Dr Peter Boutsalis
Grant-Funded Researcher (A)
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Herbicide resistance support and extension to growers, agronomists and the chemical industry. Employed since 2005 for the University of Adelaide to conduct random weed surveys across SA and Vic to monitor for changes in herbicide resistance. Also manages Plant Science Consulting; conducting herbicide resistance testing for Australian growers
For more information see Weed Science Research Group
Date Position Institution name 2005 - ongoing Ph.D. Agricultural Science- Herbicide Resistance The University of Adelaide -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2017 Achievement Syngenta Growth Award Syngenta Australia Australia - 2010 Research Award Special commendation for a poster by a staff member 2010 The University of Adelaide Australia - 2009 Research Award Special commendation for a poster by a staff member 2009 The University of Adelaide - - 1999 Research Award The Novartis Crop Protection Research Prize Novartis/Syngenta Switzerland - -
Language Competencies
Language Competency German Can speak and understand spoken Greek, Modern (1453-) Can read, write, speak and understand spoken -
Date Institution name Country Title 1992 - 1996 The University of Adelaide Australia Ph.D. 1986 - 1989 University of Adelaide, Adelaide Australia Bachelor Agricultural Science -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2023 Broster, J. C., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G. S., & Preston, C. (2023). Frequency of herbicide resistance in wild oats (Avena spp.), brome grass (Bromus spp.) and barley grass (Hordeum spp.) as determined by random surveys across south-eastern Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 74(12), 1193-1200.
Scopus1 WoS12022 Broster, J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G. S., & Preston, C. (2022). The extent of herbicide resistance in Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass) across south-eastern Australia as determined from random surveys. Crop and Pasture Science, 73(11), 1308-1317.
Scopus11 WoS82021 Barua, R., Boutsalis, P., Kleemann, S., Malone, J., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2021). Alternative Herbicides for Controlling Herbicide-Resistant Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) in Turf. Agronomy, 11(11), 1-10.
Scopus2 WoS22021 Barua, R., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2021). Inheritance and mechanism of glyphosate resistance in annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.). Pest Management Science, 78(4), 9 pages.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC22021 Squires, C. C., Coleman, G. R., Broster, J. C., Preston, C., Boutsalis, P., Owen, M. J., . . . Walsh, M. J. (2021). Increasing the value and efficiency of herbicide resistance surveys.. Pest management science, 77(9), 3881-3889.
Scopus16 WoS11 Europe PMC22021 Brunton, D. J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2021). Inheritance of evolved thiocarbamate resistance in Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) populations from Australia. Weed Science, 69(6), 642-647.
Scopus12020 Nguyen, H., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2020). Genetic diversity of glyphosate resistant Echinochloa colona in Australia. Journal of Research in Weed Science, 3(2), 145-161.
2020 Brunton, D. J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2020). Control of thiocarbamate-resistant rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in wheat in southern Australia. Weed Technology, 34(1), 19-24.
Scopus10 WoS62020 Barua, R., Preston, C., Malone, J., Gill, G., & Boutsalis, P. (2020). Incidence of multiple herbicide resistance in annual bluegrass (Poa annua) across southeastern Australia. Weed Science, 68(4), 340-347.
Scopus11 WoS52020 Brunton, D. J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2020). Varying responses of field-selected herbicide-resistant rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) populations to combinations of phorate with PPI herbicides. WEED SCIENCE, 68(4), 367-372.
Scopus8 WoS72020 Busi, R., Goggin, D. E., Onofri, A., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., Powles, S. B., & Beckie, H. J. (2020). Loss of trifluralin metabolic resistance in Lolium rigidum plants exposed to prosulfocarb recurrent selection. Pest management science, 76(12), 3926-3934.
Scopus5 WoS2 Europe PMC32019 Long, W., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2019). Diversity and extent of mutations endowing resistance to the acetolactate synthase (AHAS)-inhibiting herbicides in Indian hedge mustard (Sisymbrium orientale)populations in Australia. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 157, 53-59.
Scopus11 WoS6 Europe PMC22019 Brunton, D. J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2019). Resistance to very-long-chain fatty-acid (VLCFA)- inhibiting herbicides in multiple field-selected rigid ryegrass( Lolium rigidum) populations. Weed Science, 67(3), 267-272.
Scopus22 WoS182019 Nguyen, H., Malone, J., Krishnan, M., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2019). Inheritance of glyphosate resistance in Echinochloa colona from Australia. Journal of Research in Weed Science, 2(4), 310-331.
2018 Dang, H., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Krishnan, M., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2018). Reduced translocation in 2,4-D-resistant oriental mustard populations (Sisymbrium orientale L.) from Australia. Pest management science, 74(6), 1524-1532.
Scopus26 WoS20 Europe PMC82018 Dang, H. T., Malone, J. M., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2018). The Mechanism of Diflufenican Resistance and its Inheritance in Oriental Mustard (Sisymbrium orientale L.) from Australia. Pest Management Science, 74(6), 1279-1285.
