Kummer, W., Fink, L., Dvorakova, M., Haberberger, R., & Bohle, R. M. (1998). Rat cardiac neurons express the non-coding R-exon (exon 1) of the cholinergic gene locus. NeuroReport, 9(10), 2209-2212.
    DOI Scopus19 WoS19 Europe PMC16
    1997 Haberberger, R., Schemann, M., Sann, H., & Kummer, W. (1997). Innervation pattern of guinea pig pulmonary vasculature depends on vascular diameter. Journal of Applied Physiology, 82(2), 426-434.
    DOI Scopus43 WoS31 Europe PMC26
    1997 Dötsch, J., Hänze, J., Dittrich, K., Demirakça, S., Haberberger, R., & Rascher, W. (1997). Stimulation of neuropeptide Y release in rat pheochromocytoma cells by nitric oxide. European Journal of Pharmacology, 331(2-3), 313-317.
    DOI Scopus10 WoS10 Europe PMC6
    1996 Haberberger, R., & Kummer, W. (1996). β2-Adrenoreceptor immunoreactivity in cardiac ganglia of the guinea pig. Histochemical Journal, 28(11), 827-833.
    DOI Scopus8 WoS8 Europe PMC3
    1995 Mcgregor, G. P., Hartel, R., Haberberger, R., Kummer, W., & Voigt, K. (1995). Preprotachykinin-A gene expression occurs transiently in the developing rat endocrine pancreas and can be regulated in RINm5F cells. Endocrinology, 136(6), 2538-2546.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS24 Europe PMC18
  • Conference Papers

    Year Citation
    2012 Camprubi-Robles, M., Mair, N., Andratsch, M., Benetti, C., Schmelz, M., Beroukas, D., . . . Kress, M. (2012). Sphingosine-1-phosphate evokes excitation of sensory neurons and nociception in mice and humans. In FEBS JOURNAL Vol. 279 (pp. 374). SPAIN, Seville: WILEY.
    2012 Gutbier, B., Schoenrock, S. M., Haberberger, R., Hocke, A. C., Hippenstiel, S., Lueth, A., . . . Witzenrath, M. (2012). Sphingosine kinase-1 and sphingosine-1-phosphate promote the development of acute lung injury in pneumoccocal pneumonia. In EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL Vol. 40 (pp. 2 pages). EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY SOC JOURNALS LTD.
    2008 Ahlbrecht, K., Seay, U., Schmitz, J., Haberberger, R. V., Kraus, R. M., Herold, S., . . . Voswinckel, R. (2008). Impact of the epithelial HIF 2 alpha system on lungdevelopment. In FASEB JOURNAL Vol. 22 (pp. 1 page). FEDERATION AMER SOC EXP BIOL.
    2007 Lips, K. S., Lührmann, A., Tschernig, T., Stoeger, T., Alessandrini, F., Grau, V., . . . Kummer, W. (2007). Down-regulation of the non-neuronal acetylcholine synthesis and release machinery in acute allergic airway inflammation of rat and mouse. In Life Sciences Vol. 80 (pp. 2263-2269). Mainz, GERMANY: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
    DOI Scopus62 WoS53 Europe PMC36
    2006 Kummer, W., Wiegand, S., Akinci, S., Schinkel, A. H., Wess, J., Koepsell, H., . . . Lips, K. S. (2006). Role of acetylcholine and muscarinic receptors in serotonin-induced bronchoconstriction in the mouse. In Journal of Molecular Neuroscience Vol. 30 (pp. 67-68). Alicante, SPAIN: HUMANA PRESS INC.
    DOI Scopus26 WoS20 Europe PMC18
    2006 Spies, M., Lips, K. S., Kurzen, H., Kummer, W., & Haberberger, R. V. (2006). Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing subunits α3 and α5 in rat nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons. In Journal of Molecular Neuroscience Vol. 30 (pp. 55-56). Alicante, SPAIN: HUMANA PRESS INC.
    DOI Scopus18 WoS16 Europe PMC11
    2006 Lips, K. S., König, P., Schätzle, K., Pfeil, U., Krasteva, G., Spies, M., . . . Kummer, W. (2006). Coexpression and spatial association of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits α7 and α10 in rat sympathetic neurons. In Journal of Molecular Neuroscience Vol. 30 (pp. 15-16). Alicante, SPAIN: HUMANA PRESS INC.
    DOI Scopus25 WoS25 Europe PMC24
    2003 Brüggmann, D., Lips, K. S., Pfeil, U., Haberberger, R. V., & Kummer, W. (2003). Rat arteries contain multiple nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α-subunits. In Life Sciences Vol. 72 (pp. 2095-2099). SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
    DOI Scopus33 WoS32 Europe PMC26
    2003 Pfeil, U., Haberberger, R. V., Lips, K. S., Eberling, L., Grau, V., & Kummer, W. (2003). Expression of the high-affinity choline transporter CHT1 in epithelia. In Life Sciences Vol. 72 (pp. 2087-2090). SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD.
    DOI Scopus22 WoS17 Europe PMC15
    2000 Kummer, W., Haberberger, R., & Fischer, A. (2000). Choline acetyltransferase in the airway wall. In European Respiratory Review Vol. 10 (pp. 257-259).
    1999 Kummer, W., & Haberberger, R. (1999). Extrinsic and intrinsic cholinergic systems of the vascular wall. In European Journal of Morphology Vol. 37 (pp. 223-226). LNTEREN, NETHERLANDS: SWETS ZEITLINGER PUBLISHERS.
    DOI Scopus15 WoS15 Europe PMC11
Year Funding Details


