Paul Rolan
School of Biomedicine
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
Eligible to supervise Masters and PhD - email supervisor to discuss availability.
Professor Paul Rolan
◾MBBS Adelaide (1978)
◾Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (General Medicine/Clinical Pharmacology) (1985)
◾MD Adelaide (1995)
◾Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine, United Kingdom (1997)
◾Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Adelaide (2005)
◾Senior Consultant, Pain Management Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital (2005)
◾Fellow of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (2014)
◾Head of School of Medical Sciences (2014)
◾ Director of Innovation, Faculty of Health Sciences (2016)
Paul is a clinical pharmacologist, drug developer and pain management physician. After obtaining specialist qualifications in general medicine and clinical pharmacology he spent two years as Director of Medicine at Cairns Base Hospital. Subsequently Paul joined the pharmaceutical industry in the UK, initially working for Wellcome Research Laboratories where he was Head of Clinical Pharmacokinetics. In 1994 he became Medical Director of Medeval, a clinical pharmacology contract research organisation spun out of the University of Manchester. Under Paul's leadership, Medeval became the largest clinical pharmacology contract research organisation in the United Kingdom. He was part of a management buy out team of the Company from the University and a subsequent trade sale three years later to ICON Clinical Research. he has been Principal Investigator in over 700 clinical research studies and has been an active Consultant, both to the pharmaceutical industry as well as an invited speaker to the FDA.
Paul returned to the University of Adelaide in 2005. His major clinical and academic interest is in chronic pain and headache, focusing on the development of biomarkers, evaluation of novel therapies and mechanisms of disease.
Paul continues to advise on drug development for the international pharmaceutical industry.
Year Citation 2024 Chen, K. K., Rolan, P., Hutchinson, M. R., Dickson, C., & de Zoete, R. M. J. (2024). Exercise-induced changes in central sensitization outcomes in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis. European Journal of Pain, 28(9), 1431-1449.
2024 Crawford, G. B., Lakhani, A., Palmer, L., Sebalj, M., & Rolan, P. (2024). Breakthrough cancer pain management: mixed-methods study of health care professionals. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 10 pages.
2023 Crawford, G. B., Lakhani, A., Palmer, L., Sebalj, M., & Rolan, P. (2023). A systematic review of qualitative research exploring patient and health professional perspectives of breakthrough cancer pain.. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 31(12), 1-10.
Scopus32023 Chen, K. K., Hutchinson, M. R., Rolan, P., & de Zoete, R. M. J. (2023). Effect of exercise on chronic neck pain and central sensitization: A protocol for a randomized crossover trial.. Exp Physiol, 108(5), 672-682.
Scopus1 Europe PMC22021 Evans, S. F., Hull, M. L., Hutchinson, M. R., & Rolan, P. E. (2021). Androgens, Endometriosis and Pain.. Frontiers in reproductive health, 3, 7 pages.
Scopus8 WoS6 Europe PMC52021 Evans, S. F., Kwok, Y., Solterbeck, A., Pyragius, C., Hull, M. L., Hutchinson, M. R., & Rolan, P. (2021). The relationship between androgens and days per month of period pain, pelvic pain, headache, and TLR4 responsiveness of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in young women with dysmenorrhoea. Journal of Pain Research, 14, 585-599.
Scopus10 WoS6 Europe PMC72020 Evans, S. F., Kwok, Y. H., Solterbeck, A., Liu, J., Hutchinson, M. R., Hull, M. L., & Rolan, P. E. (2020). Toll-like receptor responsiveness of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in young women with dysmenorrhea. Journal of Pain Research, 13, 503-516.
Scopus10 WoS5 Europe PMC72019 Arthur, L., & Rolan, P. (2019). A systematic review of western medicine's understanding of pain experience, expression, assessment, and management for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Pain Reports, 4(6), 9 pages.
Scopus17 WoS13 Europe PMC92018 Gargett, T., Abbas, M., Rolan, P., Price, J., Gosling, K., Ferrante, A., . . . Brown, M. (2018). Phase I trial of Lipovaxin-MM, a novel dendritic cell-targeted liposomal vaccine for malignant melanoma. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 67(9), 1461-1472.
Scopus73 WoS52 Europe PMC392018 Evans, S., Brooks, T., Esterman, A., Hull, M., & Rolan, P. (2018). The comorbidities of dysmenorrhea: A clinical survey comparing symptom profile in women with and without endometriosis. Journal of Pain Research, 11, 3181-3194.
