Professor Paula Moynihan
Director Food and Health
Adelaide Dental School
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Paula Moynihan is an Adjunct Professor in Adelaide Dental School. From 2019-2024 she was Director, Food and Health in the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and was the Academic Coordinator for the University's Healthy Societies FAME Strategy. She is an internationally renowned researcher in the field of nutrition and oral health (> 145 publications, H-index 58 (google scholar) with >22,000 citations). Her research focuses on the interrelationship between nutrition and oral health across the life-course, including the impact of diet and nutrition on dental caries, sugars and health, and the impact of compromised oral health on nutritional well being. She also researches novel approaches to dietary intervention using co-development methods, and mixed methods evaluation. Research projects include the evaluation of Public Health England’s Change4Life Sugar Smart Campaign, and evidence synthesis pertaining to risk factors for Early Childhood Caries – research that informed a 2020 WHO Toolkit on Ending Childhood Caries.
She was previously based at Newcastle University in the UK where she was a Professor of Nutrition and Oral Health and Director of the only WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Oral Health. Her research has aligned with the work programme of the WHO since 2001. She has served as an expert advisor to the WHO Nutrition & Health Department and to the Oral Health Programme. In 2002 she was a member of the WHO Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases and advised on matters related to oral health. From 2010 she has served as an expert advisor to the WHO Nutrition Guideline Advisory Group Sub-Group on Diet and Health, on issues pertaining to carbohydrates and oral health. Her research into dietary sugars and risk of dental caries underpinned the WHO Guideline on Sugars Intake by Adults and Children. This research was also directly cited by and underpinned the USDA Dietary Guidelines published in 2015; which for the first time included a numerical cap on added sugars intake. Further impact of this work includes the introduction of taxes on sugars sweetened drinks in over 50 countries and states. She has conducted evidence synthesis on starch and oral health, the findings of which informed the WHO guidance on carbohydrates. She has presented her research on nutrition and oral health at prestigious side meetings of both the World Health Assembly and of the UN High Level Meeting. Professor Moynihan was a member of the European Food Standards Agency Working Group on Added Sugars and is currently a member of the UK Governments Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition Subgroup on Maternal and Child Nutrition.
She has led several multidisciplinary research projects pertaining to dietary intervention, including the Research Council UK funded ‘MAPPmal project’ in which 9 disciplines collaborated with users to co-design a prototype for a novel nutritional management system aimed at preventing malnutrition in older hospital patients (https://vimeo.com/35915591). Recipes and concepts developed as part of her research have been used by the charitable organisation Age UK in community based projects: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/countydurham/activities-and-events/eat-well-feel-great-recipe-book/
In addition to her academic publications, Professor Moynihan written several articles in professional journals in the disciplines of dietetics and dentistry and for lay magazines both in the UK and US.
My Research
Current projects:
Systematic review of amount of sugars and risk of dental caries: update of the evidence published since 2011.
Public Health England. ‘Change4Life Sugars Campaign: impact on sugars intake by children aged 5-11 years and identification of barriers/facilitations to reducing consumption’.
Selected past projects
WHO commissioned systematic review of the aetiological factors contributing to the development of early childhood caries. Funded by The Borrow Foundation. Principal investigator.
WHO commissioned Systematic Review on intake of dietary starch and oral health. Principal Investigator (2016-2017).
RCUK Cross Research Council’s Life Long Health and Wellbeing Programme. ‘Development of interventions to enhance health and wellbeing in later life (The LIVEWELL Programme).’ £2,300,000. Principal Investigator on work package developing a dietary intervention. 2010-2015.
GlaxoSmithKline R&D. The Development of a behavioural intervention manual to enhance twice daily tooth brushing (sub-study on the impact on diet). Co-investigator and lead on dietary sub-study.
N8 AgriFood funded project (N8 is a consortium of 8 northern universities with core funding). Food to People, People to Food Project-access to food by older people. Principal Investigator. This was a multidisciplinary project involving 7 disciplines (nutrition, food science, psychology, oral health, geography, transport studies, computing science) across 5 Universities.
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). ‘Implementing person centred co-ordinated care for older people in care homes. How should Dentists be involved?’ Co-Investigator.
World Health Organization. Systematic review of the amount of sugars and dental caries. Principal investigator.
RCUK Cross Research Council’s ‘New Dynamics of Ageing Programme. ‘MAPPmal: Multidisciplinary approach to produce a prototype for the prevention of malnutrition in older people.’ Principal Investigator. This multidisciplinary project involved 9 disciplines (nutrition, medicine, food science, computing science, design, ergonomics, speech and language therapy, medical sociology) across 4 universities.
Recipient of the 2010 International Association for Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Award for ‘Geriatric Oral Research’.
Awarded The Nutrition Society Silver Medal for ‘Excellence in Research by a Young Scientist’ in 2004.
Date Position Institution name 2019 - ongoing Professor, Director of Food & Health University of Adelaide 2019 - ongoing Visiting Professor Newcastle University 2012 - 2018 Director Newcastle University 2008 - 2018 Professor of Nutrition and Oral Health Newcastle University 2008 - 2013 Professor of Nutrition and Oral Health Newcastle University 2008 - ongoing Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Higher Education Academy 2001 - 2018 Director, World Health World Health Organization Collaborating Centre 1998 - ongoing Registered Nutritionist (Public Health) Association for Nutrition 1986 - ongoing Registered Dietician Health and Care Professionals Council -
Awards and Achievements
Date Type Title Institution Name Country Amount 2010 Award 2010 International Association for Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Award for ‘Geriatric Oral Research’. International Association for Dental Research United Kingdom - 2004 Award The Nutrition Society Silver Medal for ‘Excellence in Research by a Young Scientist’ The Nutrition Society United Kingdom - -
Date Institution name Country Title University of Surrey United Kingdom BSc Nutrition (First Class Honours) University of Surrey United Kingdom PhD Nutrition -
Date Title Institution name Country — Certificate in Teaching and Learning Newcastle University United Kingdom -
Research Interests
Year Citation 2025 Mameno, T., Moynihan, P., Nakagawa, T., Inagaki, H., Akema, S., Murotani, Y., . . . Ikebe, K. (2025). Mediating role of fruit and vegetable intake and social interaction between oral function and mental health in older adults aged ≥75 years: The SONIC study. JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTIC RESEARCH, 9 pages.
2024 Mameno, T., Moynihan, P., Nakagawa, T., Inagaki, H., Akema, S., Murotani, Y., . . . Ikebe, K. (2024). Exploring the association between number of teeth, food intake, and cognitive function: A 9-year longitudinal study. Journal of Dentistry, 145, 9 pages.
2024 Ivaturi, A., Do, L. G., Giles, L., Devenish, G., Scott, J. A., Ha, D. H., . . . Moynihan, P. J. (2024). Sources and determinants of free sugars intake by 5-year-old Australian children in the SMILE cohort. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 20(4), e13671-1-e13671-11.
Europe PMC12024 Chu, M., Ibrahim, A. M. B. R., Moores, C. J., & Moynihan, P. (2024). The impact of wearing complete denture in one or both arches, on eating-related quality of life and patients' perceived need for advice to support eating well: Results from a qualitative study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51(10), 1956-1965.
2024 Ivaturi, A., Giles, L., Do, L. G., Rawal, T., Arora, M., & Moynihan, P. (2024). Energy and nutrient intake by 11–13-year-old young adolescents attending private schools in Delhi, India. British Journal of Nutrition, 132(3), 392-400.
2024 Moores, C. J., Taylor, A. M., Cowap, S., Roberts, R., Gunasinghe, K. A. M. M., & Moynihan, P. J. (2024). Behavior Change Techniques to Reduce Sugars Intake by Adolescents: A Systematic Review. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 19 pages.
2024 Moynihan, P. J., & Teo, J. L. (2024). Exploring Oral Function, Protein Intake, and Risk of Sarcopenia: A Scoping Review. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 9(1), 4-20.