College Capacity Building Grant, Development of new teaching tools



CNS Small Grant “Detection of miR-21 in exosomes released from 50B11 cells



Breakthrough Foundation, RV Haberberger, N Spencer



John Boyd Craig Research Award, Australian and New Zealand College of Anesthetists

Exosomal miRNAs in cerebrospinal fluid as objective descriptors of pain states

Paul Rolan, Porhan Kang, Rainer Viktor Haberberger, Dusan Matusica, Michael Michael



Royal Adelaide Hospital Fund, Identification and altered regulatory miRNA expression associated with altered systemic cytokine expression in a clinical cohort of patients with recurrent depression at the RAH

Catherine Toben, RV Haberberger, Bernard Baune



Faculty & Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Foundation Modulation of pain signalling via the cleavage of p75 neurotrophin receptor

Dusan Matusica, RV Haberberger



Faculty & Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Foundation, Creation and characterization of nociceptive neuron subtypes: a first step towards a pain biosensor

Rainer Viktor Haberberger, Dusan Matusica



Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Foundation, Equipment Grant, User-friendly Image Analysis System Software & Hardware Package (Imaris) for Flinders Microscopy

Rainer Haberberger, Pam Sykes, Damian Hussey, Fiona Young, Dusan Matusica, Justine Smith, Shiwani Sharma



Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Foundation, Salary for an experienced technical assistant to provide histology-related services within Flinders Microscopy core facility,

Rainer Haberberger, Dani Dixon, Damian Hussey, Justine Smith, Vladimir Zagorodnyuk



Flinders Medical Centre (FMC) Foundation, Sphingosine kinase 2 signalling at the interface between primary nociceptor and microglia,

Rainer Haberberger, Dusan Matusica



Centre for Neuroscience, Small Grants, Sphingosine 1-phosphate signalling in microglia


$ 5,000


Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences Small Grants, Equipment, Inverted fluorescence microscope with simple interface, and high quality digital image capture capability.