Scopus50 WoS33 Europe PMC152017 Nagpal, A., Juttner, C., Hamilton-Bruce, M., Rolan, P., & Koblar, S. (2017). Stem cell therapy clinical research: a regulatory conundrum for academia. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 122, 105-114.
Scopus12 WoS8 Europe PMC62016 Kwok, Y., Swift, J., Gazerani, P., & Rolan, P. (2016). A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial to determine the efficacy and safety of ibudilast, a potential glial attenuator, in chronic migraine. Journal of Pain Research, 9, 899-907.
Scopus28 WoS19 Europe PMC182016 Delacroix, S., Chokka, R., Nelson, A., Sidharta, S., Teo, K., Tuke, J., . . . Worthley, S. (2016). SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF PRO ANP 31-67 IN CARDIORENAL SYNDROME: A FIRST-IN-HUMAN TRIAL. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY, 67(13), 1351.
WoS22015 Stockis, A., Chanteux, H., Rosa, M., & Rolan, P. (2015). Brivaracetam and carbamazepine interaction in healthy subjects and in vitro. Epilepsy Research, 113, 19-27.
Scopus49 Europe PMC262015 Johnson, J. L., & Rolan, P. E. (2015). Paradoxical topiramate-induced hyperphagia successfully treated with phentermine in a woman with migraine. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 22(8), 1363-1364.
Scopus2 WoS1 Europe PMC12015 Rolan, P., O'Neill, G., Versage, E., Rana, J., Tang, Y., Galluppi, G., & Aycardi, E. (2015). First-in-human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, dose-escalation study of BG00010, a glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor family member, in subjects with unilateral sciatica. PLoS One, 10(5), e0125034-1-e0125034-16.
Scopus23 WoS20 Europe PMC192015 Johnson, J. L., Kwok, Y. H., Sumracki, N. M., Swift, J. E., Hutchinson, M. R., Johnson, K., . . . Rolan, P. E. (2015). Glial attenuation with ibudilast in the treatment of medication overuse headache: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot trial of efficacy and safety. Headache, 55(9), 1192-1208.
Scopus18 WoS13 Europe PMC122015 Nenke, M., Haylock, C., Rankin, W., Inder, W., Gagliardi, L., Eldridge, C., . . . Torpy, D. (2015). Low-dose hydrocortisone replacement improves wellbeing and pain tolerance in chronic pain patients with opioid-induced hypocortisolemic responses. A pilot randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 56, 157-167.
Scopus26 WoS22 Europe PMC132014 Nicotra, L., Tuke, S., Grace, P., Rolan, P., & Hutchinson, M. (2014). Sex differences in mechanical allodynia: how can it be preclinically quantified and analyzed?. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8(February), 1-16.
Scopus43 WoS33 Europe PMC302014 Sumracki, N., Buisman-Pijlman, F., Hutchinson, M., Gentgall, M., & Rolan, P. (2014). Reduced response to the thermal grill illusion in chronic pain patients. Pain Medicine, 15(4), 647-660.
Scopus19 WoS14 Europe PMC102014 Rolan, P., Lim, S., Sunderland, V., Liu, Y., & Molnar, V. (2014). The absolute bioavailability of racemic ketamine from a novel sublingual formulation. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 77(6), 1011-1016.
Scopus30 WoS24 Europe PMC192014 Johnson, J., Rolan, P., Johnson, M., Bobrovskaya, L., Williams, D., Johnson, K., . . . Hutchinson, M. (2014). Codeine-induced hyperalgesia and allodynia: investigating the role of glial activation. Translational Psychiatry, 4(11), e482-1-e482-9.
Scopus31 WoS28 Europe PMC252014 Rolan, P. (2014). Understanding the pharmacology of headache. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 14(1), 30-33.
Scopus6 WoS6 Europe PMC52013 Vallence, A., Smith, A., Tabor, A., Rolan, P., & Ridding, M. (2013). Chronic tension-type headache is associated with impaired motor learning. Cephalalgia, 33(12), 1048-1054.
Scopus18 WoS15 Europe PMC92013 Hutchinson, M., Bujis, M., Tuke, S., Kwok, Y., Gentgall, M., Williams, D., & Rolan, P. (2013). Low-dose endotoxin potentiates capsaicin-induced pain in man: evidence for a pain neuroimmune connection. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 30, 3-11.
Scopus57 WoS47 Europe PMC322013 Kwok, Y., Tuke, S., Nicotra, L., Grace, P., Rolan, P., & Hutchinson, M. (2013). TLR 2 and 4 responsiveness from isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from rats and humans as potential chronic pain biomarkers. PLoS One, 8(10), 1-16.