Scopus4 Europe PMC12023 Zhang, A. R. Y., Attrill, S., Eliott, J., Ankeny, R. A., & Moynihan, P. (2023). Application of co-design in residential aged care: a scoping review protocol. JBI evidence synthesis, 21(8), 1665-1671.
Scopus12023 Gupta, A., Raine, K. D., Moynihan, P., & Peres, M. A. (2023). Australians support for policy initiatives addressing unhealthy diet: a population-based study. Health Promotion International, 38(3), 1-14.
Scopus4 Europe PMC22023 Hajishafiee, M., Kapellas, K., Listl, S., Pattamatta, M., Gkekas, A., & Moynihan, P. (2023). Effect of sugar-sweetened beverage taxation on sugars intake and dental caries: an umbrella review of a global perspective.. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 23 pages.
Scopus11 WoS1 Europe PMC92023 Al-Sultani, H. F. F., Breckons, M., Field, J., Thomason, J. M., & Moynihan, P. (2023). Development of patient-centric eating advice for complete denture wearers. Gerodontology, 40(1), 56-73.
Scopus4 Europe PMC12023 Crowe, M., O'Sullivan, M., Winning, L., Cassetti, O., O'Connell, B., O'Sullivan, A., . . . Moynihan, P. (2023). Implementation of a food science and nutrition module in a dental undergraduate curriculum. European Journal of Dental Education, 27(2), 402-408.
Scopus7 WoS3 Europe PMC62023 Welti, R., Chinotti, M., Walsh, O., Arcus, M., Asgari, J., Phillips, K., . . . Silva, M. (2023). Oral health messages for Australia: A national consensus statement. Australian Dental Journal, 68(4), 247-254.
Scopus22023 Welti, R., Jones, B., Moynihan, P., & Silva, M. (2023). Evidence pertaining to modifiable risk factors for oral diseases: an umbrella review to Inform oral health messages for Australia. Australian Dental Journal, 68(4), 222-237.
Scopus4 WoS1 Europe PMC22023 Welti, R., Chinotti, M., Walsh, O., Arcus, M., Asgari, J., Phillips, K., . . . Silva, M. (2023). Oral health messages for Australia: a national consensus statement. Australian dental journal, 68(4), 303-304.
2022 Moynihan, P., & Varghese, R. (2022). Eating Advice for People Who Wear Dentures: A Scoping Review.. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(14), 1-32.
Scopus7 WoS3 Europe PMC32022 Moores, C., Kelly, S., & Moynihan, P. (2022). Systematic review of the effect on caries of sugars intake: ten-year update. Journal of Dental Research, 101(9), 1034-1045.
Scopus41 WoS21 Europe PMC202022 Turck, D., Bohn, T., Castenmiller, J., de Henauw, S., Hirsch-Ernst, K. I., Knutsen, H. K., . . . Vinceti, M. (2022). Tolerable upper intake level for dietary sugars. EFSA Journal, 20(2), 337 pages.
Scopus642021 Murotani, Y., Hatta, K., Takahashi, T., Gondo, Y., Kamide, K., Kabayama, M., . . . Ikebe, K. (2021). Oral functions are associated with muscle strength and physical performance in old-old Japanese. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(24), 8 pages.
Scopus8 WoS1 Europe PMC62021 Albani, V., Nishio, K., Ito, T., Kotronia, E., Moynihan, P., Robinson, L., . . . Ramsay, S. E. (2021). Associations of poor oral health with frailty and physical functioning in the oldest old: results from two studies in England and Japan.
2021 Ellender, G., & Moynihan, P. (2021). Oral Health Impacts on Flavor and Significance in Dental Treatment.. JDR Clin Trans Res, 6(4), 2380084421995096.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC12021 Albani, V., Nishio, K., Ito, T., Kotronia, E., Moynihan, P., Robinson, L., . . . Ramsay, S. E. (2021). Associations of poor oral health with frailty and physical functioning in the oldest old: results from two studies in England and Japan.. BMC Geriatr, 21(1), 1-10.
Scopus32 WoS20 Europe PMC202021 Fukutake, M., Takahashi, T., Gondo, Y., Kamide, K., Masui, Y., Matsuda, K. -I., . . . Ikebe, K. (2021). Impact of occlusal force on decline in body mass index among older Japanese adults: Finding from the SONIC study.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69(7), 1956-1963.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC12021 Tanner, L., Craig, D., Holmes, R., Catinella, L., & Moynihan, P. (2021). Does Dental Caries Increase Risk of Undernutrition in Children?. JDR clinical and translational research, 7(2), 104-117.
Scopus13 WoS8 Europe PMC82021 Faraday, J., Abley, C., Beyer, F., Exley, C., Moynihan, P., & Patterson, J. M. (2021). How do we provide good mealtime care for people with dementia living in care homes? A systematic review of carer–resident interactions. Dementia, 20(8), 3006-3031.
Scopus21 WoS10 Europe PMC82021 Ha, D. H., Spencer, A. J., Moynihan, P., Thomson, W. M., & Do, L. G. (2021). Excess risk of dental caries from higher free sugars intake combined with low exposure to water fluoridation. Journal of Dental Research, 100(11), 002203452110077-1-002203452110077-10.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC82021 Moynihan, P., & Varghese, R. (2021). Impact of Wearing Dentures on Dietary Intake, Nutritional Status, and Eating: A Systematic Review.. JDR Clin Trans Res, 7(4), 23800844211026608.
Scopus32 WoS14 Europe PMC192020 Moynihan, P., Wright, J., Giannobile, W., Ajiboye, A., & Fox, C. (2020). IADR and AADR applaud the Lancet Oral Health Series. The Lancet, 395(10224), 563-564.
Scopus2 Europe PMC22020 Moynihan, P. J., & Jakubovics, N. (2020). Around the World in 100 Years: The Global Expansion of the IADR and Regional Contributions to Oral Health Research.. J Dent Res, 99(4), 355-359.
2020 Bradley, J., Gardner, G., Rowland, M. K., Fay, M., Mann, K., Holmes, R., . . . Moynihan, P. (2020). Impact of a health marketing campaign on sugars intake by children aged 5-11 years and parental views on reducing children's consumption. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 331.
Scopus18 WoS15 Europe PMC82020 Moynihan, P., & Miller, C. (2020). Beyond the Chair: Public Health and Governmental Measures to Tackle Sugar.. J Dent Res, 99(8), 22034520919333.
Scopus17 WoS9 Europe PMC72019 Moynihan, P. (2019). IADR: Redefining Our Mission, Vision, and Values as We Enter a New Chapter. Journal of dental research, 98(11), 1165-1166.
2019 Moynihan, P., Tanner, L. M., Holmes, R. D., Hillier-Brown, F., Mashayekhi, A., Kelly, S. A. M., & Craig, D. (2019). Systematic Review of Evidence Pertaining to Factors That Modify Risk of Early Childhood Caries. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 4(3), 202-216.
Scopus59 WoS40 Europe PMC252019 Al-Sultani, H. F., Field, J. C., Thomason, J. M., & Moynihan, P. J. (2019). The Impact of Replacement Conventional Dentures on Eating Experience. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 4(1), 29-40.
Scopus8 WoS3 Europe PMC12019 Halvorsrud, K., Lewney, J., Craig, D., & Moynihan, P. J. (2019). Effects of Starch on Oral Health: Systematic Review to Inform WHO Guideline. Journal of Dental Research, 98(1), 46-53.
Scopus41 WoS26 Europe PMC192018 Baghlaf, K., Muirhead, V., Moynihan, P., Weston-Price, S., & Pine, C. (2018). Free sugars consumption around bedtime and dental caries in children: a systematic review. JDR Clinical and Translational Research, 3(2), 118-129.
Scopus23 Europe PMC102018 Phantumvanit, P., Makino, Y., Ogawa, H., Rugg-Gunn, A., Moynihan, P., Petersen, P. E., . . . Ungchusak, C. (2018). WHO Global Consultation on Public Health Intervention against Early Childhood Caries. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 46(3), 280-287.