Haberberger, Matusica, Franco, Hussey, Sharma, Meech, Muyderman

$ 28,951.17


Flinders Medical Centre Foundation Seeding Grant, The role of sphingosine kinase 2 in spinal cord glia as a key factor in the development of chronic pain

Haberberger, Meech

$ 16,300


DVCR Near Miss Grant, Sphingosine kinase 2 and glial cells in spinal pain processing

Haberberger, Muyderman, Meech

$ 20,000


Centre for Neuroscience, Small Grant, Epigenome modifying enzymes in dorsal root ganglia in response to inflammation


$ 4,900


Faculty of Health Sciences Near miss grant

Haberberger, Muyderman, Meech

$ 15,000


Faculty of Health Sciences Seeding Grant, The involvement of sphingosine kinase 2 and pain processing in the spinal cord dorsal horn

Haberberger, Muyderman

$ 15,000


NHMRC Project grant APP1045514, Identification and therapeutic modulation of sphingolipids as novel lung macrophage-targeted treatments for COPD/emphysema

S Hodge, RV Haberberger, P Reynolds, R Meech

$ 670,475.81


Flinders Medical Centre Foundation Competitive Grants, Seeding

IL Gibbins, RV Haberberger

Project: Optical measurement of peptide diffusion in mouse spinal cord

$ 16,000


Faculty of Health Sciences Competitive Grant, Infrastructure

RV Haberberger, M Smith, D Keating, N Spencer

Project: Purchase of a Nanodrop lite spectrophotometer plus pipettes

$ 13,500


Faculty of Health Sciences, FMC Foundation Top-Up Grant

IL Gibbins, RV Haberberger

$ 20,000


Faculty of Health Sciences, FMC Foundation Top-Up Grant

IL Gibbins, RV Haberberger

$ 20,000


NHMRC Equipment Grant

Project: Upgrade of a StepOne cycler

RV Haberberger, D Keating, M Smith, MZ Michael

$ 21,900


Defence Health Foundation Establishment Grant

R.Haberberger, R. Meech

Project: Epigenetic mechanisms in peripheral pain perception

$ 34,657


Australian Lung Foundation Ludwig Engel Grant-in-Aid for Physiological Research

Project: Interaction of Endothelin and Sphingosine 1-phosphate in lung inflammation

$ 3000


IASP Collaborative Research Grant

RV Haberberger, M. Kress

Project: Pain susceptibility and peripheral pain signalling: role of epigenetic factors

$ 15,000


NHMRC Project grant 535080 Sensory neuronal pathways from the lower genital tract of females

IL. Gibbins, RV Haberberger, SJH Brookes, V. Zagorodnyuk

$ 381,375


NHMRC Project grant 535055 Peripheral neuropathy and pain: The sphingosine kinase/sphingosine 1-phosphate system as a promising target

RV Haberberger, M. Michael, IL. Gibbins

$ 270,000


Australian Brain Foundation

RV Haberberger, IL. Gibbins, R. Flook

$ 34,229


Faculty of Health Sciences

RV Haberberger

$ 5,000


FMC Foundation

RV Haberberger, HPA Jersmann, S. Pitson

$ 9,000


NHMRC Equipment Grant

RV Haberberger, M. Michael, D. Hussey, R. Rush, H. Muyderman

$ 23,500


Faculty of Health Sciences

RV Haberberger

$ 5,000


FMC Foundation

RV Haberberger, HPA Jersmann, S. Pitson

$ 9,000


NHMRC Equipment Grant

RV Haberberger, M. Michael, D. Hussey, R. Rush, H. Muyderman

$ 23,500


NHMRC Project grant 426750

Prof. I. Gibbins, R.V. Haberberger and Prof. S. Brookes, Anatomy/Physiology, Flinders University Adelaide

$ 481,000


Host laboratory for the Endeavour Research Fellowship

F. Kindt, Germany

$ 24,000


Else Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation

Prof. A. Meinhardt, Anatomy Giessen, R.V. Haberberger

22,000 EUR, 1x BATIIa/2


Flinders University, Faculty of Health Sciences Near-miss Grant

R.V. Haberberger

$ 6,000


Collaborative Research Grants Program, International Society for the Study of Pain