Scopus20 WoS16 Europe PMC162013 Stockis, A., & Rolan, P. (2013). Effect of brivaracetam (400 mg/day) on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of a combination oral contraceptive in healthy women. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (Online), 53(12), 1313-1321.
Scopus28 WoS28 Europe PMC172013 Maddison, J., Somogyi, A., Jensen, B., James, H., Gentgall, M., & Rolan, P. (2013). The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of single dose (R)- and (S)-warfarin administered separately and together: relationship to VKORC1 genotype. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75(1), 208-216.
Scopus34 WoS26 Europe PMC222013 Johnson, J., Hutchinson, M., Williams, D., & Rolan, P. (2013). Medication-overuse headache and opioid-induced hyperalgesia: A review of mechanisms, a neuroimmune hypothesis and a novel approach to treatment. Cephalalgia, 33(1), 52-64.
Scopus41 WoS35 Europe PMC262012 Rolan, P. (2012). Drug interactions with triptans which are clinically significant?. Cns Drugs, 26(11), 949-957.
Scopus22 WoS16 Europe PMC162012 Kwok, Y., Hutchinson, M., Gentgall, M., & Rolan, P. (2012). Increased responsiveness of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to in vitro TLR 2, 4 and 7 ligand stimulation in chronic pain patients. PLoS One, 7(8), 1-8.
Scopus47 WoS41 Europe PMC322012 Grace, P., Hurley, D., Barratt, D., Tsykin, A., Watkins, L., Rolan, P., & Hutchinson, M. (2012). Harnessing pain heterogeneity and RNA transcriptome to idenitfy blood-based pain biomarkers: a novel correlational study design and bioinformatics approach in a graded chronic construction injury model. Journal of Neurochemistry, 122(5), 976-994.
Scopus23 WoS22 Europe PMC162012 Sumracki, N., Hutchinson, M., Gentgall, M., Briggs, N., Williams, D., & Rolan, P. (2012). The effects of pregabalin and the glial attenuator minocycline on the response to intradermal capsaicin in patients with unilateral sciatica. PLoS One, 7(6), 1-8.
Scopus20 WoS18 Europe PMC132012 Aykanat, V., Gentgall, M., Briggs, N., Williams, D., Yap, S., & Rolan, P. (2012). Intradermal capsaicin as a neuropathic pain model in patients with unilateral sciatica. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 73(1), 37-45.
Scopus16 WoS11 Europe PMC122012 Krishnan, S., Salter, A., Sullivan, T., Gentgall, M., White, J., & Rolan, P. (2012). Comparison of pain models to detect opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Journal of Pain Research, 2012(5), 99-106.
Scopus27 Europe PMC202012 Rolan, P. (2012). A clinical pharmacologist's journey in pain research and treatment. PAIN MANAGEMENT, 2(3), 205-207.
2011 Rolan, P. (2011). What to do about opioids for chronic noncancer pain? A perspective from Australia. PAIN MANAGEMENT, 1(6), 495-497.
2011 Grace, P., Rolan, P., & Hutchinson, M. (2011). Peripheral immune contributions to the maintenance of central glial activation underlying neuropathic pain. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 25(7), 1322-1332.
Scopus96 WoS84 Europe PMC712011 Rolan, P., Sun, H., MacLeod, C., Bracken, K., & Evans, T. (2011). Pharmacokinetics and unexpected safety issues of LBM415, a novel oral peptide deformylase inhibitor. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 90(2), 256-262.
Scopus20 Europe PMC82011 Grace, P., Hutchinson, M., Bishop, A., Somogyi, A., Mayrhofer, G., & Rolan, P. (2011). Adoptive transfer of peripheral immune cells potentiates allodynia in a graded chronic constriction injury model of neuropathic pain. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 25(3), 503-513.
Scopus24 WoS21 Europe PMC182011 Rolan, P. (2011). The placebo response is part of good medicine. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 89(4), 485.
Scopus2 Europe PMC12010 Cathcart, S., Winefield, A., Lushington, K., & Rolan, P. (2010). Stress and tension-type headache mechanisms. Cephalalgia, 30(10), 1250-1267.
Scopus61 WoS52 Europe PMC382010 Grace, P., Stanford, T., Gentgall, M., & Rolan, P. (2010). Utility of saccadic eye movement analysis as an objective biomarker to detect the sedative interaction between opioids and sleep deprivation in opioid-naive and opioid-tolerant populations. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 24(11), 1631-1640.