Scopus190 WoS137 Europe PMC1012018 Ramsay, S. E., Papachristou, E., Watt, R. G., Tsakos, G., Lennon, L. T., Papacosta, A. O., . . . Wannamethee, S. G. (2018). Influence of poor oral health on physical frailty: a population-based cohort study of older British Men. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 66(3), 473-479.
Scopus131 WoS77 Europe PMC732018 Moynihan, P., Makino, Y., Petersen, P. E., & Ogawa, H. (2018). Implications of WHO Guideline on Sugars for dental health professionals. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 46(1), 1-7.
Scopus47 WoS40 Europe PMC322018 Kharbanda, O. P., Moynihan, P., Priya, H., Ivaturi, A., Gupta, A., & Haldane, D. (2018). Report from a symposium on accelerating policy-driven action against excessive sugar consumption for the prevention of early childhood caries and noncommunicable diseases. Indian journal of public health, 62(4), 305-307.
Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC62018 Peres, K., Chaffee, B., Feldens, C., Flores-Mir, C., Moynihan, P., & Rugg-Gunn, A. (2018). Breastfeeding and oral health: evidence and methodological challenges. Journal of Dental Research, 97(3), 251-258.
Scopus48 WoS31 Europe PMC212017 Lewney, J., & Moynihan, P. (2017). Paula Moynihan: 'We really need to look at a holistic, systemic approach'. BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL, 223(7), 474-476.
2016 Pine, C., Adair, P., Robinson, L., Burnside, G., Moynihan, P., Wade, W., . . . Henderson, M. (2016). The BBaRTS Healthy Teeth Behaviour Change Programme for preventing dental caries in primary school children: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 17(1), 103.
Scopus15 WoS12 Europe PMC82016 O'Brien, N., Heaven, B., Teal, G., Evans, E. H., Cleland, C., Moffatt, S., . . . Moynihan, P. (2016). Integrating evidence from systematic reviews, qualitative research, and expert knowledge using co-design techniques to develop a web-based intervention for people in the retirement transition. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(8), 1-19.
Scopus76 WoS55 Europe PMC472016 Lara, J., O'Brien, N., Godfrey, A., Heaven, B., Evans, E. H., Lloyd, S., . . . Mathers, J. C. (2016). Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial of a Web-Based Intervention to Promote Healthy Eating, Physical Activity and Meaningful Social Connections Compared with Usual Care Control in People of Retirement Age Recruited from Workplaces. PloS one, 11(7), 17 pages.
Scopus52 WoS43 Europe PMC372016 Moynihan, P. (2016). Sugars and dental caries: Evidence for setting a recommended threshold for intake. Advances in Nutrition, 7(1), 149-156.
Scopus198 WoS136 Europe PMC1042015 Carter, L., Geldenhuys, M., Moynihan, P., Slater, D., Exley, C., & Rolland, S. (2015). The impact of orthodontic appliances on eating - Young people's views and experiences. Journal of Orthodontics, 42(2), 114-122.
Scopus24 WoS20 Europe PMC132015 Abuhaloob, L., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. (2015). Fractional urinary fluoride excretion (FUFE) of 3-4 year children in the gaza strip. Community Dental Health, 32(1), 8-15.
Scopus4 WoS3 Europe PMC42015 Durham, J., Touger-Decker, R., Nixdorf, D. R., Rigassio-Radler, D., & Moynihan, P. (2015). Oro-facial pain and nutrition: A forgotten relationship?. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 42(1), 75-80.
Scopus14 WoS7 Europe PMC42015 Abuhaloob, L., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. (2015). Total daily fluoride intake and the relative contributions of foods, drinks and toothpaste by 3- to 4-year-old children in the Gaza Strip - Palestine. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 25(2), 127-135.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC112015 Tsikritzi, R., Wang, J., Collins, V. J., Allen, V. J., Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P. J., . . . Methven, L. (2015). The Effect of Nutrient Fortification of Sauces on Product Stability, Sensory Properties, and Subsequent Liking by Older Adults. Journal of Food Science, 80(5), 1100-1110.
Scopus17 WoS12 Europe PMC112014 Tsikritzi, R., Moynihan, P. J., Gosney, M. A., Allen, V. J., & Methven, L. (2014). The effect of macro- and micro-nutrient fortification of biscuits on their sensory properties and on hedonic liking of older people. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 94(10), 2040-2048.
Scopus24 WoS16 Europe PMC82014 Zohoori, F. V., Whaley, G., Moynihan, P. J., & Maguire, A. (2014). Summary of: Fluoride intake of infants living in non-fluoridated and fluoridated areas. British Dental Journal, 216(2), 78-79.
2014 Moynihan, P., & Kelly, S. (2014). Effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: Systematic review to inform WHO guidelines. Journal of Dental Research, 93(1), 8-18.
Scopus671 WoS497 Europe PMC3852014 Zohoori, F., Whaley, G., Moynihan, P., & Maguire, A. (2014). Fluoride intake of infants living in non-fluoridated and fluoridated areas. British Dental Journal, 216(2), 1-5.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC112014 Moynihan, P. J. (2014). Response to letter to the editor, "effect on caries of restricting sugars intake: Systematic review to inform WHO guidelines". Journal of Dental Research, 93(5), 531.
Scopus5 WoS3 Europe PMC32014 Lara, J., Hobbs, N., Moynihan, P., Meyer, T., Adamson, A., Errington, L., . . . Mathers, J. (2014). Effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Medicine, 12(1), 1-12.
Scopus64 WoS53 Europe PMC422014 Huew, R., Maguire, A., Waterhouse, P., & Moynihan, P. (2014). Nutrient intake and dietary patterns of relevance to dental health of 12-year-old Libyan children. Public Health Nutrition, 17(5), 1107-1113.
Scopus5 WoS4 Europe PMC52014 Peltzer, K., Hewlett, S., Yawson, A. E., Moynihan, P., Preet, R., Wu, F., . . . Kowal, P. (2014). Prevalence of loss of all teeth (Edentulism) and associated factors in older adults in China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russia and South Africa. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(11), 11308-11324.
Scopus114 WoS80 Europe PMC542014 Zare Javid, A., Seal, C., Heasman, P., & Moynihan, P. (2014). Impact of a customised dietary intervention on antioxidant status, dietary intakes and periodontal indices in patients with adult periodontitis. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 27(6), 523-532.
Scopus47 WoS32 Europe PMC242014 Lara, J., Evans, E., O'Brien, N., Moynihan, P., Meyer, T., Adamson, A., . . . Mathers, J. (2014). Association of behaviour change techniques with effectiveness of dietary interventions among adults of retirement age: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMC Medicine, 12(1), 177.
Scopus89 WoS80 Europe PMC642013 Heaven, B., Bamford, C., May, C., & Moynihan, P. (2013). Food work and feeding assistance on hospital wards. Sociology of Health and Illness, 35(4), 628-642.
Scopus28 WoS24 Europe PMC112013 Maguire, A., Walls, R., Steen, N., Teasdale, L., Landes, D., Omid, N., . . . Zohoori, F. V. (2013). Urinary fluoride excretion in 6- to 7-year-olds ingesting milk containing 0.5 or 0.9 mg fluoride. Caries Research, 47(4), 291-298.
Scopus3 WoS3 Europe PMC12013 Zohoori, F. V., Walls, R., Teasdale, L., Landes, D., Steen, I. N., Moynihan, P., . . . Maguire, A. (2013). Fractional urinary fluoride excretion of 6-7-year-old children attending schools in low-fluoride and naturally fluoridated areas in the UK. British Journal of Nutrition, 109(10), 1903-1909.
Scopus17 WoS14 Europe PMC112013 Iwasaki, M., Moynihan, P., Manz, M. C., Taylor, G. W., Yoshihara, A., Muramatsu, K., . . . Miyazaki, H. (2013). Dietary antioxidants and periodontal disease in community-based older Japanese: A 2-year follow-up study. Public Health Nutrition, 16(2), 330-338.