R. V. Haberberger, I.L. Gibbins, M. Kress

15,000 USD


Flinders Medical Centre Foundation Research Grant

R. V. Haberberger

$ 8,000


Mary Overton Neuroscience Fellowship

ca. $140,000 p.a.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant

R. V. Haberberger, V. Niemeier

As chair of Anatomy, I aim to oversee Anatomy teaching across the University. My current teaching involves the development and coordination of the Allied Health course "Upper Limb, Head and Neuroscience" for 2nd year Physiotherapy students and the 2nd year Speech Pathology course "Anatomy and Physiology for Speech and Swallowing". In addition, I am responsible for the development and coordination of the "Cardiovascular" and "Respiratory" modules in the Foundation of Medicine part of the Bachelor of Medical Studies and Doctor of Medicine degree. 

  • Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2024 Principal Supervisor Management of Patients with Faecal Incontinence in the 21st Century: Optimisation of Assessment and Surgical Treatment using Sacral Neuromodulation Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Mr Marko Stojanovic
    2022 Co-Supervisor Characterization of Drugs Modulating the Aquaporin Channel Activity to Inhibit Angiogenesis and Metastasis Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Kim Kristin Wagner
  • Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)

    Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name
    2011 - 2015 External Supervisor Genetic and Epigenetic Characterization of the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Signalling System in Macrophages in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Jameel Barnawi
  • Board Memberships

    Date Role Board name Institution name Country
    2020 - 2021 Member Medical Program Board Flinders University Australia
  • Committee Memberships

    Date Role Committee Institution Country
    2019 - 2020 Member Neuroscience Theme Lead and member of the Steering Committee Orama Institute for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Neuroscience Australia
    2018 - 2021 Chair Flinders School of Anatomy Governance Committee Flinders University Australia
    2016 - ongoing Member Steering Group Advanced Surgical Training Facility Australia
    2016 - 2019 Member Scientific Program Committee Australian Pain Society Australia
    2015 - 2018 Member Medical Course Management Committee Flinders University Australia
    2015 - 2017 Member Flinders Medical Science and Technology Executive Flinders University Australia
    2015 - 2017 Member Curriculum Working Group Flinders University Australia
    2014 - ongoing Member International Committee, School of Medicine Flinders University Australia
  • Memberships

    Date Role Membership Country
    2021 - ongoing Founder Founding member and Council member - Global Community of Anatomical Sciences Educators (GCASE) Australia
    2019 - ongoing Member Inaugural Member, Faculty Australasian Pain School Australia
    2016 - 2018 Chair Basic Pain Research SIG, Australian Pain Society Australia
  • Editorial Boards

    Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country
    2016 - ongoing Board Member Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology Springer Australia
  • Offices Held

    Date Office Name Institution Country
    2020 - 2021 Discipline Lead - Anatomy, Histology and Pathology Flinders University Australia
    2018 - 2021 Topic coordinator years 1 & 2 Medical Course Flinders University Australia
    2014 - 2021 Head of the Division of Anatomy & Histology Flinders University Australia
    2014 - 2018 Deputy Director - Year 1 & 2 Medical Course Flinders University Australia
    2014 - 2018 Theme coordinator Musculoskeletal System, 2nd year Medicine Flinders University Australia
    2013 - 2016 Co-Organizer of the annual Pain Adelaide Meeting . Australia
    2012 - 2019 Convener of the Centre for Neuroscience Flinders University Australia
  • Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice

    Date Title Type Institution Country
    2020 - 2020 Topic Editor, Brain Sciences Editorial Special edition “Function and Dysfunction of nociceptors -
    2016 - ongoing Topic Editor, Peripheral Aspects of Pain Editorial Frontiers in Neurology -
    2012 - ongoing External Reviewer Grant Assessment NHMRC Australia

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