Scopus26 WoS26 Europe PMC172010 Grace, P., Hutchinson, M., Manavis, J., Somogyi, A., & Rolan, P. (2010). A novel animal model of graded neuropathic pain: Utility to investigate mechanisms of population heterogeneity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 193(1), 47-53.
Scopus45 WoS39 Europe PMC362010 Cathcart, S., Winefield, A., Lushington, K., & Rolan, P. (2010). Noxious inhibition of temporal summation is impaired in chronic tension-type headache. Headache, 50(3), 403-412.
Scopus80 WoS73 Europe PMC522010 Cathcart, S., Petkov, J., Winefield, A., Lushington, K., & Rolan, P. (2010). Central mechanisms of stress-induced headache. Cephalalgia, 30(3), 285-295.
Scopus54 WoS39 Europe PMC282009 Cathcart, S., Winefield, A., Rolan, P., & Lushington, K. (2009). Reliability of temporal summation and diffuse noxious inhibitory control. Pain Research & Management, 14(6), 433-438.
Scopus143 WoS119 Europe PMC872009 Rolan, P., Hutchinson, M., & Johnson, K. (2009). Ibudilast: a review of its pharmacology, efficacy and safety in respiratory and neurological disease. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 10(17), 2897-2904.
Scopus130 WoS108 Europe PMC802009 Gustafsson, H., Akesson, J., Lau, C., Williams, D., Miller, L., Yap, S., & Rolan, P. (2009). A comparison of two formulations of intradermal capsaicin as models of neuropathic pain in healthy volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 68(4), 511-517.
Scopus10 WoS9 Europe PMC112009 Cathcart, S., Winefield, A., Lushington, K., & Rolan, P. (2009). Effect of mental stress on cold pain in chronic tension-type headache sufferers. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 10(5), 367-373.
Scopus15 WoS14 Europe PMC62008 Rolan, P., Sargentini-Maier, M., Pigeolet, E., & Stockis, A. (2008). The pharmacokinetics, CNS pharmacodynamics and adverse event profile of brivaracetam after multiple increasing oral doses in healthy men. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 66(1), 71-75.
Scopus124 Europe PMC692008 Rolan, P., Gibbons, J., He, L., Chang, E., Jones, D., Gross, M., . . . Johnson, K. (2008). Ibudilast in healthy volunteers: Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics with single and multiple doses. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 66(6), 792-801.
Scopus60 WoS53 Europe PMC502007 Rolan, P., Danhof, M., Stanski, D., & Peck, C. (2007). Current issues relating to drug safety especially with regard to the use of biomarkers: A meeting report and progress update. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 30(2), 107-112.
Scopus14 WoS9 Europe PMC62007 Sargentini-Maier, M., Rolan, P., Connell, J., Tytgat, D., Jacobs, T., Pigeolet, E., . . . Stockis, A. (2007). The pharmacokinetics, CNS pharmacodynamics and adverse event profile of brivaracetam after single increasing oral doses in healthy males. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 63(6), 680-688.
Scopus113 WoS95 Europe PMC672004 Rolan, P. (2004). Pharmacokinetic studies in migraine: What questions should physicians ask?. Current Pain and Headache Reports, 8(3), 219-222.
2003 McAleer, S., Mills, R., Polack, R., Hussain, T., Rolan, P., Gibbs, A., . . . Hussein, F. (2003). Pharmacokinetics of high-dose buprenorphine following single administration of sublingual tablet formulations in opioid naive healthy male volunteers under a naltrexone block. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 72(1), 75-83.
Scopus49 Europe PMC342003 Ferron, G., Patat, A., Parks, V., Rolan, P., & Troy, S. (2003). Lack of pharmacokinetic interaction between retigabine and phenobarbitone at steady-state in healthy subjects. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 56(1), 39-45.
Scopus44 Europe PMC272003 Rolan, P., Terpstra, I., Clarke, C., Mullins, F., & Visser, J. (2003). A placebo-controlled pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interaction study between tamsulosin and acenocoumarol. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55(3), 314-316.
Scopus7 Europe PMC42002 Agerso, H., Jensen, L., Elbrond, B., Rolan, P., & Zdravkovic, M. (2002). The pharmacokinetics pharmacodynamics safety and tolerability of NN2211 a new long-acting GLP-1 derivative in healthy men. Diabetologia, 45(2), 195-202.