Scopus51 WoS35 Europe PMC262012 Zohoori, F. V., Moynihan, P. J., Omid, N., Abuhaloob, L., & Maguire, A. (2012). Impact of water fluoride concentration on the fluoride content of infant foods and drinks requiring preparation with liquids before feeding. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40(5), 432-440.
Scopus31 WoS24 Europe PMC142012 Macdonald, A. S., Teal, G., Bamford, C., & Moynihan, P. J. (2012). Hospitalfoodie: An interprofessional case study of the redesign of the nutritional management and monitoring system for vulnerable older hospital patients. Quality in Primary Care, 20(3), 169-177.
Scopus18 Europe PMC32012 Kelly, S. A. M., Hyland, R. M., Ellis, J. S., Thomason, J. M., & Moynihan, P. J. (2012). Development of a patient-based questionnaire about emotional and social issues related to eating with dentures. Journal of Dentistry, 40(8), 678-685.
Scopus15 WoS15 Europe PMC102012 Walls, R., Zohoori, V., Teasdale, L., Landes, D., Steen, I. N., Moynihan, P. J., . . . Maguire, A. (2012). Compliance with school F-milk and non-F milk intake in 3 to 4 and 6 to 7 year old children. Community Dental Health, 29(2), 188-192.
Scopus1 WoS12012 Maguire, A., Omid, N., Abuhaloob, L., Moynihan, P. J., & Zohoori, F. V. (2012). Fluoride content of Ready-to-Feed (RTF) infant food and drinks in the UK. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 40(1), 26-36.
Scopus27 WoS18 Europe PMC112012 Huew, R., Waterhouse, P., Moynihan, P., Kometa, S., & Maguire, A. (2012). Dental caries and its association with diet and dental erosion in Libyan schoolchildren. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 22(1), 68-76.
Scopus42 WoS31 Europe PMC192012 Bamford, C., Heaven, B., May, C., & Moynihan, P. (2012). Implementing nutrition guidelines for older people in residential care homes: a qualitative study using Normalization Process Theory. Implementation Science, 7(1), 13 pages.
Scopus53 WoS46 Europe PMC382012 Moynihan, P. J., Elfeky, A., Ellis, J. S., Seal, C. J., Hyland, R. M., & Thomason, J. M. (2012). Do implant-supported dentures facilitate efficacy of eating more healthily?. Journal of Dentistry, 40(10), 843-850.
Scopus28 WoS26 Europe PMC192012 Huew, R., Waterhouse, P. J., Moynihan, P. J., & Maguire, A. (2012). Dental erosion among 12 year-old Libyan schoolchildren. Community Dental Health, 29(4), 279-283.
Scopus13 WoS9 Europe PMC52012 Moynihan, P., MacDonald, A., Teal, G., Methven, L., Heaven, B., & Bamford, C. (2012). Extending an approach to hospital malnutrition to community care. British Journal of Community Nursing, 17(12), 614-621.
Scopus7 Europe PMC22011 Huew, R., Waterhouse, P. J., Moynihan, P. J., & Maguire, A. (2011). Prevalence and severity of dental caries in Libyan schoolchildren. International Dental Journal, 61(4), 217-223.
Scopus27 WoS22 Europe PMC142011 Preshaw, P. M., Walls, A. W. G., Jakubovics, N. S., Moynihan, P. J., Jepson, N. J. A., & Loewy, Z. (2011). Association of removable partial denture use with oral and systemic health. Journal of Dentistry, 39(11), 711-719.
Scopus130 WoS109 Europe PMC582011 Huew, R., Waterhouse, P. J., Moynihan, P. J., Kometa, S., & Maguire, A. (2011). Dental erosion and its association with diet in libyan schoolchildren. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry, 12(5), 234-240.
Scopus21 WoS16 Europe PMC52011 Iwasaki, M., Manz, M. C., Moynihan, P., Yoshihara, A., Muramatsu, K., Watanabe, R., & Miyazaki, H. (2011). Relationship between saturated fatty acids and periodontal disease. Journal of Dental Research, 90(7), 861-867.
Scopus44 WoS27 Europe PMC202011 Iwasaki, M., Taylor, G. W., Moynihan, P., Yoshihara, A., Muramatsu, K., Watanabe, R., & Miyazaki, H. (2011). Dietary ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and periodontal disease in community-based older Japanese: A 3-year follow-up study. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, 85(2), 107-112.
Scopus33 WoS27 Europe PMC162011 Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P. J., Gosney, M. A., & Methven, L. (2011). Hospital catering systems and their impact on the sensorial profile of foods provided to older patients in the UK. Appetite, 57(1), 14-20.
Scopus11 WoS8 Europe PMC42010 Iwasaki, M., Yoshihara, A., Moynihan, P., Watanabe, R., & MIYAZAKl, H. (2010). Dietary omega-3 fatty acid may control periodontal disease: Low dietary docosahexaenoic acid might be a significant risk factor of periodontal disease progression. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech, 21(6), 34-37.
Scopus1 WoS12010 Murrell, S., Marshall, T. A., Moynihan, P. J., Qian, F., & Wefel, J. S. (2010). Comparison of in vitro erosion potentials between beverages available in the United Kingdom and the United States. Journal of Dentistry, 38(4), 284-289.
Scopus35 WoS30 Europe PMC162010 Iwasaki, M., Yoshihara, A., Moynihan, P., Watanabe, R., Taylor, G. W., & Miyazaki, H. (2010). Longitudinal relationship between dietary ω-3 fatty acids and periodontal disease. Nutrition, 26(11-12), 1105-1109.
Scopus59 WoS48 Europe PMC332010 Ellis, J. S., Elfeky, A. F., Moynihan, P. J., Seal, C., Hyland, R. M., & Thomason, M. (2010). The impact of dietary advice on edentulous adults' denture satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life 6 months after intervention. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 21(4), 386-391.
Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC152010 Speed, C., Heaven, B., Adamson, A., Bond, J., Corbett, S., Lake, A. A., . . . McColl, E. (2010). LIFELAX - diet and LIFEstyle versus LAXatives in the management of chronic constipation in older people: Randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment, 14(52), 1-105.
Scopus28 WoS19 Europe PMC112009 Moynihan, P., Thomason, M., Walls, A., Gray-Donald, K., Morais, J. A., Ghanem, H., . . . Feine, J. (2009). Researching the impact of oral health on diet and nutritional status: Methodological issues. Journal of Dentistry, 37(4), 237-249.
Scopus68 WoS55 Europe PMC382009 Thomason, J. M., Feine, J., Exley, C., Moynihan, P., Müller, F., Naert, I., . . . Barker, D. (2009). Mandibular two implant-supported overdentures as the first choice standard of care for edentulous patients - The york consensus statement. British Dental Journal, 207(4), 185-186.
Scopus341 WoS267 Europe PMC1722009 Auad, S. M., Waterhouse, P. J., Nunn, J. H., & Moynihan, P. J. (2009). Dental caries and its association with sociodemographics, erosion, and diet in schoolchildren from southeast Brazil. Pediatric Dentistry, 31(3), 229-235.
Scopus51 WoS42 Europe PMC292009 Zohoori, V., Seal, C. J., Moynihan, P. J., Steen, I. N., & Maguire, A. (2009). The impact of fluoridated milks on the availability of trace elements in milk. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89(4), 595-602.
Scopus4 WoS32009 Hyland, R., Ellis, J., Thomason, M., El-Feky, A., & Moynihan, P. (2009). A qualitative study on patient perspectives of how conventional and implant-supported dentures affect eating. Journal of Dentistry, 37(9), 718-723.
Scopus63 WoS57 Europe PMC342009 Thomason, J. M., Feine, J., Exley, C., Moynihan, P., Muller, F., Naert, I., . . . Barker, D. (2009). The York Consensus Statement on Implant-Supported Overdentures. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS AND RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY, 17(4), 164-165.