Scopus9 WoS7 Europe PMC32018 Brunton, D. J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2018). Resistance to multiple PRE herbicides in a field-evolved rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) population. Weed Science, 66(5), 581-585.
Scopus26 WoS202017 Shergill, L., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2017). Basis of ACCase and ALS inhibitor resistance in Hordeum glaucum Steud. Pest Management Science, 73(8), 1638-1647.
Scopus16 WoS13 Europe PMC42017 Ngo, T. D., Krishnan, M., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2017). Target-site mutations conferring resistance to glyphosate in feathertop Rhodes grass (Chloris virgata) populations in Australia. Pest Management Science, 74(5), 1094-1100.
Scopus45 WoS38 Europe PMC152017 Ngo, T., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2017). EPSPS gene amplification conferring resistance to glyphosate in windmill grass (Chloris truncata) in Australia. Pest Management Science, 74(5), 1101-1108.
Scopus60 WoS51 Europe PMC202017 Ngo, T. D., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2017). Plant development and seed biology of windmillgrass (Chloris truncata) in southern Australia. Weed Science, 65(3), 395-405.
Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC12017 Ngo, D., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2017). Growth, development, and seed biology of feather fingergrass (chloris virgata) in southern Australia. Weed Science, 65(3), 413-425.
Scopus24 WoS182017 Dang, H., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2017). Identification of a target-site mutation conferring resistance to triazine herbicides in oriental mustard (Sisymbrium orientale L.) from Australia. Weed Biology and Management, 17(4), 153-160.
Scopus12 WoS7 Europe PMC12017 Shergill, L., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2017). Inheritance of quizalofop resistance in a smooth barley biotype from South Australia. Agronomy Journal, 109(6), 2820-2827.
Scopus2 WoS22016 Malone, J., Morran, S., Shirley, N., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2016). EPSPS gene amplification in glyphosate-resistant Bromus diandrus. Pest management science, 72(1), 81-88.
Scopus85 WoS76 Europe PMC342016 Nguyen, T., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Shirley, N., & Preston, C. (2016). Temperature influences the level of glyphosate resistance in barnyardgrass (Echinochloa colona). Pest Management Science, 72(5), 1031-1039.
Scopus44 WoS36 Europe PMC102016 Kleemann, S., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2016). Applications of pre-emergent pyroxasulfone, flufenacet and their mixtures with triallate for the control of Bromus diandrus (ripgut brome) in no-till wheat (Triticum aestivum) crops of southern Australia. Crop Protection, 80, 144-148.
Scopus10 WoS62016 Shergill, L., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2016). Fitness costs associated with 1781 and 2041 ACCase-mutant alleles conferring resistance to herbicides in Hordeum glaucum Steud. Crop Protection, 87, 60-67.
Scopus16 WoS132015 Shergill, L., Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Gill, G. (2015). Target-site point mutations conferring resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in smooth barley (Hordeum glaucum) and hare barley (Hordeum leporinum). Weed Science, 63(2), 408-415.
Scopus15 WoS14 Europe PMC22014 Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2014). Control of rigid ryegrass in australian wheat production with pyroxasulfone. Weed Technology, 28(2), 332-339.
Scopus41 WoS32 Europe PMC12014 Adu-Yeboah, P., Boutsalis, P., Hooper, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2014). Use of alternative herbicide mixtures to manage glyphosate-resistant Lolium rigidum Gaud. along crop margins in South Australia. Crop and Pasture Science, 65(12), 1349-1356.
Scopus2 WoS12014 Malone, J., Boutsalis, P., Baker, J., & Preston, C. (2014). Distribution of herbicide-resistant acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase alleles in Lolium rigidum across grain cropping areas of South Australia. Weed Research, 54(1), 78-86.
Scopus47 WoS462013 Preston, C., Dolman, F., & Boutsalis, P. (2013). Multiple resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase-inhibiting and auxinic herbicides in a population of oriental mustard (Sisymbrium orientale). Weed Science, 61(2), 185-192.
Scopus17 WoS16 Europe PMC42012 Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2012). Incidence of herbicide resistance in rigid ryegrass (lolium rigidum) across southeastern Australia. Weed Technology, 26(3), 391-398.
Scopus147 WoS134 Europe PMC292012 Bostamam, Y., Malone, J., Dolman, F., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2012). Rigid ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) populations containing a target site mutation in EPSPS and reduced glyphosate translocation are more resistant to glyphosate. Weed Science, 60(3), 474-479.
Scopus51 WoS49 Europe PMC172009 Preston, C., Wakelin, A., Dolman, F., Bostamam, Y., & Boutsalis, P. (2009). A decade of glyphosate-resistant Lolium around the world: Mechanisms, genes, fitness, and agronomic management. Weed Science, 57(4), 435-441.