Scopus500 Europe PMC3222002 Elbrond, B., Jakobsen, G., Larsen, S., Agerso, H., Jensen, L., Rolan, P., . . . Zdravkovic, M. (2002). Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and tolerability of a single-dose of NN2211, a long-acting glucagon-like peptide 1 derivative, in healthy male subjects. Diabetes Care, 25(8), 1398-1404.
Scopus274 Europe PMC1682002 De Bony, F., Tod, M., Bidault, R., On, N., Posner, J., & Rolan, P. (2002). Multiple Interactions of Cimetidine and Probenecid with Valaciclovir and Its Metabolite Acyclovir. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 46(2), 458-463.
Scopus35 Europe PMC242001 Moller, S., Larsen, F., Khant, A., & Rolan, P. (2001). Lack of effect of citalopram on the steady-state pharmacokinetics of carbamazepine in healthy male subjects. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 21(5), 493-499.
Scopus20 Europe PMC132001 Marcellin, P., De Bony, F., Garret, C., Altman, C., Boige, V., Castelnau, C., . . . Bidault, R. (2001). Influence of cirrhosis on lamotrigine pharmacokinetics. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 51(5), 410-414.
Scopus50 Europe PMC292001 Gordon, G., Chronicle, E., & Rolan, P. (2001). Why do we still not know whether refractive error causes headaches? Towards a framework for evidence based practice. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 21(1), 45-50.
Scopus25 Europe PMC92001 Ferron, G. M., Patat, A., Parks, V., Rolan, P., & Troy, S. (2001). Lack of pharmacokinetic interaction between retigabine and phenobarbital at steady-state in healthy subjects. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 69(2).
Scopus22000 Pace, S., Longo, A., Toon, S., Rolan, P., & Evans, A. M. (2000). Pharmacokinetics of propionyl-L-carnitine in humans: Evidence for saturable tubular reabsorption. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 50(5), 441-448.
Scopus30 Europe PMC142000 Jacobsen, L. V., Rolan, P., Christensen, M. S., Knudsen, K. M., & Rasmussen, M. H. (2000). Bioequivalence between ready-to-use recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) in liquid formulation and rhGH for reconstitution. Growth Hormone and IGF Research, 10(2), 93-98.
Scopus19 Europe PMC72000 Palmer, J. E., Chronicle, E. P., Rolan, P., & Mulleners, W. M. (2000). Cortical hyperexcitability is cortical under-inhibition: Evidence from a novel functional test of migraine patients. Cephalalgia, 20(6), 525-532.
Scopus116 Europe PMC822000 Møller, S. E., Larsen, F., Pitsiu, M., & Rolan, P. E. (2000). Effect of citalopram on plasma levels of oral theophylline. Clinical Therapeutics, 22(12), 1494-1501.
Scopus141999 Heinig, R., Kitchin, N., & Rolan, P. (1999). Disposition of a single dose of warfarin in healthy individuals after pretreatment with metrifonate. Clinical Drug Investigation, 18(2), 151-159.
Scopus21999 Yeh, K. C., Stone, J. A., Carides, A. D., Rolan, P., Woolf, E., & Ju, W. D. (1999). Simultaneous investigation of indinavir nonlinear pharmacokinetics and bioavailability in healthy volunteers using stable isotope labeling technique: Study design and model-independent data analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 88(5), 568-573.
Scopus35 Europe PMC181998 Peck, R. W., Seaber, E. J., Dixon, R. M., Layton, G. R., Weatherley, B. C., Jackson, S. H. D., . . . Posner, J. (1998). The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the 5HT(1B/1D)-agonist zolmitriptan in healthy young and elderly men and women. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 63(3), 342-353.
Scopus41 Europe PMC191998 Mercer, A. J., Lamb, R. J., Rolan, P. E., Gibbens, M., & Posner, J. (1998). Lack of an effect of zolmitriptan (Zomig, 311C90) on psychometric task performance: Results of a placebo-controlled study in healthy volunteers. Psychopharmacology, 140(4), 398-404.
Scopus9 Europe PMC51998 Van, F., Rolan, P. E., Brennan, N., & Gennery, B. (1998). Differential effects of levo- and racemic bupivacaine on the eec in volunteers. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 23(3 SUPPL.), 48.
Scopus151997 Seaber, E., On, N., Dixon, R. M., Gibbens, M., Leavens, W. J., Liptrot, J., . . . Peck, R. W. (1997). The absolute bioavailability and metabolic disposition of the novel antimigraine compound zolmitriptan (311C90). British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 43(6), 579-587.