WoS162008 Bradbury, J., Thomason, J. M., Jepson, N. J. A., Wells, A. W. G., Mulvaney, C. E., Allen, P. F., & Moynihan, P. J. (2008). Perceived chewing ability and intake of fruit and vegetables (vol 87, pg 720, 2008). JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH, 87(9), 888. 2008 Moynihan, P. (2008). Update on nutrition and periodontal disease. Quintessence International, 39(4), 326-330.
Scopus8 WoS4 Europe PMC32008 Steen, I. N., Maguire, A., Moynihan, P. J., Zohoori, F. V., & Mathers, J. C. (2008). Letter to the editor [2]. Journal of Dental Research, 87(1), 8.
2008 Bradbury, J., Mulvaney, C. E., Adamson, A. J., Seal, C. J., Mathers, J. C., & Moynihan, P. J. (2008). Sources of total, non-milk extrinsic, and intrinsic and milk sugars in the diets of older adults living in sheltered accommodation. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(3), 649-652.
Scopus3 WoS1 Europe PMC22008 Waterhouse, P. J., Auad, S. M., Nunn, J. H., Steen, I. N., & Moynihan, P. J. (2008). Diet and dental erosion in young people in south-east Brazil. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 18(5), 353-360.
Scopus50 WoS42 Europe PMC282008 Bradbury, J., Thomason, J. M., Jepson, N. J. A., Walls, A. W. G., Mulvaney, C. E., Allen, P. F., & Moynihan, P. J. (2008). Perceived chewing ability and intake of fruit and vegetables. Journal of Dental Research, 87(8), 720-725.
Scopus53 WoS45 Europe PMC322008 Kelly, S. A. M., & Moynihan, P. J. (2008). Attitudes and practices of dentists with respect to nutrition and periodontal health. British Dental Journal, 205(4), 5 pages.
Scopus10 WoS8 Europe PMC72007 Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Fletcher, E. S., Matthews, J. N. S., Hackett, A. F., Moynihan, P. J., Kelly, S. A. M., . . . Adamson, A. J. (2007). Changes in consumption of sugars by English adolescents over 20 years. Public Health Nutrition, 10(4), 354-363.
Scopus37 WoS35 Europe PMC352007 Moynihan, P. J. (2007). The relationship between nutrition and systemic and oral well-being in older people. Journal of the American Dental Association, 138(4), 493-497.
Scopus79 WoS58 Europe PMC462007 Moynihan, P. (2007). Foods and dietary factors that prevent dental caries. Quintessence International, 38(4), 320-324.
Scopus15 WoS12 Europe PMC72007 Moynihan, P. J., Mulvaney, C. E., Adamson, A. J., Seal, C., Steen, N., Mathers, J. C., & Zohouri, F. V. (2007). The nutrition knowledge of older adults living in sheltered housing accommodation. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(5), 446-458.
Scopus40 WoS24 Europe PMC182007 Lake, A. A., Speed, C., Brookes, A., Heaven, B., Adamson, A. J., Moynihan, P., . . . McColl, E. (2007). Development of a series of patient information leaflets for constipation using a range of cognitive interview techniques: LIFELAX. BMC Health Services Research, 7(1), 8 pages.
Scopus15 WoS11 Europe PMC52007 Auad, S., & Moynihan, P. (2007). Diet and dental erosion. Quintessence International, 38(2), 130-133.
Scopus4 WoS5 Europe PMC22007 Hyland, R. M., Wood, C. E., Adamson, A. J., Mathers, J. C., Hill, M., Seal, C. J., & Moynihan, P. J. (2007). Peer educators' perceptions of training for and implementing a community-based nutrition intervention for older adults. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly, 25(3-4), 147-171.
Scopus13 Europe PMC62007 Thomason, J. M., Moynihan, P. J., Steen, N., & Jepson, N. J. A. (2007). Time to survival for the restoration of the shortened lower dental arch. Journal of Dental Research, 86(7), 646-650.
Scopus51 WoS43 Europe PMC342007 Auad, S. M., Waterhouse, P. J., Nunn, J. H., Steen, N., & Moynihan, P. J. (2007). Dental erosion amongst 13- and 14-year-old Brazilian schoolchildren. International Dental Journal, 57(3), 161-167.
Scopus34 WoS34 Europe PMC192007 Maguire, A., Zohouri, F. V., Hindmarch, P. N., Hatts, J., & Moynihan, P. J. (2007). Fluoride intake and urinary excretion in 6- to 7-year-old children living in optimally, sub-optimally and non-fluoridated areas. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 35(6), 479-488.
Scopus45 WoS45 Europe PMC302006 Lang, B., & Moynihan, P. (2006). The weaning diet: Promoting growth while safeguarding dental health. Quintessence International, 37(8), 632-636. 2006 Zohouri, F. V., Swinbank, C. M., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. J. (2006). Is the fluoride/creatinine ratio of a spot urine sample indicative of 24-h urinary fluoride?. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 34(2), 130-138.
Scopus48 WoS44 Europe PMC262006 Hyland, R., Stacy, R., Adamson, A., & Moynihan, P. (2006). Nutrition-related health promotion through an after-school project: The responses of children and their families. Social Science and Medicine, 62(3), 758-768.
Scopus43 WoS36 Europe PMC212006 Moynihan, P. (2006). Dietary therapy in chronically sick children: Dental health considerations. Quintessence International, 37(6), 444-448.
Scopus9 WoS6 Europe PMC42006 Bradbury, J., Thomason, J. M., Jepson, N. J. A., Walls, A. W. G., Allen, P. F., & Moynihan, P. J. (2006). Nutrition counseling increases fruit and vegetable intake in the edentulous. Journal of Dental Research, 85(5), 463-468.
Scopus103 WoS88 Europe PMC642006 Zohouri, F. V., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. J. (2006). Sources of dietary fluoride intake in 6-7-year-old English children receiving optimally, sub-optimally, and non-fluoridated water. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 66(4), 227-234.
Scopus19 WoS18 Europe PMC142005 Moynihan, P. J. (2005). The role of diet and nutrition in the etiology and prevention of oral diseases. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(9), 694-699.
Scopus161 WoS134 Europe PMC822005 Kelly, S. A. M., Summerbell, C., Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Adamson, A., Fletcher, E., & Moynihan, P. J. (2005). Comparison of methods to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars and their application to sugars in the diet of young adolescents. British Journal of Nutrition, 94(1), 114-124.
Scopus25 WoS25 Europe PMC232005 Maguire, A., Zohouri, F. V., Mathers, J. C., Steen, I. N., Hindmarch, P. N., & Moynihan, P. J. (2005). Bioavailability of fluoride in drinking water: A human experimental study. Journal of Dental Research, 84(11), 989-993.
Scopus38 WoS33 Europe PMC122004 Fletcher, E. S., Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Matthews, J. N. S., Hackett, A., Moynihan, P. J., Mathers, J. C., & Adamson, A. J. (2004). Changes over 20 years in macronutrient intake and body mass index in 11- to 12-year-old adolescents living in Northumberland. British Journal of Nutrition, 92(2), 321-333.
Scopus26 WoS27 Europe PMC242004 Moynihan, P., & Petersen, P. E. (2004). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of dental diseases. Public Health Nutrition, 7(1 A), 201-226.
Scopus558 WoS410 Europe PMC2902004 Zohouri, F. V., Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Fletcher, E. S., Hackett, A. F., Moynihan, P. J., Mathers, J. C., & Adamson, A. J. (2004). Changes in water intake of Northumbrian adolescents 1980 to 2000. British Dental Journal, 196(9), 547-552.
Scopus12 WoS11 Europe PMC72003 Moynihan, P., Hovius, M., & Attström, R. (2003). Nutritional impact in oral health promotion [Report]. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, 1(Suppl. 1), 403-405.