Scopus120 WoS115 Europe PMC372001 BOUTSALIS, P. (2001). Syngenta Quick-Test: A Rapid Whole-Plant Test for Herbicide Resistance<sup>1</sup>. Weed Technology, 15(2), 257-263.
1999 Boutsalis, P., Karotam, J., & Powles, S. B. (1999). Molecular basis of resistance to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides in Sisymbrium orientale and Brassica tournefortii. Pesticide Science, 55(5), 507-516.
Scopus1061998 Boutsalis, P., & Powles, S. B. (1998). Seedbank characteristics of herbicide-resistant and susceptible Sisymbrium orientale. Weed Research, 38(5), 389-395.
Scopus161995 Boutsalis, P., & Powles, S. (1995). Resistance of dicot weeds to acetolactate synthase (ALS)-inhibiting herbicides in Australia. Weed Research, 35(3), 149-155.
Scopus291995 Boutsalis, P., & Powles, S. (1995). Inheritance and mechanisms of resistance to herbicides inhibiting acetolacate synthase in Sonchus oleraceus L.. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 91(2), 242-247.
Scopus43 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2007 Muehlebach, M., Brunner, H. G., Cederbaum, F., Maetzke, T., Mutti, R., Schnyder, A., . . . Quadranti, M. (2007). Discovery and SAR of Pinoxaden: A New Broad Spectrum, Postemergence Cereal Herbicide. In Pesticide Chemistry: Crop Protection, Public Health, Environmental Safety (pp. 101-110). Wiley.
DOI Scopus13 -
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2020 Brunton, D., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2020). Unexpected Resistance Evolution to a Carotenoid Biosynthesis Inhibiting Herbicide in Field Selected Cross-Resistant Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Populations from Australia.. In 60th Joint Meeting 2020 Program. Hawaii. 2018 Brunton, D., Fleet, B., Boutsalis, P., Malone, J., & Preston, C. (2018). What roles for metabolism-based resistance to pre-emergent herbicides in Lolium rigidum. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Vol. 256 (pp. 1 page). Boston, MA: AMER CHEMICAL SOC. 2018 Brunton, D., Boutsalis, P., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2018). Control of thiocarbamate resistant annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in lentils (Lens culinaris) in southern Australia. In 21st Australasian Weeds Conference Proceedings (pp. 12-15). online: AWC. 2018 Merriam, A., Boutsalis, P., Malone, J., Gill, G., & Preston, C. (2018). Extent of herbicide resistant common sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) in southern Australia. In Proceedings of the 21st Australasian Weeds Conference (pp. 16-19). online: AWC. 2010 Malone, J. M., Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2010). Spread of herbicide resistance alleles in Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass).. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Weeds Conference: New Frontiers in New Zealand: Together we can beat the weeds. (pp. 258-261). Christchurch, New Zealand: New Zealand Plant Protection Society. 2010 Boutsalis, P., Gill, G. S., & Preston, C. (2010). New mode of action herbicides to combat herbicide resistant annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) in Australian cereal production.. In Proceedings of the 17th Australasian Weeds Conference: New Frontiers in New Zealand: Together we can beat the weeds. (pp. 278-280). Christchurch, New Zealand: New Zealand Plant Protection Society. 2006 Boutsalis, P., & Preston, C. (2006). Resistance to acetyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides in Bromus spp. in Australia. In C. Preston, J. Watts, & N. Crossman (Eds.), 15th Australian Weeds Conference: Papers and Proceedings (pp. 538-540). Adelaide, South Australia: Weed Management Society of South Australia. 2006 Boutsalis, P., Preston, C., & Broster, J. (2006). Management of trifluralin resistance in annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaudin) in southern Australia. In C. Preston, J. Watts, & N. Crossman (Eds.), 15th Australian Weeds Conference: Papers and Proceedings (pp. 507-510). Adelaide, South Australia: Weed Management Society of South Australia.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Developing novel strategies to monitor and combat herbicide resistance Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Ms Sreshtha Malik -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2018 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Herbicide Resistance in Annual Bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and its Management Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Rajesh Barua 2016 - 2021 Co-Supervisor Thiocarbamate Resistance in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium Rigidum) from Southern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr David John Brunton 2013 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Biology and glyphosate resistance in Chloris truncata (windmill grass) and Chloris virgata (feathertop Rhodes grass) in southern Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Duc The Ngo 2012 - 2016 Co-Supervisor Characterisation and Management of Herbicide Resistance in Barley Grass (Hordeum glaucum Steud.) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Lovreet Singh Shergill 2011 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Evolution and spread of glyphosate resistant barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona (L.) Link) Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Hoan Thai Nguyen 2008 - 2010 Co-Supervisor Glyphosate resistance in Annual Ryegrass (Lolium Rigidum Gaud.) with Multiple Resistance Mechanisms Master of Agricultural Science Master Full Time Mr Yazid Bostamam
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