Scopus59 Europe PMC351997 Lefèvre, G., Duval, M., Gauron, S., Brookman, L. J., Rolan, P. E., Morris, T. M., . . . Close, P. (1997). Effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of desirudin. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 62(1), 50-59.
Scopus58 Europe PMC261997 Brookman, L. J., Rolan, P. E., Benjamin, I. S., Palmer, K. R., Wyld, P. J., Lloyd, P., . . . Mullins, F. (1997). Pharmacokinetics of valsartan in patients with liver disease. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 62(3), 272-278.
Scopus94 Europe PMC571997 Wootton, R., Soul-Lawton, J., Rolan, P. E., Fook Sheung, C. T. C., Cooper, J. D. H., & Posner, J. (1997). Comparison of the pharmacokinetics of lamotrigine in patients with chronic renal failure and healthy volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 43(1), 23-27.
Scopus63 Europe PMC321997 Dixon, R. M., Meire, H. B., Evans, D. H., Watt, H., On, N., Posner, J., & Rolan, P. E. (1997). Peripheral vascular effects and pharmacokinetics of the antimigraine compound, zolmitriptan, in combination with oral ergotamine in healthy volunteers. Cephalalgia, 17(6), 639-646.
Scopus24 Europe PMC201997 Seaber, E., On, N., Dixon, R. M., Gibbnes, M., Leavens, W. J., Liptrot, J., . . . Peck, R. W. (1997). The absolute bioavailability and metabolic disposition of the novel antimigraine compound zolmitriptan (311 C90). International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 35(9), 398.
Scopus11997 Higginbotham, F., & Rolan, P. (1997). Clinical pharmacology studies in women of child-bearing potential. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 11(1), 7-9. 1997 Priskorn, M., Sidhu, J. S., Larsen, F., Davis, J. D., Khan, A. Z., & Rolan, P. E. (1997). Investigation of multiple dose citalopram on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of racemic warfarin. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 44(2), 199-202.
Scopus49 Europe PMC311997 Rolan, P. (1997). Potential drug interactions with the novel antimigraine compound zolmitriptan (Zomig™, 311C90). Cephalalgia, 17(18_suppl), 21-27.
Scopus59 Europe PMC351997 Rolan, P. (1997). The contribution of clinical pharmacology surrogates and models to drug development - A critical appraisal. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 44(3), 219-225.
Scopus93 Europe PMC451997 Rolan, P. E., Mercer, A. J., Tate, E., Benjamin, I., & Posner, J. (1997). Disposition of atovaquone in humans. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 41(6), 1319-1321.
Scopus39 Europe PMC251996 Davis, J. D., Dixon, R., Khan, A. Z., Toon, S., Rolan, P. E., & Posner, J. (1996). Atovaquone has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of phenytoin in healthy male volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 42(2), 246-248.
Scopus7 Europe PMC21996 Dixon, R., Pozniak, A. L., Watt, H. M., Rolan, P., & Posner, J. (1996). Single-dose and steady-state pharmacokinetics of a novel microfluidized suspension of atovaquone in human immunodeficiency virus-seropositive patients. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 40(3), 556-560.
Scopus30 Europe PMC181996 Seaber, E., On, N., Phillips, S., Churchus, R., Posner, J., & Rolan, P. (1996). The tolerability and pharmacokinetics of the novel antimigraine compound 311C90 in healthy male volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 41(2), 141-147.
Scopus71 Europe PMC341996 Dixon, R. M., Meire, H. B., Leigh, C., Posner, J., & Rolan, P. E. (1996). Evaluation of non-invasive techniques to assess vasoconstriction in healthy volunteers using methoxamine as a probe drug. Cephalalgia, 16(7), 507-517.
Scopus2 Europe PMC21996 Arya, R., Rolan, P. E., Wootton, R., Posner, J., & Bellingham, A. J. (1996). Tucaresol increases oxygen affinity and reduces haemolysis in subjects with sickle cell anaemia. British Journal of Haematology, 93(4), 817-821.
Scopus47 Europe PMC251996 Rolan, P. E., Benjamin, I., Brookman, L., Sioufi, A., & Mullins, F. (1996). A model for quantitative estimation of biliary drug excretion in man. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 41(5). 1995 Rolan, P., Mercer, A., Wootton, R., & Posner, J. (1995). Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tucaresol, an antisickling agent, in healthy volunteers.. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 39(4), 375-380.
Scopus28 Europe PMC191995 Rolan, P. (1995). Pharmacokinetics of New Antiherpetic Agents. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 29(5), 333-340.