2003 Stillman-Lowe, C., & Moynihan, P. (2003). Fruit juice and dried fruit - Healthy choices or not? [1] (multiple letters). British Dental Journal, 194(8), 408.
Scopus3 WoS22003 Lingström, P., & Moynihan, P. (2003). Nutrition, saliva, and oral health. Nutrition, 19(6), 567-569.
Scopus56 WoS43 Europe PMC342003 Kelly, S. A. M., Moynihan, P. J., Rugg-Gunn, A. J., & Summerbell, C. D. (2003). Review of methods used to estimate non-milk extrinsic sugars. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 16(1), 27-38.
Scopus16 WoS14 Europe PMC112003 Jepson, N., Allen, F., Moynihan, P., Kelly, P., & Thomason, M. (2003). Patient satisfaction following restoration of shortened mandibular dental arches in a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 16(4), 409-414.
Scopus75 WoS69 Europe PMC512003 Moynihan, P. (2003). Nutritional impact in oral health promotion. Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, 1(Suppl. 1), 385-402.
Scopus5 Europe PMC22003 Zohouri, F. V., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. J. (2003). Fluoride content of still bottled waters available in the North-East of England, UK. British Dental Journal, 195(9), 515-518.
Scopus42 WoS34 Europe PMC192003 Moynihan, P. (2003). Fruit juice and dried fruit - healthy choices or not? Response. BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL, 194(8), 408.
WoS12002 Moynihan, P., Lussi, A., Jaeggi, T., & Schaffner, M. (2002). Diet and dental erosion. Nutrition, 18(9), 780-781.
Scopus34 WoS31 Europe PMC202002 Moynihan, P. J. (2002). Dietary advice in dental practice. British Dental Journal, 193(10), 563-568.
Scopus91 WoS69 Europe PMC412002 Anderson, A. S., Bell, A., Adamson, A., & Moynihan, P. (2002). A questionnaire assessment of nutrition knowledge - Validity and reliability issues. Public Health Nutrition, 5(3), 497-503.
Scopus44 WoS37 Europe PMC282001 Moynihan, P. J., Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Butler, T. J., & Adamson, A. J. (2001). Dietary intake of folate by adolescents and the potential effect of flour fortification with folic acid. British Journal of Nutrition, 86(4), 529-534.
Scopus8 WoS4 Europe PMC52001 Jepson, N. J. A., Moynihan, P. J., Kelly, P. J., Watson, G. W., & Thomason, J. M. (2001). Caries incidence following restoration of shortened lower dental arches in a randomized controlled trial. BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL, 191(3), 140-144.
WoS61 Europe PMC462001 Moynihan, P., & Bradbury, J. (2001). Compromised dental function and nutrition. Nutrition, 17(2), 177-178.
Scopus35 WoS32 Europe PMC282001 Sambamoorthi, U., Moynihan, P. J., McSpiritt, E., & Crystal, S. (2001). Use of protease inhibitors and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors among Medicaid beneficiaries with AIDS. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 91(9), 1474-1481.
WoS20 Europe PMC182000 Moynihan, P. (2000). The British Nutrition Foundation Oral Task Force Report — issues relevant to dental health professionals. British Dental Journal, 188(6), 308-312.
2000 Moynihan, P. (2000). Foods and factors that protect against dental caries. Nutrition Bulletin, 25(4), 281-286.
Scopus292000 Walls, A. W. G., Steele, J. G., Sheiham, A., Marcenes, W., & Moynihan, P. J. (2000). Oral health and nutrition in older people. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 60(4), 304-307.
Scopus132 WoS107 Europe PMC892000 Moynihan, P. (2000). The british nutrition foundation oral task force report - Issues relevant to dental health professionals. British Dental Journal, 188(6), 308-312.
Scopus18 WoS11 Europe PMC102000 Moynihan, P. J., Butler, T. J., Thomason, J. M., & Jepson, N. J. A. (2000). Nutrient intake in partially dentate patients: The effect of prosthetic rehabilitation. Journal of Dentistry, 28(8), 557-563.
Scopus75 WoS70 Europe PMC511999 Moynihan, P. J., Ferrier, S., & Jenkins, G. N. (1999). The cariostatic potential of cheese: Cooked cheese-containing meals increase plaque calcium concentration. British Dental Journal, 187(12), 664-667.
Scopus39 WoS29 Europe PMC171999 Moynihan, P. J., Ferrier, S., & Jenkins, G. N. (1999). The cariostatic potential of cheese: cooked cheese-containing meals increase plaque calcium concentration. British Dental Journal, 187(12), 664-667.
1998 Moynihan, P. J., Ferrier, S., Blomley, S., Wright, W. G., & Russell, R. R. B. (1998). Acid production from lactulose by dental plaque bacteria. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 27(3), 173-177.
Scopus9 WoS8 Europe PMC61998 Moynihan, P. J. (1998). Update on the nomenclature of carbohydrates and their dental effects. Journal of Dentistry, 26(3), 209-218.
Scopus51 WoS51 Europe PMC261998 Hitchings, E., & Moynihan, P. J. (1998). The relationship between television food advertisements recalled and actual foods consumed by children. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 11(6), 511-517.
Scopus72 WoS541996 Moynihan, P. J., Wright, W. G., & Walton, A. G. (1996). A comparison of the relative acidogenic potential of infant milk and soya infant formula: A plaque pH study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 6(3), 177-181.
Scopus10 Europe PMC51996 Moynihan, P. J., Gould, M. E. L., Huntley, N., & Thorman, S. (1996). Effect of glucose polymers in water, milk and a milk substitute on plaque pH in vitro. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry, 6(1), 19-24.
Scopus28 Europe PMC131996 Moynihan, P. J., & Holt, R. D. (1996). The national diet and nutrition survey of 1.5 to 4.5 year old children: Summary of the findings of the dental survey. British Dental Journal, 181(9), 328-332.
Scopus45 WoS38 Europe PMC281996 Moynihan, P., Adamson, A., Rugg-Gunn, A., Appleton, D., & Butler, T. (1996). Dietary sources of calcium and the contribution of flour fortification to total calcium intake in the diets of Northumbrian adolescents. British Journal of Nutrition, 75(3), 495-505.
Scopus26 WoS23 Europe PMC161996 Holt, R. D., & Moynihan, P. J. (1996). The weaning diet and dental health. British Dental Journal, 181(7), 254-259.
Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC41995 Moynihan, P. J. (1995). The Relationship between Diet, Nutrition and Dental Health: An Overview and Update for the 90S. Nutrition Research Reviews, 8(1), 193-224.
Scopus24 Europe PMC71994 Moynihan, P. (1994). Special nutritional needs of surgical patients.. Nursing times, 90(51), 40-41. 1994 Moynihan, P. J., Anderson, C., Adamson, A. J., Rugg‐Gunn, A. J., Appleton, D. R., & Butler, T. J. (1994). Dietary sources of iron in English adolescents. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 7(3), 225-230.
Scopus5 WoS41994 Moynihan, P. J., Snow, S., Jepson, N. J., & Butler, T. J. (1994). Intake of non-starch polysaccharide (dietary fibre) in edentulous and dentate persons: An observational study. British Dental Journal, 177(7), 243-247.
Scopus39 WoS41 Europe PMC281993 Moynihan, P. J., Adamson, A. J., Skinner, R., Rugg‐Gunn, A. J., Appleton, D. R., & Butler, T. J. (1993). The intake of nutrients by Northumbrian adolescents from one‐parent families and from unemployed families. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 6(5), 433-441.
Scopus6 WoS51986 Rugg-Gunn, A. J., Hackett, A. F., Appleton, D. R., & Moynihan, P. J. (1986). The dietary intake of added and natural sugars in 405 English adolescents.. Human nutrition. Applied nutrition, 40(2), 115-124.
Scopus24 WoS21 Europe PMC3 -
Year Citation 2003 Amine, E. K., Baba, N. H., Belhadj, M., Deurenberg-Yap, M., Djazayery, A., Forrestre, T., . . . Yach, D. (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases.
Scopus776 -
Book Chapters
Year Citation 2014 Moynihan, P., Cappelli, D. P., & Mobley, C. (2014). Oral consequences of compromised nutritional well-being. In R. Touger-Decker, C. Mobley, & J. B. Epstein (Eds.), Nutrition and Oral Medicine (2 ed., pp. 111-127). Online: Humana Press.
DOI Scopus22014 Thompson, J., Peace, S., Astell, A., Moynihan, P., & Macdonald, A. (2014). Food environments: From home to hospital. In A. Walker (Ed.), The New Science of Ageing (pp. 155-179). University of Bristol, Bristol: Policy Press.
Scopus42013 Moynihan, P., Bradbury, J., & Müller, F. (2013). Dietary Consequences of Oral Health in Frail Elders. In Oral Healthcare and the Frail Elder: A Clinical Perspective (pp. 73-94). Wiley.
DOI Scopus52013 Moynihan, P. (2013). The Role of Diet in the Prevention of Dental Diseases. In Comprehensive Preventive Dentistry (pp. 99-114). Wiley.
DOI Scopus62009 Moynihan, P. (2009). Nutrition and its effect on oral health and disease. In Food Constituents and Oral Health: Current Status and Future Prospects (pp. 83-99). Elsevier.
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2024 Moynihan, P., Ivaturi, A., Giles, L., Do, L., Rawal, T., & Arora, M. (2024). Intake of energy and macronutrients in the diets of 11-13-year-old schoolchildren living in Delhi India. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 83 (pp. 1 page). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2024 Ellender, G., Moynihan, P., & Koehne, G. (2024). Does experience of music enhance olfaction: music as a potential nutrition intervention?. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 83 (pp. 1 page). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2024 Ivaturi, A., Giles, L., Do, L. G., Arora, M., Rawal, T., & Moynihan, P. J. (2024). Intake of free sugars by 11-13-year-old schoolchildren living in Delhi, India. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 83 (pp. 1 page). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2013 Heaven, B., Moffatt, S., Hobbs, N., White, M., Cleland, C., Teal, G., . . . Mathers, J. (2013). Intervening to improve wellbeing in retirement: The LiveWell programme. In PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH Vol. 28 (pp. 104). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. 2013 Hobbs, N., Heaven, B., Teal, G., Cleland, C., Mathers, J., Sniehotta, F., . . . Moynihan, P. (2013). Using innovative co-design methods to develop interventions for people in the retirement transition: LiveWell programme. In PSYCHOLOGY & HEALTH Vol. 28 (pp. 55). TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. 2013 Comber, R., Hoonhout, J., Van Halteren, A., Moynihan, P., & Olivier, P. (2013). Food practices as situated action: Exploring and designing for everyday food practices with households. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings (pp. 2457-2466). ACM.
DOI Scopus562012 Comber, R., Weeden, J., Hoare, J., Lindsay, S., Teal, G., MacDonald, A., . . . Olivier, P. (2012). Supporting visual assessment of food and nutrient intake in a clinical care setting. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings (pp. 919-922). ACM.
DOI Scopus152012 Lara, J., Errington, L., White, M., Moynihan, P. J., Adamson, A. A., & Mathers, J. C. (2012). Effectiveness of dietary interventions using the Mediterranean diet, or any combination of its component food groups in older adults: a systematic of review. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 71 (pp. E104). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2011 Tsikritzi, R., Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P. J., Gosney, M. A., & Methven, L. (2011). The effect of macro and micro-nutrient fortification of cookies on their sensory properties and on hedonic liking of older people. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 70 (pp. E180). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2011 Tsikritzi, R., Wang, J., Wong, M., Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P. J., Gosney, M. A., & Methven, L. (2011). Development of sauces with high energy density, flavour and taste impact for older people, aiming to increase food acceptability and consumption. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 70 (pp. E176). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2011 Moynihan, P. (2011). MAPPMAL: MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO DEVELOP A PROTOTYPE FOR THE PREVENTION OF MALNUTRITION IN OLDER PEOPLE. In GERONTOLOGIST Vol. 51 (pp. 345). OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC. 2011 Wagner, J., Van Halteren, A., Hoonhout, J., Ploetz, T., Pham, C., Moynihan, P., . . . Olivier, P. (2011). Towards a pervasive kitchen infrastructure for measuring cooking competence. In 2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops, PervasiveHealth 2011 (pp. 107-114). IEEE.
DOI Scopus132010 Linehan, C., Doughty, M., Lawson, S., Kirman, B., Olivier, P., & Moynihan, P. (2010). Tagliatelle: Social tagging to encourage healthier eating. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings (pp. 3331-3336). ACM.
DOI Scopus172010 Heaven, B., Bamford, C., May, C., & Moynihan, P. (2010). Adapting menus in care homes to meet The Foods Standards Agency guidelines: a qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to change. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 69 (pp. E491). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2010 Spraggon, V., Kelly, S., Masters, R., Lees, M., Adamson, A., Seal, C., . . . Moynihan, P. (2010). Changes to the macronutrient profile of food served in care homes for older people after the implementation of the Food Standards Agency guidelines. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 69 (pp. E493). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2010 Kelly, S., Spraggon, V., Masters, R., Lees, M., Adamson, A., Seal, C., . . . Moynihan, P. (2010). Changes to the micronutrient profile of food served in care homes for older people after the implementation of the Food Standards Agency guidelines. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 69 (pp. E492). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI2009 Bamford, C., Heaven, B., May, C., & Moynihan, P. (2009). IMPLEMENTING HEALTHIER MENUS IN CARE HOMES FOR OLDER PEOPLE. In GERONTOLOGIST Vol. 49 (pp. 415). GERONTOLOGICAL SOC AMER. 2005 Foster, E., Matthews, J. N. S., Mathers, J. C., Moynihan, P. J., & Adamson, A. J. (2005). Packaged food intake by children aged 0 to 16 years (g/kg body weight). In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 64 (pp. 63A). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 2005 Manaf, Z. A., & Moynihan, P. J. (2005). An investigation into schoolchildren's knowledge and awareness of diet and dental health. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 64 (pp. 61A). CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS. 2005 Moynihan, P. (2005). The interrelationship between diet and oral health. In Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Vol. 64 (pp. 571-580). England: CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI Scopus64 WoS45 Europe PMC262003 Moynihan, P. J., Bradbury, J., Thomason, M., Walls, A., & Jepson, N. (2003). Consumption of fruit and vegetables and perceived chewing ability.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 82 (pp. B267). INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R. 2003 Zohouri, F. V., Maguire, A., & Moynihan, P. J. (2003). Evaluation of the ion selective electrode for assaying fluoride.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 82 (pp. 557). Cardiff, WALES: INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R. 2003 Dhaliwal, J. S., Steele, J. G., Sheiham, A., Walls, A. W. G., Marcenes, W., & Moynihan, P. (2003). Does tooth loss affect fruit and vegetable intake in older people?.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 82 (pp. B267). SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC.
WoS12003 Hatts, J., Zohouri, F. V., Moynihan, P., & Maguire, A. (2003). Fluoride concentration of soft drinks in the UK.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 82 (pp. B267). INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R. 2002 Moynihan, P., Revill, S. A., & Adamson, A. J. (2002). Intake of NME sugars: effect of a school-based intervention.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 81 (pp. A491). INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R.
WoS12002 Moynihan, P. (2002). Overview of presentations at the international association for dental research: Chiba, Japan, June 2001. In Nutrition Vol. 18 (pp. 205-206). United States: Elsevier BV.