Scopus28 Europe PMC101995 Soul-Lawton, J., Seaber, E., On, N., Wootton, R., Rolan, P., & Posner, J. (1995). Absolute bioavailability and metabolic disposition of valaciclovir, the L- valyl ester of acyclovir, following oral administration to humans. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 39(12), 2759-2764.
Scopus288 Europe PMC1611994 Rolan, P. (1994). Plasma protein binding displacement interactions—why are they still regarded as clinically important?. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 37(2), 125-128.
Scopus270 Europe PMC1201994 Rolan, P., Mercer, A., Weatherley, B., Holdich, T., Meire, H., Peck, R., . . . Posner, J. (1994). Examination of some factors responsible for a food‐induced increase in absorption of atovaquone.. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 37(1), 13-20.
Scopus123 Europe PMC641993 Rolan, P., Parker, J., Gray, S., Weatherley, B., Ingram, J., Leavens, W., . . . Posner, J. (1993). The pharmacokinetics, tolerability and pharmacodynamics of tucaresol (589C80; 4[2‐formyl‐3‐hydroxyphenoxymethyl] benzoic acid), a potential anti‐sickling agent, following oral administration to healthy subjects.. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 35(4), 419-425.
Scopus30 Europe PMC181992 Phillips, S. C., Rolan, P. E., Posner, J., Halpern, S., Wijayawardhana, P., & Crome, P. (1992). Greater ease of swallowing of a new film-coated 800-mg dispersible acyclovir (Zovirax®) tablet compared to the standard 800-mg tablet in elderly volunteers. Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 2(4), 259-262.
Scopus41990 Rolan, P. E., Phillips, S., Adams, J., & Posner, J. (1990). The onset of effect of the H<inf>1</inf>-antagonist acrivastine ("Semprex") assessed by histamine bronchial challenge in volunteers. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 39(3), 311-313.
Scopus5 Europe PMC31989 Rolan, P. E., Adams, J., & Posner, J. (1989). Comparison of the onset of H<inf>1</inf>-antagonism with acrivastine and terfenadine by histamine bronchial challenge in volunteers. Journal of International Medical Research, 17(SUPPL. 2), 35B-39B.
Scopus8 Europe PMC41987 Somogyi, A., Stockley, C., Keal, J., Rolan, P., & Bochner, F. (1987). Reduction of metformin renal tubular secretion by cimetidine in man.. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 23(5), 545-551.
Scopus271 WoS222 Europe PMC1601987 Bochner, F., Graham, G. G., Polverino, A., Imhoff, D. M., Tregenza, R. A., Rolan, P. E., & Cleland, L. G. (1987). Salicyl phenolic glucuronide pharmacokinetics in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 32(2), 153-158.
Scopus11 WoS9 Europe PMC91987 Somogyi, A. A., Bochner, F., Keal, J. A., Rolan, P. E., & Smith, M. (1987). Effect of food on enoxacin absorption. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 31(4), 638-639.
Scopus25 WoS28 Europe PMC261986 Muirhead, M. K., somogyi, A. A., Rolan, P. E., & Bochner, F. (1986). Effect of cimetidine on renal and hepatic drug elimination: Studies with triamterene. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 40(4), 400-407.
Scopus44 WoS54 Europe PMC271986 Somogyi, A., & Rolan, P. (1986). Drug disposition and dosing in hepatic disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 145(6), 284-289.
Scopus1 WoS2 Europe PMC11986 Rolan, P., & Somogyi, A. (1986). Prescribing for the patient with renal disease. Medical Journal of Australia, 145(5), 210-215.
WoS11986 Stockley, C., Keal, J., Rolan, P., Bochner, F., & Somogyi, A. (1986). Lack of inhibition of tolbutamide hydroxylation by cimetidine in man. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 31(2), 235-237.
Scopus16 WoS17 Europe PMC91986 Rolan, P. E., Muirhead, M., & Clarkson, A. R. (1986). Increased plasma levels of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein in chronic renal failure are unlikely to be due to decreased renal elimination.. Nephron, 42(4), 345-346.
Scopus1 WoS5 Europe PMC11983 Rolan, P. E., Frewin, D. B., & Hagley, S. R. (1983). Anomalous serum concentrations of digoxin.. Annals of internal medicine, 99(2), 280-281.
Scopus1 WoS1 Europe PMC11983 Rolan, P. E., Somogyi, A. A., Drew, M. J. R., Cobain, W. G., South, D., & Bochner, F. (1983). Phenytoin intoxication during treatment with parenteral miconazole. British Medical Journal, 287(6407), 1760.