DOI2002 Moynihan, P., Ettinger, R., Young, W. G., Lussi, A., Nunn, J., & Walls, A. W. G. (2002). Dietary and nutritional aspects of tooth wear.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 81 (pp. A218). INT AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCHI A D R/A A D R. 2000 Moynihan, P. J., Jenkins, G. N., & Fletcher, E. (2000). Cheese-containing meals increase plaque calcium following acidic drink consumption.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 79 (pp. 606). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 2000 Thomason, J. M., Moynihan, P. J., Watson, G. W., & Jepson, N. J. A. (2000). Restoration of the shortened dental arch: 2 year caries findings.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 79 (pp. 173). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 1999 Moynihan, P., Higginson, R., & Moody, C. (1999). Edentulous persons attitudes and perceived barriers to increasing fruit and vegetable consumption.. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY Vol. 58 (pp. 150A). C A B INTERNATIONAL. 1999 Moynihan, P. J., Higginson, R., & Moody, C. L. (1999). Edentulous persons attitudes and perceived barriers to increasing intake of fibre-rich foods.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 78 (pp. 1061). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH.
WoS21998 Jepson, N. J., Thomason, J. M., Moynihan, P. J., Watson, G. W., & Kelly, P. J. (1998). Restoration of the shortened lower dental arch - Patient satisfaction. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 77 (pp. 925). SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC. 1998 Moynihan, P. J., Jenkins, G. N., Ferrier, S., & Woods, G. (1998). Changes in plaque calcium concentration when consuming meals containing cheese.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 77 (pp. 774). SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC. 1997 Moynihan, P. J., Jepson, N. J. A., Thomason, J. M., Matthews, V., & Butler, T. J. (1997). Nutrient intake in partially dentate patients effect of prosthetic rehabilitation. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 76 (pp. 1265). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 1996 Jepson, N. J. A., Moynihan, P. J., Thomason, J. M., & Koya, S. (1996). Reproducibility of image analysis of expectorated food as an assessment of masticatory performance.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 75 (pp. 1158). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 1996 Moynihan, P. J., Jepson, N. J. A., Stockdale, C., & Thomason, M. (1996). The relationship between indices of masticatory ability and the intake of nutrients of partially dentate subjects.. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 75 (pp. 1167). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 1995 MOYNIHAN, P. J., SEYMOUR, R. A., & NERY, S. (1995). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ANTIOXIDANT VITAMIN INTAKE AND THE SEVERITY OF EXPERIMENTAL GINGIVITIS. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 74 (pp. 882). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH. 1995 WALTON, A. G., MOYNIHAN, P. J., & WRIGHT, W. G. (1995). THE EFFECT OF SOYS INFANT FORMULA ON THE PH OF DENTAL PLAQUE. In JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH Vol. 74 (pp. 850). AMER ASSOC DENTAL RESEARCH.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2023 Moynihan, P., Chu, M., Moores, C., & Ibrahim, A. (2023). Eating-related quality of life in people who wear complete dentures. Poster session presented at the meeting of PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
DOI WoS12022 Ivaturi, A., Moynihan, P., Do, L., Giles, L., SCOTT, J., devenish, G., . . . Golley, R. (2022). Sources and Determinants of Free Sugars Intake in Australian-5-year-olds. Poster session presented at the meeting of IADR Conference Abstracts. Chengdu, China. 2018 Gardner, G., Moynihan, P., Foster, E., Holmes, R., Bosco, A. D., & Hugeniot, O. (2018). Impact of health marketing on the intake of sugars by children. Poster session presented at the meeting of PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY. CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS.
Internet Publications
Year Citation 2023 Duckworth, T., Ellender, G., Kerr, F., Koehne, G., Krstic, M., & Moynihan, P. (2023). The effects of music on olfaction, nutrition and cognitive decline. OSF Registries.
Teaching experience
- I have 27 years experience in teaching undergraduate students from the disciplines of Dentistry, Nutrition and Biomedical Sciences in areas related to Nutrition and Oral Health.
- I have taught on Masters Degrees in Clinical Ageing and Masters of Medical Science on Nutrition and Oral Health in Older People.
- I have served as external examiner for the Masters of Medical Science and Post Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition, Sheffield University UK (2011-2015).
- I have served as external examiner for the Bachelor of Dental Surgery, first year Biochemistry course at Kings College London UK (1998-2002).
- I have served as external examiner for PhD candidates from UK, Norway, Sweden, Mauritius and Australia.
Postgraduate research students
I have supervised 15 PhD students (9 international) and one MPhil (international) and two Masters of Clinical Dentistry (international).
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2020 - 2024 Principal Supervisor An investigation of the sources and patterns of free sugars intake by younger people in India and Australia Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Anupama Ivaturi
Board Memberships
Date Role Board name Institution name Country 2020 - ongoing Board Member International Association for Dental Research Immediate Past President of IADR United States 2019 - ongoing President IADR International Assocation for Dental Research United States -
Committee Memberships
Date Role Committee Institution Country 2022 - ongoing Advisory Board Member Scientific Advisory Board of the JDR Clinical & Translational Research Journal of Dental Research, Clinical & Translational Research United States 2021 - ongoing Advisory Board Member GSK Oral Health Strategic Advisory Council GSK United Kingdom 2021 - ongoing Member IADR Scientific Group Network Task Force International Association for Dental Research United States 2021 - ongoing Member Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition Subgroup on Maternal and Child Nutrition UK Governments United Kingdom 2018 - 2019 Board Member International Association for Dental Research President Elect of IADR United States 2017 - 2018 Vice-President International Association for Dental Research IADR United States 2017 - ongoing Board Member International Association for Dental Research IADR United States 2017 - 2020 Member European Food Safety Authority Working Group European Food Safety Authority United Kingdom 2017 - ongoing Member Public Health England (Government Agency) Working Group updating the Evidence Based Dentistry Toolkit ‘Delivering Better Oral Health Public Health England (Government Agency) United Kingdom 2017 - 2019 Member National Osteoporosis Society Working Group on Optimising Nutrition and Hydration in Care Homes for Older People National Osteoporosis Society Working Group United Kingdom 2017 - 2019 President Geriatric Oral Research Group of IADR IADR United Kingdom 2016 - 2017 President Geriatric Oral Research Group of IADR IADR United Kingdom 2016 - ongoing Member Working group of international experts compiling a WHO manual on the prevention and treatment of early childhood caries, leading on matters relating to nutrition and infant feeding; World Health Organisation United Kingdom 2015 - ongoing Member Scientific Committee of the World Dental Federation (FDI) on the Federation’s Policy on Sugars World Dental Federation (FDI) United Kingdom 2013 - 2016 Member Management Committee of the British Division of IADR British Division of IADR United Kingdom 2010 - 2014 Representative IADR Council Representative for the Nutrition Research Group IADR United Kingdom 2001 - 2002 President Nutrition Research Group of IADR. IADR United Kingdom -
Date Institution Department Organisation Type Country 2013 - ongoing United Kingdom Government The Department of Health and British Association Health services and related United Kingdom 2008 - ongoing United Kingdom Governemnt Department of Health Health services and related United Kingdom 2007 - ongoing World Health Organisation (Geneva), World Dental Federation (Switzerland) and IADR (US) World Health Organisation (Geneva), World Dental Federation (Switzerland) and IADR (US) Health services and related United States 2006 - ongoing The NHS Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network National Health Service Health services and related United Kingdom -
Editorial Boards
Date Role Editorial Board Name Institution Country 2017 - ongoing Member Journal of Dental IADR United Kingdom 2010 - ongoing Member Gerodontology Gerodontology United Kingdom -
Date Topic Presented at Institution Country 2017 - ongoing Oral health strategy and integrating oral health with general health through sugars reduction in schools - Work Health Organisation - 2016 - ongoing Oral health and starch during the process of updating the WHO Guideline on carbohydrates - World Health Organisation - -
Review, Assessment, Editorial and Advice
Date Title Type Institution Country 2016 - ongoing Position Paper on Sugars and Dental Health for the dental profession (published 2018) Advice World Health Organisation - 2016 - ongoing Contribute to a WHO Fact Sheet on Sugars and Oral health aimed at national policy makers world wide (published May 2018) Advice World Health Organisation - 2010 - 2015 External expert advisor Advice World Health Organisation United Kingdom
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