Scopus25 WoS24 Europe PMC13 -
Book Chapters
Conference Papers
Year Citation 2003 Rolan, P., Atkinson, A. J., & Lesko, L. J. (2003). Use of biomarkers from drug discovery through clinical practice: Report of the Ninth European Federation of Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference on Optimizing Drug Development. In Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Vol. 73 (pp. 284-291). United States: Wiley.
DOI Scopus79 Europe PMC471993 Rolan, P. E., Maillot, F., On, N. T., & Posner, J. (1993). The effects of cimetidine and probenecid on the conversion of a valine ester of acyclovir, 256U, to acyclovir and acyclovir renal clearance in healthy volunteers. In British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Vol. 35.
Scopus81990 Gray, S. J., Rolan, P., & Posner, J. (1990). Effect of intravenous 443C81 on cold air-induced bronchoconstriction in healthy volunteers. In European Journal of Pharmacology Vol. 183 (pp. 1045). Elsevier BV.
Conference Items
Year Citation 2020 Rolan, P., Dodds, K., Lees, F., Staikopoulos, V., Gosnell, M., Goldys, E., & Hutchinson, M. (2020). TWO NOVEL BIOMARKERS FOR MIGRAINE IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD MONONUCLEAR CELLS. Poster session presented at the meeting of CEPHALALGIA. ELECTR NETWORK: SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD. 2014 Hillock, N. T., Gailer, J., Rolan, P., & Hill, C. (2014). South Australian Medicines Evaluation Panel: Evolution from inception to now (poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of National Medicines Symposium. Brisbane. 2013 Hillock, N. T., Ward, M., Rolan, P., & Hill, C. (2013). A statewide evaluation process for high cost medicines: The challenges of a poor evidence base (poster presentation). Poster session presented at the meeting of Medicines Management (SHPA) Conference. Cairns. 2013 Rolan, P. E., Hutchinson, M. R., Buijs, M., Tuke, J., Kwok, Y. H., Gentgall, M., . . . Nillsen, N. (2013). First demonstration of the neuroimmune link in humans using IV Endotoxin and Intradermal Capsaicin in the face and arm. Poster session presented at the meeting of JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN. SPRINGER-VERLAG ITALIA SRL.
Current Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2022 Co-Supervisor Effectiveness of Exercise to Improve Patient-Reported and Central Pain Modulation Outcomes in Chronic Neck Pain Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Kexun Kenneth Chen -
Past Higher Degree by Research Supervision (University of Adelaide)
Date Role Research Topic Program Degree Type Student Load Student Name 2017 - 2020 Principal Supervisor Improving Breast Health: The Use of Hormonal Combinations to Reduce Mammographic Breast Density and the Utility of Shear Wave Elastography as a Biomarker of the Effects of these Interventions Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time Ms Daniella Dougherty 2014 - 2017 Co-Supervisor Renal Denervation: A Therapeutic Option for Resistant Hypertension Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Dr Sinny Delacroix 2013 - 2021 Principal Supervisor Investigations into the Lived Experience and Aetiology of Dysmenorrhoea and Pelvic Pain in Young Women Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Part Time APrf Susan Evans 2010 - 2013 Principal Supervisor Neuro-endocrine Function in Older Men with Chronic Pain - Effects of Chronic Opioid Usage Master of Medical Science Master Part Time Ms Clare Haylock 2010 - 2015 Principal Supervisor The thermal grill as a tool to investigate analgesic clinical pharmacology Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mrs Nicole Martha Sumracki 2010 - 2014 Principal Supervisor A pilot study assessing fentanyl dose requirements in opioid-maintained individuals Master of Philosophy (Medical Science) Master Full Time Dr Muhammad Imran Ahmad 2010 - 2015 Co-Supervisor Sex Differences in Allodynia: A complex Interaction Between 17beta-Oestradiol and the Innate Immune System Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Lauren Louise Nicotra 2010 - 2015 Principal Supervisor Codeine, heightened pain sensitivity and medication overuse headache: A neuroimmune hypothesis and novel treatment strategy. Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Jacinta Lee Johnson 2009 - 2014 Principal Supervisor Potential peripheral biomarkers for chronic pain Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Miss Yuen Kwok 2007 - 2011 Principal Supervisor Two methods of biomarker discovery: applications in neuropathic pain and pharmacotherapy Doctor of Philosophy Doctorate Full Time Mr Peter Grace
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